Santa Catarina

Fotos mostram interior da cobertura de neymar avaliada em r$ 60 milhões na orla de balneário camboriú, apartamento quadriplex - de quatro andares - passa por obras de adequação e deve ser liberado em setembro para mobília. craque recebeu as chaves do imóvel avaliado em r$ 60 milhões..

Por Joana Caldas, John Pacheco e Jean Laurindo, g1 SC

16/08/2023 11h46 Atualizado 16/08/2023

Veja imagens da cobertura de Neymar avaliada em R$ 60 milhões em Balneário Camboriú

Veja imagens da cobertura de Neymar avaliada em R$ 60 milhões em Balneário Camboriú

A cobertura quadriplex - de quatro andares - de Neymar Jr. em Balneário Camboriú , no Litoral norte catarinense, passa por reparos e trabalhos de personalização antes de ser definitivamente disponibilizada para o craque, que na terça-feira (15) foi anunciado como novo reforço do Al-Hilal, da Arábia Saudita.

Antes de ser confirmado no time árabe, o craque recebeu na última semana as chaves do imóvel , avaliado em R$ 60 milhões e que fica de frente com a Praia Central. Fotos disponibilizadas pela construtora Pasqualotto & GT mostram o interior do quadriplex e os serviços que estão sendo executados (veja mais abaixo) .

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Prédio Yachthouse, em Balneário Camboriú — Foto: Reprodução/Redes sociais

As obras devem ser finalizadas no próximo mês, quando a cobertura deve ser liberada para receber a mobília. No momento, está sendo colocado piso de madeira na área interna do apartamento e de mármore na parte social.

A própria construtora executa o projeto no imóvel de 1,2 mil metros quadrados do jogador, que comprou o quadriplex ainda na planta.

No prédio, são outras quatro coberturas, todas quadriplex. Duas pertencem aos sócios da empresa e a outra de uma cliente que não teve o nome informado.

De acordo com um dos sócios, a cobertura no valor de R$ 60 milhões é o apartamento mais caro comercializado no Sul do país.

  • Neymar é multado em R$ 16 milhões por obra em lago artificial construído em Mangaratiba
  • Neymar vai receber cerca de R$ 1,7 bilhão por dois anos de contrato com o Al-Hilal

Obra em cobertura de Neymar em Balneário Camboriú — Foto: Pasqualotto & GT/Divulgação

Além disso, o apartamento também terá um elevador exclusivo, aquecimento de piso nos ambientes e pontos de automação. Após esses trabalhos, ele estará pronto para ser mobiliado.

O apartamento fica no prédio Yachthouse, o segundo mais alto do Brasil, de acordo com o ranking internacional The Skyscrapper City.

A construtora informou que o edifício tem quatro coberturas quadriplex e todas já foram vendidas. Duas são de sócios da empresa, uma de Neymar e a quarta, de outra cliente.

Neymar acerta com Al-Hilal e faz exames em Paris

Neymar acerta com Al-Hilal e faz exames em Paris

Metro quadrado mais caro do Brasil

Balneário Camboriú foi a cidade do Brasil com maior preço médio de venda de imóveis residenciais em julho , divulgou o Índice FipeZap. O valor do metro quadrado no município é de R$ 12.335, em média.

O Índice FipeZap leva em consideração 50 cidades, sendo 16 delas capitais. Além de Balneário Camboriú, Itapema , na mesma região, e Florianópolis compõem a lista de cinco municípios com maior preço médio de venda de imóveis residenciais no Brasil em julho.

Banhistas na Barra Sul da Praia Central de Balneário Camboriú em agosto — Foto: Felipe Sales/NSC TV

Além de ter o metro quadrado mais caro na venda de imóveis residenciais, Balneário Camboriú também possui sete dos 10 arranha-céus residenciais mais altos do país, segundo o ranking internacional The Skyscrapper City.

Com 89 pavimentos e 290 metros de altura, o One Tower, na Avenida Atlântica, lidera a lista. Já o Edifício Yachthouse, conhecido também como "torres gêmeas" fica na segunda posição nacional. O prédio tem, em 81 pavimentos, heliponto particular e acesso direto a marina.

