• Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Doki

Ocena pracodawcy 4.8/5 na podstawie 66 ocen.

Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Doki

Adres: ul. Narzędziowców 43a, 80-863 Gdańsk

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Opinie o Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Doki

Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu utrzymania konta w serwisie (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w Regulaminie.

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Jak dużo osób pracuje w Sunreef Yachts?

Hej, Jak się pracuje w dziale projektowym? Na jakie stawki można liczyć? W jakich godzinach się pracuje? Jaka atmosfera?

Omijać szerokim łukiem tą firmę. Dochodzi do takich absurdów jak zabieranie czajników, bo pracownicy za długo parzą kawę, liczenie czasu spędzania w WC, zebrania z skarceniem bo ktoś wyrzucił zgniłego banana do śmietnika. Roboty jest grubo ponad normę, co miesiąc odchodzą osoby, bo nie da się wytrzymać natłoku pracy i (usunięte przez administratora) Ludzie odchodzą do innych firm nawet za mniejsze pieniądze, byle się wyrwać. W innych firmach na rekrutacjach pytają się co się dzieje w Sunreef, że dostają tyle CV od ludzi pracujących tam. Ten statek tonie, w biurze brakuje specjalistów, więc w ostateczności na przeczekanie, póki się lepsza robota nie znajdzie.

Widzę większość opinii wypisują pracownicy produkcji. A jak to się ma do projektantów? Jak wyglada ich praca i ich przełożony?

umawiaja na rozmowe o prace a mimo zapewnien, ze beda informowac o decyzji pozytywnej lub negatywnej nie odzywaja sie co swiadczy o podejsciu do ludzi i potencjalnych pracownikow, kierownik z dzialu stolarni lepszy cvvaniak, na zadane pytania o szczegoly pracy nie odpowiadal albo glupawo sie usmiechal, omijac szerokim lukiem ta firme, (usunięte przez administratora)

Praca bez umowy (ale to chyba wina firmy pośredniczej), z obcokrajowcami którzy wolą szkolić swoich, 2 dnia pracy po przerwaniu przez pracowników tego co robiłem, kazali czekać na decyzje kierownika bo coś się nie zgadzało z poprzednim procesem produkcji, nie chcieli mi przydzielić nic do roboty, więc stałem jak kołek, jak kierownik wszedł to nawet nie wiedziałem jak udawać, że mam co robić, nikt nie pytał dlaczego nic nie robię, następnego dnia mnie za to zwolnili.

Jeżeli chcesz się poczuć jak na /w Ukrainie to dobrze trafiłeś. 3/4 pracowników to nasi wschodni sąsiedzi, powoli się robi problem aby po polsku się dogadać (usunięte przez administratora) A tak to spoko, twoim najważniejszym posiadanym narzędziem jest karta magnetyczna, bez której to nawet do kibla nie wyjedziesz:⁠-⁠D

Mam wątpliwości co do wymaganego czasu pracy w Sunreef na Tarcicach, 12 godz przez 14 dni ciągiem, w tym nocki.Podejmę kontakt z inspekcją pracy. Jeśli ktoś ma jakieś info w temacie proszę o kontakt e mail priv [email protected], zajmuję się przestępczością gospodarczą

Niech inspekcja pracy wejdzie im na system ewidencji. Każdy musi się odbić jak w godzi / wychodzi. Skala tego co oni wyrabiania jest porażająca, dotyczy dużej liczby pracowników jeśli nie większości.

dobre sobie, i co inspekcja pracy zrobi ? dobowy czas odpoczynku zachowany, weekendy dla chętnych, nikt nikogo nie zmusza :) Pochwali się może pani co zrobił pani mąż, czy mam napisać to na forum ? bo to głównie koledzy z pracy ucierpieli. Jadem pluć nie będąc samemu świętym, jakie to Pooolskie :)

Nie polecam, zachowania przełożonych jak w przedszkolu, zero szacunku, (usunięte przez administratora) i okropne podejście do ludzi

Zgadzam się bo to prawda !

A możesz powiedzieć o tym coś więcej? Co takiego robią, że ich podejście wydaje Ci się okropne?

Zero szacunku, obgadywanie za plecami, mobbing, krzyki,brak poważnej rozmowy, podchody jak dzieci a nie dorośli. Jeżeli szukasz miejsca, gdzie nic nie znaczysz to wybierz Sunreef. Nic dobrego tam nie ma.

pracuje na stolarni nic takiego nie ma miejsca, atmosfera normalna zero jakichś krzyków itp. praca po 8h dziennie no chyba że ktos chce więcej nie ma problemu może pracować . Za nadgodziny płacone +50% a za soboty (dobrowolne )+100%. Jeśli komuś tu źle to proszę isć do pracy gdzie indziej w Gdańsku i szybko sie przekona że nie doceniał tego co miał .

Cześć. Mam pytanie odnośnie pracy na stanowisko Konstruktora Mebli. Czy wymagane jest wykształcenie związane z okretami czy wystarczy Architektura Wnętrz plus doświadczenie przy pracy z meblami stacjonarnymi? Może ktoś mi udzielić odpowiedzi?

Biorą wszystkich jak leci.

Witam,na jakie zarobki mogę liczyć jako lakiernik meblowy?

w zależności od umiejętności i wiedzy ..... do 30-32 zł/h

Czy firma posiada tylko jeden oddział w Polsce?

Nie w górach też mamy stocznie, przecież wiadomo, że im dalej od wody tym lepiej.

No tak, bo Polska to tylko albo góry, albo morze ;) Niepotrzebna Twoja nadinterpretacja. No ale nic, dziękuję za "pomoc". :)

Tak, siedziba mieści się w Gdańsku.

co akurat jest całkowicie oczywiste gdyż jest wymienione w nazwie profilu.. ludzie czytajcie trochę ze zrozumieniem

Ja znam jedną firmę z branży, która siedzibę ma na północy Polski, a oddział z biurem w Warszawie, także to wcale nie takie głupie pytanie, to tak tylko dodam od siebie.

a biuro jest w tym samym budynku czy jest to rozdzielone

Sunreef ma chyba kilka budynków koło siebie? Tak to przynajmniej wygląda na podglądzie

A kolega nie wie, że mamy stocznię marynarki wojennej w Radomiu....?

Witam, widzę często oferty do tej stoczni na elektryka. Może ktoś mi powiedzieć czy warto? Jakieś opinie odnośnie atmosfery w tym dziale? Ogólnie interesuje mnie praca na jedną zmianę. Jeśli ktoś mógłby coś doradzić odnośnie pracy i atmosfery to byłoby super :)

praca w systemie dwuzmianowym, stawka od 20-25 zł/h, nadgodziny + soboty. Atmosfera różna ... zależy od dnia

Zapraszam do kontaktu mam dla Pana ciekawsza ofertę. [email protected]

Zapraszam do kontaktu, mam ciekawa ofertę dla elektryków. [email protected]

Jakie są zarobki dla spawaczy Tig na nierdzewce? Ktoś się może orientuje jak kierownictwo i brygadziści na tym dziale?

Czy przyjmują też młodych do przyuczenia?

jest to możliwe na wszystkie stanowiska czy na jakieś konkretne?

sory jeśli to niezbyt mądre pytanie ale nie do końca się orientuje jak to wszystko wygląda

no wszystkie na pewno nie, bo na kierowników czy projektantów to z marszu nie przyjmują :)

Na produkcyjne, np. laminaty

dziękuję :) jak wygląda ta praca, trudna jest?

Napisałeś, że Sunreef Yachts zatrudnia pracowników do przyuczenia. A wyjaśnisz, jak to konkretnie się odbywa? Są od razu zatrudniani na umowę o pracę czy może wcześniej muszą odbyć jakiś staż albo praktyki?

Na produkcji na każde ....

Mam pytanie w jakich systemach instalacyjnych rozprowadzane sa rozprowadzane rurociągi na tych jachtach

na jaka stawke moze liczyc hydraulik z doswiaczeniem ponad 10 letnim

w jakich godzinach właściwie jest praca?

na produkcji? na dwie zmiany się pracuje

tak, proszę o info o godzinach na produkcji

od rana okolo 10 godzin z tego co wiem

Powiem tak, stronę internetową macie genialną i chciałbym dołączyć do zespołu zajmującym się tematem. Jestem studentem informatyki (programowanie), coś napisać umiem ale bądźmy realistami to ja chciałbym się od Was uczyć więc czy Sunreef Y. oferuje jakieś staże, praktyki cokolwiek, płatnie/bezpłatnie nie ważne.

Jak chcesz być programistą to idź do firmy programistycznej a nie tego (usunięte przez administratora)

No tak, bo programista to tylko w firmie programistycznej może pracować xd Wielce mi doradca jak z koziej de trąba

Tu to welu takich doradców uświadczysz ;)

no taaa sami najlepsi nic tylko patrzą żeby innym w życiu pomagać i decyzje za nich. podejmować :D

Staże są, ale nie pod tym kątem, generalnie inny target.

tzn jakie staże?

Staże i praktyki skierowane są do studentów związanych z branżą morską, przykładowo konstruktorów czy projektantów.

aa to nie wiedziałem że są takie opcje, co prawda ja już za stary jestem na studiowanie, ale dobrze wiedzieć że coś takiego funkcjonuje ;p

Wystarczyło poczytać, to byś wiedział ;) Ale rozumiem, że to nie do Ciebie skierowana oferta.

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Zostaw merytoryczną opinię o Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Doki - Gdańsk

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Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu umożliwienia ... Czytaj więcej wyrażenia opinii o firmie (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Przysługujące prawa: dostępu do danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, przenoszenia danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w  Regulaminie . Schowaj

Drogi Użytkowniku,

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Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu wysyłki powiadomień ... Czytaj więcej na temat wskazanej firmy (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a) RODO - zgoda). Zgoda może być w dowolnym momencie wycofana. Wycofanie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej wycofaniem. Pozostałe przysługujące prawa: dostępu do danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, przenoszenia danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w  Regulaminie . Schowaj

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  • ul. Narzędziowców 43a 80-863 Gdańsk
  • Centrala - Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Tarcice

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sunreef second sunreef 100 power catamaran yacht launched

Second Sunreef 100 Sunreef Power catamaran hits the water

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Polish catamaran specialist Sunreef Yachts has announced the launch of its second 28.6-metre 100 Sunreef Power.

The first hull was delivered in 2021 and is the largest power catamaran to be built by the shipyard to date at 29.5 metres in length. Hull number two is described by Sunreef as an "ultramodern catamaran" and will feature the same "unrivalled living space" as its sistership. 

The yacht, which is designed in-house, will feature a custom layout with accommodation for up to 12 guests across six cabins including a master suite positioned forward on the main deck with direct access to the full-beam bow terrace. The main deck will also play host to a central dining and lounging area as well as a custom drinks bar.

Other custom features on board the new 100 Sunreef Power will include an enclosed lounge area on the flybridge at the owner's request. This will house an enclosed cigar lounge boasting a bar, expansive 85-inch TV and lounging sofas.

Like its sistership, the second hull will have a hydraulic swim platform that doubles as a launchpad for the tender, alongside a garage that accommodates two Jet Skis with room for additional water toys.

Power will come from a pair of 1300hp engines and the 100 Sunreef Power will have "transatlantic autonomy".

The 100 Sunreef Power is the second largest model in the shipyard's range of power catamarans, second only to the 49-metre Sunreef Power which is currently under construction in Gdansk, Poland.

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Sunreef Power Eco Is A Think-Different Catamaran

  • By Kim Kavin
  • February 14, 2024

Sunreef 80 Power Eco

Any yacht that’s built with a “solar skin” is bound to attract owners who have at least a few thoughts about the environment. Such is the case with Sunreef’s Power Eco series of catamarans. Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso recently took delivery of a 60 Power Eco, saying that sustainability considerations were fundamental to his vessel choice. The owner of the first 80 Power Eco , christened Sól , built the yacht entirely cruelty-free, including far more than avoiding animal-derived fabrics such as leather.

