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Was ist eine Motoryacht?

Eine Motoryacht ist ein  Motorboot , welches über eine Mindestlänge von 7 bis 10 Meter verfügt. An Bord können Sie komfortabel übernachten und den Ausflug in vollen Zügen genießen. Das  sportliche Boot  ist mit einer  Kajüte  und einem Deck ausgestattet. Der Innenbereich kann mehrere Räume umfassen.

Maxiyacht, Mini-Maxi, Maxis oder Mega-Yacht: Die verschiedenen Arten von Motoryachten

Die Gruppe der Motoryachten beinhaltet unter anderem die Maxi-Yachten. Sie weisen eine Mindestlänge von 18 Metern auf. Die Mini-Maxis sind zwischen 18 und 24 Meter lang. Die dritte Untergruppe sind die Maxis mit einer Länge von 24 bis 30,5Metern. Die größten Yachten der Welt, die Super-Maxis, zeichnen sich durch die Länge von mehr als 30,5 Metern aus. Handelt es sich um ein besonders großes und komfortables Modell, welches primär als Statussymbol dient, dann wird dieses als Megayacht oder Superyacht bezeichnet.

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Taylan Star 900

Storebro Royal Cruiser 34 Biscay

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Princess 42 Flybridge

Princess 42 Flybridge

Boesch 900 MÉDITERRANÉE Bodenseezulassung

Boesch 900 MÉDITERRANÉE Bodenseezulassung

Prestige Yachts Prestige 420 Fly…

Prestige Yachts Prestige 420…

Sunseeker Manhattan 73 Custom made-…

Sunseeker Manhattan 73 Custom…

Regal Marine Regal 2665 Commodore…

Regal Marine Regal 2665…

Aprea Apreamare 7.5

Aprea Apreamare 7.5

Sealine S330

Sealine S330



Monte Fino Wide Body 64

Monte Fino Wide Body…

Sealine Sealine T52

Sealine Sealine T52

Rinker Fiesta Vee 270

Rinker Fiesta Vee 270

Elegance Elegance 57 Fly

Elegance Elegance 57 Fly

Integrity Integrity 340 SX

Integrity Integrity 340 SX

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49

Nimbus 380 Coupe

Nimbus 380 Coupe

Pershing 72

Pershing 72

Jeanneau Velasco 43F

Jeanneau Velasco 43F

Quicksilver 755 Activ Weekend mit…

Quicksilver 755 Activ Weekend…

Neptunus 133 Fly

Neptunus 133 Fly

Nimbus T11

Integrity Motor Yachts Integrity…

Integrity Motor Yachts Integrity Newport…

Klaassen Super van Craft…

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Weitere Informationen zu Motoryachten

Mit wie vielen personen kann ich auf einer motoryacht fahren.

Sie haben die Auswahl zwischen kleinen, sportlichen Yachten für zwei bis vier Personen und großen Megayachten, die eine umfangreiche Crew erforderlich machen. In den meisten Fällen übernehmen auf Motoryachten bis zu einer Größe von 21 Metern Yachtmatrosen die Verantwortung.

Der Ausdruck ?Crew? bezieht sich hierbei auf eine Gruppe aus mindestens zwei Personen. Gehören der Crew genau zwei Menschen an, dann erhalten diese im Allgemeinen die Titel Schiffsführer und Steward.

Wie viele Crewmitglieder benötigt werden, kann pauschal nicht festgelegt werden, da unter anderem auch mehrere Ingenieure, Köche und Kinderbetreuer mitreisen können.

Die Baumaterialien für die Motoryachten: Unterschiedliche Typen, unterschiedliche Einsatzgebiete

Moderne Yachten werden bevorzugt aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen gefertigt. Oftmals kommt CFK oder GFK zum Einsatz.

Traditionell diente Holz als Baumaterial für die Wasserfahrzeuge, da es robust und leicht verfügbar ist. Möglich sind auch Aluminium und Stahl.

Die Konstruktionsform soll die Sportlichkeit der Boote ermöglichen, wobei im Falle von größeren Yachten der Fokus auf dem Komfort liegt.

Die Geschwindigkeit, der Spritverbrauch und der Tankvorrat

Die meisten privat genutzten Motoryachten verfügen über eine Größe von 10 bis 20 Metern. Der Spritverbrauch liegt bei dieser Bootsgröße bei rund 100 Litern pro Stunde.

