
Quay Crew Releases 2023 Captains Salary Survey

salary of superyacht captain

Quay Crew has announced the release of its latest and largest HoD salary survey to date. Almost 300 captains responded across a range of yacht sizes from under 30 meters to over 100 meters.

In addition to average pay and leave, pay rises and bonus activities, the report also compares the experience of being a captain and a chief officer, ticket levels and longevity on board. It also compares the results to previous survey findings in 2020 and 2022.  

“ In our most detailed salary report to date, we have gained an insight into the real-time compensation captains receive, broken down by yacht size and with several other comparables too,” said Simon Ladbrooke, Captain Consultant at Quay Crew .

“A key takeaway this year is that, despite a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022, the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase.

“Time for time rotation has also grown in popularity on all sized yachts, with the exception of yachts  under 39m which are all full time at the moment.

“By gathering chief officer experience as well as longevity on their current yacht, we can surmise that onboard promotion is on the rise. The average age that someone becomes captain is now older and the number of years of experience as chief officer is higher, suggesting the transition is also taking longer.

“This is undoubtedly down to there being more competition amongst candidates and it being more difficult to make that initial step up.

“However, almost three quarters say it took them less than six months to get their first captain role. Along with the extensive chief officer experience demonstrated in this survey, this could be largely down to onboard promotion.

Having said that, we were very surprised at this statistic as it doesn’t match at all with our experience. Often, chief officers are looking for several years before they finally get their opportunity. It’s something we definitely want to explore further in another survey.”

Top-level statistics include:   

Every yacht bracket has seen a salary rise since 2020 and 2022.

Full rotation is increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50m yachts, with an 11% decline overall in captains having under 59 days of leave.

40% of captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract.

38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but random and unpredictable bonuses are more common.

70% of captains have Master 3000.

50% of the captains who responded have over 10 years’ experience in the role and 32% were chief officers for three to years prior.

A third of captains have been on their current yacht for over three years.

Flight allowance improves with yacht size, with 49% of captains receiving business class flights as part of their package.

The average age at which respondents first became captain is 32.5 years old. 

The full report contains a comprehensive analysis of salaries and leave in each yacht size bracket and also compares full-time and rotational role. It also explores any correlation between experience and the type of ticket held. 

To obtain access to this salary report or QuayCrew’s previous reports for chief officers, chief stews or chief engineers please get in touch via [email protected] .

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How Much Do Superyacht Crew Earn? (An In-Depth Look)

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The life of a superyacht crew member is one of luxury and adventure, but how much do they actually make? If you’ve ever considered joining a superyacht, you have probably wondered about salaries, tips, and other factors that affect pay.

In this in-depth look, we’ll explore the different factors that impact superyacht crew salaries, the typical salaries for superyacht captains and other crew members, bonuses, tips, and more.

Plus, we’ll look at the factors that affect tips, how to maximize your earning potential, and how to research salaries before joining a superyacht.

So, get ready to learn all about superyacht crew salaries and how to make the most of your paycheck.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The salary for superyacht crew can vary greatly depending on experience, position, and the size of the vessel.

Entry-level crew can expect to make anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000 a month, while more experienced crew members can make up to $10,000 or more per month.

Additionally, crew members can receive tips from passengers, which can add to their overall salary.

Factors that Impact Crew Salaries

Salaries for superyacht crew members can vary significantly, depending on a range of different factors.

The size of the yacht, the duties required, and the experience level of the crew can all have a major impact on how much crew members earn.

The size of the yacht is a major factor in determining the salaries of crew members.

Larger yachts require more crew members, so salaries tend to be higher as there is more work to be done.

In addition, larger yachts tend to pay more for experienced crew members, as they have more complex systems to manage.

The duties required of the crew are also important when considering salaries.

Different positions on a yacht require different levels of experience and expertise, and this impacts the salary.