As just one example, there’s a composting machine on board Sól . It lets the chefs reduce trash by turning scraps into fertilizer for island farmers, who, in exchange, provide the yacht with locally grown microgreens. “This is definitely different,” says chef Sara Nelson. “I don’t know any other boat doing these things to the level that we’re doing them.”

Fernando Alonso

The captain of Sól thinks about sustainability right down to the crew’s polishing tools for the hull. “You need woolies, but I had to go to the manufacturer to see if it was real wool or not,” Capt. Jack Gorman says. “These are synthetic wool. That’s what we’re going for. Everything down to the bottom paint is cruelty-free. Ablative bottom paints, if you put 20 gallons of that on your yacht, it sloughs off into the environment, and it’s bad for the reefs. We’re using a silicon base without biocides.”

The 80’s two rotating chefs trained in plant-based cooking with celebrity chef Matthew Kenney. Aboard Sól , they will prepare any type of food that guests prefer, but they are ready for charter clients who want all-vegan menus.

Sunreef 80 Power Eco

“Most people are reducers,” the 80’s owner says. “A small percentage of the world is vegan, but the majority of people have been looking for plant-based options—not necessarily three meals a day, but they will choose a plant-based dinner some percentage of their evenings.” Aboard Sól , he adds, “it’s delicious, exquisite, high-quality plant-based options.”

As their name implies, the Sunreef Power Eco yachts also have electric power. Sunreef has been adding energy-saving air-conditioning systems, along with custom battery banks that are lighter—and, therefore, can be bigger—than the types of batteries some other builders are testing.

Sunreef 80 Power Eco

The result is the kind of cruising and charter experience that appeals to people who are eager to make an eco-friendly turn. As Alonso puts it, “long, fume-free and quiet cruises let you enjoy the seas on a whole new level. This yacht has some amazing technology that cannot be found anywhere else.”

Take the next step: sunreef-yachts.com

  • More: Catamarans , Currents , January 2024 , Power Catamarans , Solar Powered Yachts , Sunreef , Sunreef Yachts , Yachts
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This New 115-Foot Electric Sailing Catamaran Can Cruise the Seas Sans Emissions

Sunreef's new 35m eco is outfitted with custom batteries, electric engines, and solar panels., rachel cormack.

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Sunreef 35M Eco

Sunreef ’s lineup just got even bigger and greener.

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Sunreef 35M Eco

Spanning 115 feet, the newest composite multihull is fitted with Sunreef’s custom-engineered batteries and state-of-the-art electric engines. Solar panels will also be embedded into the hull sides, superstructure, and bimini, allowing the cat to generate power from the sun. The yard has previously added this patented “ solar skin ” to several models, such as the newly unveiled Explorer Eco 40 , the Eco 100 , the Zero Cat , and the 80 Power Eco .

Sunreef didn’t share any details regarding speed or range for the new 35M Eco, but the aforementioned 80-foot cat is powered by 360 kW electric motors that can push it to 10 knots. The newcomer theoretically has an “infinite range,” given it can continuously get power from the sun so long as it’s shining. The clean, emissions-free energy would also power the hotel load at anchor.

Sunreef 35M Eco

The 35M Eco is not only sustainable but also spacious and stylish. With a beam of 48 feet, the yacht offers expansive living areas onboard. Positioned in the bow of the main deck, the owner’s stateroom provides stunning panoramic views and private access to an outdoor terrace. The luxurious guest accommodation, meanwhile, is located in the hulls and is fully customizable.

The 35M Eco offers an abundance of alfresco lounging areas, too. The vast walkaround aft deck, which Sunreef calls the “ocean lounge,” gives seafarers easy access to the sea and a hidden garage stocked with water toys. In addition, the sprawling flybridge features a plunge pool and bar.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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a boat sailing on the water aboard GINETTE Yacht for Charter

weekly rates from €60,000

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GINETTE Yacht for Charter

Charter details.

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please inquire.


Staterooms 4
Twin Cabins 1
Double Cabins 3
Convertible Cabins 1


Builder sunreef
Length (LOA) 70'
Year 2021

Summer Rates

2024 Season. Rates p/week + expenses

€ 60,000

€ 70,000

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Sunreef 140 unveiled - A multihull superyacht, available with green propulsion

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Aerial view of a Sunreef Yachts luxury catamaran sailing on the blue ocean waters.

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A Sunreef Yachts catamaran sailing on the water at sunset.

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  • Sunreef 35M
  • Sunreef 43M
  • 49M Sunreef Power
  • 210 Sunreef Power Trimaran
  • Sunreef Explorer
  • 40M Sunreef Explorer
  • 40M Sunreef Explorer Eco
  • 50M Sunreef Explorer
  • Superyacht Fleet


Adorned with a mix of contemporary and modern design, the Sunreef Yachts superyachts range showcases a visual symphony of sophistication with exquisite craftsmanship. Experience state-of-the-art amenities, spacious suites, and breathtaking vistas from the expansive decks that reflect your unique style and preferences.

Our superyacht range is geared with the latest in marine technology and safety features for an uninterrupted journey.



At the forefront of a sustainable revolution in the superyacht industry, Sunreef Yachts now unveils its latest sailing super catamaran. The Sunreef 35M Eco is designed to deliver an emissions-free cruising experience, combining silence and luxury.


The 40M Sunreef Explorer is a versatile multihull craft dedicated to discovering new horizons. Her propulsion options allow for transoceanic range and solid performance in rough seas.


The definition of luxury yachting is changing. The 40M Sunreef Explorer Eco rewrites the rules with bold architecture and a fresh approach to travel.


The Sunreef 43M is a multihull superyacht boasting a timeless marine design incorporating immense living space and unique technical features for a superior cruising experience.


The 49M multihull marries cutting-edge engineering and radical naval design. The tri-deck concept incorporates extremely vast outdoor living areas.


Sunreef Explorer Yachts are designed to go anywhere, from lush tropical islands to the most extreme latitudes.


The 210 Sunreef Power Trimaran is the avant-garde of megayacht design and the ultimate expression of engineering expertise.


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+48 58 769 77 77

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First-of-its-kind electric yacht to incorporate recycled bottles in its construction: 'Another milestone'

This model requires around 2.4 tons of structural foam, the equivalent of about 600,000 recycled PET bottles.

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This model requires around 2.4 tons of structural foam, the equivalent of about 600,000 recycled PET bottles.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Sunreef Yachts is already well known in the world of eco-friendly boating, with its Eco line of yachts powered by renewable energy. Now, the company is "taking things a step greener," as Electrek put it, by incorporating structural foam made of recycled bottles into its solar electric yachts. 

Since its inception in 2002, Sunreef Yachts has been focused on building ships marked by excellent craftsmanship and unique design. It's launched many catamarans and sailboats equipped with the latest green technologies, such as all-electric propulsion, custom-engineered batteries, wind generators, and the world's first solar panel system that is fully integrated into the ship's bodywork to draw more energy from the sun.

Some of the most impressive boats in its lineup include the 80 Sunreef Power Eco SÓL , which boasts the industry's largest battery bank at nearly one megawatt-hour, and the recently introduced Eco Explorer, a 40-meter electric yacht. 

While these are undoubtedly a game-changer in the superyacht industry, Sunreef is ramping up its energy efficiency by integrating recycled PET bottles into its production process for the composite structures of its yachts. PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is a type of durable plastic used to produce beverage bottles. 

While they are recyclable, fewer than 30% of plastic bottles in the United States actually get recycled, with most ending up in landfills or waterways. They can take up to 500 years to break down and release harmful microplastics and other chemicals into the environment, causing numerous health problems for humans. 

That's why Sunreef is committed to giving these bottles a second life and keeping them out of the oceans, where they can be a hazard to marine creatures. The company says the Sunreef 80 requires around 2.4 tons of structural foam, the equivalent of about 600,000 recycled PET bottles.

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And the benefits go beyond cleaning up the oceans. The recycled bottle foam is extremely durable, offering "high resistance to process temperatures, exceptional chemical resistance, strong adhesion, and mechanical properties," per Sunreef.

"Following the natural fiber composite, this represents another milestone in the shipyard's ongoing efforts to redefine the standards of environmentally responsible yacht construction," a Sunreef Yachts news release stated .

Since superyachts have been under a lot of scrutiny lately for their massive pollution footprint — producing nearly 8,000 tons of heat-trapping gases annually if kept on standby, per the Guardian — any attempts to reduce their pollution are a win for both people and the planet. 

With its innovative solar technology , smart energy management features, and sustainably sourced materials, Sunreef is helping to create a cleaner future, one bottle at a time. 

While it hasn't been announced when we might see the structural foam integrated into its ships, other companies, such as Silent Yachts , are also making yachting more eco-friendly with their luxury solar-powered boats. Electric ferries are shaking up public transportation in India, offering yet another way for people to travel sustainably .

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The 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran by Sunreef Yachts

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Written by Chelsea Smith

Available in Expedition and Exclusive versions, now the Sunreef Power can also be converted into the Sport Fish version designed for deep sea fishing enthusiasts in mind that appreciate such catamaran assets as stability, low draft, long range coupled with low fuel consumption and extended storage.

75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran - Sunreef Yachts

75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran - Sunreef Yachts

Extended in length from the base 70ft model, the 75  Sunreef  Power Sport Fish is the biggest luxury catamaran-yacht available in the fishing version in the world. The performance and fuel efficiency of this yacht has been already proven by the five units built to date that are now cruising around the world. Indeed, the 70 Sunreef Power can reach top speeds of 30 knots when twin 1000Hp are installed on board. Also, the exceptional range of 8000 miles and over can be reached on lower speeds with smaller engines.

The 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran cockpit fishing features include stern tuna tubes, massive fish box with high velocity shaved ice feed, a large bait preparation station, large bait freezers, rod storage and much more. A special, purpose-built aft platform was added to the cockpit and includes two comfortable fighting chairs with aluminium plate reinforcement and the offset swivel stanchion.

Sunreef 75ft Sportfish Catamaran

Sunreef 75ft Sportfish Catamaran

The gigantic 40sqm flybridge houses the main helm station with complete state-of-the art navigation and communication equipment. This space is permanently covered with a composite rigid top which allows for navigation in cold, northern fishing zones. Standard amenities on board the 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish also include a one-piece anodized aluminium ladder to the tower with outriggers from the flybridge. The outdoors of the fly bridge can be fully customised and comprise sunbathing lounge, dining area, open bar and barbecue, water toys storage or a Spa Pool.

As for the interior of the 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran, they will be fully customised and laid-out in charter, owner or a semi-owner version accommodating 4-5 double guest cabins all with private en-suite bathrooms and separate showers, TV and DVD set, small desk and storage and 1 double crew cabin. The interior design can represent modern, minimalist, classic, maritime and even oriental styles, depending on client’s choice.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "The 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran by Sunreef Yachts".

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The 70 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran by Sunreef Yachts

The 70 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran by Sunreef Yachts


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One Planet is the first 100% electric Sailing Catamaran of that size available for Charter, allowing to explore the most exclusive places in Mediterranean and Caribbean with minimum environmental footprint and noise thanks to its solar skin and electric propulsion. Consuming only wind, sunlight and sea water, One Planet delivers a 5-star experience to 8 guests pampered by a professional crew of 4. With the size of a tennis court, she is an exclusive eco-friendly retreat on the water, with total privacy, full silence, ultimate comfort, high-tech amenities and Michelin-grade organic, locally-sourced cuisine.


