below deck sailing yacht recap

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Tom Pearson's Yachting Career (and His Time on Anchor Watch) Didn't End with Below Deck Sailing Yacht

The deckhand says he went through "absolute hell" after being let go following the anchor dragging accident.

below deck sailing yacht recap

For the first time in Below Deck Sailing Yacht history, Captain Glenn Shephard uttered these words: "I have to let you go."

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That statement was directed at Tom Pearson after the deckhand failed to alert the crew that the anchor was dragging while he was on night watch a couple of days prior. As the winds reached 30 knots, the Parsifal III drifted into shallow water, causing the bottom part of the boat, known as the keel, to run aground. Using the vessel's thrusters and the tender to make wake in the sea, the crew was luckily able to maneuver the boat out of the sand and prevent it from getting stuck.

Though the charter guests, crew, and yacht all ended up being safe and unharmed, this was a mistake that Captain Glenn could not overlook when it came to Tom's employment with the Parsifal III . "It's really clear to me that Tom's mind is in another place. So it's not like we can just let him stay because he can't do any harm. He can still do harm in that mindset," Captain Glenn explained in an interview in the April 4 episode . "We're not here to provide a job for Tom; we're here to run a safe boat. That's gotta be first."

We've seen a wide variety of reactions to getting the pink slip on Below Deck over the years, and Tom was definitely one of the more reticent after his dismissal. "I understood the decision that he made," Tom said during an exclusive interview with Bravo Insider in March prior to the episode airing. "I didn't want to stay. I wanted to go home. If anything, it was a sigh of relief because someone was making the decision for me. Do you know what I mean? I didn't have to make that decision anymore. I was gonna get to go home... be around the family, just chill out. And just try and make life semi-normal."

Prior to the anchor watch, Tom had received some bad news. His best friend's dad had collapsed and was on life support in the hospital. At that point, Tom said that he wasn't able to concentrate on anything other than what was going on with his loved ones. "That took my complete focus. All I could think about was being at home. Like, obviously I've got this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be on this TV show and make everything work out great. But, you know, life chucks ya curveballs all the time. And all I could think about, all I could think about, was going home and being with my friend and his family. That's literally the only thing that I wanted," Tom shared. "I could try and convince myself or I could put myself in the state of mind where we could crack on and get things done and move past it. But ultimately, the only thing that I was thinking of, from the minute I got that phone call, was just going home. I didn't want to be anywhere else but right there at home where I could feel like I could do something. I didn't feel like it was right picking a TV show over my best friend."

But after some discussion, though, and "a lot of phone calls to my friend back home," Tom said that he got into "a good state of mind." "And he sort of told me, 'No, no, it's OK, stay' and whatever. I really got myself in that place in mind where I could and I tried to, you know, put it in the back of my head," Tom said. "But, no matter what, even if I said, 'It's great, I'm gonna be fine, I'll stay,' nothing was fine. Nothing was gonna be fine. All I could think about was that. It was the phone call that ruined the whole season. And I don't want to be selfish and say that because I might have lost a season of Below Deck , but my best mate, you know, he lost his dad."

Because of everything going on back home, Tom said that he "was distracted" during the anchor watch. "Basically, I forgot that it was a proper job and it wasn't just a TV show, do you know what I mean? I think I got caught up too much in everything that was going on back home and the fact that the cameras are rolling. And I think I was just distracted from everything, and I made a mistake. I didn't notice something, which makes me human, 'cause we all make mistakes," he explained. "But I definitely don't recall seeing anything. I just remember going outside and the wind was pumping. I was just massively distracted. Looking back, I definitely should have been on the ball a lot more. But I had a lot going on through my mind that night, and I suppose it just took me off the ball."

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That chaotic night remains a blur to Tom to this day. "To be honest with you, I don't remember it. I didn't know it was happening," he said. "I don't really remember what happened or how it happened."

In the moments before the emergency alarm went off, Tom said that he "didn't know anything was going wrong," which is why he didn't alert the rest of the crew to any problems that night. "How can I wake you up if I don't know anything's going wrong? I apologized to Captain Glenn, to Gary [King] . Like, I wish I was on the ball more. They know I'm better than that. They know I'm capable. I just wasn't in the state of mind to be there, and of course, if I'd have known we're dragging, I would have woke them up. Like, of course I would have. That's just code of yachting, you know?" Tom said. "But the thing is, I went off my night watch. I went downstairs, and that's when stuff started going wrong. I didn't know until that point that stuff was going wrong, you know? So, yeah, I should have woke them up. But I didn't know anything was going on."

Colin MacRae 's memory of the anchor dragging incident is perhaps more vivid, as he recalled being woken up in the wee hours of the morning in a separate interview with Bravo Insider in February. "It was pretty, pretty horrific waking up to engine alarms. All of the water had consolidated in one corner of the engine room and activated the alarm, which I asked Tom why we were heeled over so much, and he said there were 30 knots of wind out there. So I thought, well, all of that wind in the rigging had pushed us over for a bit. But it turned out we were on the bottom and the keel was sitting on the sand. That’s why we were heeled over," Colin said. "So that’s probably the worst experience I’ve ever had at sea. There was a moment where I thought we were not gonna come off. We had tugboats on the way. It was really serious, and it’s just really lucky that we got off that sand bank that we were stuck on."

The chief engineer also underscored the severity of the situation. "That’s how shipwrecks happen," he said. "The boat weighs, like, 500 tons or something like that. If that’s just sitting on the sand and the tugs can’t get you off and the waves just keep pushing the boat up onto the beach, it ends up being an artificial reef."

To put things into perspective for Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans, Colin said that the anchor dragging incident was "100 times worse" than last season's boat crash . "Hitting the dock, you’re not really in danger of sinking. You’re not really in danger of becoming a shipwreck. No one’s lives are really at risk. It’s just the boat is, you know, damaged to some extent on the stern there, if it hits on the stern," he said, before adding of running aground in Season 3, "Luckily we were on sand, but if that had been rock or coral, it would have been a very different story. And, yeah, we were just lucky it was soft sand that we landed in."

