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Most beautiful superyachts: 10 of the best as chosen by top designers

  • Superyachts

What turns a superyacht into a thing of beauty? We asked scores of the world's leading yacht designers to list the 10 most beautiful superyachts ever built...

The only rules were that they couldn’t pick one of their own and they had to be luxury superyachts over 30 metres. With the votes counted, we can now reveal our definitive rundown of the most beautiful yachts in the world.

We’ve even enlisted some of those same designers to explain what makes the final ten yachts so special. Scroll down to see the full top 10 and read more about each model.

10 of the most beautiful superyachts of all time


10. Limitless

James Roy, managing director of BMT Nigel Gee believes her to be one of the most beautiful superyachts in the world and writes:

“One of the earlier breed of superyachts Limitless is in my opinion from a period when the volume of superstructures were not over imposing producing a well balanced yacht. These proportions coupled with the sheer line and well matched angles of bow profile and rake of superstructure ends all work together.”

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Certainly with her dark blue hull and glistening white superstructure she cuts quite a dash and at night her comprehensive array of on deck illumination and underwater lighting make her look nothing short of spectacular proving that yachts can have beauty 24 hours a day.

Year: 1997 – LOA: 96.25m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Jon Bannenburg – Interior: Catroux

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“It’s a great pleasure to pay tribute to an iconic thoroughbred such as Skat , still standing tall on the horizon,” says Tim Saunders of Rainsford Saunders Design. “Despite her military looks, this is a true superyacht, engineered as a ship at heart and built from the keel up, with every square metre fulfilling the owner’s brief. Skat is a unique design but has not broken traditional yachting rules for the sake of it.

She is a superyacht that has been devised to offer the owner a well-considered relationship between external and internal living spaces, and unlike many of her sisters, she doesn’t opt for maximum density. Skat ’s combination of poise, elegance and balance comes from a clever use of straight, angular lines, facetted surfaces and enhanced ship details.

Each component comes together in a harmonious relationship to offer a daring and bold statement that from a distance has the grace and elegance of something far more organic. She is a yacht that catches your eye from all angles.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 70.7m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Espin Oeino – Interior: Marco Zanini


8. Alfa Nero

“When we first saw Alfa Nero we were impressed by her smooth exterior lines,” say Mareid Moosbrugger and Georg Decker of Egg and Dart Design. “The superstructure is sleek and elegant without any angular or hard corners. We consider her to be one of the most beautiful yachts afloat today, and we can easily understand why our colleagues agree.

“Walking around her at the 2007 Monaco Yacht Show , we felt the three-dimensional use of space was harmonious with the elements, and there was a true balance between the inside and outside areas of the yacht, with the exterior spaces maintaining a close connection with the natural environment of the sea and sky.

“The decks are open and airy, yet there is a feeling of being safely cocooned, and the superb aft deck in particular maintains a feeling of being at one with the ocean, which is emphasised by the huge pool. The yacht impressed us as a gentle giant: on the one hand huge, voluminous and technically advanced; on the other, stylish, glossy and surprisingly cosy.

“The beautiful interior features a timeless but modern design with elements of Art Deco, and everywhere you can see that the smallest details have been attended to. This yacht is a perfect combination of design, functionality and vision, and offers a unique ambience.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 81.27m – Builder: Oceanco – Exterior: Nuvolari-Lenard – Interior: Alberto Pinto


Designer Reymond Langton says: “At the time of her creation, she was the largest yacht that we had signed and would be the largest the yard had built. The client is a very experienced yacht owner and for him to have put his trust in us when we had nothing of our own in the water at the time was a massive vote of confidence.

“He allowed us to be a little experimental with the design – this was the first large yacht with a plumb bow. It was fantastic to have landed another contract where we were able to design the exterior and interior as it gave us much more control over the whole project, and gave us the scope to really harmonise the spaces.

“It also allowed us to work hand in hand together, which we thoroughly enjoy and believe delivers the best results for the client. We think she stands out because she has a very striking profile that is easily recognisable from a distance.

“She has a lot of presence on the water due to her powerful lines. Anyone who has been on board will tell you that the high-volume interior feels incredibly luxurious.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 68.0m – Builder: Abeking & Rasmussen – Exterior: Reymond Langton Design – Interior: Reymond Langton Design


6. Carinthia VII

The Austrian supermarket heiress Heidi Horten replaced Carinthia VI (see below) with this very secret yacht rumoured to run at 26 knots. Voting her as his most beautiful yacht, Rupert Mann of Rainsford Mann Design said, “97m is a good length for a designer to work with, as it gives an opportunity to design longitudinally not vertically and therefore create an elegant yacht which appears low and sleek.