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  • Boat Type Catamaran Sailing yacht
  • Included 2 x Seabob F5S 2 x Wing Foil 4 x SUP Spinera towable Wakeboard WilliamsJet Tender 110HP for 9 people
  • Not Included - "Wine While Sailing" (upon request) at extra cost - All new linens/towels and throw pillows - Banana (3 seater) - Ice maker capacity 12kg/ day - Yoga Instructor (upon request) at extra cost -1 Inflatable kayak -2 Paddleboards -2 sea doos -2 Yamaha RDS250 seascooters (2019) -Adult water skis -Brand new tender (2019) 6 pax -One fly board available at your disposal (with condition: jet ski rental needed) -One pair of basic water skiing equipment for kids and teenagers -Round donut for towing -Sea Doo Aqua Lounge 6 Inflatable Island -snorkeling equipment for all sizes and ages -Tender: Williams Turbojet 14' 7" (4.45m) -Towable Buoy -Two paddle boards -Two Sea bobs F5S -Two wake boards (Bicycles available upon request with sufficient notice prior to the charter) (Jetski use is subject to the operator having a jetski licence) * optional e-surf upon confirmation ***E FOIL*** $4 • 4 Kayaks • Donuts towable • Standup paddle board • Tender 14ft with 50 HP motor $125 per person for Discover Scuba $299 per person for Open Water $50 per person per dive $75 per person per night dive 0 meter tender with 100 HP 000 per week (all guests and instructor) https://liftfoils.com/efoil/ 1 beauty room 1 Canoe 1 hot dog for towing (3 person) 1 Jet Ski 1 Jet Ski Sea-Doo 3 seater 300hp 1 Jet Ski Seadoo Spark 2 seats 1 Jetovator 1 Jobe Infinity pool 1 large float mat 18' x 6' 1 person inflatable towable 1 round tube for towing 1 Sea Wing Yamaha 1 Seabob 1 set of water ski 1 Tender ZAR 4.95m with Yamaha 60hp 1 towing inter tube 1 Tubes 1 water ski for adults & 1 x water ski for children 1 x Air compressor 1 x Banana 1 x donuts 1 x Double Hobie Kayak 1 x doughnut with 3 seats 1 x e-foil board 1 x Fliteboard 1 x GUMOTEX Kayak Thaya 410cm 1 x HO Sports Freeride Waterski 69'' 1 x Hobie 2 person kayak 1 x Inflatable lounge 1 x Inflatable SUP Jobe Yarra 10.6 1 x Jet ski Sea-Doo RTX 260 RS 1 x Jet ski Sea-Doo Spark (3 Up) 90HP 1 x Jet Ski Sea-Doo SPARK 1.100cc (for two) 1 x Jet Ski Sea-Doo Spark 90 with reverse gear (2019) 1 x Jobe Hemi Trainer Waterski 1 x Jobe Infinity Island (extension of the swimming platform) 1 x Jobe Lunar Sofa (for 3 persons) 1 x Jobe Mode Combo Waterski 67'' 1 x JOBE Sky Nautic 1 x JOBE Wakeboard 1 x kayak 1 x knee board 1 x Kneeboard 1 x Nautibuoy Inflatable pontoon 1 x paddle 1 x Sea Scooter Yamaha 350Li 1 x Seabob 1 x Seabob F5 1 x Seabob F5 Basic 1 x Seabob F7 1 x Seadoo Spark 90 cv (2 seats) (2015) 1 x Seadoo Wave runners 1 x Single Hobie Kayak (upon request) 1 x Stand up Paddle Board 1 x SUP Aqua Marina Beast All-Around 1 x Tender Novaronia 5m with a 90HP Yamaha outboard engine 1 x Tender Oceanis 3.40m with 40 HP YAMAHA 1 x Tender ZAR MINI RIB 13DL with OUTBOARD SUZUKI DF30ATS (2021) 1 x Tender Zodiac Medline New Line 540 with Yamaha 100hp engine 1 x Wake skate 1 x Wakeboard 1 x Water Ring 1 x Water Ski 1 x waterski 1-seat inflatable donut 1*4.2 m dinghy with 60 hp outboard 10 ft. floating dock 10 pax Highfield tender with 60hp engine 10 person (10x10 ft) floating dock 10 sets of new snorkeling gear 10 snorkeling sets of various sizes 10 x Different sizes and models of wet suits 10 x Inflatable noodles 10 x sets of snorkel 10 x Snorkel gear 10 x Snorkeling equipment (sizes 37-46) 10 x Snorkeling Equipment (sizes 5 to 11) 10 x Snorkeling gear 10 x snorkeling gears 10 x Snorkelling 10.50 m. Vidoli towable tender 250 hp 10.97m/36ft Hinckley Jet Tender 10' x 10' inflatable dock 10ft Inflatable circular mesh ring 10m 6hp tender 10m with OB motor 15HP 11m tender with toilet (2 x 450 hp Mercury) 12 ft floating Fiesta Island 12 m2 inflatable platform 12 sets of snorkel gear 12 x Sets of Masks & flippers 125HP 13 x Snorkeling gear 13' Avon Tender with Suzuki 40 HP 4-Stroke Outboard 14 x underwater blue lights 14ft Dinghy with 50 HP engine 15' Dinghy 15’ Highfield tender 15ft Highfield Deluxe 460 RIB center console with 70hp Yamaha 16' RIB 90hp Yamaha with towing harness 18ft Nautica tender with Yamaha 115 HP engine (refitted as new in 2020) 1m BSC towed behind 1m RIB 1x Audi Etron JET Fliteboard 1x M 1x Steel 15L) 1x XXXL) 2 Canoe 2 Clear kayaks 2 Cybex semi-recumbant bicycles - programmable 2 eFoils 2 Electric scooters 2 floating Fatboy beanbags 2 inflatable SUP´s 2 inflatable unicorns 2 jet ski for 3 persons (new 2014/2015) 2 Kayaks (2 seater) 2 Kymera Bodyboards 2 Laser Sailing Dingies 2 m RIB 2 Man Donut 2 massage rooms 2 MT 50 HP Dinghy 2 paddle boards 2 Pax Kayak 2 person 2 person ocean kayak 2 Person towable ski donut 2 person Tube 2 Rigid 2-men Kayaks 2 Rigid convertible SUP/kayaks 2 Rigid SUP boards 2 Sea scooters Yamaha 2 Seabobs F5S 2 seat kayak 2 seater Kayak 2 seats 2 Spinning Rods. Boat is BVI Registered for fishing (guests need individual permit) 2 Stand Up Paddle 2 Stand up paddle boards 2 Standup Paddleboards 2 Sub-Wings 2 Sub-Wings (Tow Behind) 2 SUP 2 Tenders - Williams 380 2 tenders: a Highfield 5m80 with engine Honda 80 HP and a Bombard AX compact 500 with Yamaha 9.9 HP 2 Trident sea scooter 2 Tubes 2 upon request) 2 Water Bikes 2 x “aquasub” or “planasub” or “tow board” - a small kind if board towed by the tender very slow and people can snorkel and go very deep changing the angle of the board and then come back to surface. 2 x 2 Man Kayaks 2 x 2-person kayaks 2 x 2020 Spark Seadoo Waverunners 2 x 2022 Seabob F5 (one with camera) 2 x 3-seater 2 x 3-seater waverunners 2 x 5.6m rib tenders 2 x 60-man watercraft lifeboats; Liferafts 8 x 20 pax + 2 x 25 pax 2 x Adults and kids helmets 2 x Aquamarina floating islans 250 cm / 160 cm 2 x Baby life jackets 2 x Bean bag 2 x bean bags 2 x beanbag chairs 2 x beanbags 2 x bicycles 2 x Blowup SUPs that can also serve as kayaks 2 x brand new seabobs 2 x Canoes 2 x Canoes (2 people) 2 x Carbon Bicycles 2 x carbon paddles 2 x Children's Snorkel Set 2 x chill Hammocks 2 x Clear kayaks 2 x Cowbell 2 x deck bean bag chairs 2 x Deep fishing rods 2 x diving equipment (RDVZ only) 2 x Donut 2 x Donuts 2 x Dumbells 2 x E-Foil 2 x e-foil (available upon request and at Captain’s discretion) 2 x E-foil boards 2 x E-foils 2 x Electric Bikes - Gocycle g3 2 x Electric Foldable bicycle 2 x Electric Folding Bike 2 x Electric mini scooters 2 x electric scooter (trottinette) 2 x Electric scooters 2 x electric Seabobs 2 x F5 SeaBobs 2 x Fishing gear 2 x Fishing Rod 2 x Fishing rods (Jigging) 2 x Flite Board 2 x floating Fatboy bean bags 2 x Fly boards 2 x Freeweight Case 2 X Go Pro cameras in waterproof housing 2 x GoCyles (available upon request) 2 x GoPro's and a drone 2 x GoPro's with Underwater Dome and multiple adventure mounts 2 x Gym Ball 2 x Hamburger - Grim 2 x Hammocks 2 x Hover Star 2 x inflatable 3-seats kayaks 2 x Inflatable donut 2 x Inflatable donuts 2 x inflatable kayaks 2 x inflatable paddle boards 2 x inflatable paddleboards 2 x inflatable SUP 2 x Inflatable SUP's 2 x Inflatable tube 2 x Inflatable tubes 2 x Ipad 2 x iRocker SUPS (paddleboards) 2 x Jet ski 2 x Jet ski (Yamaha) 2 x Jet ski Seadoo 2 x Jetski 2 x Jetskis 2 x Jobe Crusher Towable (for 1 person) 2 x JOBE Paddel Surf 2 x Jobe Paddle Boards 2 x Jobe Wakeboards 2 x Kayak 2 x kayak (two seats) 2 x Kayak 2 pax 2 x Kayak Paddles to use the SUP as a kayak 2 x Kayaks 2 x kayaks 1 Pax 2 x Kayaks with Seats 2 x Kite surf gear 2 x Medium child life jackets 2 x MESLE iSUP BONAIRE 325 LIGHT (stand-up paddling boards) 2 x Monoski 2 x Monoskis 2 x Nautibuoy (inflatable platform / waverunner dock) 2 x Nautibuoy Platforms that can be used for tender / jet ski docking & sunbathing (New 2020) 2 x new Canoes 2 x one man Kayaks 2 x Oru Kayaks 2 x Paddle Boards 2 x Paddleboard 2 x Paddleboards 2 x Paddles 2 x passenger Hacker Craft Prestige varnished launches carrying 8 guests. (recently refit) 2 x Pedal SUP 2 x Personal watercraft Yamaha WX 1100 (two seaters) 2 x Removable stainless steel saddles with screw in plugs on the foredeck for tender 2 x Ribeye tenders (5.5 mtrs each) 2 x rigid paddle boards 2 x Ringo 2 x Ringos 2 x scuba diving sets and diving compressor on board 2 x Sea Bob 2 x sea bobs 2 x Sea bobs Cayago F5 2 x Sea kayak 2 x Sea Scooter 2 x sea scooters 2 x Sea scooters Yamaha 2 x Sea-bobs ( 2 onboard at all times 2 x SEA-DOO underwater scooter 2 x Seabob 2 x SeaBob F5 2 x Seabob F5 2020 2 x Seabob F5 SR 2 x Seabob F5S (2020) 2 x Seabob F7 2 x Seabob FS5 2 x Seabobs 2 x seabobs F5 & F5s 2 x Seabobs F5s 2 x Seadoo seabobs 2 x Seadoo sit down jetskis 2 x Seadoo spark 2 x SeaDoo Spark Jet Ski 2 x SeaDoo Spark Jet Ski (2 seats) 2 x SeaDoo Spark Waverunners 2 x SeaDoo Spark Waverunners (3-seater) 2 x Seascooter 2 x seawings 2 x sets of PENN fishing gear 2 x Sets of water-ski (adult and child) 2 x Small child life jackets 2 x small Flamingo donut 2 x small kites 2 x squirt guns 2 x Stand up paddle board 2 X Stand Up Paddle Boards 2 x Stand up paddleboard 2 x Stand Up Paddleboard (Fanatic Ray Air) 2 x Stand Up Paddleboards 2 x Stand-Up paddle board/Kayak combo 2 x standup paddleboards 2 x Stinson rod/reels 2 x Subwing 2 x subwings 2 x Sundecks (inflatable & floating) 2 x SUP 2 x SUP (one of them convertible to a windsurf board junior size and the other adult size) 2 x SUP (Stand Up Paddlebord) 2 x SUP boards 2 x SUP's (inflatables) 2 x Sups 2 x SUPs (Stand Up Paddle Board) 2 x Surfboards 2 x Tandem Kayaks 2 x Technogym exercise bikes 2 x Technogym treadmills 2 x Tender PIRELLI PZERO 420 (2010) with YAMAHA 40 hp + PIRELLI PZERO 470 (2010) with YAHAMA 40 HP 2 x Tenders 2 x Towable donuts 2 x Towable tubes 2 x Tube 2 x Tubes 2 x Ugly stick rod/reels 2 x Under water scooter 2 x under water scooters 2 x Underwater electric scooters 2 x Underwater scooter Swii 2 x Wakeboard 2 x wakeboard (boots sizes from 32 to 46) 2 x wakeboards 2 X WATER SKI 2 x Water Ski (Adults) 2 x Water skis 2 x Water skis adults 2 x Water-ski (1 Pair