Though Tom didn't seem to think he was deserving of all the blame on Below Deck Sailing Yacht , he told Bravo Insider that it was "absolutely 150 percent my fault." "People have to understand, like, I might have been there, but my head wasn't there; my head was up my ass. Imagine going on a TV show where you literally think this is your make-or-break moment, and then everything is going so well. Then, you throw alcohol in the mix. You've got emotions running, and there's this girl that's, like, confusing you , and then you're drunk all the time and, you're just trying to do well, push through. And then you get a phone call from your best mate saying his dad, who you're really close to... He's dead. And then you've got a camera rolling on ya, 24 hours a day. Like, how are you meant to process everything? It's difficult, and like everyone who watches the show, they can see it and think, 'Oh, I would have done this like this,'" Tom said. "But the answer is, you don't know how you'll react to something like that until it happens to you. So people are gonna see me at my most vulnerable, just f--king confused and just in a really s---ty place. But it's not about the mistake; it's about the bounce back."

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Taking accountability is just the right thing to do, according to Tom. "I could have sat there and blamed everyone else.  Look at Cindi [Rose] from the show.  Like, look at her, like she put stains on the couch . She's there saying it wasn't her. Everyone can see it's f--king her. But I don't know what you're doing. Like, I don't know why you don't just say it was you, like I don't get it. I don't understand the people that don't take things on the chin," he said. "The minute you start blaming everyone else and you start looking for excuses, that's when you're gonna turn people on you and people aren't gonna believe in you. They're not gonna like you. But I'm not doing that. I'm literally on the front line saying, 'I'm sorry. It was me. I had a lot of s--t going on.'"

Tom has also come to see the incident as "a learning experience." "The biggest mistake I ever made in my life, I was gonna make it at some point; it just happened to be on national television," he shared. "But, you know, everyone makes mistakes; they're just not recorded. Look at Glenn. He smashed the boat into the dock last season. Like, that's a big mistake, you know?"

It's moments like this that Tom says "shows that I'm human." "I just made a mistake, simple as that. It's my fault. And I just hope that everyone on the show can, you know, forgive me," he said. "I'm sure that everyone on the show or people watching at home, they all make huge mistakes in their lives as well. You show me the man who doesn't make any mistakes, and I'll show you the man that didn't learn anything."

Getting to this place hasn't been easy for Tom as he said that the incident continued to haunt him in the days, weeks, and months since he left the Parsifal III . "It's a mistake that I literally think about every single day," he shared. "There's not a day gone by since that happened where I haven't thought about it for a second or haven't thought, you know, 'When did things happen, what order did they happen in?'"

Tom said that he had "been through absolute hell" and was filled with "anxiety" in the lead-up to the episode airing. "After the show, when I went home, I was absolutely — you could ask my mom — I was, excuse my French, I was f--king miserable," he recalled. "I just went in my room. I ate loads of s--t. I put on weight. I didn't go out. I didn't see anyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just hid."

Thankfully, Tom was eventually able to make peace with it. "It happened. We need to get back on the boat now. We need to show people I'm not hiding from this f--king mistake. Like, it was a mistake. Let it be a mistake. Let [yourself] learn from it and move past it," he said. "I just hope that Glenn and Colin and Gary, everyone, they can forgive me, too. And I just hope that people aren't too harsh on me 'cause no one in the world could beat me up as much as I've [beaten] myself up about it for the months and months and months."

In addition to hoping for forgiveness from others, Tom said that he's also forgiven himself. "I've moved on. I don't think I need to focus on that anymore. I'm quite proud of myself for where I've [gotten] myself to now. I've moved past the mistake. I'm doing really well, and a lot of it is about not the mistake itself but where you go from there afterwards. Like, how do you make amends for what you've done? Do you just sit and do nothing, or do you go out there and smash it, prove to yourself, I am good at this, I am good at my job, which I know I am," Tom said. "So I can say that, you know, obviously, I ask for the forgiveness of my crewmates, [the] audience, family back home. But I'm proud of myself and where I am now. And now when I can finally say I've come out the other side of the tunnel, like, I don't need to kick myself anymore about it."

So, Tom soon returned to working on boats, though he noted that "just getting back into it, it wasn't easy." "I'm still here, still working my ass off, still yachting," he said. "So, you know, we've got unfinished business. The book in yachting stayed half-open for me even after that mistake. It was like, OK, it's a chapter in the book. The rest of the book's gonna be the bounce back, and the bounce back will be greater than the downfall."

When Tom spoke to Bravo Insider, he was working on a yacht in the Bahamas. "And they know what happened and they do not judge me for that one bit," he said. "They know I'm very capable at my job. I'm killing it. Like, I'm doing really well."

And the shift that Tom was on at the time? The anchor watch. "And every night I do my job, I fill in the log," he said. "I make sure everything's going right."

Tom, who originally hails from Windermere in the north of England, was planning on heading back home to the U.K. to take more courses and "start some new venture on the water" at the time of this interview. He did eventually make it back to his home country, sharing a photo of himself on Instagram on April 3 in Cumbria's Lake District, along with some adorable furry friends.

And though Tom's ultimate career goals are still "to be determined," he assured us that he's "definitely got more to show." "What got me into yachting was my passion for water sports, and I really think I'm going to, at some point, turn that passion full-time because I don't always get to do that in yachting. I would like to do more water sports," he said. "So, maybe get a job on a yacht that's more water sports-based where it's more full-time, 'cause that's where my passion lies. I love teaching people how to wakesurf, how to wakeboard or to waterski or whatever, flyboard, jet ski. But no, I'm definitely not finished. Tom Pearson has not given up."

Tom said that he doesn't have any hard feelings for Captain Glenn letting him go, either. "I think he made the right decision and nothing but respect for Captain Glenn. I think he's a great guy. Not a lot of people would put up with this s--t," Tom said, referencing when he got sick in their cabin on the first night of the season. "I think he did a great job. I think he did what had to be done."

He even believes that he owes Captain Glenn an apology, among others. "Whenever I see Glenn or talk to him, I'd like to apologize to him, apologize to the crew, to the fans of the show, or whatever, to the guests that were on the boat," he shared. "But apart from that, I don't need to apologize to anyone. I made a mistake. Like, I really don't have to just spend my whole life apologizing for it. I've literally made amends with what I did. And, you know, I'm allowed to move on like everyone else."

Tom also has some catching up to do on this season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht . He said that he has "not even been able to watch the episodes 'cause I'm just working my ass off every day."

However, Tom said that he "loved" the experience overall, and it's even inspired him to look into similar opportunities, including TV. "I think I've had a really good response from the audience, just so many messages every day from people how, you know, I'm their favorite or I'm funny. Just the recognition has just been brilliant," he shared. "It's quite humbling to think that, you know, 'cause I didn't know that I had the potential to sort of be this person on a show that people liked. So I'm loving it. I'm loving everything about it, and, looking back, you know, up to now, everything went perfect."

