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Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club is a friendly and inclusive sailing club based at Mercury Marina on the river Hamble, near Southampton. We own two yachts and have an active membership of over 300 individuals from all walks of life.

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Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

Nov 30, 2014

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Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Annual General Meeting 21st Sept 2011. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Commodore Report Barry Lloyd. Committee. Your Team Chairman: Carla Gregory/Kieran Graham Deputy Chairman: Chris Byron Patron: Tony Dormer Commodore: Barry Lloyd

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Presentation Transcript

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Annual General Meeting 21st Sept 2011

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Commodore Report Barry Lloyd

Committee Your Team Chairman: Carla Gregory/Kieran Graham Deputy Chairman: Chris Byron Patron: Tony Dormer Commodore: Barry Lloyd Finance: Hans Karlsen/Brian Gregory Operations : Paul Wragg Sailing: Kevin George Training: Kevin Hillyer Membership: Chris Butler Marketing: Patrick Spink Company Secretary: Susan Payne-Butler

Last Year’s Objectives • Membership Survey- listening to what the members want • Growth of the Club • Maximising Boat Usage

Yacht Club Structure RYA

Successes • Survey results 99% approval rating • Maintained membership level • RYA Sailing School • Maintained fee structure • Summer Cruise / Cruise in Company • Club Dinner Dance • Boat replacement • Financial Planning for the future

Support Teams • Bosun Team • Training Team • Bookings • Sailing Fees Treasurer • Talk to Chris • Website Maintenance/Development • Marketing Team • New Boat Team Thank You!

Commodore Report Thank YouEveryone! Good Sailing!

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Sailing Report Kevin George/Chris Lemon

Bookings Cruising 2011 Sailing Report

Bookings Overview Boat utilisation improved Training in winter months biggest change Summer cruise drives utilisation, well subscribed

Boat Utilisation • Utilisation improved • Training in winter months • New Speedbird well used Note: Data for ‘Old’ Speedbird not available

Crew Days • Speedbird summer cruise • Training in winter months • on Concorde Note: Data for ‘Old’ Speedbird not available

Cruising 2011 • Summer Cruise 2011 • West Country • 60 days • 310 crew days (279 in 2010) • Plan for summer cruise 2012 • Other club boat cruises • Cross Channel Easter – April • London mini cruise – August * • St Malo – October • West Coast Scotland • Two boats in 2011, 5 days • Interest for 2012 ?

SOYC Training RYA Certificates issued from January 2011 • Start Yachting – 14 • Competent Crew – 2 • Day Skipper – 4

WINTER Training • PRACTICAL COURSES • YACHTMASTER (YM/CS Prep) • Courses in November and April • Improve Your Skills (IYS) • 2 in October and 3 in November • Day Skipper and Competent Crew Skills • 1 per month • SHOREBASED COURSES • RADAR • VHF Radio • First Aid • Day Skipper Theory • Coastal/Yachtmaster Theory

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Finance Report Brian Gregory

Income & Expenditure2011 2010£k £kIncomeMembership Fees 34 28Sailing Fees 45 46Courses 1918 Total 98 92ExpenditureMaintenance 19 26Depreciation 14 11Berthing 14 14Insurance 4 4Course costs 9 11Marketing, Admin & Other 6 6 Total 66 72Operating Surplus32 20 Profit on sale of Speedbird 9Total Surplus4120

Balance SheetAs at 31st March20112010£k£kAssetsBoats at net book values: New Speedbird 146 Old Speedbird 57 Concorde 4148 187 105Bank account balances 62 111Prepayments less creditors 6 1LiabilitiesLoans from Central Council (59) (62)Net Assets196155Capital and ReservesOpening equity 155 135Total surplus for the year 41 20Closing equity 196155

Highlights • Increased membership boosted subs fees • Continuing good net training income • Maintenance down with costs avoided by sale of old Speedbird • Successful new boat purchase • Financed from Club savings • Profit against book value of old boat

Future • Expect to make a similar surplus in 2012 as 2011 • Boat Maintenance costs remain key financial risk • Saving for replacement of Concorde in early 2013(?) • Directors and Officers Liability – more litigious environment

Finance Report • Special Thank You to: • Susan Payne-Butler • Mel Calvert

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Marketing Report Patrick Spink

Marketing Report • Key objectives: • 1/. Increase and maintain membership at 300. • 2/. Encourage at least 50% of members to sail at least once and 25% of members to undertake one training class in the year. • 3/. Get 10% of members to at least one social event.

