Yachting Monthly

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Yachting Monthly cover

How to save money on yacht survey costs

Ben Sutcliffe-Davies

  • Ben Sutcliffe-Davies
  • September 2, 2020

Having a yacht survey can be stressful without the right preparation. Ben Sutcliffe-Davies explains how to get the best advice for your money

A yacht surveyor checking the hull during a yacht survey

Checking the condition of the hull is a key part of the survey, but is just the start. Credit: Graham Snook

No-one likes unnecessary expense when it comes to boat ownership, and having a yacht survey done is a cost most people would rather avoid.

Most boat owners have a survey done when they purchase a vessel, but there are other times a craft may need one.

These include when insurance companies request an inspection, perhaps because of time elapsed since your last survey.

An empty locker on the deck of a yacht ahead of a yacht survey

Emptying lockers will give the surveyor more time to focus on important things. Credit: Graham Snook/Yachting Monthly

Or if you have done something to your boat and think it is worth getting a professional in to check.

Not all surveys, or surveyors, are equal, however.

If you instruct a yacht survey on price alone without first establishing what you are actually paying for, you may come away feeling short-changed, or blissfully unaware of significant issues.

At the point of purchasing a boat, regardless of if you are buying privately or from a broker, a yacht survey is wise.

You need to know that what you are buying is structurally in the condition you are expecting, whether it is a top notch luxury craft or a known project boat, and that it is going to last without any nasty surprises.

Instructing a yacht surveyor

Before employing a surveyor, be mindful of what you may need; for instance, is the craft at an age where the insurance of the vessel will require a survey?

This will generally be the case on boats from about 30 years old, but some underwriting companies are requesting to see surveys on boats of 25 years or older.

A yacht in a sling at a boat yard

Give the surveyor as much time as possible when booking a lift slot. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo/Rob Carter

Your insurance underwriters may also expect a surveyor to hold membership of a recognised association.

These include the the Yacht Designers and Surveyors Association (YDSA) , the International Institute of Marine Surveyors (IIMS) or similar.

Insurers may even specify what level of membership your surveyor should hold.

It’s worth checking with your intended insurer before you engage a surveyor.

Underwriters may also provide a list of what they expect to be covered in a yacht survey report, though a good surveyor will cover this.

Lastly make sure whomever you are employing has proper professional indemnity insurance cover.

The broker you are buying the boat from will provide a short list of surveyors that they have worked with before, but you are by no means bound by this list.

One last word on choosing a surveyor; watch out for the word ‘Qualified’.

YDSA logo

It is a good idea to choose a surveyor who is a member of a professional body

There are very few formal qualifications to undertake surveys on craft and there are a few surveyors who don’t actually have any proper training at all other than a distance learning course.

Unbelievably all someone needs to be a marine surveyor is a customer.

But don’t be put off: there are a good number of very good marine surveyors who have a long background of being in the industry.

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Some have even been involved in building, fitting out or designing.

If you are paying for a yacht survey it is important you get what you are expecting.

If in doubt, check the websites of the association they claim to be members of.

Feel free to ask for a sample report from the surveyor you are planning to employ.

Methods and types of yacht survey

The methods of survey and who you employ may be dependent on materials the craft is built from, as very different assessments methods are needed.

If you are looking at a steel or aluminium yacht for instance, the survey will need to pay attention to the actual plate thickness with use of a hammer and ultrasound.

They will need to look closely for pitting to the plating along with an inspection of her welding, so going through internal framework and checking on internal plate condition and welding is important.

The hull of a yacht being pressure washed in a boat yard

Make sure you’ve arranged a suitable lift slot and pressure wash before survey day. Credit: Roy Conchile/Alamy

With laminates such as fibreglass, different disciplines are needed, with careful inspection of high load areas, physical structure and paying attention to moisture levels and indications of damage or groundings.

For those of you who want to have a timber yacht surveyed, you need to employ a surveyor who is very experienced and understands how the craft was built.

It is essential they understand about the correct selections of timber and the types and materials used for fastenings.

For both an owner’s insurance survey or a pre-purchase survey before instructing a surveyor you need to know what level of yacht survey you are getting and what they plan to look at and report on.

A fuel gauge on a yacht

Not having filled up with fuel could scupper your sea trial. Credit: moodboard/Alamy Stock Photo

Is it just an external hull check or a more thorough inspection?

Likewise, you need to be aware of what can and can’t be inspected at the place she is being surveyed.

Some areas of a vessel can be very difficult to check.

For instance, if a vessel is on hard standing it is almost impossible to see the condition of the hull-to-keel joint and how secure it is unless the craft is lifted.

Allowing full access

A surveyor will often want to remove layers of paint from the hull, so a pressure washer needs to be available if the boat is in the water, and removing areas of epoxy or special antifoul coatings at a pre-purchase survey can be fraught with issues.

Sometimes this is essential to further confirm an issue that has been identified, but a seller may be less than keen to have this done.

If blisters are found on the hull, only by scraping back the antifouling can you tell if this is moisture trapped between coatings or if it is full-blown osmosis under the gelcoat.

blistering on the hull of a yacht

The cause of hull blisters, whether between layers of paint, or full-blown osmosis will require the scraping back of antifoul. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

Some common sense needs to be exercised from all parties.

Having appropriate access to lockers throughout the craft is essential.

A craft that is so full of clutter that it’s impossible to see into the lockers without spending loads of time clearing them out to check bonding or general structure of the craft will really hamper the surveyor.

It is important to remove as much unnecessary clutter as possible before the survey takes place.

Preparing for your yacht survey

  • Make sure you have arranged the boat lift for a time that is convenient with the surveyor and that affords them enough time to inspect without being pressurised by the yard to relaunch before they are ready.
  • Ensure any requirements from the surveyor for things like the craft being properly washed off are booked and paid with the yard prior to the survey.
  • Confirm with a surveyor with a reply in writing, and exchange mobile phone numbers before the day. A simple case of crossed wires or incomplete admin can be extremely stressful when a boat is hanging in the slings.
  • If buying, it is worth asking the vendor to remove or clearly mark items that are not included. You don’t want to be left with the nasty surprise that the in date liferaft and flares were not part of the deal.
  • Ensure someone has all the keys for the craft, including the engine and hatches.
  • Ensure the batteries are ok and if you have shore power that it is safe and works before the surveyor turns up. Being unable to start the engine or switch electrics on will prevent a good part of the survey from taking place.
  • If the engine is to be demonstrated, make sure it is serviceable, starts with ease and there is enough fuel.
  • Regardless of whether you are preparing to have a pre-purchase or insurance survey make sure the systems such a the diesel heater and auto helm work. If there are issues it’s helpful to inform the surveyor rather than have them spend hours trying to get something to power up that is already a known fault.

What does the yacht survey cover?

So, what is possible to survey on a typical yacht with a standard fit out?

This is not an exhaustive list but these are some of the common areas of inspection

Normally a surveyor would start with the hull: underwater, topsides and deck condition.

The keel matrix or frame arrangements are important, along with the condition of the hull-to-keel joint, plus checking that the method of attachment of the keel is appropriate.

If the boat has an encapsulated keel, external condition is important.

A keel hull joint on a sailing yacht

Keel-hull joints can only be properly inspected when the boat is lifted. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

The surveyor will look for any evidence of grounding or damage to any of the keel arrangement as this could be a significant issue.

As well as listing and checking the condition of any underwater fittings externally and internally, the above waterline discharges, such as cockpit drains, are important to look at as well, especially if they are PVC as these do deteriorate with UV light.

In many cases, underwater DZR brass seacock assemblies need to be treated as consumables that will need routine replacement after a few years.

Also ensuring hoses and attachments are in good condition and secured is just as important as the condition of the valves themselves.

Rudder blades are frequently an issue, especially when they’re over 20 years old and have absorbed lots of moisture into the blade, which can lead to structural failure.

A few basic inspection points will confirm the general condition with light tapping with a ball pein hammer and moisture meter.

Water in rudders of a yacht

Water in rudders can cause failure. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies/Dorset Media Service

Sometimes water running out of it is a dead giveaway!

Obviously, rudder bearings and how the steerage works all need looking at.

If you are planning a sea trial on a sailing or motor vessel, be aware of the new Maritime and Coastguard Agency regulations that came into force from 1 January 2019.

Part 1 of the Code of Practice for Intended Pleasure Vessels (MCA IPV code) states that having a survey, a brokerage test sail, or an engine service that involves leaving the harbour or marina is a temporary commercial use of an intended pleasure (non-commercial) vessel.

Designed to allow this to happen without needing to commercially certify a boat or gain an official exemption, the professional operator – the surveyor or broker – has responsibilities for equipping and maintaining the vessel according to Part 1 of this Code of Practice.

a corroded seacock on a yacht

Seacocks may need regular replacement. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

The owner must declare they are content for the operator to use their vessel and that the operator has the right safety management system and measures in place to operate the vessel safely.

This may mean providing additional safety equipment required by the IPV Code, if the owner does not have it on board.

The operator and owner are jointly responsible for completing a self-declaration certificate for each voyage made in the format shown in Annex A of the IPV Code.

For details, visit: gov.uk/government/publications/intended-pleasure-vessels-ipv-code

The engine should be proven where possible in a pre-purchase yacht survey.

Many buyers take the craft on a sea trial, and at that point, taking an engineer from the local engine dealership who may have software to plug in is worth the investment.

Fuel lines on a yachr

Fuel lines that are out of date or badly worn should be spotted. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

These days many modern engines don’t always present issues at sea trial but will have a list of faults on plugging in and checking.

A normal yacht survey should comment on if there were significant oil leaks, the condition of the engine beds, mounts, fuel tankage, filters and fuel lines, drive belts, exhaust system and cooling system that all merit some inspection.

Fuel bug

Fuel bug is a common issue. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

Lastly, the drive, any type of coupling and support, stern gland arrangement, shaft, bearings and propeller condition would all need to be thoroughly checked.


I often find that large amounts of personal equipment can hamper how easy it is to inspect the important areas.

If you’re having a survey, take the opportunity to de-clutter your boat.

A hydrometer being used during a survey on a yacht

A hygrometer will show water ingress in the structure. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies/Dorset Media Service

If she has sole boards that are secured down, it’s helpful to unscrew as many as possible to allow inspection of the bilges.

The surveyor will use a moisture meter around linings, focusing on vents, compression posts, chain plate locations, portholes and hatches, so make sure they are all accessible.

At a pre-purchase it’s normal to switch test as many of the systems as possible, so ensuring the batteries are charged or actually on board is helpful too.

Surveys should comment on bilge pumps and navigation lights, water pumps and water systems, shower pump outs and so on.

A battery terminal in a bad state which needs replacing

A battery terminal in a very poor state. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

Frequently it’s at that point you find a water pump or joint leaking.

Most yacht surveyors don’t physically check gas with a pressure test, but all should look at the system generally with pipework, cooker and hoses, and report the obvious issues.

A Gas Safe inspection is worth the investment, and may, in some instances, be an insurance requirement.

Diesel heaters

More yachts than ever have diesel heaters fitted, but there are big differences between a poor DIY installation and a professional one that I come across at yacht survey.

The use of proper lagging of exhausts, the right type of silencer, fuel lines and other fittings are all very important.

A diesel heater

A poor installation of a diesel heater lacking proper insulation or protection from locker contents. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

If any of these are missing they can pose serious fire or carbon monoxide risk and will be a red flag at survey.

When it comes to rigging, there are many differing opinions, including among insurers, about the proper replacement intervals.

With the high cost to owners, it can be a contentious issue.

Generally, there is an unwritten rule that at 10 years rigging should be replaced.

Rigging on a yacht

Surveyors are not riggers, but they will comment on the condition or known age of the rig. Credit: Ben Sutcliffe Davies

However, over the last 15 or so years, it is noticeable that some of the areas of common failure have been eliminated, such as open bottle screws, insufficient wire gauge, or terminal toggles with restricted movement.

Having a rigger check it properly and working through a programme of replacement is definitely a prudent approach for any owner.

Remember, riggers don’t normally check the chain plates, stem fitting or back stay arrangements, and any corrosion or weakness will be located on the hidden parts of bolts.

Safety equipment

The safety equipment carried on a boat can vary greatly depending on the intended use.

Where an owner survey should have everything present, a boat for sale may not be fully kitted out.

Firstly, are the flares in date and are they appropriate for where the craft is being sailed?

A fire extinguisher on a yacht

Check for pressure and expiry dates. Credit: Graham Snook/Yachting Monthly

Is the anchor, ground tackle and kedge anchor present, secure and appropriate for the size of boat?

Life rings need to be in good condition with lights that work, a drogue, and the craft’s name written on it.

Likewise, is there a dan buoy with light, jackstays, harnesses and strong points to clip on?

Are the first aid kits and fire extinguishers in good condition and in date?

The MCA and RYA provide lists of what is and isn’t essential.

A yacht survey

The findings of a yacht survey can make difficult reading, but at least you know where you stand

Once a survey has been completed you should be provided with a report that reflects the condition of the craft with recommendations provided clearly.

It’s worth ensuring you understand the time scale of when a report will arrive.

Most surveyors send them by email these days and normally within 3-5 days of inspection.

Some surveyors will allow you to attend the survey or part of the survey, which I find can be an ideal way to help an owner understand what needs doing, or for a potential owner to get to know the boat they are buying, warts and all, minus the rose-tinted spectacles.

As an independent third party, the surveyor is there to give an honest, detailed and expert view of the boat in question.

At times, our reports can make uncomfortable reading, but we can also offer reassurance that everything is in good order and even if it’s not, at least you’ll know exactly where you stand.

For all the latest from the sailing world, follow our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram .

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Survey Rates

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From my point of view, the price of the survey is more about value and peace of mind rather than dollars spent. What dollar amount can you put on getting all the facts about a boat you’re thinking about purchasing? How about the boat you own now?

After all, when you’re on your boat, you, your family, crew, and passengers need and want to feel safe and secure. A marine survey serves that need by putting an experienced set of eyes on the boat that is independent. Even if you’re an experienced, seasoned mariner, a marine survey is always worthwhile and normally required by lenders, insurance companies, and some marinas. I can’t tell you how many times I have found a dangerous, serious problem on a boat that the owner thought was OK.

I strive to deliver to you more than you expected. My goal is to give you more information, more help, and more follow-up – it’s all part of the over-delivering idea. It’s also my way of giving back to all of those folks that helped me over the years with my education and learning. And it’s also paying it forward too.


All of Maritime Surveyors marine survey reports include at a minimum:

  • Full and thorough documentation of the boat systems.
  • Full and thorough documentation of the boats overall cosmetic and structural condition.
  • Testing information.
  • Findings & Recommendations.
  • Photographs.
  • Educational Comments and Suggestions.
  • Replacement & Market Valuation.
  • Quick Delivery (Normally within 24-48 Hours) of Survey Reports by email, fax, or sent USPS mail.

You need a trained professional with you on your sea trial. Here’s why – The sea trial is for finding out if you like the boat, and if it operates properly when underway. It’s nearly impossible for you to figure that out in the short time that most sea trials are conducted and you’re at the helm or in the cockpit just getting used to the boat and sea conditions.

Having a professional aboard checking engine performance, mechanical systems, sails, rigging, etc., is necessary to find out if the boat is performing properly.

Sea trials for purchase surveys are included at no charge if they are done the day of the survey. Otherwise, I charge an hourly rate (please call for more information).

With all that said, I  do understand that some folks are just interested in price alone so my prices are competitive with other marine surveyors in my area.

Maritime Surveyors survey reports are accepted by all insurance companies and lenders.