“What makes the design of Carinthia VII so successful is the enhancement of this due to the pure and elegant sheer line that draws your eye from the bow to stern so effortlessly. The clever trick of dropping the sheer line one deck down aft, gives it a dynamic and purposeful bow shape forward, as if carving its path with consummate ease.

The horizontal lines of the super structure are equally uncomplicated, in this instance resisting the addition of unnecessary detail such as fashion plates that often complicate a design. Ultimately I think the strength of the design manifests through its simplicity. It is the most successful of designs, which can be called a ‘timeless classic’.

“A design that will be successful in every genre modern or classic and in every decade, that even 7 years later still is relevant and pleasing to the eye. I would suspect it is this timeless styling and the sheer simplicity, coupled with the poise and balance of the whole composition, that is so appealing to so many of us.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 97m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Tim Heywood


5. Maltese Falcon

The designer Ken Freivoch, responsible for the way this beautiful yacht looks says, “We are delighted that our fellow designers should have included Maltese Falcon within their shortlist. She was designed without any attempt to be ostentatious or to conform to a set style – it was very much a case of “form follows function”, albeit with very careful attention to essential design principles, balanced proportions and uncluttered and purposeful shapes totally derived from the function they are designed to perform.

The yacht is significant in her innovative sailing system, and our studio took this as a clue to develop the design around such technology, with every effort to develop beautiful and unique solutions aimed at highlighting her unique rig. I can only surmise that a reason why she may have been selected by designers is that she is not a “trendy” design, but the result of going back to first principles, coming out with original and unique solutions, and achieve continuity of concept through from the external styling to the interior design.

A case in point would be the design of the “spider” feature at the aft deck – originally the result of a last minute request from the naval architects to achieve optimum separation between the bearings at the mizzen mast, the announcement from Gerry Dijkstra came something like: “Hey Ken, if we had to place the top bearing for the aft mast 1m above the deck, in the middle of the aft deck – would that be a problem?

“Can you come up with a way to do this, which Tom will not object to? We took this as a clue to design an elegant and purposeful set of arches or buttresses to shore up the bearing in question, and at the same time underline what a unique “machine” the Falcon is – express such function very much along the lines of a watchmaker showing the inner workings of a beautifully crafted watch. Maltese Falcon was a great challenge, exactly the type of challenge that our design team relishes.

For us, the thrill, the excitement and the ultimate satisfaction is to come up with totally unique, “out-of-the-box” solutions, and achieve a design which the owner can feel was truly conceived and executed in response to his brief, to his preferences and to the very specific requirements set out for the project.”

Year: 2006 – LOA: 88m – Builder: Perini Navi – Exterior: Gerard Dijstra – Interior: Ken Freivoch


Espen Oenio was at the time of the design working with Martin Francis and describes the commissioning owner – Mexican media magnate Emilio Azcarraga – as a wonderfully charismatic man. He remembers one meeting in particular early on in the project.

They were at the time sitting on board the owner’s then yacht Lady Azteca (now Achilles ), when he laid out what was to become the mission statement for the whole design process. He told the design team: “I am a very private man. I never spend time in port, I am always cruising. But when I do go into port, I want my presence to be felt through my boat.”

James Roy of BMT Nigel Gee is one designer who voted for Enigma . “It was not until I set eyes on her in the flesh at Cowes Week in 1999 that I really came to appreciate her beauty,” he says.

“The reverse sheer, the sweeping aft deck and those iconic windows – they all meld together to produce a yacht that visually works to perfection and is thoroughly striking even today, 18 years after her launch. It’s very different from anything else that is around.”

Theo Werner of Werner Yacht Design is equally enthusiastic. “When the design of this yacht was first published, I was stunned,” he says. “And when the first photographs appeared in the magazines, I was even more stunned.

“She introduced a new way of thinking that even surpassed the designs of Bannenberg, who I admire very much. Eco included many aspects that are foreign to other ships and yachts, yet Martin Francis managed to combine these with everything that make a ship pretty, such as sleekness, the suggestion of a low freeboard a small superstructure.”

She was subsequently sold to Larry Ellison and is now owned by the British businessman Aidan Barclay and his brother.

