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OBS de Catamaran

Horen, zien en leren.

Op de Catamaran worden kinderen letterlijk en figuurlijk gezien en gehoord. Zij gebruiken hun eigen stem in gesprek met ons en in samenspraak met andere kinderen. We helpen kinderen sociaal sterk te worden. Zo leren wij kinderen vertrouwen te hebben in zichzelf en verantwoordelijkheid te dragen. Wij kijken niet alleen naar het resultaat, maar ook naar de weg er naar toe, zodat kinderen leren terugkijken op hun eigen handelen en werk. Fouten maken mag, want juist daar leren we allemaal van!

De school biedt een stevige basis van rust, structuur en houvast waarin leren niet alleen doelgericht, maar ook helder is. Met ons enthousiaste, ervaren en gemotiveerde team - in samenspraak met ouders - zijn wij verantwoordelijk voor de positieve ontwikkeling van elk kind en diens talent.


Maria Danneels Erf 22-24 2907 BD Capelle aan den IJssel 010-4512336 [email protected] Directeur: Hedy van Harselaar

Wij zijn de Catamaran!

catamaran school rotterdam

'Mijn kinderen gaan met plezier naar school. De sfeer op de Catamaran is gezellig. Het is een open school en dat zie je direct terug als je het gebouw binnenkomt.'


Samen het beste uit jezelf halen.

Wij zijn de Catamaran: Welkom aan boord.

Door alle beschikbare onderwijsmethodes zou je soms vergeten dat er ook nog zoiets bestaat als gewoon goed onderwijs . Met gemotiveerde en verantwoordelijke leerkrachten die doen wat ze zeggen en zeggen wat ze doen; passend en uitdagend onderwijs bieden met een sterk cultureel bewustzijn en een passend opleidingsprofiel.

Ons team van leerkrachten staat voor onderzoekend en betekenisvol leren. We helpen kinderen vanuit hun eigen nieuwsgierigheid te ontdekken wat ze willen, wat ze kunnen en waar ze goed in zijn. We zien jouw kind, laten goed tot ons doordringen waar het behoefte aan heeft en laten het tot optimale ontwikkeling komen.

Als volwassenen zijn wij er vooral om ze inspiratie en kaders te geven; een fijne kindertijd, met waar nodig een zetje in de juiste richting. Wij reiken de basis aan, waarna ze de ruimte krijgen om zelf te benoemen hoe die kennis relevant kan worden voor hun leven. Zo kunnen ze eigenaarschap nemen over het geleerde en coachen we ze tot de eigen ontdekking van de wereld. Voor je kind voelt het als één grote ontdekkingsreis.

We streven er naar om kennis en vaardigheden altijd te koppelen aan een concrete situatie. Leren wat een breuk is wordt bijvoorbeeld een stuk beter te begrijpen als de bakker uit de straat een warm stuk brood voor je afbreekt. Daarom laten we wanneer dat kan de buitenwereld binnenkomen, gaan we met Juf op Straat op pad in de wijk in en duiken we geregeld in de schooltuinen. 

We weten ook dat de kinderen het fantastisch vinden als we thema’s door de hele school heen behandelen. Zijn we met de hele school bezig met een thema zoals eten & drinken, kunst of natuur, dan zie je dat overal terug.

Een wereld vol wetenschap, natuur en techniek

We zien dat kinderen proefondervindelijk het beste leren, en daarom zit onze mini-maatschappij vol wetenschap, natuur en techniek. En omdat we vinden dat ons aanbod altijd veelzijdig moet zijn hebben we vakleerkrachten en ondersteunen de opvang-krachten van UniKidz de leraren waar ze maar kunnen met relevante activiteiten. Heeft je kind behoefte aan meer uitdaging, dan hebben we het leerlab, met een leerkracht die zich volledig richt op het samen met de kinderen onderzoeken van de wereld om ons heen.

Een dorp in de stad

Ouders vertellen ons vaak dat ze de Catamaran zien als een dorpje in de stad. Hoewel we een grootstedelijke school zijn, vinden we het fijn dat we met meerdere locaties altijd bij je in de buurt zitten en kleinschaligheid kunnen behouden.

Met drie locaties in Amsterdam West die worden bestuurd door één Catamaran-bemanning kunnen we bijvoorbeeld in geval van ziekte de leerkrachten laten rouleren en beschikken we altijd over een divers les-aanbod.