CURRENT  RATES (05/2022):

  • Pre-Purchase Condition & Valuation (C&V) Marine Survey:     $28.00 – $35.00 per foot.
  • Insurance Condition & Valuation (C&V) Marine Survey:            $24.00 to $28.00 per foot.
  • Marine Appraisals :  Donations, Estates, Court Cases, Tax Assessments: Base Price $300. plus hourly (depends on the boat – please call for more information).
  • Walk-Through Inspections: Cost effective and perfect for folks out of the area that need a set of eyes and ears at the boat to determine if they want to travel to boat or even make an offer. I’ve saved lots of clients time and lots of money with this service!
  • Expert Witness Fees : Half Day $600., Full Day $1,200.
  • Corrosion Testing: Base Price $250 plus hourly (depends on the boat and condition).
  • Consulting: By the hour, minimum 1 hour at $150. after which, billing at 1/4 hour increments – If you just need me to stop by your boat quickly or just need to talk to me via telephone or email, no charge for under a 1/2 hour.
  • Boatyard Coordination: By the hour – Depends on the scope of the project.
  • Ongoing Project Supervision: By the hour – Depends on the scope of the project, please call for more information.


I accept cash, money orders, and credit card payments.  Payment is due before or on the day of the survey. Click HERE to Pay Now.

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  • 9 Things a Marine Surveyor Wants You to Know - Atomic Tuna Yachts
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Most insurance companies, banks, lenders and marinas require that your survey be done by a surveyor that is a member of either SAMS®, or NAMS®.

Ross is a member of SAMS® as an AMS® so he’s approved by all insurance companies, banks, lenders and marinas.


  • LinkedIn Profile Maritime Surveyors 3203 South Victoria Avenue Channel Islands Harbor Oxnard, California 93035 (800) 200-8839 - Toll Free (805) 984-8889 - Office (805) 701-8160 - Cellular boatross - Skype [email protected]

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Vanquish Boats

How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost? Understanding the Factors and Fees

cost of yacht survey

Overview of Boat Survey Costs

When considering the purchase of a vessel, one should thoroughly understand the associated costs of boat surveys. The price can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the type of survey required, the size and age of the boat, and the specific rates of the surveyor.

Types of Boat Surveys:

  • Pre-Purchase Surveys
  • Insurance Surveys
  • Marina Admittance Surveys
  • Appraisal Surveys

A Pre-Purchase Condition & Value Survey tends to be the most comprehensive and can cost around $28.00 – $35.00 per foot . An Insurance Condition & Valuation Survey may have a slightly lower cost range from $24.00 to $28.00 per foot .

Additional services such as engine surveys or sea trials may increase the overall expense. These costs are essential for both the buyer’s peace of mind and for insurance or financing requirements. One should also be aware of potential additional fees, including haul-out charges for inspecting the vessel’s underside, which can be a necessary part of the survey process as mentioned by Boat Trader .

In addition to the fixed rate per foot, surveys for specific purposes like donations, estates or court cases may start at a base price with added hourly rates, as suggested by Maritime Surveyors .

It is crucial for individuals to request quotes from various surveyors to find a cost-effective and thorough service. Experienced surveyors will efficiently assess the vessel’s condition and provide invaluable insights into its true value and safety.

Types of Boat Surveys

Boat surveys are crucial for assessing the condition and value of watercraft before purchase, insurance evaluation, or damage claims. Each survey type serves a distinct purpose and is integral to the decision-making process of boat ownership.

Condition and Value Survey

A Condition and Value Survey is a thorough inspection that assesses the boat’s overall state and determines its market value. This type of survey is typically requested by potential buyers or insurance companies to ensure the vessel’s condition and worth correspond to its asking price or insured value.

Appraisal Survey

An Appraisal Survey is conducted to ascertain the boat’s fair market value. It is often required for financing, estate settlements, donations, and legal cases. This survey focuses on the boat’s value rather than its condition.

Damage Survey

In the event of an incident leading to damage, a Damage Survey is carried out to evaluate the extent of harm to a boat. It aids in identifying necessary repairs and can be used for insurance claims or to determine liability.

New Boat Survey

A New Boat Survey is particularly useful for a buyer taking delivery of a newly constructed vessel. It ensures the boat is in optimal condition, verifies that all systems are functioning correctly, and confirms the boat meets specified standards before the final transaction is completed.

Factors Affecting Survey Costs

The cost of a boat survey can vary widely based on several factors. Understanding these can help potential boat owners budget appropriately for this necessary expense.

Boat Size and Type

The size of the boat is a primary driver of survey cost, typically calculated on a per-foot basis. For example, you can expect to pay between $20 to $55 per foot for most vessels. The type of boat also impacts the price, with sailboats, for instance, sometimes requiring rig surveys that add to the overall cost.

Boat Age and Condition

Older vessels often necessitate a more extensive survey due to potential wear and tear, which can elevate the cost. Boats in poor condition require more thorough inspections, increasing the time and effort required by the surveyor, thereby adding to the overall expense. Some surveyors may add a premium for boats beyond a certain age or in a certain state of disrepair.

Survey Scope and Depth

The depth of the survey required will influence the final price. Comprehensive pre-purchase surveys or detailed insurance surveys are generally more costly compared to simpler condition and valuation surveys. For certain jobs, surveyors may charge flat rates, whereas others are priced according to how in-depth the survey is, with additional services like engine and sailboat rig surveys incurring extra fees.

Location and Travel Expenses

The location of the boat can also factor into the cost as surveyors may charge for travel expenses if the vessel is docked at a distant marina. Additionally, if a haul-out is required for an underwater inspection, expect the costs to increase to account for the boat yard’s fees for this service.

Average Price Range for Boat Surveys

The cost of a boat survey varies considerably depending on the type of survey, the size of the vessel, and the specific requirements of the client. Typically, one can expect to pay between $20 and $30 per foot for a basic condition and valuation (C&V) survey. More comprehensive surveys, particularly for larger yachts, may see prices escalate beyond $500 per foot .

Typical Costs Based on Boat Type:

  • Sailboats: Generally, sailboat rig surveys might range from $500 to $1000 , depending on the age and condition of the rig.
  • Motor Yachts and Boats: For motor vessels, engine surveys are also additional, potentially adding $500 to $1000 to the overall cost.

Additional Charges to Consider:

  • Short haul at a boat yard could incur fees of about $15 per foot .
  • Walk-through inspections offer a more budget-friendly option for clients who need a quick check and cannot be on site, with costs varying by surveyor.

The size of the boat plays a significant role in determining the total survey price. Smaller vessels may adhere closer to the lower end of the price range, while larger vessels easily reach the higher end.

It is advised that boat owners request quotes from several surveyors to ascertain the expected cost for their specific needs. Here are some generalized ranges for guidance:

  • Small to medium boats: $24 to $28 per foot
  • Larger boats and yachts: Priced considerably higher, often exceeding $500 per foot

For more detailed information, it’s often helpful to refer to the guidelines provided by professional surveying bodies or to consult with industry experts via their online resources, such as The Pricer or Boat Trader’s guide to boat surveys and costs .

Additional Costs to Consider

cost of yacht survey

When considering the cost of a boat survey, it’s important to not overlook the various additional fees that can accumulate. These extra expenses can affect the overall cost significantly and should be factored into the budget.

Haul-Out Fees

Haul-out fees are incurred when a boat is removed from the water for inspection. Depending on the survey requirements and the size of the vessel, haul-out fees can range from approximately $18 to $22 per foot. This process is critical for a thorough inspection of the boat’s hull and other components that are below the waterline.

Repair Recommendations Follow-Up

Following a survey, if repair work is recommended, owners should be prepared for follow-up costs. Repair recommendations might include minor fixes or significant overhauls. Each repair job will vary in cost, but it’s essential to consider that even minor repairs can add up, especially if multiple areas need attention.

Environmental Charges

Environmental charges might be applied depending on the surveyor’s practices and location. These environmental charges are related to the disposal of hazardous materials or the use of specialty equipment to minimize environmental impact during the inspection process. Although not as common, it’s beneficial to inquire about potential environmental fees when selecting a surveyor.

How to Choose a Qualified Marine Surveyor

Selecting the right marine surveyor is crucial for an accurate evaluation of a vessel’s condition and value. The surveyor’s qualifications, industry recognition, and capacity to provide a detailed, legally sound assessment are paramount considerations.

Qualifications and Certifications

A qualified marine surveyor should hold certifications from recognized professional bodies such as the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS) or the National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS) . These certifications indicate a surveyor’s adherence to industry standards and a commitment to continued education in the field.

  • Membership in SAMS or NAMS
  • Specialized training courses completed
  • Certifications relevant to specific types of surveys

Experience and Reputation

The surveyor one chooses should have significant experience in the type of survey needed, whether it be for pre-purchase, insurance, or damage assessment. A strong industry reputation, reflected through client testimonials and peer recognition, can offer reassurance of the surveyor’s expertise.

  • Number of years of hands-on surveying experience
  • Areas of specialization and past survey projects
  • Recommendations from previous clients or marine industry professionals

Insurance and Liability

Ensuring that a marine surveyor carries professional liability insurance is essential. This protects both the surveyor and the client in the event of any oversights or errors in the survey report.

  • Confirmation of valid professional indemnity insurance
  • Clear understanding of the scope of the surveyor’s liability in the service agreement

Preparing for a Boat Survey

cost of yacht survey

Proper preparation for a boat survey can facilitate a smoother process and potentially affect the value and insurability of the vessel. It’s important for the boat owner to ensure all necessary documentation is in order and the vessel is physically prepared for a thorough inspection.

Documentation Required

Owners should gather the following documents before a boat survey:

  • Registration and Title: Confirm that the boat’s registration and title are current and accessible.
  • Maintenance Records: Provide a detailed history of maintenance, including dates and types of service performed.
  • Receipts for Upgrades and Repairs: Collect receipts for any recent upgrades or repairs to substantiate their value.

These documents essential to a boat survey should be organized and ready for review by the marine surveyor.

Physical Preparations

The boat should undergo several physical preparations:

  • Cleanliness: Ensure the boat is clean and clutter-free to allow easy access to all areas for inspection.
  • System Functionality: Test all electrical and mechanical systems to ensure they are operational.
  • Access to Compartments : Clear compartments, bilges, and lockers, providing unhindered access for the surveyor.

A tidy and well-maintained boat yields a more effective survey and could positively impact the vessel’s evaluated condition and overall value.

Understanding the Survey Report

cost of yacht survey

When a boat survey is conducted, the report provides crucial details about the boat’s condition. Understanding every part of this document is essential to making informed decisions regarding a boat purchase, sale, or insurance.

Reading the Report

The marine surveyor’s report is a comprehensive document that assesses various aspects of the vessel. It typically includes:

  • Structural integrity: Examining the hull, deck, and superstructure for strength and soundness.
  • Mechanical systems: Evaluating the engine, electrical systems, plumbing, and fuel systems.
  • Safety equipment: Checking the presence and condition of safety gear according to regulatory compliance.
  • Navigation equipment: Reviewing the operation and condition of navigational aids.

Each section of the report should have clear headings, and findings are often ranked by urgency, with recommendations for addressing any issues.

Negotiating Repairs and Price Adjustments

The insights from a boat survey report play a pivotal role in negotiating repairs and adjusting the price. Buyers and sellers reference specific findings to address:

  • Critical repairs: Issues that may be deal-breakers or require immediate attention before finalizing the purchase.
  • Recommended upgrades: Items that are not immediate safety concerns but could benefit from updating or replacement.

It’s not uncommon for negotiations to involve price adjustments to account for the cost of necessary repairs, or to have the seller complete certain repairs as part of the sale agreement.

Using the Survey for Insurance and Financing

When acquiring insurance for a marine vessel, insurance companies often require a boat survey to assess the boat’s condition and value. This survey can significantly influence the terms of the insurance policy, including coverage limits and premiums. The cost of a boat survey varies by the size and type of boat, with rates typically ranging from $24 to $28 per foot .

During the financing process, lenders may also request a detailed boat survey. They use the survey to ensure the loan amount matches the value of the boat, mitigating their financial risk. A Condition & Valuation (C&V) Marine Survey is commonly used for these purposes. Here is a breakdown of potential costs associated with a boat survey for insurance and financing:

  • Condition & Valuation Surveys : $24 to $28 per foot
  • Marine Appraisals : Starting at $300 + hourly rates

Additional inspections, like engine surveys or haul-out/bottom surveys, may also be required or recommended and typically incur additional expenses. It is vital for boat owners to consider these costs as a necessary investment in protecting and financing their vessels. Insurance providers and lenders may accept surveys completed within the previous 12 months, but policies on this can vary. Boat owners should consult their insurance agent or lender for specific requirements.

In essence, obtaining a boat survey is essential for securing the right insurance coverage and necessary financing. It provides a thorough evaluation of the boat’s condition, safeguards financial interests, and helps streamline the boat ownership process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the costs of a marine survey requires understanding several factors that contribute to the overall price, as well as what one can expect from the service. The following questions and answers aim to provide clarity on this topic.

What factors influence the price of a marine survey?

The cost of a marine survey can be influenced by several factors, including the size and type of the boat, its age, condition, and the complexity of the systems onboard. Surveyors may also consider the vessel’s location and the purpose of the survey, such as pre-purchase, insurance, or appraisal.

What is the average cost range for a pre-purchase boat survey?

A pre-purchase boat survey typically costs around $20 per foot , although prices can be higher for larger, older, or more complex vessels. The specific cost will vary based on the individual surveyor’s pricing structure, which may be a flat rate or an hourly fee.

How are prices affected by the location of the boat survey?

Location can affect the cost of a boat survey due to travel expenses, the availability of surveyors, and local market rates. Areas with a higher concentration of marine services may offer more competitive pricing, while remote locations could entail additional travel costs.

What can be expected from a comprehensive marine survey?

A comprehensive marine survey includes a thorough inspection of the vessel’s structure, systems, and equipment. It often encompasses an in-water survey , a haul-out for examining the hull and bottom, an engine survey, and a sea trial to assess performance on the water.

How can I find a reputable boat surveyor in my area?

To find a reputable boat surveyor, consider seeking recommendations from local marinas or boating communities. One can also refer to professional associations that list certified surveyors, such as the National Association of Marine Surveyors or the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors .

What are the essential steps to prepare my vessel for a survey?

Preparing a vessel for a survey includes ensuring the boat is clean, accessible, and that all necessary documents are available. Items onboard should be secured, and systems should be operational. Clear access to all areas, including the engine room, bilges, and storage lockers, is crucial for a proper assessment.

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How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost?

If you’re seriously thinking about the prospect of buying a boat – or guaranteeing the safety and structural integrity of your current vessel – one question that may be on your mind is this: How much does a boat survey cost? The cost of a boat survey – internet searchable as “ boat survey cost ” or “boat surveyor cost” – can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. In the following, we will explore these factors and provide you with valuable insights into what to expect when hiring a marine surveyor.

Factors Affecting Boat Survey Cost

Below are some of the factors that can affect the cost of carrying out a boat survey:

  • Type of Survey : The type of survey you need plays a big part in determining the boat survey cost. There are several types of marine surveys, including pre-purchase surveys, insurance surveys, marina admittance surveys, and haul-out surveys. Each type serves a specific purpose and comes with its own pricing structure.
  • Boat Size : The size of your boat also plays an important role in determining the cost of the survey. Larger vessels usually require more time and effort to inspect thoroughly. That can result in higher boat surveyor costs.
  • Location: The geographical location of the survey can affect the cost. Marine surveyors may charge different amounts depending on the region or country where the survey is conducted.
  • Complexity of the Boat : The complexity of your boat, including its age, design, and systems, can affect the boat survey cost. Older boats or those with complicated systems might need more in-depth inspections. That can lead to higher expenses.
  • Additional Services : Some boat surveyors offer additional services, such as sea trials or moisture meter testing. These optional services can increase the final boat survey cost.
  • Surveyor’s Experience : The experience and qualifications of the marine surveyor you hire can also influence the cost. Highly experienced surveyors might charge higher fees for their expertise.

Types of Boat Surveys and Their Costs

A pre-purchase survey is needed when you’re considering buying a boat. It provides a complete assessment of the vessel’s condition, helping you make a much better decision. The boat survey cost for a pre-purchase survey typically ranges from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the factors mentioned above.