Now, as Season 3 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht forges ahead without Tom, the deckhand just hopes that fans had as much fun watching him on the show as he did filming it. "I hope that people are sad that I'm gone rather than, you know, happy that I'm gone," he said. "And definitely, they have not seen the last of me."

Want more  Below Deck Sailing Yacht ? New episodes air every Monday at 8/7c.

  • Colin MacRae
  • Glenn Shephard
  • Tom Pearson

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

  • Bravo Insider

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I Don't Think Below Deck Sailing Yacht Is Returning (Or At Least Not For A While)

  • Gary King's scandal caused the delay of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 filming and may result in reshoots without him.
  • Allegations of sexual misconduct against Gary led to Bravo removing him from BravoCon 2023 and potential removal from the show.
  • Chief Engineer Colin leaving the crew may require the hiring of a new Bosun before Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 can move forward.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht has been one of the most highly anticipated returning shows on Bravo, but I don’t think the series is coming back - at least not anytime too soon . After Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 served some incredible drama, viewers have been impatiently waiting for the series to return. Throughout the Below Deck franchise, spin-offs can be hit or miss, so when Below Deck Sailing Yacht did well, many were excited to see more from the well-established crew. During the most recent season of the series, the yacht crew faced some intense issues both personally and professionally.

While Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 featured an interesting iteration of Parsifal III’s crew, the season also faced some of the most intense drama the show has ever seen. Between the love triangle between Daisy Kelliher, Colin MacRae, and Gary King , which pushed a longtime friendship to the brink of destruction, and the drama between Gary and the rest of the women aboard the sailing yacht, there was very little room for the usual fun Below Deck antics between the crew. I’m convinced that the drama that occurred after the season has shelved Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 .

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The Gary King Scandal Pushed The Show Back

After Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 finished airing, there was a reunion for the crew and many of the yachties were set to return to work aboard Parsifal III shortly thereafter. There were reports that Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 had begun to film, and both Gary and Daisy were spotted on Parsifal III with Below Deck production on site. Many were ready to hear more about the season, but it has been quiet ever since the end of last season, likely due to some drama regarding First Officer Gary .

After Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 ended, viewers were concerned with the way Gary had behaved toward the women aboard Parsifal III. While Gary is always flirty with Daisy, he’d been somewhat inappropriate sexually with Mads Herrera, and though he apologized during the reunion, it left a bad taste in some viewers’ mouths. While some were concerned for the safety of the women aboard the sailing yacht, it was uncovered that there had been allegations of sexual misconduct lodged against Gary by a Below Deck Sailing Yacht makeup artist , as well.

The makeup artist recounted her traumatic time with Gary, sharing that she’d been struggling with the decision to come forward, but ultimately wanted to ensure that something was done about the behavior. While Bravo didn’t take Gary’s alleged misbehavior lightly , they didn’t directly comment on it, either. Instead, they removed him from the lineup at BravoCon 2023, and did their best to move forward with the Below Deck franchise amidst the turmoil.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht May Have Already Filmed With Gary

While Gary was dealing with some extreme issues behind the scenes, he was allegedly already filming Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 . Photos revealed locations of the spots that the sailing yacht would be filming in, and Gary was part of the crew who were aboard Parsifal III. As the show may have already filmed and includes Gary, I believe one of the issues that’s causing it to be delayed or deterred is that Gary’s a part of the stor y. After the allegations against him, it’s possible Bravo may want to move forward without Gary as part of the show.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Might Need A New Bosun

Aside from the allegations against Gary, t here were some other issues with the Parsifal III crew that needed to be addressed before Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5. After his relationship with Daisy didn’t work out, Chief Engineer Colin shared that he wouldn’t be returning to the Bravo series for another charter season. Hurt by the way his relationship with his longtime friend Daisy had worked out, Colin decided to move on. With Colin missing from the Parsifal III crew , Below Deck Sailing Yacht likely needed to hire another Bosun before they could move forward with the charter season successfully.

Will Bravo Reshoot Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Because Of Gary?

Though Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 was already filmed, it’s possible that the show will never air in its current iteration because of the issues that were discovered with Gary while the charter season was happening. Though I believe that the show should likely go on as planned with some sort of disclaimer from Bravo about Gary’s behavior , it’s possible that the entire thing could be reshot to remove Gary from the crew. With Bravo viewers looking out for Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5, it may be the best thing for the network to reshoot and move forward.

Source: Gary King /Instagram

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

I Don't Think Below Deck Sailing Yacht Is Returning (Or At Least Not For A While)

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Below Deck Med’s Captain Sandy Starts ‘Looking for a Backup’ Chef After Johnathan’s ‘Huge Red Flag’

Below Deck Med s Captain Sandy Starts Looking for a Backup for Chef Johnathan After Huge Red Flag 869

Below Deck  Mediterranean ‘s Captain Sandy Yawn is already in the market for a new chef after Johnathan Shillingford messed up several times.

During the Monday, June 24, episode, Captain Sandy spoke with Johnathan about the negative feedback she received from the current guests.

“The primary came to me this morning and said the spices are too strong and the eggs are too cold. I’m not sure why that is,” Sandy asked Johnathan, who responded, “I was expecting the breakfast for 8:30 a.m. so I had it ready at that time. Obviously it was delayed because it was a slower morning. I tried to heat them up.”

Sandy was shocked that Johnathan had the food ready before the guests placed their orders. “But eggs are to order, right? We want to make sure their eggs are to order,” she emphasized while Johnathan noted that he would “check in with interior.”

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In a confessional, Sandy expressed her concerns about working with Johnathan moving forward.

“For a chef to say to me that he cooked the eggs when breakfast was supposed to start instead of cooking to order is a huge red flag,” she noted. “But at the same time, he did well last charter. We are mid-charter now, I have to give the chef the opportunity to show me that he can do this. Finish this one strong and then I will reassess the next charter.”

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The lunch later that day ultimately went well. However, for dinner, Johnathan once again was nervous about making the guests — and Sandy — happy.

“There’s a lot going on with this dinner because not only is Captain Sandy joining them but it is their last meal on the boat. There’s a lot to prove,” he explained. “Being a self taught chef, if someone asks me to make something that I never made before then I will make it. But if I make a mistake and the captain picks up on it then your job is at risk. It is getting hot.”

