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Below is a listing of used boats and equipment offered for sale in the United States.

Please note that this section is ONLY for 505s, 505 parts, and related equipment.

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505 yacht for sale

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You may have heard that 505’s are some of the most well-made dinghy’s around. Many 505’s can stay competitive for an indefinite period of time when well cared for. Some older 505’s were not built as well, and may not be worth spending time and money on to get back on the race course. This page is organized in a way to help you determine which boat is right for your own 505 sailing goals. Visit the list of builders for more information on all the various 505 builders throughout the years. Also, hull numbers are sequential, and are issued upon initial measurement after the boat is built. The minimum weight of a 505 (weighed with all equipment required for racing except sails) is 127.4kg or 280.9 pounds. Many boats have lead corrector weights (50% located at front of CB trunk, 50% located at rear of CB trunk) to bring the boat up to this minimum weight.

The used boat ads on this page are organized based on the following classification scheme:

Listing CategoryDescriptionTypical Price Point (USD)
1Pre- 1980’s boat of uncared or partially cored construction. Typically polyester or vinyl ester resin and outdated rigging. Suitable for day sailing, beach sailing, or an occasional local race or Portsmouth Yardstick regatta.$0 - $2,000
21980’s or newer boat of fully cored hull construction. Could be competitive at the local and regional level in the right hands. Usually has some major issue preventing the boat from being truly completive such as being significantly over the minimum weight. May require significant rigging work to get racing but not worth duping too much money into.$2,000 - $5,000
31980’s or newer boat of epoxy resin and fully cored construction. Some older and well-cared-for Lindsays and Hamlins could also be considered a Category 3 boat. Could be competitive at the local, regional, and national level in the right hands. Typically requires some significant amount of rigging work to be competitive at the regional and national level. May not have the latest mast, foils, or sails which would set it apart from a Category 4 boat.$5,000 - $9,000
41990’s or newer boat of epoxy resin and fully cored construction. Some older and well-cared-for Waterats could also be considered a Category 4 boat. Ready to race at the regional or national level with only minor rigging work or upgrades. Could be competitive at a Worlds with some work and in the right hands. Typically includes modern high-aspect ration foils, newer racing sails, and all the latest systems.$9,000 - $15,000
52000’s or newer boat of epoxy resin and fully cored construction. Typically carbon fiber construction. Turn-key and ready to race at the national or international level. Includes modern high-aspect ration foils, newer racing sails, and all the latest systems.$15,000+

The Surtees Service Award was dedicated at last year’s NA’s to commemorate outstanding service to the American Section. The inaugural award was presented to Ali Meller.

It is a pleasure to introduce the 2003 winner of the Surtees Service Award – Jesse Falsone.

As all of you know, Jesse is the epitome of the “go-to guy” for our Class. When a valuable role within the American Section needs to be filled, Jesse has never been afraid to put his money where his mouth is and step up to the task.

In the eight years that he has been in the Class, Jesse has served as both Class Secretary/Treasurer, and President of the American Section.

Upon “retiring” as Class President, Jesse took on the role of Tank Talk Associate Editor, and over the past few years, no one has contributed more material to Tank Talk than Jesse.

Jesse is an incredibly focused competitor who has always found time to pass his knowledge along. After working for years to become one of the top 5o5 crews in North America, Jesse published a compendium on “High Performance Dingy Crewing,” utilizing both his knowledge and that of other top NA 5o5 crews. This pamphlet runs 33 pages, and is literally a textbook of how to climb the learning curve for a 5o5 crew. Any skippers out there up to the challenge?

Jesse has set the bar for 5o5 class members, dedicating a superhuman amount of time & effort into making the American Section the solid organization that it is today.

Although he is taking a well-deserved break from the 5o5 and cannot be here today, let’s have a big round of applause for Jesse.

Ted Ferrarone

I’m very proud to have commissioned this new service award bearing the name of one of our most distinguished members: Dennis Surtees’. Dennis is a legend in this class, both for his outstanding performance and for his superlative service. I’m equally proud to have Ali Meller as the first recipient. Ali has served in so many capacities for this class, most of which many of you don’t know about or may have forgotten. Ali has been fleet captain in the US for two different fleets (maybe more in Canada?). In one of these he was largely responsible for the creation of this fleet at a new club. He served as VP of the American Section, Editor of Tank Talk, VP of international (an office created for him), and is now completing his term as President of international. As webmaster, Ali took the 505 web page and made it the most informative class page on the Internet. US Sailing used our web page as an example of what a great class web page should look like. Ali was also instrumental in introducing countless people to the 505 through personal communications and through sailing time.