Confira abaixo a lista com os prédios mais altos do Brasil:

  • One Tower – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 290 metros
  • Yachthouse – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 281 metros
  • Boreal Tower – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 240 metros
  • Titanium Tower – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 238 metros
  • Infinity Coast – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 234 metros
  • Empire – Itapema/SC – 234 metros
  • Vitra – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 226 metros
  • Alto das Nações – São Paulo/SP – 219 metros
  • Sapphire Tower – Balneário Camboriú/SC – 215 metros
  • Dubai Business – Rio Verde/GO – 210 metros

VÍDEOS: mais assistidos do g1 SC nos últimos 7 dias

Veja mais notícias do estado no g1 SC

  • Balneário Camboriú
  • Florianópolis
  • Neymar - Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior

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Times mineiros

Conheça a nova mansão de neymar, cobertura quadriplex no 2° prédio mais alto do brasil, o jogador já recebeu as chaves do apartamento localizado em balneário camboriú, em santa catarina.

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Vista de cima do Yatchouse, condomínio da cobertura de Neymar

Vista de cima do Yatchouse, condomínio da cobertura de Neymar

O quadriplex de Neymar localizado no segundo prédio mais alto do Brasil, o Yachthouse, já está em fase final das obras. Quatro andares, heliponto, elevador exclusivo, aquecimento de piso e pontos de automação são alguns diferenciais do apartamento localizado em Balneário Camboriú, em Santa Catarina.

O craque brasileiro comprou a mansão ainda na planta, e neste sábado (12), ele recebeu as chaves da propriedade. Para adquirir a cobertura, Neymar desembolsou R$ 20 milhões. Luan Santana, Alexandre Pires, Sorocaba e o jogador Arthur Melo também adquiriram apartamentos no Yachthouse.

Sofia Gontijo

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The ‘Dubai of Brazil’ Is a Bet on a Future that Only Goes Up

Balneario Camboriu has become a test case for what happens when private developers are given free rein

By Daniel Cancel Photography & video by Maíra Erlich

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The most expensive real estate in Brazil isn’t on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro or in luxury apartment towers in Sao Paulo. It’s in the small town of Balneario Camboriu, dubbed the “Dubai of Brazil.”

The city, with some 150,000 residents, has been converted over the last half-century from a small fishing village into an experiment of what happens when private developers are given free rein.

Seven of Brazil’s 10 tallest buildings have risen there, including the highest residential tower in Latin America. Buyers include Brazilian soccer star Neymar and billionaire families behind fortunes minted through industry and agriculture.

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'Dubai of Brazil' Is a One-Hour Flight From Sao Paulo


The result is a city that’s become a favorite holiday destination for many lured by its panoramic views, safe streets and relative prosperity in a country that struggles with crime and poverty. And one that, simultaneously, is ill-prepared for the unchecked growth that’s led to contaminated sea water , infrastructure bottle necks and the pricing out of the middle class.

For many locals who are reaping the benefits of the boom, slogans like “O Brasil que deu certo” (The Brazil that worked out) are common, along with “O ceu e o limite” (The sky’s the limit).

For others, the comparisons to Dubai, Singapore or Miami are laughable. There’s no five-star hotel. There’s scant affordable housing or proper public transportation. Plus, many of the expensive apartments — used as investment properties or second homes — sit empty.

yachthouse neymar

Veronica Alves Teixeira, a 57-year-old vendor of beach wear, has lived in Balneario Camboriu for 40 years and has been hawking things on the sand for 26 years. She hasn’t moved from where she first bought since she can’t afford anything else.

“People say, ‘I was told Brazil had favelas and I arrived and saw this.’ I say, ‘Balneario isn’t Brazil,’” Teixeira said.

No company is more responsible for the vertical growth of the city than FG Empreendimentos . The family-owned real estate company is omnipresent, from advertising at the airport to billboards in empty lots and sales offices scattered across town. Then, of course, there’s the roughly 60 towers FG has built on which the company’s initials glow green at night.

FG has nearly 50% of the market and has been constructing there since the 1990s. Founded by Francisco Graciola, an entrepreneur and local businessman from humble origins in nearby Gaspar, it’s now run by his son Jean Graciola, a fit 44-year-old with whitened teeth and a perma-tan.

