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MMT is a company that values families and builds careers. We provide our employees with the best equipment and training, and set them on a path for success in the marine industry. We foster family bonds both on and off the vessel by hiring only the best crews, and supporting them with a Human Resources Department and staff that value your relationships at home. It’s a winning formula that keeps many of our team members at MMT until their retirement — a fact we are very proud of.

View Magnolia Marine Career Opportunities

Employment requirements.

• Must be at least 18 years of age • Must hold a valid state issued driver’s license • Must be able to read and write in English, and comprehend written instructions, documents, etc. • Must be physically fit and able to pass a physical examination and DOT drug screen

Employment Opportunities

• No experience required • Meals and transportation provided • Year-round, full time employment • Experience extensive travel across the U.S., and enjoy the beautiful scenery of changing seasons and wildlife • MMT employees can work a schedule of 30 days on and 15 days off, 30 days on and 30 days off, or 15 days on and 15 days off. That’s over 120 days off a year.

Potential Earnings

First year earnings: $41,140 Second year earnings: $72,600 Fourth year earnings: $84,700 Seventh year earnings: $152,460

Employee Benefits

• Life insurance • Long-term disability coverage • Medical benefits • Dental benefits • 401(k) and profit sharing programs • Holiday pay

Inquiries : 1-800-696-5921

Training continues throughout the careers of MMT’s mariners and engineers. This ongoing education provides equal opportunities for advancement, and makes for some of the most skilled crews in the entire Marine industry.

Captains & Pilots Captains, Pilots and Relief Captains receive training to review policies, “rules of the road,” changes in company standards, and vessel management training every two years.

Captains attend the  Seamen’s Church Institute  for maritime education every two years.

Engineers MMT vessel and shoreside engineers are consistently trained to ensure they remain up-to-date on the most current procedures and equipment operations. Vessel engineers are trained every two years on new processes and equipment. Both vessel and shoreline engineers attend  Caterpillar University  to train on specific equipment and processes.

Tankerman Tankermen receive training from the Maritime Services Group of Louisiana (MSGLA) to receive merchant mariners credentials and in house training every two years.

Deckhands Deckhands must graduate from  Hinds Community College’s  Deckhand training program, and receive continuous on the job training until they advance to the position of Tankermen.

Excellence In Tank Barge Transportation

Join golding barge line.

Golding Barge Line, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We want quality employees who are looking to advance within our company. We offer a comprehensive benefits package which includes:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Vision Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Short Term Disability
  • Long Term Disability
  • 401K Program
  • Safety Bonus

This is where the journey begins. Once deckhands have mastered the requirements of this position they will move up to takerman trainee and start training on the barges then move up to the position of tankerman. This rapid career advancement takes around 12-18 months on average and more than doubles their starting deckhand wages.

  • Deckhands assist others on the vessel in preparing barges for the loading and discharging of products at ports across the inland waterway system.
  • Deckhands build and break tow by using lines, wires, ratchets and stationary winches.
  • Deckhands perform a variety of tasks which include but not limited to standard housekeeping duties, painting, chipping, transferring rigging, vessel and barge maintenance, midstream fuel transfers, cooking, assisting in making bridges and locks, etc. These duties are performed in all types of weather, day and night, while the vessel is underway.
  • Deckhands must be capable of lifting or moving objects that are heavy and awkward.
  • Deckhands work under the supervision of the vessel Captain or the tankerman on watch.
  • The standard work schedule for all deckhands is 28 days on the boat, 14 days off; however this work schedule may vary.
  • All crew live, eat, and work aboard the vessel.
  • be able to swim
  • have and maintain a valid Driver’s License
  • have a High School Diploma or equivalent

Tankerman PIC

  • Adhere to all Golding Barge Line Safety policies and procedures as well as Federal Regulations and guidelines.
  • Prepare barges for loading and discharging
  • Connect and disconnect transfer hoses
  • Monitor all loadings and discharges to ensure safe transfers of cargo product(s)
  • Secure cargo systems
  • Have a working knowledge of the responsibilities of all members of the deck crew
  • Vessel and barge maintenance
  • Building tow
  • Housekeeping duties