Ali’s leadership came along at a crucial time for the 505 class. In the early 90’s we were a class teetering precariously on the seesaw of success and failure. Our numbers in the US had steadily declined, and the class lacked direction. Ali was the catalyst for our resurgence, and a large reason why we all enjoy fine competition today.

Simply put, nobody in the world has put more into the 505 class in the past decade than Ali Meller.

Ali, on behalf of the 505 American Section, it’s my honor to present you with the Dennis Surtees Service Award for 2002.

“I nominate Bill McKinney and Stine Cacavas for the Cahn award. Bill has been with the San Diego for over ten years, and is the guy who always spends regattas in good spirit, with lots of humor, humbleness and grace. And style. After coming in from the race course early one day in Santa Cruz, while sitting in his chair, he greeted every sailor at the ramp with a cold Corona with lime. Yes, his regatta kit includes chairs, a cooler on wheels, and a cutting board. Stine has been sailing with Bill for a few years now, and while she shares Bill’s positive attitude, she also brings a new level of competition to the team. They competed in the 2010 worlds in Denmark sailing Fever Pitch, Dave Cahn’s own Lindsay. For the 2012 worlds in France they upped their game, buying a newer Waterat. I take this as a good sign that they will continue to favor us with their company for many years to come.”

Aaron Ross, USA 7156

Nominated and presented by: Mike Martin

The Dave Chan award goes out to the individual or team that expresses sportsmanship in the unique way of 505 sailing because they love 505 sailing. The award is not necessarily for the guy that wins all the races, but the guy you would most like to have a beer with at the end of the day.

These guys fit that description perfectly. They both came into the 505 picture from illustrious lead mining careers. After the first day of proper breeze in a 505 they were hooked. Since then they have enjoyed attending many of the events in northern and southern California. At the end of the day they are always thrilled with whatever they experienced and learned on the water. They are always willing to lend a helping hand despite the fact that they are usually involved in some major repair project themselves. It is always a pleasure having these guys around both on and off the water and we would all have more fun if we adopted their attitude. That is why this year the Dave Cahn award should go to Brad Wheeler and Bill Mais.

As most of you know, the Dave Cahn trophy was created in 1998, in memoriam of Dave Cahn, and his special brand of sportsmanship. Past winners have included Eric Willis/Wendy Herzburg, Barney Harris, Dan Merino/Bill Jenkins, Henry Amthor, and in 2002, Stuart Park.

Please give a big round of applause for the winner of the 2003 Dave Cahn Trophy: Paul Von Grey.

Paul’s nomination for this award was so excellent, that we will just read it to you:

“I would like to Nominate Paul Von Grey of the Pacific Northwest Fleet for the Dave Cahn Trophy. Paul has virtually single-handedly (no pun intended) been the motivation for the resurgence of the 505 fleet in Washington. He has helped push attendance at regattas from an average of three boats to a recent high of 16. He regularly rounds up sailors following races to debrief on successful and unsuccessful strategies and rigging tips. He serves as the unofficial parts warehouse for most of the sailors in Washington and probably has contributed parts, time or rigging advice to a majority of boats in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. He helped obtain a container of highly competitive boats that have raised the quality of racing dramatically. Whether you are a current 505 owner who needs to locate crew or a prospective 505 competitor who wants to go for a test ride, Paul is the guy who helps make the connection. He successfully poaches new 505 sailors from other fleets at regattas and every new sailor in the local fleet has probably been pointed to Paul as the guy to talk to about 505’s.

The Pacific Northwest fleet is a knowledgeable, friendly and helpful group of people and the description above could apply to every person in the fleet, however, no person embodies all of those qualities as completely as Paul.”

Let’s give another round of applause for Paul Von Grey!!

Nominated by Dave Stetson

Jesse, I wish to nominate Graham Alexander for an honorary life-membership in the class.