Um Hochseetauglichkeit zu erreichen, sollte eine Yacht mindestens 12 Meter lang sein. Große Privatyachten können mehr als 180 Meter lang sein und bis zu 36 Knoten erreichen.

Die Reichweite wird durch den Tankinhalt begrenzt. Eine durchschnittliche Yacht besitzt Tank mit einer Größe von 500 bis 1.500 Litern.

Mit welchen regelmäßigen Kosten muss ich für die Motoryacht rechnen?

Eine Faustformel besagt, dass die Unterhaltungskosten einem Zehntel des Neupreises des Bootes entsprechen. Eine Motoryacht mit einem Wert von 100.000 Euro führt demnach zu jährlichen Kosten in Höhe von 10.000 Euro.

Brauche ich für das Führen der Motoryacht einen Führerschein?

Bei großen Yachten engagieren die meisten Nutzer eine Crew inklusive Kapitän. Erbringt der Motor eine Leistung von mehr als 15 PS, dann benötigen Sie für Fahrten auf Seen und Flüssen den Sportbootführerschein Binnen. Der Gültigkeitsbereich umfasst alle Bundeswasserstraßen, die sich im Geltungsbereich der Binnenschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung befinden.

Auf einzelnen Gewässern, beispielsweise auf dem Rhein, gelten abweichende Regelungen. Wenn Sie auf dem Rhein unterwegs sind, dann müssen Sie für motorisierte Fahrzeuge mit mehr als 5 PS einen Führerschein vorweisen.

Möchten Sie auf außerhalb der Binnengewässer reisen, dann benötigen Sie den Sportbootführerschein See, sofern die Leistung der Motoryacht über 15 PS liegt. Der Gültigkeitsbereich umfasst die Seeschifffahrtsstraßen der Schifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung.

Welche weiteren Kosten entstehen durch den Besitz der Motoryacht?

Einer der ersten Schritte ist der Abschluss einer Haftpflichtversicherung. Sie bewahrt Sie vor finanziellen Forderungen Dritter.

Wird beispielsweise beim Wendemanöver im Hafen ein anderes Boot gerammt, dann regulieren die Versicherungen den Schaden.

Die Kosten hängen stark von der Größe und dem Wert der Motoryacht sowie der geplanten Nutzung ab. Ein kleines Motorboot verursacht monatliche Ausgaben von mindestens 70 Euro. Für großen Motoryachten und Luxus-Superyachten werden individuelle Angebote erstellt.

Das Bootszubehör: Spaß, Technik und Sicherheit

Für Motoryachten eignen sich ergänzend Beiboote oder Jetskis . Sie können mit der großen Yacht vor der Küste vor Anker gehen und mit kleineren Boot Ausflüge an Land unternehmen. Für die Sicherheit sorgen an Bord Schwimmwesten, Rettungsinseln und vieles weiteres Zubehör. Im technischen Bereich benötigen Sie unter anderem digitales Kartenmaterial, GPS und Leuchtanlagen.

Die Kosten für den Liegeplatz

Die Kosten für einen Wasserliegeplatz hängen von der Bootslänge und dem Standort ab. Während Sie am Bodensee rund 1.000 pro Jahr bezahlen, müssen Sie in Portofinono für eine Yacht mit einer Länge von höchstens 60 Metern circa 2.550 Euro pro Tag zahlen.

Die Stromkosten werden separat berechnet, achten Sie hierbei auf die genauen Angaben, da die Hafengesellschaften von den Stadtwerken unabhängige Preislisten verwenden.

Im Winter benötigen Sie in kalten Regionen einen Landstellplatz für das Boot, beispielsweise in einer Halle. Die Yacht muss trocken sein und alle notwendigen Pflegearbeiten müssen vor der Einlagerung ausgeführt werden.

Der Kauf der Motoryacht: FAQs

Welche sind die bekanntesten bootshersteller.

Die italienische Werft Cantieri Estensi wurde 1995 gegründet. Ein bekannter slowenischer Bootshersteller ist Vanga Yachts , der für seine zuverlässigen Motoryachten geschätzt wird. Abacus Marine stammt aus der Region Sizilien und ist seit 2003 in der Branche tätig.