Marketing report • Membership numbers strong (nearly 300) • Boat utilisation and member participation strong • Social aspect – Range of new social events held across 2011 and 3rd Annual dinner on 19th November

Marketing report • Key activities for the coming year? • Continued recruitment events • Annual members survey out end this year • 3rd SOYC Annual Dinner – get your reservations in!!!!! • Continue supporting Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust A very big thank you to: • Sue Viney, Andrew Hamblin, Mark Hobson, Thomas Hughes, Phil Hardyman, Thomas Hughes, Rachel Thiel.

Members Survey • We asked – and 85 of you responded (down from 112 last year). • Nature of response similar to last year • you like a range of day trips and longer passages • you are happy with the marina, the fees, the way the club is run, you’re not interested in sailing with other clubs • training’s important – especially practical courses • happy with the new boat • 67% said social aspect is important

Members Survey • …so we… • Maintained fees as they were • Enhanced the training programme • Kept the management style the same and maintained member communication levels as were • Continue to ensure sailing is available all year round and the cruise gives everyone a longer passage break • Offered more social events

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Membership Report Chris Butler

Membership Statistics April 2010 to April 2011 • 50 New Members • 33 Resignations • 21 Junior members • For comparison with full members at end of: • 05/06 - 224 • 06/07 - 249 • 07/08 - 244 • 08/09 - 251 • 09/10 - 289 • Full members end of 10/11 - 306 (a club record)

Membership Report April 2011 – to date (half year) • 28 Resignations at year end • 18 New Members • 9 Ordinary, 1 Retired, 8 Associate • Currently 296 Full members • Plus 16 Juniors • 38% Associate members • capacity for 12 new Associates

Feedback from Changes last year to Sailing Orders affecting membership • At renewal on April 1st members who have not paid their subscription fees cannot use the Bookings System and any bookings made prior will be suspended • All new members must pay their subscription fees by Direct Debit to join the club • All existing members who do not pay their subscription fees by Direct Debit will incur an additional £2.50 administrative charge

Membership Summary • We have retained more members this year than previous years even given the economic climate • We have continued to attract new members, 148 in the last 3 years (50% of our total membership) • Membership numbers have increased year on year and are at a healthy level to sustain the club

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Operations Report Paul Wragg

Operations Report My role is that of Operations Director Responsibilities include: • Management of equipment (including safety products, such as life-raft), maintenance/Service/consumables & supplier -contracts for the boat operation. • Marina selection & contracts • Availability of Bosun Team &/or Support • (Partial) Management of time-critical documentation/licensing I.e. EPIRB, VHF, Sea Start, coding etc (*has thus far been in conjunction with Bosun Shaun Molloy) • Coding Compliance

Operations Report Bosun Team A great deal of work undertaken, particularly during the Winter/Spring Maintenance programme, & grateful for the constant on-going dedication & contribution by; Jeff Nellist Shaun Molloy Steve Jones All to which I owe a huge thank you! Also to announce Chris Butlerto the Bosun Team.

Operations ReportConcorde-Maintenance • A total of £7,800 maintenance cost from Jan. to Sept. • (£13,600 for same period in 2010) • Notable expenditures being: • £540 new spray-hood • £627 North Sail launder & repair • £2,413 on the engine!

Operations Report • Old Speedbird • Disposed of in December 2010, for a part exchange value of £59,000, now with a private owner in Norway. • Was approaching potentially some high expenses in 2011 for 5 year coding inspection plus likely engine expense, so a timely disposal.

Operations ReportNew Speedbird-Maintenance • £2,000 maintenance cost from Feb. to Sept. • N/A for same period in 2010 • Notable expenditures being: • £760 for coding exam • £504 for life-raft hire • £482 for new life-jackets • £787 for rigging mods • all included in approximately £3,000 commissioning costs • So a total of £5,000 expenditure to date. • Plus approximately £4,000 on new Autohelm imminent.