Graham first became a 5-oher around about 1967 and he has been one ever since. I know only a few on this side of the pond with that kind of longevity in the class. He has owned at least six boats, beginning with a 2XXX series boat; he currently owns two, a 45xx Rondar rigged to race with other classics, and Parker 7685. Not only has Graham been loyal to the class with his presence, he has been one of the class’ most ardent recruiters here in the Midwest. Within two weeks of the day I moved to Columbus in 1985, he was in my kitchen pushing me into the fray, getting me onto the boat, and helping me to find a crew slot. He has introduced dozens of people to the boat during the 17 years I have been around to watch.

In addition to recruiting, Graham has been the organizer of the class in Region 3 for as long as anyone can remember. Ki Kaiser and Graham have worked together ensuring a variety of regattas and spreading the word. He was the formal Midwest coordinator for most of the years since 1970.

Graham has been extremely generous with his time helping people to buy boats, helping them to rig them well, and helping to repair them when they broke. He has loaned his garage, his tools and equipment, his hands, and his expertise for fiberglass work, vacuum bagging, and rigging. Each winter, he has taught Sunday-evening courses on racing rules and tactics, crewing and helming skills to groups of local sailors, including newbees and hardened veterans.

Graham has been one of the true fixtures in the class and he has been one of its best public-relations specialists. Through his energy and love of the boat and the class, he has kept 505s in the Midwest and has kept Fleet 17 alive at Hoover Yacht Club. He may not be the most jolly of 505 sailors because he takes his sailing very seriously. It is integral to his core as a person and his love for the class is infectious. Because of his dedication and generosity, I believe he is as close to a life member as one could come.

Nominated by: Mike Martin and Ryan Cox Presented by: Dennis Surtees

Most of the time when we think about an award for service to a class we think about class officers or people that have volunteered their time in a very broad manner. Howard has served this way in the past by being an international class president but that is not why he deserves this award. Everyday Howard provides service to the class on a much more personal level.

The services that he provides range from straightening a mast, to loaning out his coach boat out free of charge, or letting people use his tools or even his entire garage. If you don’t know how to fix something on your 505, you need a tool or a part, who is the first person that you ask?

His services are organizational as well. Howie is always thinking of ways to better himself and always passes what he learns on to the fleet, even if it is one boat at a time. The Long Beach fleet would simply not exist without Howie. Every year howie takes the lead in organizing our weekly practices. A few years ago Team Tuesday was 1 or 2 boats, this year we often see 7 or 8.

Howie has also provided a huge service to the development of the equipment that we use today. 25 years ago he built molds and long lasting Honeycomb Kevlar boats that are still competitive today. Howies funding of the blade development program resulted in production centerboards that cost every one else much less than the developmental price that he paid.

There is no one more valuable to our fleet than Howard. So whether or not he wins this award, next time you see him, just say “Thanks Howie”!

    Beam:  10.9'    Draft:  5.75'
    Beam:  15'7'    Draft:  3'9'
    Beam:  15.8'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  4.25'
    Beam:  10.5'    Draft:  5.6'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  6'3'
    Beam:  11'6'    Draft:  5'9'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  9' 6'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  10' 8'    Draft:  4' 2'
    Beam:  6'6'
    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  11.9'    Draft:  6.9'
    Beam:  10'10'    Draft:  4'5'
    Beam:  12.51'    Draft:  4.9'
    Beam:  11'2'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  9.8'    Draft:  5.2'
    Beam:  10.5'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  10'10'    Draft:  5'3''
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  10'10'    Draft:  5'3'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  7.8'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  4.'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  6.0'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  7.67'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  8.9'    Draft:  4.0'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  6.5'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  1'10'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  9'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  28.5'    Draft:  3-7'
    Beam:  4'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  9.4'    Draft:  4.4'
    Beam:  6' 2'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  9'    Draft:  5.2'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  6.18'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  13.6'    Draft:  6.8'
    Beam:  13''    Draft:  8'
    Beam:  13.8'    Draft:  8'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  9'6'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  10.25'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  6.5'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  4'2'

505 yacht for sale

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Used Yachts For Sale

Sail monohulls 50ft >,        hanse boats for sale, hanse 505 boats for sale.