Year: 1991 – LOA: 74.5m – Builder: Blomhm & Voss – Exterior: Martin Francis – Interior: Francois Zuretti


3. Endeavour

“Endeavour is one of my favourite yachts for a number of reasons,” Ed Dubois told SuperYacht World . “Firstly, she is a J Class yacht – one of only a few ever built. This class epitomised the very peak of yacht design before World War II and remains still, in technical terms, a class apart. These yachts were extreme in every way and demanded technology that was then in its infancy.

“They were superb yachts to sail upwind, but they were also fast reaching and downwind. They demanded a very high level of sailing skill, and indeed a high level of boatbuilding skill.

“ Endeavour , I believe, is the most beautiful of all the Js built. Her purity of line is exquisite and I think the shape of the sheer is slightly better than any of the others including Velsheda (by the same designer).

“Charles Nicholson designed Endeavour in 1933 and she was used to challenge for the America’s Cup in 1934. It was universally acknowledged that she was faster than the defender Rainbow , and she won the first two races, but better sailing by the Americans allowed them to win overall.

“She has captured the imagination of so many people including, happily, Elizabeth Meyer, who acquired the yacht in the seventies and rebuilt her almost from scratch.

“I believe there is some original plate still present but the hull was rebuilt in the UK and then taken to Royal Huisman Shipyard to be fitted out. The interior, by John Munford, is beautiful – obviously not what was fitted originally when she was a pure racing yacht, but Munford created something that is entirely fitting.

“Endeavour is not a practical yacht to own. She can only be sailed in reasonable conditions, she requires a large crew to race her, most of whom by necessity must sleep ashore, and maintaining a yacht of this type, particularly with regard to sails, rigging, etc is not inexpensive. However, for sheer sailing performance, romantic appeal and beauty I believe she is second to none.”

Year: 1934 – LOA: 39.6m – Builder: Camper & Nicholson – Exterior: C & N – Interior: C & N


Designer Tim Heywood says: “When a client gives you carte blanche to create a design, it is a blessing and a curse, if you do not rise to the challenge, you will not gain the approval of your client or, eventually, the respect of your peers.

“ Pelorus was a great project for us and we are extremely pleased with the end result, as was the client. I was able to develop the internal general arrangement plan, the external global styling themes and the practical engineering details to a level I had not achieved before.

The organic curves & forms of the superstructure are echoed in the lines of the hull, tying the two forms together, to produce a harmony that is easy on the eye, was quite unique at the time and, hopefully, will not date.

“The belt line that runs forward from the stern and sweeps down towards the anchor pocket, is inspired by the armour plating of the light cruiser HMS Belfast , which still lives just up stream from our old London studio.

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive, by my brothers in arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comments from professional, talented designers and client, means more than from any other source, especially if they are not negative!

“My partner, Vanessa, came up with our project name, we always give a name to our yachts, rather than a sterile number, and the client liked the name so much that he confirmed Pelorus as the yacht’s eventual name. The yacht has changed hands, but we are very pleased to see that she has retained her original name.”

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive by my brothers-in-arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comment from professional, talented designers and clients means more than from any other source – especially when they are positive!”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Terrence Disdale


1. Carinthia VI

Dickie Bannenburg of Bannenburg Designs say: “Famously, and perhaps notoriously, Carinthia VI owes her existence to the fact that her elder sibling Carinthia V survived for only a few months before ending her days several fathoms down in Greek waters.

:The unfortunate captain struggled ashore to find a phone to have an awkward phone conversation with Helmut Horten, his Owner. Mr Horten rang my father up almost the following day and told him to start work on her replacement which has now become, in an often over used phrase, a yachting icon.

“She certainly wasn’t an icon when she appeared out of the Lürssen shed for the first time. With dramatic superstructure on a slim frigate-based hull, grilles and that distinctive blue windshield forward of the wheelhouse, my father’s design scared the pants off people and the perception of him hardened amongst conventional designers and naval architects as a dangerous radical. But now her pared down lines and slender masculinity scream good taste, restraint and a sense of suave style that is rarely seen these days.

“Certainly her interior was purposeful, code for slightly austere, and by today’s standards there was not much interior volume for lavish living, not least due to the presence of three mighty MTU diesels. There are no swoops, no complicated fashion plates and absolutely no ability to walk down steps at the transom to a nice bathing platform.

“But all the better for it. Life on board was, I understand, conducted with a certain Austrian precision and Carinthia ’s elegant and taut exterior, with deep blue paintwork and her gold coachwork stripe cut an unmistakeable dash in the harbours of the Cote d’Azur as she still does today.