Operations Report • MDL, Mercury • The feedback for the relocation from Port Hamble still remains generally positive- i.e..... for car parking & marina facilities such as the restaurant/bar & general setting/location. • Possibility of reviewing Premier Marina @ Swanwick, some £2,000 overall lower cost over next ¼). • MDL-Club Outlook Card Benefits-Reminder; • Fuel @ Cost Price (apparently) to MDL • 30 FREE berths/boat/year @ any MDL marina • 1/2 price crane-age (@ Hamble Point)

Operations Report • North Sails • Whilst we are used to it, there is still a noticeable performance improvement over the Elvestrom sails they replaced. • Total Cost (Concorde) around £5,500-hopefully you agree money well spent! • Still a saleable (no pun!) asset should we need it • A reminder to please refer to the Check List for pre & post-sail • guidance-to help their longevity & performance.

Operations Report Winter Maintenance • Speedbird: TBA • Concorde: TBA but will try to arrange along planned lines of 2010 i.e. to allow availability of 1 boat for sailing over Xmas period

Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club End of Director Reports Thank You

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Company number 05579271

  • Company Overview for SPEEDBIRD OFFSHORE YACHT CLUB LIMITED (05579271)
  • Filing history for SPEEDBIRD OFFSHORE YACHT CLUB LIMITED (05579271)

Next accounts made up to 31 March 2024 due by 31 December 2024

Last accounts made up to 31 March 2023

Confirmation statement

Next statement date 10 October 2024 due by 24 October 2024

Last statement dated 10 October 2023

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ASA Sailing Schools in Southern California

Click on the red cluster circles to zoom in, or on the individual pins for more information.

Directory of American Sailing Association sailing schools located in Southern California where you can take beginning to advanced sailing lessons.

Aventura Sailing Academy Dana Point, Southern California

(949) 493-9493

speedbird offshore yacht club

Aventura Sailing Academy is Dana Point Harbor’s Premier Sailing Club and Academy. For over 44 years we have been successfully teaching students, from the beginner to the advanced. We are a West Coast leader in producing well trained Sailors.

USCG Master Class 100T Captain Ric Dahlin (Director of  Academy) is also a Collegiate level sailing instructor, and as a professional educator, Aventura’s classroom and lectures have been providing “best in class” sailing instruction with top results. All of our Certified ASA instructors are friendly and dedicated to your sailing instruction. Aventura Academy’s classes are challenging, fun and engaging but most importantly highly effective.

More Information

Blue Pacific Yachting Marina del Rey, Southern California

(310) 305-7245

speedbird offshore yacht club

Let Blue Pacific Yachting help you realize the joys of sailing. Learn to sail in a safe and supportive environment under the expert guidance of our certified instructors. Students gain hands-on experience and acquire the knowledge and confidence to sail aboard a modern, mid-sized, fully-equipped yacht.

Bluewater Sailing Marina del Rey, Southern California

(310) 823-5545

speedbird offshore yacht club

Sailing lessons in Marina del Rey, the Pacific Ocean and beyond. In addition to our ASA courses, we offer year-round innovative sailing possibilities that are tons of fun with many opportunities to get out on the water and meet others in our vast community of sailors with all levels of experience. 

California Sailing Cooperative Marina del Rey, Southern California

(909) 861-5673

speedbird offshore yacht club

California Sailing Cooperative (CSC), founded in 1994, is a non-profit club and school offering comprehensive sailing instruction, including ASA certifications, at an affordable cost on a well maintained Catalina 36. The teaching team, headed by Training Director Capt. Charlie Hentges, consisting of CSC’s ASA certified instructor/skippers and club mates, all of whom have completed at least 3 ASA courses. CSC earned the 2012 ASA “School of the Year” award.. CSC’s training philosophy permits members to work on their ASA certifications at their own comfort level, setting their own time table, thus combining expert instruction with at-sea experience. Every sail is …

Freeman Marine Institute Newport Beach, California

(916) 792-8478.

speedbird offshore yacht club

Freeman Marine Institute is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and helping students gain access to the amazing world of Sailing.

Harbor Sailboats San Diego, Southern California

(619) 291-9568

Harbor Sailboats, San Diego, CA ~ ASA Certified Sailing School

Harbor Sailboats is San Diego’s Premier Sailing Club, offering award winning instruction aboard Southern California’s most modern fleet of sailboats. Founded in 1969, Harbor Sailboats offers ASA sailing courses from Basic Keelboat to Advanced Coastal Cruising. In addition to offering the International Proficiency Certificate for European/Mediterranean chartering, Harbor Sailboats also offers learn to sail vacations. Spend the week aboard a luxurious sailing yacht while a certified instructor prepares you for a lifetime of confident sailing.