505 yacht for sale

Michael Schmidt and Partner

Hanse 505 For Sale

If you are looking for a used Hanse 505 For Sale, Michael Schmidt and Partner are uniquely placed to match you with your perfect Hanse Yacht.

As the sister company to the Inspiration Marine Group, the sole UK representative for new Hanse Yachts, we are able to offer an exclusive selection of Hanse Yachts that return to us from their original owners when the time comes for them to upgrade or sell their yacht.

Please see below our current used Hanse 505 yachts for sale. If you cannot see what you are looking for, please feel free to get in touch to discuss your requirements and to find out how we can help you find your next boat.

Hanse 505 at sail, superb sailing performance


NEW hanse yachts for sale

If you would prefer to buy a new Hanse Yacht, then do speak to our team at the Inspiration Marine Group who will be very happy to assist you. As the sole importer of new Hanse Yachts in the UK, they will be able to advise you on current lead times and availability for all models, from the Hanse 315, Hanse 348, Hanse 360, Hanse 388, Hanse 410, Hanse 460, Hanse 510, Hanse 548, Hanse 588 up to the latest flagship, the Hanse 590.

505 yacht for sale

sell your hanse yacht

If you have a Hanse Yacht and you're looking to Sell Your Yacht , then Michael Schmidt and Partner are here to help. To request a free market appraisal, please just complete our Request An Appraisal form below and our friendly team will get back to you.


Tel: 02380 455714


Tel: 01475 529975

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505 yacht for sale


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Request An Appraisal from one of our ABYA qualified yacht brokers to Sell Your Boat. Just complete our Request An Appraisal form.

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505 yacht for sale

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Michael Schmidt and Partner are part of Inspiration Marine Group

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British Marine

505 yacht for sale

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New to the 505 Class?

If you’re new to the 5O5 Class, you’re in for an exciting journey. Known for being exceptionally well-made, 5O5 dinghies can remain competitive indefinitely with proper care. However, not all older 5O5s are created equal. Some may not be worth the investment of time and money to restore for racing.

To make informed decisions, explore this comprehensive list of 5O5 builders throughout the years: 5O5 Builders Archive .

Understanding hull numbers is crucial.  They are assigned sequentially upon the boat’s initial measurement after construction. The minimum weight for a 505 (weighed with all required racing equipment except sails) is 127.4kg or 280.9 pounds. Note that many boats have lead corrector weights strategically placed to meet this minimum weight requirement (50% at the front of the CB trunk, and 50% at the rear of the CB trunk). (Information modified from the American 505 Page)

Explore Used Boats and Equipment in Canada:

Browse our listing of used boats and equipment available for sale in Canada. For additional options, the American 505 Section features a highly reliable classifieds page that is regularly updated. Maximize exposure for your items by posting them in multiple places.

Ready to dive into the 505 Class boat market? Whether you’re buying or selling, our platform connects enthusiasts for smooth transactions. Explore the listings, and if you need assistance placing an ad, reach out to us through the contact form on our website. Let the adventure begin!



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Hanse 505

Hanse 505 for sale in Southampton, Hampshire United Kingdom

Michael Schmidt & Partner

Southampton, Hampshire United Kingdom

Make & Model


Description, boat details.

The Hanse 505 offers a wonderful combination of space, ease of handling, solid German build and an impressive turn of speed.  

Mojito benefits from a very complete specification, particularly for blue water cruising including water maker, generator, solar panel, satellite communication system, Watt & Sea hydro generator and more.

In her current ownership Mojito has also benefitted from a significant program of servicing and updating to include a new suite of 4 sails, batteries, standing rigging, running rigging, sprayhood and plenty more.

This has to be the best equipped and updated Hanse 505 for sale.