for adult and 1 pair for child) 2 x Waterski 2 x Waterskis 2 x windsurfers 2 x YAMAHA 1300 Hp Jet-Ski 2 x Yamaha Jet Pod Pro sea scooters 2 x Yamaha Jet Skis (2020) 2 x Yamaha RDS250 seascooters (2019) 2 x Yamaha Sea Scooters 2 x Yamaha Seascooters 2 x Yamaha VX Cruiser waverunners 2 x Yamaha waverunners / jetskis 2 x Yoga mats 2 Yamaha RDS250 seascooters 2-seat inflatable banana 2-seat inflatable donut 2.7m with electric engine 3hp and two batteries 20 x Line Fishing equipment 20 x Snorkeling equipment 20 x Snorkeling Gear 2017 Seascan Marine tender (6.25m) with 240 hp 2019 Seadoo Jetski GTX 155 (3 seats) 2020 Yamaha Jetski VX Cruiser (3 seats) 2020 ZAR 5 90hp 9 pax tender 2023) 20hp 4pax tender stored in dinghy garage 20m w/ 50 HP engine 25 mt 2m Novurania with 50hp Yamaha outboard 2m with 5hp outboard 2m with 60HP outboard engine (2020) 2m with 60HP outboard engine (New 2020) 2x 2 person inflatable kayak 2x Electric Scooter Bikes for outdoor use 2x inflatable SUPs 2x Jobe hydra 2x Kayak 2x Kayaks 2x Kayaks (2 seats) 2x Lift E-foil 2x OpenBic Sailing dinghy 2x Paddle 2x Paddle board 2x Paddle boards 2x Sea bob F5s 2x Seabob 2x Seabob F5 2x Seabob F5SR 2x Seadoo seascooter (underwater propeller) 2x seated Kayak 2x Stand up paddle 2x Stand-up paddles 2x steel 12L 2x SUP Board 2x Sup/windsurf from JOBE 2x Towable (1P+2P) 2x Towing toys 2x Under water scooter (speed 3 2x Wakeboard 2x Wakeboard O'Brien adult 2x Water skis 3 3 Demon amplifiers for sound/TV system 3 Electric bikes 3 mt Tender with 40 HP outboard 3 person float 3 person Towable Tube 3 sets of diving equipment 3 side full enclosure cockpit tents 3 X Brand New SEABOB F5S (2019) 3 x canoe 3 X COMPLETE SCUBA DIVING EQUIPMENT 3 x dive gear sets 3 x Donuts 3 x electric folding bikes 3 x Fishing gear 3 x Fishing Rods and Lures (Trolling and Jigging) 3 x Inflatable paddle boards 3 x Inflatables 3 X KITESURF (DIFFERENT SIZES) 3 x Paddle 3 x Paddle board 3 x PADDLE BOARDS 3 x Paddleboard 3 x pairs of water skis 3 X RINGS 3 x SCUBA Divegear (BCD 3 x Scuba Diving Gear 3 x Sea wing 3 x Sea wings 3 x Seabob F5S 3 x single SUP's 3 x Stand-up paddle boards 3 x SUP 3 x SUP's 3 x Tubes 3 x Wave Runner Yamaha 3 x windsurf boards 3 x Yacht Beach Leisure Platforms 3 x Yamaha Seawing II 3-person armchair 3.30m Sur Marine tender with a Suzuki 20HP outboard engine 3.8m beam 700Hp 45kn (2020 Fast and comfortable) 3.8m. beam 700Hp 45kn (brand new 2020 30 m with an 20 hp outboard 30 with outboard engine 50 hp 33' Whaler tender with fishing outriggers and bait box (Optional extra for US$4000) 36' Hinckley Picnic Boat available for an extra fee 3G Wi-Fi throughout the yacht 3m with 115hp outboard 3mm full surf wetsuits - West (3x L) 3x Bodyboard 3x L 2x XL 3x L) 3x S. 4x M 3x Scubapro) 3x stand up paddle 3x Surf Boards 3x Waterski 4 Full divers equipment (BCD 4 m Tender Novurania with 60 HP YAMAHA 4 person floating dock with chairs 4 person inflatable towable 4 Sea Kayaks 4 sets of Snorkel Equipment 4 Trolling Rods 4 x Adult sport life jackets 4 x beach/deck beanbags 4 x Bean bag chairs on front deck 4 x bean bag loungers 4 x diving tanks + compressor 4 x Flippers 4 x Full divers equipment (BCD 4 x hybrid bikes (Specialized Diverge Sport) 4 x hybrid e-bikes (Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon EVO) 4 x Inflatable donut 4 x kayaks (one person kayaks) 4 x lounge chairs on aft deck 4 x new inflatable and rigid SUPs 4 x Paddle board (new) 4 x Paddle boards 4 x Sea Doo RS1 underwater propulsion units 4 x Sea Wings 4 x Seabobs 4 x seawing II Yamaha underwater scooter 4 x sets of dive gear (rendez-vous diving only) 4 x Sets of Diving Equipment 4 x Snorkeling masks 4 x Suex diving scooters 4 x suex water scooters 4 x Tubes 4 x TV LG 24’’ HD in the cabins 4 x Wakeboards 4 x Yoga Mats 4.20m Highfield Sp Tender 4.2m Tender 50hp Yamaha outboard 4.2m Tender with 50hp outboard 4.57m/15ft Nautica Tender 4.5m tender with 50hp outboard 4.7m RIB tender by Ribline - Pishel Concept 4.8 m 90 hp Mercury fast Boat 4.8 m Evinrude Joker Boat 90Hp (2012) 4.8 m Tender with 100 HP outboard engine 40 hp RIB 40 m outboard engine 40 Hp 40 mt 40 mt with 15HP outboard 40 with 40 hp for 6 pax 40hp 4 45 mt Seadoo 3 seats Seadoo Gtx Ltd 300 with Stereo BRP audio system 47′ Sony TV in salon 4x Dive Gear 5 5 kmh/h) 5 x Fishing gear 5 x Snorkeling equipment 5 x Yoga mat 5.1 RIB + 70HP outboard 5.5m Tender with 115 HP 5.70m Highfield (2015) with Yamaha 60hp engine 5.9m (19 ft) Tender with 90 HP engine 505 Williams Diesel Jet tender 50m 10 HP Yamaha 55” Smart Tv in the Lounge 5m Suzuki 115hp 5mm full scuba wetsuits - Aqualung (1x XS 5x Inflatable cherry balls 5x Paddle boards 6 person floating island + multiple floating chairs/mats 6 Person floating retreat with sun canopy 6 x Adult Snorkel Sets 6 x GAV 6 x inflatable chairs 6 x Noodles 6 x Octopus 6 x Sets of Snorkling Equipment 6 x Snorkel & fins sets 6 x snorkeling equipment 6 x snorkeling vests 6 x Snorkelling equipment 6 x sun beds on Trampoline for relaxing in the sun or sleeping under the stars 6 x swim noodles 6-6 6-man banana 6-person floating mat/swim up bar 6-person jacuzzi on the deck 6.5 RIB+ Yamaha 130hp 60 HP 60 hp outboard 60 with 60 HP 60 with 70HP 60m Zodiac tender with 60hp 65 m Yamaha Engine 25 Cv 650+ Movies 65m + 60 HP engine SUZUKI 6m tender with 50 HP outboard 6x18’ Floating Mat 7 m fast tender boat (new 2014) 7 m with Honda 50 HP 7.2m Four Winns tender (2019) 70 m dinghy with 60 HP outboard Yamaha engine 70 mt with 9 70hp 70hp 6.2m RIB (2019) 8 person party island 8 sets scuba diving equipment w/ Divemaster as permanent member of crew 8 sets scuba diving equipment w/ diving instructor 8 underwater lights 8 x Diving bottles 8 x saddle seats 8 x sets of snorkeling gear 8 x Snorkeling gear 8 x Snorkeling set 8 x Snorkeling sets of various sizes 8 x Snorkelling Equipment 8 x Trx system Bands 80 m. Yamaha outboard 30 Hp 4 strokes 80 mt with 40hp outboard 80 mt with 60hp outboard Water ski 9 HP outboard 9.14m ZAR custom tow tender with 2 x Evinrude 300HP (upon request) 90 with 50 HP outboard 90m) / 40HP A fully equipped dive centre including nitrox refilling station and a decompression chamber a gorgeous 14' Center Console RIB A Large Hammock A Mavic Pro Drone - rated the best drone of 2017 (operated by the Captain to take some wonderful pictures of your charter experience on board Nenne). A variety of modern board games AB Marine 16 Tender AB Marine 9.5 Tender Adult Adult and child waterskis Adult and children Skis Adult and junior wakeboards Aerobie Aft deck aftdeck) Air Conditioned saloon Air Stream Inflatable Towable (2 Person) airbeach marine inflatable plateform Aircon Cabins Aircondition Webasto hot/cold system Airstream towable All USCG required safety equipment Aluminum Tanks Amateur fishing gear and trainer water skiis Anti jellyfish pool anti jellyfish swimming pool Apple Tv Apple TV (main saloon) Apple TV available in main saloon - movies available upon request Apple TV in Master Cabin Apple TV multimedia box Apple TVS 4K AppleTV AppleTV for big screen photo sharing Aqua Lung BCDs (1x small and 3xmedium and 1xlarge) Aqua Marina Magma Aqua Marina Vapor Aquaglide 20' inflatable runway AquaGlide Banana (for 5 pax) Aquaglide Big Carpet Aquaglide Blast inflatable launch pad Aquaglide Rebound 16' inflatable trampoline Aquaglide Trampoline Aquapax Arm floaties for kids Assorted board and card games Assorted Board Games Assorted water toys Assortment Snorkeling Equipment (12 guests) Audio system on each cabin Awnings AXOPAR 28 for guest service Axopar 37ST fully equipped chase/tow boat B&W speakers Baby life jacket Baby life jackets badminton set banana Banana (3pax) Banana & donuts Banana Boat Banana boat for 4 pax Bananas Bar Baron SLALOM Water Ski Baseball basic fishing & snorkelling equipment Basic Weights Basketball hoop Bathing platform Battery life: 50-100 minutes BBQ BBQ on deck Beach ball and Frisbee Beach club Beach Equipment Beach game Beach games Beach hammocks Beach Tennis set Beach tent and chairs setup Beach toys beach volleyball bean bag chairs and loungers beanbag chairs for front deck use beds and a small sofa) BIC Sport Tobago Bicycle Bicycle Cross Trainer Big Floating mat Blow up pull along sofa Blue Ray PIONEER in saloon Board and card games Board Games Board games and cards Bocce Ball Bocce balls Bombard Explorer 500 Book library Books Bose audio system in salon and exterior Bose lifestyle V25 home cinema Bose Stereo System with 5 CD Changer and iPod Dock/Compatible Bote floating pad Bow Brand New Jacuzzi installed October 2020 Brand New Water Slide Brick w/ an ob YAMAHA 50 hp Brig 420 with a 50hp BRIG Falcon F420HT 60 HP BRIG Falcon F420HT tender Brig tender 50 hp Broadband WiFi extender (for email checking BRP Jet ski Sea-Doo GTX LTD 2018 300hp BRP Jet ski Sea-Doo SPARK HO 3-UP IBR TRIXX 2018 90hp Buoy Jobe 2 pax Business Corner with printer (air print) Camera Station can be tied to make 2m x 4m or 8m x 1m as part of an obstacle course) Can Jam Canoe Canoe (for 1 person) Canoe (for 2 persons) Canon camera capacity for 12 guests and 2 crew Carbon tender Card & Board Games cards Caribe 4 Castoldi Jet 16SB Jet Tender Castoli Jet Tender 16 with Yanmar 110hp engine CD players in aftdeck Central Media Digital System with movie server Certified Scuba Diving Instruction Available Chairs and beach cooler chairs and umbrella for the beach Charging time: 4-6 hours Child & adult waterskis Child water skis Children water ski children's water scooter (rather slow) Clear bottom kayak client must have complete course work and all confined water dives Cliff and boom jumping clubs & fish food golf balls cockpit and bridge linked speakers. Color LCD TV LG 37 Complete snorkel gear Computer Concept 2 Rower connecting with iPhone or iPad console dinghy legally rated for 8 passengers controlled from Crestron in the Sundeck convertible to kayaks Couples Hammock Crane – capacity 650 kg CRESTRON HiFi System CRESTRON with 6 iPAD Controllers (cabins