Learn to Sail San Diego San Diego, Southern California

(619) 316-6430

speedbird offshore yacht club

We offer live aboard and learn to sail courses in beautiful San Diego. All of our classes are private, so only you and your friends or family will be on board our Beneteau 36s7.

Leo Robbins Community Sailing Center Ventura, Southern California

(805) 658-4746

speedbird offshore yacht club

Quality instruction, award winning instructors, affordable pricing and scheduling.

Los Angeles Yacht Club San Pedro, Southern California

(310) 831-1203

Los Angeles Yacht Club (LAYC) - Certified ASA Sailing School

Offering beginning and advanced ASA certification courses, Los Angeles Yacht Club’s mission is to bring its sailing heritage and tradition to everyone. Our ASA certified instructors will teach you to sail our 22’ Capris safely and confidently over five, 4-hour lessons. Classes are offered Tuesday through Sunday in a group setting, with no more than three students per boat. Private and family lessons are also available.

Marina Sailing – Channel Islands Oxnard, Southern California

(805) 985-5219

speedbird offshore yacht club

Marina Sailing is Southern California’s oldest and largest sailing charter and instruction company. Started in 1962, our six locations along the coast offer a wide range of boats from 22 to 50 feet, including monohulls, catamarans, and powerboats.

Marina Sailing – Long Beach Long Beach, Southern California

(562) 432-4672, marina sailing – marina del rey marina del rey, southern california, (310) 822-6617

speedbird offshore yacht club

Marina Sailing – Newport Beach Newport Beach, Southern California

(949) 548-8900

speedbird offshore yacht club

Marina Sailing – Redondo Beach Redondo Beach, Southern California

(310) 318-2772, marina sailing – san diego san diego, southern california, (619) 221-8286, naos yachts marina del rey, southern california, (310) 821-8446

Naos Yachts, CA

The Naos Yachts team consists of offshore, coastal and dinghy racers, as well as long distance cruisers. Our instructors are all ASA certified and we provide instruction on brand new Beneteau yachts and Lagoon catamarans.

Newport Beach Sailing School Newport Beach, Southern California

(949) 209-9931

speedbird offshore yacht club

The Newport Beach Sailing School is unique in that we specialize in private and semi-private sailing instruction off the coast of Southern California. Our motto is ‘The best value in private sailing lessons.’ We are dedicated to providing highly personalized instruction, and the classes are scheduled according to your availability.

Redondo Beach Recreation Redondo Beach, Southern California

(310) 318-0610 ext. 3399, sail channel islands oxnard, southern california, (805) 750-7828

Sail Channel Islands

COASTAL CRUISING AND BAREBOAT TRAINING in Channel Islands NationalPark. That’s what I do. That and cruises for up to four people just for the fun of it. In terms of ASA qualifications, I only do private lessons – just you and your crew. And if your crew is a spouse who just needs a vacation, that’s fine, too.

San Luis Yacht Club Avila Beach, California

(805) 546-3132.

Learn to sail in the San Luis Yacht Club flagship, the 30 ft. Bermuda sloop “Second Wind”, on beautiful Avila Bay, California. These classes bring participants, ages 16 and up, to ASA 101 (beginner level) standard. Classes cover basic sailing theory, parts of the boat, crew communications, tacking, jibing, sail trim, crew overboard recovery, safety and more. Fee includes a textbook and tests. Upon successful completion of class and passing the ASA 101 Exam, an additional $39 will be collected by the instructor for students wishing to get certified. The certificate is internationally recognized and can be used to help …

Santa Barbara Sailing Center Santa Barbara, Southern California

(805) 962-2826

The Santa Barbara Sailing Center offers award winning instruction in one of the finest training locations in the world. We average 10-15 knots of wind right outside The Santa Barbara Harbor for our ASA 101 & 103 courses. During our 104 & 106 courses, we average 20-25 knots of wind at The Channel Islands National Park and Marine Sanctuary. Training Vessels include Catalina 22’s, 28’s, 32’s, 36’s, 42’s & 50’s. All instructors all USCG licensed & ASA certified. We offer world renowned Corporate Regattas which emphasizes Team Building.