  • LOA - 15.30m
  • LWL - 13.45m
  • Beam - 4.75m
  • Draft - 2.38m
  • Displacement - 14.50T
  • Sail Area - 119 sqm

Hull, Deck & Keel

  • Light Grey GRP hull with Dark Grey hull striping
  • Epoxy vinylester outer lamination, balsa core and polyester inner lamination for both hull and deck
  • Flexiteek 2G decking for cockpit, coachroof and side decks
  • Huge sail locker forward of water-tight bulkhead
  • Large cockpit lazarette locker
  • Twin cockpit seat storage lockers
  • Hydraulic bathing platform upgrade
  • Stainless steel ladder for bathing platform

deck equipment

  • 2 x Lewmar electric winches
  • 2 x Lewmar manual winches
  • Electric windlass with handheld remote control including chain counter
  • Remote control for windlass
  • Upgraded stainless steel Ultra anchor (27kg) with 100m stainless chain and ultra flip swivel
  • Spinlock jammer banks with 2 high load jammers for main and jib halyards
  • Cockpit table with folding leaves and internal storage space and light
  • Fridge upgrade to cockpit table
  • Folding helm seats
  • Composite steering wheel upgrade (Black)

Interior & Accommodation

Cherry wood interior (High Gloss finish) with a teak and holly striped floor (including carpet upgrade throughout), offers a timeless and classy finish to what is a superbly spacious and light interior.  Multiple opening hatches, coachroof windows and hull ports offer plenty of air circulation and ventilation throughout.

Exceptional condition throughout!

Hanse layout code - A1, B1, C2, D1 

  • Large saloon table with folding leaves
  • L shaped saloon seating in Portofino Clay Leather
  • Island unit with additional seating & bottle storage - offers excellent bracing position when using the galley at sea
  • Extensive cupboard and drawer storage
  • LED reading lights which can be switched between white and red light
  • Blind set including mozzie nets throughout interior
  • Linear galley down the port side of the main saloon area
  • Twin stainless steel fridge drawers
  • Single stainless steel freezer drawer
  • Double stainless steel sink
  • Gas oven with triple burner hob
  • Miele microwave
  • High level storage cupboards
  • Multiple storage drawers
  • Forward facing chart table
  • Sliding chart storage drawer
  • Switching for 12v DC systems
  • Switching for 230v AC systems
  • Battery, Fuel, Water monitoring panel
  • USB power socket
  • SiMarine battery monitoring for power generation and consumption
  • Large island owner's cabin bed with upgraded pocket sprung mattress
  • High level open storage spaces upgraded to cupboards
  • Twin hanging wardrobes with shoe stowage cupboards beneath
  • Large under bed storage
  • LED reading lights (upgraded to include USB charging sockets)
  • Large dedicated shower cubicle on starboard side
  • Fresh water flush electric toilet and washbasin in port side cubicle
  • 2 x 12v fans
  • Twin aft double cabins with large hanging wardrobes
  • Stowage shelf
  • LED reading lights - upgraded to include USB charging sockets
  • 1 x 12v fan in each cabin
  • Large heads on portside with separate shower cubicle
  • Fresh water flush electric toilet
  • Storage cupboards
  • Smaller heads on starboard side
  • Seawater flush toilet

Navigation Equipment

  • B&G H5000 Multifunction display upgrade x 2
  • B&G Triton displays x 2
  • H5000 & Triton displays show speed/depth/wind/compass/pilot
  • B&G Zeus 12" Chart Plotters at helm positions - RARE UPGRADE
  • B&G Gofree wireless system
  • B&G Autopilot system with RC42 compass
  • B&G Radar on mast mount
  • B&G V50 VHF with H50 Handheld VHF unit
  • B&G Class B AIS Transponder
  • Certus 100 Iridium Satellite system

Machinery & Propulsion

  • Volvo D2-75 (75hp)
  • Volvo Sail drive (replaced in 2022)
  • Engine battery (replaced in 2023)
  • Featherstream 3 Blade feathering prop
  • Bow Thruster (retractable)
  • Stern Thruster (retractable)
  • Fischer Panda 5,000i generator including upgraded AC panel
  • Dessalator D60 DUO watermaker (new 2023)
  • Heating system - 2 x Webasto 5.5kw heating systems with outlets throughout the interior spaces and cockpit to heat cockpit enclosure

Rig & Sails

  • Selden mast with in mast furling (serviced 2023)
  • Selden boom
  • Selden rod kicker/vang
  • Backstay adjuster
  • Selden Furlex furling forestay
  • Bobstay upgrade for anchor roller
  • Running Rigging replaced in 2022
  • Standing rigging replaced in 2023
  • Elvstrom EMS Max Main Tri-radial cruising laminate main sail (new 2023)
  • Elvstrom Tri-radial cruising laminate self tacking jib (new 2023)
  • Elvstrom Furlstrom furling gennaker
  • Elvstrom Bluewater runner with furling system (new 2022)
  • GP Sails storm jib (new 2023)
  • Dyneema halyard upgrade for main sail and jib
  • 2 x Spinnaker halyards - One of which is a 2:1

