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Thames motor yacht club

The Thames motor yacht club was established on 1930 in Magpie hotel Sunbury by 16 gentlemen, making it one of the oldest on the river Thames. The Thames motor yacht club, Thames motor cruising club as it was known then, established itself over the many years since its first meeting surviving through a world war and is passed on by parents to children in one of the most traditional of motor yacht clubs on the river Thames. Such is the passion of it�s for members it was a founder of the association of Thames yacht clubs that now holds over 60 yacht clubs along the river.


The Thames motor yacht club holds various competitions for its members, and one can find a competition that will suit his or her skills to compete in and cups are awarded (some for first, second and third and others for just first and second depending on the competition). A couple of the competitions include a fixed throttle reliability test where skippers are tested on giving a set time and trying to meet it while keeping their throttle in a fixed position the whole course. Time ends when you finish the cross line and the idea being whoever gets closest to their predicted time wins. There are even junior competitions for the younger members of the Thames motor yacht club so age will not omit you from the competitions. Even the older gentleman and ladies are not forgotten with a single-handed over 60 (for men) and an over 49 (for women) competition called the veteran�s cup.

Training and activities

Before members of the Thames motor yacht club take to the water for the competitions that are held, they can brush up on their skills or learn new ones at the clubs brilliant training facilities and courses that they provide. The popular course of royal yacht association day skipper and royal yacht association yacht master/coastal skipper are available as well as other courses. The courses usually run over the autumn and winter months (September � March) for about 26 weeks on a Wednesday evening. The cost of each course is L325 if you are not a member of the club (if you do pay for this you get temporary privileges of being a member) and if you are a member of the Thames motor yacht club the fee is L175 each instead.

Membership types

There are three types of membership for the Thames motor yacht club full, social and overseas. Full members are the members who either own a motor boat or have strong interests in motor boating in general. Social members are those less fortunate not to own a motor yacht or not own one that is moored in the Thames River but still have a very strong interest in motor boating. Overseas members are quite literally members who have the interest but their boat is moored outside of United Kingdom waters some, which can be United Kingdom citizens who have moved abroad. There are also family memberships for people who are part of a family who have joined the Thames motor yacht club together (like father and son)

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Feature contributor: The Royal Thames Yacht Club

April 6th, 2020

The Royal Thames Yacht Club

oil painting of sailing boats

Sailing on the Thames in the 18th Century.

Founded in 1775, the Royal Thames Yacht Club was already 132 years old when the first Six Metre took to the water. The Club’s first recorded race was held on the Thames in July 1775 for a silver cup – the first Cumberland Cup – put up by the Duke of Cumberland, younger brother of King George III.  The competing boats were of a very different type to the modern racing yacht. It was not until the 1840s that racing on the open waters of the South coast and Solent began to be popular, the change made possible by the advent of steam trains. One might be forgiven for thinking that, having discovered the open sea, ocean racing was a natural progression but it was not until 1887, the year of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, that a race ‘the like of which had never been known in the annals of yacht racing’ was announced by the Royal Thames Yacht Club over a course of 1,520 nautical miles round the British Isles.

Despite being the oldest continuously operating yacht club in the world and the first ‘Royal’ yacht club, this is probably not the image perceived by those in contact it. The Knightsbridge Clubhouse, arguably the most pleasant re-built London club, is a haven for yachtsmen and women who want a relaxing and exclusive land base in London. The membership also includes a vibrant Younger Members section and our trophy-winning Academy which aims to nurture and develop rising sailing talent.

A bar with sofa seating

The Royal Thames’ Britannia Bar is a relaxing area for members to meet.

Many of those using the Clubhouse are based overseas, being members of one of the 60 yacht clubs worldwide with whom we maintain reciprocal arrangements – equally useful for members when racing or cruising overseas. The Clubhouse has two bars, reading and meeting rooms, an excellent restaurant, private dining rooms and cabins for members staying in London. The meeting and dining rooms are also available to non-members as venue for conferences, meetings, dinners and even balls.

Racing boats with blue sails

The club’s fleet of J/70s racing at Cowes.

The Club’s calendar has nigh on a hundred cruising and racing events at home and each year, providing ample opportunities for those without yachts to get on the water and likewise, equal opportunities for owners seeking crew. Our fleet of J/80 sports boats at Queen Mary Reservoir, Datchet and a further fleet of J/70s, based in Cowes allow for high level club racing. Both fleets are also available for charter. The Club welcomes new members who are involved in yachting and for more information see www.royalthames.com .