Johnathan got off to a rocky start when he admitted that the first course was a dish he never made before. Sandy, who was at the table, wasn’t thrilled with how Johnathan approached the situation.

“When a client asks what is your recipe, maybe in the future don’t say it is some grandmother’s recipe. Just say it is a secret recipe,” she told the cameras. “You don’t want them to know you Googled it and it is someone else’s.”

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Chief stew Aesha Scott was also becoming disappointed with the dishes she was serving to the guests. After the first night had a basic sponge cake, Aesha followed that up on the second night with another cake — this time a burnt version — with melted ice cream on the side.

“It’s only charter two but I have myself questioning too many of the chefs dishes so I think I need to start maybe saying something to him,” Aesha said on her own confessional.

Sandy was just as displeased after eating the dinner , saying, “The entire meal was subpar. I am going to get through this charter and when the guests get off, I am going to have a very real conversation with Johnathan. But I am definitely looking for a backup.”

The episode ended with the guests calling Johnathan’s food “just OK” before leaving the boat. Aesha wasn’t surprised after trying not to weigh in on Johnathan’s initial menu choices.

“I feel like the comment about the food was definitely fair. It has been really hit or miss so far and I feel like he’s got some average plating,” she explained. “I don’t want to be embarrassed by any plate I put down next charter.”

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The captain sat down with Johnathan to have another conversation about the food.

“I did have the food and it was salty. I’m curious when you had the chef’s choice, why did you choose chicken when you could show what you can do?” she pointed out before Johnathan defended himself, saying, “I was trying to see what I could serve that could satisfy all their preferences.”

Sandy didn’t accept the excuse while bringing up Johnathan’s plating and desserts as well. She did praise the chef for the way he didn’t “lose” his mind in the galley like others might have in the past.

“I appreciate that feedback. I pride myself on professionalism and part of that is being open to criticism. That is part of the job,” Johnathan responded. “I started self taught and I think it is important that the people liked my food and if they didn’t I want to know why to improve.”

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Although the duo ended the talk on good terms, Sandy immediately requested a “standby” chef when Johnathan left.

“I know we are only at charter two but the food has to be perfect from charter one. In the past, I have given second chances,” she concluded. “The one thing I am not going to wait on is finding another chef just in case he doesn’t come through.”

Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 airs on Bravo Mondays at 9 p.m. ET. New episodes stream the next day on Peacock.

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Captain Sandy Yawn Bio

Captain Sandy Yawn

Below Deck Bio

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Love Island

Below deck sailing yacht.

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The latest season of  Vanderpump Rules  may be over, but the Bravo gods have blessed us with  Below Deck ’s own version of Scandoval to keep us occupied, with Gary in the Tom Sandoval role, Colin sort of in Ariana’s shoes, and Daisy as a version of Raquel who’s much less in the wrong.

After Colin fixes the clogged toilet in Mads and Daisy’s cabin, everyone gathers for the tip meeting, where Captain Glenn shares that they got a $13,000 tip. This might be good for a short charter, but I feel like those ladies should’ve paid more since one guest had the nerve to accuse the crew of stealing her stuff and then didn’t even bother apologizing.

The crew pregame their night out with a small party for Gary, where Daisy jokes that they should all drink every time Gary sleeps with a stew, which kills the mood and makes him upset. He pulls Daisy aside and asks her to be nice to him because she always brings him “down in front of people” with her rude comments disguised as jokes. Daisy dwells on this throughout dinner, confiding in Ileisha that she feels bad because she never intended to hurt his feelings. But really, Daisy is doing God’s work by humbling him.

Once they’re back on the boat, Mads, Alex, and Lucy share a short three-way kiss while Gary asks Colin if he will hook up with Daisy again. Moments later, while Colin is at the bar with Alex, Daisy practically begs Gary to give her a hug, and he tells her he’ll give her a kiss, too, as long as the guys aren’t looking. She then apologizes to Gary for making him feel bad, and he says that it hurts more when it comes from her because “I care for you so much.” I can’t tell if Gary genuinely has feelings for Daisy or if he’s just desperate to keep her away from Colin.

Daisy shares that she has never had a romantic experience like the one she has with Colin, who isn’t like other guys (* cough * Gary) because he’s loyal and kind. Cut to a shot of the hallway leading to the guest cabins, where Gary and Mads are banging as Gary sings “happy birthday to me!” in a way that will haunt me forever. Petition for Bravo to stop including the cringey sex noises, not just because it’s gross but because they at least deserve a sliver of privacy.

The crew gets the entire next day off, which they’ll be spending at a touristy local beach club with their own private cabana, which becomes the site of so much chaos. Let’s get the non-love-triangle drama out of the way first. While drunk Mads wants to have sex so badly that she’ll constantly slither into Gary’s bed, sober Mads is completely repulsed by the man. She calls him a “weirdo” for touching her belly button, and instead of listening, he keeps touching her so much that Colin tells him to “stop being clingy,” which is the best advice he’ll ever hear.

Later, in a moment straight out of  Love Island , Mads and Lucy step away from the group to chat on the daybed about where Mads’s “head is at.” Mads says she doesn’t take Gary seriously (who would?) because of his shitty personality and behavior, and I can’t blame her. She adds that she won’t show “serious emotions” to someone who doesn’t act serious toward her, which is a level of emotional maturity rare in Gary’s past onscreen romantic partners. In a confessional, Lucy, the  Parsifal ’s new voice of reason, says that she feels bad for Mads because Gary has trapped her despite not being exclusive. Mads has really only been hooking up with Gary out of convenience, so I’d love to see her finally pursue something with Alex, who is much hotter than Gary.

Ileisha, who is excited to finally have the chance to relax, instead gets thrown into a bad mood when Colin mentions how the chef last season, Marcos, was on another level of excellence in the galley. Ileisha takes this as an insult to her work and runs to the bathroom to cry, telling us that Colin should be uplifting her instead of bringing her down. I don’t think Colin intended the comment to be hurtful, but I still feel for Ileisha. Not only has she been a refreshing presence on the show, but she has consistently put out amazing meals despite the hurdles that have come her way. I’d hate to see her let some minor feedback get in the way right after she’s finally received some positive comments from Captain Glenn.

Speaking of Captain Glenn, he takes advantage of having the boat all to himself by spending the day playing on the eFoil and having drinks in the Jacuzzi. Relatable king! I would do anything to see an episode composed of just clips of him doing random things around the boat.