Electrical Systems

  • 12v DC electrical system with switch panel at chart table
  • 230v shore power system with switch panel at chart table
  • 1 x 90ah engine start battery (new 2023)
  • 4 x 160ah domestic/service battery bank (new 2022)
  • 2 x 160ah bow thruster battery bank
  • 2 x 160ah stern thruster battery bank
  • Watt & Sea POD600 hydro generator (new 2022)
  • Sunpower 170 solar panel (new 2022)
  • Immersion heating for hot water
  • Numerous 230v outlets throughout interior
  • Pico SiMarine Battery monitor
  • Galvanic isolator (new 2023)
  • Tricolour at masthead (new 2023)

Audio visual

  • Fusion MS-AV700 Multimedia radio with CD/DVD & Bluetooth
  • 4 Internal speakers
  • 2 cockpit speakers
  • Fusion NRX200 remote control in cockpit
  • LED TV on saloon bulkhead with soundbar
  • LED TV in Owner's suite forward
  • LED TV in aft cabin
  • TV aerial at masthead

Plumbing & Tankage

  • Water tank - 630 litres
  • Fuel tank - 280 litres
  • Hot water tank (Heated from both engine and shore power immersion)
  • Pressurized Hot & Cold water system
  • Cockpit shower (Hot & Cold)
  • Sprayhood (new 2023)
  • Bimini - with additional shade panel
  • Bimini conversion to create cockpit enclosure
  • Cockpit cushions
  • Cockpit table cover
  • Wheel & Pedestal covers
  • Step covers for companionway steps
  • Winch covers (new 2023)

Additional Equipment

  • Winch handles x 
  • Fenders (various)
  • Mooring lines (various)
  • Gas alarm (new 2023)
  • Honda BF6 outboard (new 2023)
  • Windex wind indicator at masthead
  • Liferaft - Ocean Safety 6 person >24 pack (new 2023)
  • Jonbuoy recovery module (new 2023)
  • Jonbuoy danbuoy
  • Simpson davits outboard engine hoist
  • 2 x Horseshoe lifebuoys with lights (new 2023)

Engine Count

Engine Horse Power

Engine Location

Propeller Type


Hull Material


Holding Tanks

Double Berths

Length on Deck

14.85 meters


Electrical Circuit

Engine Year

Fresh Water Tanks Number

Fuel Tanks Capacity

Fuel Water Tanks Number

No of Heads

Holding Tanks Capacity

Length Overall

15.30 meters

Nominal Length

Water Tanks Capacity

Trim Tabs Indicator


The Hanse 505 is 50 feet long and has a 16 feet beam and a draft of 2.38 meters. This 2015 diesel Hanse 505 powered by Volvo D2-75 with 75 horsepower. The Hanse 505 is made of fiberglass. This vessel comes equipped with holding tanks .


2013 hanse 505 for sale.

Gosport, Hampshire


2014 Hanse 505 for sale

Hamble, Hampshire

2009 Hanse 470E for sale

Southampton, Hampshire

Real Club Nautico, Torrevieja

2021 Hanse 388 for sale

Lymington, Hampshire

2011 Hanse 445 for sale

Similar boats for sale, new hanse 508 for sale.

SYS Yacht Sales

2017 Hanse 50 for sale

Alameda, California

Worth Avenue Yachts

NEW Hanse 460 for sale

Seattle Yachts

San Diego, California

NEW Hanse 548 for sale

For Delivery Seattle, Washington


  • Hanse in United Kingdom
  • Cabin Cruisers in United Kingdom
  • Boats in United Kingdom


Michael Schmidt & Partner Yacht Brokers are committed to delivering exceptional service. Our ABYA-Certified brokers offer expert guidance at key UK boating hubs. Selling your boat? We maximize its appeal and exposure. Looking to buy? Count on us for insightful advice and finding your ideal vessel. Whether buying or selling, trust us to facilitate your transaction seamlessly.



