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Us flagged vessel, health insurance costs per crew, uniform cost per crew, training cost per crew, food cost per crew, crew turnover, hires using a professional crew agency.

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Costs of food provisions will vary dependent upon how eloborate food Preferenaces are

Location will play huge factor in food provisons and thing may have to be folws into remorte locations.

Crew is one of the largest expenses on a superyacht and critical to the owner’s enjoyment of their vessel. As the largest crew agency in the world, we know crew. Our cost calculator contains customized crew lists for yachts ranging from 80ft to 600ft with salary information based on our reference verified salary data.

Our users also have the ability to completely tailor the crew list to the specific needs, schedule and requirements of their vessel. Each yacht is unique and may have specific owner requests in addition to the yacht’s safe manning requirements.

Management of the supplemental crew costs and strategic budgeting can help avoid significant overspend on categories such as food and uniform. This tool contains default values based on our industry expertise and recommended budget for an efficiently and safely run superyacht.

To learn more about each crew position in detail, including salary ranges, please visit our yacht department directory .

Drag the sliders to modify your results. These are not linear scales and we expect most yachts to operate within the 20-80% window. Above 80% and below 20% costs increase or decrease at exaggerated levels and we only see numbers in these levels in very rare circumstances.

This sunburst diagram is interactive. You can click into each block to see the expense break down and mouse over each block for more details.

Our chart of accounts displays seven major categories, 20 sub-categories plus a further 80 detail categories for a total of 107.

Our yacht operating cost calculator is now on it’s third major revision. We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

Our operating cost calculator is tuned for yachts from 80 to 600 feet. We find operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 100 feet and larger than 250 feet. We have tested the numbers the most in the range from 100 to 250 feet.

Our budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically seen installed on yachts by length. By dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right you will increase the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. Our default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Our default values produce a budget number that we believe is generous to run a yacht to a high standard. Perfect is a very expensive word to use in the yachting industry where standards are already high. Moving the crew and maintenance sliders to 80% will provide an “industry best” quality of crew and give them the maintenance budget to operate to a very high standard. If you need to go over the 80% area then you may have unusually labor intensive equipment on the yacht.

Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel movement but leave the essential base maintenance and insurance in place.

Lift on and float in yacht transport is a popular way to transport yachts across large ocean passage. The yachts that this service certainly applies to are ones that may not have the motoring range or structural integrity for blue ocean cruising. The cost of transporting a yacht twice per year is put into our budget once the “Fuel Dockage” slider hits 75%. If your yacht has the range we recommend self-sufficient ocean passages whenever possible. Whilst the transport companies sell their services based upon reportedly well oiled operated schedules the reality is that your yacht may stay waiting for pickup for a week or more with no compensation due. When factoring in all secondary factors of self-sufficient passages (increased fuel, maintenance, potential storm damage, crew time off, extra delivery crew) compared with transporting your yacht (insurance, potential loading / unloading damage, loss of schedule control, no work whilst underway, crew flights, crew accommodation) we believe that there is a 100% premium associated with float in transport and a 75% premium with lift on transport compared with self-powered.

Abandoned yachts crash in value. We recommend that even if you are trying to sell your yacht that you use the yacht for a minimum of two weeks per year so that systems are tested and working every six months. There is nothing worse for a yacht than not being used. If you truly are not going to use the yacht then you should sell it immediately for the first genuine offer as every dollar you put into maintenance will not be recovered at the time of the sale.

We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way. Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts. If there is sufficient demand we may build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this tool.

We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally (particularly for newer yachts in the $20-30M range)… but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time. As yachts get older their capital value decreases but their maintenance costs increase. There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker… we know some good ones. 😊

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Windward Yachts

How Much Does it (Really) Cost to Own a Yacht?

motor yacht running costs

The true cost to own a yacht is an area of concern for many prospects of yacht ownership. And it should be.

Maintenance costs, exploitation costs, total cost compared to yacht charter, we detail in this article the expenses (especially the hidden ones) you have to consider before buying your first yacht !

We also provide you several solutions to lighten your investment and reduce the cost to own your yacht. 

If you are looking for the price of a yacht charter (rental), please read this article instead .

How much is a yacht?

Before diving into the expenses that comes monthly, yearly or every decades once you own a yacht, let’s answer the elephant in the room: How much is a yacht (alone) in the first place? The short answer is… it depends, of course. But in most cases, the longer the yacht, the higher is her selling price.

Generally speaking, you can expect to find yachts for sale in the following price ranges:

  • Below 50ft (15m): between 500K – 2,500,000 € / USD
  • Between 50-70ft (15-21m): between 2 millions and 6 millions € / USD ( See our 9 catamarans for sale under 6 millions here )
  • Between 70-100ft (20-30m): between 6 millions and 20 millions € / USD
  • Superyachts over 100ft (30m): minimum 10 millions € / USD

You can always find exceptions to the rule and find cheaper or more expensive yachts for sale outside of these price brackets.

A lot of factors come into the selling price of a yacht: supply and demand, brand / model reputation, age and condition of the vessel, urgency or lack of for the sale and so on.

What are the main hidden costs that come with yacht ownership?

You probably already guessed it, the cost of owning a yacht doesn’t stop at its purchase price . In some cases, the price you bought your yacht at can seem like a bargain, but it really isn’t once you start adding all the hidden costs, and many of them come yearly.

Here are the main ones you should be wary of.

motor yacht running costs

Yacht exploitation and running costs : always calculate them carefully before buying your yacht

It always cost you money to exploit your yacht.

When you are chartering a yacht, a part of these operation costs is included in your APA (Advanced Provisionning Allowance) .

When you own a yacht, these costs still apply , but you will have to pay directly for them.

Among the main operation costs, the most important are usually the following:

  • The fuel: its cost will depend on the type of boat, her fuel consumption, the region, and the distances traveled;
  • The mooring fees which depends on the area but also on the boat size;
  • The crew, if you need it. The cost will depend on the frequency and the crew’s size;
  • The communication fees;
  • The food and beverages supplies;
  • All the expenses related to your leisure activities.

Yachts maintenance: a cost that you should definitely not overlook

motor yacht running costs

Even outside of its operating period, it still costs you money to own your yacht!

Maintenance of your boat isn’t an option and must be done on an ongoing basis. The price vary depending on the type of yacht you are owning (motor, sail, etc…), the size of the vessel, but also how old she is.

The maintenance costs include :

  • The regular maintenance of certain equipment, like engines, thrusters, sails, rigging, safety equipment, hull(s) (fairing)…;
  • The occasional maintenance operations in case of breakdown or damage;
  • The painting;
  • The cleaning and the specialized maintenance products (for teak, leather, …). 

The costs of maintenance and upkeep will obviously not be the same if you do it yourself or if you call in specialists. But regardless, you should have a budget buffer dedicated to maintenance costs when you plan on buying a yacht, especially if she already had a long sailing life.

The taxes and insurance premiums of a yacht: a cost that most forget

Consider the different taxes (at the purchase and annual) and the yearly yacht insurance that you have to pay. A specialized insurance policy is generally estimated at between 0.8% and 1.2% of the boat’s purchase price per year.

Must Read : Yacht Insurance : The Definitive Owner’s Guide

Yearly harbor fees : a very important hidden cost of yacht ownership

motor yacht running costs

The port and/or winterization fees are also a big part of yacht ownership costs that you should carefuly estimate.

Depending on your region, you may need to consider “dry-docking” your boat, which involves handling, transport, and storage which can be really expensive. 

If you can leave your yacht in the water all year round, you will need to go for a harbor ring concession.

Depending on the marina and its infrastructure, the region, and your boat’s size, the costs may considerably vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars a month . However, it is easy to obtain this information from marinas once you have chosen which yacht to purchase.

The depreciation’s price of a yacht

A yacht, like a car, will depreciate . It is difficult to estimate the depreciation, as it depends on economic conditions, exchange rates, price inflation when new, the type of boat, and the shipyard. 

However, it is reasonable to estimate a minimum depreciation of 10% in the first year, then 7% in the following years. From the fifth year on, the depreciation tends to slow down. On the other hand, the operating costs increase.

Summary of the main operating and maintenance costs of owning a yacht

So, to sum up, how much does it cost to own a yacht? It largely depends on your type of yacht and your location.

But in general, owning a yacht will cost you between 10-25% of its value annualy . The longer the yacht, the likelier you are to be at the end of the spectrum.

Here are the reasonable costs you could consider:

  • 10% of its value annually for a 60ft (18m) / 1 million USD yacht and below (=max 100K / year)
  • 20% of its value annually for a 100ft (30m) / 10 millions USD yacht and above (=min 2 millions / year)

These brackets of total costs include everything: usual yacht maintenance, upkeep and operating costs that will be distribued as follow:

  • Communication
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance premiums
  • Harbour fees
  • Cost of depreciation

Are you worried? Do not. Luckily, there are numerous ways to decrease the overall cost of yacht ownership and still enjoy yachting as it should be. Read the next paragraphs to know these valuable tricks.

If you liked this article you will also like : HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO CHARTER A YACHT?

How to reduce the cost of yacht ownership?

motor yacht running costs

A yacht keeps on costing money even when not in use, so the best way to make it a more profitable investment is to increase its exploitation.

Renting your own yacht : a good way to reduce the costs of owning a boat

When you are not using the boat, you can earn income by renting it out. The rental price depends on the type and size of the boat, but also its location. While making money from renting is possible, don’t expect to pay back all your expenses. Nevertheless, it will help you in avoiding your yacht becoming a financial burden. 

The easiest way to do this is to hire a professional charter company to help you. If you go for a reputable and experienced company, you will benefit from their expertise and contacts. It will also save you from legal, insurance, and withdrawal issues and avoid red tape.

On the topic : Yacht to Charter : Can It Be Profitable?

Fractional yacht ownership: share the cost of owning a yacht with co-owners

Another solution to own a yacht at lower cost is fractional ownership of a boat , which means that you own a fraction of it. It can be half, a quarter, or even less. For a long time, boaters have been opting for this option of partial ownership with friends or family. These days some companies create formalized fractional ownership arrangements for more guarantees. 

For example, in partnership with the Windward Islands, SAILING RESORT proposes fractional boat ownership on the fabulous trimaran, the LEEN 72’. So you can become a co-owner of the new hybrid-powered multihull which can accommodate up to 10 passengers and 4 crew members. You will enjoy private use of the trimaran (depending on the period) from 6 to 12 weeks during the first 5 years.

This program proposes a profitable commercial operation with 24/7 premium service. It is a tailor-made solution for all those who want to feel like owners of a prestigious yacht for a few days a year while limiting their investment and responsibilities. WI manages the operation of the yacht for you out of your personal use, like the charter’s organization, maintenance, insurance, annual mooring, and all other administrative tasks.

Once you have weighed the pros and cons and have the means to finance both the purchase and the annual costs (maintenance, operation, …) of your yacht, you should go for it! Indeed, if you can evaluate the hidden costs and expenses of owning a boat, the freedom and unforgettable memories are priceless. 

Yacht Charter remains a cheaper alternative than yacht ownership in many cases

motor yacht running costs

If you can’t enjoy your yacht frequently or are still unsure about whether it’s worth the cost or not to own a yacht, you might consider chartering instead. This will allow you to try out different models , from various shipyards, and see which ones you prefer.

Therefore, the cost of renting a yacht will save you from having to worry about all those hidden costs of owning one. All you have to do is pay for your charter, your cancellation insurance and set your APA during your stay. This way, you only pay money, time, and effort when you use the boat.

What is the (true) cost of chartering the yacht you've seen? 💰⛵

The advertised prices of all charter companies do not include APA, VAT & other variable costs. 

Use our calculator to get a 100% FREE estimate of the REAL total cost of your next yacht charter! ⬇


motor yacht running costs

Frequently asked question

For a 60-foot or million-dollar yacht, the cost per year will be about 10% of its value or $100,000 per year.

You should expect to pay about 20% or more of the original price of your boat to run it annually. So, for a $10 million yacht, the cost to operate will be about $2 million per year, including fuel, insurance, dock fees, maintenance and repairs, crew, etc.

A 180-foot superyacht and/or mega yacht costs a minimum of $4.75 million per year to operate and maintain. Kitty McGowan of the US Superyacht Association estimates an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance and repairs, $350,000 for dockage, $240,000 for insurance, $400,000 for fuel, and $1.4 million for the crew. Add another 15-25% of the vessel’s value for V.A.T.