Wheelhouse Personnel

  • Safe navigation of tow on waterways
  • Responsible for safety of boat and crew
  • Responsible to make sure crew is properly trained to perform their duties
  • Monitor all cargo transfers
  • Able to perform any job on the vessel
  • Take instructions from operations and traffic department
  • Oversee all vessel safety programs
  • Ensures all procedures are followed on the vessel
  • Perform as emergency response manager on the vessel
  • Customer relations with dock personnel
  • Ensuring all vessel personnel adhere to all U.S. Coast Guard and company policies
  • Protect the environment

riverboat jobs

Take a walk through the most ancient Kremlin in Russia

The Novgorod Kremlin, which is also called ‘Detinets’, is located on the left bank of the Volkhov River. The first fortified settlement was set here during the reign of prince Vladimir Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav the Wise. During these times, all the state, public and religious life of Novgorod was concentrated here. It was the place where people kept chronicles and copied the texts of books. The Novgorod Kremlin, the most ancient one in Russia, was founded here in the 15th century.

St. Sophia Cathedral (11th century), The Millennium Of Russia Monument, Episcopal Chamber (15th century) and the main exhibition of The State Novgorod Museum-reservation located in a public office building of the 18th century are all situated in the Novgorod Kremlin. The exhibition will tell you about the whole Novgorod history from ancient times to the present day. There are also restoration workshops, a children’s center, a library and a philharmonic inside the Kremlin walls.

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Send a letter with the State Novgorod Museum-reservation stamp

While visiting the main building of the Novgorod Kremlin museum, you’ll see a small bureau near the souvenir area. Two more bureaus like that can be found in the Fine Arts Museum and the Museum information centre. This is the Museum Post, the joint project of the State Novgorod Museum-reservation and Russian Post.

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The tradition to exchange letters (at that time written on birch bark sheets) dates back to the 11th century so it’s hardly surprising that such a project appeared here. The bureaus are desks and mailboxes at the same time, so you can send your friends a postcard with a view of Novgorod right from the museum.

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Find the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin among the figures of The Millennium Of Russia Monument

In 1862, 1000 years after the Varangians were called to Russia, a monument dedicated to this event was launched in Novgorod. To tell the story of Russia’s one thousand years, the sculptor used 129 bronze figures: from state and military leaders to artists and poets.

One of figures portrays Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin, a politician and reformer who was responsible for Russia’s diplomatic relations in the middle of the 17th century. He is believed to be the father of international and regular mail in Russia. He was also the person who came up with the idea of the first Russian Post official emblem — a post horn and a double-headed eagle.

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Cross the Msta River over the first arch bridge in Russia

The steel bridge in Borovichi town that connects two banks of the Msta river was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project of the bridge was created by Nikolay Belelyubsky, engineer and professor of St. Petersburg State Transport University. This is the first arch bridge in Russia.

In 1995, it was included in the national cultural heritage register. More than 100 bridges across Russia were developed by Belelyubsky, but only this one is named after him.

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Cast a virtual bell

When in the Novgorod region, you’ll definitely hear bells ring and learn about the Novgorod Veche Bell. During the siege of the city, tsar Ivan III ordered to remove this bell from the bell tower and send it to Moscow. Legend says that the bell didn’t accept his fate, fell to the ground near the border of the Novgorod region and broke to pieces against the stones.

In the biggest Museum Bell Centre in Russia located in the Valday town, you can see bells from across the world and learn why Novgorod bells are unique. The museum’s collection represents bells from different countries and ages, some of them dating back to the 3rd century BC. You’ll learn about the history of casting and modern bell-making technologies and also play games on a touch table. For example, harness virtual ‘troika’ (three) horses with bells or cast a virtual bell.

riverboat jobs

Spot the pigeon on the cross of St. Sophia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Novrogod between 1045 and 1050 by Kievan and Byzantine masters. It was conceived as the main cathedral of the city, and during its first years it was the only stone building in Novgorod. So where does the pigeon on the cross of the cathedral’s biggest dome come from?

Legend says that while tsar Ivan the Terrible and his Oprichniki were cruelly killing peaceful city folk in 1570, a pigeon suddenly sat down to the cross of the city’s main cathedral. It looked down, saw the massacre, and was literally petrified with horror. Since then the pigeon has been considered the defender of the city. People believe that as soon as the pigeon flies away from the cross, Novgorod will come to an end.

riverboat jobs

Visit a monastery, that was founded by Patriarch Nikon

The Valday Iver Monastery is situated on the island in the middle of the Valday lake. It is considered to be one of the most important and picturesque orthodox shrines.

The monastery was founded in 1653 by the initiative of Nikon who had just been elected Patriarch. Nikon wanted the monastery to look like the Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos, including the architectural style and monk’s clothes. Legend says that Nikon saw the spot for the monastery in a dream.

