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Für 600 Millionen Euro: Bill Gates kauft erste Yacht mit Wasserstoff-Antrieb

aqua bill gates

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Obwohl der Microsoft-Gründer zu den reichsten Menschen der Welt gehört, besaß Bill Gates bislang keine eigene Yacht. Das soll sich bald ändern, denn der 64-Jährige investiert nun angeblich in eine Mega-Yacht. Sie soll die erste Yacht sein, die mit Wasserstoff angetrieben wird. Update: Der Yacht Hersteller dementiert Verkauf an Bill Gates *

Wie “ The Guardian ” am Wochenende berichtet, soll Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates die erste Luxus-Yacht mit Wasserstoff-Antrieb gekauft haben. Die 112-Meter-Yacht verfügt über fünf Decks mit unter anderem einem Wellness- und Fitnessbereich, einem Beautysalon sowie über einen Hubschrauber-Landeplatz. Die Luxus-Ausstattung der Yacht namens “Aqua” ist allerdings nichts Außergewöhnliches. 

Besonders ist hingegen der Antrieb: Der Luxus-Liner des Herstellers "Sinot" soll die erste ihrer Art mit Wasserstoff-Antrieb sein. Der Treibstoff soll in zwei Tanks gelagert werden und in Kombination mit Brennstoffzellen Strom erzeugen. Auf rund 17 Knoten, also einer Geschwindigkeit von etwa 30 km/h schafft es die Luxus-Yacht, die wohl nicht vor 2024 fertiggestellt sein wird. 

aqua gates 2

Auf der Hersteller-Seite finden sich zahlreiche Hochglanz-Fotos des Luxus-Liners, die umgerechnet rund 600 Millionen Euro kosten soll. Insgesamt 31 Besatzungsmitglieder und 14 Passagiere haben demnach Platz auf dem Wasserstoff-Dampfer. Bill Gates macht kein Geheimnis aus seiner Liebe für Luxus-Yachten, hat bislang aber keine eigene besessen. 

Da der 64-Jährige sich öffentlich für Klimaschutz engagiert, überrascht das aber auch nicht. Wasserstoff bietet eine potenziell CO2-neutrale Mobilität, die Gates sich nun in Form einer eigenen Yacht einiges kosten lässt. Gates Vermögen wird auf 120 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt. Damit gilt er aktuell hinter Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos als der zweitreichste Mensch der Welt. 

* Nachdem der "Guardian" als erstes über den Verkauf der Yacht "Aqua" an Bill Gates berichtet hatte, dementiert Hersteller Sinot die Medienberichte auf seiner Webseite . Demnach sei die "Aqua ein Konzept in der Entwicklung und wurde nicht an Mr. Gates verkauft". Indes hat "The Guardian" eine Überarbeitung des ursprünglichen Artikels angekündigt. Woher die Nachrichtenseite die Informationen zum Kauf durch Bill Gates hatte, ist noch nicht klar.  

Bildschirmfoto 2020 02 11 um 13.38.28

Quelle: The Guardian

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Und selbst wenn es wahr gewesen wäre... Was würde uns das als normalen Menschen angehen? Würde es irgendwas an unserer Situation bzw. unserem Leben ändern? Ich denke nicht! Wenn er die Yacht gekauft hätte, wär es immer noch ein Kauf zwischen dem Händler/Hersteller und Bill Gates allein - nicht mehr und nicht weniger! Ich versteh einfach nicht, warum man da immer so einen Hype aus allem Möglichen Schrott machen muss, sobald irgendein Politiker oder sonst irgendein Promi dahinter steht... Das sind verdammt noch mal auch nur Menschen, die auch noch eine Privatsphäre haben - und diese verdammt noch mal eigentlich auch verdient haben!

Klaus E.

Wenn die ganze Geschichte doch nicht stimmt, dann könnte man den Artikel einfach wieder entfernen.

Wer hat, der kann.

Paul ist hald nicht mehr da. ich mags ihm gönnen. früher hatte er Zugriff auf alle Yachten von Paul Allen, da dieser Tod ist verstehe ich ihn das er jetzt eine eigene baut

Mr. Android

Na also, kein Grund mehr für den weiteren Hate!!! Bill finanziert auch die Forschung für Thorium-Reaktoren die den alten Atommüll verwenden und dabei Energie liefern für unsere E-Mobilität/Wasserstoffherstellung🔋 Schaut euch bei Interesse mal "Innovating to Zero: Bill Gates" an 🌐🌱

"Da der 64-Jährige sich öffentlich für Klimaschutz engagiert, überrascht das aber auch nicht. Wasserstoff bietet eine potenziell CO2-neutrale Mobilität....." Ähh, nicht ganz richtig! Wasserstoff kommt nicht mit dem Wind und wächst auch nicht auf Bäumen. Er muß Energieaufwendig hergestellt werden. Der Wirkungsgrad der Elektrolyse liegt derzeit nur bei 0,65. (Wirkungsgrad: Einheitslos, der Wert liegt zwischen 0 und 1) siehe auch hier: mehr-freiheit.blogspot.com/2010/08/wasserstoff-ist-kein-ersatz-fur-erdol.html?m=1

"......nicht an Mr. Gates verkauft". Erst mal soll er Windows Mobile ordentlich hinkriegen. Sonst gibt's keine Yacht!☝️

Schöner Traum, die Bilder machen was her, sind natürlich (noch) nicht real. Zeitungsente oder real? Wayne!