Once you have weighed the pro and cons, if you can afford the purchase and all the hidden annual expenses, have found your dreamed yacht, and have time to enjoy it, you should go for yacht ownership!

It is not the best way to make money, but you can minimize your annual expenses by renting it or opting for fractional boat ownership.

It’s hard to tell. As long as you have the money and enough time to enjoy it, it is worth owning a yacht! Everything cannot be estimated. For example, it will bring you invaluable freedom and happiness.

One of the easiest way to reduce the maintenance cost of a yacht is to fractional yacht ownership. That way, the maintenance expenses are spread among co-owners according to their shares.

It varies greatly depending on the size of the yacht. For a yacht of 60ft (18m), you will likely spend around 10% of its purchase value each year in maintenance and exploitation costs.

Luxury yachts have maintenance and operation costs that are around 10% of their value yearly. So if a yacht value is 2 millions USD, its maintenance and operations costs should be around 200K / year.

Operating a sailboat is usually 20-40% cheaper than the same size motoryacht. Motoryachts tend to be more expensive to operate than sailboats as the fuel consumption can become an important expenditure fast.

A small yacht below 50ft is usually for sale between 500K and 2,5 millions USD / €. A mid-size yacht between 50ft and 100ft is usually for sale between 2-15 millions USD / €. Above 100ft, the selling price is rarely below 10 millions USD / €.

motor yacht running costs

What is a Yacht Club? Benefits & Features Explained

Buying a yacht : the frequently asked questions, you might also like.

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What are the Fastest Cruising Catamaran on the Market?

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The Real Costs of Owning a Superyacht [Complete Guide]

The Real Costs of Owning a Superyacht [Complete Guide]

November 25, 2019 1:00 pm

Owning a  superyacht  is a status symbol available only to the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations. Although there is no strict definition, the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code is applicable to “motor or sailing vessels of 24 meters in load line length and over…and which, at the time, is in commercial use for sport or pleasure and carries no cargo and no more than 12 passengers 1 .” There are currently just over 10,000 superyachts in the world with around 200-250 new builds delivered each year. The vast majority are  motor yachts , with sailing yachts counting for less than 20% of the total. The world’s largest private vessel, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s 180m (590-foot) AZZAM,  cost $600 million to build when it was delivered in 2013. Eight of the ten most expensive luxury acquisitions of all time were superyachts.

motor yacht running costs

Purchase Cost

Buying a new or used superyacht will most likely cost the buyer several million dollars. Pricing varies widely based on the yacht size, age, and other factors such as builder, guest capacity, speed, range, and more. The market is worldwide and extensive. Any potential buyer would be well-advised to engage a professional, certified broker to guide them in the selection of their dream yacht and through the myriad of complications in making the purchase.

  • • Financing the Purchase
  • • Immediate Post Purchase Costs

motor yacht running costs

Operating Costs

In years past, owners and their brokers would work on 10% of the purchase price as an estimate of annual operating costs, but the vast range of yacht size, operating location, and usage profile makes this approach less useful without giving the question more thought. Building a budget for a yacht requires consideration of the following elements:

Crew – Salary, payroll taxes, recruitment fees, uniform, health insurance, food, and travel for vacation and repatriation are all crew-related costs. A good guide for salary costs is published by Dockwalk magazine every year based on an extensive survey of the crew and placement agents. Using their most recent article as a guide, a crew of eight full-time crew on a 150-foot yacht will cost over $650,000 per year in salary alone. Get a complete crew cost breakdown.

Dockage – Unless the owner plans to spend the year at anchor, then keeping the yacht in a marina incurs a significant cost. Dockage is normally sold per foot of the yacht’s full length and per night, although contract rates for longer periods may be available. High-quality marinas in peak seasons are currently running in the $6-8 per foot per night range. Electricity, fresh water, and waste removal are all additional costs to be considered.

Fuel – The captain or engineer should be able to provide the fuel consumption per hour at any given speed, so if a yacht owner knows roughly how much he wants the boat to travel, then he can estimate the total fuel consumption and budget the fuel cost. There is also the fuel cost for generators, particularly at anchor. A typical 150-foot motor yacht cruising at 12 knots will consume in the region of 150 U.S. gallons per hour. At today’s fuel prices, that’s going to be close to $500 per hour. 500 hours per year will give us the main engine fuel budget of around $250,000. To this, we must also add the generators’ fuel consumption at anchor plus any additional cost for tenders.

Communications – Everyone onboard, crew and guests, want to remain connected to their social media, streaming services, and email. The technology available in this area moves fast and with 5G coming online, near-shore costs will likely come down. For those who want broadband speed while offshore, costs are high and depend on the upload/download speeds required. Start with an estimate of $4-5,000 per month and work from there. Additional communications costs include satellite TV subscriptions, crew cell phone costs, mail, freight, and more. Get a complete communication cost breakdown.

Maintenance, Consumables, and Other Operating Costs – Having considered crew payroll, marina costs, fuel, and internet, the budget will start to materialize. One must take all other costs into account, such as hull insurance, liability insurance, maintenance and consumables, warehousing, safety and survey costs, upkeep of the navigation outfit, computing support, car rental, and more.   

Looking for more details?

Receive the complete Cost of Yacht Ownership Guide including:

  • • Offsetting Expenses With Charter
  • • Superyacht Financing
  • • Budget Development + More

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This should not be considered a financial guide. For a more accurate estimate, contact Clive McCartney .

1 Red Ensign Group Yacht Code Section A 1.2(1) 

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motor yacht running costs

Motorboat running costs: What you need to know

Explore the financial aspects of owning a motorboat, from upkeep to storage and insurance, and learn 9 cost-saving tips to curb your expenditures.

Owning a motorboat is indeed an enticing dream. The thrill of the sea spray on your face, the calming rhythm of the waves, and the endless horizon stretching out before you — it's a lifestyle that promises unmatched freedom and adventure. However, the journey to this point often begins with the less glamorous phase of budgeting.

In this guide, we'll voyage through the financial aspects of motorboat ownership , illuminate the less obvious costs, and offer a practical perspective on the overall investment, which typically corresponds to 10-20% of the purchase price as annual expenses. Moreover, we've curated a list of 9 cost-saving strategies, drawing from a wealth of industry insights and hands-on experience. 

Owning a yacht: the effects of upfront costs

Embracing the joys of motor yacht ownership begins with understanding the initial costs. The choices made at this stage are an exciting stepping stone for prospective buyers and contribute to shaping ongoing expenses. 

The market offers an incredible array of choices, from economical pre-owned motorboats that have already proven their worth in the waters to the elite, brand-new yachts complete with the latest maritime technology and luxurious amenities.

motor yacht running costs

To ensure cost-effectiveness, prioritise a pre-purchase survey for used boats. An expert evaluation can unearth potential issues, giving you a realistic picture of the boat's condition and any possible maintenance or repair costs. An informed choice today can save significant expenses down the line.

The ongoing cost of boat ownership 

By now, you've likely established a plan to tackle the initial purchase costs - either by paying the full price upfront or setting up a loan scheme with manageable monthly payments. But the financial planning doesn't stop there. In return for endless sunsets and exciting sea adventures, one should account for the ongoing running costs critical in keeping your boat's propeller spinning smoothly.

Maintenance + boat motor service costs

Maintaining your motorboat in top shape involves a spectrum of activities that ensure its longevity and operational safety. Regularly scheduled engine checks and services, hull cleanings, propeller inspections, and electronic equipment tests are just a few examples of the routine maintenance required.

Typically, a boat engine service cost in the UK can vary between £100 and £500+ and is recommended at least once a year or after every 100 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Professional services often conduct a comprehensive inspection, including fluid and filter changes, spark plug checks, and belt adjustments, among others.

Proactive maintenance is the secret to cost-effective boat ownership. Regular checks and servicing can help identify potential issues early, preventing costly breakdowns and prolonging the life of your motorboat.

Motorboat berthing and storage

Berthing and storage fees are regular aspects of boat ownership that are worthwhile to consider. The expense can vary based on your location, the marina's amenities, and the season. For instance, harbouring your motorboat in a premier spot during the peak season might have a different price tag compared to off-peak storage in a less frequented area.

Investigate seasonal storage rates and consider using marinas during off-peak periods.

Motorboat insurance cost

Motorboat insurance is a non-negotiable expenditure. The cost is influenced by factors such as the boat's value, type, size and your experience as a boat owner. Other variables include the intended use, navigational area, and storage location.

Bundle your boat insurance with your other policies. Some insurance providers offer discounts for multiple policies.

Operational costs of owning a yacht 

These include expenses for fuel, engine oil, and general maintenance. The figures can vary widely depending on the engine size, the frequency of use, and the average speed at which you cruise. If these numbers are on the higher side, it's a good sign you're traversing the globe , indulging in the real heart of the sailing experience

Avoid long periods of inactivity. Regular use helps maintain the health of the engine and other onboard systems, potentially preventing expensive repairs down the line.

Motorboat training and licensing 

Securing the required boating qualifications and licences is an essential part of the process for safe operation. Plus, it could potentially impact your insurance premiums and help you meet fellow sailors along the way.  

Seek out recognised training institutions that offer bundle deals or group classes - both of which are more economical.

Cleaning and safety equipment onboard the boat

Maintaining a clean motorboat goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's vital for longevity by protecting against saltwater corrosion and the harmful effects of dirt and marine growth. Regular DIY cleaning (done monthly) or professional hull cleaning (recommended bi-annually) can effectively address these issues. On the safety front, investing in essential equipment such as life jackets, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers is equally crucial. Not only is it required by maritime regulations, but it also safeguards passengers against unforeseen circumstances, enhancing onboard safety and peace of mind.

Invest in high-quality, durable safety and cleaning equipment. While the upfront cost might be higher, it can save you money in the long run by not needing to replace these items frequently.

Regulatory motorboat running costs

Regulatory boat running costs include the expenses related to permits, licences, and fees associated with owning and operating a motorboat. These could be annual registration fees, marina fees, or environmental management charges.

Familiarise yourself with all potential fees and permits associated with boat ownership in your area to avoid surprise charges.

Boat transportation costs  

The costs for transporting your motorboat over land, whether for storage, repairs or changing cruising locations, are primarily influenced by the boat's size, weight, and distance travelled. It's also crucial to consider the necessary permits for oversized loads, as well as potential insurance premiums for the transportation period.

Try combining boat transport with other necessary activities, such as scheduled maintenance or storage.

Summing up: Sailboat running cost saving tips

Pre-purchase surveys: Seek professional assessments to identify potential issues before buying a used boat, avoiding unexpected repair or maintenance costs in the future.

Proactive   maintenance: Regularly service your boat to detect potential problems early, helping to avoid breakdowns and extend the life of your motorboat.

Smart berthing and storage choices: Research seasonal storage rates and consider opting for marinas during off-peak periods. 

Insurance bundles: Consider bundling your boat insurance with other policies, as many providers offer discounts which can lead to considerable savings.

Regular boat use: Avoid lengthy periods of inactivity by using your boat regularly, which helps keep the engine and other systems healthy and can prevent repair costs.

Training and licensing bundles: Opt for training institutions offering bundle deals or group classes for boating qualifications and licences.

Invest in durable safety and cleaning equipment: Choose high-quality, long-lasting safety and cleaning gear for your boat. While the upfront costs may be higher, frequent replacements can be avoided, saving money in the long run.

Understand regulatory costs: Stay informed about all potential fees and permits related to boat ownership in your region.

Combine boat transportation: Schedule your boat transportation in line with other necessary activities like maintenance or storage.

Extra and unexpected boat running costs

Beyond the usual running costs, you might opt for a special upgrade or need to manage an unexpected circumstance. In view of this, here are some possible situations to consider:



Range (GBP)

Boat customisation

Includes interior redesigns, exterior modifications, and engine upgrades.

£500 - £10,000+

High-end electronics

Advanced navigation systems, marine radars, and high-end entertainment systems.

£100 - £10,000+

Fishing equipment

High-quality rods, reels, fishing tackle, and bait.

£50 - £1,000+

Performance maintenance

Upgrades for maintaining/improving boat speed and handling.

£100 - £5,000+

Emergency repairs

Immediate boat motor service, systems, or damage costs against propellers, hull breaches, etc.