The 505 is a double handed dinghy raced worldwide, that incorporates a high performance hull design with a powerful sail plan and one trapeze. The boat has become very refined over the years and is unique in that it has outstanding performance in all conditions.

The class rules are one design, with the emphasis on controlling aspects that most directly affect boat speed. The sail plan and hull shape are tightly controlled, while the rigging layout, spars and foils are open. This allows the boat to be set up in many ways to suit different sailors. Most boats currently have adjustable shrouds, forestay and mast ram which allows rig tension, rake and mast being to be changed whilst racing.

The ideal sailing weight varies with the prevailing local conditions, with most successful racers being between 140 – 180kg.

505 yacht for sale

Fitted Hull Weight127kg
Mast Length6.9m
Upwind Sail Area17.25sqm
Spinnaker Area26sqm
DesignerJohn Westell
Year Designed1955
Number of Sailors2, Single Trapeze
Ideal Racing Weight140-180kg

Association Link 505.org

International 505 hull

Ovi white hull, light grey deck.

Devolved entirely by our in-house design team, drawing upon the knowledge and experience of Holger Jess- one of the most prolific 505 sailors of a generation. The new Ovington 505 is a result of over 6 months of R & D culminating in a complete 3D model from which the final tools have been CNC cut.

Fully optimised within the class rules – with feedback from the International 505 class association – key features include:

  • Narrower sections forward
  • Flatter and more powerful run-off aft
  • Maximum waterline length
  • Increased stiffness and structural efficiency

Price:  £14,910.00

            £12,425.00 (ex VAT)


We sell parts & spares.

From sails to rigging, mast fittings and covers.



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  3. 2021 Riviera 505 SUV Motor Yacht for sale

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  4. 2024 Riviera 505 SUV Motor Yacht for sale

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  6. 2016 Hanse Yachts 505 for sale. View price, photos and Buy 2016 Hanse

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  3. 2024 Super Boat v2

  4. The Yacht Sale Regatta 2024, 9-15July Ep3

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  1. Classifieds

    Below is a listing of used boats and equipment offered for sale in the United States. Please note that this section is ONLY for 505s, 505 parts, and related equipment. ... Also, hull numbers are sequential, and are issued upon initial measurement after the boat is built. The minimum weight of a 505 (weighed with all equipment required for ...

  2. Hanse 505 boats for sale

    Find Hanse 505 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Hanse boats to choose from. ... Aquatoria Yacht Sale d.o.o. | Biograd na moru, Croatia. Request Info; 2014 Hanse 505. US$335,000. US $2,545/mo. Lighthouse Yachting Ltd. | Jolly Harbour, Antigua and Barbuda. Request Info; Price Drop;

  3. 2025 ECLIPSE 505 Cruiser for sale

    Boat Details. At the intersection of luxury cruising and performance is the revolutionary outboard-powered ECLIPSE 505. Never seen before speed and seakeeping abilities within the cruising segment are made possible by the patented Michael Peters SVVT hull, mated with the iconic Mercury 600hp V12. Offering a true two-stateroom, two-head layout ...

  4. 505 sailboats for sale by owner.

    505 preowned sailboats for sale by owner. 505 used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. ... Crescent Sail Yacht Club Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Asking $12,000. 25' Beiley B-25 Wabamun Lake near Edmonton Alberta Canada Asking $14,900. 37' Tartan 37 1979

  5. Used Hanse 505 for Sale

    AU $449,000 Or nearest offer. Set sail on the open waters aboard the magnificent Hanse 505, a vessel renowned for its exceptional performance and luxurious accommodations. Crafted with Hanse's precision engineering and elegant design, this yacht offers a perfect blend of comfort, style, and functionality. This Hanse 505 has been the flagship of ...

  6. Hanse 505 boats for sale

    Hanse 505 boats for sale 12 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. Hanse 505 . Old Lyme, Connecticut. 2018. $420,000 Seller McMichael Yacht Brokers LTD. 39. Contact. 914-506-5372. ×. Save This Boat. Hanse 505 . Midland, Ontario, Canada ... Seller Aquatoria ...

  7. Boats for Sale

    Find your dream boat in Australia and join the exciting 505 sailing community. Browse the latest listings and learn more about the class rules and events.