Conjo Man

Nimm doch lieber die 600 Mio und hilf in Afrika Brunnen zu bauen und die Böden dort fruchtbar zu machen...wenn ich sowas lese ist das zwar legitim sich solchen Luxus zu gönnen, aber Klima und Menschheit käme das weitaus besser. Finde ich. Zum Thema Schifffahrt: Die Welt Reedereien sollten mal langsam aber sicher weg von Schweröl/Diesel kommen und stattdessen LPG/Wasserstoff Antriebe pushen.

"Nimm doch lieber die 600 Mio und hilf in Afrika...." Du meinst, so wie du in den nächsten drei Jahren auf Urlaubsreisen verzichtest und das Geld für Hilfsprojekte spendest?

Hi Tenten. Jeder kann das zu tun, was in seinen Möglichkeiten liegt. Benutze zum Einkaufen Baumwolltaschen, fahre mit dem Rad zur Arbeit und spende regelmäßig für notleidende Kinder in Afrika über die UNICEF

Fehlt da ein ich in deinem Satz oder hast du noch mehr Anweisungen?

@Conjo Man Ähm, ja und? Jeder tut irgendwas Gutes oder Sinnvolles. Ich bin sicher, Baumwolltaschen zum Einkaufen zu verwenden ist noch lange nicht das Ende deiner Möglichkeiten. Zumal wenn du von anderen wesentlich mehr verlangst.

Gates hat, zusammen mit Warren Buffet, 50 % seines Vermögens für karitative Zwecke gespendet bzw. gestiftet. Er finanziert genau die Projekte, die du meinst, bereits seit vielen Jahren. Das mit der Yacht ist übrigens eine Falschmeldung.

Ich denke, er spendet genug. Außerdem ist das angeblich ein Hoax.

Warum nur die 600 Mio? Er hat doch laut Artikel noch ein Restguthaben von 119,4 Mia. Rechne das mal in Baumwolltaschen!!

Fake News ! Und alle fallen sie drauf rein, APIT vorne weg ! www.spiegel.de/auto/sinot-dementiert-bill-gates-kauft-doch-keine-wasserstoffjacht-a-e5b6d8c2-5fdf-4547-acd7-554d1c3819fb


Heise hat das auch gemeldet ;)

Und eben der Spiegel.

perfekt, viel besser unsinnige Geldmengen auf der Bank zu bunkern. Der Bau und Betrieb von solchen Jachten schafft zudem vielen einen Arbeitsplatz. Wo er die benötigten Mengen Wasserstoff herbekommt wird er wohl geklärt haben. Im Gegensatz zu einigen Neureichen wird er wohl auf die Frage des Tankswarts: Volltanken ? Nicht mit: nein heute nur 100.000€ , Antworten müssen...

VG Wort Zählerpixel

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In photos: Bill Gates-owned world’s first hydrogen megayacht unveiled

Online reports state the megayacht has been built for bill gates, the co-founder of microsoft..

Aman Tripathi

Aman Tripathi

hat bill gates eine yacht

Project 821: The world's first hydrogen-powered megayacht, a pioneer in clean yachting

Famous shipyard Feadship has stirred the yacht industry with its latest launch—Project 821, the world’s first megayacht powered by hydrogen.

According to Feadship, Project 821 is the only vessel in the world currently using a hydrogen fuel cell system for extended operation. Besides, it is also the biggest yacht ever from the shipyard of Feadship.

However, Project 821 has shot to sudden fame largely due to online reports linking this megayacht to Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft .

Earlier, a few reports were doing rounds claiming that Gates was looking to buy a new megayacht. Turns out, the reports are true.

Notably, the reported asking price of Project 821 is around $643.5 million.

Project 821 features a Nemo lounge, offering spectacular underwater views.

Project 821 features a Nemo lounge, offering spectacular underwater views.

Project 821 was launched at Feadship's Amsterdam facility.

Project 821 was launched at Feadship's Amsterdam facility.

A dedicated hydrogen storage room allows Project 821 to cruise emissions-free.

A dedicated hydrogen storage room allows Project 821 to cruise emissions-free.

Project 821 features expansive shell doors and slide-out balconies for seamless indoor-outdoor living.

Project 821 features expansive shell doors and slide-out balconies for seamless indoor-outdoor living.

Design details like door trims and railings create a sense of continuity throughout Project 821's decks.

Design details like door trims and railings create a sense of continuity throughout Project 821's decks.

Project 821 is currently listed for sale with Edmiston.

Project 821 is currently listed for sale with Edmiston.

Project 821 includes a private cinema for onboard entertainment.

Project 821 includes a private cinema for onboard entertainment.

Project 821 has a fully-equipped gym and a spacious wellness area.

Project 821 has a fully-equipped gym and a spacious wellness area.

Project 821 is equipped with a variety of tenders.

Project 821 is equipped with a variety of tenders.

Design details like door trims and railings create a sense of continuity.

Design details like door trims and railings create a sense of continuity.