Onze leerlingen zitten dan wel verspreid over drie locaties, toch voelen wij ons één. Zo organiseren wij sportdagen en feesten locatie-overkoepelend en bouwen we met de gezamenlijke leerlingenraad continu verder aan de Catamaran.

Alles onder één dak

Op de meeste scholen vliegen de kinderen na schooltijd uit naar één van de buitenschoolse activiteiten. Door onze samenwerking met UniKidz is dat verleden tijd en is jouw kind van nul tot dertien jaar en van 08.00 tot 18.30 in goede handen.

Gezonde levensstijl

In de klas en tijdens de opvang is veel aandacht voor bewustzijn rondom het eigen lichaam en een gezonde levensstijl. In de eerste plaats omdat leerlingen daar op latere leeftijd veel baat van ondervinden, en niet in de laatste plaats omdat gezonde voeding en beweging zorgen voor betere leerprestaties.

Een vreedzame school

Een school is eigenlijk een mini-versie van de maatschappij. Iedereen is uniek en verschillend. Dat zie je in de diversiteit in onze klassen en ook in de manier waarop we kinderen de wereld laten ontdekken.

Kinderen leren bij ons hoe ze met elkaar kunnen communiceren, op een manier dat ieder kind gehoord wordt en op zijn eigen niveau zijn zegje kan doen en gewaardeerd wordt in de klas.

Gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid en eigenaarschap, gezamenlijkheid en samenwerken op elk niveau zorgen ervoor dat onze school een fijne en veilige omgeving blijft.

Actieve inspraak

Op de Catamaran organiseren onderwijs en ouders zich samen rondom jouw kind. Daarom is het belangrijk dat we oor voor elkaar hebben.  

Onze actieve leerlingenraad zorgt er voor dat alle kinderbelangen behartigd worden. We moedigen ook alle ouders aan om actief te worden en goede ideeën aan te dragen.

Meer informatie over onze visie en ons pedagogisch en didactisch beleid kunt u lezen in onze schoolgids, die u kunt downloaden via de pagina Praktische Zaken, Schooldocumenten.


De Catamaran

Catullusweg 298 3076 KH Rotterdam

Directeur: Arina Rook

Stuur ons een bericht:

  • De directie
  • De medezeggenschapsraad
  • De intern begeleider
  • De leerkracht van mijn kind
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0655885094 of 010-4815137


  • CWO Sailing Lessons inland
  • CWO Offshore sailing lessons
  • Sailing Lessons for adults
  • Sail yacht rental Holland
  • Bavaria 30 cruiser
  • Bavaria 38 cruiser
  • Jeanneau 40 cruiser

Ocean Sailing

  • Sailing trips in the Netherlands
  • Sailing the Demarage
  • Offshore Sailing
  • Prices Sailing Lessons
  • Rules and Regulations

Sailing holidays

Demarage – your sailing school in Zeeland, The Netherlands

Demarage Zeil Centrum (Demarage Sailing Centre) is a young and flexible organization which has established a solid reputation with her commitment to her customers. Our Dutch Sailing School is famous for her personal approach, exclusivity, high quality standards and variety of sailboats. We have an excellent reputation in Holland as well as abroad. We operate under the Hiswa terms and conditions for sailing schools .   Demarage is situated in the Delta region of Zeeland. Holland’s Delta region is without any doubt, one of the most diversified sailing regions of Western Europe and offers numerous possibilities for both the novice and the advanced sailing enthusiast.

Sailing School Netherlands

CWO Sailing Lessons

At our sailing school in Zeeland, you will learn through the various modules, sailing on a seaworthy sailing yacht.

Yacht rental

Yacht Rental

Rent one of our gorgeous and well equipped sailing yachts in Zeeland.

Ocean sailing

Great sea sailing trips aboard our 67feet (20.42 meters) Global Challenge yacht.

sailing business

Sailing Business

Sailing trips with your company, customers and/or clients; also available for family trips and parties.

yacht rental

Sailing yacht rental

Known for it’s high quality standards for both equipment and service, Demarage Sailing Centre is the right address for Yacht rental for your holidays, short- or day trips. Since every sailing boat behaves in it’s own specific way, renting a boat of Demarage Sailing school is always preceded by extensive instruction on the boat’s sailing equipment and technical installations like the use of the engine, electrical systems and safety equipment. All information is also available in the ship’s reference manual.