Now that we’ve gotten all that out of the way, it’s time to dig into the main event. Gary and Daisy spend the entire beach day being very touchy with each other. Gary tells her how beautiful she looks several times and, even worse, goes so far as to motorboat her boobs. Gary has absolutely zero respect for Colin or Mads, whom he was just commanding not to be affectionate with other men. And I hate to say it, but Daisy also doesn’t show much consideration for Colin here. Colin is shocked by what he’s witnessing even though, as he tells us, they’ve always had a flirty dynamic (he’s so clueless). Welcome to the world of  Below Deck  boatmances, Colin! All of this behavior from Gary and Daisy (but mostly Daisy) is baffling to me, but I have to assume that the editors played it up as a segue into the bombshell reveal.

Speaking of the big reveal, Gary spills that he and Daisy previously had sex, which would’ve been much more exciting — albeit unsurprising because it was pretty obvious — had it not already been spoiled by the mid-season preview. In the moments leading up to the reveal, Gary gets annoyed at dinner when he sees Daisy and Colin engaging in PDA. He tells Daisy that he thinks “we need to be together,” and Daisy says that his immediately hooking up with Mads at the start of the season showed her what she meant to him. Gary then says, “I know you like Colin as a mate, but I know you actually have feelings for me,” which is manipulative as hell.

They leave the table to continue arguing, and Gary tells Daisy that everything would’ve been different had he not gotten COVID and then suggests that she’s only hooking up with Colin to spite him. Daisy tells him she doesn’t want to be with him because he bangs everyone and that he only wants her now that he can’t have her, which is all true. He then snidely says that “Having sex with you was fucking amazing,” in a way that is so sinister I wanted to slap him. Daisy confirms in a confessional that they slept together twice after season three wrapped — once while in Menorca and the other time during a trip to Disneyland — and that she asked him not to tell anyone.

Look, I know this is a reality show and everything, but it’s childish and borderline evil for Gary to disclose their personal information in such a retaliatory way. You can’t spend years acting like a fuckboy and then get mad when someone you like yet constantly disregard starts hooking up with someone else. Gary’s the one speaking publicly about their personal lives for revenge, yet he believes that Daisy is pursuing Colin to get back at him … make it make sense!!

In what feels like fan fiction at this point, Daisy feels torn between the bad boy and the nice guy. Regardless of how much she denies having feelings for Gary, it’s clear there’s still a spark there. If she didn’t feel anything for him, she would’ve shut him down and fully moved on a long time ago, but she tells us that the only thing really holding her back from being with him is the fact that he’s a manwhore who can’t stay loyal. While she may have real feelings for Colin, I think she only believes she should be with him because he’s the more well-adjusted and acceptable choice.

Back on the boat, Alex tells Mads he would “totally smash” her, and for a second, she has him convinced that they will before she ditches him to jump in Gary’s bed. This dumb decision made me want to scream at my laptop since she’s been waiting all season for Alex to make a move.

While Daisy and Colin make out in bed, she stops and decides that it’s the perfect time to let him know that she and Gary had sex twice, which makes him feel “a little confused” since he thought there wasn’t anything going on between them. Valid! Especially since they’ve denied it all season. He decides to go sleep in his room, and Daisy begs him not to leave as he expresses how he feels stupid for being lied to by his friends.

This episode may have delivered the goods (drama), but I can’t help but be put off by Gary’s increasingly disgusting behavior, which has become more difficult to watch by the minute.

  • below deck sailing yacht

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Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 Recap: Bad Food Sinks Charter #2

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Welcome to the  Below Deck Mediterranean  Season 9, Episode 4 recap! In this week’s episode, called “Greeking Havoc,” self-taught Chef Jono’s job could be on the line when his continued poor performance in the galley affects the crew’s charter tip. The deck crew questions the Bosun’s leadership skills, and Joe plays with fire by flirting with co-workers and roommates Bri and Elena simultaneously. Will he get burned? Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4.

The Beach Olympics

Last week, Sandy’s friend and charter guest, Gigi Fernandez, complained to the captain about Jono’s subpar food. This week’s episode opens with Sandy calling Chef Jono to the bridge. She questions him about the over-spiced food and the eggs served cold.

He gave the excuse that breakfast was scheduled for 8:30, but the guests slept late. Sandy reminds him that eggs are always made “to order,” so he should never prepare them ahead of time. She sees his excuses as a “huge red flag.”

“At the same time, he did well last charter, [and] we’re mid-charter now,” the captain adds. “I have to give the chef the opportunity to show me he can do this. Finish this one strong, and then I’ll assess the next charter.”

The guests have asked for a picnic on the beach. The plan is to have lunch, and then play some Beach Olympic games. Iain thinks he doesn’t have to plan anything, since Sandy told him that Gigi would let him know what she wants.

Aesha suggests that he come up with a couple of ideas, just so it’s ready, but he insists Gigi will tell him. “Yes, Sandy said Gigi will know what she wants,” the chief stew says in a confessional. “But that doesn’t mean that she’s supposed to set it up for you and plan everything. I think he just heard Sandy say that and thought, ‘Sweet! Free pass!’”

Even Gael suggests they look up what the Greek Olympics would have looked like, but Iain is adamant, “[Gig] will tell us.” You’d think he’d need to know what equipment to bring to the beach.

“Okay,” Gael says, giving in. “I just didn’t want to be underprepared.”

An awkward situation on Below Deck Mediterranean

Iain drops Joe and Gael at the beach, leaving them to lug all the tables and chairs to the picnic site and set everything up, while he motors back to the boat. That’s not what Sandy told him to do. She said to make sure everything was ready before returning for the guests.

“There’s no leadership at all,” Joe interviews. “Iain could have helped.”

The guests are antsy to get to the beach and keep asking when they can go. Iain tells them five minutes, so they happily get into the small boat. When Iain radios the captain that all the guests are en route to the beach, Joe and Gael panic. They are nowhere near ready.

“Not a ‘Guests are departing soon,’ or ‘Is the beach set up?’” Gael interviews. “It’s “Guests are on their way.’ Huh?!” Not cool, Iain.

When Aesha arrives, Gael explains that things are “really not set up at all.”

“Why have you guys not set up any games or anything?” Aesha asks. Joe says they just haven’t had time. Also Iain refused to plan anything.

Privately, Joe tells Gael, “Iain f*cked up here, yeah?”

“Absolutely,” she responds.