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Luxurylaunches -

5 years in the making, eco-warrior Bill Gates’ hydrogen fuel-cell-powered megayacht is finally ready. A first of its kind in the world, the 373 feet long vessel has stealth balconies that pop out with the press of a button, multiple libraries, fireplaces, a private elevator, and a hospital

hat bill gates eine yacht

hat bill gates eine yacht

Bill Gates’ megayacht is equal parts clean and smart –

The stunning five-decker is a win-win vessel for an eco-conscious billionaire . From being innately clean, it even flaunts an efficient waste heat recovery system. It heats everything from the pool, Jacuzzi, and steam room to the ambient air temperature and towel bars and floors in the guest bathrooms. A Smart AC system includes sensors that automatically reduce air conditioning or heating in unoccupied guest spaces. Talk about a smart superyacht, and it could have only come from the genius of a tech tycoon! Back in 2020, rumor mills went abuzz with reports that Bill Gates pledged well over $600 million to build a 376-foot-long, hydrogen-powered superyacht concept. Guess there is no smoke without fire, and the result is now out of dry dock for all to see.

hat bill gates eine yacht

[All images of the Feadship Project 821 provided by Feadship]

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World's first hydrogen superyacht linked to Bill Gates for $600M

Posted: May 8, 2024 | Last updated: May 8, 2024

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Billionaire Bill Gates buys hydrogen-fuelled superyacht for $500 million

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Tie Accessories Accessory Suit Coat Overcoat Jacket Blazer and Bill Gates

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is currently celebrating the engagement of his daughter, Jennifer, to Egyptian showjumper Nayel Nassar, but he's also got another reason to be happy - a brand new superyacht.

The 112-metre luxury vessel is the world's first hydrogen-powered super yacht, and will feature all the usual billionaire mod-cons, including an infinity pool, helipad, spa and gym. There are five decks, with accommodation for 14 guests and 31 crew members - more than two per person.

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As well as being powered by liquid hydrogen, another eco-feature are the fire pits, which are actually gel-fuelled fire bowls, designed to keep guests warm outdoors without burning wood or coal.

Costing in the region of $500 million, the Aqua ship was first publicised at the Monaco Yacht Show in 2019 by Dutch design firm Sinot. Speaking then, the company's eponymous designer said, 'For the development of Aqua we took inspiration from the lifestyle of a discerning, forward-looking owner, the fluid versatility of water and cutting-edge technology, to combine this in a superyacht with truly innovative features.'

He went on to explain how the hydrogen fuel works, saying: 'AQUA is fuelled by hydrogen, a unique concept which represents a significant progression towards achieving a new balance between nature and technology. The system is based on the use of liquified hydrogen, stored at -253°C in two 28-ton vacuum isolated tanks. The liquified hydrogen is converted into electrical energy by proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, with water being the only by-product.'

The Daily Telegraph reports that the ship will be in service from 2024, and will reach speeds of 17 knots. It will be able to travel for 3,750 miles before refuelling but will also have a diesel back-up due to the lack of hydrogen refuelling stations available.

This will be the world's second richest man's first yacht. He has previously rented them for holidays, most recently including the $330m yacht Serene, which he borrowed from Stolichnaya vodka magnate, Yuri Scheffler, to sail around the coast of Sardinia.

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Bill Gates Yacht: Everything You Want To Know

Ian Fortey

In 2020 the yachting world was abuzz with news that Bill Gates had bought as stunning and advanced yacht known as Project Aqua. The massive, 370-foot concept yacht was revealed in 2019 at the Monaco Yacht Show and news soon followed that billionaire Bill Gates, once the richest man in the world and the founder of Microsoft, had commissioned the construction of his own hydrogen-powered Aqua. But that never actually happened and, in fact, as near as anyone can tell for real, Bill Gates doesn’t own a yacht at all. 

So where did the story come from? What’s the deal with the Aqua? And hasn’t Bill Gates been pictured on a yacht before? Let’s get some answers.

How Much Did the Aqua Yacht Cost at the Monaco Yacht Show?

hat bill gates eine yacht

According to the stories online, Bill Gates paid $600 million for the hydrogen powered yacht. But that’s not true at all. According to the yacht makers, the Dutch company Sinot, the price tag is $645 million but no one bought it after it was revealed at the Monaco Yacht Show, and that includes Bill Gates. It’s expensive but definitely not the most expensive in the world.

How Fast is the Aqua Yacht?

hat bill gates eine yacht

Aqua is a unique yacht in the yachting world which is why it garnered so much attention in the first place. It’s the first mega yacht that runs on a fully operational liquid hydrogen and fuel cell system that features two hydrogen engines that can produce 1,341 horsepower. The top speed is 17 knots and  the Aqua has a cruising speed of 12 knots. The total range is 3,750 nautical miles. The liquid hydrogen is stored in two 28-ton vacuum sealed tanks where it can be held at -253 degrees C. The only exhaust is water.

What Does the Interior of  the Aqua Yacht Look Like?

hat bill gates eine yacht

The Aqua has 7 suites meant to house up to 14 guests at any given time. Two of those suites are larger VIP cabins. The ceilings throughout are 9 feet and stretch as high as 12.5 feet elsewhere thanks to the luxury Sinot yacht architecture. The vessel has room for a crew of 31 as well. The beach deck lounge aboard the boat alone looks like a luxury hotel space.

The Aqua features a bow observation room which is surrounded by windows to give a panoramic view of the ocean which has been described as the “ultimate superyacht owners lounge.” In addition, there’s a movie theater on the upper deck. It also includes a wellness center with a hydro massage room. You can also do some yoga in a workout space. There’s a fully equipped gym, a beauty salon, and even a hairdresser.

hat bill gates eine yacht

Up on the main deck there’s a luxury swimming pool that even includes a waterfall. One of the yacht’s defining features is the spiral staircase that covers all five decks and is covered by a skylight. On the way up it also offers a view of the interior of the hydrogen fuel tanks so you can see just what 56 tons of ultra cold liquid hydrogen looks like as you move between decks. 