He and his father have traveled the globe from Dubai to Singapore, Hong Kong, Panama City and New York City to learn about skyscrapers. They built the One Tower, the tallest in Brazil, and are now planning a 110-floor tower, soon followed by a 150-floor building that would be the tallest residential project in the world.

“We’ve tripled our sales since 2019,” the younger Graciola said in an interview in his office as he shuffled through laminated projects he plans to launch. “The profile of the buyers has changed. Before a family might buy an apartment for themselves. Now they’re buying an apartment per family member.”

A portrait of Jean Graciola is the CEO of developer FG Empreendimentos..

Billionaire mogul Luciano Hang , who owns the Havan retailer and was a major Bolsonaro-backer, is from nearby Brusque and owns multiple properties in Balneario. He is also developing new projects with FG after co-investing in several lots in the past.

Wealthy industrial families, often of German and Italian origin from Santa Catarina state, were the first major drivers of investment into the seaside town, along with buyers from nearby Rio Grande do Sul and Parana states. In recent years, wealthy farmers have started to buy properties in Balneario Camboriu — so much so that real estate firms even created specialized payment plans that coincide with the harvest season.

Balneario Camboriu Has Priciest Real Estate in Brazil on Average

Four of top six most expensive cities are in Santa Catarina state


At 12,624 reais ($2,580 USD), Balneario Camboriu has the most expensive real estate by average square meter in Brazil, according to FipeZAP , which tracks prices. The pandemic accelerated the momentum in the market, and values went up 11% in the past year.

Meanwhile, some beachfront properties saw prices go up more than 30% after the seashore was extended. It was the private sector, not the local government, that financed that project — a sign of the influence the developers wield.

Everyone involved in the housing market seemed genuinely surprised at the question of whether there’s a real estate bubble that could burst and cause widespread pain in the local economy.

Now, the fever in Balneario Camboriu is spreading. Neighboring towns Itapema and Itajai have seen real estate prices rise 20% and 13%, respectively, in the past 12 months, according to FipeZAP. That makes the three towns the most expensive places to buy property outside of state capitals.

Real estate agent Custodio Ribeiro Jr. in the pool area at One Tower in Balneario Camboriu.

Real estate agent Custodio Ribeiro Jr. has spent more than half of his 36 years in the market both as a buyer and seller. He says there’s no point in investing in the stock market or in government bonds when real estate prices keep going up. In as little as six months, he’s seen buyers flip properties for a profit and developers, rather than banks, often finance purchases.

More than 60% of activity at his firm CRI is for investment purposes, while one individual he knows has put money into more than 20 properties.

“The private-public connection is very strong and creates almost an infinite pool of money,” he said. “With the sky as the limit and the city not limiting heights, you can build the tallest building on the planet if there’s a big enough lot and engineering capability.”

The Yachthouse, twin towers residential condo, center, in Balneario Camboriu.

Between the two ends of the beachfront, developers are racing to see whose project will hit 100,000 reais per square meter first.

At the southern end of the main beach, local developers teamed up with Pininfarina to build the 80-floor twin-tower Yachthouse . There, soccer star Neymar owns a four-story penthouse valued at more than 80 million reais. And thanks to the property’s heliport, residents can enter the building and board a yacht in the adjacent marina without going out on the street.

Some 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) north on Brava beach, construction is nonstop as private condominiums and some of the first towers in the area go up.

It’s there that Carlos Trossini has developed Bravissima, which has ultra-high end apartments as large as 800 square meters (8,611 square feet) and plots for mansions. But it looks very different than the rest of Balneario Camboriu because it involves preserving most of the native forest on the land he bought 30 years ago.

Carlos Trossini sitting in a chair at his penthouse at the Bravissima Residences.

Buyers include members of the billionaire families behind industrial giant Weg SA and the multimillionaire Logemann family that owns agriculture producer SLC Agricola, according to Trossini.

During a visit, Trossini scrolled through supermodel Gisele Bundchen’s Instagram pictures that were posted from his penthouse and property. Potential buyers need to be screened 48 hours ahead of a visit.