Seaforth Boat Rentals San Diego, Southern California

(888) 834-2628

speedbird offshore yacht club

At Seaforth Boater Education we offer sailing classes and lessons for every level of sailor, from beginner to advanced. If you are just starting out, we offer the Amercian Sailing Association’s Basic Keelboat Sailing course designed to teach the beginner the fundamentals of sailing. If you have been sailing for a while in the bays and are interested in getting more out of your sailing, take a look at our 3-Day or 4-Day ASA 103/104 Combo Class where you can learn more advanced coastal sailing techniques. All of our classes are designed to allow you to get the most out …

South Bay Sailing Redondo Beach, Southern California

(310) 937-3180

South Bay Sailing has been offering a wide range American Sailing Association Certification Courses, Charters, Rentals, Youth Lessons/Camps, Social Events and much more since 2005. Learn basic through advanced sailing skills or just enjoy the day on the water with a twist of performance aboard one of our J/80s or our Farr 40. And why not hold your next team building regatta on actual race boats! No matter what sailing option you choose, our ASA certified sailing instructors will have you on the open ocean minutes after your departure. South Bay Sailing has always prided itself in making sailing accessible …

West Coast Multihulls San Diego, Southern California

(619) 365-4326

speedbird offshore yacht club

Catamarans and trimarans are not just another income stream for West Coast Multihulls, they are our passion. If your sailing goal is to become a proficient confident multihull sailor, we are the school for you. Our staff and Instructors have decades of multihull, training, sailing and live-aboard experience to draw from and share with you. We sail out of beautiful San Diego, CA with sailing classes offered year-round from the Sunroad Resort Marina. San Diego enjoys a comfortable, moderate climate with light to moderate winds throughout the year. We are the only catamaran and trimaran specialists in California. West Coast …

See all schools in California


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Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

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We have two Facebook pages:-

This is our public page and is for general use such as photos and stories, fun sailing links to other sites, up-coming trips looking for crew, training slots, etc. Part of the aim of this page is to present a fun and attractive public picture of the club which may attract new members

  Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

Soyc technical.

This is our 'closed group' , open to current SOYC Members only, that can only be read by members of the group. It can be used for things like Safety Bulletins and related Q&A , technical issues and questions, navigation and anything else more appropriate for non-public discussion. 

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Facebook is quick and easy to join ( ) and with a bit of care you can display as much or as little of your personal details as you choose. Once signed up you can click on the down arrow at the top right of the page in the Facebook toolbar and change your settings including security, privacy and blocking. If you join using an alias, please contact us since your real name as only recognised SOYC members will be allowed access to the SOYC Technical page.

To join either group please use the above links, or look up "Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club" and "SOYC Technical" on Facebook, and send requests to join. Only existing SOYC members listed on the SOYC booking system will be granted access to the SOYC Technical site.

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© Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Ltd 2024

Registered in England Company 05579271 49 Station Rd, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA

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  1. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club, Mercury Marina, Hamble near Southampton

    Formed in 1965, Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club has boats located near Southampton and over 300 active members. Toggle navigation. Home ... the club offers something for everyone. Our Boats. Speedbird - Oceanis 37. Read more about Speedbird. Concorde - Bavaria 36. Read more about Concorde.

  2. Who we are

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Ltd (SOYC) evolved from the British Airways Yacht Club, becoming wholly independent in 2016. Today we own two yachts located on the River Hamble near Southampton and have an active membership of approximately 300 individuals from all walks of life.SOYC offers its members competitively priced sailing in some of the ...

  3. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Public group. ·. 298 members. Join group. Welcome to the Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club's Facebook page. We are a friendly and inclusive yacht sailing club based at Mercury Marina...

  4. Our boats at Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Our boats are located at Mercury Marina on the River Hamble and are ideal for a wide range of sailing activities. Both our boats offer comfortable accommodation and are coded to Marine and Coastguard Agency (MCA) standards making them suited to day sailing right up to offshore passages. To make sailing as straight forward as possible they are ...

  5. Speedbird Offshore • SailTies

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club is a friendly and inclusive sailing club based at Mercury Marina on the river Hamble, near Southampton. We own two yachts and have an active membership of over 300 individuals from all walks of life. 31. NM. Total Distance. 1. Sailors. Add to Favourites.