Meanwhile, the guests are enjoying their picnic lunch. They’re saying things like “incredible,” “amazing,” and “Mmmm!” Aesha’s happy to hear it.

Joe’s in an “awkward situation.” He respects Iain as his boss, but he’s upset at the way the whole beach setup was mishandled. The guests should never have arrived before everything was set up. It’s just unprofessional. He wants to say something, but doesn’t want to “step on his [boss’s] toes.”

Gael’s upset also. “He didn’t even acknowledge that the three of us just whipped it out of our asses and made it work anyway,” she says.

Another disappointing meal

Even though he got raves at lunch, dinner is another story for Jono. He serves seafood gazpacho, which gets a lukewarm review from Gigi. When she asks him what that [unpleasant] spice is that she tastes, he tells her he’s never made gazpacho before and he had to Google “somebody’s grandma’s recipe.” Sandy interviews, “This is a superyacht. The food shouldn’t just be okay. It should be excellent. Jono is [zero] for two now.” Also, you don’t admit you had to Google a recipe when you’re cooking on a super yacht. It’s tacky.

As Aesha watches Jono plate overcooked lava cake with a scoop of melty ice cream, she silently laments, “What is this?!” The guests are only mildly enthusiastic when dessert is placed before them. I couldn’t tell if they were moaning with pleasure or disgust.

“It’s only Charter 2,” the chief stew interviews, “[But] I’ve felt myself question too many of the chef’s dishes … I think I need to maybe start saying something to him.”

In the meantime, the guests (and Captain Sandy) aren’t loving their desserts either. When Sandy asks everyone how their meal was, the best they can do is to say it was “interesting.” That’s what you say when it was horrible, but you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.

“The entire meal was subpar,” Sandy says in a confessional. “I’m gonna get through this charter, and when the guests get off, I’m gonna have a very real conversation with Johnathan … But I am definitely looking for a backup.”

Departure day

Everyone meets on the dock to say goodbye. “We had an amazing time,” Gigi says. “The day at the beach was outstanding … The food was [just] okay.” Sandy gives Jono a meaningful look.

“It was hit or miss,” Gigi continues. “So this [tip] represents a little bit of that.”

“I feel like Gigi’s comment about the food was definitely fair,” Aesha interviews. “I just hope that Jono really takes it on board, ’cause I don’t want to be embarrassed about any plate that I put down next charter.”

Sandy congratulates the deck team on how the picnic went (she doesn’t know the half of it). She tells Jono they’ll discuss the food later on the bridge. Sandy calls Aesha’s Greek party “epic” and says the guests loved it.

Finally, the tip is $25,000, $2000 per person! It’s only because Sandy is Gigi’s friend.

Later, Sandy calls Jono to the bridge. She’s not happy that he served chicken on Chef’s Choice night. Chicken is pretty pedestrian for a superyacht, and his plating is lackluster.

“Other than that,” she added, ending on a positive note, “you don’t lose your mind in the galley.” Fans of the show remember how many divas we’ve seen meltdown in the galley. Jono again mentions that he’s a “self-trained” chef and sees criticism as a growth opportunity.

“I know we’re only in Charter 2,” Sandy interviews. “The food has to be perfect from Charter 1. But in the past, I’ve given second chances … The one thing I’m not gonna wait on is finding another chef, just in case he doesn’t come through.”

As soon as he leaves, we see Sandy texting Yacht Crew Placement: “Hi, Norma. Do you have any chefs available? I need someone on standby.”

Joe keeps his options open on Below Deck Mediterranean

Deckhand Joe is simultaneously flirting with both Elena and Bri. Elena says, “I would not kick Joe out of bed.” Not only are they co-workers, but they’re cabin mates, so Joe should tread lightly.

Serving dinner, Joe and Elena obviously flirt with each other, making Bri uncomfortable. “Do [they] really have to do this in front of me?” she interviews.

In the laundry room, they joke about Joe, saying, “I thought you liked him!”

“Look,” Elena says, “no matter what happens, I’m not planning to be fighting with anybody over boys because I don’t see a future with any of them … we’re here for fun.”

But later that night, it’s Bri’s turn to flirt with Joe, rubbing Ellie the wrong way. “She knows I’m attracted to him,” she says. “Working on a boat, you never want to go for the guy your supervisor is interested in.” Supervisor?! Who promoted her to supervisor?

As things heat up on the dance floor, Ellie decides, “I’m going for Joe … We’re getting it on. Not tonight, but pretty soon.”

In the ladies’ room, Gael thinks Bri is about to explode, and says, “Talk to me.”

Bri admits that she talked to Ellie earlier today and admitted that she likes Joe. They know they’re both going for the same guy.

“We’re all stuck on a boat,” Gael says. “It’s six weeks. Sometimes you need a f*ck.”

“We’ll see what happens,” Bri says. But later, Joe jokingly asks if Bri would “suck Nathan’s d*ck.” She thinks a minute before answering, “I’d take yours.”

He’s speechless.

Below Deck Mediterranean  airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.


The post Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 Recap: Bad Food Sinks Charter #2 appeared first on Reality Tea .

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Below Deck Med Season 9, Episode 4 recap.

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 Recap: Bad Food Sinks Charter #2

Welcome to the  Below Deck Mediterranean  Season 9, Episode 4 recap! In this week’s episode, called “Greeking Havoc,” self-taught Chef Jono’s job could be on the line when his continued poor performance in the galley affects the crew’s charter tip. The deck crew questions the Bosun’s leadership skills, and Joe plays with fire by flirting with co-workers and roommates Bri and Elena simultaneously. Will he get burned? Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4.

The Beach Olympics

Deckhands unite on Below Deck Med Season 9, Episode 4.

Last week, Sandy’s friend and charter guest, Gigi Fernandez, complained to the captain about Jono’s subpar food. This week’s episode opens with Sandy calling Chef Jono to the bridge. She questions him about the over-spiced food and the eggs served cold.

He gave the excuse that breakfast was scheduled for 8:30, but the guests slept late. Sandy reminds him that eggs are always made “to order,” so he should never prepare them ahead of time. She sees his excuses as a “huge red flag.”

“At the same time, he did well last charter, [and] we’re mid-charter now,” the captain adds. “I have to give the chef the opportunity to show me he can do this. Finish this one strong, and then I’ll assess the next charter.”

The guests have asked for a picnic on the beach. The plan is to have lunch, and then play some Beach Olympic games. Iain thinks he doesn’t have to plan anything, since Sandy told him that Gigi would let him know what she wants.