For instance, the captain of a superyacht can earn between $150,000 and $250,000 per year, while other crew members may earn anywhere from $30,000 to $150,000 annually.

Finally, the experience level of the crew also plays an important role in determining salaries.

More experienced crew members are generally able to command higher salaries than those with less experience.

This is particularly true for positions such as the captain, who must have a high level of knowledge and skill in order to safely and successfully manage the yacht.

In addition to their salaries, superyacht crew members may also receive bonuses, tips, and other benefits such as free room and board.

These additional benefits can help to increase the total compensation for crew members, making it more attractive for experienced professionals to take on a job on a superyacht.

Typical Salaries for Superyacht Captains

salary of superyacht captain

When it comes to salaries for superyacht crew members, the captain is typically the highest paid position.

On average, captains of superyachts can expect to earn between $150,000 and $250,000 per year, depending on the size of the vessel, the duties required, and their experience level.

The pay rate for a captain will also vary based on the region where the yacht is located, as well as the specific job requirements.

The most experienced captains may even be able to command salaries above the average range.

For example, captains who have been in the industry for many years and have a proven track record of success may be able to secure higher pay.

In addition, captains who are highly experienced in a certain type of vessel, such as a luxury sailing yacht, may be able to earn more than their counterparts.

In addition to their salaries, superyacht captains may also receive bonuses, tips, and other benefits such as free room and board.

Many captains may also be able to negotiate a contract that includes additional perks, such as stock options, a car, and other incentives.

These additional benefits can make the job of a superyacht captain even more attractive and rewarding.

Typical Salaries for Other Superyacht Crew Members

When it comes to salaries for other superyacht crew members, there is a wide range of pay depending on the individual’s experience and job duties.

For example, deckhands and stewards typically earn between $30,000 and $60,000 per year.

However, more experienced and knowledgeable crew members, such as engineers, chief stewards, and bosuns, can earn up to $150,000 annually.

In addition to these salaries, crew members may also receive bonuses, tips, and other benefits such as free room and board.

Tips can often be a significant source of additional income for crew members, as they are often allowed to keep any gratuities they receive from guests.

Furthermore, some yachts may provide their crew with free room and board, allowing them to save money on housing costs.

Overall, the salaries for superyacht crew members can vary greatly, depending on the size of the vessel, the duties required, and the experience level of the crew.

It is important for potential crew members to research the salaries and benefits of different positions before applying, in order to ensure they receive fair compensation for their work.

Bonuses, Tips, and Other Benefits

salary of superyacht captain

When it comes to superyachts, crew members can earn more than just their base salary.

In addition to their wages, crew members may also receive bonuses, tips, and other benefits such as free room and board.

Bonuses can be based on the number of years of service, the size of the superyacht, the reputation of the captain, and the performance of the crew.

Tips can be given to crew members from guests, and they can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

In addition to bonuses and tips, crew members may also receive other benefits such as free room and board.

Most superyachts provide crew members with their own private cabins and meals.

This can save crew members a significant amount of money as they dont have to pay for food or accommodation while working.

Other benefits that superyacht crew members may receive include access to luxury amenities such as a swimming pool, gym, spa, and entertainment facilities.

These amenities can be a great way for crew members to relax and unwind after a long day at sea.

Crew members may also receive discounts on luxury items such as jewelry, clothing, and electronics.

Overall, the salaries and benefits for superyacht crew members can be quite generous.

While base salaries may be lower than other high-paying jobs, the bonuses, tips, and other benefits can add up to a significant sum over time.

Superyacht crew members also get to experience a unique lifestyle that few other professions can offer.

Factors That Affect Tips

When it comes to superyacht crew salary, tips are often an important source of income.

Factors that affect the amount of tips a crewmember can earn include the size of the vessel, the type of services they provide, the level of service they provide, and the amount of time they have been with the yacht.

The size of the vessel can be an important factor in how much a crewmember can make in tips.