Wie alt kann eine Motoryacht werden?

Motoryachten werden für Nutzungsdauern von mehreren Jahrzehnten ausgelegt. Um dieses Alter zu erreichen, müssen Sie regelmäßige Wartungs- und Reparaturarbeiten vornehmen lassen.

Wie schlimm ist es, wenn an der Yacht eine Beschädigung vorliegt?

Schäden und Defekte lassen sich meistens nicht verhindern. Der Motor ist großen Belastungen ausgesetzt und daher eine Schwachstelle.

Die Außenhülle sollte unbeschädigt sein, wobei kleine Kratzer die Sicherheit nicht gefährden.

Sind Ersatzteile schwierig zu besorgen?

Meistens sind in den Häfen beziehungsweise in der näheren Umgebung die Ersatzteile verfügbar. Gegebenenfalls müssen Sie einen oder mehrere Tage warten, sollte ein Ersatzteil bestellt werden müssen.

Tipps zum Kauf der Motoryacht

  • Fragen Sie nach bekannten Vorschäden sowie dem Zustand der Yacht.
  • Achten Sie auf alle technischen Daten und die Angaben zum Komfort.
  • Beachten Sie Angaben zur zulässigen Personenanzahl und dem möglichen Fahrgebiet.
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Ninnescah sailing area

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State Parks Passport

GPS: N37 44.513 W97 50.430

Map of Location

Campsites cannot be Reserved

Ninnescah sailing area is home to the Ninnescah Sailing Association. Founded in 1965 , it has become a first class sailing club with regattas including sailers from all over the US. Cheney State Lake is considered one of the 10 best sailing lakes in the US.

Area Facilities

  • Type of Facility: Shower/Toilet
  • This facility is ADA accessible
  • Location of Facility: N37 44.457 W97 50.480

Shower house

  • Type of Facility: Pit toilet
  • Location of Facility: N37 44.470 W97 50.428
  • Type of Facility: Boatramp
  • Location of Facility: N37 44.551 W97 50.423

single lane plus courtesy dock

Printable Version

motoryachten bis 15 meter ebay

Rural Messenger named official county newspaper, may come with legal issues

motoryachten bis 15 meter ebay

The Reno County Commission approved a motion to switch the official newspaper of Reno County from the Hutchinson News to the Rural Messenger on Wednesday morning at the county courthouse, citing that switching to another publication would save money on newspaper space and legal notices.

Three newspapers bid to become the official periodical: the Ninnescah Valley News (published in Pretty Prairie), The Rural Messenger (published in Haven), and the Hutchinson News (published in Hutchinson). Ninnescah Valley News has a print circulation of 630, and the Rural Messenger circulates 10,300 copies. The Hutchinson News failed to comment on publication numbers.

“I haven’t talked to anyone recently who still has a subscription to the [Hutchinson] news,” said Commissioner Don Bogner.

The commission cited concerns over costs to print in the Hutchinson News, as the corporate-owned paper charges $18.70 per column inch, compared to the Rural Messenger at $8.50, and the Ninnescah Valley News at $3.70.

“While I read and like the Rural Messenger, we’re all worried about costs and budget,” said Commissioner Ron Hirst.

Chairman Daniel Friesen proposed a resolution to authorize the change of the official newspaper to the Rural Messenger if they were to match the Ninnescah Valley News’s rate of cost.

“We would certainly entertain that,” said Anita Stuckey, an owner of the Rural Messenger.

However, the Rural Messenger may not be eligible to become the official paper, as the publication is free, and Kansas statute requires that newspapers must have “general paid circulation on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis in the county,” according to the Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes (64-101). 

Joey Young, owner of Kansas Publishing Ventures and Publisher of The Clarion, the Harvey County Now, and the Hillsboro Free Press, commented on the issue.

“That seems curious, as the Rural Messenger doesn’t fit the statute to be the official newspaper of the county. The Hutch News and the Ninnescah Valley News fit the statute the way I read it,” said Young. “I’m not entirely certain how the county will give the legal notices to the Rural Messenger legally”

Young also commented on a newspaper that his company manages, the Hillsboro Free Press. The Free Press is a free newspaper that covers Marion County but is not legally allowed to carry legal notices because it is a free publication.