The tender garage has an array of toys such as jet skis while the main deck features a beach club with a dining area designed for all 14 guests and a lounge that converts into the cinema space.

What Yacht Has Bill Gates Actually Been On?

hat bill gates eine yacht

Bill Gates does seem to like yachts, just not enough to spend his money owning one, and that’s fair. Yachts cost millions to maintain every year. No one got rich spending millions to maintain a boat.

That said, Bill Gates has not only vacationed on yachts – he spent his 66th birthday on one – he also got married on a yacht.

In 2021, Gates made the news when he celebrated his 66th on board a luxury yacht called the Lana alongside Jeff Bezos. He spent $2 million to charter the yacht for a week and flew 50 guests out to celebrate with him. 

The Lana is a 351 foot yacht with room for 12 guests and a cruising speed of 12 knots with a max speed of 18 knots. The master suite is 1,184 square feet. The room features his and hers walk-in dressing rooms and a private terrace.

Elsewhere on board you’ll find a piano in the lounge area as well as a full gym for working out. There’s both a sauna and a well-appointed spa as well. On deck you can head to the beach club or take a dip in the pool. 

There are three tenders in the garage alongside a bunch of toys including various jetskis, a seabob, wakeboards, WindSurfers, fishing equipment, scuba diving equipment and more. 

Back in 2014, Gates rented an even more expensive yacht, the $5 million per week Serene, to go on a vacation with his family. The Serene, once owned by  Russian vodka magnate Yuri Shelfer before being purchased by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, clocked in at a massive 450 feet making it one of the world’s biggest and even had its own on board submarine

The Serene features 7 decks, a saltwater pool, a climbing wall, a surprisingly large library, health spa, outdoor cinema and a nightclub. This is all spread across 48,000 square feet.

It’s also been confirmed that Gates met his wife Melinda on a yacht owned by Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, all the way back in 1994. 

Why Do People Think Bill Gates Owns the Aqua?

hat bill gates eine yacht

It’s easy to see why people may have thought Gates owned the Aqua when you consider a handful of factors. First, as mentioned, we have lots of evidence that Bill Gates really does enjoy luxury yachts. The extremely high price tag was something that only a few people in the world are going to be able to afford and Gates, who doesn’t own a yacht, seems like a likely candidate for those reasons. 

In addition, Gates has spent several years now as a climate activist and has supported a number of green technologies. A yacht that runs on hydrogen seems like something he would support as well. So, with no real evidence, the circumstantial evidence was enough to easily convince people. Once it’s presented as fact on the internet, and it was in many articles and videos, few people had reason to question it. 

The Bottom Line

The mega yacht known as the Aqua has a price tag of $645 million and it runs on clan burning hydrogen fuel. The only byproduct of its operation is water, making it a very environmentally friendly yacht. It made waves, so to speak, when it debuted at the Monaco Yacht Show in 2019. Rumors soon began to spread that billionaire and known climate activist Bill Gates had ordered one for $600 million. However, despite many videos and articles that refer to him as the owner, the truth is no one bought the Aqua at the yacht show and, as of 2023, Bill Gates does not own a yacht at all. He is know to charter extremely luxurious yachts for vacations and parties, such as the Lana and the Serene, but he does not own any just now.

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My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure.

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The World's First Hydrogen-Powered Superyacht Has a $644 Million Price Tag

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Superyachts seemed to be among the last modes of (luxe) transportation to bend toward the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly engine designs. But if news from last week’s Monaco Yacht Show served as a bellwether, the industry meant to cater to the wealthiest among us made a progressive splash with the unveiling of Aqua, the world's first hydrogen-powered superyacht.

Designed by the Dutch firm Sinot Yacht & Architecture Design, Aqua is a nearly 400-foot-long vessel that's run entirely by a renewable energy source. "Water is the eternal fuel of life, the life-sustaining force that makes planet Earth habitable," says Sander Sinot, founder of the firm that bears his name. "Water is soft, yet at the same time it cuts through hard rocks." It was this appreciation of water that helped the firm find balance between the natural world and the technological. The propulsion system is made up of two 28-ton vacuumed tanks that each contain liquified hydrogen which are stored at -423 degrees Fahrenheit. Along with being eco-friendly, hydrogen-based energy means for a quieter experience aboard the ship in comparison to traditional engines. That said, there will be backup diesel generators handy should the captain ever need them.

swimming pool on yacht

The infinity pool aboard AQUA. 

There was much confusion on Monday if there was already a buyer who had paid the hefty $644 million price tag. Reports spread throughout the internet that billionaire Bill Gates had purchased the superyacht, rumors that proved to be false. Yet readers couldn't be blamed for believing such reports, as images show Aqua to include its own infinity pool, helipad, spa, and gym—amenities meant to attract billionaires such as Gates.

aerial view of yacht

An aerial view of the superyacht shows how close passengers can get to the water, as well as the cascading design of the infinity pool.

Sinot and his team designed the vessel to safely bring passengers as close to the water as possible. "Water is relaxation; it makes us calmer and more creative," Sinot comments. "We wanted to provide those on board with the closest possible proximity to the water. The aft deck features an innovative series of platforms cascading down towards the sea, while a large swim platform allows all passengers to enjoy the optimal experience of accessing the water at sea level."

bedroom of a yacht

One of the bedrooms inside of Aqua shows a minimalist aesthetic. 