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Check out Fyodor Dostoevsky’s country house

Fyodor Dostoevsky, a famous Russian writer, first visited Staraya Russa town in 1872 during a summer trip with his family. They liked it so much that the next year they rented a house near the Pererytitsa River’s embankment and spent every summer here ever since.

Dostoevsky loved this house, called it ‘his nest’ and considered it the perfect place to work and to be alone. In Staraya Russa he wrote his novels ‘The Adolescent’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and ‘Demons’. Today, this place is a museum where you can explore what Dostoevsky’s house looked like and see his family’s personal belongings, photos and letters.

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Visit an authentic Russian ‘izba’ (wooden house)

If you want to really enjoy the atmosphere of the old Novgorod, you should come to the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of folk wooden architecture that is located on the Myachino lake not far away from Veliky Novgorod. In this open-air museum you’ll see the best examples of Russian wooden architecture, including authentic old ‘izbas’ (wooden houses), rural chapels and churches.

During the year, the museum hosts fairs of crafts and folklore, christmastides, and even an international bell ringing festival.

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Learn what Brick Gothic looks like

The Episcopal Chamber of the Novgorod Kremlin is the only non-religious German Gothic building of the 15th century preserved in Russia. You can have a good look at the facets of the gothic cross-domed vaults inside the chamber. This is why this building is also called ‘Faceted Chamber’ or ‘Chamber of Facets’.

The chamber was part of Vladychny Dvor, the place where all important city events took place: court hearings, gatherings of the Council of Lords of the Novgorod Republic, ambassador’s receptions and feasts. The seals of the city’s lords were kept here. The decree of tsar Ivan III on merging the Novgorod Republic with the Moscow State was first announced in 1478 in Episcopal Chamber. This is when the name of the new state, Russia, was first pronounced.

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See the murals by Theophanes the Greek

The Byzantine Empire had a huge impact on the development of the Russian culture. Many works of art and architecture in ancient Russia were created by Byzantine artists and masters. Theophanes the Greek was one of them. He was born in Byzantine and created icons and murals in Constantinople and Caffa (modern Feodosia). After that he moved to Novgorod where he was commissioned to paint the walls of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street. You can enjoy his unique and expressive style if you look at the murals inside the dome of the church and the Trinity side chapel.

The most recognizable and the only monumental work of Theophanes the Greek that is preserved today is the chest-high portrait of the Savior the Almighty in the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

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Take a photo with an ancient Novgorod citizen who is learning how to read and write

In 1951, a letter written on birch bark dating back to the 14–15th centuries was found in Veliky Novgorod. Many decades later, in 2019, a sculpture designed by Novgorod artist and sculptor Sergey Gaev appeared on this exact site.

The sculpture portrays an 8–year old boy sitting on a stool and holding a piece of birch bark. At this age children in Novgorod started to learn how to read and write. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod, scientists often found ancient handwriting practice books and children’s drawings on birch bark sheets.

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Feel like an ancient viking or prince Rurik’s guest

Novgorod is one of the waypoints of the famous trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks. The route passed through the Volkhov river. In the 9–10th centuries there was a fortified settlement of the Viking Age here.

Some scientists believe that Novgorod is named after this area which was called ‘Stary Gorod’ (‘Old City’) at that time. Some historians and archeologists consider this place to be the residence of Prince Rurik who was asked to rule the city in 862. That’s why this ancient settlement is called ‘Rurikovo Gorodische’ (‘Ruruk’s Old City’).

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Learn more about the Soviet modernist architecture

On the bank of the Volkhov river near the Novgorod Kremlin, there is an incredible building that looks like a spaceship and contrasts strongly with the ancient buildings of the city.

This is the Fyodor Dostoevsky Theater of Dramatic Art that was built in 1987. It is one of the most striking examples of the Soviet modernist architecture. The theater was built for 10 years according to the project of architect Vladimir Somov.

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See what an everyday life of Old Believers looks like

The Krestsy town in the Novgorod region has always been considered to be the center of the Novgorod Old Belief community, and it still is. Before the Soviet revolution there were three Old Believers churches here.

The Lyakova village, which is located not far from the town, used to be inhabited completely by Old Believers. You can learn more about their lifestyle in the local interactive museum. You’ll be introduced to Old Believers’ traditional crafts and ceremonies, drink tea with healing herbs and learn how to chop wood and use an old spinning wheel.