Involvement with the Six Metre Class

Despite the Club’s involvement in the formation of the Metre Rule in 1906, no evidence has yet come to light of ownership by members of very early Six Metres. The Club was always involved in The British American Cup, however, which was sailed in Sixes from the first race in 1921 until 1955. The Thames was heavily involved in re-establishing the Cup after The Great War and now is solely responsible, from the British side, for its continuance. We are pleased to report that we won it in 2019 (the latest contest at time of writing) although it was sailed in J70s.

model boats mounted on a wooden wall

The club’s collection of Six Metres.

Amongst our prized and extensive collection of half-hull models, there is a special area for Metre yachts and an individual board for some of the Six Metres owned by Club members. The boats shown, from top to bottom, are Zenith (1924), Lalage (1928), Circe (1937), Johan (1939), Royal Thames (1955), Scoundrel (1986) and Battlecry (1989). Curiously Bunty and Cremona , although winning the One Ton Cup in 1912 and 1913 respectively, are omitted as was Erica , being too recent to make the board.

Black and white photograph of sailing boats

Royal Thames (K77) and Marylette (K76) racing on the Solent in 1958.

As a club, our greatest involvement with the class was, unsurprisingly, with Royal Thames. In 1955 a syndicate of Club members paid to have a Six Metre built in order to participate in the truly international racing offered by the class. The first target was the British American Cup held in that year. Sadly the challenge was unsuccessful, her elegant cotton sails being no match for the American synthetic versions. Nonetheless, with 20 guns out of 33 starts, she made her mark. It was in 1958 when she really triumphed, winning the One Ton Cup, helmed by Col ‘Stug’ Perry, and taking 6 line-honours in Cowes Week, helmed by Michael Cream, amongst other successes. That apart, the Club premises have been a regular venue through the ages for planning both national and international event for the class.

The Club’s treasures

Silver trophy

The 1914 Clyde Six Metre cup is on display in the clubhouse.

The Royal Thames is lucky enough to have several of the ‘Cumberland Cups’ dating to the 18th century amongst its extensive collection of trophies. This includes a number of trophies originally competed for by the Class including the Clyde Six Metre Points Cup and the original British American cup from 1921. A further connection is the Nelson Trophy which was donated to the International Six Metre Association by Don Wood of the Royal Thames Yacht Club. The trophy is awarded at the International Six Metre World and European Championships to the highest placed boat constructed and certificated between 1966 and 1979.

Amongst the Club’s oldest possessions are a set of flags consisting of an ensign, pennant and house flag, dating from the late 18th century. Of a slightly later vintage is a telescope reputedly once belonging to Admiral Lord Nelson.

flags hanging in a glass case.

The Club’s 18th century ensign, pennant and house flag are among the oldest objects in the collection.

The Club’s collection of yacht models is extensive, going far beyond the models of the Metre classes mentioned earlier. The half-model collection housed in the Model Room is one of the most comprehensive in the world, tracing the history of yacht design from the mid-19th century to the present day. Elsewhere around the Clubhouse are models from the days of the Cumberland Fleet, warships from the days of sail, steam yachts from the Edwardian era and famous club boats up the modern age.

We are extremely fortunate to have an extensive collection of marine paintings, lithographs and prints, many of which have an interesting history attached to them or their subject matter. Over the Club’s 245 year life a vast amount of paperwork has amassed, and providentially, successive Secretaries have preserved the core of it. We now have two archivists discovering hidden treasures on a regular basis. Amongst these are some superb photographs stretching back nearly 150 years.

We are proud of our club’s significant heritage collections, which are displayed throughout the Clubhouse for all members and visitors to enjoy. The collections not only enhance our members’ experience but also are an inherent part of the character of our historic organisation. We are delighted to able to share a small portion of our collections with a wider audience through our partnership with the Six Metre archive, giving a small insight into the archives and collections we care for. For more information about the Royal Thames Yacht Club’s heritage collections please contact the club through the website or at [email protected] . You can see the Club’s Six Metre archives here .

Andrew Collins, Head of Heritage, Royal Thames Yacht Club

Posted in Featured contributor by Jenny Wittamore on April 6th, 2020. Tags: collection , contributor , royal thames

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The ATYC offers various RYA courses at RYA affiliated training centres who are members of the association. Below is a  selection of the RYA courses that are very useful for boaters with any level of experience. Below the courses are the ATYC member training centres based on the river Thames. They deal with training specifically designed for motorboat and cabin cruiser owners.