Aqua can reach speeds of up to 19.5 mph and features enough room for 14 guests and 31 crew members. The firm plans to complete the vessel by 2024.

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Hersteller dementiert berichte über bill gates' wasserstoff-yacht.

Der Microsoft-Gründer will sich angeblich eine Yacht kaufen – es wäre die weltweit erste mit Wasserstoff-Antrieb. Der Entwickler des Yacht-Konzepts dementiert.

(Bild: Sinot)

  • Andreas Wilkens

Microsoft-Mitgründer und Ruheständler Bill Gates hat laut Medienberichten eine Superyacht bestellt, die mit Wasserstoff angetrieben wird. Das Schiff kostet umgerechnet knapp 600 Millionen Euro, berichtet der britische Guardian . Der Stapellauf der ersten mit Wasserstoff betriebenen Yacht der Welt soll in vier Jahren sein.

Update 10.2.20, 14.20: Der Designer der Yacht, das niederländische Unternehmen Sinot, dementiert die vom Guardian und von der britischen Zeitung Sunday Telegraph gemeldete Nachricht auf seiner Website . Das Wasserstoff-Konzept Aqua stehe in keinerlei Verbindung zu Bill Gates oder einem seiner Vertreter. Der Guardian und der Sunday Telegraph haben auf das Dementi offenbar noch nicht reagiert.

Die "Aqua" genannte, 112 Meter lange Luxusyacht wird mit flüssigem Wasserstoff betankt und soll eine Reichweite von 6000 km haben, heißt es in dem Bericht . Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt 17 Knoten (30 km/h). In ihrem Bauch beherbergt sie fünf Decks, unter anderem ein Fitness-Studio mit Wellness-Bereich inklusive Wassermassage und einen Beauty-Salon. An Deck findet sich ein Swimming-Pool und ein Hubschrauber-Landeplatz. Auf dem Schiff finden 31 Besatzungsmitglieder und 14 Passagiere Platz.

Brennstoffzellen erzeugen Strom

Die Yacht wurde vergangenes Jahr von der niederländischen Firma Sinot auf der Monaco Yacht Show vorgestellt. Der Wasserstoff wird in zwei Tanks mit einer Temperatur von -253 °C gelagert. Mit Hilfe von Brennstoffzellen wird daraus Strom erzeugt, mit dem wiederum die beiden 1MW-Motoren betrieben werden.

Brennstoffzellen-Yacht "Aqua" (46 Bilder)

hat bill gates eine yacht

Der 64-jährige Gates – mit knapp 120 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätztem Vermögen zweitreichster Mann der Erde – verbringt seine Urlaube laut Guardian gerne an Bord einer Yacht, hat bisher aber keine eigene besessen. Beispielsweise schipperte Gates an Bord der 330 Millionen Dollar teuren Yacht Serene als Gast des russischen Wodka-Magnaten Juri Shefler. ( anw )

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hat bill gates eine yacht

Yacht maker denies Bill Gates has purchased world's first hydrogen-powered superyacht

The billionaire had reportedly comissioned the 112-metre eco-friendly vessel with a beach deck, yoga room, cinema, observatory and infinity pool.

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10 February, 2020

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Bill Gates Enjoys Sardinia Charter on board Superyacht SERENE

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By Editorial Team   8 August 2014

The 133m/436ft superyacht SERENE has welcomed aboard the world’s wealthiest man, Bill Gates and his family for a charter vacation in the beautiful cruising grounds of Sardinia .

The Microsoft founder and philanthropist along with his wife and three children have been enjoying the Mediterranean summer in style this week during their annual vacation off the coast of Porto Cervo. As one of the largest superyachts in the world and equipped with every conceivable amenity in addition to an in impressive crew of 52, the 2011 Fincantieri-built motor yacht SERENE was the perfect choice for this ultra-luxurious vacation.

SERENE's sundeck lit up with coloured LED lights

According to reports in the Daily Mail, the on board helipad was put to good use with trips to the mainland for some tennis lessons followed by an afternoon out on the jet-skis to entertain the kids. If that wasn’t enough, there is also a submarine, snowroom, cinema, playroom, multiple pools, a climbing wall and a trans-deck waterslide on offer to keep them entertained for hours. 

In between running his Microsoft Empire and extensive charity commitments, luxury charter vacations have provided the perfect platform for him and his family to enjoy time together in comfort and privacy.

Magnificent formal dining room on board SERENE

The grown-ups aren’t left out of the fun however during a charter on the award-winning SERENE, with an exhaustive array of facilities. For total relaxation, the private beach club features a sauna and secluded sunbathing area, there is also a sundeck dance floor, two Jacuzzi’s and numerous al fresco dining areas to choose from. For entertaining meanwhile, SERENE provides luxurious interior living spaces to include a chic piano lounge with cocktail bar while outside a wet bar, barbeque, pizza oven and Teppanyaki grill ensure fantastic Mediterranean soirees. 

SERENE double cabin

She is one of a handful of yachts able to charter with more than 12 guests, boasting 12 stunning staterooms to accommodate up to 24 guests, comprising a master suite, VIP, seven doubles and three twin cabins. With design from Espen Oeino and interior styling by Reymond Langton, SERENE has been meticulously design to offer charter vacations of the highest calibre while ensuring stylish, comfortable and versatile living spaces. 