The exterior of Bravíssima Private Residence surrounded by a forest.

Eduardo Zanatta is one of 19 city council members in Balneario Camboriu and is the only member of the leftist Workers’ Party. It’s a daunting task in a city that voted nearly 90% in favor of Jair Bolsonaro in the last election. Bolsonaro’s youngest son, Jair Renan, now lives there and plans to run in this year’s election for a spot on the council.

“I talk with a lot of young people in the city whose parents bought here 20 or 30 years ago. But today, this generation has no prospects of having their own place,” Zanatta, 38, said. “It’s too expensive.”

Mariana Schlickmann is one of them. The university professor wrote a book about the history of the town, where she grew up and lived most of her life. Now, over a coffee in Itajai, she says her middle-class income makes it impossible to afford a home there.

“There’s an ignorance to want to just make money now and not think of the future of the city,” she said. “It’s unsustainable.”

A portrait of Mariana Schlickmann.

For construction and service workers, it’s nearly impossible to live close to work. The city of Camboriu, which sits across the congested BR-101 highway, is much poorer and part of the contamination that ends up on the beach stems from the lack of treated water there.

Like most of the city’s council members, the two-term mayor of Balneario Camboriu, Fabricio Oliveira, is conservative.

During a brief interview at his office, the 48-year-old touted social programs and environmental gains. The contaminated water front? A problem for the neighboring town to fix since Balneario has 98% of their sewage network connected.

He praised the safe streets in the small enclave patrolled by the municipal police, and explained a new campaign asking people not to give money to beggars at traffic lights. The city has a policy to pick up homeless people, feed and bathe them, and offer them a ticket out of town.

“Instead of giving money, call the mayor’s office. We’ll take care of them,” he said.

One Tower, the tallest residential building in Latin America was completed in December 2022.

The city’s population swells to 1 million around New Year’s. This year, Abu Dhabi donated drones for a fireworks show .

The bulk of tourists fit a more middle-class profile, a contrast to the high prices of real estate in Balneario Camboriu.

A massive cruise ship anchored offshore unloads passengers one small group at a time due to the lack of a port. Tourists fill bars and restaurants while old-timers play dominoes or a bowling game called “bocha.” Kiosks selling caipirinhas, beer, coconut water, corn and churros line the boardwalk.

Joggers and electric bikes pass on the main avenue day and night while an occasional Ferrari or Porsche zips by. But, during mid-December, most lights are out in the tall apartment towers.

Still, developers see untapped opportunity.

Red flags along the beach warn bathers about dangers of swimming in the water.

Graciola of FG says the company has 3.2 million square meters of empty lots that it can still develop. With no height limits on the towers, FG has no plans to expand outside of its home market, but is in talks with global hotel chains to partner on higher quality hospitality.

Beyond an office in Miami, FG is actively trying to sell more to wealthy clients in Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro states. Their most recent brand ambassador is Portuguese soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo , whose image could help sell units to European buyers, he said.

“With the projects that will take Balneario Camboriu to the world, like the 150-floor building, we’ll need clients from abroad,” Graciola said. “People who are starting to see Brazil in a new way.”

Edited by Danielle Balbi and Steven Crabill

Photo editing by Marie Monteleone

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Inside Neymar’s International Real Estate Portfolio

yachthouse neymar

Currently participating at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, Brazilian soccer player Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior (more widely known simply as Neymar) has made a prodigious name for himself as one of the best footballers in the world. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that this year Forbes placed him in the  number four spot on their annual ranking of the world’s highest-paid athletes—his estimated $95 million earnings in 2022 put him behind only Portuguese soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, legendary basketball player Lebron James , and his Paris Saint-Germain teammate  Lionel Messi , who took the number one spot. Neymar—who plays as a forward for Paris Saint-Germain and Brazil’s national team and formerly played for Brazilian football club Santos—has naturally racked up an extremely expensive roster of luxury properties. Below, we look at some of his most prolific real estate dealings. 