“If a free paper were eligible to be the county newspaper, our Hillsboro Free Press in Marion County would be able to bid on the legals there, but we are not allowed to,” said Young.

Reno County Counselor Patrick Hoffman said that the Rural Messenger fit the Request for Proposal (RFP) and that the publication reported to the county they had paid circulation when they bid.

“We showed everybody the requirements of RFP, and we will double check that they meet the requirements before we make anything official,” said Hoffman.

If the Rural Messenger does not fit the statute or cannot match the pricing of print as the Ninnescah Valley News, the motion passed automatically defaults to the Ninnescah Valley News.

motoryachten bis 15 meter ebay

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523 N Ninnescah St, Pratt, KS 67124

  • 1,636 sqft 1,636 square feet
  • 5,000 sqft lot 5,000 square foot lot

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  • Property type Single Family
  • Year built 1908

Property Details

Property features, room description.

  • Total bath(s): 1
  • Total full bath(s): 1
  • Total bedroom(s): 3
  • Total rooms: 7

Lot size and SQFT

  • Living Area: 1636

Interior Features

  • Cooling features: Central
  • Heating features: Warm Air

Exterior Features

  • Frame/Plywood
  • Roofing: Composition Shingle

Listing information

  • Year Built: 1908


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  • 63 Median days on market
  • $81 Median price per sqft

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This Home: 523 N Ninnescah St$93,0983116365000

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Home » Government » History of Cunningham

History of Cunningham

This history of Cunningham begins with a history of Ninnescah. The Ninnescah Post Office opened August 20, 1885. The earliest existing copy of the Ninnescah Herald is dated August 12, 1886, being Volume 1, Number 20. This would place Volume 1, Number 1 at April 1, 1886, assuming that the paper was a weekly as it has been since. The editors and publishers of the Ninnescah Herald were C.L. Severy and J. Geo. Smith. These two names figure prominently in the history of both Ninnescah and Cunningham.

Communities developed for a number of reasons. Some started with one family, joined by friends or relatives. Many grew around a church. A trading post, fort, or a way station gave birth to others. In western Kansas, many towns were started by capitalists hoping to turn a profit. An evening spent with one of Fitzgerald’s Ghost Town’s of Kansas books verifies that fortunes were made and lost in the business of town-building.

In the 1870’s and 1880’s, the arrival of a railroad often determined which towns survived and which faded into history. While more research is needed, the relationship of C.L. Severy and J. Geo. Smith and their involvement in the development of Ninnescah, Kansas can be gleaned from the early newspapers and books available. C.L. Severy was the son of Luther Severy, an Emporia cattleman with vast holdings in land who was also a director of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad. He invested in several town companies, including one named for him in Greenwood County. C.L. Severy was the secretary of the Ninnescah Town Company, a real estate agent and loan agent, and owner of the first hotel in Ninnescah. J. Geo.Smith was Severy’s partner in the Ninnescah Herald. He was also involved in real estate and loans. It appears that the two were partners in several ventures centering on promoting the town of Ninnescah.

On September 2, 1886, the partners sold the Herald to W. M. Bacheller, who published the paper until October 28, 1886, when J. Geo. Smith reappears as editor and publisher. During this time, Mr. Severy returned to Emporia and Mr. Smith became partners with T.N. Price in the “land, loan, and insurance company of Price, Smith & Co.” Mr. Price was also a farmer, implement dealer, and owner of a hardware store in Ninnescah.

The first mention of Col. J. D. Cunningham in the Ninnescah Herald is on October 7, 1886. W.M. Bacheller writes: “Col. J.D. Cunningham of Chapin, Illinois, who has been in Ninnescah several weeks, has fallen in love completely with the west. He is largely interested in Kingman County and is one of the most sociable and pleasant gentlemen to be met anywhere and has met a host of friends who would gladly welcome him as a citizen. In behalf of our town we extend him the right hand of fellowship and tender him the welcome of all its citizens.”

In this same edition of the Herald Mr. Bacheller lists and describes many of the businesses in Ninnescah at the time. The town was prospering. The role of the Kingman, Pratt, and Western railroad was often mentioned along with the town’s prosperity. For a short time Ninnescah was its western terminus due to a delay brought on by a feud between Pratt Center and Saratoga. These were boom times, with much happening in the area over a period of a few months. By February 3, 1887, Mr. Price had moved to Greensburg. Mr. Smith was in partnership with Mr. Clark in real estate.