£200 - £10,000+

Weather-related damages

Repair costs due to storms, hurricanes, etc.

£200 - £20,000+

Towing and salvage costs

Costs of towing a broken-down boat or salvage after sinking/grounding.

£150 - £5,000+

Travel and transportation expenses

Costs related to overland transportation of your motorboat.

£100 - £2,000+

Luxury upgrades

Aesthetic upgrades like high-quality upholstery, teak decking, etc.

£200 - £10,000+

Extended warranties and service plans

Cover parts and labour for specific system/component repairs.

£100 - £3,000+

What is motor yacht shared ownership? 

Shared ownership, also known as fractional ownership, offers an attractive alternative to financing a motorboat without bearing the full costs. This model involves multiple individuals jointly purchasing a vessel and sharing the usage and maintenance costs. Each owner is allotted a specific amount of time aboard the yacht annually, and the fees are split evenly.  

Does shared boat ownership work?

Well, it really depends on the parties involved. The success of shared ownership relies on clear communication, trust among owners, and well-defined terms of use and maintenance responsibilities.

motor yacht running costs

How Much Does it Cost to Run a Superyacht? (The True Cost)

motor yacht running costs

Are you curious about the true cost of running a superyacht? Owning one of these luxurious vessels is a dream of many, but the reality of the costs involved may surprise you! In this article, we’ll examine the true cost of running a superyacht, from the initial purchase price to ongoing expenses like fuel, maintenance, and crew salaries.

We’ll also discuss additional costs like insurance and dockage fees, as well as upgrades and other factors that can impact the total cost of running a superyacht.

Whether you’re considering buying a superyacht or just want to learn more about this luxurious lifestyle, this article has all the information you need.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The cost of running a superyacht can vary greatly and is dependent on the size and type of yacht, its age, and the number of people it is accommodating.

Generally, a superyacht with a crew of 10-15 can cost around 500,000-1,000,000 a year to operate, not including the cost of fuel and maintenance.

Additionally, the cost of berthing a superyacht can range from 15,000-100,000 per month depending on the location and length of stay.

How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Superyacht?

The cost of purchasing a superyacht can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, such as size, amenities, and age of the yacht.

Generally speaking, the cost of purchasing a superyacht can range from $1 million to $100 million or more, depending on the model.

However, for those looking for a smaller and more affordable vessel, it is possible to purchase a superyacht in the range of $500,000 or less.

When considering purchasing a superyacht, it is also important to consider the cost of ownership.

This includes the cost of maintenance, crew salaries, fuel, insurance, and dockage fees.

Additionally, owners may need to budget for additional costs such as food, entertainment, and upgrades to the yacht.

Ultimately, the cost of owning a superyacht is determined by the size and features of the yacht, as well as the owner’s preferences.

When purchasing a superyacht, it is also important to consider the cost of chartering.

This includes the cost of hiring a crew, fuel, and any other fees associated with chartering a superyacht.

Ultimately, the cost of chartering a superyacht is determined by the size and features of the yacht, as well as the owner’s preferences and the destination chosen.

Finally, it is important to remember that the cost of running a superyacht does not end with the purchase price.

Owners must also budget for ongoing expenses, such as maintenance, crew salaries, fuel, insurance, and dockage fees.

Ultimately, the cost of running a superyacht is determined by the size and features of the yacht, as well as the owner’s preferences.

What are the Costs of Running a Superyacht?

motor yacht running costs

The cost of running a superyacht can vary greatly depending on the size and amenities of the yacht, as well as the destination and duration of the trip.

Generally speaking, the cost of running a superyacht can range from $500,000 to $5 million or more per year.

This amount is dependent on a number of factors, including the size and features of the yacht, as well as the preferences of the owner.

The most significant cost of running a superyacht is the crew salaries, which can range from a few thousand dollars per month for a smaller boat to upwards of $100,000 or more for larger and more luxurious vessels.

This cost is generally based on the experience and qualifications of the crew that is hired.

In addition, the cost of running a superyacht includes fuel, maintenance, insurance, and dockage fees.

Fuel can be one of the most significant costs associated with running a superyacht, as these vessels can consume hundreds of gallons of fuel per hour.

Maintenance costs can vary depending on the age and condition of the yacht, as well as any upgrades or repairs that are needed.

Insurance is necessary to protect the vessel and its passengers, and the cost of this coverage can depend on a number of factors.

Finally, dockage fees are often charged when the yacht is moored in a marina or port for an extended period of time.

In addition to these essential costs, superyacht owners may need to budget for additional costs such as food, entertainment, and upgrades to the yacht.

Many owners choose to hire a private chef to provide meals for guests, while others may opt for a catered event.

Entertainment can range from a live band or DJ to onboard activities such as a spa or water sports, and these costs can vary widely depending on the preferences of the owner.

Finally, upgrades to the yacht can range from new furniture and fixtures to state-of-the-art audio/visual systems and other luxury amenities.

The true cost of running a superyacht is ultimately determined by the size and features of the yacht, as well as the owner’s preferences.

With careful planning and budgeting, however, it is possible to keep the cost of running a superyacht within a reasonable range.

The Cost of Crew Salaries

When it comes to the cost of running a superyacht, one of the most significant expenses is crew salaries.

Depending on the size and amenities of the yacht, and the duration and destination of the trip, the number of required crew members can vary greatly.

Typically, a superyacht will require at least a captain, engineer, deckhand, chef, and stewardess.

Additionally, depending on the owner’s preferences, additional crew members such as a nanny, personal assistant, or security guard may be hired.

In terms of salary, the captain is typically the highest paid crew member, followed by the engineer.

The deckhand, chef, and stewardess typically earn less than their counterparts.

An experienced captain can expect to earn between $5,000 and $15,000 per month, depending on the size and amenities of the yacht.

The engineer can expect to make between $4,000 and $10,000 per month.

The deckhand and chef can expect to make between $2,500 and $6,000 per month, while the stewardess typically earns between $1,500 and $5,000 per month.

When it comes to hiring additional crew members, the cost will vary depending on the number and type of crew members hired.

For example, a personal assistant can expect to earn between $2,000 and $8,000 per month, while a nanny can expect to make between $2,000 and $4,000 per month.

It is important to note that these salaries are in addition to the salaries of the required crew members.

Overall, the cost of crew salaries can be a significant expense for superyacht owners, with salaries for the required crew members ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 per month.

Additionally, depending on the owner’s preferences, additional crew members can be hired at an additional cost.

Ultimately, the cost of crew salaries should be taken into account when budgeting for the cost of running a superyacht.

Fuel and Maintenance Costs

motor yacht running costs

When it comes to running a superyacht, fuel and maintenance costs are two of the biggest expenses, and they can vary greatly depending on the size and amenities of the yacht.

A larger yacht will require more fuel to operate, and the fuel costs will increase depending on the length of the trip.

Additionally, larger yachts tend to have more features, which means more maintenance costs.

Maintenance costs are typically based on the age and condition of the yacht, and can range from routine maintenance and repairs to more extensive upgrades.

For example, a superyacht may require periodic paint jobs, as well as upgrades to the engines, electrical systems, and other features.

On top of these costs, owners may also need to budget for additional services such as crew salaries, dockage fees, insurance, and food and entertainment.

Insurance and Dockage Fees

The cost of running a superyacht is affected by a variety of factors, including insurance and dockage fees.

Insurance is an important factor to consider when running a superyacht, as it can help protect the owner from financial losses due to damage or theft of the vessel.

Insurance policies can vary greatly in coverage and cost depending on the size of the yacht, the destination, and other factors.

Generally speaking, insurance policies for superyachts can range from $50,000 to over $1 million annually.

In addition to insurance, dockage fees are another cost to consider when running a superyacht.

Dockage fees are the costs associated with mooring the yacht in a marina or port.

These fees can vary greatly depending on the marina or port, the size and type of the yacht, and the length of the stay.

Generally speaking, dockage fees can range from a few hundred dollars for a short stay to several thousand dollars for a long stay.

Additional Costs and Upgrades

motor yacht running costs

When it comes to the cost of running a superyacht, there are other costs that may be overlooked.

These additional costs can include food, entertainment, and upgrades to the yacht.

Depending on the size and features of the yacht, the cost of food for the crew and guests can easily exceed $50,000 per year.

Similarly, entertainment costs can range from tens of thousands of dollars for a live band, to hundreds of thousands for a fireworks show.

Upgrades to the yacht can also be incredibly expensive.

For example, adding a helicopter pad, an infinity pool, or a spa to the yacht can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Additionally, upgrading the interior of the yacht with luxurious furniture, fixtures, and finishes can also be extremely expensive.

In the end, the cost of running a superyacht is determined by the size and features of the yacht, as well as the owner’s preferences.

Those who are looking to own a superyacht should be prepared to budget for additional costs such as food, entertainment, and upgrades.

With the right budget, however, owning and running a superyacht can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

The Factors that Determine the Cost of Running a Superyacht

The cost of running a superyacht can vary significantly depending on a number of factors.

The size and amenities of the yacht, the destination and duration of the trip, and the owners preferences all play a role in determining the true cost of running a superyacht.

Generally speaking, the cost of running a superyacht can range from around $500,000 to $5 million or more per year.

The size and features of the yacht can have a major influence on the cost of running it.

A larger yacht will typically require more fuel and more crew to operate, and will need more maintenance and repairs as well.

Additionally, larger yachts may have more amenities and thus require more frequent upgrades and replacements.

The destination and duration of the trip can also have a major impact on the cost of running a superyacht.

Depending on the location, the cost of fuel, dockage fees, and other services can vary significantly.

Additionally, if the yacht is staying in one location for an extended period of time, additional costs such as food, entertainment, and crew salaries may need to be taken into account.

Finally, the owners preferences can have a big influence on the cost of running a superyacht.

If the owner wants the latest technology, top-of-the-line amenities, and a luxurious experience, they may need to budget significantly more for their trip.

On the other hand, if the owner is looking for a more basic experience, they may be able to save money on some of the costs associated with running a superyacht.

Ultimately, the cost of running a superyacht is determined by the size and features of the yacht, the destination and duration of the trip, and the owners preferences.

With careful planning and budgeting, it is possible to enjoy the experience of a superyacht without breaking the bank.

Final Thoughts

Generally speaking, the cost of running a superyacht can range from $500,000 to $5 million or more per year, with costs including crew salaries, fuel, maintenance, insurance, and dockage fees.

Additionally, superyacht owners may need to budget for additional costs such as food, entertainment, and upgrades.

With this knowledge, potential superyacht owners can make informed decisions about the cost of running their own superyacht and make the most of their yachting experience.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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The real cost of owning a yacht

motor yacht running costs

Looking to buy a yacht? Before you take the plunge, it is important to consider all the real costs associated with full ownership that you may not be aware of. It is essential that you factor in what the yearly running cost and maintenance costs will be - this is as important as the initial purchase price. This is why shared ownership is often something to consider. 

When you own a yacht 100%, consider that a substantial percentage of your investment will be for time that you are not using the yacht at all. The real cost of owning a yacht includes taxes, insurance, mooring fees, crew, dockage fees, maintenance, capital improvement projects, outfitting costs, and more. Your yacht incurs expenses year-round, while you may only be enjoying it a few months or even weeks, out of the year. What if, instead, you could own a 50% share of the same yacht (or better yet, an even bigger yacht with more amenities)? With shared ownership, you can do just that - your investment will be used for your own enjoyment and, at a lower price, you can even benefit by upgrading your yacht experience. 

Let’s walk through a sample yacht and the yearly running costs with full transparency of a 10-million-dollar yacht. Your major costs will be yacht crew, dockage, fuel, and maintenance. Please understand everything is variable based on those decisions plus the age of your yacht.

Owners can expect to spend about 10-15% of the purchase price annually on operating and maintaining a yacht. That's $1-1.5 million a year for a $10 million yacht. The bigger the boat, the more crew and salaries you need. There are also other crew costs, like medical and liability insurance, training, and uniforms.

When you are not exploring the world or sunning on the deck in St. Barts, the yacht needs a place to dock. Dockage costs vary depending on how big the boat is and how desirable the marina is. You can lease a dock monthly or purchase a dock. 