“My father was very proud of her. Of course I’m even more proud that his design of almost forty years ago has such an enduring impact.”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Bannenberg – Interior: Bannenberg

First published in the January 2015 issue of Superyacht World.

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Best luxury yacht: 7 ultimate luxury cruisers you can buy

  • Toby Hodges
  • March 14, 2024

Toby Hodges takes a look at all the nominees and the winner of the best luxury yacht category in the European Yacht of the Year Awards

The definition of the best luxury yacht will differ according to personal opinion and from boat to boat. This year’s nominees in the luxury yacht category of the European Yacht of the Year Awards proved that perfectly.

The European Yacht of the Year awards are selected by a broad panel of expert judges from across the globe. These are people who spend their professional lives sailing and comparing yachts, so you can be certain that the yachts which stand out in this field are truly the best of the best on the market.

The best luxury yachts

Best luxury yacht winner 2024 – arcona 50.

When you enter the fiercely competitive 50ft luxury performance yacht market you better get it right. And the jury felt Arcona managed that. This watershed design for the traditional Swedish brand, by X-Yachts co-founder and former designer Niels Jeppesen, is a big, contemporary new Arcona, one that sees it move away from its cruiser-racer heritage and classic interiors.

The on trend styling inside and out is backed up by a premium level of build and finish quality and sailing performance – particularly if you have the performance sails, traveller and deep (2.95m) keel options the test boat carried, although the latter does limit your berthing and anchoring options.

While I doubt it’ll be raced or will suit typical bluewater use, it offers a purity of performance push-button sailing: a handsome prospect upwind in a light breeze, it transforms into a powerful reaching machine with stacks of control.

As chairman of our jury, Jochen Rieker, puts it: “The boat certainly did not win for her somewhat borrowed looks. She wins by checking all the boxes in all other respects. Slipping along gracefully in the lightest of airs, holding her stride and her balance in more demanding conditions, offering warmth, light and this reassuring feeling of utter quality down below – there simply isn’t anything to fault.”

Contest 50CS

The Contest 50CS, for example, is an archetype luxury cruising yacht, one built to the highest standards and that could take you to most waters in impeccable comfort. This model is, uniquely, available in two versions: this more conventional 50CS with aft master cabin, or the forward owner’s suite version on the aft cockpit Contest 49CS . We ran a full test on the latter after spending two days aboard in the North Sea, where that noticeably high freeboard, which may not aid boarding nor windage, helped keep us dry on deck in a steady Force 6 gusting 7.

As the 50CS proved, this Judel/Vrolijk design keeps slipping along in the light stuff too, providing enjoyable sailing in 6 knots breeze under a code sail. The centre cockpit offers a deep protected guest area, but also links well to the spacious aft deck.

And the Wetzels-Brown-designed interiors of Contests today are stunning and hard to match. The engineering, access to usable stowage, details and finish on the 50CS is first class and to get this level of quality at this size is special.

Both Contest and X-Yachts are early adopters of hybrid power, offering their bluewater cruisers with optional electric drives. For the XC 47 this was designed-in from the start to offer Oceanvolt’s award-winning new 25kW regenerative drive.

The XC 47 is another wonderfully engineered and thought out yacht for distance cruising, in particular for those who also enjoy hands-on helming pleasure. That should come as no surprise to any X aficionados, but what really struck me most about this yacht was the stowage, and the forethought needed to create that, together with how practical it has been made.

That may sound slightly anticlimactic but ask any long-term cruiser and stowage is always a priority. On deck, this constitutes a huge lazarette and sail locker, plus clever systems for launching a dinghy via davits and a liferaft canister, while below decks every square inch of space has been used effectively, with lockers hinged with gas struts.

It’s clear the Danish yard went to considerable time and effort, even building a full mock up of the interior that could be canted 20° each way.

If the deck saloon style looks didn’t sell this model to all – this is the first full non-Jeppesen designed X – the jury were converted once they’d taken the helm. ‘Quirky’ became ‘muscular and bold’. The ease with which it can be sailed from the cockpit was also appreciated.

While I understand many offshore cruisers like a protected centre cockpit and more sun protection, the attention to detail, stowage and practicalities, combined with the direct steering, motion and enjoyable sailing this X offers make it a standout new offering.

Jeanneau Yachts 55

Meanwhile the Jeanneau Yachts 55 stands out for different, unique reasons in this category, offering a completely new concept in comfort on deck while at anchor and a novel accommodation layout. Its focus is on outdoor living space.