In 2013, Neymar signed with Barcelona’s football club and  reportedly began paying around $18,000 per month to rent a contemporary-style mansion nestled on a 10,764-square-foot lot in the quiet and upscale neighborhood of Pedralbes, where  Shakira and her ex, Neymar’s former Barça teammate Gerard Piqué, also called home. Just a short distance away from the Barcelona arena Spotify Camp Nou, the modern five-bedroom and five-bathroom structure had a landscaped garden decorated with sculptures, a large pool, and  5,382 square feet of living space across three floors with coastline and city views. The owner of the property, a businessman with ties to the Barcelona football club’s board of directors, offered to rent the home to Neymar after the athlete initially struggled to find a satisfactory permanent home in the area and needed to begin training and playing with his new team. During his stay there, the soccer player had access to a top-floor bedroom suite with panoramic views. Other highlights of the luxe property included an extra large dining area and an underground eight-car garage.

Neymar found a Barcelona home to call his own in 2016 when he paid $5.2 million for a  7,879-square-foot mansion in the Castelldefels neighborhood, where Messi also resided. The contemporary-style three-bedroom house sat alongside a 10,764-square-foot garden and a swimming pool, situated on a hill with picturesque views of the Mediterranean Sea. The home, which also featured a gym and two living rooms, formerly belonged to fellow Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho.

That summer, Neymar also  caught some media attention when he posted Instagram pictures of him hanging out with  Justin Bieber and other friends at an $8,496-a-night  Airbnb mansion modeled after an 18th-century  Versailles château . The palatial seven-bedroom and 12-bathroom dwelling sprawled 22,000 square feet and was decked out with crystal chandeliers and intricate millwork. Highlights included a grand staircase, a private movie theater with leather recliners and wood-paneled walls, a wine cellar, a gym, multiple tennis courts, a swimming pool, and a spa, all located on a five-acre lot.

That same year, the athlete  also paid $8.5 million for a house in Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro—the same area of the seaside city where the Sylvester Stallone movie  The Expendables was shot. Neymar spent the early days of the pandemic quarantining at the home with a group of friends. Set on a two-and-a-half-acre lot, the deluxe six-bedroom property is certainly a great home to be stuck in: It has an open-plan living and dining area that seats  up to 14 people for dinner, a sauna, a massage room, a 3,000-bottle wine cellar, a gym, a billiards table, and even an  underground disco club that the party-loving footballer later built while stuck at home due to an ankle injury. The contemporary home has sleekly decorated interiors, with an eye-catching floating staircase in the living room and a modern kitchen with a breakfast bar. Outside, numerous patios for lounging and alfresco dining, a swimming pool, an oceanside jacuzzi, a tennis court, a beach volleyball court, a helipad, and a jetty where Neymar docks his 15-foot yacht are found. It seems that the athlete  still maintains this home.

Neymars onetime Paris rental home

Neymar’s one-time Paris rental home

The following year, Neymar ended his contract with Barcelona and switched to Paris Saint-Germain. He then started renting a  five-story mansion in the Parisian suburb of Bougival. The sportsman reportedly paid close to $14,600 a month in rent for the hilltop property, which was originally built for an architect in the 1950s. The structure offered panoramic mountain and city vistas from its 10,800 square feet of living space. The expansive home contained an indoor pool as well as a Turkish-style bath. Just like his previous Castelldefels home, the luxury pad was  allegedly previously owned by Ronaldinho as well as French actor Gerard Depardieu. Neymar was  reportedly forced to relocate to another unknown Parisian home base following a series of security issues at the property.

Last year, Neymar added a  $3-million seven-bedroom São Paulo pad to his portfolio. Tucked on a two-and-a-half-acre lot, the property boasts a lengthy list of amenities including a squash court, a swimming pool that seems to stretch a mile long, an adjacent lounge area with dark wood flooring, and a massive 20-car garage (the elite sportsman owns a fleet of luxury cars, including a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, and the extremely rare  MC12 Maserati , of which there are only 50 in the world). Inside, floor-to-ceiling glass walls and a glass elevator between floors allow for uninterrupted outdoor views. Another highlight is a vast open-plan entertaining area lined with glass, which offers a billiards table and a wet bar.  Reportedly , the luxurious dwelling is located in Alphaville, an upscale suburban area outside São Paulo.