Like most things, yachts get wear and tear — they require regular maintenance and repairs. Routine maintenance can cost roughly 2% of the boat value after the yacht's first year, and around 7.5% of the boat's value when the yacht is 10 years old. That is not including surveys and refits.  

There's also insurance, which is important for not just the yacht but also the tender. Also, don't forget miscellaneous expenses, such as communications, (phone, internet, navigation and Satellite TV) and administration.

Sample 10 million Dollar yacht running costs:

Annual Operating Expenses $1,250,000

Capital Repairs & Reserves  $150,000

Total Expenses $1,400,000

Share it, charter it, or both.    

An alternative option would be splitting the cost of this hypothetical yacht in half to pay $5 million for your yacht initially, and pay $750,000 a year in running costs. It is recommended to use the yacht up to 14 weeks a year per owner for a total of 28 weeks. Or opt to charter out the weeks you do not use it to defray the running cost. AvYachts can help you design the program and will implement it for you – you simply show up as the guest. Whether you prefer to incur all the real costs of ownership of your own yacht, or opt for shared ownership, we can create a custom program. 

Connect with our Luxury Yacht Advisor to learn more. 

AvYachts is the expert in yacht share brokerage. Whether you’re looking to sell a share of your yacht to a like-minded partner, or you want to buy a share of a yacht, our dedicated team of yacht brokers and veteran matchmakers is here to guide you every step of the way.  Let us match you with just the right yacht, just the right partners and just the right ownership structure for you. Yacht to the fullest without the full costs of ownership.

motor yacht running costs

How Much Does a Yacht Cost: A Comprehensive Breakdown for Buyers

Yachts embody luxury, status, and freedom, leading many to wonder about the costs associated with such an extravagant purchase.

Buying a yacht is a significant investment that involves not only the initial price but also ongoing expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew costs.

motor yacht running costs

The price of a yacht varies greatly depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and features. Understanding these factors will help potential buyers make informed decisions.

Smaller yachts often start at a few hundred thousand dollars , while larger or more luxurious models may cost millions. Meanwhile, superyachts and mega yachts can carry price tags in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is important to remember that additional ownership costs, like annual operating expenses , must be considered when calculating the true cost of yacht ownership.

Key Takeaways

  • Yacht costs vary greatly based on size, brand, age, and features
  • Additional expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and crew should be factored in
  • Assessing all costs involved helps gain a clearer picture of the true cost of yacht ownership

Types and Sizes of Yachts

When considering the cost of a yacht, it's important to understand the various types and sizes available in the market.

In this section, we will explore some of the main categories of yachts, including sailing yachts vs. motor yachts and the range of sizes from small to superyachts.

Sailing Yacht Vs. Motor Yacht

There are two main types of yachts: sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sailing yachts rely on wind power and sails for propulsion, making them more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, with smaller sailboats starting around 23 feet in length. Some popular designs include sloops, cutters, and ketches.

Meanwhile, motor yachts use engines for propulsion, offering more speed, power, and maneuverability. These yachts typically range from around 30 to 100 feet, although larger motor yachts can also be classified as superyachts. Motor yachts are often equipped with a luxurious interior, offering the utmost comfort and entertainment for guests.

Small Yachts to Superyachts

Small Yachts (10,000-$100,000):

Small yachts generally range from 23 to 40 feet in length. These yachts are more affordable and easier to maintain, making them attractive to first-time buyers. They can be both sailing yachts and small motor yachts. Examples of small yachts include sportfishing boats, family cruisers, and day sailers.

Midsize Yachts ($100,000-$1,000,000):

Midsize yachts typically range from 40 to 60 feet in length. The price of a midsize yacht can vary greatly, with used models going around $200,000 while new ones can go up to a million dollars. They offer more space, better amenities, and improved performance compared to small yachts. Midsize yachts can also be classified as sailing yachts or motor yachts.

motor yacht running costs

Large Yachts ($1,000,000 and up):

Large yachts typically range from 60 to 100 feet in length. These luxurious vessels come with a higher price tag, often costing multiple millions of dollars. Large yachts offer plenty of space for entertaining, as well as state-of-the-art technology and amenities. They come in both sailing and motor yacht varieties.

Superyachts ($10,000,000 and up):

Superyachts are the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication, typically measuring over 100 feet in length. They feature extravagant amenities, such as helipads, swimming pools, and even movie theaters. The price of a superyacht can be astronomical, at times exceeding $10 million or more.

Cost Factors for New and Used Yachts

When determining the cost of a yacht, whether new or used, several factors come into play. These include the age and condition , size and style, brand and model, and location and availability of the yacht.

Each of these factors plays a significant role in the overall cost, so understanding them can help buyers make an informed decision.

Age and Condition

The age of a yacht naturally impacts its price. A brand-new yacht typically commands a higher price than a used one. However, the condition of a used yacht can also greatly influence its value. A well-maintained, used yacht in excellent condition may be more expensive than a newer model with issues or wear and tear.

Size and Style

The size and style of the yacht also play a crucial role in determining the cost.

Generally, larger yachts come with a higher price tag. For example, the average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18 million.

The style of the yacht, such as a sailboat, power catamaran, or luxury yacht, can have a significant effect on the price as well.

Brand and Model

The yacht's brand and model also contribute to its price. Some yacht brands are known for their luxury, craftsmanship, and performance, which can lead to a higher cost.

On the other hand, more affordable brands may offer similar amenities and functionality at a more budget-friendly price.

It's essential to research different yacht brands and models to find the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

Location and Availability

The location of the yacht, along with its availability in the market, can influence the overall cost.

In some regions, yacht prices may be higher due to factors such as demand, local taxes, or shipping costs. Additionally, if a specific model is in high demand or limited supply, its price may be elevated due to scarcity.

Initial Purchase Price

Buying New Vs. Pre-Owned

When considering the initial purchase price of a yacht, one of the first decisions a buyer faces is whether to buy a new or pre-owned yacht.

New yachts typically come with the latest technology, design, and customization options, but they also come at a higher price.

On the other hand, pre-owned yachts can be significantly more budget-friendly, but may require more maintenance and lack the latest features.

The average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79-foot category was $1.18 million. These prices can vary depending on whether the yacht is new or used.

The Buying Process

The process of buying a yacht typically involves researching the market, selecting the right size and type of yacht, identifying suitable yachts, negotiating the price, and completing the purchase.

Working with a professional yacht broker can be beneficial in streamlining this process for the buyer as they can provide expert guidance in selecting the right yacht to fit the buyer's needs and budget.

Costs to Consider

In addition to the initial purchase price, there are various other costs that should be taken into account when buying a yacht. These include:

  • Insurance : Buyers should consider the cost of insuring the yacht. Insurance fees, among other factors, are influenced by the size and value of the yacht.
  • Marina fees : Docking the yacht at a marina will incur fees, which can range from a few thousand dollars for smaller yachts to tens of thousands for larger ones.
  • Maintenance : Maintenance costs can make up around 10% of the initial purchase price. For used yachts, be prepared to spend on essential repairs and upgrades as needed.
  • Fuel : The cost of fuel is influenced by the yacht's size, engine type, and cruising frequency.

Operational and Maintenance Costs

Crew Expenses

One of the significant expenses associated with owning a yacht is paying the crew salaries .

The number of crew members and their respective positions will vary depending on the size and complexity of the yacht. For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have an annual crew expense of around $1.4 million.

It is essential to account for additional crew-related costs such as insurance, training, and uniforms.

Fuel and Propulsion

Another considerable aspect of yacht ownership is fuel costs. The amount of fuel consumption will largely depend on the yacht's size, propulsion system, and usage patterns.

For instance, a larger yacht may incur around $400,000 for fuel annually.

It is also worth considering the potential expenses for any necessary upgrades or maintenance of the propulsion systems to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Repairs and Upkeep

Maintaining the yacht's appearance and condition requires regular maintenance and repairs . These expenses can quickly add up. Annual maintenance costs for a superyacht could reach up to $1 million.

This includes expenses for cleaning, teak oils, wax, and polish to keep the yacht looking immaculate. It is often recommended to allocate around 10% of the yacht's value to cover annual maintenance costs.

Dockage and Storage

Mooring fees, marina fees, and storage are additional factors to consider when estimating the operational costs of a yacht. Dockage costs typically depend on the yacht’s size and the chosen location.

On average, a superyacht may have an annual dockage expense of around $350,000 .

Additional Ownership Costs

Yacht insurance is a significant cost that should be factored into your decision to buy a yacht. The cost of insurance can vary based on the size, type, and value of the yacht.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have insurance costs upwards of $240,000 per year .

Obtaining quotes from various providers is essential. Remember that rates can fluctuate based on factors such as the yacht's condition and the owner's boating experience.

Taxes and Registration

Owning a yacht also comes with local and federal taxes and registration fees. Tax rates can vary depending on the state or country where the boat is registered.

In the United States, some states have a sales tax for yacht purchase, while others have an annual personal property tax. Make sure to research the applicable taxes and registration fees in your area to include them in the overall cost of ownership.


Another factor to consider when purchasing a yacht is depreciation. Over time, the value of most yachts will decrease, much like automobiles.

The rate of depreciation may differ based on the yacht's make, model, and age. To account for this potential decrease in value, make sure to have a proper maintenance plan in place and be prepared for the potential resale-value drop.

Extra Amenities and Upgrades

Finally, extra amenities and upgrades can significantly impact the cost of owning a yacht. Additional features such as upgraded electronics, specialized navigation systems, enhanced entertainment systems, or custom interior finishes can add considerably to the base cost of ownership.

Also, consider ongoing costs associated with these amenities, such as maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Budgeting for these additional expenses is critical to ensure your enjoyment of the yacht without financial strain.

Real Cost of Yacht Ownership

Owning a yacht is a luxury many people dream of, but it comes with significant costs. This section will discuss the real cost of yacht ownership , looking at the rule of thumb for annual costs and investment considerations.

Rule of Thumb for Annual Costs

When estimating the cost of owning a yacht, a general rule of thumb is that annual costs will be around 10% of the initial purchase price. This includes expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew salaries.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht could have an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance, $400,000 for fuel, $240,000 for insurance, and $1.4 million for the crew.

Another example is a 50-foot yacht , which may have ongoing costs between $35,000 and $85,000 per year.

  • Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of maintaining a yacht can range from $1,000 to over $1 million per year, depending on the size and complexity of the vessel.
  • Dockage: Yacht owners should budget around $350,000 annually for marina fees.
  • Fuel: Depending on the size and type of yacht, fuel expenses can be substantial, averaging around $400,000 per year for a large vessel.
  • Insurance: Insurance premiums for yachts can range from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $240,000 per year.
  • Crew Salaries: Crew salaries can account for the largest portion of yacht ownership costs. A large yacht may require a crew with an annual budget of $1.4 million.

Investment Considerations

When thinking of purchasing a yacht as an investment, potential owners should consider several factors.

Yachts depreciate in value over time, making them a less attractive investment compared to traditional assets such as stocks and real estate.

Additionally, the high cost of ownership may make yacht investment less viable for some individuals.

Keep in mind that while some owners charter their yachts to offset costs, this strategy may not fully cover annual expenses. Moreover, chartering exposes the yacht to additional wear and tear, which can result in higher maintenance costs.

Life on Board

Amenities and Comfort

Life on a yacht offers a unique blend of luxury and comfort. Yachts often come equipped with a variety of amenities to make living on board as enjoyable as possible.

One common feature is the cabin , which provides comfortable sleeping quarters and private spaces for relaxation. Some yacht cabins even have their own ensuite bathrooms for added convenience.

A well-designed galley is essential on a yacht, providing the space and facilities needed to prepare meals and store provisions.

Modern yacht galleys often come equipped with high-quality appliances and ample storage space to ensure a pleasant dining experience.

On larger yachts, additional amenities may include swimming pools , outdoor lounges, and spacious deck areas for sunbathing and relaxation. Some superyachts also feature helipads , allowing for easy access to transport and travel to and from the yacht.

Entertaining and Lifestyle

A yacht is not just a floating home, but also a platform for entertaining and socializing. The deck space on a yacht offers a fantastic setting for outdoor gatherings, while a well-appointed cabin cruiser can serve as an ideal venue for more intimate events.

Entertaining on a yacht often involves a range of activities, from casual get-togethers to formal dinners with friends, family, or business associates.

A key factor in this lifestyle is the yacht's finish – the quality of the materials, furnishings, and décor that contribute to an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.