The larger the yacht, the more passengers and guests it will typically accommodate, giving the crew more opportunities to provide services.

Additionally, the more luxurious the yacht, the more expensive the services, which could also lead to higher tips for the crew.

The type of services provided also plays an important role in the amount of tips received.

For instance, those working in the galley may receive more tips from guests who are particularly pleased with their meals than those who are simply cleaning the deck.

Similarly, the level of service provided can also have a significant effect on the amount of tips received.

For instance, crew members who go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the best possible experience for guests may be rewarded with larger tips.

Finally, the amount of time a crewmember has been with the yacht can also affect the amount of tips they receive.

For instance, those who have been with the yacht for a longer period of time may have more familiarity with the guests and their preferences, leading to better service and thus higher tips.

Additionally, crew members who have been with the yacht for longer may also have established relationships with the guests, which could lead to larger tips.

How to Maximize Your Earning Potential

salary of superyacht captain

For those seeking to maximize their earning potential, there are a few steps you can take to increase your salary and job prospects.

Firstly, make sure you are properly trained and certified for the job you are applying for.

The more certifications you have, the higher your salary may be.

You should also become familiar with the yacht you are applying for, as this will give you an edge over other applicants.

Additionally, having a good work ethic and a positive attitude can go a long way in helping you stand out from the competition.

Finally, having a good network of contacts in the industry can be beneficial, as they may be able to recommend you for jobs or help you secure a higher salary.

How to Research Salaries Before Joining a Superyacht

If youre considering joining a superyacht crew, then researching salaries is an important part of the process.

Its important to have an understanding of how much you could potentially earn in this career before you commit to taking a job.

There are a few different ways to research salaries for superyacht crew members.

First, you can ask around in your network.

Chances are, there are people in your circle who are already working in the industry, or who have worked in the industry in the past.

They can give you a good idea of what to expect when it comes to salaries.

Second, you can look for job postings and salary listings online.

Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and other job boards are a great way to research what salaries you can expect in the superyacht industry.

Many job postings will include salary details, so you can get an idea of what a potential employer is offering.

Third, you can talk to a recruitment agency.

Many recruitment agencies specialize in the superyacht industry, and they can give you an accurate idea of what salaries you can expect.

They can also give you valuable advice on how to negotiate for the best salary possible.

Finally, you can reach out to the yacht management companies directly.

Many yacht management companies are happy to discuss salary ranges with potential crew members, so its worth reaching out to them to get an idea of what you can expect.

By researching salaries before joining a superyacht crew, you can make sure that youre making a well-informed decision about your career.

Final Thoughts

Salaries for superyacht crew members can vary greatly depending on the experience level, duties required, and size of the vessel.

Generally, captains can earn between $150,000 and $250,000 per year, while other crew members can earn anywhere from $30,000 to $150,000 annually.

In addition to their salaries, crew members may also receive bonuses, tips, and other benefits such as free room and board.

If you’re interested in joining a superyacht, it’s important to research salaries and understand the factors that impact them.

With the right knowledge and understanding, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing your earning potential and enjoying a rewarding career in the superyacht industry.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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salary of superyacht captain

Quay Crew Releases 2023 Captain Salary Report

Quay Crew released their most detailed salary report to date, in which the superyacht recruitment agency surveyed almost 300 superyacht captains to get insight into real-time captains’ compensation. Respondents included captains on board yachts ranging from less than 39 to 100 or more meters, with more than half having been a captain for more than 10 years.

This year’s report found the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase. The increase comes after a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022. Captains of yachts over 100 meters are seeing the biggest jump in salary compared to last year, with an average monthly salary of €21,243 in 2023 compared to €18,693 in 2022. Meanwhile, yacht captains of yachts between 60 to 69 meters are seeing the smallest monthly salary jump, from €15,774 in 2022 to €15,969 in 2023.

Simon Ladbrooke, captain consultant for Quay Crew, detailed one interesting and unforeseen detail found from the captains’ responses.  