  6. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Welcome to the Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club's Facebook page. We are a friendly and inclusive yacht sailing club based at Mercury Marina on the popular river Hamble, near Southampton. Our members...

  7. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Public group. 257 members. Join group. About. Discussion. Featured. Topics. Events. Media. More. About. Discussion. Featured. Topics. Events. Media. Speedbird ...

  8. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club, Hounslow

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club, Hounslow . Website. Route. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club . CRANE LODGE ROAD, Hounslow, Greater London England, TW5 9PQ. Send message. Edit the information displayed in this box. Opening Times . Opening times set on 03/08/2023 . Closed now, Opens in 13 hours. Opens in 13 hours.

  9. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club based in Hamble near Calshot ...

    We are based at Mercury Yacht Harbour, Hamble, Southampton. Find us on the map! Toggle navigation. Home Membership process ... Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Located near Southampton with over 300 members. Where We Are. Mercury Yacht Harbour Satchell Lane, Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire

  10. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Annual General Meeting 21st Sept 2011. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Commodore Report Barry Lloyd. Committee. Your Team Chairman: Carla Gregory/Kieran Graham Deputy Chairman: Chris Byron Patron: Tony Dormer Commodore: Barry Lloyd Slideshow 7043577 by...

  11. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Remember me Login. Forgot your password? Recover it here. × Change your password ...


    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SPEEDBIRD OFFSHORE YACHT CLUB LIMITED of HOUNSLOW. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  13. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club (@soyc_sailing)

    169 Followers, 92 Following, 42 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club (@soyc_sailing)

  14. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Public Group Welcome to the Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club's Facebook page. We are a friendly and inclusive yacht sailing club based at Mercury Marina on the popular river Hamble, near...


    People for SPEEDBIRD OFFSHORE YACHT CLUB LIMITED (05579271) More for SPEEDBIRD OFFSHORE YACHT CLUB LIMITED (05579271) Registered office address 49 Station Road, Polegate, England, BN26 6EA . Company status Active Company type Private company limited by guarantee without share capital Incorporated on 30 September 2005 ...

  16. Learn how to join us

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Located near Southampton with over 300 members. Membership Process. To apply for membership, please complete the following: Fill in the membership application form for each applicant. Once we receive the paperwork we will issue you a personal membership number and sign-on information.

  17. Southern California ASA Sailing Schools

    Los Angeles Yacht Club San Pedro, Southern California (310) 831-1203 Los Angeles Yacht Club is a participant in Veterans Sailing Education Program. ... The Naos Yachts team consists of offshore, coastal and dinghy racers, as well as long distance cruisers. Our instructors are all ASA certified and we provide instruction on brand ...


    Specialties: Let Pacific Land Yachts make your event one you'll always remember! Pacific Land Yachts provides luxury chauffeured limousine bus service throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Just give us your itinerary and we'll make it happen. Need a little help finding just the right club, restaurant or winery? Our chauffeurs are carefully selected so that you'll receive the utmost in ...

  19. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club

    Public group. 335 members. Join group. About. Discussion. Events. Media. More. About. Discussion. Events. Media. Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. Join group

  20. Vintage Yacht Charters

    Vintage Yacht Charters offers a unique and nostalgic yachting experience, allowing guests to step back in time and enjoy the luxury and elegance of vintage motoryachts and runabouts from the 30's, 40's, and 50's. ... Alternatively, boating enthusiasts can become members of Vintage Yacht Club, gaining access to a range of vessels and venues ...

  21. Training Costs

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club Located near Southampton with over 300 members. Training Costs Practical Courses. Course: Notes: Length: ... RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore, Prep & Exam: 2,3,4: 5 days + 2 days: £846.00 : RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore Prep only: 2,3,5: 5 days: £737.00 : Note- these rates are correct until 31/3/25.

  22. Boats for sale in California

    YachtWorld presently offers 3,016 yachts for sale in California from well-qualified boat dealers and yacht brokers and new boat dealers who can often offer various warranty packages for your yacht along with loans and financing options. Of these listings there are 910 new vessels and 2,106 used boats and yachts for sale right now.

  23. Find us on Facebook

    Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club. This is our public page and is for general use such as photos and stories, fun sailing links to other sites, up-coming trips looking for crew, training slots, etc. Part of the aim of this page is to present a fun and attractive public picture of the club which may attract new members Speedbird Offshore Yacht Club