With such an array of amenities and entertainment options, life on a yacht combines the best aspects of comfort, luxury, and a captivating lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price range for a small yacht?

Small yachts can cost anywhere from $100,000 to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and amenities.

On average, a new, small yacht may cost around $200,000, but prices can vary significantly based on the specific yacht .

What are typical rental costs for yachts of various sizes?

Rental costs for yachts can vary greatly depending on factors like size, type, and location.

Typically, smaller yachts can be rented for a few thousand dollars per day, while larger, luxury yachts may command tens of thousands of dollars per day.

Some yachts may also require a minimum rental period and may charge additional fees for things like fuel and crew.

What is the purchasing price for a luxury yacht?

Luxury yachts generally fall within the multi-million-dollar price range, with some costing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

The exact price of a luxury yacht depends on several factors, such as the yacht's features, size, customizations, and brand.

What is the cost associated with owning a 50-foot yacht?

The cost of owning a 50-foot yacht includes the purchase price, maintenance, insurance, docking fees, and fuel costs.

While the purchase price can vary greatly, annual costs can be estimated at approximately 10% of the yacht's value, which may include maintenance, repairs, insurance, docking fees, and other related expenses.

What are the expenses involved in buying a 100-foot yacht?

In addition to the purchase price, which can range from a few million to tens of millions of dollars, owning a 100-foot yacht incurs several ongoing costs.

These expenses include insurance, crew salaries, maintenance, docking fees, fuel, and provisions. It is important to budget for these costs, as they can add up to a significant amount each year.

What can one expect to pay for a 70-foot yacht?

The purchase price of a 70-foot yacht can range from several million dollars to well over $10 million, depending on factors such as age, brand, and features.

In addition to the initial purchase price, there will be ongoing costs such as insurance, maintenance, crew salaries, docking fees, and fuel, which need to be considered when budgeting for yacht ownership.

motor yacht running costs

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What does it cost to run a super yacht?

Figures within the super yacht industry are hard to comprehend, below are a selection of expenses you should consider if you are considering buying a yacht.

I always found it hard to grasp what the yachts I worked on were spending on fuel and would often chat to our engineers about the costs involved. As an approximate guide a yacht of about 70 meters in length will consume about 500 litres of diesel fuel an hour (when the engines are running and not necessarily moving anywhere!).

To get the yacht moving you will need to spend approximately £2,000 an hour, to achieve a cruising speed of around 18 knots. Therefore an average overnight cruise of 12 hours could cost about £24,000 (note…this will be significantly higher for the larger yachts).

The next consideration of costs is berthing a yacht and this is certainly no cheap past time. Some of the top ports charge €2,000-€3,000 per night. The top six most expensive ports to berth at are:

  • Capri, Italy
  • Porto Cervo, Italy
  • Porto Fino, Italy
  • Ibiza Magna, Ibiza
  • St Tropez, France
  • Port Hercule, Monaco

The mooring cost is normally based on the yachts size and the popular ports are booked months in advance. A yacht needs to be moored when on standby as well and ports such as Antibes charge up to €2,000 per night - renting a permanent dock here (like some owners do) cost hundreds of thousands!

Then if you are like Roman Abramovich and you build one of the biggest yachts in the world, you are then faced with actually finding a port that can hold the size of your yacht. At one stage it was reported that he was going to pay to have a dock extended, however he eventually found a couple of ports that could actually take such a large sized pleasure vessel.

Next comes the crewing part, some captains salaries alone can exceed €20,000 per month, then add to this some chief engineers which can be on €10,000 per month …and very quickly you are looking at vast funds just to keep the yacht fully crewed. Wage bills of €100,000 are not uncommon on the larger yachts employing some 50 crew.

As well as the crew on-board you also have your shore based crew, managing agents, financial staff etc. which can be added on top of this figure. Along with this comes the costs of providing food, toiletries and all living requirements for the crews on-board; feeding 50 people on a daily basis is no cheap undertaking.

Then comes the servicing costs of these yachts. Lifting the yachts out the water is by no mean feat and to service these technological advanced super structures and engines comes with a hefty price tag. Servicing costs for the larger yachts easily run into millions of pounds.

Super Yacht Toys

Add to all these costs the need for the latest toys and gadgets on board. The best looking, most advanced tenders are frequently custom build and often exceed the £1 million price bracket. Coupled with the essential need for the latest jet skis, helicopters, submarines, diving equipment and numerous other toys to make your yacht complete.

Safety and Security

Attacks from pirates is a growing threat and owners are all too weary of ensuring their prize possession is not held to ransom in foreign waters. Equipment such as lasers that can cause temporary loss of vision cost some €70,000 from SeaLase and demand for their product is reportedly growing.

Another product is the $450,000 "SeaOwl" tracking system, which combines radar and infrared or thermal cameras to detect incoming threats as far as five kilometers away. On top of this are the panic rooms, anti-paparazzi shields and armed security staff.

To cover the running and maintenance costs of a super yacht it is recommended that you allow some 10-12% of the purchase cost, meaning a £50 million pound yacht is likely to cost around £5 million a year to run and maintain. For some of the largest yachts it has been reported that it could be costing their owners over €50 million a year to run and maintain.

It has been reported that the average yacht is used for some three to five weeks, so justifying such a purchase to your accountant as a sound financial investment may prove difficult!

With costs like this it is easy to see why some of these yachts are hired for over £1 million for a week by guest, such a cost in the grand scheme of owning a yacht could bizarrely almost be deemed value for money! Chartering the yacht also provides some income to those owners not using their yacht on a regular basis.

So you can see why owning a super yacht must be one of the ultimate statues that money can buy, because not only owning a vessel will cost many millions to buy but running it will also cost millions.

For more information read Work on a Super Yacht: The Beginners Guide by Ben Proctor

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photo of How Much Is A Motor Yacht On Average?

How Much Is A Motor Yacht On Average?

By Robert Bowman | Posted On Apr 18, 2023 Updated On Apr 16, 2024

It's that time of year again when boat show season is over, summer is on the horizon, and anyone without a boat is closely watching the brokerage market to see what might become available. Overall, the market still remains strong, but is not at the peak of activity as the last few years. We are beginning to see more price reductions, boats staying available longer (longer than a few days at least!), and more inventory come online. 

So what can buyers expect when looking for motor yachts for sale that fall within their price range?

According to the yachting industry MLS database, the average sold price of a motor yacht over the last 2 years is $1,270,400. This represents all motor yachts sold in the U.S that were over 50-feet in length. It also represents over 90% of the asking price of the boat at the time of sale, a clear indication of what the market has been like the last 24 months.

(Below: A good example of a pre-owned motor yacht on today's market, a 75' Hatteras priced at over $1.1 million.)

The price range of the motor yachts used in this analysis extended from $17,500 on the low end (a Krogen trawler from the 1960s) to well over $20 million on the high end of the spectrum (a 125' Westport Yacht ). This is such a wide range of different types, sizes, and prices of motor yachts it's difficult to really tell what you should be expecting to pay for your own comfort zone. Our recommendation is always to select a professional yacht broker that has both experience with your type of boating and good references.

If we break down the list of sold boat data by length range, here are the average prices of motor yachts sold:

  • 50-59 feet: $553,631
  • 60-69 feet: $987,163
  • 70-79 feet: $1,867,852
  • 80-89 feet: $2,259,106
  • 90-99 feet: $3,343,704
  • 100-109 feet: $3,925,962

(Below: Many late-model luxury motor yachts, like this Ocean Alexander 85, come under contract within 30 days of hitting the market.)

ocean alexander motor yacht

Are You Trying To Price Your Motor Yacht To Sell?

Have you ever received advice from a doctor to not google your symptoms if you're feeling ill, but rather talk to a trained professional about what's happening? If you're looking to sell your yacht , your first inclination might be to look online and see what other similar boats are priced at. These are similar scenarios in that what you see online may not be the full story. You can be easily led astray looking at what boats are priced at, without knowing the history of the boat or the current situation of that owner.

Maybe a similar boat to yours that is priced low has had some structural damage or the owners are in need of a quick sale? Conversely, perhaps that boat priced high is inflated due to the owner's perceived value of their yacht and has convinced their broker to list it at that price. You simply never know. If you're trying to figure out where to list your yacht, it costs you nothing to have a conversation with a yacht broker. 

At United Yacht Sales, we have over 250 yacht brokers worldwide and that specialize in many different types of boats. Whether selling a sportfishing yacht , a sailboat, or a luxury motor yacht for cruising, we have the expertise on staff to provide you with an easy, no-hassle market evaluation. We'll tell you what we think you should list your boat at, how long it may take to sell, and what that final sold price might be. We will even give you advice on things you can to do help ensure a quick and easy sale.

For more information on what your motor yacht might be worth on today's market or for information on what you should budget for your next boat, please contact our main office at 772-463-3131. We look forward to helping you achieve your boat ownership goals!

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How Much Does It Really Cost To Own & Run A Superyacht?

How Much Does It Really Cost To Own & Run A Superyacht?

Tobias Handke

If you think it’s hard work maintaining your tinny for weekend fishing trips up the river just take a minute to think about the costs involved in owning your own superyacht. Over the past decade, these behemoths of the sea have become the pinnacles of wealth and success for those with only the deepest of pockets.

These luxurious floating mansions are reserved for Russian billionaires, Saudi Princes and Hollywood celebrities, but if you’re lucky enough to win the lotto you might be able to join the upper echelon of society and own your own superyacht also.

The general rule? On average, owners pay 10% of the yacht’s value in up-keep costs per year, not including crew wages.

Initial Cost Of A Superyacht: ~ $10 Million

The cost of a superyacht varies depending on the size and technology it comes with. Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich’s Eclipse is a 533-foot monster that cost the billionaire $500 million, while America business mastermind David Geffen spent a cool $200 million on his 454-foot superyacht.

Registering Your Yacht: ~ $2,500

Just like any normal vehicle you have to register your brand new superyacht. This is a very important first step as choosing the flag and country of origin you want to register your yacht in can give some great benefits, especially when it comes to tax cuts. The Cayman Islands is a favourite amongst the super rich due to its tax breaks and relatively cheap registration fee, especially when compared to the actual cost of the yacht.

Insurance: ~ $353,850

As well as registering your new nautical explorer you’re going to want to make sure it’s insured. As you can imagine, insuring something as expensive as a superyacht isn’t cheap, so expect to fork out a few hundred thousand every year to make sure you’re covered.

Dockage: – $942,000 (Purchase)

motor yacht running costs

The price varies from port to port across the world, with some docks charging up to six grand a night for casual slots. This 100-foot slot in Antibes is going for a lazy 590,000€ ($942,000) if you’re in the market to buy.

If you want a spot in Port Hercules over Formula 1 weekend, you’ll be looking at $35,000 AUD for a Zone 1 spot from May 20th till May 27th for our yacht size in question, which really isn’t too outrageous.

Fuel: ~ $472,000

If you think everyday fuel prices for your automobile are expensive than you might want to turn away now. Using around 400 litres of fuel an hour, a 100-foot superyacht is going to set you back another half a million to make sure you don’t run out of gas in the middle of the ocean if in use for the majority of the year.

Maintenance & Repairs: ~ $400,000

Like anything mechanical, a superyacht is prone to suffering wear and tear over the years. From routine maintenance to fixing blown motors and electrical equipment, the annual cost can be extravagant but is part and parcel of owning such an expensive toy.

Crew: ~ $876,000

motor yacht running costs

Unless you’re a trained captain steering your own yacht and making sure the day to day running goes smoothly, you’ll have to employ staff to over see operations. Captains cost roughly $1,400 per year per foot of boat – that’s $156,000 or so to command a mere 100-footer according to Forbes.

Deckhands and stewards are relatively cheap at $40,000 to $70,000 per year which is supplemented with you shouting them accommodation and food, but a good chef will cost you at least $100,000 a year. You’ll also need roughly one deckhand for each guest, and we’re assuming you can comfortably fit 8 amigos. And did we mention an engineer? Because hey, we all know boats break down all the time. That’ll set you back at least another $140,000.

Total: ~ $13 million

If you add up the initial cost of your 100-foot superyacht and your yearly expenses you’re looking at roughly $13 million for the first year, then around $2.1 million every year after to maintain it (assuming you pretty much live aboard and minus the purchase costs of the berth & yacht). So the short answer? A fuckload. Maybe in another life.