Aesha suggests that he come up with a couple of ideas, just so it’s ready, but he insists Gigi will tell him. “Yes, Sandy said Gigi will know what she wants,” the chief stew says in a confessional. “But that doesn’t mean that she’s supposed to set it up for you and plan everything. I think he just heard Sandy say that and thought, ‘Sweet! Free pass!’”

Even Gael suggests they look up what the Greek Olympics would have looked like, but Iain is adamant, “[Gig] will tell us.” You’d think he’d need to know what equipment to bring to the beach.

“Okay,” Gael says, giving in. “I just didn’t want to be underprepared.”

An awkward situation on Below Deck Mediterranean

A view of the jet skis on Below Deck Mediterranean.

Iain drops Joe and Gael at the beach, leaving them to lug all the tables and chairs to the picnic site and set everything up, while he motors back to the boat. That’s not what Sandy told him to do. She said to make sure everything was ready before returning for the guests.

“There’s no leadership at all,” Joe interviews. “Iain could have helped.”

The guests are antsy to get to the beach and keep asking when they can go. Iain tells them five minutes, so they happily get into the small boat. When Iain radios the captain that all the guests are en route to the beach, Joe and Gael panic. They are nowhere near ready.

“Not a ‘Guests are departing soon,’ or ‘Is the beach set up?’” Gael interviews. “It’s “Guests are on their way.’ Huh?!” Not cool, Iain.

When Aesha arrives, Gael explains that things are “really not set up at all.”

“Why have you guys not set up any games or anything?” Aesha asks. Joe says they just haven’t had time. Also Iain refused to plan anything.

Privately, Joe tells Gael, “Iain f*cked up here, yeah?”

“Absolutely,” she responds.

Meanwhile, the guests are enjoying their picnic lunch. They’re saying things like “incredible,” “amazing,” and “Mmmm!” Aesha’s happy to hear it.

Joe’s in an “awkward situation.” He respects Iain as his boss, but he’s upset at the way the whole beach setup was mishandled. The guests should never have arrived before everything was set up. It’s just unprofessional. He wants to say something, but doesn’t want to “step on his [boss’s] toes.”

Gael’s upset also. “He didn’t even acknowledge that the three of us just whipped it out of our asses and made it work anyway,” she says.

Another disappointing meal

Chef Jono receives another lukewarm review on Below Deck Med Season 9.

Even though he got raves at lunch, dinner is another story for Jono. He serves seafood gazpacho, which gets a lukewarm review from Gigi. When she asks him what that [unpleasant] spice is that she tastes, he tells her he’s never made gazpacho before and he had to Google “somebody’s grandma’s recipe.” Sandy interviews, “This is a superyacht. The food shouldn’t just be okay. It should be excellent. Jono is [zero] for two now.” Also, you don’t admit you had to Google a recipe when you’re cooking on a super yacht. It’s tacky.

As Aesha watches Jono plate overcooked lava cake with a scoop of melty ice cream, she silently laments, “What is this?!” The guests are only mildly enthusiastic when dessert is placed before them. I couldn’t tell if they were moaning with pleasure or disgust.

“It’s only Charter 2,” the chief stew interviews, “[But] I’ve felt myself question too many of the chef’s dishes … I think I need to maybe start saying something to him.”

In the meantime, the guests (and Captain Sandy) aren’t loving their desserts either. When Sandy asks everyone how their meal was, the best they can do is to say it was “interesting.” That’s what you say when it was horrible, but you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.

“The entire meal was subpar,” Sandy says in a confessional. “I’m gonna get through this charter, and when the guests get off, I’m gonna have a very real conversation with Johnathan … But I am definitely looking for a backup.”

Departure day

Chief Stew Aesha Scott having a blast whilst preparing drinks on Below Deck Med.

Everyone meets on the dock to say goodbye. “We had an amazing time,” Gigi says. “The day at the beach was outstanding … The food was [just] okay.” Sandy gives Jono a meaningful look.

“It was hit or miss,” Gigi continues. “So this [tip] represents a little bit of that.”

“I feel like Gigi’s comment about the food was definitely fair,” Aesha interviews. “I just hope that Jono really takes it on board, ’cause I don’t want to be embarrassed about any plate that I put down next charter.”

Sandy congratulates the deck team on how the picnic went (she doesn’t know the half of it). She tells Jono they’ll discuss the food later on the bridge. Sandy calls Aesha’s Greek party “epic” and says the guests loved it.

Finally, the tip is $25,000, $2000 per person! It’s only because Sandy is Gigi’s friend.

Later, Sandy calls Jono to the bridge. She’s not happy that he served chicken on Chef’s Choice night. Chicken is pretty pedestrian for a superyacht, and his plating is lackluster.

“Other than that,” she added, ending on a positive note, “you don’t lose your mind in the galley.” Fans of the show remember how many divas we’ve seen meltdown in the galley. Jono again mentions that he’s a “self-trained” chef and sees criticism as a growth opportunity.

“I know we’re only in Charter 2,” Sandy interviews. “The food has to be perfect from Charter 1. But in the past, I’ve given second chances … The one thing I’m not gonna wait on is finding another chef, just in case he doesn’t come through.”

As soon as he leaves, we see Sandy texting Yacht Crew Placement: “Hi, Norma. Do you have any chefs available? I need someone on standby.”

Joe keeps his options open on Below Deck Mediterranean

Below Deck Med's Joe Bradley causing a heat wave in the interior.

Deckhand Joe is simultaneously flirting with both Elena and Bri. Elena says, “I would not kick Joe out of bed.” Not only are they co-workers, but they’re cabin mates, so Joe should tread lightly.

Serving dinner, Joe and Elena obviously flirt with each other, making Bri uncomfortable. “Do [they] really have to do this in front of me?” she interviews.

In the laundry room, they joke about Joe, saying, “I thought you liked him!”

“Look,” Elena says, “no matter what happens, I’m not planning to be fighting with anybody over boys because I don’t see a future with any of them … we’re here for fun.”

But later that night, it’s Bri’s turn to flirt with Joe, rubbing Ellie the wrong way. “She knows I’m attracted to him,” she says. “Working on a boat, you never want to go for the guy your supervisor is interested in.” Supervisor?! Who promoted her to supervisor?

As things heat up on the dance floor, Ellie decides, “I’m going for Joe … We’re getting it on. Not tonight, but pretty soon.”