Insurance companies frequently require an insurance survey to determine a vessel’s insurability and set appropriate coverage rates. The boat survey cost for insurance purposes can vary but is usually more affordable than a pre-purchase survey. It can range from a couple of hundred to over a thousand dollars.

Marinas may require a survey of your boat before granting admission to their facilities. The cost of a marina admittance survey is pretty moderate, often falling within the lower range of survey costs.

Haul-out surveys are conducted when a boat is removed from the water for inspection and maintenance. These surveys can be more labor-intensive and may have higher boat surveyor costs because of the additional effort needed for a thorough inspection.

Choosing the Right Marine Surveyor

When choosing a marine surveyor , it’s important to think about their qualifications, experience, and reputation in the industry. While cost is a factor, it should not be the singular determination in your decision. A skilled and experienced surveyor can provide you with a thorough and accurate assessment of your vessel – and that can save you money in the long run by identifying any hidden issues.

The boat survey cost, also referred to as “boat surveyor cost,” can vary based on things like the type of survey, boat size, location, complexity of the vessel, additional services, and the surveyor’s experience. Remember to obtain multiple quotes and pick a marine surveyor who can provide a complete assessment of your boat’s condition. By investing in a quality survey, you can guarantee the safety and value of your vessel for years to come.

At Lawson Marine Surveyors, we offer numerous types of services, including pre-purchase surveys, insurance surveys, marina admittance surveys, and haul-out surveys. Our goal is to assure the safety and structural integrity of every vessel assignment. We’ll spend as much time as needed to achieve this goal. We follow a strict code of ethics with continuing education all year long. We will answer every question you may have regarding the inspection we have been hired to do.

For inquiries, don’t hesitate to call us today at 714-401-4389. You can also fill out our Quick Contact box , and we will respond within 24 hours of receipt.

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  • Survey Pricing

Oceanic Yacht Surveys provides a high quality, in depth and detailed report complete with an abundance of photographs. Recommendations (where required) are clearly explained. The Survey Report is provided electronically in a PDF format, normally within 3 to 5 business days. To illustrate the quality and value of our product please review the examples provided.

An example of a Pre-purchase Survey can be seen here . 

An example of a Condition and Valuation Survey can be seen here . 

cost of yacht survey

Pre-Purchase, Insurance and C&V Surveys

Survey costs are based on yacht size. While some may relate survey costs to yacht size using Length Overall (LOA) as an indicator, Oceanic ascribes, for these surveys, to a more accurate measure of a yacht’s size by relating survey costs to the yacht’s displacement, more specifically, the manufacturer’s specified Dry Displacement.

Oceanic charges $65 per 1000 lbs of displacement up to 40,000 lbs and $50 per 1000 lbs over 40,000 lbs, rounded up to the nearest 1000 lbs. with an $800 minimum charge.

A Valuation Addendum is not normally included in a Pre-purchase Survey but if required or requested, is an additional $250.

The Valuation Addendum fee is automatically added to the Condition and Valuation Survey charge, as valuation of the yacht is required for this report.

The cost of a Valuation Addendum is included in an Insurance Survey. The level of detail required for this type of survey is not as deep or demanding as the two types noted above, allowing for a more economic combination.

For clarity, three examples are provided below;

  • One of the surveys provided as an example, the Formula 45 Yachts’ Condition and Valuation Survey, has a base cost that would be calculated accordingly. This yacht has a manufacturer’s specified dry displacement of 31,800 lbs. so, round up to 32,000, divide by 1,000 and multiply by 65 to arrive at $2,080. Because this is a C&V Survey, the Valuation Addendum is added, as a mandatory part of this survey type, at a flat fee of $250, leading to a full cost of $2,330 (plus applicable taxes). 
  • The other example survey provided is a Ranger Tug R-27 Pre-Purchase Survey. This survey does not include or require a Valuation Addendum. The vessel’s dry displacement is listed as 6,950 lbs. Round that to 7,000, divide by 1000 and then multiply by 65. The result, $455 falls below the $800 minimum charge so the fee will be the minimum $800 (plus applicable taxes).
  • As the final example, the Sunseeker Manhattan 70 pictured on our Home Page, has a factory specified dry displacement of 41,200 Kg or 90,846 lbs, rounded up to 91,000. Charges are calculated as 40 x 65 = $2,600 on the first 40,000 lbs and 51 x 50 = $2,550 on the remaining 51,000 lbs, for a survey cost of $5,150 (plus applicable taxes) not including a Valuation Addendum. 
  • Damage Surveys

Because of the significant variability of this work, Damage Surveys are provided on an hourly rate basis at Oceanic’s consulting rate of $125/hour (plus applicable taxes).

  • Hull Surveys

Hull Thickness Surveys

The Hull Thickness Survey costs are more closely related to the hull dimensions versus the yacht displacement and are calculated accordingly. There is an $800 minimum charge for this service. To determine the cost, multiply the manufacturer’ stated length overall (LOA) by the beam, both in feet, and then by $2. A 32-foot-long vessel with a 12-foot beam would fall below the minimum, calculating to $768 (32 x 12 x $2), resulting in a fee of $800 (plus applicable taxes). A 50-foot LOA with a 15-foot beam (50 x 15 x $2) would be above the minimum, costing $1,500 (plus applicable taxes).

Hull Osmosis Surveys

The Osmosis Survey costs are far more case by case dependant and can, based on hull condition and client requirements, involve significant time from a surveyor. For these reasons, case details are discussed with the prospective client to determine surveyor involvement and arrive at a cost outline based on Oceanic’s consulting rate of $125/hour (plus applicable taxes).

Yacht Valuation Addendum

The Yacht Valuation Addendum cost is $250 and can only accompany a current Oceanic survey. 

Vessels Beyond 24m LOA and Commercial Surveys

These survey costs are determined on a case by case basis based on Oceanic’s consulting rate of $125/hour (plus applicable taxes).

Docks and Boathouses

  • Qualifications
  • Pre-Purchase, Insurance, and Condition & Valuation Surveys
  • Yacht Purchasing
  • Yacht Delivery
  • Yacht Orientation
  • Yacht Service Management
  • Marine Accident/Incident Investigation
  • Marine Consulting
  • Yacht Surveys: Ensuring Smooth Sailing in Your Maritime Adventures

In the vast realm of maritime adventures, owning a yacht is the epitome of luxury and leisure. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a novice boat enthusiast, ensuring the safety and seaworthiness of your vessel is paramount. This is where yacht surveys and surveyors come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of yacht surveys, their importance, costs, and everything in between.

Understanding Yacht Surveys

What is a yacht survey.

A yacht survey is a comprehensive inspection and evaluation of a boat's condition, structure, and safety. It's a crucial process whether you're buying a yacht, planning to insure it, or simply ensuring its seaworthiness for your next adventure. A professional yacht surveyor performs this assessment, providing a detailed report that can influence your buying decision.

The Role of Yacht Surveyors

Yacht surveyors are experts in maritime safety and boat assessments. They possess extensive knowledge of various boat types, materials, and systems. Their primary role is to conduct thorough examinations of vessels, identifying any existing issues or potential risks . They ensure that your boat complies with safety standards and maritime regulations.

A man and woman pointing at a boat and discussing

Read more useful sailing tips:

Skippered boats: how to choose a boat, skippered boats: how to pack for a yachting holiday, boat rental with skipper: everyone can go to sea, skippered boats: myths about sailing, sail from lefkada for 14 days. where to, what not to miss when visiting lefkada, skippered boats: step-by-step boat rental, where and why to sail from lefkas marina, don’t panic: handling maritime emergencies, types of yacht surveys, pre-purchase boat inspection.

Before you make the exciting leap into yacht ownership, a pre-purchase boat inspection is essential. This survey involves a meticulous examination of the boat's hull, structure, machinery, electrical systems, and more. The surveyor's findings can influence your decision and negotiation with the seller.

Sailboat Survey

Sailboat surveys focus on the unique requirements of sailing vessels. The surveyor checks the rigging, sails, keel, and other sailing-specific components. This survey is vital for those who appreciate the art of sailing.

Out of Water Boat Survey

This survey involves taking the boat out of the water for a closer inspection. It allows the surveyor to examine the hull for signs of damage, osmosis, and other issues that might not be visible in the water.

Marine Insurance Survey Requirements

Many insurance companies require a marine insurance survey to provide coverage for your yacht. This survey ensures that your vessel is safe and well-maintained, reducing the insurance company's risk.

The Cost of Yacht Surveys

How much does a boat survey cost.

The cost of a boat survey can vary significantly based on several factors. These include the size and type of the vessel, its location, and the extent of the inspection required. On average, boat surveys can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars.

Average Cost of Boat Survey

On average, you can expect to pay between $500 and $1,500 for a standard boat survey. Keep in mind that more extensive surveys or those for larger vessels can cost more. However, this cost is a small price to pay for ensuring your safety and the seaworthiness of your investment.

Factors Influencing Survey Costs

Survey costs can fluctuate based on location, with surveys in more remote areas often costing more due to travel expenses. The complexity of the boat and the thoroughness of the survey can also impact costs.

Read our top notch articles on topics such as sailing, sailing tips and destinations in our  Magazine.

The Significance of Marine Engine Surveys

What is a marine engine survey.

The heart of any boat is its engine, and a marine engine survey is dedicated to its inspection. A surveyor examines the engine's condition, performance, and any potential issues. This is crucial for keeping your yacht running smoothly.

Marine Engine Survey Report

The survey report provides you with an in-depth analysis of your engine's condition. It's an invaluable document for maintenance and repair purposes, helping you ensure the longevity of your vessel.

In the vast world of maritime adventures, where the allure of owning a yacht beckons, one thing remains paramount – the safety and seaworthiness of your vessel. Yacht surveys, conducted by expert surveyors, offer a crucial lifeline to ensure your nautical dreams become a reality without any hiccups.

We've navigated through the intricacies of yacht surveys, learning about the various types, their costs, and the significance of experienced surveyors like Jeremy Wise. These professionals act as the guardians of your maritime investment, ensuring it complies with safety standards and regulations.

Whether you're embarking on the exciting journey of purchasing a yacht, need to secure insurance coverage, or simply want to maintain your boat's impeccable condition, yacht surveys are your steadfast companions.

In the end, it's not just about the costs involved; it's about the peace of mind, the guarantee of safety, and the preservation of your maritime dreams. So, as you set sail into the vast blue expanse, may your journey be smooth, your yacht be safe, and your adventures be unforgettable.

Bon voyage!

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our  range of charter boats  and head to some of our favourite   sailing  destinations .

cost of yacht survey

How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost? All Types Of Boats

cost of yacht survey

Thinking about purchasing a sailboat or yacht? Having these large vessels appraised by a professional is essential in understanding the true cost of ownership. Boat survey costs vary widely and can depend on the type of boat you’re looking at – a sailboat, yacht, or a different kind of boat.

As a general rule, a boat survey generally ranges from $25-50 per foot, while yachts can cost upwards of $500+ per foot. Other factors such as condition, location, and age also come into play when determining the total cost of a boat survey.

No matter what type of boat you have or are looking to purchase, it’s important to get a professional survey done before making any decisions.

Why Would Someone Need A Boat Survey? Purchase or Sell

If you are considering boat ownership or boat purchase, it can be beneficial to obtain a boat survey. Boat surveys provide boat owners and boat purchasers with detailed information about a boat in order to make an informed decision regarding its condition.

A boat survey often includes inspections of the boat’s hull, exterior, interior, propulsion system, and electrical systems. Furthermore, it is conducted by a professional boat surveyor who holds experience in boat building and repairs as well as knowledge of maritime law which provides legal protection for boat owners and boat purchasers alike.

Ultimately, having a boat survey before making any decisions about owning or purchasing a boat can save money and unanticipated headaches in the long run.

Here’s a breakdown of the average costs for different types of surveys.

How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost – Multiple Boat Types List

When it comes to something as important as the safety and preservation of your sailboat or yacht, a professional boat survey is a must. But how much does this cost?

The prices below can vary. These are estimates based on my research.

Boat TypeCost of Boat Survey (Per Foot)
Pontoon Boat$15-$25+
Fishing Boat$15-$25+

Location will be a big factor as well in the cost of your survey. That’s because location affects everything in this world. If you live in LA, California, just about everything costs more than in the middle of Missouri. Ultimately, it’s smart to add this cost into your purchase budget as specific surveys examine all vital parts of the boat such as electrical systems and hull composition.

Regardless, having the peace of mind of knowing your boat is safe and secure makes this vital service well worth the expense.

Make Sure To Have Your Boat Surveyed Regularly By A Professional!!!

Getting your boat surveyed by a professional is incredibly important and beneficial. While regular safety checks and maintenance are key to the longevity of any boat, having a professional inspect your vessel can give you crucial peace of mind when riding at sea.

Not only is it an effective way to protect you and your passengers from potential safety hazards, but also ensures that all operations of the boat, such as electrical systems and safety devices, are functioning according to marine safety regulations.

Professional surveys also help you avoid costly damage due to undetected issues like moisture trapped in the hull or cracks in the structure which could seriously impair safety or performance. A survey from a trusted expert helps you identify problems and if left unchecked may cause permanent damage that could potentially require expensive repair work. Regular surveys are essential for avoiding unexpected costs down the road and prolonging the life of your beloved boat.

What Does A Boat Surveyor Look For During The Inspection – Multiple Things

When a surveyor inspects a vessel, the process is much more than just taking a few snapshots and jotting down observations. If you have ever had a home inspection the overall task is very similar.

The surveyor will thoroughly analyze parts of the boat such as the hull, rigging, and engine to make sure that they are structurally sound and in proper working condition. Additionally, they will review all safety gear that is on board to ensure it meets industry standards. After careful inspection and assessment, the surveyor can give their opinion on its overall integrity and the market value based on their findings.

With this detailed information, boat owners can make informed decisions about their investments and feel confident when setting sail on their next adventure!

The Boat Surveyor Is On His Way! – How To Prepare The Boat

Preparing your boat for a surveyor can sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! When you are selling your boat, the best thing you can do is ensure that all the required paperwork is in order and up-to-date. This includes registration, safety, and engine certificates. You should also take the time to compile any additional documents about past maintenance or upgrades. Once everything is organized, check for any clutter on board as this could impair the surveyor’s/inspector’s access to certain areas. Go a step further to make sure that all systems related to navigation, communication, or engines are functioning properly, and take a full inventory of all onboard equipment.

Make sure you have all documents available and organized! This will help tremeduosly.

Doing these tasks ahead of time will help create a professional impression and help facilitate the process when the surveyor arrives.

What Do Boat Surveyors Typically Find During An Inspection?

Boat surveyors will typically find engine issues, cracked hulls, and deck damage to be some of the most common problems discovered. Many times buyers forget to look for repairs needed for the rigging, which can also reduce the worth of a boat significantly.

It’s important to note that any damages need to be taken care of before attempting to resell the vessel, as it will greatly reduce the overall price.

I would advise anyone looking to buy or sell a boat to address any engine problems first, check for cracks, and verify that all parts of the boat are in working order before putting it on the market. Doing this will ensure both parties are getting their desired result and can start their relationship positively!

Maybe you can make a friend here and have a boat surveyor whenever you need one!

How Long Is A Boat Survey Good For?

Generally, surveys are considered valid for one or two years depending on when they were issued and the areas in which they were completed.

When it comes to the longevity of a boat survey, the answer will vary based on your specific situation. This means that if you’re buying an older boat it’s best to contact a qualified surveyor as soon as possible to inspect it and make sure it’s ready for sale. To find a suitable surveyor, you can conduct an online search for boat surveyors by years of experience and location. Looking through customer reviews can also be useful when deciding which one is right for you!

Final Thoughts

A boat survey is an important step in maintaining your vessel and keeping yourself and your family safe while out on the water. While it may cost a bit of money upfront, it is worth it to know that your boat is in good condition and won’t pose any danger to you or others. Be sure to schedule a regular surveyor appointment so that you can catch any problems early on and avoid costly repairs down the road. Do you have a boat? Have you ever had it surveyed?