RELATED: The 750-foot Project Valkyrie will be the world’s largest superyacht

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How Much Does A Yacht Cost to R un?

“Owning a yacht is like tearing up 100 dollar bills under the shower”

I prefer the quote above to another one I wanted to use “If you have to ask, you can’t afford It” which is attributed to J.P. Morgan, a rich American financier who was famous for his business prowess. Allegedly, he said this to another banker who was enquiring about the cost of his yacht.

The most common indication given is that a yacht costs about 10% of its value per year to run. However, this is somewhat misleading as a recently delivered yacht will cost less to maintain than an older one in its first few years.  So which value do you consider? The new construction value when built or value at present, insured or market value? I think that reality is more likely to be somewhere between 7% and 20% per year of a yachts current market value. Large cost items such as painting, engine and machinery overhauls, laying new teak decks etc. will come up every few years and will distort annual spending patterns. Some older or classic yachts will be spending a lot more than newer ones to keep them in pristine condition, and their values may be very hard to ascertain.

Crewing normally makes up the highest regular spending on larger yachts and can easily absorb half of the annual budget. Crew expect to be paid according to their professional qualifications and experience or job roles, regardless of the type, value or the age of the yacht! Good crew are very mobile and low wages may not attract the quality of crew expected.

What is really important, when considering the purchase of a yacht is that a prospective buyer knows what it is realistically likely to cost to maintain the type of yacht they want and that they can research and verify the information in advance of purchasing. It is probably preferable to buy a smaller or different type of yacht, charter or purchase a share in a yacht if the costs seem unbearable or out of reach.  What does not work is to think that crew and running costs can be dramatically reduced without the value of a yacht diminishing over time or ending up with an unhappy yacht.

Below is a YouTube video from a former colleague, David Seal, who has put together some useful cost indications.

motor yacht running costs

The Howorths

Superyacht Running Costs

Running costs

When it comes to enquiring about the running costs involved in keeping and maintaining a superyacht there are two standard answers.  The first is: “If you have to ask, then you cannot afford it.”  The second answer often delivered with an air of social one-upmanship is that: “It costs 10% the cost of the yachts original selling price when new.”

But according to Rupert Connor, CEO at the Luxury Yacht Group both answers are wrong 

So how much do superyachts cost to run?  Connor has the answers in the form of an online yacht running costs calculator. He explains “Our new yacht operating running costs calculator is now on its third major revision.”  He adds “This version took over a year to program and is way more detailed and versatile than those we have issued before.”

Explaining how it works Connor suggests: “We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

The operating costs calculator is tuned for yachts from 24 to 200 metres. Over the years the Luxury Yacht Group have proved operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 35 metres feet and larger than 75 metres.

Take fuel costs for example. The budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically those seen installed on yachts by length. Dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right increases the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. The default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Other factors allow for running costs to be calculated that include such variants as keeping a yacht in perfect readiness and reducing costs while the yacht is on the market for sale.  Calculating the costs of shipping yachts across the Atlantic on board Sail on sail off ships versus crossing under the yachts own power are equally laid bare by the calculator 

So where did the 10% of purchase price figure come from?  Rupert Connor says; “We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally, particularly for newer yachts in the US$20-30 million range, but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time.”  It is a well established fact that as yachts get older so their capital value decreases and their maintenance costs increase. “But,” says Connor There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker

So do the numbers work for every yacht?  Sadly no! Sailing yachts for example fall outside the scope of this great tool.  Rupert Conner explains: “We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way.  Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts.”

The good news is, if they can demonstrate there is sufficient demand, the Luxury Yacht Group may well build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this hugely impressive tool.

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How much does it cost to run a boat? Nick reveals the total costs of his Jeanneau

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The most common question that our used boat expert Nick Burnham gets asked is: “How much does it cost to run a boat?” In this video he explains all the variables...

The Jeanneau Leader 805 that Nick owns is a great example of a starter boat and so gives a realistic measure of how much your first boat could cost you on an ongoing basis.

The oft-quoted figure for running costs is 10% of the purchase price per year, but is that really accurate?

Well, the biggest chunk goes on mooring costs – Nick keeps his boat in a council-owned marina in Torbay and pays just over £2,000 per year for the privilege, but as he explains, a fully-serviced marina in a premium location such as Poole can cost more than four times as much.

If your budget doesn’t stretch that far, then a swinging mooring is a more affordable option, costing hundreds rather than thousands of pounds per year.

Nick’s boat is powered by a single Volvo Penta D4 shaft-drive engine, which requires just over £1,000 per year for annual servicing (plus another £400-£500 to service the outdrive every other year), however this cost can be trimmed by going outside of your engine manufacturer’s dealer network, or learning to do it yourself.

It’s worth noting that these prices don’t include any additional repair costs that might come up when your engine goes wrong (and if you have a twin-engined boat, you need to double all these figures).

Moving down the list, and another essential running cost is antifouling, which sets Nick back around £750 per year (including lifting out, scrubbing down, painting and relaunching), while replacing anodes is another £50-£100 per year. Another £400 per year goes on insurance, while Seastart breakdown assistance costs £150 per year.

Fuel consumption is one of the most variable figures as it depends on how you use your boat, but Nick managed to get 62 engine hours of boating in last year by burning just under 740 litres of diesel. Based on an average red diesel price of £1.37/litre, that’s a total cost of £1,000 on fuel and around £6,000 per year running costs overall.

So taking all of that into account and the average cost of a brand new 8m sportscruiser (around £150,000), maybe the old 10% running costs maxim isn’t that accurate after all…

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Motor Yacht/Power Cruiser

Motor yachts, as indicative in the name, are sizeable recreational vessels with one, or more likely two engines for primary propulsion. There’s no definitive line between what is a boat and a yacht but generally, yachts run 40 to 90 feet, are more expensive and offer an element of luxury as well as the ability to cruise farther for longer periods of time. 

Yachts to 60 feet are usually operated by the owner, while yachts 60-90 feet may have a professional captain. Yachts over 90 feet fall into the realm of superyachts where both crew needs and the maintenance dollars rise sharply.

Yachts typically have several staterooms or cabins and at least one “head” or bathroom. A “galley” or kitchen is included and some larger yachts with a “flybridge” or an open upper deck, may have an optional outside galley with a grill and a sink. A salon or living room is usually the main social space and some larger yachts include a walk-in utility space and engine room. On deck, a yacht may have amenities like outdoor dining areas, an outside steering station or “helm” and sunpads or settees on the bow or aft deck for lounging. 

Many motor yachts today are highly stylized and offer an impressive level of privacy and luxury for the owners. Designer accommodations, high-end appliances and plenty of space to entertain multiple small groups are mostly standard.   

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Activities with Motor Yachts/Power Cruisers

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Depending on the brand and design of the motor yacht, you can do pretty much anything with one including island hopping, dock-to-dock coastal cruising or ocean crossing. You can cruise a day, a week, a month or even several years on a motor yacht and venture anywhere from the Great Lakes to the Caribbean and beyond. You can entertain a crowd for an afternoon happy hour cruise, venture farther on family weekends with the kids or explore remote waterways during retirement.

Ownership Costs of Motor Yachts/Power Cruisers

The purchase price of a motor yacht or power cruiser varies with size, age, brand and onboard amenities and gear like the number of engines, etc. Most new yachts will be at least $100,000 and some will run into the millions of dollars. In addition to the initial price, you’ll need to estimate the cost of additional gear like electronics that are often priced separately as well as the cost of a “berth” or dock space, insurance and state registration or U.S. Coast Guard documentation.

To see if a motor yacht or power cruiser fits within your budget, be sure to utilize our Boat Loan Calculator .

Even new motor yachts need maintenance including interior and exterior cleaning, bottom scraping, hull polishing and waxing, engine tune-ups, and so on. The more engines, generators, and gear like refrigerators, electronic displays and battery banks, the more maintenance you will need and the higher the expense.

At the very least, your operation costs will include fuel (gas or diesel) and dockage. When professional crew like a captain and/or a chef is involved, costs can soar.

Motor Yacht/ Power Cruiser Boat Technology/Materials/Features

Because these vessels are designed to cruise long distances, they typically have fairly sophisticated electronic navigation and communication systems. They will also have significant ground tackle (anchor, chain and a windlass ) and they’ll have sizable engines, generators to charge batteries and other equipment. Some may have stabilization systems like gyroscopes or protruding underwater fins to help the vessel stay upright and avoid rolling and that helps minimize seasickness.

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Motor Cruisers

Welcome to our Motor Cruiser information page, here you'll find everything you need to know, from insuring your vessel to holiday hotspots. If you have any questions, please watch the video below.

There’s no better way to cruise the world’s oceans than aboard a motor cruiser. Built to stay on the water for days and even weeks on end, the design and performance of a motor yacht is second to none. They are the epitome of luxury and class, dominating smaller boats with their size and status.

Generally, a motor cruiser delivers significant length over a traditional vessel – often measuring between 40 to 90 feet – with cabin space and systems specifically designed for long-term cruising. There’s almost always room for socialising too, with purpose-built decks and entertainment spaces offering an ideal platform for gatherings.

There is a range of styles of motor cruisers that come under the term, including flybridge, pilothouse, aft cabin, sedan bridge and large, express-style yachts. Bridge boats are the most popular style type, offering plenty of room for overnight accommodation and deck space alongside a helm on the bridge as well as in the cabin, allowing for all-season functionality. More often than not, a motor cruiser design is defined by the size of its outdoor spaces like the flybridge or cockpit – the more space to impress your guests, the better…  

Powered by either petrol or diesel engines, the range of power can depend on the original purpose of the motor cruiser build. The look and feel of a motor cruiser can also vary massively, with many different styles and sizes of hulls, from full-displacements to planing hulls that can change the boat's stability, speed and resistance.

  • Motor Cruiser Tips & Advice

6 Luxury Locations to Take Your Motor Cruiser

The UK staycation market has risen - with many opting to stay closer to home, we've picked out the top 6 luxury locations to visit on your motor cruiser.

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12 Tips To Protect Your Motor Cruiser From Theft

Protect your motor cruiser from theft with our top 12 tips, from having the right locks in place to being on the lookout for suspicious behaviour.

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5 Easy Meals for Onboard Your Motor Cruiser

Our 5 easy meal ideas for while onboard your boat will make sure you can spend more time up on the deck.

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5 Tips for Naming Your Motor Cruiser

One of the joys of getting a new boat is giving it a name, to help you out, we’ve put together 5 tips for naming your boat...

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6 of the Most Iconic Classic Motor Boats

There are hundreds of classic boats that we admire, but we've managed to pick out 6 of the all-time greats.

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Maintenance Costs To Expect As A Motor Cruiser Owner

Find our helpful guide to what costs you can expect when performing maintenance on your motor cruiser.

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  • Insure Your Vessel

Get a quote for your motor cruiser insurance

motor yacht running costs

When you’ve invested so much time and money on your motor yacht, getting the right protection is essential to avoid financial and emotional trouble should something happen. Whilst it’s not technically a legal requirement to have yacht insurance in the UK, it is generally compulsory at most harbours, marinas and mooring areas. You will also need to have proof of insurance in order to obtain an inland waterways licence.

Most insurance policies will provide cover for fires, theft, storm damage, collisions and vandalism, though some will cover more than others. There are a number of factors that can affect how much your yacht insurance will cost, including where you keep and use your boat, as well as its size, value and age. For more information, read about   how much it costs to insure a motor cruiser .

GJW’s Motor Cruiser and Power Boat Insurance is one of the best available in the market and provides fully comprehensive cover and great value, as well as a number of extra features. We offer an outstanding service and a fast and fair claims settlement reputation that is second to none.

Some features of our motor cruiser cover includes*:

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*subject to exclusions and limitations

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  • Motor Cruiser Resources

7 Tips For Motor Cruiser Maintenance

As you clock in miles sailing around the world, your motor cruiser is going to need some essential maintenance. Discover our 7 top tips now!

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Buying or Selling a Motor Cruiser? Advice and Tips...

Buying or selling a boat is a whole other world and can sometimes get confusing, read our top tips to help make the process a little easier...

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How Much Does it Cost to Insure a Motor Cruiser?