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Buy a traditional embroidered tablecloth

A unique embroidery style that is now famous all over the world was born in the Staroye Rakhino village in the Novgorod province. By the middle of the 19th century, it had become a folk craft. Since then, linen tablecloths, towels and clothing items decorated with unusual ornaments have been popular not only among the locals, but also travellers.

In 1929, the first cooperative partnership of embroidery masters was created in Kresttsy. Later it turned into a factory that still operates today. The factory has a museum where embroidery traditions are preserved and new ornaments and technologies are created.

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Find yourself in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Staraya Russa town could be called ‘the salt cellar of Russia’. That’s because salt making was the main trade here up to the 19th century. A few years ago, the old craft was brought back to life, and construction of salt works began. Later, an interactive museum was launched based on the results of archaeological findings.

This museum recreates a typical medieval manor of Staraya Russa of the 12th century with living rooms, a bathhouse, workshops, a livestock pen and traditional peasant household items. In this museum, you can also buy salt which is made in the same way as 1000 years ago.

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See the place where Suvorov started his Italian campaign

Alexander Suvorov’s manor in the Konchanskoe village, which has now become the museum of the great commander, was originally the place of his exile. Suvovor openly disagreed with the reform of Russian’s army based on the Prussian model, and Emperor Paul the First didn’t appreciate such behaviour. He first fired Suvorov and then sent him away to his family estate.

However, the exile lasted for only two years. The great commander started the military campaign straight from his house in the Konchanskoe. During this legendary expedition, he crossed the Alps and defeated the French army.

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Become a real hiker

If you dream of having a hike in the Novgorod region, but at the same time you are afraid that a tourist’s life may be too hard, you should try the Big Valday trail. This is a five-day 59-kilometer walking route. Its central part goes right through the Valday National Park’s territory.

You won’t have to cope with difficulties and inconveniences of camping life here. The route is marked with signs, and there are camping sites where you can find everything you need for an overnight stay from shelters and places for a fire to toilets. The trail finishes at the Dunayevshchina village where you can take a bus back to Valday. To take the trail, you have to fill out a special form and register on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation website.

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Russian Post has launched a limited series of products dedicated to the cultural heritage of the Novgorod region.

In autumn 2020, Russian Post announced an open contest to create the design for its limited series dedicated to Novgorod region. The project was supported by the Government of the Novgorod region, ‘Russ Novgorodskaya’ (Novgorod Russia) project, the State Novgorod Museum-reservation and Yandex.

Stamps and envelopes are traditionally used to spread information about historic dates and figures and famous landmarks. Now we can also use parcel boxes, packaging tape and postcards. The limited series products will travel around the world, introducing the most popular Russian attractions to six million Russian Post clients daily.

The participants were to create the design for the limited series featuring three iconic attractions of the Novgorod region, the Novgorod Kremlin, the Millennium Of Russia Monument and the Belelyubsky Bridge in Borovichi. Moscow designers and graduates of the Higher School of Economics’ Art and Design School Alena Akmatova and Svetlana Ilyushina won the contest. Their project was chosen via an open vote and by the expert jury.

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Assistant Store Manager - River Park (Fresno, CA)

Published on 08.21.2024

Reference: 251185

Fresno, United States

Permanent Job

Job ID:  251185 Store Name/Number:  CA-River Park (1118) Address:  7831 Via Del Rio, Fresno, CA 93720, United States (US) Hourly/Salaried:  Salaried (Exempt) Job Type:  Full Time Position Type:  Regular

Job Function:  Stores - Leadership  

Company Overview:

At Sephora we inspire our customers, empower our teams, and help them become the best versions of themselves.  We create an environment where people are valued, and differences are celebrated. Every day, our teams across the world bring to life our purpose: to expand the way the world sees beauty by empowering the Extra Ordinary in each of us.  We are united by a common goal - to reimagine the future of beauty .

The Opportunity: At Sephora, our people are the driving force behind our success. We believe that the best way to bring top-notch beauty products, services, tools, and experiences to our clients is by finding, training, and engaging the absolute best talent in the industry. Our teams invest heavily in our talent, both at our corporate headquarters and in Sephora stores. We strongly believe (and our actions prove it!) that our people are our best asset, and we work every day to arm them with the knowledge and tools not just to get the job done, but to feel inspired and fearless while doing it. Your role at Sephora: As an Assistant Store Manager, you will be responsible for supporting the Store Manager in overseeing the entire store operations, ensuring a high level of client service, and driving sales. You will assist in leading a team of dedicated associates, fostering a positive work environment that encourages growth and development. Key Responsibilities: Supporting Store Operations and Sales:

  • Assist the Store Manager in overseeing daily store operations, ensuring a smooth and efficient client experience.
  • Help develop and implement strategies to drive store sales and increase profitability.
  • Assist in coordinating and overseeing sales and profitability, performance, service, and operations.