The following is reprinted from an advertisement for Clark & Smith: “Hurrah! Hurrah! Now is Your Time to Buy Town Lots in Ninnescah. This rapidly growing little city is situated on the new extension of the Wichita & Western under the name of the Kingman, Pratt & Western. It has a beautiful location twenty miles to the west of Kingman and eighteen miles to the east of Pratt Center. The water is excellent and the large scope of the country tributary is rich and productive. Town lots are going up at a lively rate. Now is your opportunity. If you decide to build, three and five years will be given. It is bound to make a good town.”

On June 30, 1887, the following notice appeared in the Ninnescah Herald: “The books for the subscription of stock in the new town of Cunningham, will be closed Saturday, July 9th, 1887, and we respectfully request all those wishing an interest or add to their already acquired interest in the new “Farmer’s Town,” a mutual town with bright prospects in a highly cultivated country, should avail themselves before it is too late. A thorough explanation of the conditions, aims, and objects of the town will be given with the pleasure of application. One and all interested in this section of the country should not fail to investigate its advantages and invest. Shares, $10 each. Only a limited number left. COMMITTEE Headquarters: HERALD OFFICE”

Three items from the August 4, 1887, Ninnescah Herald show that while Cunningham was being born on the north side of the tracks, Ninnescah refused to yield on the south: “Col. J. D. Cunningham of Winsboro, Texas, is in the city for the purpose of transferring the new town site to the Town Company, and also to invest largely in the stock. The Col. is no stranger in our midst, having paid our city several visits in the past. Whole souled, jolly, and generous to a fault, his name will be a credit to the new town.”

“L. Severy, a prominent capitalist of Emporia, went east on the W & W on Friday. He had been at Ninnescah, where he has large property interests, seeing what there is to the Cunningham move…While the Leader has no desire to take part in the controversy over our western neighbors, it has no hopes of Mr. Severy ever doing the town any good.” (Kingman Leader quoted in the Ninnescah Herald).

“Mr. L. Severy had a streak of generosity and presented the Presbyterian church with an 800 lb. bell. It is already placed in position in the belfry and its ringing notes can be heard by all the community ‘round.”

Mr. Smith began using the name The Cunningham Herald for his paper on October 27, 1887. He provided his readers with several arguments for the new town of Cunningham, although his real estate company listed lots and buildings for sale in Ninnescah at the same time. Some buildings were physically moved from Ninnescah to Cunningham. While the move and change seemed popular, there are several names mentioned as being opposed to the move.

Tornado of March 24, 1888

By the time the tornado devastated Ninnescah in 1888, the town of Cunningham was well established. Many businesses and residences had moved to the new town. The post office was still in Ninnescah and a handful of businesses and residents held onto the old name, but the new town company had been successful in its efforts to form a town north of the railroad tracks.

The following accounts are reprinted from The Cunningham Herald of April 5, 1888, J. George Smith, editor and publisher:

Tornado Swept Over Our Beautiful City Leaving Destruction in Its Path

Although a little late for publication, we are induced by many of our patrons to publish a condensed account of the storm and its effect. When the heavy black clouds were seen in the southwest that eventful Saturday afternoon (March 24 th ) very few of our people expected anything more than a rain storm. Soon a terrible commotion was perceptible in the heavens; little black funnel shaped clouds darting about in every direction almost touching the ground at times. To all appearances it seemed to form within sight of our little city, and when—notwithstanding the timely warning—at about 5:30, these funnel shaped agents of destruction swept down over us, very few were prepared to receive it. The crash of timbers and the rattle of tin roofs was simply terrible. A fearful hail storm followed, some as large as hen’s eggs, breaking hundreds of panes of glass.

The storm seemed to last an age, so say some—possibly owing to the fact that not a few were scared out of several years growth—but from our best recollection it continued fully twenty minutes.

Fortunately no lives were lost but a number were injured more or less. A false report has been going the rounds of the press to the effect that several persons were killed and many wounded.

It is almost impossible to give an accurate statement of the losses  incurred, many buildings being badly racked but still standing. We will give them as near as we could ascertain.