Insuring your motor cruiser is an important precaution. If you’ve spent thousands of pounds on a new boat, be it motor cruiser or yacht, a good insurance policy can save you hundreds should you ever need to make a claim. But how much is insurance going to cost?

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How To Store Your Motor Cruiser Documentation Digitally

Struggling to keep track of all your boating documents and paperwork? Discover our easy, free solution for storing everything you need digitally, so it's never at risk from water damage or loss.

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Motor Cruiser Accessory Must-Haves

From underwater cameras to spectacular light show gadgets, there are plenty of accessories out there to make your boating adventures even more incredible. Take a look at some of our favourites!

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Take a Look Inside the Most Luxurious Motor Cruisers in the World

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Motor Cruiser Pre-departure Checklist

Struggling to remember everything before setting out to the seas? We’ve put together a pre-departure checklist for your motor cruiser.

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The World’s Most Expensive Yachts—Including Some That Cost Billions

By Brett Berk

most expensive yachts

Though superyachts are already among the most costly consumer items available, the prices of the most expensive yachts in the world are still astounding. In recent decades, those with money to burn have settled on these floating palaces as an ideal locus for demonstrating their prosperity, and, as such, the global luxury yacht industry is undergoing a golden age. The world’s überwealthy think of their motor yachts as toys, and they’re constantly trying to outdo each other in scale, design, amenities, materials, and sheer profligacy.

Knowing this, what features does it take to own one of the most expensive yachts in existence? And how much do these opulent vessels actually cost? To that end, AD has compiled a list of the five priciest superyachts currently out on the water. As with many things connected to the very wealthy, details are shrouded in secrecy—often intentionally—to shield the assets from taxation or seizure, or to protect privacy.

Below, dive into the five reportedly most expensive yachts in the world.

5. Dubai ($400 million)

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Yacht and Boat

This 531-foot yacht is reportedly owned by United Arab Emirates Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai. Though it was originally planned for another Middle Eastern potentate, Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei, he suddenly voided the contract in 2001. With exteriors designed by Andrew Winch and interiors by Platinum Yachts, this German-built Blohm + Voss vessel features several Jacuzzis, a pool inlaid with handmade mosaic tiles that is reportedly large enough to hold 115 people, a circular staircase, a discotheque with an appropriately sized dance floor, squash courts, a movie theater, a dining room for 90 guests (the other 25 presumably have to eat in the pool?), a helipad, and a submarine.

4. Topaz ($527 million)

most expensive yacht

Resembling a stealth bomber, this 483-foot ship is reportedly owned by Russian fertilizer and coal oligarch Andrey Melnichenko. With exteriors by Tim Heywood Design Ltd. and interior designs by Terence Disdale Design, this German-built Lürssen Yacht features a 2,500-square-foot primary bedroom, six guest suites (with moveable walls so they can be transformed into four grand staterooms), glassware and tableware fashioned from French crystal, a helicopter hangar, a 30-foot speedboat tender, and three swimming pools, including one with a glass-bottom dangling menacingly above a disco.

3. Azzam ($600 million)

most expensive yachts

This 590-foot ship is currently thought to be the largest private yacht in the world and one of the fastest, with a top speed of 35 miles per hour. To achieve this immense scale and speed, it required a pair of gas turbines and two stratospherically potent diesel engines, rendering it very difficult to build. It is reportedly owned by a member of the royal family of the UAE, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. With exteriors by Nauta Yacht and interiors by French decorator Cristophe Leoni, this yacht was also built by Lürssen in Germany. The vessel is set apart by its early 19th-century Empire-style veneered furniture, as well as its state-of-the-art security systems, including a fully bulletproof primary suite and a high-tech missile deterrence capabilities.

2. Eclipse ($1.5 billion)

most expensive yachts

In addition to being the second-costliest, this 533-footer is thought to be the world’s second-largest private yacht. Owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich , the ship was claimed to be located in Turkey and may be impounded as part of the United Kingdom’s sanctions against Russia. Designed by Terry Disdale and built by Blohm + Voss, it features two-dozen guest cabins, two swimming pools, two helipads, and multiple hot tubs. For privacy and security reasons, it hosts a missile detection system, bulletproof windows in the primary bedroom and on the bridge, an anti-paparazzi shield, and, when all of that fails, a mini-submarine that can take a few VIPs 164 feet under the ocean’s surface.

1. History Supreme ($4.8 billion)

History Supreme has never actually been seen in a major port, and rumors suggest that the yacht may not be real and instead just a publicity stunt. Reportedly owned by Malaysia’s richest man, Robert Kuok, and designed by Stuart Hughes in the UK, the yacht is only a paltry 100 feet long. Its worth is said to be derived from its lavish finishes, including a statue constructed from genuine Tyrannosaurus rex bones, a liquor bottle embedded with an 18.5-carat diamond, and a primary bedroom with one wall made from meteorite and another from a 24-karat gold Aquavista Panoramic Wall Aquarium. If you see it somewhere, let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is Jeff Bezos’s yacht?

Most Expensive Yachts

This is why people like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos work to keep their yachts out of the public eye. Though we are not including Jeff Bezos’s yacht, Koru (Maori for “coil”), in this list because it is a sailing yacht and thus excluded from the realm of these motor yachts, it created controversy in the Netherlands when its presence became known. Jeff Bezos’s abided the $500 million price tag of Oceanco, the Dutch custom yacht builder, to create the 417-foot megayacht. But when the company, at Bezos’s behest, requested that a local bridge be dismantled to make way for its gigantic mast on its journey from the shipyard, public sentiment turned against the cento-billionaire, and Oceano shelved its request. Maybe a port like Monaco would be more accommodating?

Also not on this list is the world’s largest private yacht, reportedly owned by Alisher Usmanov. Though size and cost typically scale in the world of superyachts, this is not always the case (see #1 in this list.) Also, Somnio, the 728-feet dream-monikered yacht liner that tops our list of the world’s largest private yachts , isn’t quite done being constructed. And it is not, like most of the largest superyachts, privately owned by one individual or family—it’s a kind of floating condo, with 39 eight-figure homes available to potential owners solely by invitation.

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16 Yacht Charters That Make for a Strangely Affordable Family Vacation

Posted: December 11, 2023 | Last updated: December 12, 2023

<p> While a yacht may be the first thing that pops to mind when you think of the ultra-wealthy, chartering one might not be as expensive as you think.<br><br>When you're splitting the costs between several family members or friends you are paying for transportation and stay and it can make sense financially.</p> <p> You can also <a href="">keep money in your wallet</a> by selecting an older vessel or taking charge of sailing yourself (hiring a crew always costs extra).</p><p>So let’s take a look at options that may be within reach for people who aren’t living paycheck to paycheck but aren’t brunching with the Kardashians either.</p><p class=""><i>Editor's note: prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the time of the year.</i></p><p>  <a href=""><b>Earn Points and Miles:</b> Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel</a>  </p>

While a yacht may be the first thing that pops to mind when you think of the ultra-wealthy, chartering one might not be as expensive as you think. When you're splitting the costs between several family members or friends you are paying for transportation and stay and it can make sense financially.

You can also  keep money in your wallet  by selecting an older vessel or taking charge of sailing yourself (hiring a crew always costs extra).

So let’s take a look at options that may be within reach for people who aren’t living paycheck to paycheck but aren’t brunching with the Kardashians either.

Editor's note: prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the time of the year.

Earn Points and Miles: Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel

<p> The San Antonio is a luxury motor yacht measuring 146 feet in length that was built in 2018. This huge vessel is capable of accommodating 36 guests in 18 cabins.  </p> <p> The cost to charter it starts at $21,000 per week plus expenses, not including a crew of eight (which we recommend). </p> <p> Divide the cost by capacity, and that’s only $583 per person per week to start. That’s practically unbeatable for a boat of this size, allowing you to make other <a href="">savvy moves with your money</a>.</p><p>  <p class=""><a href="">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

San Antonio motor yacht

The San Antonio is a luxury motor yacht measuring 146 feet in length that was built in 2018. This huge vessel is capable of accommodating 36 guests in 18 cabins.

The cost to charter it starts at $21,000 per week plus expenses, not including a crew of eight (which we recommend).

Divide the cost by capacity, and that’s only $583 per person per week to start. That’s practically unbeatable for a boat of this size, allowing you to make other savvy moves with your money .

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<p> Constructed in 2001 (with several subsequent refits), the Virginia Mia is another luxury motor yacht that’s 95 feet in length.  </p> <p> Custom-designed by Nuvolari Lenard, this vessel can sleep eight guests in four cabins as well as an additional crew of four.  </p> <p> Still, thanks to the age of the yacht, the cost of chartering starts at $15,000 plus expenses per week, or just under $2,000 per guest sans crew. </p>

Virginia Mia motor yacht

Constructed in 2001 (with several subsequent refits), the Virginia Mia is another luxury motor yacht that’s 95 feet in length.

Custom-designed by Nuvolari Lenard, this vessel can sleep eight guests in four cabins as well as an additional crew of four.

Still, thanks to the age of the yacht, the cost of chartering starts at $15,000 plus expenses per week, or just under $2,000 per guest sans crew.

<p> White motor yachts are convenient and luxe, sailing yachts promise a more traditional experience.  </p> <p> At nearly 125 feet, the Nautilus is a large option styled by Robert Delus. Built in 2008, it sleeps 10 guests in five cabins. At this size, you'll likely need a crew of six.  </p> <p> The cost to charter this beauty starts at $17,500 per week sans expenses, again just under $2,000 per person — which really isn't bad for all you're getting.</p><p>  <a href=""><b>Grow Your $$:</b> 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40</a>  </p>

Nautilus sailing yacht

White motor yachts are convenient and luxe, sailing yachts promise a more traditional experience.

At nearly 125 feet, the Nautilus is a large option styled by Robert Delus. Built in 2008, it sleeps 10 guests in five cabins. At this size, you'll likely need a crew of six.

The cost to charter this beauty starts at $17,500 per week sans expenses, again just under $2,000 per person — which really isn't bad for all you're getting.

Grow Your $$: 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40

<p> The Aegean Clipper is another sailing vessel, this one built all the way back in 1999 — which translates into cost savings for you.  </p> <p> The yacht is another biggie at nearly 135 feet. With 11 cabins, the boat can accommodate up to 24 guests plus five crew members as needed.  </p> <p> In total, your group will have to shell out a minimum of $13,000 plus expenses per week — just over $379 per person. That's a great deal, comparatively speaking. </p>

Aegean Clipper sailing yacht

The Aegean Clipper is another sailing vessel, this one built all the way back in 1999 — which translates into cost savings for you.

The yacht is another biggie at nearly 135 feet. With 11 cabins, the boat can accommodate up to 24 guests plus five crew members as needed.

In total, your group will have to shell out a minimum of $13,000 plus expenses per week — just over $379 per person. That's a great deal, comparatively speaking.

<p> If you're looking for something a little smaller that can go the distance, the Silver Fox expedition yacht might be for you.  </p> <p> Built in 2009, the 72-foot yacht accommodates six guests in three cabins for a more intimate experience. There's room for a crew of two if you need their expertise. </p> <p> With a starting cost of $16,500 per week, the Silver Fox will run each person over $2,700 per week, but the small group may be worth it. </p>

Silver Fox expedition yacht

If you're looking for something a little smaller that can go the distance, the Silver Fox expedition yacht might be for you.

Built in 2009, the 72-foot yacht accommodates six guests in three cabins for a more intimate experience. There's room for a crew of two if you need their expertise.

With a starting cost of $16,500 per week, the Silver Fox will run each person over $2,700 per week, but the small group may be worth it.

<p> Traveling with a group of the same size but want more length and a bigger crew?  </p> <p> The Tivoli expedition yacht, constructed in 2001 and remodeled in 2010, can fit four crew members. This stunner is just over 90 feet long and can take you on those long hauls. </p> <p> Yes, it will cost more at $25,000 per week, or over $4,100 per person. But if you can afford it, it’s a dream come true out on the open water.</p><p>  <a href=""><b>Retire Sooner:</b> Take this quiz to see if you can retire early</a>  </p>

Tivoli expedition yacht

Traveling with a group of the same size but want more length and a bigger crew?

The Tivoli expedition yacht, constructed in 2001 and remodeled in 2010, can fit four crew members. This stunner is just over 90 feet long and can take you on those long hauls.