What helps place this in a luxury bracket is not simply the price or the creative input of superyacht specialist design duo Philppe Briand and Andrew Winch, rather that its layout creates a palatial amount of private space for the owner’s suite. Guest cabins have their own direct access from the extensive cockpit via gullwing doors.

It certainly makes sense for solo owners or couples using it as a warm water apartment. How many people this will suit is another question, as it segregates any guests, crew or children from the galley and saloon.

I used the term monocat when I first viewed it, as the 55 really does attempt to mix the two worlds, particularly in terms of providing owner privacy and lounging space. Choose the rigid hard top and windshield and there’s a vast amount of covered area including a dinette and chart table – plus a bimini can shade all that extensive aft deck too.

The penalty comes in additional weight and wetted surface, and is felt in the handling and performance, the latter particularly in lighter breeze with the optional in-mast furling, self tacking headsail and shallow draught package we had. However, it’s set up to be easily managed from the mid cockpit with good visibility from the twin helms and easy circulation thanks to the ramped side decks. Full report in YW February 2024.

Best luxury yacht 2023

Best luxury yacht winner – oyster 495.

It is hard to imagine that the decor of a yacht can change its look and feel quite this much, yet the layout of this second 495, Eddie Jordan’s dramatic looking Tuga , is in fact identical to the first boat that I spent several days aboard last summer.

At its heart is a wonderfully (Humphreys) designed and engineered luxury bluewater cruiser conceived from the ground up, built in a new dedicated facility to a repeatable quality very few yards are capable of.

The 495 offers consistent passage making speeds in real voluminous comfort – whether enjoyed from the deep cockpit or the best-in-class aft cabin. Deck stowage and mechanical space is also superb.

Then factor in the family appeal of Oyster’s after sales and world rally programme and you start to appreciate the premium world this sub 50-footer gives access to.

The first yacht fully conceived under CEO Richard Hadida’s reign, this is also the smallest completely new Oyster 495 since 2005 – and it’s a triumph. It was our September 2022 cover star in which we featured the full review from our Oyster 495 three day test .

Beneteau Oceanis Yacht 60

The Oceanis Yacht 60 is a very different beast indeed to the 62 it replaces as flagship for the Beneteau range. The yard has learned plenty from the success of the First 53/OY 54 and wanted to create a 60 in this style and with the same deck layout (albeit larger and wider) and ease of circulation.

The construction experience of the smaller model clearly helped too, as this is a whopping five tonnes lighter than the bulky OY62 and with a deeper (2.6m) keel. The telling result is on the water. It feels sporty to helm and we averaged a knot slower than the single figure 6-8 knot windspeeds upwind and matched them reaching with Code 0 and a slight swell.

The vast cockpit works well, sheltered below the semi rigid bimini, it has plentiful lounging space with sailing systems led aft to the twin helms. The interior sees a 3+3 layout, where Beneteau wanted to get rid of the corridor effect of the OY62. The galley is forward to help open out space, while the forward suite with offset berth and headboard aft works well to give space with privacy.

This is an attractive, voluminous yacht that leaves a good overall impression whether under sail, on or below decks.

Ice 62 Targa

It all looks pretty funky below decks on the Ice 62 Targa too, especially if you’re watching the masthead fore and aft cameras (plus bow and prop cam) on central displays mounted in the saloon while you slip out of the dock! The Ice is a seriously impressive, contemporary yacht, one that in looks, performance and execution, won over many of the judges.

The first to launch is a highly customised project for a passionate sailing owner who covers long distances solo – he’d already sailed it 3,000 miles around the Med that autumn. It’s impressively stiff, sails handsomely and, thanks to a telescopic keel, points well. We matched single figure windspeeds, and clocked up to the high 9s in 12 knots wind.

Umberto Felci’s team spent 4,000 hours on the design, providing lots of space and light to the interior and a chillout zone in the semi raised saloon. This was easily the coolest looking yacht, with its aggressive reverse bow, chamfered gunwales and carbon T-top bimini, and all engineered and built to a high standard.

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These Are the 5 Biggest Superyachts in the World

Rendering of a superyacht sailing along a city coastline

Yachts, as with most other things connected to the ultrarich—apartments, shopping sprees, bank accounts—are getting bigger. And while price, nautically speaking, usually scales with size, that’s not always the case. So there’s, oddly enough, less overlap between this list and our recent list of the  World’s Most Expensive Superyachts than one might expect.

There are reasons behind this. Interestingly, some of the biggest superyachts in the world have become so stunningly large that they can no longer maintain status as belonging to a single family or dynasty. The largest ones have become condominiums or charterable research vessels—playthings for the ultrawealthy.