SERENE's side balconies

In an interview earlier this year, Mr Gates said he doesn't plan to stay at the office for days at a time as he did in his younger days when he had 'energy and naiveté' on his side. In between running his Microsoft Empire and extensive charity commitments, luxury charter vacations have provided the perfect platform for him and his family to enjoy time together in comfort and privacy.  Since its founding, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has raised and donated billions towards research and development to tackle problems throughout the world to help the world’s poorest people lift themselves out of hunger and poverty. 

Whether it’s a classic sailing yacht or magnificent luxury vessel such as SERENE, charter yacht vacations offer the world’s most high profile names the freedom to experience private time with loved ones away from the spotlight. Charter rates for SERENE start at €1,600,000 per week to €2,800,000 plus expenses, for further information contact your yacht charter broker . Alternatively take a look at the full selection of motor yachts available for charter . 

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134m Fincantieri 2011

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A Closer Look at Serene: The $330 Million Yacht Bill Gates Chartered

Serene Superyacht Rear Profile

While many people must scrimp and save to afford a family holiday, that is not the case for the rich and famous, who have the financial means to go wherever they want whenever they want. You will not find them in budget motels or trying out a destination’s free attractions. Instead, wealthy people can choose the most luxurious accommodation and unique experiences possible for their vacation. One such person who can afford these luxuries is Bill Gates who, with a personal net worth of $95.4 billion, is the second richest person in the world. He has even chartered a yacht worth $330 million to enjoy a vacation with his family.

According to Boat International , Gates chartered a yacht called ‘Serene’ for an estimated $5 million per week. He did this to enjoy a break away with his wife and three children. The family enjoyed a week together on the yacht just off the coast of Porto Cervo, Sardinia, in August 2014.

The 133-foot yacht is one of the largest in the world, and it is owned by Yuri Scheffler, the Stolichnaya vodka magnet. This yacht was delivered to him in 2011, and he has had it on the charter market ever since. Built by the Italian shipyard Fincantieri, it has a rather impressive crew of 53 to take care of the needs of those who charter the yacht. So, what is on the inside of this ship to make it such an amazing experience that is worthy of the high price tag?

The Yacht Charter Fleet has ways for its travelers to enjoy activities both off and onboard. The helipad is available so that guests can take trips to the mainland to enjoy a little sightseeing, a meal in a restaurant, or a local activity. There are also jet-skis available for some fun one the waves around the boat or to travel back to the mainland to enjoy some time away from the yacht. Furthermore, the yacht has its very own submarine. However, you might wonder why anyone would want to get away from the yacht when there is so much to enjoy onboard, including activities for children. Just some of the activities and amenities on board for entertainment include a climbing wall, a trans-deck waterslide, a snow room, a playroom, multiple pools, and a cinema. This means that there are plenty of things onboard to keep the children entertained.

This yacht is not all about the kids having fun, as there are plenty of things for the adults, too. In fact, Serene has a myriad of amenities spread over its six decks that make this a unique way to vacation. From the outside, one of the ship’s most impressive features is its supersized bathtub on the sun deck. The award-winning Serene has a private beach club that has a secluded sunbathing area and a sauna. There are also two Jacuzzis and a sundeck dance floor. Opposite the relaxing hot tun tucked underneath the ship’s observational deck is a fully stocked wet bar with extra sun loungers.

Two of the indoor living and entertaining spaces include a cocktail lounge and a piano bar, while outdoor there are various al fresco dining areas, such as a wet bar, a barbeque, a Teppanyaki grill, and a pizza oven. An unusual space in this yacht is the underwater observation lounge, which many people would find a relaxing area as they watch marine life existing in tranquility around them. Serene also has rather impressive accommodation and it can accommodate up to 24 guests. There are 12 luxurious staterooms, include a master suite, a VIP suite, seven double suites, and three twin cabins. The interior design is the work of Espen Oeino with styling by Reymond Langton. The duo has created living spaces that are stylish and opulent while also being comfortable and versatile.

One of the most impressive areas in terms of styling is the sky lounge. This room is decorated in shades of cream that is accented by darker colors and finished with wooden fixtures. It is equipped with sofas, chairs, and coffee tables for relaxing, and boasts some of the most impressive views from the ship which you can view from almost any vantage point. Another fantastic space is the main lounge, which is a more formal area for entertaining. The main color used is white, which gives the room a bright and airy feel, and some warmth is added with darker tones. Central to the room is a piano, which is surrounded by cocktail tables. An unusual feature of this room is its chandelier. The lounge is located directly above the main dining area, and the chandelier drops between the two rooms.

A double staircase leads down to the chic dining area below. It is set to accommodate a maximum of 24 guests and features two 12-seater tables. However, there is the possibility of entertaining even more people as the tables are extendable and there is plenty of space. This means you can host a banquet in this room. Floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the rooms give spectacular panoramic ocean views.

Bill Gates’ time on the yacht with his family is part of his plan to take a more relaxed approach to life and to spend some time away from the office. He has said that he doesn’t have the energy he had when he was younger and plans to balance running his Microsoft Empire and enjoying time with his family better now that he is older. This includes taking vacations away with his loved one. Serene and other chartered yachts are the perfect way for this billionaire businessman to relax and have some fun in comfort and privacy.

Since Gates’ vacation on the yacht, Scheffler has sold the superyacht to Mohammed bin Salman, the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia says Yacht Harbor . The Saudi Arabian royal paid a whopping $458 million for the yacht in July 2015. The yacht was once the ninth largest in the world, but it has now dropped into the 15th place because even more impressive superyachts have been built since.