The roof of the Sheard Hotel was entirely blown off. Loss estimated at $1,000.

Ransom Kelloggs’s store building on Commercial street is a total wreck. Loss, $600.

The new Presbyterian Church is a heap of ruins and was valued at $2,000.

The old town company building on Commercial street belonging to L. Severy was badly racked. Loss about $200.

Rev. J. R. Millsap’s residence and barn were swept out of existence, destroying contents. Loss, $600.

T. N. Price’s large store and office building—occupied by The Herald and the Methodists—was totally demolished. Loss, $1,000.

The National Hotel was damaged $250.

Tom Long’s livery stable was badly torn up and scattered. Loss, $500.

Sam Harris residence, $100. Carey Lumber Co., 100; L. L. Michener, store building and residence, 200; M. Rouse, stable and residence, 50; Depot buildings and tool house, 400; W. F. Fielder, store buildings, 50; Phil Weiss, store building, 25;   A. Click, residence, 50; Chas. Doan, residence, 25; E. Bupp, residence, 25; C. S. Davis, stable and horses injured, 150; Geo. Shapley, residence, 25; G. A. Lakin, residence, 50; Herald office, 200, and others. Northeast of town on the ranch of John A. Cragun, the dwelling house is a complete wreck and the lumber for a new stable was scattered in every direction, the loss over $600; James Branaman’s dwelling house was damaged to the amount of $300, and Mr. Mosher’s the same.

Mr. Joseph McPeek’s fine orchard is completely stripped of its beauty.

They say that Station Agent Igon interviewed the pump house for two hours after the storm.

Jim Brower and James McAdams give a very graffic [ sic ] account of the cyclone and its tragic effects.

The Presbyterian Church, one of the finest structures west of Kingman, was picked up bodily and crushed to the earth.

Frank Carman and Chas Doty were out battling with the storm, finally seeking protection in one of the railroad sewer pipes.

Rev. J. R. Millsap’s residence was swept over their heads leaving them exposed to the terrible hail storm. They lost nearly everything.

Tom Long was blown against a wagon in front of his barn and carried to the railroad depot, a distance of six or seven hundred feet. He was injured internally.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cragun, Mr. James Branaman and family, and Mr. Mosher and family, all relate terrible experiences, their dwelling houses having been wrecked leaving them exposed to the terrible hail and wind storm.

John Hicks received a letter from a friend in Indiana offering substantial aid, having read of the total destruction of the town in some of the eastern dailies and supposed, of course, that John was one of the sufferers. John appreciates the generous offer, we can assure you.

Col. J. D. Cunningham and the writer were in The Herald office when it collapsed. It has been reported that the Col. offered up a prayer for the first time in fourteen years. We know not how true the report is having been busy at the critical period holding the door frame after the glass front was  destroyed.

On the next page of the April 5, 1888 Herald , Mr. Smith adds to the account of the tornado. Also included below is another view of the damage to the Presbyterian Church by B. F. Haviland, minister of the church at the time.

Resurrected Cunningham Bobs Up Serenely More Beautiful that Ever

A Booming Cyclone

Notwithstanding the destruction of property by the late cyclone, the rush of business continues unbroken as if nothing had occurred. When the business of the surrounding country demands a town, it is a necessity and the effect of the late atmospheric disturbances only had a tendency to encourage the people to renewed vigor in not only rebuilding the wrecked buildings but many new ones are being projected. Store room and house room are scarcer that gold guineas and the demand continues to increase. Two new churches, beautiful in architectural design, will soon grace the beautiful residence site on the north side of town. A large and commodious school building is also contemplated by the people of this district, the present one being entirely too small to accommodate the rapidly increasing school population. Already the sound of the hammer and the rasp of the saw is heard on every hand.

Cast Down But Not Destroyed

Careful inspection reveals the fact that the wreck of the Presbyterian Church in Ninnescah week from last Saturday is not so bad as first reported. Most of the material is uninjured; both ends were taken out bodily; five large and beautiful front windows suffered only the loss of a portion of the glass. One half the roof is in two sections. The foundation, floor, rostrum, and joists are injured but very little. A portion of the seats are unharmed; two sides of the vestibule are intact; the spire with trifling exception is “solid” and the frame work unharmed. The bell and fixing are uninjured save the wheel for the rope. Measures will be taken immediately for rebuilding.