Team Leadership and Development:

  • Assist in leading, coaching, and motivating a team of associates to meet or exceed sales targets.
  • Conduct performance appraisals, manage employee development and provide ongoing feedback.
  • Support the leadership team, ensuring effective collaboration and achievement of store goals.

Client Satisfaction and Service:

  • Ensure high levels of client satisfaction through excellent service.
  • Handle client complaints and provide appropriate solutions.
  • Support client loyalty programs and services to ensure client loyalty and engagement.

Store Standards and Compliance:

  • Maintain outstanding store condition and visual merchandising standards.
  • Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures to maintain a safe and efficient work environment.
  • Uphold Sephora brand excellence in-store, ensuring a consistent and high-quality client experience.

Resource Management:

  • Assist in managing inventory levels to ensure product availability.
  • Support the Store Manager in allocating resources and handling staffing, ensuring optimal productivity and performance.


  • Proven successful experience as a retail assistant manager.
  • 3-5 years of experience managing a high volume, complex retail, or hospitality setting.
  • Strong leadership skills and business acumen.
  • Client management skills.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • A knack for attracting, identifying, and inspiring employees.
  • Flexible availability to work a retail schedule.
  • Ability to lift and carry up to 50 pounds, bend/stretch to stock shelves, stand/walk the sales floor for entire shift and work in a fragrance filled environment & can handle and apply products to clients-with or without accommodation.
  • Adherence to Sephora’s dress code and policies in the Sephora Employee Handbook

The annual base salary range for this position is $64,480.00 - $77,000.00 The actual base salary offered depends on a variety of factors, which may include, as applicable, the applicant’s qualifications for the position; years of relevant experience; specific and unique skills; level of education attained; certifications or other professional licenses held; other legitimate, non-discriminatory business factors specific to the position; and the geographic location in which the applicant lives and/or from which they will perform the job.  Individuals employed in this position may also be eligible to earn bonuses.  Sephora offers a generous benefits package to full-time employees, which includes comprehensive health, dental and vision plans; a superior 401(k) plan, various paid time off programs; employee discount/perks; life insurance; disability insurance; flexible spending accounts; and an employee referral bonus program.

While at Sephora, you’ll enjoy…   

  • The people. You will be surrounded by some of the most talented leaders and teams – people you can be proud to work with.  
  • The learning . We invest in training and developing our teams, and you will continue evolving and building your skills through personalized career plans.
  • The culture . As a leading beauty retailer within the LVMH family, our reach is broad, and our impact is global. It is in our DNA to innovate and, at Sephora, all 40,000 passionate team members across 35 markets and 3,000+ stores, are united by a common goal - to reimagine the future of beauty.

You can unleash your creativity , because we’ve got disruptive spirit. You can learn and evolve , because we empower you to be your best. You can be yourself , because you are what sets us apart. This , is the future of beauty. Reimagine your future, at Sephora.  

Sephora is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity at our company.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, military/veteran status, or disability status. Sephora is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to applicants with physical and mental disabilities.

Sephora will consider for employment all qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with applicable law.


Visual representative of Sephora's identity © Sephora Collection

Crafting Dreams Starts With Yours

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  • Tourist Attractions
  • Tourist Attractions in Russia
  • Novgorod Oblast Tourist Attractions

Veliky Novgorod

The whole city of Veliky Novgorod is a big museum; there are many well-preserved monuments dating back to the 11th century and later centuries.

Bell ringing in Veliky Novgorod (credit to Lucia McCreery from Brooklyn)

Veliky Novgorod attractions

Novgorod kremlin, trade side and yaroslav’s courtyard, st. george's monastery, vitoslavlitsy museum of wooden architecture.

Map of the bespoke Russia tour tailored by us for our Spanish clients

Request a private tour, tailor-made for individuals and small groups to meet your needs and preferences.