  8. ECLIPSE 505 boats for sale

    ECLIPSE 505 By Condition. New ECLIPSE 505 1 listing. Find ECLIPSE 505 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of ECLIPSE boats to choose from.

  9. Hanse 505 boats for sale

    Find Hanse 505 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Hanse boats to choose from. ... Hanse Yachts 505 By Condition. Used Hanse Yachts 505 9 listings . New Hanse Yachts 505 1 listing. Contact Us Help About Us Advertise With Us Media Kit Membership Do Not Sell My Personal Information.

  10. Used Hanse 505 For Sale UK

    If you are looking for a used Hanse 505 For Sale, Michael Schmidt and Partner are uniquely placed to match you with your perfect Hanse Yacht. As the sister company to the Inspiration Marine Group, the sole UK representative for new Hanse Yachts, we are able to offer an exclusive selection of Hanse Yachts that return to us from their original owners when the time comes for them to upgrade or ...

  11. New and used Hanse 505 boats for sale

    Used Hanse 505 for sale from around the world. Search our full range of used Hanse 505 on www.theyachtmarket.com.

  12. Quicksilver 505 boats for sale

    Quicksilver 505 boats for sale 21 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. Quicksilver Activ 505 Cabin . North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. 2024. $41,163 Seller Acaster Marine 26. Contact. 01904 702049. ×. Save This Boat. Quicksilver Quicksilver Activ 505 Cabin ...

  13. Buy and Sell

    The minimum weight for a 505 (weighed with all required racing equipment except sails) is 127.4kg or 280.9 pounds. Note that many boats have lead corrector weights strategically placed to meet this minimum weight requirement (50% at the front of the CB trunk, and 50% at the rear of the CB trunk). (Information modified from the American 505 Page)

  14. Hanse 505 for sale in United Kingdom

    Hanse 505 for sale - Boat Details The Hanse 505 offers a wonderful combination of space, ease of handling, solid German build and an impressive turn of speed. ... View over 1000s of new and used boats and yachts for sale online. Buy a boat, Sell or list your boat for rent or sale, find berths, and more. Boats For Sale Power Boats Sail Boats.

  15. Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale

    Find Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Riviera boats to choose from.

  16. Sailing Dinghies for sale, 505 Sailing Dinghies, used boats, new boat

    Apollo Duck, Rondar 505 Sailing Dinghies For Sale rondar 505 8112, Rondar 505 Sailing Dinghies For Sale 5o5 dinghy with trailer and trolley, Boats for sale: ... 5o5 GBR8489 built by Rondar Boats for Mark Longstaff in 1993. New Selden M2 mast and partial re-fit by P&B in May 2018 ( Invoice available) . Original boom. Single spinnaker pole system.

  17. Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale

    2022 Riviera 505 SUV. $1,690,000. $12,840/mo*. Estimated monthly payment based on a 240-month loan at 6.74% APR. Burlington, VT 05401 | OneWater Yacht Group - Stevensville.

  18. 505 Dinghy

    The 505 is a double handed dinghy raced worldwide, that incorporates a high performance hull design with a powerful sail plan and one trapeze. The boat has become very refined over the years and is unique in that it has outstanding performance in all conditions. The class rules are one design, with the emphasis on controlling aspects that most ...

  19. ECLIPSE 505 boats for sale

    ECLIPSE 505 boats for sale 1 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. ECLIPSE 505 . Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. 2025. Request Price Seller HMY Yacht Sales - Palm Harbor Marina 32. 1. Contact. 561-220-9632. ×. Advertisement. Request Information ...

  20. 2024 Riviera 505 SUV Motor Yachts for sale

    Boat Details. Description. The Riviera 505 SUV is an extremely versatile platform, with a unique mezzanine area, large fishing cockpit, a one level ergonomic saloon, and full beam Master Suite! When Riviera's highly skilled design team set out to create their newest addition to the SUV Collection their first and foremost objective was to make ...

  21. Quicksilver 505 Activ Cabin boats for sale

    Find Quicksilver 505 Activ Cabin boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Quicksilver boats to choose from.

  22. Najad 505 boats for sale

    Offering the best selection of Najad boats to choose from. ... 505; Najad 505 boats for sale. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: Najad - 505. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-DK. Denmark. All. All 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 200 miles 300 miles 500 miles 1000 miles 2000 miles 5000 miles.