We recently spent an afternoon at the Kingman Public Library and gleaned the following account from the Kingman Daily Courier , Smith & Buckley, editors and publishers. The date is March 27, 1888. Unfortunately the March 26 th paper referred to in this article was unavailable.

Cunningham’s Condition

But Little Changes to Note From Yesterday’s Report

The Courier’s report of the Cunningham disaster, though gathered hastily, is verified to-day by a gentleman just in from that unfortunate village. It was a matter of impossibility to give anything like a correct estimate of the losses yesterday, but to-day the Courier is enabled to present its readers a fair statement of the damage resulting from Saturday’s storm.

Presbyterian Church, $1,600; Shear Hotel, $1,800; M. E. Church, $250; R. Kellogg, store house, $600; Carey Lumber Company, $1,100; J. R.  Millsap, dwelling, $500; T. U. Price, store house, $2,200; Tom Long, livery stable, $850; Wm. Brana- [ line of type missing ] residence (hotel building), $300; L. L. Michener, hardware, $125; Jim George Smith, Esquire, Herald office, $150; C. S. Davis, coal merchant, $25; Charles Doan, residence, $40; M. Rouse, livery stable, $60; Clyde Doty, drug store, $50; G. A. Lakin, residence, $75; John Cragun, residence and outbuildings, $1,000. There are many other losses reported but all of them are of so minor a character that mention is unnecessary. The injuries received by Mrs. Branaman and Mrs. Millspaugh are not so severe as reported.

The tornado of 1888 sealed the fate of Ninnescah, although a reading of the newspapers from the months prior indicates that the Cunningham Town Company had already won the battle for the site. When Cunningham was first formed north of the railroad tracks, it was a separate town born of local efforts. The major investor in the Ninnescah Town Company lived in Emporia and spent but a few months in Ninnescah in her infancy. His former partner in some business ventures, J. George Smith, stayed in Ninnescah and was instrumental in the creation of the Cunningham Town Company.

On May 29, 1888, the Post Office in Ninnescah was discontinued and the name changed to Cunningham. The plat for Ninnescah was not abandoned until much later.

We end this account of Cunningham’s early days with a promise to continue as time and space permit. The tornado which struck Ninnescah on March 24th, 1888, seems to have been the death blow for the town, although many businesses and residences had moved prior to that date. It appears likely that Cunningham would have succeeded and Ninnescah faded without this disaster.


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    Boote & Bootszubehör. 1 - 25 von 718 Boote und Bootszubehör für „motoryacht" in Deutschland. Erstelle einen Suchauftrag und lasse dich benachrichtigen, wenn neue Anzeigen eingestellt werden. Suchauftrag speichern.

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    Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen? Beim internationalen Bootsmarkt Yachtall finden Sie Ihr Traumboot. - Länge > 15 m. x. OK . Video x. de. 2. https://static.yachtall.com. ... Motoryacht + Länge 15+ m. Sie können diesen Suchauftrag jederzeit bearbeiten oder beenden. Diese Optionen finden Sie in jeder E-Mail des Suchauftrags.

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    Große Auswahl neuer und gebrauchter Motorboote online entdecken bei eBay. Große Auswahl neuer und gebrauchter Motorboote online entdecken bei eBay. ... Motoryacht (16 Meter) Günstig Abzugeben! NOTVERKAUF. Privat. EUR 8.500,00. Abholung. oder Preisvorschlag ... EUR 3.500,00. 0 Gebote Endet am Mittwoch, 18:15 MESZ 1T 13Std Abholung. Motoryacht ...

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    Große Auswahl neuer und gebrauchter Motorboot Gebraucht online entdecken bei eBay. Große Auswahl neuer und gebrauchter Motorboot Gebraucht online entdecken bei eBay. ... EUR 15.600,00. oder Preisvorschlag. 158 Beobachter. Abholung. ... Neues Angebot motorboote gebrauchte mit trailer. Gebraucht · Privat. EUR 3.700,00. oder Preisvorschlag.