Novgorod kremlin territory

Discover historical attractions of Veliky Novgorod

  • Private trip from St. Petersburg
  • Visit Novgorod Kremlin and the Cathedral of St. Sophia
  • Explore Yaroslav’s Court with its medieval churches
  • Pick-up and drop-off at your hotel

Group of 2: 16000 Rubles/person

  • Ask a question

Saint Anne's, Morton hospitals will have new owner: Lifespan announces $175M deal

Portrait of Dan Medeiros

Saint Anne’s Hospital in Fall River and Morton Hospital in Taunton will have a new owner, with nonprofit Rhode Island healthcare provider Lifespan agreeing to buy both operations.

Lifespan announced Thursday it will purchase the hospital operations, the buildings and their land for $175 million.

Lifespan CEO John Fernandez said his company was purchasing the hospital licenses and operations from Steward Health Care and the property from Medical Properties Trust via its lender, Apollo Global Management.

“We’re very excited about it," Fernandez said in an interview. “I’ve got to tip my hat to the people that work there. They’ve been through a lot, a lot more than we have during the last several months of having such uncertainty.”

How will Lifespan pay for the deal?

In May, the for-profit Steward abruptly filed for bankruptcy, throwing into question the future of its eight hospitals across Massachusetts, among others nationwide. In its filing, it revealed it owed money to more than 100,000 creditors in an amount ranging in the billions.

Among its debts was $50 million to its landlord, Medical Properties Trust, an Alabama-based real estate firm. MPT bought Steward hospital buildings and land from Steward — including Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton, Morton Hospital in Taunton and St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River — and leased them back to Steward.

Lifespan said the bulk of the $175 million purchase price would go toward purchasing the land and buildings.

The deal would be debt-financed. The company said it would receive "receive modest support from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for a limited timeframe, to support hospital operations." Earlier this week, Gov. Maura Healey announced a plan to bail out five bankrupt Steward Health Care hospitals in a deal that could cost $700 million by 2027.

Fernandez said Lifespan and the state “had yet to work out the exact agreement” in terms of how much money the company would receive. That deal would be worked out during closing, expected to happen within the next month.

The deal is still contingent upon approval by court and regulatory approval. If approved, the two hospitals would be owned by Lifespan of Massachusetts, a nonprofit affiliate of Lifespan.

Also Thursday, Healey's administration announced Lawrence General Hospital agreed to buy and operate both campuses of Holy Family Hospital in Haverhill and Methuen.

Will anyone at Saint Anne's or Morton hospitals lose their jobs?

Fernandez said no staff at either hospital is expected to lose their job, from janitors to physicians.

“We need more people, not less," Fernandez said. “We plan to retain the staff and just move forward.

“We probably need more staff, because of nursing shortages, et cetera. In health care right now, I wish I had the problem of too many people.”

He said his company has worked on a transition services agreement with Steward, with the process expected to take a year to 18 months.

“We have to get in and assess what needs to be fixed quickly and what needs to be implemented over time,” he said.

Fall River and Taunton mayors encouraged by hospital sales

Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan confirmed he has had multiple communications with Fernandez regarding the sale, and will meet with him in person soon.

"We're going to have a meeting about the hospital. He's very encouraged and looking forward to doing whatever they can to keep Saint Anne's going and improve it," Coogan said.

Both Coogan and Taunton Mayor Shaunna O'Connell earlier this year appeared at rallies in their respective cities to save the hospitals. Saint Anne's Hospital employs about 1,500 people; Morton employs several hundred more.

"We are excited to welcome Lifespan to our community to continue to provide the excellent level of care people have always received at Morton Hospital," O'Connell said. "We are thankful for the advocacy and support from our residents and many organizations and officials, particularly the Healey Administration."

What is Lifespan and what does it own?

Lifespan was founded in 1994 by Rhode Island Hospital and The Miriam Hospital. It's Rhode Island's largest health care system as well as the state's largest employer. Lifespan already operates a Hasbro Children's Specialty Practice in Fall River. In June, Lifespan announced it would rebrand itself as Brown University Health; Lifespan and Brown University’s Warren Alpert Medical School are affiliated.

The Fall River and Taunton hospitals would join Lifespan’s network of over 1,600 hospitals and clinics, including Rhode Island Hospital, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Newport Hospital and others.

“We look forward to working with them and really digging in and finding out how we can make these thriving organizations in these two communities,” Fernandez said.

Healthcare workers' unions react to sale, and blast Steward 

Tim Foley, executive vice president of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the union representing many employees at both Saint Anne’s and Morton, stated that he was pleased by the news. 

“Four of the eight Steward hospitals are now safe from the financial brinksmanship of Steward and its investors,” he said in a statement. “Now, with Steward’s greed and mismanagement in the rear-view mirror at these sites, we can turn our full attention to the essential work of rebuilding our hospitals and caring for our patients.” 