“We were surprised, however, how many captains there are out there with commercial tickets captaining yachts significantly under 3000gt,” Ladbrooke wrote in the survey.

Quay Crew’s survey found that time-for-time rotation has grown in popularity on all size yachts, apart from those less than 39 meters, which are all full time. The average age that it takes to become a captain has risen, along with the number of years’ experience as chief officer, suggesting a longer transition. Although the transition time has increased, almost 75% of responding captains say it took them less than six months to secure their first captain role. However, onboard promotion could be a large factor to this low number.

Quay Crew’s full survey delves into each size bracket, detailing promotion, longevity, bonuses, and more salary statistics. Accessing the entire survey is free for captains and head of departments after subscribing to Quay Crew’s client portal — at no cost.

  Quay Crew noted that there will always be exceptions and outliers in the various size categories, which can skew the averages. Keep this in mind when comparing your salary packages.

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By Conor Feasey 12 Jan 2024

Captain salaries on the rise

Quay crew’s most detailed salary report to date reveals a rise in captains’ wages following a slight decline in recent years, amongst other findings….

salary of superyacht captain

After a slight decline in recent years, Captain salaries are back on the rise according to findings in Quay Crew ’s Captain Salary Report 2023 . The detailed report also highlights how the growth of the industry is affecting Captaincy appointments, an increase in competition for placements, and a need for a more structured pay rise structure to foster longevity.

Around 300 Captains responded to the survey across a range of yacht sizes from sub-30 metres to 100 metres plus. In addition to average pay and leave, pay rise and bonus activity, the 21-page report also compares Captain and Chief Officer experience, ticket level, longevity onboard, and comparisons to Quay Crew’s 2020 and 2022 survey findings.

“In our most detailed salary report to date, we have gained an insight into the real-time compensation Captains receive, broken down by yacht size and with several other comparables too,” says Simon Ladbrooke, Captain Consultant at Quay Crew. “A key takeaway this year is that, despite a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022, the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase.”

The exact figures, as per the survey findings, illustrate an average monthly salary of €16,243, with €17,105 and €15,518 accounting for the salary of private and charter Captains respectively. In the 100-metre-plus segment, salaries stand at around €20,000 for both private and charter, a €3,500 jump from the 90-99 metre category. At the other end of the scale, wages range between €14,251 to €12,399, which is around €3,000 more than on board sub-39 metre yachts

Time for time rotation has also grown in popularity on all-sized yachts, with the exception of yachts under 39 metres, which are all full-time at present. Full rotation is also increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50 metres yachts, with an 11% decline overall in Captains with less than 59 days leave.

In terms of raises, Two-fifths of Captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract. A further 38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but random and unpredictable bonuses appear to be more commonplace across all segments.

Around 70% of Captains have a Master 3000 ticket but are operating on much smaller yachts. “We are increasingly seeing Captains with their Master 3000 taking time out to get their Marshall Islands Unlimited ticket,” adds Ladbrooke. “The most common reason for this is likely to be able to remain with their current employer who is going bigger.”

The survey data reveals the rapid growth of the superyacht sector as one of its primary observations. The average age at which individuals attain Captaincy for the first time has also increased to 32.5 years old and Chief Officers now accumulate more years of experience, indicating a prolonged transition.

“By gathering Chief Officer experience as well as longevity on their current yacht, we can surmise that onboard promotion is on the rise. The average age that someone becomes Captain is now older and the number of years of experience as Chief Officer is higher, suggesting the transition is also taking longer,” says Ladbrooke. This delay is likely influenced by heightened competition in the industry and increased difficulty in making the initial advancement.

Despite these challenges, nearly three-quarters (72%) of respondents claim it took them less than six months to secure their first Captain role, which is possibly attributed to onboard promotions and the substantial Chief Officer experience showcased in the survey. “We were very surprised at this statistic as it doesn’t match at all with our experience. Often, Chief Officers are looking for several years before they finally get their opportunity. It’s something we definitely want to explore further in another survey,” says Ladbrooke.