Boatlifehq owner and author/editor of this article.

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Boat Survey: What It Is, Who Pays, Do I Need to Spend the Money?

26th jan 2022 by rightboat team.

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Is a used boat survey worth the expense? It’s a valid question that many people ask when considering buying a used boat. After all, buying a boat is an expensive undertaking, and anywhere you can save money during the process is a bonus. So, do you need to lay out the extra money for a marine survey before signing on the dotted line? The answer is likely a yes, unless it’s a small, very inexpensive boat and the risk factor is low. Take a look at the questions surrounding why a boat survey may be essential:

What is a Boat Survey?

Before we look at why you need a boat survey, let’s look at what exactly a boat survey is. Also referred to as a pre-purchase boat survey , it involves a professional marine surveyor giving your prospective purchase a thorough inspection and producing a report detailing areas where there may be faults or damage. Surveys aren’t limited to high end superyachts , and all used boats –and indeed new boats which may have been sitting in a yard for a long time–can benefit from having a survey carried out.

Types of Boat Survey

There are several types of boat survey, including:

Insurance Survey

This tends to be the most basic of the surveys and is a general overview of the value and/or condition of the boat which is required by an insurance company before they will offer coverage for it. Do you need a boat survey for insurance? In most cases for used boats if you want to insure the boat itself (as opposed to getting liability insurance) the answer will be yes. 

Finance Survey

This is similar to the insurance survey. Marine mortgage lenders or finance institutions will usually ask for a survey to be completed before signing off on finance to ensure that what is essentially their asset (or partly their asset) is a good one. 

Pre- or Post-Transport Survey

This assesses the condition of a boat before or after being transported and is again used for insurance purposes.

Full Condition Survey

Also referred to as a pre-purchase survey, this is the most comprehensive type of survey and will delve deeper into the condition of the boat, checking everything from its structural integrity to the electronics, safety systems, interior cosmetics and more. While all boats will have different requirements, essentially a full condition survey will look at the hull, transom, engine, mechanical and propulsion gear, communications equipment, fittings, and electronics. Things such as cracks, osmosis, signs of accidents, and water damage will be looked for, as well as general condition, age related wear and tear, connections, and deck fixtures. 

See the article: Types Marine Surveys: Pre-Purchase, Condition and Damage

man checking a boat

Who Pays for a Boat Survey?

The buyer is responsible for paying for a marine survey, as they are the ones undertaking the ‘risk’ of purchasing a used boat. Whether or not the boat is bought via a broker, there is unlikely to be recourse if, after purchase, issues are found with the boat. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure they have done due diligence and had their prospective purchase thoroughly checked. 

Another point worth noting is that if you, the buyer, organize and pay for the surveyor yourself, you know they are impartial. It is worth being wary of a seller offering to pay for a marine survey with a surveyor of their choosing (read our guide  Buying a used boat from a private party ). 

Why Do I Need a Marine Survey?

Outside of insurance or finance lenders requesting a survey, you should be getting a marine survey to ensure that your asset is a good one. Whatever budget you have for a boat will be proportional to your income, and the last thing you want is to buy a boat that costs you far more than it’s worth, or is worth less than what you will have to invest into it. 

A marine survey will flag problems there may be with a boat, but also let you know about all the things that are good with it. Far from a report of doom and gloom, it should ultimately ensure you feel reassured and prepared to take the final step to purchasing, or to feel justified and relieved in walking away from something that didn’t feel quite right. 

Can I Negotiate the Price?

Once you have your report in your hand, take your time to read through it and query anything you’re unsure of with the surveyor. It is important to note that the survey is for you. Armed with the recommendations and status report, you may want to then use it to negotiate a better price or ask for certain work to be carried out before purchasing. Be sure to get accurate estimates for the work that needs doing before negotiating the price. While it might seem like you can grab a bargain if the seller is willing to drop the price considerably, you need to keep in mind the work that requires doing both in terms of time and cost. Check out our guide to Buying a Cheap Boat, Is it is a Good Idea?  

sailboat check

How Do I Choose a Marine Surveyor?

If you’re going to spend money getting a marine survey, then you want to ensure you’re getting a good service and a thorough report by an experienced surveyor. Again, it’s always best to use a surveyor you find yourself or are recommended by a trusted friend as opposed to one recommended by a broker or the seller. While their intentions are likely to be good, impartiality is best here.

When choosing a surveyor, you want to ask the following questions:

  • Are they registered with an official surveying organization which regulates its members? In the U.S. the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS) and the National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS) are the two main organizations and in the UK, these include the Yacht Designers & Surveyors Association in the UK and the International Institute of Marine Surveying. These organizations hold lists of members in different regions, and so it is a good place to start looking. 
  • Do they have specific experience in surveying the size, style and construction of the boat you are considering buying? There are specialist surveyors in sail boats, wooden boats, sports boats, etc.
  • Do they produce clear reports? Ask to see a sample report to see the layout, detail, and wording they use before deciding if it is right for you. You want a clear report which offers definitive recommendations or opinions.
  • What do they charge? Be sure to get official quotes as well as their terms and conditions before agreeing to a marine survey. You also want to ensure that they carry indemnity insurance. 

Do I Need to Be There for the Marine Survey?

You don’t have to be present for the survey, but it is a good idea to be present if possible. You will learn a lot about the boat you’re buying as you watch the surveyor work, and they can show you things as they discover them, which is easier than reading about it in the report later. 

We know that finding the perfect boat can seem like a daunting task. But armed with our library of practical information , advisors on hand to talk you through the process, and of course thousands of boats for sale all over the world, Rightboat.com will ensure you find the perfect boat for you. 

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Different Kinds of Boat Surveys [Ultimate List]

Marine survey types include condition & value surveys, pre-purchase surveys, appraisal surveys, new yacht surveys, boat inspections, damage surveys, finance surveys, insurance surveys, and full condition surveys.

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Different Types of Marine Surveys and Boat Inspections

Marine surveys are carried out for various reasons, and the techniques for each are tailored to meet the client’s specific requirements. It is important to know which one you will need.

In this article we will explain the different types of marine surveys, how much it costs, and their limitations.

different types of marine surveys

Different Types of Marine Surveys

  • Condition and Value (C&V) surveys
  • Pre-purchase Survey
  • Insurance C&V surveys

Appraisal Surveys

  • Finance Survey

Damage Surveys

New yacht surveys.

  • Consultation Surveys

Condition and Value Surveys – Insurance C&V Surveys

This type of marine survey is called C&V and It is the most popular type of boat survey when you’re looking to buy a pre-owned vessel. These are thorough examinations of the entire boat and its propulsion system and can include a sea trial . While separate engine surveys are sometimes undertaken on massive and expensive ships you would not check the engine room for a small vessel. Additional rigging surveys may also be required for large yachts.

Insurance C&Vs, which are effectively the same thing, tend to be less extensive and focus on a specific list of issues that the insurance company needs to verify before covering a boat. It will give you an idea of the value of the boat and how much it is worth .

Pre-Purchase Survey

Another way people call this kind of ship survey is Pre-purchase inspection. Before you buy a boat make sure to get it inspected by a marine surveyor that has experience with your boat model so you can get a proper pre-purchase marine survey as discussed in our other article. #MarineSurvey #prepurchaseInspection

All that is required is a thorough inspection of a boat to determine its estimated value. In divorce or estate settlement situations, these are usually needed. However, a lender may require one before financing a ship in some cases.

After a storm or an accident, damage assessments may be essential. They determine damage and repair costs. Often, insurance companies need these when an unpleasant situation occurs. Search a boat’s accident history on boat-alert.com before you buy it. Also remember that if a vessel is damaged beyond $2000, you should report a boat accident to the coast guard .

Extensive and expensive yachts typically necessitate new yacht surveys while they are being built. It’s common for custom-built yachts to have multiple visits from a surveyor to the manufacturer to check on the progress of the vessel’s construction. However, if you’re working with a trustworthy boat builder, this isn’t necessary. How can you tell if a company is reliable? Buying a boat? Make sure it’s NMMA certified . Third-party inspections and American Boat & Yacht Council standards and specifications are required of all accredited ship and yacht builders, above and beyond Coast Guard requirements .

Other types of surveys for ships: ( other categories of marine surveys )

  • Draught Survey – this is to establish how much cargo is on board the ship
  • LSA – Life Saving Appliance survey
  • Load Line Survey
  • Class survey of different components in the engine room
  • Marpol survey
  • Dry dock survey – out of water inspection
  • Remote surveys

Request a Marine Survey Quote

Contact information:, boat details:, survey location:, additional comments/requirements:, what is a marine survey on a boat.

In its most basic meaning, a marine survey is a boat inspection . More specifically, it is a highly detailed technical inspection and a lengthy document that provides information about the condition and value of your vessel. The results of a marine survey are often used to determine whether or not a boat is suitable for sea travel (safe to be in the water). Many unsafe boats will float and transport a family but they are dangerous. Many appear to be relatively safe, especially to seasoned boaters familiar with the waters. In actuality, maritime surveyors frequently discover problems with boats that were utterly unknown to the boat owner.

Reasons for getting a marine survey

A survey is typically conducted to determine the condition and value of vessels or their cargoes to provide financial, insurance, and purchasing information and confirm that plates meet regulatory requirements and comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

Depending on the size and type of vessel you’re considering purchasing, a marine survey might be a valuable investment that assures you get what you pay for in the long run. A qualified marine surveyor will thoroughly evaluate the vessel from top to bottom, and while it is time-consuming, the result is well worth the trouble.

comparing types of marine surveys

A boat survey is worth it

Yes, a boat survey is worth the money. You want to do things right when getting out to sea and stay safe making such a large investment. It can get expensive so many are wondering “Are boat surveyors worth the money?” and “Do I Need a Boat Survey?”…

In most cases, yes. The survey can reveal problems that let you negotiate the price down and agree to share the rectification costs with the seller. This alone can save you a few thousand dollars and get you a better boat while only costing you a few hundred.

In some cases people will say that it depends upon how knowledgeable you are about boats. Not all surveys, or surveyors, are equal. However, insurers may even specify what level of membership your surveyor should hold and type of survey the want to see.

Other than the insurance companies or finance lenders requesting a survey, you should be getting a marine survey to ensure that your asset is a good one. Whatever budget you have for a boat will be proportionate to your income, and the last thing you want is to buy a boat which subsequently costs you far more than it is either worth, or you have to invest into fixing it.

A marine survey will flag problems and point out what good things there are too. It is not just a report of doom and gloom. It should ultimately ensure you feel reassured and prepared to take the final step to purchase a boat or to feel justified and relieved to walk away .

How much does a boat survey cost – #CostOfSurveys

Although pricing varies depending on location, you should expect to spend between $20 and $25 per foot of boat length . But keep in mind that many surveyors have a minimum price that may be more than this rate when dealing with small boats.

Who pays for a boat survey? #BoatSurvey

Depending on the sort of inspection being performed, the answer is different. In most cases, the potential buyer of the boat will cover the cost of a Pre-Purchase Survey, but the current owner of the yacht would be responsible for any insurance or assessment costs. It is less likely that a yacht dealer or broker will offer a marine survey upfront prior to selling a boat but they should at least provide the boat-alert.com history report.

How long does a boat survey take?

A survey can take a few hours to a full day depending on the size and complexity of the boat. The sea trial usually lasts 60 minutes. Then it typically takes three to five days after the inspection is completed to get the report.

What is an out of water marine survey?

To establish its present state and seaworthiness, an in-depth examination of the vessel’s external and internal condition above and below the waterline. It entails testing and investigating the vessel’s mechanical, electrical, and gas facilities to ensure the vessel’s safety while in operation. As well as observing and documenting the cosmetic condition of the boat as well as its internal fittings, this information will be used to guide the boat owner when valuing the vessel or making recommendations for general maintenance to improve the safety of the ship and protect it for future use.

Insurance C&V Surveysrequested by your insurance company
Pre-Purchase Surveyrequested by the buyer
Appraisal Surveysrequested by lawyers when evaluating estates
Damage Surveysrequested by owners and coast guard after boat accident

Survey Recommendations by priority

What is done in a boat survey? In cases where the surveyor believes that the vessel requires attention, he will offer a list of his recommendations with his report. In general, these will be arranged in descending order of importance. Essential works are affecting the seaworthiness and safety of the vessel before re-launch; deterioration of the vessel’s structure and or machinery presenting potential safety or seaworthiness issues shortly that must be addressed within a reasonable period; and cosmetic recommendations to maintain the overall comfort, safety, and value of the vessel. In addition, Surveyors serve as our “eyes and ears,” and we carefully consider the advice they provide. In assessing risk to insurers, we may urge that work be completed in a timeframe that differs from that recommended by the surveyor’s judgment.

Limitations of Marine Surveys and Boat Inspections

They can tell you the current state of the boat but they cannot validate paper work or tell you the history.

funny boat inspection meme

By its very nature, a marine survey is limited to assessing and commenting on what can be seen. Remote or inaccessible parts of a conventional ship’s infrastructure will be commonplace. In the following paragraphs, we’ll discuss the primary drawbacks of every marine survey.

The survey report is the surveyor’s opinion and should not be interpreted as a reality. There have been no inspections of the vessel or equipment where the linings, moldings, machinery, installations, and tanks have been obscured. Based on their experience, judgment, and the status of nearby regions, a surveyor’s conclusion based on these areas may not exclude the occurrence of isolated damage or deterioration masked by paints, fillers, or other methods.

When a mast is stepped, only the rig elements that extend above the head level are subjected to a thorough examination. There have been no removals of fasteners, no borings of the hull, and no specialized testing, save as mentioned unless otherwise specified. In the surveyor’s opinion, the owner has given the client permission to remove small sections of antifouling to allow for the inspection and moisture testing of the hull. There may be a need for some little destructive testing, but any disruption would be minimal. Unless otherwise instructed, the surveyor will assume that the owner has granted permission to the client to run machinery and turn on and test electrics as needed. Non-destructive general inspection and evaluation of the state of sample sections where coatings have been removed are two methods used to determine the condition of the hull. The state of the substrate can only be judged based on the data gained from scraped clean parts of the hull.

What is in a Marine Survey Report? – Recommended Survey Report Content

What is included in a marine survey? The survey will be to write down the name of the party the survey was done for, who asked for the survey, when the survey was done, and report was made. The place where and how the vessel was surveyed; on the hard, in the water, on a trailer, etc. A list of everyone who was there when the inspection took place will be included.

Scope of the marine survey

The survey scope is decided chiefly during the first meeting with the client. Yes, the vessel will be hauled. Is there going to be a sea trial? etc. A list of things that could affect how the survey is done will be made. This includes things like the weather, the location, and the availability of power, water, and gas.

Disclosure in a boat survey report

The surveyor must tell the client and the report if they have done any work on the subject vessel in the last three years as a surveyor or in any other way. The surveyor must also say if they have a relationship with the boat’s seller, broker, or owner.

The standards that are used when conducting a vessel survey

The survey will say which voluntary standards (ABYC, NFPA, ISO, etc.) were used to report the surveyor’s findings.

The Name of the Vessel

The report will have accurate and enough information to positively identify the subject vessel. Vessel name, current owner, Hull Identification Number ( HIN ), type of vessel, manufacturer, Model, and Model year, or year of manufacture are all things to look for. You want to compare them to the HINDecoder.com data you obtain and what it show on the title or registration stickers. Photographs of the boat and its HIN can be found in the survey report.

There will be some information about the boat’s structure, like how it’s made, what materials it’s made of, and how it’s in shape and condition. “Wetted surface and underwater machinery” will be written down if the vessel was hauled or the wetted area was checked by another method. If the boat was not hauled, a statement would be made about the operation and condition of “below the waterline” or “thru-hull” fittings that can be seen from vessel.