Foley called on Steward to finalize sales of Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood. 

The bankruptcy court has approved Steward’s plans to close Carney Hospital in Dorchester and Nashoba Valley Medical Center in Ayer by Aug. 3. Foley said Steward must “pay all laid-off workers what they are owed in accumulated PTO and severance pay.” 

“Massachusetts is turning a new page in our healthcare system today, but workers will not forget how Steward’s investors spent years draining resources from these hospitals to fuel their profits,” Foley said. “They still need to be held fully accountable for their misconduct and greed.” 

A statement from the Massachusetts Nurses Association, which represents more than 400 registered nurses at Morton, said the union would "review the full details of the agreement before issuing our final judgment on these transactions."

"While obviously hopeful and welcome news for the RNs and health professionals who have held the line throughout this process, it is even more important for the hundreds of thousands of residents who are served by these facilities, residents whose health and safety depend on the success of these transactions and the transition of the facilities to the new owners," the statement read in part.

"Our main concern is that our members, who have held the line throughout this grueling ordeal, must be assured that any final agreement stipulates that our members’ union contracts, with all existing rights and benefits, including their pension benefits, will be maintained by the new owners."


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  3. Riverboat view-1

  4. Discovery Riverboat Cruise Part 1B…7/28

  5. Building Tow, Towboat Loosing Power, Flanking, And Tunica

  6. Riverboat tour!


  1. 100+ Riverboat Jobs, Employment August 28, 2024| Indeed.com

    Savannah Riverboat Cruises 3.5. Savannah, GA 31401. ( North Historic District area) Typically responds within 3 days. $14 - $15 an hour. Full-time. Day shift + 2. Easily apply. Summary of Position: *Welcome and warmly greet guests on arrival to gift shop or outdoor kiosk.

  2. 75+ River Boat Jobs, Employment August 24, 2024| Indeed.com

    INFORMATION: Tanya Ives, HR Technician Senior, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Human Resources Office, P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, WA 99155, (509) 634-2201. [email protected]. 89 River Boat jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Deckhand, Pilot, Boat Captain and more!

  3. 20 Best river boat jobs (Hiring Now!)

    109. river boat jobs. River Boat Captain with Master's License Inland And Western Rivers. Missouri River Towing, LLC —Hermann, MO. O Responsible for vessel budget and maximizes cost efficiencies as directed. O Judges distances to enter locks and landing, and to avoid visual traffic hazards…. From $100,000 a year.

  4. Riverboat Cruise Jobs, Employment

    Bi-State Development. St. Louis, MO 63102. ( Near North Riverfront area) 8th & Pne Metrolink Station. $18.34 an hour. Seasonal. Maintain knowledge of pricing, menu items, and general cruise information. Possess knowledge of pricing, menu items, and general cruise information. Posted 30+ days ago ·.

  5. Jobs on the Mississippi River

    Search results for jobs on the Viking Mississippi: join the crew of the world's #1 cruise line in River & Oceans. Apply today!

  6. Search open jobs for River crew members at Viking Cruises

    EGYPT - Hotel Manager. Search results for River jobs at the world's #1 cruise line in River & Oceans, sailing in Europe, Asia & Egypt. Apply today!

  7. Careers

    Careers. MMT is a company that values families and builds careers. We provide our employees with the best equipment and training, and set them on a path for success in the marine industry.

  8. $13-$24/hr Riverboat Jobs in Mississippi (NOW HIRING) Aug 24

    The top searched job categories for Riverboat jobs in Mississippi are: River Towing 200 Ton Boat Captain Part Time Boat Crew Deckhand Cruise Ship Engine Room Coastal Recycling Boat Staff Roller Skating Rink Riverboat Jobs Near You Report Job. Select a reason for reporting this job ...

  9. $12-$22/hr Riverboat Jobs in Kentucky (NOW HIRING) Jul 2024

    Browse 17 KENTUCKY RIVERBOAT jobs from companies (hiring now) with openings. Find job postings near you and 1-click apply to your next opportunity!

  10. $14-$25/hr Riverboat Jobs (NOW HIRING) Jul 2024

    State Trooper Recruit/Lateral 24-03. State of Alaska Juneau, AK. $40.92 to $49.18 Hourly. Full-Time. Some Troopers choose to serve in very rural areas, where the only transportation is by air, riverboat, snow machine, or four-wheeler. Some choose to remain on the road system, in semi-rural areas.