Additionally, more than half of respondents now receive business or first-class flights, dependent on flight duration, indicating a notable increase in this aspect. Flight allowance improves with yacht size, with 49% of Captains receiving Business Class flights as part of their package.

Looking at the overall average salary, Ladbrooke determines that they appear to be reasonable, though a smaller gap between private and private/charter incomes is anticipated. Being a charter Captain is acknowledged as very demanding, with the added complexity of handling various responsibilities, and fostering creativity and adaptability, all while maintaining crew motivation, despite the benefit of tips.

While positive, the frequency of pay raises and bonuses could benefit from a less arbitrary and discretionary approach to enhance Captain longevity. Exactly half of the Captains who responded have more than 10 years’ experience in the role and 32% were Chief Officers for three to five years prior. A third have been Captains on their current yacht for more than three years.

“The key takeaway for us is that, despite many of the respondents being experienced Captains, longevity does need to improve,” says Ladbrooke. “I’d expect at least three years on 60 metres plus yachts, while slightly less is acceptable on 40-59 metre boats as they are usually stepping stones to larger yachts.”

Ladbrooke adds that whilst every size bracket has great things going for it, more often than not, there is some kind of trade-off required. “This is not always a bad thing, and the fact that the market is moving in the right direction in almost every area, from leave and salary to bonuses and retention, sets a good precedent for the future of the sector.”

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Yacht Crew Positions and Salaries

The organisational structure onboard a superyacht follows a strong hierarchy based upon a military model. Exact job duties and lines of authority are set and strictly adhered to. This hierarchy is followed on the vast majority of yachts; however, responsibilities of the crew on smaller yachts are often merged.

There are four departments on yachts with clear organisational structure:

  • Deck (including Bridge) – Safety, passage delivery, maintenance of the yacht's exterior, guest outdoor activities
  • Engineering – Safety and smooth operational running of the yacht
  • Interior – Housekeeping, guest wellbeing, activities, accounting
  • Galley – Food preparation, stock control, hygiene, galley maintenance

The top of the hierarchy on each yacht is the Captain , who reports to the yacht owner either directly, or through a representative or a yacht management company.

Salaries vary and depend on the yacht size, use, type and location, as well as the experience and qualification of the crew member. We included typical salaries of crew based on the data available from reputable industry sources, as well as our research of over 60,000 crew registered with us.

Deck Positions

The primary duty of the Captain is the overall safe manning and operation of the yacht. Yacht Captain is responsible for the vessel, yacht crew, owner and guests, including personnel management, shipyard/project management, legal and regulatory compliance, accounting, achieving owners' objectives, and answers to the owner regarding all decisions.

Captain €4,000 - €15,000

First Mate / Chief Officer

The First Mate or Chief Officer is the right hand of the Captain. Takes command of the yacht from Captain when required. Shares Captain's responsibilities as required.

Chief Officer €3,000 - €13,500
2nd Officer €3,000 - €8,000
3rd Officer €2,500 - €6,000
Security Officer €3,000 - €5,000

Bosun / Lead Deckhand

Bosuns are usually experienced Deckhands with additional responsibilities. They are in charge of Deckhands onboard the yacht and often spend a lot of time with guests during outdoor activities. The Bosun is normally the main tender driver.

Mate €2,500 - €6,000
Bosun €2,500 - €5,500
Lead Deckhand €2,500 - €5,000

Responsible for the maintenance of the exterior of the yacht and keeping it in pristine condition at all times. Deckhands also assist in maintaining, cleaning and operating yacht's tenders.

Junior Deckhand €2,000 - €3,000
Carpenter €3,000 - €4,000

Engineering Positions

Chief engineer.