Still, superyachts offer a kind of privacy that it is nearly impossible to come by on land. Pencil towers have entrances on public streets and elevators with other residents. Even a castle surrounded by a moat is in view, comparatively. A superyacht, on the other hand, is essentially a private island, an oasis. So as long as the rich keep getting richer, the yachts will keep getting bigger. For now, these are the five biggest superyachts in the world.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich's the private luxury yacht Eclipse anchors during winter season in Bodrum of Mugla...

5. Eclipse (533 ft)

In 2010, as  Eclipse sailed out of the Hamburg harbor, where it was constructed by notable German shipbuilder Blohm+Voss, it was the world’s largest ship. In the intervening decade or so, it’s slid to the fifth position. Commissioned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich—whose ties to Putin have caused him to be sanctioned—it allegedly traded hands last year, though this may be simply a dodge to avoid it being seized. Features of the $600 million Terence Disdale–designed ship include 17 staterooms, a 185-foot deck on the massive primary suite, a gym, a spa, an immense swimming pool, and a half-dozen on-board tenders for shuttling guests in and out of port and excursions. If those don’t suffice, there is also a helicopter pad with room for three choppers.

The Fulk al Salamah yacht of Sultan Qaboos

4. Fulk Al Salamah (538 ft)

Like many superyachts, ownership and much else about Fulk Al Salamah —Ship of Peace—is unclear. It is suspected that it belongs to the Omani royal family, a part of their fleet of extortionately expensive conveyances. Built by Mariotti in Genoa in 2016 and designed by local team Studio de Jorio, it contains a beach club (a swim platform, often with a pool and lounge area), beauty salon, and a sizable helicopter deck, though it’s unclear if this deck has room for more choppers than the Eclipse, despite its additional five feet of overall length.

the United Arab Emirates presidential megayacht Azzam in the Cadiz harbor

3. Azzam (597 ft)

Azzam holds the title of largest privately owned superyacht, a position it has maintained since it was completed at a cost of $600 million by Lürssen Yachts in Lemwerder, Germany, ten years ago. Designed by Nauta of Milan with interiors by French decorator Christophe Leoni, the ship is reportedly owned by a member of the royal family of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nayah. Prominent features include Empire-style furnishings and interiors, and a pair of massive diesel engines coupled with a pair of gas turbines, allowing high-speed travel and an immense range between refuelings. The Sheikh must be somewhat paranoid—or have good reason to fear attack—because the yacht also includes a high tech security system including a missile system and bulletproof master suite.

Gray superyacht in front of mountains capped with snow

2. REV Ocean (600 ft)

The acronym in this giant yacht’s title stands for Research and Expedition Vessel, and this $350 million ship is outfitted to do just that. Groups that charter it head out to sea and use its state of the art scientific equipment to dive into trenches in its transparent-domed submersibles, arrange whale pod viewings in its helicopters, conduct seabed mapping and coring with its sonar and drilling systems, view documentaries in its 35-person theater, and even listen in on or record the conversations of ocean mammals with its underwater hydrophone. Funded by the Norwegian billionaire Kjell Inge Røkke, designed in Norway by Espen Øino, and built by Norwegian constructor Vard, it is slated to be completed in 2024. Over 100 groups applied for the maiden voyage, with preference given for scientific research and conservation missions—54 scientists can be accommodated onboard. Though it seems that private charters with the proper scientific supervision may also be allowed. Any profits made by chartering are returned to the funder’s One Healthy Ocean initiative.

Rendering of a superyacht sailing along a city coastline

1. Somnio (728ft)

Referred to as the world’s first yacht liner, this floating giant—the name is Latin for dream—combines features of a superyacht, a cruise ship, and a condominium. Under construction by the Norwegian ship-building company Vard, with an expected completion date in the middle of 2024, the $600 million project will feature 39 private residences designed by Winch and Tilberg, both of Sweden. Each will include bespoke features including a gym, kitchen, library, and indoor and outdoor dining areas. Of course, apartments, which start in the eight-figure range, are available by invite only. Both the owners list and the planned route at sea are closely guarded secrets.

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Oceanco Koru Superyacht

With a combined length of 2,929 feet, the world’s top 10 superyachts scheduled for delivery this year are moving away from the idea that yachting is about whose boat is bigger. The trend is now more about mission than size. This year’s launches will be wide ranging, from motoryachts to sailing vessels, explorers and even a giant sportfish.