Yes, it will cost more at $25,000 per week, or over $4,100 per person. But if you can afford it, it’s a dream come true out on the open water.

Retire Sooner: Take this quiz to see if you can retire early

<p> Classics are classics for a reason, as they stand the test of time. Such is the case with the Shangri-La, a vintage yacht sure to take you to that magical place.  </p> <p> This vessel sleeps six in three cabins and promises to be child-friendly. The Shangri-La was constructed way back in 1965, and it is 82 feet long with space for three crew members.  </p> <p> A week on this rig will cost you $16,500, or just over $2,700 a pop. </p>

Shangri-La classic yacht

Classics are classics for a reason, as they stand the test of time. Such is the case with the Shangri-La, a vintage yacht sure to take you to that magical place.

This vessel sleeps six in three cabins and promises to be child-friendly. The Shangri-La was constructed way back in 1965, and it is 82 feet long with space for three crew members.

A week on this rig will cost you $16,500, or just over $2,700 a pop.

<p> Another vintage beauty, the Sai Kung classic yacht was born in 1975 and got a makeover in 2015. That updated this 79-foot vessel that can sleep nine people in four cabins.  </p> <p> Be sure you’re a nautical whiz, as there’s no room for additional crew here, but that will only save you money. </p> <p> All told, the Sai Kung will set your group back $17,500 per week, just under $2,000 per person.  </p>

Sai Kung classic yacht

Another vintage beauty, the Sai Kung classic yacht was born in 1975 and got a makeover in 2015. That updated this 79-foot vessel that can sleep nine people in four cabins.

Be sure you’re a nautical whiz, as there’s no room for additional crew here, but that will only save you money.

All told, the Sai Kung will set your group back $17,500 per week, just under $2,000 per person.

<p> Outdoor yachts are designed for those who truly want to live outside, which you can do easily on the Glorious.  </p> <p> This sporty 72-footer is ready to help you dive, scuba, and more, with room for six guests in three cabins. You can bring a crew of two for extra help, of course. </p> <p> Built in 2007 and remodeled nine years later, chartering the Glorious will run you $16,500 per week, again $2,700 per person.</p><p>  <a href="">9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest</a>  </p>

Glorious open yacht

Outdoor yachts are designed for those who truly want to live outside, which you can do easily on the Glorious.

This sporty 72-footer is ready to help you dive, scuba, and more, with room for six guests in three cabins. You can bring a crew of two for extra help, of course.

Built in 2007 and remodeled nine years later, chartering the Glorious will run you $16,500 per week, again $2,700 per person.

9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest

<p> Looking for a bigger open yacht that’s perfect for swim buffs? Charter the Speedy T, a vessel that’s 80 feet long and primed for dips in refreshing ocean waters.  </p> <p> Like many of the yachts on this list, it accommodates six guests in three cabins and has room for three crew members. </p> <p> All told, one week on this sleek ship — built in 1994 and renovated in 2011 — is $19,500 before expenses, translating to $3,250 per head. But the adventure promises to be unforgettable. </p>

Speedy T open yacht

Looking for a bigger open yacht that’s perfect for swim buffs? Charter the Speedy T, a vessel that’s 80 feet long and primed for dips in refreshing ocean waters.

Like many of the yachts on this list, it accommodates six guests in three cabins and has room for three crew members.

All told, one week on this sleek ship — built in 1994 and renovated in 2011 — is $19,500 before expenses, translating to $3,250 per head. But the adventure promises to be unforgettable.

<p> With extra stability even at higher speeds, catamaran yachts like the Etoile Magique are great options for adventure.</p><p>This 80-foot vessel is roomy for its size, with room for 16 guests in eight cabins. There’s space for a three-person crew, too.</p> <p> Constructed in 2004 and remodeled a decade later, this is a budget-friendly adventure in the making. At $18,710 per week before expenses, that shakes out to a bit over $1,100 apiece. </p>

Etoile Magique catamaran yacht

With extra stability even at higher speeds, catamaran yachts like the Etoile Magique are great options for adventure.

This 80-foot vessel is roomy for its size, with room for 16 guests in eight cabins. There’s space for a three-person crew, too.

Constructed in 2004 and remodeled a decade later, this is a budget-friendly adventure in the making. At $18,710 per week before expenses, that shakes out to a bit over $1,100 apiece.

<p> Meaning “strong” in Spanish, the Fuerte 3 catamaran yacht — built in 2004 and renovated in 2010 — offers a more intimate experience than the Etoile Magique, with space for nine guests in four cabins.  </p> <p> On the smaller side, at 67 feet, you can bring two crew members along if you need them. The price tag for one week is around $22,000, or just over $2,400 a pop. This vessel is best in shallower waters.</p><p>  <a href=""><b>Earn Points and Miles:</b> Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel</a>  </p>

Fuerte 3 catamaran yacht

Meaning “strong” in Spanish, the Fuerte 3 catamaran yacht — built in 2004 and renovated in 2010 — offers a more intimate experience than the Etoile Magique, with space for nine guests in four cabins.

On the smaller side, at 67 feet, you can bring two crew members along if you need them. The price tag for one week is around $22,000, or just over $2,400 a pop. This vessel is best in shallower waters.

<p> If your idea of the perfect vacation is sport fishing, this boat is for you. The Astrape sport fishing yacht comes with top-of-the-line fishing equipment so you can catch your dream fish.  </p> <p> Built in 2008 and remodeled in 2016, the 76-foot vessel sleeps eight in four cabins. It also has room for three crew members. </p> <p> On the pricier side at $29,000, a week will cost each person nearly $3,700 — worth it if you can show off that once-in-a-lifetime catch, though! </p>

Astrape sport fishing yacht

If your idea of the perfect vacation is sport fishing, this boat is for you. The Astrape sport fishing yacht comes with top-of-the-line fishing equipment so you can catch your dream fish.

Built in 2008 and remodeled in 2016, the 76-foot vessel sleeps eight in four cabins. It also has room for three crew members.

On the pricier side at $29,000, a week will cost each person nearly $3,700 — worth it if you can show off that once-in-a-lifetime catch, though!

<p> Giving us some real Orca energy, the Barefoot sport fishing yacht was built in 2006 — much later than that famed vessel from "Jaws."</p> <p> The 64-foot boat is designed for fishing in shallower waters, perfect for you and five friends who will share three cabins. Two crew members can fit, too. </p> <p> This yacht is cheaper than the Astrape at $17,500, so six folks will pay just under $3,000 a head per week. </p>

Barefoot sport fishing yacht

Giving us some real Orca energy, the Barefoot sport fishing yacht was built in 2006 — much later than that famed vessel from "Jaws."

The 64-foot boat is designed for fishing in shallower waters, perfect for you and five friends who will share three cabins. Two crew members can fit, too.

This yacht is cheaper than the Astrape at $17,500, so six folks will pay just under $3,000 a head per week.

<p> Gulet yachts are known for their tall masts, ample deck space, and Turkish origins — perfect for a Mediterranean voyage.  </p> <p> To that end, the Prenses Lila is an excellent option for groups of 18. At 114 feet with eight cabins and space for five crew members, this boat beckons. </p> <p> You can charter Prenses Lila — built in 2009 and remodeled in 2009 — for $17,500 per week in September.</p>

Prenses Lila gulet yacht

Gulet yachts are known for their tall masts, ample deck space, and Turkish origins — perfect for a Mediterranean voyage.

To that end, the Prenses Lila is an excellent option for groups of 18. At 114 feet with eight cabins and space for five crew members, this boat beckons.

You can charter Prenses Lila — built in 2009 and remodeled in 2009 — for $17,500 per week in September.

<p> The second gulet yacht and the final boat we’re covering is Dreamland, which will surely take you there. </p><p>Constructed in 2006, 12 guests can sleep in six suites on this 105-foot vessel as well as five crew members.  </p> <p> You can book Dreamland for around $26,000 in high season. Divide that by 12, and you land on about $2,200 per person. That might require some <a href="">financial fitness</a>, but yachts like this don’t come around every day.</p>

Dreamland gulet yacht

The second gulet yacht and the final boat we’re covering is Dreamland, which will surely take you there. 

Constructed in 2006, 12 guests can sleep in six suites on this 105-foot vessel as well as five crew members.

You can book Dreamland for around $26,000 in high season. Divide that by 12, and you land on about $2,200 per person. That might require some financial fitness , but yachts like this don’t come around every day.

<p> Spending your days sunning and swimming aboard a luxurious yacht may seem like an out-of-reach proposition, but we’re here to tell you it’s possible.  </p> <p> In fact, with planning and savvy budgeting, you can score your dream seafaring adventure. You can even use your favorite credit card to book and <a href="">earn travel rewards</a>. </p> <p> Traveling by charter yacht is also more environmentally friendly than flying, which means you can feel good about your sailing vacation.</p><p>  <p class=""><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

Spending your days sunning and swimming aboard a luxurious yacht may seem like an out-of-reach proposition, but we’re here to tell you it’s possible.

In fact, with planning and savvy budgeting, you can score your dream seafaring adventure. You can even use your favorite credit card to book and earn travel rewards .

Traveling by charter yacht is also more environmentally friendly than flying, which means you can feel good about your sailing vacation.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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  1. Superyacht Cost Calculator

    Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel ...

  2. How Much Does it (Really) Cost to Own a Yacht?

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  3. The Real Cost of Owning a Yacht

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  5. Motorboat running costs: The costs of owning a yacht

    Costs of towing a broken-down boat or salvage after sinking/grounding. £150 - £5,000+. Travel and transportation expenses. Costs related to overland transportation of your motorboat. £100 - £2,000+. Luxury upgrades. Aesthetic upgrades like high-quality upholstery, teak decking, etc. £200 - £10,000+.

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  7. Boat ownership costs and budgeting

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    An alternative option would be splitting the cost of this hypothetical yacht in half to pay $5 million for your yacht initially, and pay $750,000 a year in running costs. It is recommended to use the yacht up to 14 weeks a year per owner for a total of 28 weeks. Or opt to charter out the weeks you do not use it to defray the running cost.

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  18. How Much Does A Superyacht Really Cost To Run?

    Total: ~ $13 million. If you add up the initial cost of your 100-foot superyacht and your yearly expenses you're looking at roughly $13 million for the first year, then around $2.1 million every year after to maintain it (assuming you pretty much live aboard and minus the purchase costs of the berth & yacht). So the short answer? A fuckload.

  19. How much does a yacht cost to run?

    The most common indication given is that a yacht costs about 10% of its value per year to run. However, this is somewhat misleading as a recently delivered yacht will cost less to maintain than an older one in its first few years. ... What does not work is to think that crew and running costs can be dramatically reduced without the value of a ...

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    Superyacht Running Costs. When it comes to enquiring about the running costs involved in keeping and maintaining a superyacht there are two standard answers. The first is: "If you have to ask, then you cannot afford it.". The second answer often delivered with an air of social one-upmanship is that: "It costs 10% the cost of the yachts ...

  21. How much does it cost to run a boat? Our expert ...

    Based on an average red diesel price of £1.37/litre, that's a total cost of £1,000 on fuel and around £6,000 per year running costs overall. So taking all of that into account and the average cost of a brand new 8m sportscruiser (around £150,000), maybe the old 10% running costs maxim isn't that accurate after all….

  22. Motor Yachts

    Ownership Costs of Motor Yachts/Power Cruisers. The purchase price of a motor yacht or power cruiser varies with size, age, brand and onboard amenities and gear like the number of engines, etc. Most new yachts will be at least $100,000 and some will run into the millions of dollars.

  23. Motor Yachts and Cruiser Owner's Guide

    Generally, a motor cruiser delivers significant length over a traditional vessel - often measuring between 40 to 90 feet - with cabin space and systems specifically designed for long-term cruising. There's almost always room for socialising too, with purpose-built decks and entertainment spaces offering an ideal platform for gatherings.

  24. The World's Most Expensive Yachts—Including Some That Cost Billions

    This 590-foot ship is currently thought to be the largest private yacht in the world and one of the fastest, with a top speed of 35 miles per hour. To achieve this immense scale and speed, it ...

  25. 16 Yacht Charters That Make for a Strangely Affordable Family ...

    The San Antonio is a luxury motor yacht measuring 146 feet in length that was built in 2018. ... thanks to the age of the yacht, the cost of chartering starts at $15,000 plus expenses per week, or ...