Responsible for the Engineering Department and for all technical aspects of the boat and its equipment. The Chief Engineer's duties include overseeing all mechanical and electrical operations, ensuring all planned maintenance takes place and liaising with subcontractors.

Chief Engineer €5,000 - €15,000

Second / Third Engineer

The Second and Third Engineers report directly to the Chief Engineer. They assist in maintaining all mechanical and electrical operations of the yacht.

2nd Engineer €3,000 - €10,000
3rd Engineer €2,500 - €6,500
Sole Engineer €3,500 - €12,000
Motorman €2,500 - €4,000

ETO / AV/IT Officer

Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and AV/IT Officer are in charge of daily maintenance of all electronic, computer, audio/visual and communications equipment and their efficient operation. This includes the radio, radar, telephones, satellite communications, navigation systems, computers, Internet connection, interior equipment (TVs, sound systems), etc.

ETO €4,000 - €8,000
AV/IT Officer €4,000 - €7,000


The Electrician is responsible for maintenance of all electrical circuits onboard the vessel, circuit breakers, switches, lighting, batteries, etc.

Electrician €4,000 - €6,500

This is an administrative position on large yachts. The Purser is responsible for all operations in the interior department, including inventory, purchasing, provisioning, accounting, organising guest activities, and assisting the Captain with the yachts paperwork.

Purser €5,000 - €9,000

Chief Steward(ess)

Duties are similar to those of other Steward(ess)es onboard the boat, but on a more senior level, including managing the interior department and training. Small yachts with less crew do not have a Purser. The Chief Steward(ess) is in charge of all the responsibilities normally carried out by the Purser on large yachts.

Chief Steward(ess) €4,500 - €8,500
Interior Manager €4,000 - €8,000
Head of Servicer €4,000 - €7,000
Head Housekeeper €3,000 - €5,500
Spa Manager €3,500 - €5,500


Steward's or Stewardess's main responsibility is to maintain the interior of the yacht and provide the highest standard of care to the owner and guests. They serve food and drinks, prepare guest activities, pack and unpack luggage and are on call for anything that the guests want anytime day or night. On some yachts, they help the deck crew moor the yacht.

2nd Steward(ess) €3,000 - €6,500
3rd Steward(ess) €2,500 - €4,000
Spa Steward(ess) €3,000 - €4,000
Service Steward(ess) €2,500 - €5,000
Housekeeping Steward(ess) €2,500 - €4,000
Laundry Steward(ess) €2,500 - €4,000
Sole Steward(ess) €3,000 - €6,000
Junior Steward(ess) €2,000 - €3,500
Butler €3,500 - €6,000
Stew/Deck €2,500 - €4,000

The Head/Executive Chef onboard a luxury superyacht is a culinary trained professional responsible for the overall management of the galley department on larger yachts, including guest and crew meals, provisioning, food safety, maintaining strict hygiene standards and financial/budgetary administration.

Head Chef €6,000 - €10,000

Assists the Head Chef in all aspects of galley duties. The Sous Chef may be required to independently provide crew meals or guest meals at the direction of the Head Chef.

Sous Chef €3,500 - €8,000

Crew Chef / Cook

Large yachts employ a separate crew and guest chef. The Crew chef provides meals for the crew.

Crew Chef / Cook €3,000 - €5,000
Sole Chef €3,500 - €9,000
Stew / Cook €2,000 - €4,500

Other Positions

Many yachts, especially the large ones, have several additional positions. These are often combined with primary roles, e.g. Stewardess / Masseuse or Deckhand / Dive Instructor . The most common are:

Beautician €3,000 - €4,000
Hairdresser €3,000 - €4,000
Massage Therapist €2,000 - €4,500
Nurse €3,000 - €4,500
Dive Instructor €3,000 - €6,000

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Superyacht Captain Report 2023 - Faststream Superyacht Crew

Superyacht Captain Report 2023

Read the Superyacht Captain Report ​

The world of superyachts, with their opulent luxury and breathtaking oceanic journeys, has long captivated the imagination of those seeking a unique and exhilarating career path. At the helm of these majestic vessels stand the superyacht captains, skilled mariners, and leaders responsible for navigating these floating palaces through some of the world's most exotic and challenging waters.