Liz Flynn

Written by  Liz Flynn

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34 Jahre waren sie und Bill Gates (68) zusammen, 27 Jahre davon verheiratet. Das Power-Paar galt beruflich und privat als eingeschworenes Dreamteam - bis es im Mai 2021 überraschend seine Trennung bekannt gab. Jetzt sprach Melinda erstmals öffentlich über die Scheidung und offenbarte, dass es das Schlimmste war, was sie jemals erlebt hat.

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Sie ist fast 60 und Single - damit hätte Melinda French Gates niemals gerechnet. Das verrät sie nun im „On Purpose”-Podcast von Unternehmer Jay Shetty. „Ich dachte, ich würde ein Leben lang verheiratet sein und plötzlich siehst du, dass das, was du hattest, trotz sehr viel Arbeit nicht wirklich existiert”, erklärt die Amerikanerin. Sie habe einfach nicht mehr so weitermachen können. „Weil ich einfach nicht genug Vertrauen hatte.” Der Grund dafür: Eine längere Affäre, die Bill Gates vor 20 Jahren mit einer Mitarbeiterin hatte, von der Melinda Ende 2019 erfuhr. Danach begann die Ehe zu zerbrechen.

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Während ihr Ex-Mann mittlerweile wieder glücklich vergeben ist, hat Melinda aktuell keinen Partner an ihrer Seite. Für die dreifache Mutter sei die Scheidung „unglaublich herausfordernd” gewesen und sie habe in ihrem „ganzen Leben noch nie so viel geweint”, erzählt die 59-Jährige. Sie habe kein Problem damit gehabt, wenn sich andere Leute scheiden ließen, aber sie „dachte nicht, dass mir das passiert”. Doch die harte Zeit habe auch positive Seiten gehabt. Was Melinda durch die Scheidung gelernt hat, gibt es oben im Video. (tma)

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  1. Bill Gates Rented Yacht Serene: Inside the Italian-Built Yacht

    hat bill gates eine yacht

  2. 600 Millionen: Hat Bill Gates die erste Wasserstoff-Yacht gekauft?

    hat bill gates eine yacht

  3. Bill Gates $650 Million Dollar Hydrogen Powered Mega Yacht

    hat bill gates eine yacht

  4. INSIDE Bill Gates' Hydrogen-Powered Super Yacht

    hat bill gates eine yacht

  5. Bill Gates Yacht in Mugla » Expat Guide Turkey

    hat bill gates eine yacht

  6. Inside Bill Gates Yacht

    hat bill gates eine yacht


  1. So viel Geld hat Bill Gates #shorts

  2. The Bill Gates Hypercar

  3. Bill Gates Torte in das Gesicht

  4. NEIN zur WHO

  5. Secrets of BILL GATES' Lavish Life

  6. Warum hat Bill Gates mehr Follower als Microsoft? 🤔 (Personenmarke vs. Corporate)


  1. In photos: Bill Gates-owned world's first hydrogen megayacht unveiled

    Earlier, a few reports were doing rounds claiming that Gates was looking to buy a new megayacht. Turns out, the reports are true. Notably, the reported asking price of Project 821 is around $643.5 ...

  2. Für 600 Millionen Euro: Bill Gates kauft erste Yacht mit ...

    Obwohl der Microsoft-Gründer zu den reichsten Menschen der Welt gehört, besaß Bill Gates bislang keine eigene Yacht. Das soll sich bald ändern, denn der 64-Jährige investiert nun angeblich in eine Mega-Yacht. Sie soll die erste Yacht sein, die mit Wasserstoff angetrieben wird. Update: Der Yacht Hersteller dementiert Verkauf an Bill Gates *.

  3. Photos: Bill Gates-owned world's first hydrogen megayacht unveiled

    Online reports state the megayacht has been built for Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft. Famous shipyard Feadship has stirred the yacht industry with its latest launch—Project 821, the ...

  4. Bill Gates' Hydrogen-Powered Megayacht Gets Official Name and More

    Project 821 now goes officially by Breakthrough - and never before has a name been more fitting for a megayacht. With the official name also come a bit more details into the build. We already ...

  5. Is This 376-Foot-Long, Hydrogen-Powered Concept The Ultimate ...

    The 367-foot-long hydrogen-powered sustainable superyacht from Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design. With multiple media outlets reporting that Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates pledged well over $600 ...

  6. First look at Bill Gates' game-changing hydrogen superyacht

    May 9, 2024. The world's first hydrogen fuel-cell superyacht has been unveiled in Amsterdam. It has taken Feadship 5 years to deliver Project 821, reportedly commissioned by Bill Gates. Project 821 features 12 guest staterooms, two staff cabins, accommodation for 44 crew members, a hospital, library, elevator, cinema, pool with a moveable ...

  7. 5 years in the making, eco-warrior Bill Gates' hydrogen fuel-cell

    Centibillionaire Bill Gates and Feadship have made yachting enthusiasts around the world an excited lot by unveiling the spectacular 388-feet Project 821. When the gates to the drydock doors slid open on 4 May, the world's first hydrogen fuel-cell superyacht impressed every onlooker. Five years of toiling gave the world a superyacht, allegedly owned by the tech tycoon, that is as green as it ...

  8. Inside Bill Gates $645Million Hydrogen Powered Superyacht

    In this video, we take a look at billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates' $645 million hydrogen-powered yacht, the Alaska. This luxurious boat is a glimp...