The list includes offerings from German shipyard Lürssen , which has two 400-foot-plus yachts ready to splash this year, with noteworthy deliveries from other shipyards in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands showcasing different definitions of design, power and performance.

Here are the yachts we can’t wait to see.

‘Koru’ (564 feet) Oceanco

best super yachts in the world

Jeff Bezos’ first yacht, Koru , was spotted last week on sea trials. The Amazon founder chose to make a bold design statement by commissioning the world’s largest sailing yacht, not to mention the longest pleasure vessel, motor or sail, ever from The Netherlands. Built by Oceanco, the titanic sailing machine is an incredible 3300 GT, powered by kinetic energy generated by the sails. Besides its massive length, its classic canoe stern, a double-deck wooden coach house and navy hull with a red stripe differentiate Koru from any other vessel on the water. The project remains hush-hush. Even the designers remain a secret.

‘Liva’ (387 feet, 1 inch) Abeking & Rasmussen

best super yachts in the world

Launched late last year and scheduled to be delivered in early 2023, Liva is the largest yacht built by Abeking to date, overtaking the German shipyard’s previous flagship Aviva by 65 feet. The French studio Joseph Dirand Architecture was commissioned to pen both the exterior and interior, which is reported to include a semi-submerged underwater observation room on the lower deck, a supersized pool, helipad, spa with sauna and beauty salon, and a lower-deck beach club.

‘Alchemy’ (216 feet, 5 inches) Rossinavi

best super yachts in the world

Commissioned by a private American client, the 216-foot multi-deck motoryacht Alchemy is one of three yachts to be launched by Italian shipyard Rossinavi in 2023. Exterior design is by Philippe Briand, with interior styling by Enrico Gobbi’s Team for Design. Little information has yet to be revealed, though it’s visible from images that the custom yacht features an axe bow, drop-down side terraces at the stern and large floor-to-ceiling windows that afford views from all levels.

Project Jag (400 feet) Lürssen

best super yachts in the world

The 400-foot displacement motoryacht known only as “Project Jag” is reported to be the owner’s third Lürssen. His most recent is Kismet . It is set for delivery in late 2023. Capable of sleeping 20 guests and 40 crew, the gigayacht is equipped with a helipad, spa, swimming pool, two cinemas, gym and storage for a sub. Italian design firm Nuvolari Lenard designed the steel yacht’s exterior, while UK studio Reymond Langton has crafted what is rumored to be a “bespoke homage to the owner’s lifestyle”—whatever that means.

Project Luminance (426 feet, 5 inches) Lürssen

best super yachts in the world

Project Luminance is a 426.5-foot motor yacht that Lürssen claims will be one of the largest and most technologically advanced boats in the world. It’s also the largest yacht due to deliver in 2023. Construction began in 2018, yet few details have been revealed. What we do know is that the seventh-largest project to ever come out of the German shipyard to date features state-of-the-art propulsion systems, advanced navigation and communication systems, as well as next-generation entertainment.

‘T52’ (170 feet) Baglietto

best super yachts in the world

The first model in Baglietto’s T52 line, which splashed in February 2023, features sleek lines and aerodynamic grills penned by Francesco Paszkowski Design. Power comes from a diesel-electric-hybrid propulsion system. The yacht celebrates outdoor space, including a large multi-level beach club at the stern with a fold-down transom, oversized sunbeds and a swimming pool with a floor that rises flush with the deck. Sliding windows on the upper deck convert space into an open-air sky lounge and a 78-foot sundeck with a glass-encased hot tub.

Project 406 (170 feet, 6 inches) Royal Huisman

best super yachts in the world

The Dutch shipyard Royal Huisman made its name building some of the world’s largest sailing yachts, including 296-foot Athena , but now it’s hitting the record books again with the impending launch of Project 406 , the world’s largest sportsfisherman. Naval architecture, exterior and interior are by Dutch studio Vripack. The firm gave the six-decked aluminum yacht a towering profile promising spectacular front-row views of the big game fishing action. The team balanced its height by a long bow, high bulwarks and uncluttered fishing cockpit.

‘Black Shark’ (252 feet, 6 inches) Nobiskrug

best super yachts in the world

Black Shark first began construction in 2019, but all work ceased when Nobiskrug later filed for insolvency. In March 2022, following the German shipyard’s acquisition by entrepreneur Lars Windhorst, work on Black Shark recommenced, with delivery set for 2023. The 252-foot boat, designed by Winch Design, gets its name from its predatory profile and mast shaped like a dorsal fin. A reverse bow, black matte hull and metallic silver superstructure will also help to enhance the marine connection.