  11. Riverboat Jobs

    Riverboat Jobs. Our riverboat staff enjoy some of the best views of St. Louis' working riverfront as well as the Gateway Arch. If you love the Mississippi River, having fun, and working with the best team - take a look at our available positions below and apply today! New BSD employees are eligible for a $500 hiring incentive!

  12. Search open jobs for Mississippi River crew members at Viking Cruises

    Search open jobs for Mississippi River crew members at Viking Cruises. Crew members typically work a schedule based on their home residence: US Mainland: 10-12 weeks-on, 3-4 weeks-off. Guam: 16 weeks-on, 3-4 weeks-off. Puerto Rico: 12 weeks-on, 4 weeks-off . Refine your Search. Showing 1 - 10 of 16 jobs. Sort by.

  13. Employment

    Golding Barge Line, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We want quality employees who are looking to advance within our company. We offer a comprehensive benefits package which includes: Medical Insurance. Vision Insurance. Life Insurance. Short Term Disability. Long Term Disability. 401K Program.

  14. mississippi river boat jobs in Mississippi

    Meridian, MS. Typically responds within 7 days. $24,117 - $96,410 a year. Full-time + 1. 8 hour shift. Easily apply. You'll learn boat handling techniques, how to dock and undock vessels, drop and weigh anchor, interpret code signal flags, and send and receive messages via….

  15. jobs in Cains River, NB

    Search 37 jobs now available in Cains River, NB on Indeed.com, the world's largest job site.

  16. Crew Job Opportunities on Board

    Join the world's #1 cruise line in River & Oceans. We are hiring for all crew departments including Culinary, F&B, Management and Nautical job opportunities.

  17. 20 reasons to visit Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region

    Cross the Msta River over the first arch bridge in Russia. The steel bridge in Borovichi town that connects two banks of the Msta river was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project of the bridge was created by Nikolay Belelyubsky, engineer and professor of St. Petersburg State Transport University. This is the first arch bridge ...

  18. Assistant Store Manager

    Job ID: 251185 Store Name/Number: CA-River Park (1118) Address: 7831 Via Del Rio, Fresno, CA 93720, United States (US) ... Job Function: Stores - Leadership . Company Overview: At Sephora we inspire our customers, empower our teams, and help them become the best versions of themselves. We create an environment where people are valued, and ...

  19. Riverboat Jobs

    Another job option is working as a deckhand, whose duties and responsibilities include conducting boat repairs and maintenance, assisting passengers with boarding and unloading, and handling lines while docking. They also play a role in safely towing down a river if this becomes necessary. Depending on the size of the vessel, there are also ...

  20. Veliky Novgorod

    From ancient times, Novgorod, located two kilometers from the place where the Volkhov river flows from Lake Ilmen, has been divided into two parts or sides: Sofyisky (by name of the Cathedral of St. Sophia) on the left bank and Torgovaya (Trade) on the right bank of the river Volkhov. The city center was the Kremlin, or "Detinets" on the Sofyisky side.The historical monuments of Novgorod ...

  21. Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod (Russian: Великий Новгород, lit. 'Great Newtown', IPA: [vʲɪˈlʲikʲɪj ˈnovɡərət]), [10] also known simply as Novgorod (Новгород), is the largest city and administrative centre of Novgorod Oblast, Russia.It is one of the oldest cities in Russia, [11] being first mentioned in the 9th century. The city lies along the Volkhov River just downstream ...

  22. 100+ River Jobs, Employment in Remote August 29, 2024 ...

    165 River jobs available in Remote 🇮🇳 on Indeed.com. Apply to Stocker, Sales Representative, Health Coach and more!

  23. Viking Careers: Job Opportunities with the world's #1 cruise line

    Viking Careers: Job Opportunities with the world's #1 cruise line. Launch your career and grow with us: apply for job opportunities for onboard crew members and our corporate team.

  24. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Veliky Novgorod (2024)

    Pedestrian bridge is located in Veliky Novgorod, a town about 120km far from Saint Petersburg. This bridge links the two banks of the river (Yaroslav's Court and Kremlin sides) and you can see from here very beautiful views of the Kremlin and his walls. Very nice walk to see the most important places in the city.

  25. Lifespan announces $175M deal to buy Fall River, Taunton hospitals

    The Fall River and Taunton hospitals would join Lifespan's network of over 1,600 hospitals and clinics, including Rhode Island Hospital, Hasbro Children's Hospital, Newport Hospital and others.