Crew tender: 10' Avon/3hp Yamaha Cristofle Silverware Crusader (6 person SUP) Custom Porcelain Tableware Cylinder) Deck Jacuzzi Deck Shower Deep sea fishing gear Deep sea fishing gear and tackle designed for lounging with mesh trampoline spanning the center Digital camera suitable also for underwater use Dimming lights in saloon and cockpit with remote Dinghy Dinghy 3 Dinghy 3.30 m with an 20 hp outboard Dinghy 5.50 m 150 hp Dinghy 80HP Dinghy platform doubles as swim platform that can be lowered into the water Dinghy with 60 HP Outboard Dishwasher Dive compressor Dive Compressor | 4x Alloy Tanks Dive System Combo Airbuddy Dive tanks (6x aluminum 12L diving and snorkelling gear Diving board Diving compressor on board Diving compressor with hookah Diving equipment for min. 3 persons Diving equipment with compressor (for certified divers only) Diving gear Diving offered onboard Donut Donut 2 pax Donuts Donuts 3 seats Double canoe Double donut double Kayak Double Water Ski Doughnut Doughnut with 3 seats Drone Drone DJI Drone on board Drone on board (Captain will take photo/video during charter for guests) Dumbbells DVD in saloon & Master cabin DVD player DVD/Radio/MP3 system and surround sound system.Premium audio upgrade to harmon Kardon 5.1 DVDs/Movies library DVRs in Salon and all staterooms E-foil E-foil (1 is included + 1 optional for €1400 per week) E-foil Flite Carbon e-surf upon confirmation Echelon connected Fitness Bike with thousands of fitness classes eFoil Efoil Board efoil Waydoo Flyer One Eight Regulators Electric Bicycle Electric bike EOVOLT Confort Electric foil Electric foil Fliteboard Electric LIghted Logo Electric sliding roof over salon with skylight blinds. Electric surp Electrical grill in cockpit Electrical scooter Electronic Games Emergency DAN O2 oxygen kits Entertainment center with 48" LED TV with Blue Ray system and electric raise/lower mechanism. Equipment (masks Equipment for snorkeling etc. etc. for towing with tender boat Exercise bench Exercise bike Exercise equipment (weights Exercise matts Exercise Sticks Expanded DVD collection over 100+ movies Extended Bimini for great coverage on flybridge Extensive fishing equipment Extensive library of movies and music through Qnap Extra Large 4 person floating island Extra large jacuzzi on sun deck Extra Towables F5S Seabob (Brand new 2019) Facebook Fast and comfortable) fins Fins & Snorkels for all guests fins in different sizes) fins: various sizes Fishing Fishing & Snorkel Gear Fishing & Snorkeling equipment fishing and deep sea fishing Fishing and Snorkeling equipment Fishing and snorkelling equipment Fishing enthusiasts will enjoy the 3 fishing rods: Two for trolling under way and 1 lighter casting rods. Fishing equipment Fishing equipment (only in USVI waters) Fishing Gear Fishing gear (1 fishing rod and lures) Fishing gear (1 fishing rode - 1 fishing line) Fishing Gear (light tackle) Fishing Gear- Polls Fishing gears Fishing lines FISHING NOTE: catch and release ONLY Fishing rods Fishing rods (Trawling Fishing Rods & Gear Fishing Rods and Lures (Trolling and Jigging) x 3 Fishing Tackle/ gear Fitness equipment fitness therapists are included in the charter rate no additional cost. flamingo floats Flat SAMSUNG TV 23'' in Master cabin Flat Screen Television with DVD library Flat screen TVs in all cabins and in the main saloon Flat Smart HD Televisions with Plex media Flippers ​flippers and floating rings Flite Fliteboard PRO high performance Efoil Fliteboard efoil Floating and lounging chairs Floating Bar floating bean bag chairs floating carpet Skiflott 5 mtr x 3 mtr floating dock floating dock with inflatable chairs Floating dock: round doughnut shape- 10' diameter Floating flamingo Floating Island Floating mat Floating mats Floating mats and foam floating tubes Floating Mats and noodles Floating Mattresses Floating pad floating party island Floating Party Mat for sunning & play Floating sun mats Floating Sun Mattresses Floating Sun-beds Floating Tube for play & towing behind dinghy Floats / Noodles Fly board (available upon request) fly bridge Fly Rods Flyboard flyboard and racing hoverboard Flybridge HiFi + 4 speakers Foam floating mat Foam floating tubes Foil board Foil Board/Wakesurf board (Tow Behind) Foil boards Folding bikes Football Footballs (1) foredeck and dinghy Four Floating Sun Bathing Pads Free weights Free weights selection Fridge on flydeck Frisbee Frisbees Front staircase between trampolines into water Full A/C Full air conditioning Full equipped Bar Full navigation station Full SCUBA diving and snorkeling equipment FULL SETS OF SNORKELLING EQUIPMENT Full snorkeling as well as underwater fishing equipment for min. 3 persons Fully Air Conditioned Fun Tube Inflatable Towable (3 Person) FunAir inflatable slide Fusion Audio System Gala Viking V650 (6.5m) tender with Yamaha 175HP (seats 12) Gangway Washing machine/dryer machine Giant floating iFloat pads giant inflatable floating mat (7'x10') Glow in the dark bocce ball Go pro camera Go-Pro & Digital guest photos as keepsake goggle Golf gear for swim platform (balls are biodegradable fish food which need to be ordered at charterer's expense if requested) Golf mat Golf Platform GoPro for underwater photos and video GRAND Golden Line G500 with 100 HP Yamaha Guitar (upon request) Gymnastic accessories Gyro tube H2 AQUAJET DIVE: Hairdryers in each cabin hammam Hammam steam unit in the Master ensuite Hammock Handheld Underwater Camera Handmade Swiss Crystal Glassware hard paddle boards (new 2018) Hard top bimini for great coverage on flybridge Harman Kardom BDS 680 5.1 surround HDV Video Camera/ Nikon D 200 Highfield 390 sport tender Highfield 4 Highfield 460 Sport 90hp Highfield CL 390 Deluxe (Overall Length 3 Highfield CL 390 Deluxe (Overall Length 3.90m) / 40HP Highfield SP 520 with engine Yamaha F100 LB Highfield tender 3 HO Sports Kids Offroad towable car for 2 children HO Sports tow ring Hobie kayak (2 person) Hobie kayak (2 seater) Hobie Mirage 2 person Kayak with pedals Hobie Wave sailing dinghy Home cinema in saloon & Master cabin Home theater PIONEER with MONACOR amplifier in saloon Home Theatre Home theatre system in the Main saloon Hookah Diving System Hot Dog Hot Dog towable for 5 people HotDog Hoverboard Hunting and Fishing Equipment Hydraulic bathing platform Hydraulic platform Hydraulic swimming platform Hydroflyer Hydroslide and Skurfer Ice maker If there is a need for extra water toys please inquire! Imnasa Tender 380 with Yamaha 30hp including Children's sizes Individual floating chairs Indoor / outdoor audio system Infinity pool ( jelly fish net ) Inflatable ‘air-chairs’ Inflatable 2 pax kayak Inflatable Aquaglide Malibu Lounge / 2018 Inflatable Banana Inflatable Banana 3 seats Inflatable biscuit Inflatable boy Inflatable Canoe f/ 2 Persons Inflatable catamaran 420 sail boat Inflatable couch Inflatable couch 3 pax Inflatable couch for 3 pax Inflatable docking pontoon Inflatable Donut Inflatable donut 2 pax Inflatable Donut 2 seats Inflatable donut x 2 Inflatable Donuts Inflatable doughnuts Inflatable extendable deck Inflatable Flamingo Inflatable Flamingo & Parrot Inflatable Floating Dock Inflatable Island Lounge Inflatable Kayak Inflatable kayak with 2 seats Inflatable lounge Inflatable platform Inflatable platforms (both 4m x 1m Inflatable pool with jellyfish protection Inflatable slide Inflatable slide (from sundeck) inflatable SUP Inflatable swimming pool Inflatable towable couch Inflatable towable toys (donuts etc) Inflatable towables Inflatable toys Inflatable toys and towables Inflatable Trampoline Inflatable Tubes Inflatable unicorn Inflatable water slide inflatable Water SLIDE from the flybridge Inflatable water toys Inflatable water toys (donuts Inflatable water toys: Banana Inflatable Whale shark Inflatables Inflatables (Donut) Inflatables upon request Internet TV/ Radio in saloon and all cabins Internet via USB sticks Ipad & Macbook for guests use iPod Bluetooth system iPod docking station in the salon Iridium satellite phone Island Float Itiwit inflatable paddle boards (1x10' and 1x11') Jacuzzi Jacuzzi / Hot Tub Jacuzzi for adult and kids on sky deck Jacuzzi/pool on deck / lift - atrium JBL Waterproof speakers x 2 Jelly fish pool Jet board - Wave Jam Jet ski Jet ski (Yamaha VX Cruiser HO (high output) 180HP Jet Ski 2 seater YAMAHA 270hp with jet pack & fly board Jet Ski 3 seats Sea Doo GTX 300 limited (2020) Jet ski 90hp Jet ski for 2022 season Jet ski Kawasaki 2-seater 2016 Jet ski Sea Doo Jet Ski Sea Doo 3seater Jet Ski Sea Doo Spark 2 Seats Jet Ski Sea Doo spark 2019 Jet ski Sea-Doo RXX 255 jet ski Seadoo Jet ski Seadoo 800 Jet ski seadoo GTX230 Jet ski SeaDoo RXX 255 Jet Ski Tube Jet ski Yamaha 3-seater 2017 Jet ski Yamaha 900 Jet Ski Yamaha VX Deluxe (3 seats) Waterski Jet Skis Jet Sky 3 Jet Tender and Novurania 550 - 150hp Jet tender Avon Jet tender Castoldi 110hp Jet tender Williams 505DJ With Yanmar 4JH4 110 hp Jet Tender Zar 4.9SL (solid/big/115hp) Jet Tender Zar 4.9SL 115hp Jet-ski Seadoo Spark 90 hp Jetboard Jetski 3 seats Sea Doo GTX 300 limited (brand new 2020) Jetski for 2 (optional Jetski Sea Doo RXT 300 Triple Black Jetski SEADOO RXT-X RS 300 JetSki Seadoo Spark 2 seats jetski Spark 2 seats jetsurf + jetsurf tube for beginners jigging) Jobe Jobe 68 Water Ski's Jobe Adult lifejackets Jobe Airstram (3p) Jobe banana Jobe banana rider for four persons Jobe binar Jobe breeze Jobe Chaser (banana) Jobe Giant (3p) Jobe hydra inflatable tube for towing (solo rider) Jobe Infant Lifejackets Jobe infinity island Jobe Infinity Sea Scooter Jobe Kick Flip Jobe kickflip Inflatable tube for towing (2 seater) Jobe kneeboard JOBE lunar 3 p Jobe Lunar 3-person Inflatable Sofa Jobe set of waterskis Jobe wakeboard JR Celebrity junior Karl Lagerfeld Towels / Nef Nef Beach Towels / Egyptian Cotton Sheets KayaCat Kayak kayak (1 person) Kayak 2 pax Kayak double Kayak for 2 Kayak for 2 pax Kayak for 2 people Kayaks Kayaks & kayak kites Kayaks On-Board Kiddies skim board