 All of the vessel’s systems will be listed and described in terms of how well they work or if they have problems. A few examples:

  • Hull Composition and Structure
  • Propulsion Machinery
  • Tankage & Piping
  • Bilge Equipment
  • Emergency Equipment Rigging
  • Electrical Systems
  • Electronic Navigation Equipment
  • Fire Extinguishing Systems
  • Heating / Cooling Dinghy’s & Tenders
  • Ground Tackle
  • Dewatering Systems
  • Shipboard Amenities
  • Miscellaneous

Deficiencies & Recommendations

The report should note any problems with inventory or systems and any required systems not used when writing information. The report will also include the surveyor’s opinions and suggestions for keeping the vessel safe.

The current Market or Fair Market Value and Replacement Value for the vessel will be found in the report. Describe how Fair Market Value came to be. This text will show where the information came from to develop this valuation.

Infographic - Different kinds of boat surveys

The surveyor’s license

The report will end with a statement from the surveyor, signed by him, and the date the report was sent. Their credentials should speak for themselves.

What is the most common form of a marine surveyor? They should be members of ABYC , NAMS , or SAMS . Many insurance companies and banks require that a marine surveyor be a credentialed member of either the National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS) or the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS).

Can I get boat insurance without a survey? – is it needed?

This will be up to your insurance company to decide so you will have to shop around. It will also depend on the boat size and type. A boat that is 10+ years old or 25+ feet long must really get a survey done!

We gave a comprehensive list of types of marine surveys you might get for your sailboat or vessel. We explained which one you will need for each scenario and mentioned the pros and cons of a boat inspection in terms of limitations. Remember, the survey tells you the state of the boat now but you still need the boat-alert.com history report to know its history and validate paperwork.

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How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost?

Types of Boat Surveys and their costs.

Some people may not realize that surveying a boat is vital because of how much a boat survey can cost. Experts believe that a boat survey will provide you a long-term peace of mind knowing that the boat you purchase is in good condition. 

What’s included in a boat survey?

A survey includes checking the details of the boat. This means the boat must be lifted from the water to properly examine it from bottom to top, the hull up to the deck. 

The engine of the boat will then be checked: the electrical system, engine, fuel tank, deck system, plumbing, steering control, and all other safety equipment. If the boat has a cabin with air conditioning units, its electrical connection also needs to be checked. 

By the end of the survey, the surveyor has to make a comprehensive report indicating the information required by the US Coastguards. The report also includes the potential problem that the boat may encounter based on its present condition or the particular vessel’s history in general. 

Moreover, if you are paying for a boat survey, the cost may cover the following:

  • Complete documentation of the systems of the boat, structural condition, and overall cosmetic condition.
  • Testing information and engine performance.
  • Inventory of the equipment that you have.
  • Findings and the recommendations if there are irregularities.
  • Photos of the parts for a more comprehensive report.
  • Professional comments and suggestions
  • Fair market value

Types of Boat Survey

When budgeting for the cost of a boat survey, you need to determine the boat’s purpose , to ascertain the survey you need. Experts believe that a boat survey will provide you long-term peace of mind. Here are different types of boat surveys & their cost.

Pre-Purchase Condition & Value Survey . 

If you plan to purchase a new boat, the pre-purchase boat survey is recommended whether you are purchasing a brand new one or a secondhand vessel. This will do the detailed checking of the physical condition of the boat, as well as its engine performance. 

This type of survey may cost $22 to $26 per foot.

Insurance marine Survey . 

This survey is conducted on vessels to determine their value and condition for boat insurance purposes. The areas of the boat that need to be checked should align with the insurance provider’s requirements. In addition, it provides detailed information about the boat’s physical condition and the materials it is made of. 

This type of survey does not require operational testing or engine condition. This may cost $18 to $22 per foot. 

Appraisal Inspection . 

This type of boat inspection or survey will determine the market value of the boat. In addition, the report for this survey will be used for estate settlement, financing, donations, and other legal cases. 

With this type of survey, you may need a budget of around $300 base price on top of the hourly rate required by the surveyor. 

Damage inspection and survey . 

An insurance company may perform a survey to determine the current condition of the vessel. It will ensure that the boat is in good condition for a long trip and determine if some parts need replacement, like the canvass, the boat windows, or other details. 

The cost of this type of survey may vary on the level of inspection you want to determine. Below are the possible expenses that you may consider:

  • Expert Fee. When you want an expert to do the inspection the whole day, the cost would be $1,200, and for half-day, you may need a budget of around $600. 
  • Collision testing. This may be necessary when your vessel has encountered accidents in the past. The average price for this service is $250, not including the hourly rate required by the surveyor.
  • Consultation: hourly rate is $150.

Yacht Survey

This is necessary if you are to buy new vessels that are large and expensive. They are a detailed inspection with the purpose of  determining its current condition and seaworthiness. These vessels may have customized designs with quality materials, especially boat windows , often personalized or customized based on the owner’s preference.

If you want to customize your boat window, let Peninsula Glass do it. We at Peninsula Glass have a reputation for providing quality service and high standards for materials of marine glass for our clients, especially those who wish to have their boat windows repaired. In addition, we carry various types of marine glass in stock, which is advantageous because you can assure we have control over the cost and pass on the savings to our clients. The reasonable prices will surely be worth the quality of work we’ll provide. 

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Author: Hai N |

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How Much Is a Boat or Yacht Survey? (Costs & How to Prepare)

Boat and yacht surveys have become commonplace in the nautical world, both for people buying boats (wanting to check the conditions) and for insurance companies.

Both insurance surveys and pre-purchase surveys are led by marine surveyors, who check every component on the boat applicable (for example, the engine, navigation lights, water systems, safety equipment, etc.).

Yacht surveyors will help to determine a more accurate purchase price and policy costs for your insurance company.

But, how much is a boat survey?

The prices of a pre-purchase survey and an insurance survey can vary from around £10 per foot to around £20 per foot, if not more.

The price will depend on the:

  • model of your specific boat
  • type of craft or vessel
  • as well as the surveyor you have chosen, their hourly rate and any travel costs for your/their location.

Let’s take a closer look at what you might expect on a boat survey day, and what else will influence the price.

How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost in The UK?

The cost of your boat survey will usually depend on the surveyors themselves.

Most marine surveyors charge per foot of the boat, while others have a set amount based on the general size and model of the boat. 

Some surveyors will charge you just over £20 per foot. 

Generally speaking, a boat survey can cost anywhere from about £450 to over £700, total.

That is why it is best to contact a few marine surveyors before making a final decision.

Their prices may not vary a great deal from one another, but if they are charging per foot of the boat, even a small difference in price could be significant.

In England and the rest of the UK, these are the fees you’re looking at for surveying boats

What About the Cost of A Yacht Surveyor?

Again, when it comes to the actual cost of a yacht surveyor, everything depends on the surveyor you choose, and the size and make of your boat. 

Some yacht surveyors will only charge you about £10 per foot, plus a baseline price, whereas others will cost you more (depending on their premium services, etc.). Once again – shop around.

Methods and Types of Boat and Yacht Survey (and how They Impact Price)

There are various types of boat and yacht surveys to choose from.

Most surveyors will need instruction from you about the specific inspections they need to carry out – based on insurance demands, etc. (Find out How to find good marine surveyors )

For example, they may be asked to do a full condition survey, which is common for buyers to seek before purchasing their boat and becoming a new owner. 

This ensures their future purchase is sound and ready to sail.

An insurance survey, meanwhile, will test an older boat and check its various components for the purposes of insurance coverage (as is obvious by the name!).

Ultrasound surveys, on the other hand, are useful for measuring the thickness of the hull platings. Rig surveys check rigging wires, and machinery and systems surveys check mechanical and electrical components in close detail.

Generally speaking, the most common boat surveys are insurance and full condition.

However, each survey carries a specific cost and fee.

Since full condition and insurance surveys thoroughly check multiple components of the boat, they tend to be the most expensive.

How Much Is a Boat or Yacht Survey blog post image

How to Save Money on Boat or Yacht Survey Costs

Thankfully, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you save yourself a bit of money on your boat or yacht survey. 

  • Clean the boat thoroughly before the survey. Cleaning up before a survey will save you and the surveyor a lot of time, ultimately saving you money. 
  • De-clutter your boat. Taking non-essentials out of the boat before the survey will make it easier to clean and easier for the surveyor to access – saving time and money, too.
  • Ensure that the batteries are working. If your boat is onshore and the boat is connected to the power of the port, then ensure that it is well connected and does work as expected. That means no need for extensive work or survey time.
  • Service your engine before the survey. Ensuring that your engine starts easily during the survey will help a lot with time and with any potential issues that the surveyor could note!
  • Check the hull for any damages. The hull will need to be in the best condition possible as the surveyor will look for any noteworthy damages – and again, the more time they spend, the more money you spend, too.
  • Preparation for a sea trial – if you’re going on a sea trial (which is a key part of inspections), it may seem obvious, but if you haven’t turned on your vessel in a while, then it’s worth checking it still turns on and runs.

How to Instruct a Yacht Surveyor

Before hiring a boat surveyor, you must ensure that they are right for the job.

That means checking with your yacht insurance company about what they expect to be checked, what qualifications they expect the surveyor to have, and more. 

You should also always check that the boat surveyor that you hire has a professional indemnity insurance cover. 

If you’re worried, reach out to your insurance provider as soon as possible – they know what they’re doing and can tell you what to look for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions on a boat survey or yacht surveys:

Do I Need a Survey to Buy a Boat?

You do not necessarily need a boat survey to buy a boat.

Most insurance companies ask for boat surveys on vessels that are over 25 years old, although some might ask for surveys on newer models, too. 

However, if you are buying a boat, hiring a boat surveyor for yourself is highly recommended for most people.

They will be able to see any underlying issues that the ship might have, which helps to give you a better idea of what price you should be paying – and what investments and repairs you may have to make in the boat in the future. 

How Much Does a Narrowboat Survey Cost in The Uk?

Much like a survey for any other boat, the cost of the survey will depend on the size of the narrowboat and the surveyor you have chosen. 

Generally speaking, you will pay between £10 and £14 per foot for a narrowboat inspection.

Seeking out a marine surveyor or boat survey expert shouldn’t be a hassle.

Whether your insurance carrier needs a survey completed, or if you’re paying the above fees to gain assurance on a future purchase, surveying offers fantastic confidence.

Their report will show all their important findings and their inspection may uncover a red flag you wasn’t expecting. This makes the fee well worth it.

Keep a close eye on fees payable, surveying scope, and do your best to get your vessel up to code – getting someone to inspect your boat is great value for your protection and peace of mind.

If you need any advice, contact us. We’ve been a boat insurance broker for over 20 years and will be happy to help give you any independent advice on the process and what you need for your vessel’s intended use.

You can also find qualified surveyors here

Get a quote online:

1. please select where is your vessel flagged or registered:.

cost of yacht survey

2. Please choose which area your vessel is currently moored or located in:

3. select one of the following cruising areas, 4. please select your boat type:.

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cost of yacht survey

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How much does a boat or yacht survey cost?

cost of yacht survey

February 5, 2024 By admin No comments yet

Appraising a yacht requires a sound knowledge of the factors likely to influence its value. The right choice of expert is essential. The professional assesses the boat according to specific criteria, including its size, value, technological complexity and the geographical location of its mooring.

Yacht valuation: assessing costs

Variability of yacht survey costs.

The costs associated with a yacht survey can vary depending on the model of yacht, as well as its size, make and age. Superyachts require a more detailed survey to assess all aspects of the vessel: advanced navigation systems, interior fittings and state-of-the-art entertainment facilities. The need for a regular survey also ensures that the value of your investment is maintained. The cost of a yacht survey starts at 500 euros.

How much does a boat or yacht survey cost? 2024

Methods of invoicing a yacht survey

There are 2 main billing methods for survey services. The first is based on a fixed value per metre of hull. The advantage of this approach is transparency in the pricing of your yacht survey. The second billing method is based on the duration of the survey. It is therefore important to use a professional you can trust to examine your boat.

How do you choose the right professional for a yacht survey?

Marine surveyors.

To obtain a reliable marine survey, you can call on a professional who specialises in the nautical field. The Chambre Nationale des Experts Maritimes Plaisance (CNEMP) provides you with a list of approved surveyors in France. The International Federation of Marine Surveyors (FIEM) also has a list of surveyors you can turn to.

Boat brokers

Using a yacht broker is a simple solution for surveying your yacht. The broker acts as a trusted intermediary who puts his technical, nautical and commercial skills at your service, with the aim of accurately assessing the condition of the yacht, its history and its market value. The intervention of a broker guarantees a fair and equitable value for your yacht.

The surveyors

How much does a boat or yacht survey cost? 2024

Surveyors, whose directory is available from the French Nautical Industries Federation (FIN), are professionals specially trained to carry out thorough inspections of boats. Their expertise covers assessment of the condition of the hull, engines, electronics, on-board safety and all safety equipment.

5 steps to having your yacht surveyed

Step 1: find a marine or river surveyor.

The first step is to find a boat surveyor who is qualified, experienced and approved. You can carry out this search online, seek recommendations from marine brokers, or turn to yachting associations for advice.

Step 2: Contact the yacht surveyor

Once you’ve identified the yacht surveyor, get in touch to discuss your specific requirements. Take advantage of this meeting to draw up an estimate for the survey of your yacht. This will also allow you to compare the different levels of service and pricing available on the market.

Step 3 Schedule a visit with the surveyor

How much does a boat or yacht survey cost? 2024

Once you have accepted the surveyor’s quote, schedule a visit to your yacht at a date and time that suits you. The surveyor will thoroughly inspect every aspect of your yacht and assess its general condition.

Step 4: Receive the survey report

Following the inspection, the surveyor will provide you with a detailed survey report. This report includes all the information relating to the general condition of your boat, any repairs that may be necessary, as well as recommendations for maintenance and safety on board. The document includes information such as :

checking the hull, anodes and propulsion systems for fibreglass boats, signs of moisture and osmosis for steel boats, ultrasonic soundings are taken to measure the thickness of the hull.

The yacht inspection also covers the hull, paintwork, deck, superstructure, equipment, engine and the interior of the vessel, including equipment and structure. Finally, the vessel’s safety equipment and administrative documentation are also checked to ensure that your yacht is compliant.

Step 5: taking action

Depending on the conclusions of the survey report, you will be able to make informed decisions. This may include selling your boat, undertaking any necessary repairs, or carrying out renovation work.

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How To Get A Sailboat Surveyed

  • November 29, 2022

The pre-purchase survey is one of the most crucial parts of the purchase process. Beyond checking boxes for a contract, it’s a chance to learn about your sailboat, and figure out what you need to do to make it better. And you can make sure you’re getting maximum value for your sailboat purchase.

Finding a Sailboat Surveyor

The Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors has a searchable database of qualified, accredited marine surveyors. Many states don’t regulate who may call themselves a surveyor, so take the steps to make sure that the person you hire has professional credentials.

Ask other sailboat owners for recommendations, though you still check credentials. Get quotes for pricing and check availability as the best surveyors are usually very busy.

If the listing broker recommends a surveyor, it’s best to thank them politely and find your own. While brokers and surveyors should be ethical, it’s better to avoid any confusion about who the surveyor is working for. The surveyor works for you and no one else, and the choice is entirely yours.

Survey pricing is variable with region and boat size and complexity. Expect at least $20/foot, possibly up to $40/foot. For large, complex boats that take multiple days or a survey which requires travel, then may quote you a per diem rate and expenses.

What exactly is a survey?

A survey is a detailed of a sailboat, and may be done for several reasons. An insurance company will require a survey, but an insurance survey is rarely as detailed and expensive as a pre-purchase survey, though a pre-purchase survey will satisfy the insurance company.

The word “survey” also refers to the final written report.

Pre-purchase inspection

You should have a condition in your purchase and sale agreement that reads “subject to a suitable survey and sea trial.” The sea trial is usually part of a survey and done at the same time.

The surveyor will inspect the boat from bow to stern, looking into all lockers, under all floorboards, and at accessible systems. They may tap the hull and deck with a small hammer, looking for voids in the fiberglass. They’ll turn things on, flip switches, and check the listed inventory against the actual boat to make sure listed equipment is present and functioning.