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    15m Motoryacht Radius New Image. Verdränger, Stahlyacht, Wohnschiff, Yacht mit bezahltem Liegeplatz im Herzen... 129.000 €. 24837 Schleswig. 13.05.2024. Trailerboot / 5,15 m inkl. Trailer. Moin, wir bieten hier ein wunderschönes, kleines aber feines Motorboot für einen Kunden an. Das... 13.199 € VB.

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    Bei dem Preis kommt es immer auf den Hersteller, auf die Ausstattung, auf das Alter, die Betriebsstunden und auf den Zustand des Bootes an.Eine gute, kleinere gebrauchte Motoryacht bekommt man schon für ca. 20.000 €, eine neue ab ca. 60.000 €. Jeder Meter mehr kostet auch mehr. Neue Motoryachten ab 10 m kosten ab 100.000 €.

  8. Motoryacht

    Maxiyacht, Mini-Maxi, Maxis oder Mega-Yacht: Die verschiedenen Arten von Motoryachten. Die Gruppe der Motoryachten beinhaltet unter anderem die Maxi-Yachten. Sie weisen eine Mindestlänge von 18 Metern auf. Die Mini-Maxis sind zwischen 18 und 24 Meter lang. Die dritte Untergruppe sind die Maxis mit einer Länge von 24 bis 30,5Metern.

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    Motorboot / Motoryacht: President Yachts, Gebrauchtboot, GFK/Kunststoff Länge x Breite: 20 m x 5,50 m, 20 x 5,50 m Bj.: 1990, Kabinen: 3 Motor: MAN D2448, 2 x 509,9 PS (375 kW), Diesel € 90.000 Liegeplatz: Italien , Lagune Marano 1990

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    Ihre gesamte Familie wasserbegeistert ist. Sie sich für schiere Kraftentfaltung auf dem Wasser begeistern können. Alle 5.415 Angebote anzeigen. Kaufen Sie Ihre Motoryacht bei Boat24! Die Bootsbörse für alle, die Motoryachten lieben. Wir bieten Ihnen eine riesige Auswahl an neuen und gebrauchten Motoryachten.

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  17. Ninnescah sailing area / West Shore / Areas / Cheney / Locations ...

    GPS: N37 44.513 W97 50.430. Map of Location. Campsites cannot be Reserved. Other Information: Ninnescah sailing area is home to the Ninnescah Sailing Association. Founded in 1965 , it has become a first class sailing club with regattas including sailers from all over the US. Cheney State Lake is considered one of the 10 best sailing lakes in ...

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  19. Rural Messenger named official county newspaper, may come with legal issues

    CREDIT: SANDRA MILBURN/RENO COUNTY. The Reno County Commission approved a motion to switch the official newspaper of Reno County from the Hutchinson News to the Rural Messenger on Wednesday morning at the county courthouse, citing that switching to another publication would save money on newspaper space and legal notices. Three newspapers bid ...

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    Kleinanzeigen: Motorboot 15 Ps, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! eBay Kleinanzeigen ist jetzt Kleinanzeigen. Hallo! Willkommen bei Kleinanzeigen. Melde dich hier an, oder erstelle ein neues Konto, damit du: ... 15 ps Motorboot zu verkaufen Trailer hat keinen TÜV mehr. Papiere für Trailer sind vorhanden Motor... 1.700 € VB. 6 ...

  21. 523 N Ninnescah St, Pratt, KS 67124

    Sold on February 15, 2024. $119,000. 3 bed; 1 bath; 1,208 sqft 1,208 square feet; 0.29 acre lot 0.29 acre lot; 502 School St. Pratt, KS 67124. Property detail for 210 W Cleveland St Pratt, KS 67124.

  22. used boat motors 15hp for sale

    Get the best deals for used boat motors 15hp at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Skip to main content. ... Honda BF15 15 hp 4-Stroke 20" Outboard Boat Motor Four Stroke Tiller Prop PTT. Opens in a new window or tab. Pre-Owned. $2,350.00. bostonharbormarine (752) 100%. or ...

  23. History of Cunningham

    This history of Cunningham begins with a history of Ninnescah. The Ninnescah Post Office opened August 20, 1885. The earliest existing copy of the Ninnescah Herald is dated August 12, 1886, being Volume 1, Number 20. This would place Volume 1, Number 1 at April 1, 1886, assuming that the paper was a weekly as it has been since.