‘Ultra G’ (196 feet, 8 inches) Heesen

best super yachts in the world

Heesen is renowned for building fast boats, so it’s no surprise that Ultra G , equipped with a propulsion package totaling 22,000 horsepower, with four water jets and a top speed of 37 knots. The Dutch yard hailed this as its most powerful project to date. The motoryacht was commissioned by an avid sportfisherman, with a fighting chair and storage for 40 rods. Entertainment was also a big mandate for the design, stretching from Samsung’s “The Wall” screen, an infinity pool, and a dedicated self-cleaning “dog park” for furry guests.

‘Maverick’ (145 feet, 3 inches) Cantiere delle Marche

best super yachts in the world

Maverick is the first Flexplorer 142 to soon be delivered by Cantiere delle Marche (CdM), bought by a young German who is a keen sailor and serial owner of both sailing boats and motoryachts. The owner’s itinerary will see him cruising the Mediterranean, before heading to the Northern latitudes to cross the Northwest Passage and put Hydro Tec’s bold exterior design and running surface to the test. Key features include a custom-built A-frame crane that sits flush on the deck when not in use, collapsible bulwarks that fold-down to reveal a 1,450-square-foot beach club, and an infinity pool at the transom.

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  • Abeking & Rasmussen

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best super yachts in the world

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best super yachts in the world

  • Lurssen Yachts

Developed by German shipyard Lürssen, construction of Project Luminance is underway at their facilities near Lemwerder. Due to enter the esteemed list of the Top 10 largest superyachts in the world, information about the 145m superyacht is limited at this moment in time. Lürssen are world-famous for their incredible innovations and their capacity to build extremely large mega yachts filled with numerous features. Photos that have been captured of the boat indicate that she will have considerable deck space with plenty of room left over indoors to be packed out with luxury.

With a length of 125m, KORU is not just the largest sailing yacht delivered by Oceanco; she is the largest sailing yacht in the world. Taking her righteous place on the Top 100 list, this three-master schooner is an iconic vessel on the sea, bearing a midnight blue hull and extraordinary amount of deck space.

Project JAG, launched in 2023, was sold in 2019 at the Monaco Yacht Show and was first seen 2021, in which her hull and superstructure were revealed. Since then, she has been a highly anticipated launch from Lürssen. She is an impressive build with a LOA of 122m, with exterior design by Nuvolari Lenard and interiors penned by Reymond Langton. She has a sleek and sophisticated profile, with monochromatic black and white tones accented with splashes of red; an eye-catching launch at the Schacht-Audorf facility. Project JAG can accomodate up to 20 guests across 11 staterooms, taken care by a crew of 40, ensuring the ultimate luxury experience. She has a beam of 17.8m, boasting exceptional space on board, so guests can have the most comfortable experience possible.


  • Freire Shipyard

Previously known as NB-724, Freire Shipyard's RENAISSANCE was successfully delivered in 2023. She is a 112m superyacht, able to accommodate 36 guests across six decks. She marks an historical milestone for Freire Shipyard, as she is the largest and highest tonnage yacht built in Spain to date, weighing 7,200 GT.

Sold in 2018 by Moran Yacht & Ship, SHACKLETON, previously known as Project ICECAP, is a 107m motor yacht who is said to be equipped with state-of-the-art technology in particular reference to energy saving and diesel electric propulsion. Icecap boasts a rugged explorer profile, a far cry from Lürssen’s typically streamlined recent launches and suggesting a new venture for the yard in design and build. Icecap will weigh in at over 6500 GRT and come with extra energy efficiency, power storage and heating systems throughout in line with an advanced sustainable ethos from the German yard.

Delivered in 2023, NORN is a 90m yacht which boast the highest standards of craftsmanship and innovation. Espen Oeino's exterior design features precise geometry with flat surfaces, straight lines and angular corners. Comfort and entertainment have been equally considered in NORN's design, with zero-speed stabilisers ensuring the most comfortable ride possible and stand-out amenities such as an outdoor cinema annd a liftable pool floor with dance floor illumination.


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    Metres. Feet. Rank12. Luminance. Lurssen Yachts. 2023. Developed by German shipyard Lürssen, construction of Project Luminance is underway at their facilities near Lemwerder. Due to enter the esteemed list of the Top 10 largest superyachts in the world, information about the 145m superyacht is limited at this moment in time.