During the seal trial, the surveyor will observe the steering systems and the engine running through a series of throttle positions, noting any problems or concerns.

The Written Report

Within a few days of the inspection, the surveyor will return a written report of the findings. This will include pictures, comments, notes, and details about the boat’s equipment.

The report should be a neutral, fact-based set of observations about the condition of the vessel’s condition at the time of inspection.

A sailboat survey report should include:

  • Details about installed engines and generators, including model numbers, serial numbers, and engine hours.
  • Listing of hardware found, and its condition and operating state.
  • Observations and notes on the general condition of the boat cosmetically.
  • Notes on any specific flaws, failings, or areas that merit additional inspection or concern.
  • An approximate market value of a vessel.
  • Recommendations for any repairs or maintenance noted. Any violations of USCG safety regulations.

It rarely includes speculation about conditions which are not directly observed, nor will the surveyor typically include a recommendation for or against purchase. This is a “statement of condition” rather than a recommendation.

That’s not to say the surveyor may not have an opinion about whether you should buy the boat, but that won’t usually be in the written survey report. But you can definitely ask them about it.

Planning the Survey

Once you find a surveyor, speak to them to make sure what is included in the survey. Many surveyors won’t climb rigs to inspect rigging. Others may only do a cursory inspection of engines, or not want to comment on sail conditions. Find out what else you may need, and plan additional inspections with your rigger, mechanic, or sailmaker as needed.

You’re also responsible for arranging and paying for yard services like hauling, washing, blocking, and re-launching. Find out what the surveyor wants and make reservations at the hard you want to use.

Surveys are “non-destructive” unless otherwise specified, so there should be no drilling, scraping, or other destructive testing. If there is destructive testing needed, you will need permission, and the seller will expect you to return the boat to the same condition if you reject the boat.

Before the planned survey, check the weather, confirm your hauling arrangements, and make sure everything is ready to go. When it’s survey time, plan to show up and spend the day on the boat with the surveyor. Consider arrangements for lunch, drinks and snacks to keep work going forward, especially if the boat is some place out of the way.

Some boat owners prefer not to be there, but in our experience, this is a mistake. You don’t want to get underfoot and slow the surveyor down, but you will get loads of information about your boat as you watch them work. Some may give you a running commentary or point things out to you as they find them, and may show you things no picture and paragraph of text will convey. And you also may help and speed the process.

The owner may be there. If not, they will have someone representing them. This is often the listing broker who will operate the boat and handle it in maneuvers. It’s not your boat yet, so it’s up to the owner or the owner’s agent to take responsibility for the boat.

For a more complex sailboat, plan to spend a long day, or even more than a day on a very complex boat with lots of systems. If it’s a multi-day survey, find out how your surveyor takes their coffee. A happy surveyor is a talkative surveyor, and you’ll learn a lot by just chatting about the boat on a break.

Getting The Report

The goal of the survey report is to establish if the sailboat actually is as presented for sale, based on the age and disclosed condition of the boat. A used sailboat will not be perfect. There is a nearly 100% chance that a good surveyor will find one or more “problems.” Odds are, it will be many more for older boats. It is important to note that not every “finding” in a survey is going to translate to a price adjustment or repair on a used boat.

Understanding the meaning of “Findings”

It’s the interpretation of whether a “finding” is a “problem” that the trick lies. An older boat may have dings and scratches in gelcoat, rust on some mechanical system, minor corrosion, small leaks, and may items that show wear and tear.

And that may be completely normal for the age of the boat. It is a used boat, not a new one. What you may think of as a problem is really just a finding.

What becomes a genuine problem is something which does not function or interferes with the ability to use the boat safely without fixing it.

A scratch in the gelcoat is a finding, but a missing handle on a through-hull is a problem. A radio listed in the inventory should work or be fixed or replaced if it isn’t, but a forward-looking sonar listed as “inoperable” before the survey is just a finding.

Handling Findings

Review each finding in the report. The major findings will usually be highlighted, and those which make the boat unsafe or inoperable will be called out.

For each major finding that must be fixed, you have two options. First, you can demand that the seller fix the problem. Most contracts allow the seller to either fix a problem or propose a cash adjustment in the sale price. Sometimes, you may also propose a cash adjustment – check the terms of your contract.

If the seller refuses to fix the item or adjust the price, you have two more options: you can accept the boat with the flaws, or you can walk from the deal.

Effective Post-Survey Negotiations

Most contracts require the purchaser to present, in writing, any requests to fix problems in a survey. There are effective ways to do this, and ways that are bound to fail.

Do Your Homework

Handing the seller a copy of the survey and saying “fix everything” isn’t like to get a positive response. Nor is demanding a large dollar figure off the sale price with no supporting argument to justify the figure.

So if you’re serious about buying this boat and want to deal with the flaws, you’ll need to get an estimated value for the repair for every problem you want addressed. Only use the serious findings – safety issues, things that render the boat unusable, or major equipment which does not work. This gives the buyer an out to take the dollar adjustment, or fix the problem.

Get hard numbers and actual quotes from vendors and suppliers when possible, and document it. The cost to replace new units or buy older equipment from Ebay or marine salvage and consignment shops are both allowed, as are a reasonable cost for labor to replace the equipment.

Be reasonable – the seller isn’t going to re-fit the boat for you. One broken radar display in an integrated but obsolete set of electronics will not get you a new, state-of-the-art set of integrated equipment installed. Even if you can’t get a compatible radar display anymore. You may get a credit for the cost of a used radar display, but not all the other equipment.

You don’t want to wait for the seller to repair the boat before you close, and you can be almost certain the seller does not want to be bothered to do the repairs either, unless they can do it themselves on the cheap. So you can escrow the repairs. Based on the estimates you assembled, block out money from the sale to make the repairs. The broker will hold this, though you can use a lawyer. List repair items with a reasonable time period to get the repairs done, with costs for each. From 90 to 180 days is typical, depending on the repairs.

As you do the repairs, give the bills to the broker and they release the funds to reimburse you. Once you’ve done the work or the deadline passes, the remaining funds are released to the seller. It’s more work, but you can often get more funds conceded with an escrow than you can with a simple credit off the selling price.

Is It Time To Walk?

If you’ve taken a boat to survey, you’ve put some money into it, and have a personal stake in buying it. But what if the survey is not as good as expected? How do you know if it’s time to walk from the deal?

First, if you are uncomfortable with any finding or that it can be fixed, reject the boat. If you have a list of issues you want addressed and the seller will not budge on any of them, that also may be a sign that you may not want this boat unless you’re willing to pay for the repairs.

Finally, if the market value in the report is significantly below the purchase price, you may have a problem. If you’re financing, your bank may not go forward. You may have a deeply flawed boat which is reflected in the estimated value, and that’s a good bullet to dodge

Use the Survey

Most surveys have a list of findings, and this list of findings is your first work list on your new sailboat. You know most of what is wrong with your new boat before you ever sail it.

Most surveyors are happy to take questions about their surveys and discuss their findings even after a survey, so are a valuable resource for you with your new boat.


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How To Hire A Boat Surveyor

cost of yacht survey

Jul 26, 2022

Have you discovered the ideal boat? Make sure this is a financially secure investment before we sign all that paper and claim ownership of the boat. When you take ownership of your boat, it’s preferable to be safe than sorry and determine whether anything has to be repaired. A boat surveyor fills this role and may offer you, your bank, and additional protection when you buy a pre-owned boat. Let’s look at how to hire a boat surveyor and hopefully answer all your pressing questions.

How To Hire A Boat Surveyor, off the hook yachts, marine funding, marine survey, mechanical, yachts, boats, yachting, boating, smart decision, new boat, used boat, first time boat owner

(Source: International Institute of Marine Surveying)

What Is a Boat Surveyor and Why Do We Use them?

A boat surveyor is certified by the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors who are hired to perform an inspection on your boat. You may believe that you are familiar with a boat’s mechanical workings, but marine surveyors will have specialized equipment to evaluate the boat’s various components. Many lending companies want a certified survey before they would release funds if you intend to finance your boat.

Costs of a Boat Survey

Boat surveyors typically charge between $18 and $25 per foot, which includes an out-of-water check, a sea trial, a system test, and a comprehensive survey report. Although it may vary from surveyor to surveyor, this is typically accepted practice. The expenses to the service yard to remove the boat out of the water may be additional cost factors for the boat inspection.

How To Hire A Boat Surveyor, off the hook yachts, marine funding, marine survey, mechanical, yachts, boats, yachting, boating, smart decision, new boat, used boat, first time boat owner

Length of Survey

The length of the boat examination depends on the size and type of boat you buy. Including the sea trial, boats like center consoles 25 feet and under in length shouldn’t take longer than 2 to 3 hours. Depending on the complexity of the systems and equipment on the boat, you may anticipate the boat inspection to take at least 4-6 hours for larger boats like motor yachts, express cruisers, and sport fish . 

How To Hire A Boat Surveyor, off the hook yachts, marine funding, marine survey, mechanical, yachts, boats, yachting, boating, smart decision, new boat, used boat, first time boat owner

What is Included in A Boat Survey?

The survey will include a sea trial and an out-of-the-water inspection. The surveyor will typically moisture-meter the hull for out-of-water vessels, identify any structural flaws or dings, and mark any problems they see with the hull, prop, or lower unit area. During the sea trial, RPM, WOT, and cruise speeds are measured during a few tests that the surveyor will use to inform the captain (or owner). These are evaluated against manufacturer norms and, if the RPMs values are significantly below average, may indicate probable engine problems.

Depending on the size of the boat, the surveyor will stay on the vessel for an hour or longer following the sea trial to test any remaining systems, generators, lights, pumps, and moisture meters on the deck. Within a few days, a report containing all of this information in detail will be created and emailed to you or your bank.

How to Find A Boat Surveyor?

The SAMS (Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors) website and The American Boat and Yacht Council are the best places to start your search for a boat surveyor. Just enter your zip code there. You will then be given a list of licensed surveyors in your area.

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Boat Survey Cost

Just like a home inspection, a boat buyer often hires a boat surveyor to assess the boat in question and let the buyer know of any problems he or she sees during the inspection.

While it’s completely optional, many consider as a peace of mind knowing they are purchasing a boat that is in working order and in great condition for years to come.  But in the case of insurance and financing, it’s often required and is referred to as a pre-purchase survey.

Boat Survey Cost

How much does a boat survey cost?

The cost of a boat survey often depends on the length of the boat, and in most cases, surveyors will have a flat fee, but some may want to use an hourly rate as all boats are not created equally, even it was the same length.  Either way, experts recommend you should budget about $18 to $25 per foot , but it could be higher in the case of a complex setup and/or larger-than-average boat.  Other factors will include the professional you choose, the type of survey/inclusions needed, the age of the vessel, the materials, the systems on board the boat and your geographical location.

Additional costs can add to the estimates mentioned above as well.  For example, if you needed the boat hauled out of the water in order for the surveyor to powerwash the bottom to inspect it, this could easily add another $15 to $25 per foot to the estimates above.  Also, if you want a more in-depth engine assessment, it’s not uncommon to find surveyors add another $300 to $600 to the total costs as well and is often highly recommended in the case of a larger powerboat where the engine is a larger part of the value.

According to the official prices listed on MaritimeSurveyors.com , he noted his pre-purchase condition and valuation marine survey would cost $18 to $20 per foot while consulting can cost $100 per hour.

Another surveyor we found online, Latitude Marine, Inc.com, quoted $18 to $22 per foot for a pre-purchase survey, according to its official prices.

ALMSurvey.com, yet another company we found online, stated its minimum is $18 per foot , with a minimum survey fee of $395.

What is included in this price?

Most surveyors, at least a good one, will always ask that the boat is out of the water so that the hull and underwater gear can be checked.  During the inspection, a surveyor will examine a boat in depth from the top to the bottom, looking at the hull and deck, often determining any soft or rotting spots by using a hammer and moisture meter.

Next, he or she will examine the health of all AC and DC electrical systems, the plumbing, deck systems, fuel/propane system, steering, controls and all safety equipment. During this time, a detailed report should be created according to the U.S. Coast Guard regulations, as well as American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards.  In some cases, inside the report, an experienced surveyor may include potential problems, even if not noticed, based on the history of the particular make/model.

If you consider an in-depth engine survey, then this typically includes an inspection of the operation and condition of the propulsion and generator engines, as well as the inspection of the controls, cooling, exhaust systems, engine mounts and electrical.  The temperatures and samples of the oil levels should be tested, and again, an engine survey, being quite expensive, can be recommended if the engine in question is either expensive, complex and/or it appears as if the owner did not take care of it.

Upon completion, your surveyor should include a description of the boat as well as each system on board, any findings/recommendations/suggestions based on the importance of each one, photographs of anything in question, a statement in regards to the boat’s overall condition/health, and a fair market value based on the current market trends/data.  All of this data, often compiled within 24-48 hours, is often available via email, fax and/or mail.

The additional costs to think about

In some cases, as mentioned earlier, a surveyor may want to either outsource an engine inspection or do it themselves if they have the right education.  In this case, be prepared to budget another $300 to $600+, greatly depending on the type of engine, who you hire and where you live.

Most surveyors will travel a certain amount, often about 25 miles, but anything outside of this radius may incur an additional mileage charge.

Older vessels, live aboard vessels or those in very poor condition can often increase the costs by more than 30%.

An oil sample, which can then be forwarded to a lab, can cost an extra $50 r so.

A corrosion check for zinc and metallic underwater fittings can cost upwards of $100 per hour, depending on what he or she charges.

Other additional services, often not included in the estimates above, may include ultrasonic testing, moisture testing and/or other related non-destructive tests.

Tips to know

If you are a buyer, it’s always best to show up in person so that the surveyor can show you any findings in person.  If they do not allow this, then it’s best to choose another professional.

To save money, ask the surveyor to check the parts in question first to see if it is in good shape.  That way, if the parts were not in the condition they should be, you could skip out on the survey completely and avoid paying for a full inspection if the surveyor agreed to it.

In some states, some marinas require an up-to-date survey and/or liability insurance, which, if needed, requires an insurance survey as well.

Anyone can technically be a surveyor; however, in order to find a good one, MarineSurvey.org recommends looking for professionals who are part of an accredited organization and can be accepted by banks/insurance companies.  Check credentials, find out what kind of training they have and see what makes them different from other surveyors.

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ThePricer Media

How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost?

If you are thinking about buying or selling a yacht or a sailboat, you will need to hire a boat surveyor to evaluate this large vessel in order to understand its true value. In this article, we are going to talk about the costs of a boat survey and what you need to know when making such an acquisition.

How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost?

The cost of a boat survey varies widely and depends on the type of boat that is evaluated (yacht, sailboat, or other type of boat). Also, the total cost of a boat survey is affected by factors such as the age, condition, and location of the boat. In general, you will have to pay $28 to $55 per foot for a boat survey, while for a yacht the price can easily go higher than $500 per foot .

In the table below you will find the average costs per foot for a boat survey for different types of boats.

Boat Type Cost of a Marine Survey (Per Foot) Average Length (Feet) Typical Survey Duration (Hours)
Sailboat $25-$50+ 25-55 4-8
Pontoon Boat $15-$25+ 16-30 2-4
Fishing Boat $15-$25+ 14-24 2-4
Yacht $100-$500+ 40-150 6-12
Catamaran $25-$50+ 30-65 4-8
Speedboat $25-$50+ 15-30 3-6
Dinghy $5-$10+ 6-12 1-2

These costs depend greatly on the location. For instance, if you are living in Los Angeles, California you will spend much more for a boat survey than if you were to live in the middle of Missouri.

Though, it is recommended to add this cost into your buying budget because specific surveys evaluate all vital parts of the boat like the hull composition and electrical systems. This service is worth the cost as you will have the peace of mind that your boat is secure and safe.

Why do I need a boat survey?