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  • / Yachthouse by Pininfarina, the largest residential in Latin America in Balneário Camboriú that attracted Neymar Jr

Yachthouse by Pininfarina, the largest residential in Latin America in Balneário Camboriú that attracted Neymar Jr

yachthouse neymar

Construction , Industry

Yachthouse by Pininfarina, o maior residencial da América Latina em Balneário Camboriú que atraiu Neymar Jr

Located in Barra Sul in Balneário Camboriú, the Yachthouse by Pininfarina is not just a real estate development, it is a landmark of luxury and sophistication. Inspired by the nautical universe, the project combines a passion for the sea with an exceptional quality of life.

The region, known for its ease of movement and natural beauty, becomes a perfect setting for those seeking leisure and business. With 81 floors and an impressive height of 281 meters , the Yachthouse is the largest residential in Latin America. Each floor houses two 265m² apartments, with a 20m sea front, guaranteeing unparalleled panoramic views.

The leisure area, with 10.000 m², is an invitation to relaxation and entertainment, the design, signed by the renowned Pininfarina, reflects elegance and the nautical lifestyle.

The construction of the Yachthouse is a feat of engineering

With a foundation of 925 piles and record-breaking concreting, the project challenged the limits of civil construction in Brazil. The apartments are a spectacle in themselves, with a panoramic living room, gourmet space, luxurious suites, including a master with hydromassage, and high-standard finishes.

MEGA investment of R$ 10 billion for the new Great Wall Motors (GWM) factory in Brazil will completely change the automotive industry with the manufacturing of cars in Iracemápolis and the generation of 2 thousand direct and indirect jobs 

Copies but doesn't make the same: china creates replicas of 12 european cities on huawei campus, a tour of europe without leaving asia, researchers at the university of british columbia discover, by accident, a super-black material made from wood, which promises to revolutionize technology, new concrete is lighter, stronger, cheaper and is revolutionizing construction around the world.

The news that Neymar Jr., the football star, chose Yachthouse to invest in two penthouses, reinforces the development's status as an icon of luxury and exclusivity. The player's penthouses reflect the best in comfort and sophistication, with a privileged location and stunning sea views.

Other projects by Pasqualotto>

In addition to the Yachthouse, Pasqualotto> is responsible for other prominent projects in Balneário Camboriú, such as the Vitra and La Città, both signed by Pininfarina. These developments reinforce the company's reputation as a leader in luxury vertical developments in the region.

O Yachthouse by Pininfarina It is more than a residential building, it is a symbol of innovation, luxury and quality of life. With its privileged location, inspiring design and cutting-edge infrastructure, the development stands out as one of the most luxurious in Brazil, attracting personalities such as Neymar Jr. and consolidating Balneário Camboriú as an elite destination in the real estate scene.


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    yachthouse neymar


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    O Edifício Yachthouse, conhecido pelo investimento de Neymar, que comprou ainda na planta uma cobertura avaliada em R$ 60 milhõe s, já liderou a lista dos gigantes.

  4. Segundo mais alto do país, prédio com cobertura de Neymar é ...

    O Edifício Yachthouse, que possui duas torres lado a lado, é conhecido pelo investimento de Neymar, que comprou ainda na planta uma das coberturas, avaliada em R$ 60 milhões, uma das mais caras ...

  5. Fotos mostram interior da cobertura de Neymar avaliada em R$ 60 ...

    Já o Edifício Yachthouse, conhecido também como "torres gêmeas" fica na segunda posição nacional. O prédio tem, em 81 pavimentos, heliponto particular e acesso direto a marina.

  6. Finalmente Prédio do NEYMAR é entregue em Balneário Camboriú

    No vídeo de hoje eu vou mostrar para vocês que o Yachthouse, o famoso prédio do Neymar foi finalmente entregue em Balneário Camboriú -----...

  7. Desvendando o Lazer no Prédio do Neymar Jr.

    Bem-vindos ao tour exclusivo pela deslumbrante área de lazer do Yachthouse by Pininfarina, o mais icônico e luxuoso empreendimento de Balneário Camboriú-SC! ...