Kids life jackets Kite (junior set and adult set) - for certifiied kitesurfers only* Kitesurf Kitesurfing equipement for advanced and certified kitesurfers Kittytonic Knee board Knee board-Wake board Kneeboard kneeboarding kneebob Ladder golf LAMPUGA JETSURF Large and bright red genaker for fast and effortless downwind sailing large deck area Large ergonomic pool noodles Large Fly Bridge Bimini with surrounding tents offering full enclosure Large inflatable toucan bird Large Screen TV in Salon Large selection of inflatable towable toys (including tubes and rings) Large Swim Platform with two ladders for easy access Large towable Tube Large towable tube (3 person) Large variety of sea toys for all ages Laser Sailboat Laser star show Laundry facilities daily Laundry Service Lazy bag LCD color TV in each cabin LED TVs in the saloon with DVD players LG SMART 55" LED TV (2018) license required) Life Fitness 9500 HR ellipitical bike cross trainer LifeFitness Treadmill 9500 HR Lift EFoil board 5" Lift eFoli Lift foil (New 2020) light usage Lilly pad Lily pad Lilypad Line Fishing equipment x 20 Liquid Force Wake board Lobster Gear Lomac Jet Rib 4.0m inflatable with Yamaha 40hp outboard Lounge beanbags Mable Mable 4 people mask Masks Masks and snorkel sets Massage Massage therapist and wellness coach onboard Master & VIP cabin Master SAMSUNG TV on the wall Max diving depth: 20m (65.6 ft) Maximum power: 800W Maximum speed: 9 km/h (5.6 mph) Medicine ball Mega sup (for up to 8 people) mini Ipad Mini iPads in each cabin for music and TV control Minicat 420 - Catamaran Inflatable Sailing Dinghy MiniKat 420 sailing catamaran minimum age 10 mono and solo water-skies Mono Ski Monoski Monoski (chilldren & adults) Monoski (sizes 39 - 45) Monoski adults Monoski kids Multiboard Multiple inflatable floats Naish Wing Surfer NAUTIBUOY INFLATABLE BEACH PLATFORM Nespresso Machine Netflix Netflix & Amazon New (2019) Drone DJI Mavic 2 New AV through boat new in 2018 New Plumbing New Refrigerator New State of the art electric heads 2010 New tender with 30hp New wall and ceiling upholstery New waterproof cushions/fabrics cockpit noddles Noodles Noodles & Snorkel Vests Noodles and floats NorthStar 5.60 m RIB with 150 hp Yamaha outboard NorthStar 6.20 m RIB with 200 hp Yamaha outboard not for streaming) NOVA CINEMA in saloon and different in each cabin (6 cards) Novurania 550 - 150hp Novurania Chase 19 (8m) with 220 hp (New 2015) Now BLUE Exterior O’Brien Ace O’Brien combo skis Celebrity O’Brien Jumpseat 2 O’Brien Le Tube Deluxe O’Brien Surge kneeboard Ocean Kayak Oceanic BCD (M) octopuses Offshore fishing gear On board Wi-Fi Internet Access On request: 2 seabobs On request: 2 seabobs at an extra charge of 350€ / day per seabob On-demand movie and music servers Onboard trolling rods x 2 Onboard Wi-Fi internet access Onboard WIFI internet access One 2-seater Waverunner SeeDoo SPARK 2015 One 60HP speedboat One floating carpet Skiflott 5 mtr x 3 mtr One tender 3 One tender 5 One tender with 40hp outboard. Fishing and snorkelling equipment. One tender wtih 70hp outboard One towing sea biscuit Airhead G force for 3 kids maybe 4 or 2 Adults. One very small tender for maximum 3 guests + 1 crew or Android with Android home OTE TV Satellite Receiver Other sea toys upon request at additional cost Outboard Outdoor Cinema Outdoor cinema on Sundeck Outdoor Jacuzzi Outside cinema on the sun deck Outside Showers oversized 4 person SUP Oversized beach towels Owner is amenable to toys requests. paddle ball Paddle board Paddle board (NOTE - 2nd SUP is on its way pending delivery) Paddle Board (SUP) Paddle boards Paddle surf Paddle/Surf Boards Paddleboard Paddleboard (SUP) Paddleboards Paddleboards x 2 pair of water skis Personalized guided shore excursions Philips 48" 3D smart TV + DVD PHILIPS TV 19'' in VIP cabin Photography Gear Pilates balls Pirelli T45 Jet Tender Pizza Slice giant blow up mat Play Station 2 Playstation Playstation 3 Playstation 4 Plenty of sunbathing areas Plex movie server with over 400 movies onboard plush cotton and quick-dry available Pole Spears Pole spears for spear fishing Power Plate prior wakeboarding or surfing experience recommended) Professional fishing equipment PS3 PS3 game console Pull up bar Punch bag QNAP media server (2018) Quality mask & snorkel sets for 10 guests plus 4 child's Racket ball set Radio Hi-Fi 6 loud speaker Registered BVI fishing vessel Regulator Regulator sets (4x Aqualung RELILAC Golf Hitting Mat Rendezvous Diving Rendezvous diving only RENT OF THE SEABOB is possible with surcharge Rescue boat RIB 13ft/4m with an outboard 40hp engine Rib 3 Rib 4 Rib 4.3 with outboard engine 50 hp RIB tender "Black Mamba" 850 (new 2018) Rib with 40 hp outboard Ribco 28 8.5m 350HP Ringo Robes Roller for pushups Safe Safety floating noodle line attached to the stern saloon Saloon and Master cabin Saloon LCD SAMSUNG SMART TV 40' Samsung Led Smart TV 48” Sat Tv SAT TV in all cabins (LG 32' in Master cabin) SAT TV in Saloon (LG smart 43') SAT TV in saloon and each cabin Satelite TV Satellite TV Satellite TV system sauna Sauna on upper deck Scuba diving equipement Scuba Diving Gear x 3. Additional dive gear available for rent Scuba Equipment for 4 Scurf board Sea biscuit Sea bob Sea bob (2) Sea Bob (2019) Sea Bob F7 Sea Bobs Sea Doo waverunners Sea Pool - Jellyfish net Sea Scooter Sea scooters Sea Wing Sea-Doo GTX Limited edition 260 Jet Skis Sea-Doo RXP 300 Sea-doo RXP255/ 2-seater Jet ski Sea-Doo Spark Sea-Doo Spark (2 seater) Sea-Doo Spark Trixx Sea-Doo Spark Trixx 90 Jet-ski (new as of 2017) - Not available in Dubai Seabeds Seabob Seabob F5 Seabob F5 + quick charger SeaBob F5 S Seabob F5 SR Seabob F5S Seabob F5S (New 2019) Seabob F5S 2019 special edition with underwater camera and turbo charger Seabob F7 seabob x 2 Seabobs Seabobs x2 Seadoo GTI 120 CV Seadoo GTX Limited Jetski SeaDoo model 65ND Spark 2UP 90 iBR Trixx Seadoo RXP-X 300 sit down jetski (2 person) Seadoo RXT-X 300 sit down jetski (3 person) with module for waterskiing Seadoo Spark 2 seats (license required) Seadoo Spark jetski Seadoo XPR 255hp jet ski (two seats) Seadoos seascooter x 2 Seaquest BCD (XS) Seascooter Seascooter Yamaha SEATEL TV Satellite receiver SeaWing II Yamaha Selection of free weights Selection of ski vests / jackets Selection of table games SELVA PRO 700 - 150 CV (2016) Separate Rinse for u/w Camera Separate satellite smart TVs in each cabin Set Adult water skis Wakerboard Set of 2 Boflex free weights Set of quality water skis Sets of Cressie fins (4x S-M. 4x M-L. 4x L-XL) Several towable inflatables Shnorkeling equipment Shorty wetsuits (1x XS Sim Platform Single & Double water skis Single canoe Single Donut Single ski Skeet shooting ski Ski Board Ski sets Ski Tube Ski vests ski’s for children & for acrobatics) Skibob skinsuits available in multiple sizes Skis Skis (adult and kids) Skis (adults + kids) skurf board Sky Lounge SKY TV (main saloon) slalom ski slide and playground Sliding rigger rowing paddle board Slingshot Dwarfcraft 4'6" Foil Board with mast package and Hover Glide NF2 slippers small inflatable dinghy Smaller water skis suitable for Ladies (smaller feet) Smart technology TV with Sky box Smart TV in saloon Smashball game Snorekling snorkel snorkel and fins Snorkel equipment Snorkel equipment for adults and children Snorkel gear Snorkel gear (new) Snorkel Gear & Scuba Equipment for 8 Guests Snorkel gear + fins in a variety of sizes snorkel socks for fin comfort Snorkeling Snorkeling & basic fishing equipment snorkeling & fishing Snorkeling | Spearfishing Gear Snorkeling and Fishing equipment Snorkeling equipment snorkeling equipment for 10 guests Snorkeling equipment for adults and children Snorkeling Floats snorkeling gear Snorkeling gear (adults and children) Snorkeling gear (children's sizes also available) Snorkeling gear (sizes 36 to 46) Snorkeling gear for adults and children Snorkeling Gear x 20 snorkeling gear: mask & flippers Snorkeling Gears Snorkeling Towables Snorkeling wear Snorkelling Snorkelling and fishing gear Snorkelling Equipment Snorkelling equipment and large selection of fishing equipment. Snorkelling gear snorkels Snorklling equipment Snuba Hose Sofa Sofa (3 person) Sofa ride (3 person) Sofar Trident Underwater Drone Solar Panels SONOS / BOSE visual and audio systems overall Sonos Play-5 Speaker (2018) Sonos Sound system Sonos Subwoofer (2018) Sony Playstation 4 Spacious aft deck with retractable awning spaghetti ect.) Spear fishing Spear fishing Equipment specially equipped wih bimini and sprayhood spike ball Spinning Cyclette Spinning fishing rods (with Shimano and Penn single spool reels) Splash pad Sports stuff sumo tube Sports stuff x-treme chariot Sports tender "Olympic Cruiser" 720 (new 2018) stairs and in front of saloon Stand Up Paddle Stand Up Paddle Board Stand Up Paddle Surfboards (x2) Stand Up Paddleboard Stand Up Paddleboard x 3 Stand up Paddles Stand-Up Jet-Ski (Adult & Child) Standup Paddle Board (2) Standup Paddle boards (x2) Standup paddle boards has windsurfer attachment Standup paddle boards have underwater lights Standup Paddleboard Static load trainer Step Board Stereo system in saloon Stern hydraulic elevator to facilitate access to the boat Stero Stimmel multi-board Straight bar Streak Knee Board SU Paddle boards Sub-wing Sublue seascooter white (2021) Subwing Sun beds Sun Deck sun lotion SUN MARINE 12' OPEN TENDER CREW SERVICES Sunchill float sundeck sundeck and Master cabin Sunlounger pads for the trampoline Sunshade for foredeck SUP Sup wakeboard SUP x 2 SUP/WindSUP Surf foil board (for intermediate to advanced riders Surfboard Surfboard to be towed behind the dinghy Swim Ladders on each Transom w/ hot water showers Swim platform Swim platform and underway lights Swimming equipment (inflatable banana Swimming island Swimming ladder Swimming platform Swimming pool inflatable with jelly fish net protection T-Rex T/T Highfield 390 sport with 60 hp Hydraulic bathing platform T/T Highfield 4 Table