It would be beneficial to get a boat survey if you are considering a boat purchase or boar ownership. This will help both boat purchasers and owners to get a detailed description of the boat before making a decision.

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Usually, a marine survey includes the inspection of the boat’s electrical systems, hull, propulsion system, interior and exterior. Plus, this survey is made by a professional boat surveyor who has experience in boat repairs and building. Also, he/she has knowledge about maritime law that offers legal protection for boat purchasers and boat owners.

Finally, you will be able to save money and avoid unanticipated issues in the future if you get a pre-purchase survey.

What does a boat surveyor look for during the inspection?

When doing a boat inspection, a surveyor will analyze very carefully the parts of the boat like the engine, rigging, and the hull, to make sure they are in good condition. Also, all the safety gear, which is on board will be reviewed to make sure it meets the industry standards.

Based on these findings and evaluations, the professional will be able to offer their opinion on the market value and overall integrity of the boat.

How to prepare the boat before a survey?

If you want to sell your boat, you should make sure you have in order and up-to-date all the necessary paperwork. This includes engine, registration, and safety certificates. Also, you should take the time to add any extra documents about upgrades or past maintenance.

After organizing all documents, take a look on board and check it for any clutter that may impair the inspector’s/surveyor’s access to specific areas. Also, make sure that all engines and systems related to navigation or communication are working properly. Plus, make an inventory of all onboard equipment.

By doing all of these before the marine surveyor arrives, you will create a professional impression and make the process easier.

What can a boat surveyor find during an inspection?

Marine Surveyor Services

Also, the overall price can be decreased by any damages that must be repaired before intending to resell the boat.

It is recommended to anyone who wants to sell or buy a boat to firstly resolve any engine issues, verify that all parts of the boat are in good condition, and check for cracks. By doing this both parties, the seller and buyer, will get the desired results.

How long does the boat survey last?

In general, a survey is considered valid for one or two years, depending on the areas in which it was completed and when it was issued.

When talking about the longevity of a boat survey, this depends on your specific situation. For instance, it is recommended to contact a qualified surveyor if you want to buy an older boat. You can search online for a boat surveyor by location and years of experience. Also, take into consideration the client reviews when deciding which one to choose.

Important things to consider

Make sure you have your boat inspected periodically by a professional as this is incredibly beneficial and important. While the longevity of any boat depends on regular maintenance and safety checks, the peace of mind while riding the sea is given by a professional inspection of the boat.

Also, this survey will ensure that all operation systems of the boat, like the safety devices and electrical systems, are working according to the marine safety rules.

Moreover, a professional boat survey will help you avoid any expensive damage in the future, that may appear due to undetected problems such as cracks in the structure or moisture in the hull, that could seriously affect the performance or safety of the boat.

Final words

It is very important to get a boat survey from time to time to make sure you are keeping your family safe while sailing away. Also, this is a crucial step when selling or purchasing a boat as the surveyor will offer an approved opinion regarding the value and condition of the boat. It may be a little expensive but is worth the cost because it will help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

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Marshall Marine Surveying - Florida Marine Surveyor - sailboat and yacht survey FAQ

Although we do service all areas of Florida and Georgia, additional costs may apply for travel, and lodging if required. Rates listed are for vessels up to 50 feet, and not older than 2010.

Pre Purchase Survey: $22 - $26 per foot ($650 minimum) Insurance Survey: $18 - $22 per foot ($650 minimum) Appraisal Surveys: $18 - $22 per foot ($650 minimum) Consulting: $175/hour (2-hour minimum) Oil Analysis: $75 per sample If you are in need of a Marine Surveyor in Florida, contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Our Services

Services & rates • pre purchase • insurance • appraisal • sea trial • consulting • oil analysis, contact marshall marine surveying, what is a marine survey.

A marine survey is a comprehensive inspection of your vessel with the purpose of determining its condition, value, and seaworthiness. The survey may be requested by your insurance provider or financial underwriters to determine condition and value.

Why do I need a Marine Survey?

The Surveyor will determine if your boat meets safety criteria set forth by The American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), Federal Code of Regulations (FCR), and National Fire Protection Association (NPA). The findings uncovered by the inspection will determine the fair market value of the subject vessel and is often used as a negotiation tool.

How much does a Marine Survey cost?

Our rates depend on which service you require. The pre purchase survey often pays for itself when big ticket repairs are uncovered and open the door for renewed negotiations with the seller. Although we service all areas of Florida and Georgia, additional costs may apply for travel, and/or lodging if required. Rates listed below are for vessels up to 50 feet, and not older than 2010.

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How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost?

Jonathan Holmes 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 40 reviews)

How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost

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The cost of a boat survey is a crucial consideration for individuals planning to buy a boat or maintain the one they already own. It is essential to understand that the cost is necessary to ensure your boat’s safety, legality, and overall value.

  • Boat survey cost varies with size, age, and type.
  • Range: $20 to $25 per foot for smaller vessels.
  • Larger boats (40 feet or above): $30 to $35 per foot.
  • Location and travel affect survey costs.
  • The depth of the survey impacts the overall price.
  • Choose an accredited, experienced surveyor.

Buying a boat requires proper investigation to know if your pay is worth it. So, even if you know all about boats, it’s a great idea to take professional services for a more reliable deal. 

In my opinion, a boat survey is critical and equally important if you want to avoid any mishaps in the future.

Because boat surveys are optional and there are no binding laws, boat enthusiasts often ignore this process. Some would regret their decision because there is always a risk of problems such as shorts in boats, unforeseen maintenance, etc.

In the case of financing and insurance, a survey is a must. If you have heard of pre-purchase, it’s boat insurance . 

So, even though it’s not obligatory, it’s always better to survey your boat to get the best deal . If you don’t know what goes into a boat survey, this article will help you.

Let’s find out how much a boat survey costs.

Who’s In It?

Boat Survey Cost

When buying a boat , more than just two parties are involved. For instance, the surveyor, the broker, the seller, and then there’s you, the buyer. From the buyer and the broker’s perspective, they want the deal to go smoothly.

Often, brokers refer clients to the surveyor. The seller may also seek the same surveyor for their next purchase. If the broker is reluctant to go to any other surveyor, there are chances of a conflict.

However, regulatory bodies monitor and recommend such practices, so you shouldn’t worry much.

The Process Flow of a Survey Job

The survey process is well-defined whether it’s a yacht, ship, or fishing boat . Therefore, the surveyor doesn’t have to do more than follow the instructions. Generally, boats come with a worklist.

When the surveyor does their job, they will prepare a report about the findings. So, when you’re there during the inspection, you mustn’t exaggerate a problem because of two reasons:

  • It will not have a significant effect on the price
  • The same report goes to the insurance company, so you may receive a list of pricy work jobs before getting the policy for your boat .

What Should a Buyer Do?

Cost of Boat Survey

As a buyer, it’s always better to be there throughout a boat survey. I don’t believe in relying on third parties and getting someone else to handle things on your behalf.

So, you must show up every time. When you know everything personally, there are fewer chances of deception.

Unless laws require you to be a professional buyer, you are best suited for your boat’s purchase.

While doing the mechanical parts surveys, ask your surveyor to examine the conditions through questions first. If the situation isn’t right, you won’t need to pay for their checking, and you can skip on to the next task.

It saves both time and money .

Boat surveys may seem like a one-time job where you ask the surveyor to visit, prepare a report, receive their dues, and leave. However, there are several other variables to address.

It’s one of the reasons why new buyers often hesitate to survey a boat. Nevertheless, it’s pretty simple, and I will explain why.

Primary Cost

The primary parameter for a boat survey is the boat’s length. The average price for a survey is around $18 to $25 per foot.

Some well-known surveyors may charge even more, but I suggest you prepare a budget within the limit I mentioned for an average survey. Moreover, some bigger boats may prove costly.

Some of the other factors that affect the survey price are:

  • Age of the vessel
  • Vessel material
  • Additional setups and systems on the boat
  • Geographical location

Additional Cost

It also depends on where you want to survey the boat. For instance, if the ship is in water and you want to watch it on the ground, hauling your boat will cost you an additional $20 per foot.

Also, a small fishing boat or a pontoon boat with relatively low power is much cheaper than a sophisticated cruise or yacht. It’s because of the advanced engines that need careful inspection. 

So, if you are dealing with a relatively advanced engine, it can cost you an additional $300 to $600. However, engine inspection is necessary if you buy a high-power boat.

Signs of a Good Surveyor

If you’re getting your boat survey for the first time, knowing what your boat surveyor should do during the inspection is essential. For instance, your surveyor should inspect the boat on the ground. This way, he can survey the underwater gear and the hull.

Moreover, the survey should follow top to bottom format. Usually, the deck and hull may have rotten spots that can be identified using a hammer.

Secondly, the electrical systems are the most critical of the elements. The surveyor should at least carry a multimeter to verify the working of these systems.

After that, the plumbing, fuel systems, controls, steering, and safety equipment checks must be performed.

Reporting the Findings

How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost - guide

The U.S. Coast Guard regulates the report formats and the details found during a boat survey. So, the surveyor should enter all the details as per the format. Also, the NFPA and American Boat & Yacht Council monitor these regulations.

If your surveyor is good, they will mention the potential problems in the report. It’s useful when applying for insurance.

In any case, the surveyor doesn’t recommend or stop you from buying a boat. Their sole job is to survey and give you the findings to help you make a better decision. 

How Long Does a Boat Survey Take?

The duration of a boat survey largely depends on the survey’s nature and the vessel’s size. If the survey is essential and the vessel is small, the process might be completed within two hours.

However, a comprehensive survey on a larger boat could take an entire day. The intricacy of the boat’s design and the detail required in the report also play significant roles in determining how long a boat survey takes.

It’s essential to remember that a thorough survey is vital to ensure the seaworthiness and safety of the vessel.

How Long Is a Boat Survey Valid?

The validity of a boat survey is a crucial aspect for boat owners. Generally, a boat survey is valid for 5 to 7 years.

This duration, however, can vary based on the policies of your specific insurance company. Therefore, boat owners must verify this detail with their insurance providers.

If you’re uncertain how long your boat survey is valid, contacting your insurer for clarification is highly recommended.

This will help you comply with the insurance requirements and ensure your vessel remains covered under the policy.

Are Boat Surveys Worth It?

Absolutely! Mainly when a used boat is under consideration. A boat survey is an in-depth inspection of a vessel to determine its current condition and seaworthiness.

It provides valuable insight into the boat’s structure, systems, and equipment, aiding potential buyers in making an informed decision.

The process may identify potential issues that could necessitate expensive repairs in the future, thus justifying the initial survey cost.

Despite being an added expense, the peace of mind that results from knowing precisely what you’re investing in can make a boat survey a worthwhile expenditure.

Wrapping Up

The cost of a boat survey can significantly impact the overall boat ownership or purchase budget. Understanding “How Much Does a Boat Survey Cost” can help potential and current boat owners make informed financial decisions.

The cost typically depends on many factors, including the boat’s size, age, and type. For smaller vessels, the price range is typically between $20 to $25 per foot.

However, for larger boats, specifically those measuring 40 feet or above, the cost can increase from $30 to $35 per foot. The location of the boat and the travel required for the surveyor can also influence the survey costs.

Furthermore, the depth of the survey, which refers to how comprehensive the inspection is, can significantly impact the overall price of the boat survey.

Therefore, one must consider these variables and ensure that an accredited and experienced surveyor is chosen to guarantee accurate and reliable results.

In any case, I suggest new buyers get their boats surveyed because it saves them from plenty of financial problems in the future.

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Kenya, EAC import costs rise on continued Red Sea attacks

Commodity prices increase as freight costs rise by 20%..

• For instance, there has been an increased transit time to Europe from an average 24 days to 40 days.

• This has also led to delayed payments since payments are made on delivery of cargo.  

Containers being offloaded from a ship at the Port of Mombasa /FILE

Kenya and East Africa are now staring at a sharp increase in commodity prices as the Red Sea attacks on ships escalate, with major shipping lines avoiding the route after two vessels were sunk.

Shipping lines serving the Port of Mombasa and Dar es Salaam now say freight costs to the region have increased by up to 20 per cent, as ships re-route to the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), before coming up to the East.

They are also avoiding the Suez Canal which is a key route for voyages to Mombasa and the East African coastline, in the wake of continued attacks by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, who are targeting ships travelling to Israel and other region.

According to the Shippers Council of Eastern Africa (SCEA), the re-routing of vessels comes with increased transit time, which translates to higher freight charges by shipping lines, and insurance, which has also affected Kenyan exports.

For instance, there has been an increased transit time to Europe from an average 24 days to 40 days.

This has also led to delayed payments since payments are made on delivery of cargo.  

The trend has further compromised product quality. For instance, avocadoes start to ripen between the 30th - 35th day.

This means a 40-day voyage and additional days to clear cargo at the destination port will see the products hit the shelf when it is either overripe or rotten.

“This means Kenya is losing out to countries that can deliver within the shortest periods,” SCEA acting chief executive Agayo Ogambi said.

There has also been an introduction of a transport disruption fee of an extra $450 (Sh57, 825), which has pushed up freight costs on containers.

For instance, a 40-foot refer container (refrigerated) costs Sh1.3 million to ship, up from $10,000 (Sh1.28 million).

“The impact is huge. Unfortunately no solution in the horizon,” Ogambi said.

This adds up to container costs amid congestion at key ports mainly China, which is Kenya’s top import source.

Critical congestion at major Asian ports like Singapore is creating shortages of empty containers in some areas and pileups in others, ultimately driving up container prices in China, according Container Price Sentiment Index by Container xChange, a technology firm that offers global container trading and leasing platform.

“The delays are also causing vessel bunching, further leading to spillover congestion and schedule disruptions,” said Christian Roeloffs, co-founder and CEO Container xChange.

Ports in China have in recent times recorded the highest prices on leasing of containers, which hit a high of $1,750 (Sh224, 875) in December while in Europe, the costs averaged $1340 (Sh172,190).

This however has increased with the continued disruption.

According to Maersk, the world’s second-biggest container carrier after the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), the complexity of the situation in Red Sea has intensified over the last few months.

“The risk zone has expanded and attacks are reaching further offshore. This has forced our vessels to lengthen their journey further, resulting in additional time and costs to get your cargo to its destination for the time being,” it said in a communiqué.

The knock-on effects of the situation have included bottlenecks and vessel bunching, as well as delays and equipment and capacity shortages.

“We estimate an industry-wide capacity loss of 15-20 per cent on the Far East to North Europe and Mediterranean market during Q2,” the firm said.

In 2023, Kenya’s total merchandise trade amounted to Sh3.6 trillion, marking a 7.6 per cent growth from the previous year, the Economic Survey 2024 by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Shows, with China and the UAE being top import sources.

“The growth was partly driven by high international prices of principal import commodities, especially petroleum products, coupled with the depreciation of the Kenyan Shilling against currencies of key trading partners,” KNBS said.

During the review period, export earnings grew by 15.4 per cent to Sh1 trillion. The net effect was the narrowing of the trade balance from a deficit of Sh1.617 trillion to Sh1.604 trillion.

With Kenya being a net importer, the rise in freight costs translates to higher commodity prices as importers and manufacturers pass the extra costs of finished goods and raw materials to consumers.

World Bank has since warned that the levelling off of global commodity prices could hurt prospects for lower inflation.

Prices are levelling off after a steep descent that played a decisive role in whittling down overall inflation last year, into this year, which could make it harder for central banks to cut interest rates quickly, according to the World Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook.

This adds to the conflict in the Middle East which could halt inflationary decline as international trade remains disrupted, with freight costs on the shipping industry rising.

This means Kenya, which heavily relies on imports, remain exposed as its import bill continues to rise.

China, UAE, India and Saudi Arabia account for half of Kenya's imports last year.

World Bank's forecast means Kenya could see inflation start rising after back-to-back declines this year.

Kenya’s inflation fell to a two-year low in April, at five per cent, official data shows, driven mainly by improved supply of key food items, particularly cereals and edible oils, and falling prices of other food commodities and utilities such as electricity and fuel.