  8. Yachthouse Residence Club

    Yachthouse Residence Club. O edifício já concluído em 2022. O Yachthouse Residence Club é um complexo residencial de apartamentos de alto luxo, composto por duas torres gêmeas em Balneário Camboriú, no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Em 2020, os dois edifícios atingiram a altura de 281 metros, tornando-se os mais altos do país. [ 1]

  9. Conheça a nova mansão de Neymar, cobertura ...

    Conheça a nova mansão de Neymar, cobertura quadriplex no 2° prédio mais alto do Brasil O jogador já recebeu as chaves do apartamento localizado em Balneário Camboriú, em Santa Catarina . ... o Yachthouse, já está em fase final das obras. Quatro andares, heliponto, elevador exclusivo, aquecimento de piso e pontos de automação são ...

  10. Brazil's 'Dubai' in Balneario Camboriu Has Country's Tallest Towers

    At the southern end of the main beach, local developers teamed up with Pininfarina to build the 80-floor twin-tower Yachthouse. There, soccer star Neymar owns a four-story penthouse valued at more ...


    Yachthouse Club Residencial & Marina Location: Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil Type: Residence & Marina Construction start: 2014 2 x 277 m


    👋 Hey there, welcome to my video presentation of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina skyscraper located in Balneário Camboriú!I hope you found this tutorial infor...

  13. Inside Neymar's International Real Estate Portfolio

    2013. In 2013, Neymar signed with Barcelona's football club and reportedly began paying around $18,000 per month to rent a contemporary-style mansion nestled on a 10,764-square-foot lot in the ...

  14. Inside Neymar's Luxurious Yacht: A Glimpse into the Life of a ...

    Step inside the opulent world of Brazilian footballer Neymar Jr. as we take you on a tour of his stunning yacht. From the plush interiors to the state-of-the...

  15. The Luxurious Lifestyle of Neymar da Silva Santos Jr: Private Jets

    Neymar owns a Phenom 100 private jet with the registration PT-LBL, which features his initials, NRJ. Priced at approximately US$ 4 million, the jet was built in 2011 with serial number 203. Power Helicopteros, a Brazilian distributor and service center for Robinson Helicopters and Eurocopter, manages and likely sponsors the jet.

  16. Visitando as torres gêmeas do Neymar em Balneário Camboriú

    💎 Apartamento a venda em Balneário Canboriú - SCJá se imaginou sendo vizinho do Neymar? O Yachthouse by Pininfarina é um espetáculo em Balneário Camboriú - ...

  17. Neymar's Private Collection Includes Pricey Cars, 2 Helicopters, 1

    Neymar is still under the record-breaking contract with Paris Saint-Germain until 2025 and is currently in Qatar for the World Cup 2022 (though sitting out a few matches due to his old ankle ...

  18. Apartamento decorado no Yachthouse

    Fale comigo: (47) 99756 4587 🚀Yachthouse! As torres gêmeas mais altas da América Latina! São 265m de área privativa, com um living super amplo e integrado c...

  19. Apartamento no YACHTHOUSE em Balneário Camboriú

    Seja bem-vindo ao YachtHouse o maior prédio residencial da América Latina , esse empreendimento único também é onde o jogador Neymar vem passar suas férias e...

  20. Yachthouse, onde o Neymar tem a cobertura, visitamos um vazio e um

    Características Destaques:81 andares, o maior residencial da América Latina;Altura: 281 metros;264 apartamentos;Tamanho do terreno é 7.536m²;Aproximadamente ...

  21. Yachthouse by Pininfarina, the largest residential in Latin America in

    Located in Barra Sul in Balneário Camboriú, the Yachthouse by Pininfarina is not just a real estate development, it is a landmark of luxury and sophistication. Inspired by the nautical universe, the project combines a passion for the sea with an exceptional quality of life.

  22. Yachthouse 4502

    Conceito único, design surpreendente, em um dos destinos mais desejados do país. Inspirado no luxuoso universo náutico, a Pasqualotto apresenta o Yachthouse ...


    Apartamento no edifício YACHTHOUSE um dos maiores prédios residenciais da América Latina, apartamento finamente mobiliado e decorado 04 Suítes com 265m2 de á...