In the ladies’ room, Gael thinks Bri is about to explode, and says, “Talk to me.”

Bri admits that she talked to Ellie earlier today and admitted that she likes Joe. They know they’re both going for the same guy.

“We’re all stuck on a boat,” Gael says. “It’s six weeks. Sometimes you need a f*ck.”

“We’ll see what happens,” Bri says. But later, Joe jokingly asks if Bri would “suck Nathan’s d*ck.” She thinks a minute before answering, “I’d take yours.”

He’s speechless. And so are we. Until next time…

Below Deck Mediterranean  airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.



Just a California girl with an English Lit degree who watches way too much reality television and likes to talk about it. Favorite shows: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Salt Lake City; Vanderpump Rules; all Below Decks; Summer House; Bachelor in Paradise. Reality Tea News/Recap Writer since 2022.

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John Fuda, who says his RHONJ drama has people looking at him "weird"


  1. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Recap: Season 4, Episode 16

    A recap of "All Good Things Come to an End," episode 16 and a finale of season four of 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' on Bravo, streaming on Peacock. The finale delivers on multiple fronts ...

  2. Below Deck Sailing Yacht

    Episode 5 Hate Me Tender. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Kiss and Tell Gary's shenanigans are starting to get old. Episode 4 Lazy Daisy. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: New Boatmance Just ...

  3. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 4, Episode 1 Recap

    Sailing Yacht and our favorite group of wild yachties are back! A recap of "ParsiFAIL," episode one of season four of Bravo's 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht.'

  4. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Finale Recap

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Finale Recap: You Grow Through What You Go Through. July 11, 2023. By Debbie. (Photo by: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo) When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht (which ...

  5. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4, Episode 16 Recap

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4, Episode 16 Recap: It Could Be Worse (It Could Be Raining) July 11, 2023. By Debbie. Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo. It's finally the last charter of the ...

  6. Below Deck: Sailing Yacht Season 4 Eps 16+17 Finale Recap

    Captain Rob Cesternino and chief engineer Sasha Joseph are keeping us afloat and bringing BIG DECK ENERGY, watching Bravo's hit spinoff series Below Deck: Sa...

  7. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4, Episode 14 Recap

    BELOW DECK SAILING YACHT — Season:4 — Pictured: Chase Lemacks — (Photo by: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo) At dinner, Daisy, Bonnie, Gary and Chef Ileisha Dell went out for a smoke break.

  8. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: Don't Cry Over

    BELOW DECK SAILING YACHT — Pictured: (l-r) Daisy Kelliher, Gary King, Ileisha Dell, Chase Lemacks, Colin Macrae, Alex Propson — (Photo by: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo) I'm going to miss these guests.

  9. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: Vive La France!

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: Vive La France! When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht, the Parsifal III was dragging anchor and threatening to collide with another nearby ...

  10. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Recap, Season 4, Episode 11

    A recap of "Loose Lips Sink Friendships," episode 10 of season 4 of Bravo's 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht.' Even Colin's sister is grossed out by Gary's behavior. Intelligencer

  11. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Finale Recap: You Grow ...

    The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Finale Recap: You Grow Through What You Go Through appeared first on Reality Tea. The charter season comes to a close.

  12. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 12 Recap

    June 20, 2023. By Debbie. When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher had just revealed to Engineer Colin MacRae that she and First Mate Gary King had slept together ...

  13. Tom Pearson Let Go After Boat Runs Aground: Below Deck Sailing Yacht

    To put things into perspective for Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans, Colin said that the anchor dragging incident was "100 times worse" than last season's boat crash. "Hitting the dock, you're not ...

  14. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 4, Episode 3 Recap

    A recap of "The King Is Back," episode three of season four of Bravo's 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht.' Gary is back and already stirring up some chaos. Intelligencer

  15. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 4 Reunion: Biggest Revelations

    July 19, 2023. 6. Fred Jagueneau/Bravo. Drama from season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht did not remain on board — and the cast had plenty of issues to address during the reunion. The Bravo ...

  16. I Don't Think Below Deck Sailing Yacht Is Returning (Or At Least ...

    While Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 featured an interesting iteration of Parsifal III's crew, the season also faced some of the most intense drama the show has ever seen.Between the love ...

  17. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 13 Recap

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: Vive La France! Audio By Carbonatix. June 20, 2023. By Debbie. When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht, the Parsifal III was dragging anchor ...

  18. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 10 Recap: Secrets ...

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 10 Recap: Secrets Revealed. Last week on Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Chief Engineer Colin MacRae was trying to clear the blocked plumbing in the crew ...

  19. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Recap: Season 4, Episode 14

    Daisy's sister, Bonnie, was born for reality TV. A recap of "Hurricane Bonnie," episode 14 of season four of 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' on Bravo, streaming on Peacock.

  20. Below Deck Med Recap: Captain Sandy Looks for New Chef After Issues

    Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 airs on Bravo Mondays at 9 p.m. ET. New episodes stream the next day on Peacock. New episodes stream the next day on Peacock. In this article

  21. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: Small 'D ...

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: Small 'D' Energy. Debbie. June 20, 2023 · 18 min read. 1. BELOW DECK SAILING YACHT -- Pictured: Parsifal III -- (Photo by: Fred Jagueneau ...

  22. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Recap, Season 4, Episode 10

    The Daisy-Gary-Colin love triangle just started, and it's already so difficult to watch. A recap of "Loose Lips Sink Friendships," episode 10 of season 4 of Bravo's 'Below Deck Sailing ...

  23. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 10 Recap

    June 13, 2023. By Debbie. Last week on Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Chief Engineer Colin MacRae was trying to clear the blocked plumbing in the crew quarters. Apparently, the blockage originated in ...

  24. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 2 Recap: Colin ...

    The full truth finally comes out! The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 2 Recap: Colin and Daisy Tell All appeared first on Reality Tea.

  25. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary ...

    Gary accuses Colin of being all about the drama. The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion, Part 1 Recap: Gary and Colin Go Head-To-Head appeared first on Reality Tea.

  26. Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 Recap: Bad Food ...

    Welcome to the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 recap! In this week's episode, called "Greeking Havoc," self-taught Chef Jono's job could be on the line when his continued poor ...

  27. Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 Recap

    Welcome to the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 4 recap! In this week's episode, called "Greeking Havoc," self-taught Chef Jono's job could be on the line when his continued poor ...