Inland Waterways Helmsman’s Course

 This course is designed for those wanting to cruise the UK's and Europe's network of lakes, rivers and canals. It deals specifically with the requirements of the inland boater, whether they be a cruiser enthusiast or narrow boat owner. It assumes no prior knowledge and so is ideal for the first timer, yet the more seasoned boater will learn plenty of tricks of the trade and tips to make their boating safer and more enjoyable. Courses take place over two days and can be taken either on a centre's boat or your own. The minimum age to take this course is 12 years old, however, before you book a course check with the training centre that their boat is suitable. 

Inland Waterways Crew Course

 This is an entry level course and can be run in conjunction with the Inland Waterways Helmsman’s course for mixed ability groups. This course is ideal for introducing friends or family members to crewing a vessel on the inland waterways, and for giving them an understanding of how they can assist the helm. The instructor will cover: personal safety; communication on board; throwing a mooring line; some basic boat handling; helping in locking operations; how to be a look out; what to do in an emergency and looking after the environment. 

Shorebased Day Skipper Theory Course

The shorebased Day Skipper theory course is for those that have done little or no actual navigation, regardless of whether you have a lot of boating experience or none. The course includes a comprehensive introduction to chartwork navigation (including use of GPS and electronic charts) as well as covering meteorology and the basics of seamanship including collision regulations and safety procedures. . Invaluable for learning how to start making decisions on board and if you are considering taking the Day Skipper practical course. 

Day Skipper Practical Course

 This course gives you the chance to take charge on short passages under instruction. You will concentrate on pilotage boat handling seamanship and navigation. Advanced versions of this course are available; Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster. This advanced training is designed for experienced skippers covering navigation and safety on board during coastal and offshore passages.

Marine Radio SRC Course & Exam

This course and exam is designed for anyone who owns a fixed or handheld marine VHF radio. A radio is an important piece of safety equipment on board and it is vital to understand the correct procedures. The Short Range Certificate is the minimum qualification required by law to control the operation of VHF and VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) equipment on any British flagged vessel voluntarily fitted with a radio either fixed or hand held. 

Training Centres

Thames motor yacht club.

Founded in 1930, TMYC is one of the oldest clubs on the river with a history of boating and a wealth of experience. 

We are recognised by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) to provide both shorebased and practical courses. With our team of trainers, we run a variety of courses as outlined below but can provide bespoke training on your boat or one of ours. 

Founded in 1930, TMYC is one of the oldest clubs on the river with a history of boating and a wealth of experience. As well as individuals, we’re keen to train family groups and friends who want to improve their boating experience, enjoyment and safety. We also provide professional training to the marine industry.

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.tmyc.org.uk

Telephone: 020 8978 2298

Docklands Scout Project

At the Dockland Scout Project courses are run either in the West India Docks or on the River Thames. The theory courses these are run on our Training Centre “Christopher W” or in our workshop complex. The courses on offer at the Docklands Scout Project are:

  • RYA Youth Sailing Levels 1.2 & 3
  • RYA Dinghy Sailing Levels 1, 2, 3,
  • Seamanship Skills
  • Day Sailing
  • RYA Keelboat Sailing Levels 1, 2, 3
  • RYA Powerboat Levels 1 & 2
  • Safety Boat
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory
  • RYA YM Theory
  • RYA First Aid
  • RYA Diesel Engine
  • British Canoeing
  • Discover Award
  • Explore Award
  • Bell Boat Helm
  • Foundation for Safety & Rescue Training
  • Kayak instructor

Course dates can be viewed online at www.lordamory.org/coursedates.asp.  

For questions or to book contact us by email on: [email protected]

Twickenham Yacht Club

As an RYA Training Centre since 2011, Twickenham Yacht Club is proud to offer a wide range of training courses: 

  • Dinghy Training Courses
  • Powerboat 2 (Coastal)
  • Day Skipper Theory (24 weeks - evening classes)
  • Coastal Skipper / Yacht Master Theory (24 weeks - evening classes)
  • First Aid (1 day)
  • Engine Maintenance (1 1/2 days)
  • Marine Short Range Certificate (4 weeks - evening class)

In addition, for those with some experience, Twickenham Yacht Club offers the change to notch up your hours and progress, with regular Improvers Sailing Sessions throughout the year. 

If you have any further questions get in touch via email on: [email protected] .