  9. World's first hydrogen superyacht linked to Bill Gates for $600M

    And this month, news broke on financial news site Benzinga that Gates intended to sell his ownership of an unknown superyacht as well as his $25 million yacht, the Wayfinder: a 224-foot catamaran ...

  10. Bill Gates buys $500 million eco yacht

    Billionaire Bill Gates buys hydrogen-fuelled superyacht for $500 million. Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is currently celebrating the engagement of his daughter, Jennifer, to Egyptian showjumper Nayel Nassar, but he's also got another reason to be happy - a brand new superyacht. The 112-metre luxury vessel is the world's first hydrogen ...

  11. Built for Bill Gates: Feadship Project 821 Is World's First Hydrogen

    The Bill Gates connection All of the above explains the reported asking price of €600 million ($643.5 million). It also explains the rumor that first started making the rounds in 2019, that Bill ...

  12. World's first hydrogen-powered superyacht

    The yacht we see today, designed by RWD and built by Feadship is without doubt the best yacht ever built. I am proud to have been involved since the inception of this idea." It has been widely reported that the yacht was commissioned by Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who has since changed his mind about owning it — hence the for-sale sign.

  13. Lana: On board the 107m Benetti superyacht chartered by Bill Gates and

    Lana: On board the 107m Benetti for charter from €1.8m a week. 1 November 2021 • Written by Caroline White. At 107 metres, Lana is one of the biggest superyachts ever to be launched by Italian shipyard Benetti and is currently hitting the headlines as the charter yacht of choice of Bill Gates and party guest Jeff Bezos. Take a glimpse on ...

  14. Bill Gates Yacht: Everything You Want To Know

    In 2020 the yachting world was abuzz with news that Bill Gates had bought as stunning and advanced yacht known as Project Aqua. The massive, 370-foot concept yacht was revealed in 2019 at the Monaco Yacht Show and news soon followed that billionaire Bill Gates, once the richest man in the world and the founder of Microsoft, had commissioned the construction of his own hydrogen-powered Aqua.

  15. The World's First Hydrogen-Powered Superyacht Has a $644 Million Price

    Designed by the Dutch firm Sinot Yacht & Architecture Design, Aqua is a nearly 400-foot-long vessel that's run entirely by a renewable energy source. "Water is the eternal fuel of life, the life ...

  16. Hersteller dementiert Berichte über Bill Gates' Wasserstoff-Yacht

    Der Entwickler des Yacht-Konzepts dementiert. Microsoft-Mitgründer und Ruheständler Bill Gates hat laut Medienberichten eine Superyacht bestellt, die mit Wasserstoff angetrieben wird. Das Schiff ...

  17. INSIDE Bill Gates' Hydrogen-Powered Super Yacht

    In this video, we're going to talk about the only hydrogen-powered super yacht in the world, owned by Bill Gates. This yacht is truly a masterpiece, and it's...


    Motoryacht 821. Im Februar 2020 berichteten internationale Medien über Bill Gates Yacht: Er hätte kaufen sollen Projekt Aqua, eine 112 Meter lange wasserstoffbetriebene Yacht, entworfen von Sinot Yacht Design. Das sind „Fake News": Gates hat dieses Projekt nicht gekauft.

  19. Yacht maker denies Bill Gates has purchased world's first hydrogen

    Billionaire Bill Gates has not purchased the world's first liquid hydrogen-powered luxury superyacht, according to the Dutch company that created it. The Microsoft co-founder was reported to have commissioned the first Aqua vessel from Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design. The company has issued a statement rebuking these reports.

  20. Inside Bill Gates $644 Million Hydrogen Powered Superyacht

    Inside Bill Gates $644 Million Hydrogen Powered Superyacht. Ever since it came out that Bill Gates might have commissioned the world's first hydrogen powered...

  21. The $600 Million Question: Why Is Bill Gates Selling His Hydrogen

    Owning a $646 million megayacht, even if it's the world's most sustainable, still means at least 10% in annual costs, so some $64 million.Gates is a billionaire still, but he's also pledged his ...

  22. Bill Gates Enjoys Sardinia Charter on board Superyacht SERENE

    Share this on X. By Editorial Team 8 August 2014. The 133m/436ft superyacht SERENE has welcomed aboard the world's wealthiest man, Bill Gates and his family for a charter vacation in the beautiful cruising grounds of Sardinia. The Microsoft founder and philanthropist along with his wife and three children have been enjoying the Mediterranean ...

  23. Inside Bill Gates $650 million Hydrogen Powered Luxury Yacht ...

    Inside Bill Gates $650 million Hydrogen Powered Luxury YachtHave you ever heard of a hydrogen powered yacht? If not, then this is our first time hearing of o...

  24. A Closer Look at Serene: The $330 Million Yacht Bill Gates Chartered

    According to Boat International, Gates chartered a yacht called 'Serene' for an estimated $5 million per week. He did this to enjoy a break away with his wife and three children. The family enjoyed a week together on the yacht just off the coast of Porto Cervo, Sardinia, in August 2014. The 133-foot yacht is one of the largest in the world ...

  25. „Noch nie so viel geweint!" Melinda French Gates hat mit Scheidung

    Bill und Melinda French Gates wirken jahrelang wie ein Dreamteam - bis Nachrichten über eine Affäre die Ehe 2021 zerbrechen lassen. Jetzt erzählt Melinda in einem Podcast erstmals, wie schwer ...