games Teak Hydraulic lift lounge Teak racks in all showers and plexiglass cabins Techno Gym Excite-Exercise Bike Techno Gym Excite-Exercise Machine Techno Gym Running Machine Technohull Explorer 40 tow tender (12.1m / 40ft) with 2 x Yamaha 425 hp engines Teck decks in cockpit Ten 80 cu. ft Ten Complete sets of Snorkeling Equipment Tender Tender - Lomac 460 with 60 hp Yamaha engine Tender - Ocean Master Deluxe 460 with Honda engine 60 HP Tender - Williams 445 Turbojet 5 120HP Tender - Williams Sport Jet 395 (89HP) Tender : 5m AVON 80hp YAMAHA engine that can fit 8 guests Tender : Ranieri 3 Tender : Williams Sportjet 395 92hp Tender : Williams Sportjet 460 Tender “Grand 500” 100hp Tender „Lina“: 7.10 m Scanner with 300 HP inboard engine Tender „Mieke“: 4.70 m ZAR with 100 HP Yamaha of 2016 Tender 150 HP Williams 10 seat Tender 2 Tender 25kw Tender 3 Tender 3.80m with Suzuki 40HP Tender 3.90m Highfield aluminium with 60HP outboard Tender 3.90m Highfield aluminium with 60HP outboard Yamaha Tender 4 Tender 4.1 mt with 40 HP Outboard Tender 4.10 m with 50hp Honda outboard Tender 4.10 m with 50hp Yamaha outboard Tender 4.2m Novurania with 50hp Yamaha outboard Tender 4.30 mt Novurania + Outboard engine 60 HP Yamaha Tender 4.5 meters + 50 hp outboard engine Tender 5 Tender 5 meter 60HP Tender 5.05 m. Williams Tender 7 Tender 7.1m BSC towed behind with 200hp Yamaha outboard (2018) Tender Arimar Jet Tender Baracuda 5.5m with Honda Outboard engine 100HP Tender boat 6m 150 JP Tender boat 6m 70 HP Rismarine Tender Brig 3.80 40hp Yamaha tender Brig 360 with 40hp Yamaha outboard Tender BRIG 5.70m Mercury 150 HP Tender Brig Falcon 4 Tender Brig Falcon 4.2m with 60HP outboard engine (2020) Tender Cayman One 3.65 for 6 pax Tender G-Tender 11m. length Tender Gala 420 + Suzuki 60CV Tender GRAND Golden Line G500LF Tender Highfield 14' with Honda 50HP Tender HIGHFIELD 390 Tender Highfield 4 Tender Highfield CL380 / Mercury 40hp upgraded to offer adult Waterskiing & Wakeboard Tender Ocean Master Deluxe 460 w/ Honda Engine 60hp Tender RIB Smuggler Marine 5m with 90HP outboard Tender sport 4.95m with a 70Hp OB Tender Suzuki 89HP Tender Suzuki Eagle 8m with engine 300hp Tender Williams 4.5m TurboJet 120hp Tender Williams 400 Turbojet Tender Williams 520 jet Tender Williams jet 325 90HP Tender Williams Sport Jet 3.95 mt Tender Williams Tender 385 - turbojet 100hp Tender williams turbojet 285 with 100 HP Tender Williams Turbojet 5 mt Tender with 60HP (430 length) outboard engine Tender with 75 HP outboard engine Tender with an 40hp Tender with Zar ZF 3 70 hp outboard Tender ZAR 490 90HP Tender ZAR Z5 with 100hp Tender Zar ZF3 Suzuky outboard 60HP Tender Zodiac 3 Tender Zodiac 3.80m with new outboard Yamaha 40 HP Tender Zodiac 4.10 - 50 HP engine Tender Zoom 570 5.50m with Yamaha Engine 130hp (New 2021) Tender: 1 x Willams Sportjet tender-90HP (LOA 4.25m) p (Rotax jet engine) Tender: 4.5m with 50hp Tender: 5.1m RIB with 70hp outboard Tender: 5.26m custom built tender with a 60HP Yamaha outboard engine Tender: Bombard Explorer 500 5m Suzuki 115hp Tender: Caribe 4 meters with a Honda 50 hp Tender: Maestra 490 with Yamaha 60HP outboard Tender: Williams 385 Turbo jet Seabob F5S Tender: Williams 395 Sport Jet: BRP Rotax ACE 903 – 90 HP TENDER: WILLIAMS 445 TURBO JET (New 2019) Tender: Williams RIB 505 Tender: Williams Superjet 445 of 100 HP (5 guests and 1 crew member) Tender: Williams Turbojet 445 S Tender: Zar 49SL 100 HP Mercury Tender: ZAR ZF5 100 HP Tenders + toys: 21' Zeplin semi-rigid w/ 150hp + Cholamark RIB 40 HP Tenders: Bombard Explorer 6.50m - 140 hp outboard Tenders: Nautica 4.20m - 120 hp inboard Terrestrial Digital TV capability The hydraulic platform and the “teak beach” aft The tube and sausage are towed behind the jetski/tender The vessel has the following gym equipment: Toiletries Tow Banana (hot dog/sausage) Tow Banana f/ 2 Persons Tow donut with soft deck Tow Floater Towable Towable & Inflatable Toys (Banana Towable 3 persons sofa Towable Donut towable Donut and Tube Towable doughnut Towable flamingo Towable inflate matress Towable Jobe Sonar (4 person) Towable ring Towable scooter 2 Towable seated 2 Towable shark tube Towable Sofa (3 seaters) Towable toy Towable tube Towable underwater subwing Towable water toys Towables Towables (wakeboard Towed Tube Towing donuts Towing Ring Towing ring for 2 persons towing sea biscuit Airhead G force for 3 kids maybe 4 or 2 Adults Towing tubes Trampoline beanbags Transparent Kayak Treadmill Trolling Fishing Rods Trolling fishing rods (with Okuna multiplier reel) TRX Trx exercise hookup Tube Tube (1 pax) Tube and donut Tube for kids Tube for towing kids/adults 2 kinds Tube Screamer Tubes Tubes – Towable inflatable tubing and stand up Paddle Board TUSA 10 sets of snorkeling equipment TUSA special snorkeling vests TV and DVD player in Saloon / HIFI system TV in saloon TV in saloon and all cabins TV in saloon and master bedroom with Netflix TV LG 43’’ UHD 43UM7390 in saloon TV on Demand - Satellite TV TV screen in saloon TV screen in saloon area TV set in Salon/Master cabin TV/DVD TV/DVD in saloon TV/DVD in saloon & cabins TV/DVD saloon Two 63 U. ft Two cockpit rainfall showers Two heated deck showers at transom Two marina folding bicycles Two Ocean Kayaks two stand-up paddles Two Tubes Two-person towable tube Type of Dinghy: Inflatable w/hard hull Umbrella Umbrellas Underwater camera Underwater camera & video Underwater Dive Scooter SUE 71079 XJ VR Underwater Dive Scooters Underwater Drone Underwater Fluorescent Fish Light Underwater lighting Underwater lights Underwater lights in the tender Underwater Scooter Underwater Snuba offered from Dinghy up to 35 feet Underwater Stern Lights Up to 3 dives per day Variety of fun themed inflatables Various beach games Various blow up pull tubes in the water various floating mats and seats Various Floats Various floats & noodles Various free weights + bench Various Inflatable Toys Various sizes of mask Various sizes of masks and fins Various Ski & Wakeboards Various snorkelling equipment Vibra Shaper Video and music library Volley ball pit Volleyball Volleyballs (1) and badminton (2) Voltage: DC 23-29.4V w/ 4 cupholders Waboba water bouncing balls Wake Wake and Knee boards Wake Board Wake Board (Orben Vahalla) Wake board gear (new Wake boards Wake Skate Wake surf board Wake-bord Wakeboad Wakeboard (adult and kids) Wakeboard (adults) Wakeboard (boots sizes from 32 to 46) Wakeboard (for adults) Wakeboard (sizes 30 - 45) Wakeboard Inflatable towable toys Wakeboard O'Brien junior Wakeboard System 124 wakeboarding Wakeboards wakeboards and paddleboards Walker Bay supertender 15' centre console Water Carpet Water maker Water monoski water noodles water saddles water ski Water ski (adult and children) Water ski (adults and children) Water ski (adults and children) and Monoski Water ski (children and adult) Water ski (children and adult) Kneeboard Water Ski (Kids) Water ski (mono & bi) Water ski adult Water ski adults Water ski adults & children water ski and water toy equipment like banana Water Ski equipment Water Ski equipment (also Mono Ski) Water ski equipment for adults and kids water Ski for adults Water ski for adults & Water ski for children Water Ski for Children water Ski for kids Water ski kids (size 46) Water ski with open boots for different sizes Water ski's O'Brien performer adult Water ski's O'Brien vortex junior Water skies Water skiing Water skiing(adults and kids) Water Skiis Water skis Water Skis (adult & kids) Water skis (Adult and child) Water skis (adult and junior) Water skis (adult) Water skis (adults and slalom) Water skis (chilldren & adults) Water skis (for adults and for kids) Water skis for adults Water skis for adults and children Water skis kids WATER TUBE Water tubes Water-Skis (adult & children) Water-skis (adults Water-skis (Adults & kids) Water-sky WATERCARPET Watercrafts 3 seater SeaDoo Spark 900 Watermaker Waterski WATERSKI (children & adult) Waterski & Wakeboard Waterski adult Waterski adults Waterski adults (sizes 39 - 45) Waterski and tube for children Waterski kids Waterskis Waterskis (selection for adults and children) Waterskis & Tube Waterskis & wakeboard Wave Runners Waverunner (3 seats) Weight: 14 kg (30.8 lbs) Weights Weights & yoga mat weights 5kg x 2 Weights and Belts Weights bench WET LED Speakers wetsuits for grownups & kids Wi-Fi onboard WIFI WiFi available throughout the yacht Wii Games Console Wii Gaming System WII Video game Williams 325 Skipper Operated Tender Ring Williams 360 Tender Williams 380 Jet Tender Williams 445 turbojet tender Williams Diesel Jet 505 (5.05m) Williams Dieseljet 505 110HP Tender for 8 people Williams Dieseljet Tender 4.45m 14' 6" 110HP Williams Jet 385 3.85 m 90hp Williams Jet Tender 3 Williams Jet tender 325 sport 100hp Williams Sportjet 520 Williams Sportjet 520 Tender Williams tender with 200 HP Wind Sup Wind surf Wind surfer Windglider Window protective tents all around the saloon Windsurf Windsurf Board with small and large rig Windsurf equipment Windsurfer Windsurfer on request only Windsurfing Windsurfing board + sails Wing (for foiling) Wing foil sail for use with paddle board or surf foil (5m Duotone) Wing foil suitable for use with the SUP wingfoil with 200hp Yamaha outboard (2018) with a Yamaha 70HP outboard engine with cup holders and cooler with non-skid foam decking. with pressure and depth gauges x 1 Radinn Electric Jetboard x 3 person Airhead griffin big mable x 4 Sublue Sea Scooter x 4 SUPs x2 1-person Kayaks x2 2-person Kayaks x2 2-person Waverunners x2 Seabobs Xbox Yacht Toboggan Aquaglide with 6.5 meters slide Yamaha Yamaha 100 hp outboard engine with Yamaha jetski Yamaha Jetski Superjet Yamaha Jetski Superjet 70hp (this a stand up model) Yoga mats Yoga mats and blocks yoga mats x 2 Zapata racing jet pack Zar Formenti 3 with 70 hp Suzuki Zodiac 4.10 - 50 HP engine Zodiac 5.5m 80hp Zodiac Pro Jet 350 Zodiac tender with 15hp Yamaha engine Zookeeper and Pull Spears for Lionfish