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Thames Motor Yacht Club

Hampton court rd, surrey kt8 9bw.

The current membership of the TMYC is approximately 200 persons and with about 70 boats between them.

Families Welcome

The TMYC is very much a family Club and children of members are most welcome with many of today’s members themselves first introduced to the Club through their parents.

Categories of Membership

Several categories of membership are open to those wishing to join the Club. The main types are: –

Full Members

Full Members are private owners of motor craft and others with a direct interest in boating.

Social Members 

Social Members are persons with an interest in boating but not owners of a motor vessel that is permanently moored in the Thames (above Sea Reach 3) or its tributaries.

Overseas Members

Overseas Members  are persons living outside mainland UK with an interest in boating (typically members of the Club who have gone abroad). Boat owners must moor their vessel outside mainland UK waters.

Full range of memberships are:

  • Full Member
  • Full Member’s Partner (Joint Membership)
  • Youth Member (18-26) – a child of a Full Member
  • Family Member (under 18) – a child of a Full Member
  • Overseas Member
  • Social Member
  • Social Member’s Partner (Joint Membership)
  • Temporary Member – for instance: attending RYA course, or running a function.

If you wish to enquire about membership, then please

Relating to membership types:

  • Only Full Member, Joint Full Member and Honorary Full Member shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings.
  • Social membership is limited to one third of the total membership.
  • Temporary members are entitled to all benefits and privileges of membership, except they shall not have any interest in the assets of the Club and shall not be qualified to be Officers or Members of the Committee nor to vote.
  • Temporary membership is for an agreed period only.

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  1. Thames yacht club Black and White Stock Photos & Images

    thames motor yacht club history

  2. The Royal Thames Yacht Club's motor launch 'Salee Rover', 1912. Creator

    thames motor yacht club history

  3. Diamond Jubilee

    thames motor yacht club history

  4. Diamond Jubilee

    thames motor yacht club history

  5. 101 Royal Thames Yacht Club Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images

    thames motor yacht club history

  6. Royal thames yacht club Black and White Stock Photos & Images

    thames motor yacht club history


  1. The History of TMYC

    The Thames Motor Yacht Club is honoured to have been given the right to fly its own defaced blue ensign, a privilege bestowed on the Club in 1951 by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. This special year in the Club"s history appropriately marked its "coming of age".

  2. 70th Year

    This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Thames Motor Yacht Club located just above Hampton Court Bridge opposite Molesey Lock. Inaugurated on June 4, 1930 as the Thames Motor Cruising Club, it is one of the oldest on the river. The club was conceived by Steve Broderick with three or four fellow members of the Motor Boat Association who had ...

  3. 1930

    History of the TMYC: 1930 - 1980. In 1980, the Thames Motor Yacht Club published a Jubilee Year Book to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Club. These notes are based on that review. The first 50 years. It was in the Magpie Hotel in Sunbury, in 1930, that sixteen intrepid gentlemen founded the Thames Motor Cruiser Club.

  4. Our History

    Thus the Association of Thames Motor Boat Clubs (ATMBC) was born. The aim of the Association was then and still is to this date to "promote and to protect the interest of the private boat owner". The ATMBC was later to be renamed the Association of Thames Yacht Clubs (ATYC). The Association started off under the Chairmanship of J R "Nobby ...

  5. Royal Thames Yacht Club

    YACHT RACING Founded in 1775, the Royal Thames Yacht Club is one of the oldest yacht clubs in the world. Credited with having devised the concept of fleet racing for yachts upon a regular basis, it has, throughout its long history been at the forefront of developing yacht racing, whilst its members raced, cruised or ventured world-wide on voyages of discovery.

  6. Thames motor yacht club

    History. The Thames motor yacht club was established on 1930 in Magpie hotel Sunbury by 16 gentlemen, making it one of the oldest on the river Thames. The Thames motor yacht club, Thames motor cruising club as it was known then, established itself over the many years since its first meeting surviving through a world war and is passed on by ...

  7. Royal Thames Yacht Club

    The Royal Thames Yacht Club (RTYC) is the oldest continuously operating yacht club in the world, and the oldest yacht club in the United Kingdom. Its headquarters are located at 60 Knightsbridge, London, England, overlooking Hyde Park.The club's purpose is "to provide the members with outstanding yacht cruising, racing and social opportunities in the UK and internationally, building on the ...