It however rose to 5.1 per cent in May.

According to the Central Bank of Kenya, a key risk to inflation is international oil prices, which have trended upwards since January 2024 largely driven by disruptions to shipping through the Red Sea, and production cuts by OPEC+ and other allied oil producers.

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Election latest: Rishi Sunak accused of 'behaving badly' in final debate - as he and Keir Starmer get brutal audience question

Follow reaction and fallout from the final head-to-head between the prime minister and Labour leader ahead of polling day on 4 July.

Wednesday 26 June 2024 23:00, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Sunak and Starmer's final debate

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  • Labour frontbencher says PM 'behaved badly'
  • Audience member asks brutally blunt question
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Thanks for joining us for an extremely busy night here in the Politics Hub, including for the final debate between Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer before the general election next Thursday.

You can scroll through the page to catch up with the highlights.

And we'll be back from 6am with all the very latest.

Until then - read all the latest from Sky News below:

By  Tim Baker , political reporter, in Nottingham

One of the more amusing moments of the debate tonight was Robert, who told Rishi Sunak he was a "mediocre" prime minister and said Sir Keir's strings were being pulled by senior members of the Labour Party.

He is brought into the spin room by BBC production staff for journalists to talk to.

He tells us that he is a life-long Conservative voter - but at the moment is undecided.

Robert says he has recorded the debate and will be watching it again when he gets home.

However, he reckons he is leaning towards the Conservatives - believe Sir Keir has an "undeclared agenda".

Daisy Cooper, the deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, has said the UK "deserves so much better" than the leaders' debate held tonight.

Reacting to the clash between Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, she said: "Tonight the audience spoke for the nation when they asked: is this really the best we've got?

"Our country deserves so much better than what we watched this evening.

"Liberal Democrats are listening to you and fighting hard for the issues that matter to people. 

"From the NHS to tackling the cost of living, we want a fair deal for our country.”

A Conservative win would mean "five more years of chaos" and Rishi Sunak has shown tonight "just how out of touch he is", Labour's campaign coordinator has said.

Reacting to the leader's debate, Pat McFadden said Sir Keir Starmer "exposed the Tory manifesto as unfunded".

"Keir Starmer and Labour will return politics to public service, putting country before party in stark contrast to partygate and dodgy COVID contracts," he said.

"On 4 July, we have a chance to turn the page and start to rebuild with Labour."

Tonight was an "important moment" for Rishi Sunak as he put his opponent "on the spot", says our deputy political editor Sam Coates .

Coates says he thinks the prime minister would have been "very happy" with his performance - and adds that some of his aides were even "punching the air" after the debate.

It was a performance Mr Sunak "desperately needed earlier in the campaign", he adds.

He says Mr Sunak had a "clear strategy... to demand answers from Keir Starmer on tax and whether it will go up, on welfare and how you get people off benefits, on 'smashing the gangs' and whether the Rwanda policy is needed..."

Coates says Sir Keir provided a "range" of answers as the prime minister sparred with him.

"Sometimes he had specifics, sometimes he did not," he says.

"That strategy, although executed in a way I think that the Conservative Party tonight is very happy with, has nevertheless been judged not decisively in Keir Starmer or Rishi Sunak's favour," says Coates, referring to the YouGov poll showing there was no winner in the final debate of the election (see 21.38 post).

The final TV clash of the election campaign was an ill-tempered shouting match, at least from Rishi Sunak. 

Sir Keir was more measured. More prime ministerial, perhaps?

As he had to as the underdog, Mr Sunak went on the attack from the start until the very end and unveiled a new campaign slogan: "Don't surrender…"

He said it no fewer than 15 times during the 75-minute debate. That’s once every five minutes.

But just like the England-Slovenia Euros match 24 hours earlier, the result was a draw: 50%-50% exactly, according to pollsters YouGov.

At the outset, the PM served notice that he wanted to talk about tax, while Sir Keir wanted to talk about politicians gambling. 

As Mr Sunak read out prepared lines, it was a smart ad lib from Sir Keir that won the first round of applause.

"If you listened to people in the audience a bit more you might not be so out of touch," he said, in a familiar Labour attack line.

But the PM was strong and came out on top in exchanges on illegal migrants crossing the Channel.

One of the best moments came when a member of the audience, Robert, asked a devastating question: "Are you two really the best we’ve got to the next prime minister of our great country?"

By the end, the debate closed out as it began - with Mr Sunak shouting over the Labour leader. It wasn't a good look.

And as the debate ended, there was no handshake between the pair, which is unusual for these TV clashes. 

At least party leaders pretend to be civilised towards each other usually.

There's clearly no love lost between these two - and it showed.

Darren Jones, shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, is among the Labour representatives in the spin room this evening.

He's asked first about his leaked comments that Labour's target for decarbonising the economy will cost "hundreds of billions" of pounds.

Sir David Davis, who sticks around for this encounter, asks why Mr Jones's party "downgraded" their net zero plans.

"Because you guys crashed the economy," the shadow chief secretary responds.

Sunak 'behaved badly' in debate

On the leader's debate, Mr Jones says Sir Keir Starmer came across as "clearly more prime ministerial" - and adds that he thinks Rishi Sunak behaved "quite badly".

"He didn't answer questions that were put to him and was constantly speaking over Keir and Mishal [Husain, the BBC host]."

He denies Sir Keir's remarks that Mr Sunak is out of touch were "below the belt".

"Rishi Sunak is going around the country telling everyone that they've never had it so good... they crashed the economy, people at home know that because they paid the price for it."

Up to spin for the Conservatives is ex-minister David Davis.

"This debate was very important," he says, noting it's the final one before the public decides who to back.

He was a fan of Rishi Sunak's new attack line - the repeated pleas to voters not to "surrender" their borders or finances to Labour. 

"[Sunak has] faced a once-in-a-generation issue in terms of a war in Europe, he's faced a once-in-a-century issue in terms of a pandemic, and he did it with an economy from which we'd inherited massive debts in the past," he adds.

After all that, "he managed to get inflation down from 11% to 2% in six months". 

"The public will look at this and say: 'We've got a difficult world, all sorts of disruptions at home and abroad, who will deal with it the best of these two'?" he says.

"I know who I'll be voting for."

With minutes to go, a group of smiling Labour spinners arrived to watch the final summations.

Darren Jones - under fire for his comments about the cost of going for net zero, revealed in The Telegraph - tells Sky News it's clear who was more prime ministerial during the debate.

He and the other Starmer backers then burst away to the various cameras and microphones to talk up their leader.

Meanwhile, serious faced Conservatives enter from the other end of the room to give their verdicts. 

Tory candidate - and former minister - David Davis says he thinks Rishi Sunak's repetition of the "surrender" phrase will have gone down well.

This just in from YouGov - which has found there was no winner in tonight's BBC leaders' debate, the last of the general election campaign.

Asked who performed best - the results came in exactly 50/50.

Our deputy political editor Sam Coates says there will likely be disappointment in the Conservative ranks over this result.

"Neck-and-neck polling doesn't seem to me like it's going to change the race," he says.

"I think there's a really interesting question about Rishi Sunak's tactics, in my view, watching that, he was effective in highlighting the choice - the policy difference between the two men.

"I wonder looking at that poll whether that's what the public are really looking for."

However, there were distinctions when viewers were asked who performed better on certain topics.

Rishi Sunak came out on top on immigration and tax, while Sir Keir Starmer performed better on welfare and the UK's relationship with the EU.

Labour also just edged ahead on the economy - with 47% saying they performed better, and 43% backing the Tories.

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cost of yacht survey


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    cost of yacht survey

  2. Yacht Survey

    cost of yacht survey

  3. Yacht Surveys

    cost of yacht survey

  4. Sample Sailing boat Pre-Purchase Survey by UK Yacht Surveyors by UKYS

    cost of yacht survey

  5. Pre Purchase Surveys

    cost of yacht survey

  6. The Superyacht Survey Process

    cost of yacht survey


  1. Yacht and Boat Surveys: Costs and Process Explained

    The cost of a yacht or boat survey can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size and type of the vessel, the scope of the survey, and the surveyor's experience and reputation. On average, boat surveys can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. For more precise estimates, it's advisable to contact yacht surveyors ...

  2. How to save money on yacht survey costs

    Engine. The engine should be proven where possible in a pre-purchase yacht survey. Many buyers take the craft on a sea trial, and at that point, taking an engineer from the local engine dealership who may have software to plug in is worth the investment. Fuel lines that are out of date or badly worn should be spotted.

  3. Boat Surveyors: A Buyer's Guide To Boat Surveys And ...

    Some surveyors won't take on really old boats. Additional charges to expect will be for the short haul at a boat yard, which can run another $15 per foot. Engine and sailboat rig surveys generally cost $500-$1000 but are dependent on the number of engines and the age of the rig.

  4. How much does a marine survey cost?

    CURRENT RATES (05/2022): Pre-Purchase Condition & Valuation (C&V) Marine Survey: $28.00 - $35.00 per foot. Insurance Condition & Valuation (C&V) Marine Survey: $24.00 to $28.00 per foot. Marine Appraisals : Donations, Estates, Court Cases, Tax Assessments: Base Price $300. plus hourly (depends on the boat - please call for more information).

  5. How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost? Understanding The Factors And Fees

    A Pre-Purchase Condition & Value Survey tends to be the most comprehensive and can cost around $28.00 - $35.00 per foot. An Insurance Condition & Valuation Survey may have a slightly lower cost range from $24.00 to $28.00 per foot. Additional services such as engine surveys or sea trials may increase the overall expense.

  6. How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost?

    The boat survey cost for insurance purposes can vary but is usually more affordable than a pre-purchase survey. It can range from a couple of hundred to over a thousand dollars. Marinas may require a survey of your boat before granting admission to their facilities. The cost of a marina admittance survey is pretty moderate, often falling within ...

  7. Pre-Purchase Yacht Surveys: What You Need to Know

    This is the toughest question of all. Some surveyors use a flat rate based on the length the boat, while others use an hourly rate. Either way, a pre-purchase survey will cost somewhere around $20 per foot, but it will be higher on large and complex (or older) yachts. In some cases, it may be less.

  8. 10 Things You Need to Know About a Marine Survey

    5. Attend the inspection. I don't mind having someone look over my shoulder and I like having the ability to show a client the wet spot in the deck, or how the thud feels when tapped with a hammer in the delaminated spot. But don't overdo it; leave the kids and the dog at home. 6.

  9. Survey Pricing

    One of the surveys provided as an example, the Formula 45 Yachts' Condition and Valuation Survey, has a base cost that would be calculated accordingly. This yacht has a manufacturer's specified dry displacement of 31,800 lbs. so, round up to 32,000, divide by 1,000 and multiply by 65 to arrive at $2,080. Because this is a C&V Survey, the ...

  10. Yacht Surveys: Navigating Safety and Costs with Expert Surveyors

    On average, boat surveys can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. Average Cost of Boat Survey. On average, you can expect to pay between $500 and $1,500 for a standard boat survey. Keep in mind that more extensive surveys or those for larger vessels can cost more. However, this cost is a small price to pay for ...

  11. How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost? All Types Of Boats

    Boat survey costs vary widely and can depend on the type of boat you're looking at - a sailboat, yacht, or a different kind of boat. As a general rule, a boat survey generally ranges from $25-50 per foot, while yachts can cost upwards of $500+ per foot. Other factors such as condition, location, and age also come into play when determining ...

  12. Understanding Boat Surveys: What is Pre-Purchase?

    Some surveyors use a flat rate based on the length the boat, while others use an hourly rate. Either way, a pre-purchase survey will cost somewhere around $20 per foot, but it will be higher on large and complex (or older) boats. In some cases, it may be less.

  13. Boat Survey: What It Is, Who Pays, Do I Need to Spend the Money?

    The buyer is responsible for paying for a marine survey, as they are the ones undertaking the 'risk' of purchasing a used boat. Whether or not the boat is bought via a broker, there is unlikely to be recourse if, after purchase, issues are found with the boat. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure they have done due diligence ...

  14. Different Kinds of Boat Surveys [Ultimate List]

    New Yacht Surveys. Extensive and expensive yachts typically necessitate new yacht surveys while they are being built. It's common for custom-built yachts to have multiple visits from a surveyor to the manufacturer to check on the progress of the vessel's construction. ... How much does a boat survey cost - #CostOfSurveys. Although pricing ...

  15. Boat Survey Costs: A Comprehensive Guide

    Pre-Purchase Condition & Value Survey. If you plan to purchase a new boat, the pre-purchase boat survey is recommended whether you are purchasing a brand new one or a secondhand vessel. This will do the detailed checking of the physical condition of the boat, as well as its engine performance. This type of survey may cost $22 to $26 per foot.

  16. How Much Is a Boat or Yacht Survey? (Costs & How to Prepare)

    The cost of your boat survey will usually depend on the surveyors themselves. Most marine surveyors charge per foot of the boat, while others have a set amount based on the general size and model of the boat. Some surveyors will charge you just over £20 per foot. Generally speaking, a boat survey can cost anywhere from about £450 to over £ ...

  17. How much does a boat or yacht survey cost?

    The cost of a yacht survey starts at 500 euros. Methods of invoicing a yacht survey. There are 2 main billing methods for survey services. The first is based on a fixed value per metre of hull. The advantage of this approach is transparency in the pricing of your yacht survey. The second billing method is based on the duration of the survey.

  18. How To Get A Sailboat Surveyed

    Survey pricing is variable with region and boat size and complexity. Expect at least $20/foot, possibly up to $40/foot. For large, complex boats that take multiple days or a survey which requires travel, then may quote you a per diem rate and expenses. What exactly is a survey? A survey is a detailed of a sailboat, and may be done for several ...

  19. How To Hire A Boat Surveyor

    Costs of a Boat Survey. Boat surveyors typically charge between $18 and $25 per foot, which includes an out-of-water check, a sea trial, a system test, and a comprehensive survey report. Although it may vary from surveyor to surveyor, this is typically accepted practice. The expenses to the service yard to remove the boat out of the water may ...

  20. Boat Survey Cost

    The cost of a boat survey often depends on the length of the boat, and in most cases, surveyors will have a flat fee, but some may want to use an hourly rate as all boats are not created equally, even it was the same length. Either way, experts recommend you should budget about $18 to $25 per foot, but it could be higher in the case of a ...

  21. How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost?

    Also, the total cost of a boat survey is affected by factors such as the age, condition, and location of the boat. In general, you will have to pay $28 to $55 per foot for a boat survey, while for a yacht the price can easily go higher than $500 per foot. In the table below you will find the average costs per foot for a boat survey for ...

  22. Marine Survey Rates

    Rates listed are for vessels up to 50 feet, and not older than 2010. Pre Purchase Survey: $22 - $26 per foot ($650 minimum) Insurance Survey: $18 - $22 per foot ($650 minimum) Appraisal Surveys: $18 - $22 per foot ($650 minimum) Consulting: $175/hour (2-hour minimum) Oil Analysis: $75 per sample. If you are in need of a Marine Surveyor in ...

  23. How Much Does A Boat Survey Cost? 2024

    Boat survey cost varies with size, age, and type. Range: $20 to $25 per foot for smaller vessels. Larger boats (40 feet or above): $30 to $35 per foot. Location and travel affect survey costs. The depth of the survey impacts the overall price. Choose an accredited, experienced surveyor.

  24. Bird Key Yacht Club celebrates new leadership

    Bird Key Yacht Club was in a New York state of mind last weekend for its annual Change of Watch ceremony on June 22. ... New surveys produce ­potential cost reductions for dredging canals. June ...

  25. Kenya, EAC import costs rise on continued Red Sea attacks

    In 2023, Kenya's total merchandise trade amounted to Sh3.6 trillion, marking a 7.6 per cent growth from the previous year, the Economic Survey 2024 by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics ...

  26. Election latest: Senior Tory demands 'robust action' on betting scandal

    Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to ...