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Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012

Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012,

Sunreef Yachts welcomes you to some of the world’s most anticipated marine events, the 2012 Dubai International Boat Show, held from 13-17 March 2012 and the Moscow International Boat Show 20-25 March 2012.

In Dubai, please visit us in the Luxury Supplies & Services Area LSS-D11 and in Moscow in hall 4 stand D 096, to find out more regarding Sunreef’s cutting-edge designs and most recent projects, such as the new high-speed, performance sailing catamaran, the Sunreef 75 Ultimate , and our latest, high-tech power catamaran, the 60 Sunreef Power , now under construction. The Sunreef Team looks forward to meeting you at both shows. For more information or to arrange a meeting, please contact us at: [email protected] or phone +48 607 730 094.

Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012,Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012,Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012,Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012

Previous Post Impressive Progress in the Construction of New 2012 Premiere Models

Next post sunreef yachts receives an order for a new unit of the sunreef 58 sailing.

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Sunreef Venture S.A.

Sunreef Yachts Shipyard

ul. Tarcice 6

80-718 Gdańsk, Poland

+48 58 769 77 77

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  1. See Sunreef Sustainable Yacht Builder's New Trio Of Designs

    sunreef yachts gowork

  2. See Sunreef Sustainable Yacht Builder's New Trio Of Designs

    sunreef yachts gowork

  3. First Pictures of Sunreef 80 Eco Revealed

    sunreef yachts gowork

  4. Step onboard Sunreef Yachts’ Sunreef Power 100 catamaran

    sunreef yachts gowork

  5. See Sunreef Sustainable Yacht Builder's New Trio Of Designs

    sunreef yachts gowork

  6. Sunreef Yachts: 3 Models (and Projects) We Love

    sunreef yachts gowork


  1. Sunreef sailing superyacht

  2. Sunreef Yachts at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2015

  3. 5 Reasons Why the Sunreef 55 ULTIMA Eco Yacht is a Game Changer

  4. Sunreef 70 Catamaran

  5. 2023 SUNREEF 80 ECO POWER

  6. Sailing away together


  1. Opinie Sunreef Venture S.A.

    Kandydaci do pracy w Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Tarcice napisali 3 opinii na temat procesu rekrutacyjnego. Zobacz szczegóły tutaj. Sprawdź 609 opinii o Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Tarcice Gdańsk. Informacje o zarobkach, kadrze zarządzającej, atmosferze !

  2. Sunreef Venture S.A.

    Liczba opinii, które napisali obecni i byli pracownicy to 4, z czego 0 to opinie pozytywne, 4 to opinie negatywne, a 0 to opinie neutralne. Sprawdź tutaj! Sprawdź 99 opinii o Sunreef Venture S.A. - Stocznia Doki Gdańsk. Informacje o zarobkach, kadrze zarządzającej, atmosferze !

  3. Sunreef Yachts Creates over 200 New Jobs

    September 11, 2020. Sunreef Yachts, a world leader in the design and construction of luxury catamarans and multihull superyachts is hiring over 200 new employees to staff its shipyard in Gdansk, Poland. Due to the continuous growth and development of the company, an increase in orders and the expansion of new production halls, the Sunreef ...

  4. Second Sunreef 100 Sunreef Power catamaran launched

    Polish catamaran specialist Sunreef Yachts has announced the launch of its second 28.6-metre 100 Sunreef Power.. The first hull was delivered in 2021 and is the largest power catamaran to be built by the shipyard to date at 29.5 metres in length. Hull number two is described by Sunreef as an "ultramodern catamaran" and will feature the same "unrivalled living space" as its sistership.

  5. Sunreef Yachts

    Sunreef Yachts | 22,228 followers on LinkedIn. The world's leading manufacturer and designer of luxury custom-made catamarans and multihull superyachts | The Sunreef Yachts shipyard, established ...

  6. Luxury custom yachts, catamarans, power boats design ...

    The Sunreef Yachts Eco harvest power from the sun more efficiently than most solar catamarans.First in the world In-house pattented designed and manufactured by the shipyard, Sunreef Yachts' solar panels are fully-integrated with the composite bodywork, vastly increasing the amount of solar power generated.

  7. Sunseef Yachts for sale

    Sunreef is a yacht brand that currently has 84 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 32 new vessels and 52 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers and boat dealerships mainly in the following countries: Poland, Spain, United States, France and Greece. YachtWorld offers a diverse array of models, showcasing a comprehensive span of ...

  8. New Boat Review of the Sunreef 80

    Sunreef claims a 24-knot top speed with optional, 1,200-hp MAN powerplants, a 14-knot cruise and with 4,225 gallons of diesel, the ability to cross oceans on her own bottom. With a recent yard expansion, the builder announced plans to eclipse 100 feet in both their sail and power cat model line. Sunreef 80 Specifications: LOA: 78'6". Beam: 39'4".

  9. Sunreef Power Eco Is A Think-Different Catamaran

    Sunreef builds these catamaran hulls with what the shipyard calls a "solar skin." It includes composite-integrated solar panels that are also part of each yacht's Bimini roof and superstructure Courtesy Sunreef. The result is the kind of cruising and charter experience that appeals to people who are eager to make an eco-friendly turn.

  10. About Sunreef Yachts

    The visionary and driving force behind the Sunreef Yachts shipyard is Francis Lapp - the company's Founder and President. Francis Lapp opened a shipyard in Gdansk - a city with long traditions in naval construction and the most skilled workforce. With the launch of the world's first 74ft luxury oceangoing catamaran with a flybridge in ...

  11. Sunreef's New 115-Foot Sailing Catamaran Can Cruise Sans Emissions

    Sunreef Yachts Sunreef 's lineup just got even bigger and greener. The Polish yard unveiled a new "sailing super catamaran " on Thursday, taking the total number of models on offer up to 23.

  12. GINETTE Yacht for Charter

    Click here to discover GINETTE yacht for charter. This 70' (21.64m) 4 Cabins yacht by sunreef is for rent with Northrop & Johnson.

  13. New to the fleet

    Discover "NALANI," the brand new award-winning Sunreef 80 Eco sailing catamaran where sustainable luxury meets unmatched style. Named after the Hawaiian term for 'serenity under the sky,' NALANI is your ultimate escape on the open sea. Equipped with cutting-edge solar panels, this eco-friendly marvel offers a unique blend of tranquility ...

  14. Sunreef 140 unveiled

    Sunreef Yachts officially unveils the first images of its all-new sailing super catamaran. The Sunreef 140 is a multihull superyacht boasting a timeless marine design incorporating immense living space and unique technical features for a superior cruising experience. Fully-customizable, the Sunreef 140 can also be offered in Eco version with ...

  15. 210 Sunreef Power

    The 210 Sunreef Power Trimaran is the avant-garde of superyacht design and the ultimate expression of engineering expertise. An ambitious 210ft three-hulled concept, it fully utilizes the space within and between the hulls to reach a living area of nearly 1000m². The vessel's outdoor social area features an immense flybridge, a cockpit ...

  16. Sunreef Sunreef 00 Power boats for sale

    Find Sunreef Sunreef 00 Power boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Sunreef boats to choose from. ... Bluewater Yacht Sales, LLC- Wrightsville Beach | Greenville, North Carolina. 2009 Nordic 35 Flame. US$139,900. United Yacht Sales - Pacific Northwest, Western Canada and BC | Billings, Montana.

  17. Yachting Grandeur: The Superyacht Range Experience

    SUPERYACHTS. Adorned with a mix of contemporary and modern design, the Sunreef Yachts superyachts range showcases a visual symphony of sophistication with exquisite craftsmanship. Experience state-of-the-art amenities, spacious suites, and breathtaking vistas from the expansive decks that reflect your unique style and preferences.

  18. First-of-its-kind electric yacht to incorporate recycled bottles in its

    Sunreef Yachts is already well known in the world of eco-friendly boating, with its Eco line of yachts powered by renewable energy. Now, the company is "taking things a step greener," as Electrek put it, by incorporating structural foam made of recycled bottles into its solar electric yachts.. Since its inception in 2002, Sunreef Yachts has been focused on building ships marked by excellent ...

  19. 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran

    First sailing yacht Sunreef 80 to be launched in July 2013. Sunreef Yachts to attend Moscow Boat Show for first time. Superyacht HAVEN is delivered by Lürssen, marking the dawn of a new era of superyacht design. Baglietto announces the launch of 52m superyacht DOPAMINE - the fourth in the T52 series ...

  20. The 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish Catamaran by Sunreef Yachts

    Extended in length from the base 70ft model, the 75 Sunreef Power Sport Fish is the biggest luxury catamaran-yacht available in the fishing version in the world. The performance and fuel efficiency of this yacht has been already proven by the five units built to date that are now cruising around the world. Indeed, the 70 Sunreef Power can reach ...

  21. Eco Luxury Sailing and Power Yacht Manufacturing- Sunreef Yachts

    Sunreef Yachts has easy access to the most optimal infrastructures: a 300-ton floating crane, which can lift yachts up to 210 ft, in-house workshops and above all - the most experienced craftsmen. The yacht manufacturing facility also provides a comprehensive mechanical, electrical and electronic service. There is also a dry and warm storage ...


    One Planet is the first 100% electric Sailing Catamaran of that size available for Charter, allowing to explore the most exclusive places in Mediterranean and Caribbean with minimum environmental footprint and noise thanks to its solar skin and electric propulsion. Consuming only wind, sunlight and sea water, One Planet delivers a 5-star experience to 8 guests pampered by a professional crew ...

  23. Solar Catamarans: Seafaring Sustainably

    This makes Sunreef Yachts Eco the lightest marine solar power system producer in the solar catamaran market. Each of the solar cells administered into the Sunreef solar catamarans are ISO 9001:2015 certified and offer a peak performance of ±24 percent, this is 25 to 30 percent more power compared to conventional cells.

  24. Moscow International Boat Show

    After a successful Boat Show in Dubai we are now preparing for a Boat Show that will take place from 13 -16 April 2006 in Moscow.In addition to already known line of sailing yachts, we will present there our new line of luxury power yachts introduced by 67 Sunreef Power.. This will be our first display in Moscow being, at the same time, the first appearance on eastern market of luxury pleasure ...

  25. Sunreef Yachts at the Dubai and Moscow International Boat Shows 2012

    Sunreef Yachts welcomes you to some of the world's most anticipated marine events, the 2012 Dubai International Boat Show, held from 13-17 March 2012 and the Moscow International Boat Show 20-25 March 2012.