  8. Feature contributor: The Royal Thames Yacht Club

    Sailing on the Thames in the 18th Century. Founded in 1775, the Royal Thames Yacht Club was already 132 years old when the first Six Metre took to the water. The Club's first recorded race was held on the Thames in July 1775 for a silver cup - the first Cumberland Cup - put up by the Duke of Cumberland, younger brother of King George III.

  9. Royal Thames History

    The Royal Thames Yacht Club name originates from 1830 when William IV came to the throne. The members originally met in coffee houses. From 1857, the Club owned various properties in London, moving to 60 Knightsbridge, overlooking Hyde Park, in 1923. The present Clubhouse is the result of a development of the site between 1961 and 1963.

  10. About Us

    Founded in 1775, the Royal Thames Yacht Club is one of the oldest yacht club in the world as well as being the oldest royal yacht club. Sailing is at the heart of the club and our members young and old participate in a wide range of racing and cruising events in home waters and worldwide.

  11. Thames Motor Yacht Club

    Thames Motor Yacht Club, East Molesey, Surrey, United Kingdom. 335 likes · 922 were here. Coming soon

  12. About the Club

    Objectives. Thames Motor Yacht Club's primary objectives are the encouragement and development of motor boating. This includes the provision of: a social centre for members, moorings for craft, facilities for information, instruction, education and advice upon all matters pertaining to the sport in general.

  13. Thames Motor Yacht Club (United Kingdom)

    Their history does not record that the special ensign was granted in 1951, on the club's 21st anniversary, in recognition of the club's services during World War Two, particularly at Dunkirk in 1940. Before 1969 when the name was changed, the club badge was different. ... The Thames Motor Yacht Club was formerly the Thames Motor Cruising Club.

  14. Training

    Thames Motor Yacht Club Thames Motor Yacht Club Thames Motor Yacht Club. Founded in 1930, TMYC is one of the oldest clubs on the river with a history of boating and a wealth of experience. We are recognised by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) to provide both shorebased and practical courses. With our team of trainers, we run a variety of ...

  15. Thames Motor Yacht Club Group

    Thames Motor Yacht Club Group is an open forum for members to share their photos/videos, experiences and tales of happiness or woe for the benefit of fellow club members.

  16. Seen the wonderful Thames locks & tow paths yet? Why not try ...

    🩷 Seen the wonderful Thames locks & tow paths yet? Why not try boating? Gain experience, pick up boat handling skills & gently cruise in company with TMYC leading the way. Try our Thames club cruises, or when you are ready, go tidal for London, the East or South Coast, or even a Channel crossing to France, Belgium or Holland.

  17. Novosibirsk Oblast

    Novosibirsk Oblast is located in the south of the West Siberian Plain, at the foothills of low Salair ridge, between the Ob and Irtysh Rivers.The oblast borders Omsk Oblast in the west, Kazakhstan (Pavlodar Province) in the southwest, Tomsk Oblast in the north, Kemerovo Oblast in the east, and Altai Krai in the south. The territory of the oblast extends for more than 600 kilometers (370 mi ...

  18. Thames Motor Yacht Club

    Thames Motor Yacht Club, one of the best located boating clubs on the River Thames. Very socially active, family club. RYA classes. Large Function Hall and Riverside Bar with moorings at Hampton Court ... The Club, formed in 1930 is steeped in history and traditions, provides a social centre and moorings for members. read more About the Club.

  19. THE 5 BEST Novosibirsk Water & Amusement Parks

    Sky River Casino Pismo Bowl The Conjuring House The Icelandic Punk Museum Coyote Point Recreation Area Fun City Pakistan The Roof Gardens South Street Ocean Beach Parissis Winery First Class Private Transfers from UVF Airport To Any SANDALS Resort (Roundtrip) Porto: Private Yacht Tour with Tastings (1-10 People) High Speed Train from Rome to Amalfi Coast with Boat Hopping Chase Brown's Vegas ...

  20. Category:sh:Places in Novosibirsk Oblast

    Pages in category "sh:Places in Novosibirsk Oblast" The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.

  21. Membership

    Social membership is limited to one third of the total membership. Temporary members are entitled to all benefits and privileges of membership, except they shall not have any interest in the assets of the Club and shall not be qualified to be Officers or Members of the Committee nor to vote. Temporary membership is for an agreed period only.

  22. Category : en:Cities in Novosibirsk Oblast

    English names of cities in Novosibirsk Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific cities in Novosibirsk Oblast, not merely terms related to cities in Novosibirsk Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of cities in Novosibirsk Oblast.