As the allure of superyacht living continues to grow, so does the demand for experienced and capable captains to commandeer these vessels. This report delves into the intricate world of superyacht captain careers, offering an in-depth exploration of the employment landscape, the challenges faced, and the highs and lows of the career.

The retention rates of superyacht captains is on an upward curve, with a decreased number planning to seek a new job this year (40%). The top reason for captains to either job seek or stay loyal was the same. They either needed better work-life balance, or their role already provided it. Work-life balance also featured as their top priority at work, replacing retaining talented crew.

The long-term career longevity of a captain has decreased, with 69% sharing that their current career would last more than five years, a reduction from 88% in 2017. However, 91% said they would still choose their career again. 86% would also recommend their career to young people, fantastic news for the continued advocacy of the sector.

Only 7% believed young people viewed a career in the superyacht sector as a long-term career path, and 91% said they thought social media and reality TV were misleading new generations about potential careers in yachting.

58% of captains had received a pay rise in the last two years. It paid to change jobs though, those who did were more likely than those who stayed with their employer to achieve a 10% or more pay rise, at 52% and 24% respectively.

Over half of the captains received an annual bonus, most commonly valued at between five and ten percent of their annual salary. Over half of captains will be asking for a pay rise this year and nearly two-thirds threaten resignation if they do not get it.

Personnel management and guest satisfaction remained the top stress factors for captains, highlighting the complexities of managing people and making guests happy.

A 2/2 rotation was rated as the most desired working pattern, but less than half were working this way.

Three-quarters of captains have found hiring crew tough over the last 12 months, and nearly the same number said it was difficult to retain talent for more than three years.

Captains wanted to hire crew with adaptability, initiative, communication, problem-solving, and productivity soft skillsets. They also shared that improving work-life balance and training would have the most positive impact onboard their yacht.

Read the full report

To discuss the findings in the report, please contact Mark Charman , CEO & Founder of Faststream Recruitment or Kelsey Purse , Director of Shipping.

For all media enquiries, please contact our marketing team .

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  • Apr 13, 2023

YPI CREW, a leading yacht crew recruitment company, has released its 2023 Yacht Crew Salaries Report following a positive and fast-paced year in yacht crew placement. The report outlines trends in the industry and emphasizes the importance of flexibility in attracting top talent.

2022 marked a significant shift in the yachting industry, as the effects of Covid-19 began to wane. One key trend that emerged was the extension of scheduled or rotational leave to positions outside of the engine room and the bridge. Crew members are increasingly focused on achieving a harmonious work-life balance, leading yachts to adapt their leave packages to remain competitive. Flexibility with regards to leave has become a key factor for all departments and allows for a larger pool of candidates who are fully committed to the yacht, its programme and owner.

Read the full Yacht Crew Salary Report HERE .

Yacht Captain Salaries

Both the Deck/Bosun's and the Interior/Galley Departments have witnessed a steady trend towards increased leave packages. Senior Stews, for example, now seek a minimum of 90 days leave, and 95% of Chief Stews look for full rotation. Stew Head of Departments have come to realize the benefits of scheduled or rotational leave, a perk that was once reserved for Engineers or Officer/Captains Departments. Additionally, and in order to compete with the larger yachts, an important number of yachts under 70metres are now also considering increased leave packages to secure top crew. It's important to note that the salaries listed in the report are median range salaries and can vary based on factors such as job-specific skills, professional qualifications, and experience.

YPI CREW now offers a bespoke service for our yacht clients to assist with salary reviews and comparative analysis. Contact Chloe Collet at [email protected] for any further information.

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