Demarage Sailing school offers the opportunity to enjoy pleasant and relaxing sailing events. You can rent a sailing yacht or be a guest on board of one of our sailing yachts. We provide sailing lessons for both beginners and experts. From the smallest sailboat to the biggest sailing yacht, Demarage has the knowledge, knowhow and willingness to take your sailing skills to the next level.

Book one of our attractive sailing vacations or rent a yacht, equipped with all possible comforts, and get a breath of fresh air! It is also possible to first gain experience and knowledge with the help of our custom-made teaching programs after which you can sail on your own.

Are you curious whether we can make your wishes come true? Then please contact us.


Discover the Netherlands; just a day or a few days sailing!

Introduction to sailing, or just a family outing, it is just good sailing in Zeeland. No sailing lesson but under the right guidance so that it will be an unforgettable day of sailing. Explore Holland from the waterfront and visit the famous old Dutch Harbors. Ever considered a holiday on a luxurious sailing yacht and discover Holland yourself? Check out our website or visit sailing days in Holland.

Practical VHF Course

Practical VHF Course

Every year we organize a practice course on the use of the marine VHF radio will be given aboard the Mariflex Challenge. During this 2 day course we’ll run you through the proceedings of using a marine VHF radio and you’ll be able to practice the use of it and the way of communicating by calling on actual bridges, locks, and block channels. This course is meant for anyone who wishes to know more about the use of a marine VHF radio aboard.

North Sea sailing trip

North Sea sailing trip

We regularly organise challenging and relaxing North Sea sailing trips with the Mariflex Challenge, for more information on this beautiful, fully equipped ocean race yacht check our website. For example, these sailing trips can go to Belgium, England, or Northbound. Everyone can participate in these sailing trips, with or without sailing experience. If you want, you can expand your knowledge on all sorts of areas …


catamaran school rotterdam

Catamaran sailing camp

During the summer holidays Catamaran school Zeehelden organizes awesome sailing camps. Sailing with catamarans at sea is definitely very cool and spectacular. When you start catamaran sailing, you will be on board with an instructor. You will learn all about steering the boat, sail and weight trim and much more. If all goes well, you can get one of the five Zeehelden diplomas at the end of the week. 

Once you have mastered the basics of catamaran sailing, you can learn to sail independently with your buddy on one of the youth catamarans. The instructors will coach you from the motorboat. Imagine: hanging in the trapeze racing the waves of the North Sea …

During the week we will do many more fun activities that fit perfectly with summer on the beach. With the waves we will go body boarding, surfing, supping and /or kayaking. On the beach we will do fun games and sports. During the sailing camp the focus will be on catamaran sailing but if the (weather)conditions are not suitable for sailing, we have many great alternatives. Great fun during the week is guaranteed.

Sailing camp info

View the options below.

The sailing camps are for water rats from 10 to 18 years old.

The sailing weeks take place during the summer holidays from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The dates for the 2024 season are as follows

– July 15 to July 19 – July 22 to July 26 – July 29 to August 2 – August 12 to August 16 – August 19 to August 23

Near Zeehelden at the Wassenaarse Slag.

The costs for the sailing camps are €450 per week. This includes all necessary materials, daily lunches, snacks and drinks, and a final BBQ.

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catamaran school rotterdam

Rotterdam Expat Centre is now Rotterdam International Center. We have moved into a new office in the Groot Handelsgebouw – read more

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Education & childcare.

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Your child recently came to the Netherlands, but does not or barely speak any Dutch (yet). Despite this your child must attend school.

That is not a problem: in Rotterdam, a few classes at ‘regular’ schools are equipped to take in children which have not been in the Netherlands for long, like your child. These classes are called International Transition Classes (Internationale Schakelklassen, ISK) in secondary education. In primary education these transition classes are called First Intake Classes (Eerste Opvang). Your child will follow an intensive language programme in the ISK class. Once your child speaks and writes Dutch sufficiently, he or she will be transferred to a ‘regular’ class in primary or secondary education.

Primary education (ages 5 to 12)

Rotterdam has 13 primary schools that offer a First Intake transition class. You can register your child with the school closest to you. They will enter your child’s details and check whether they have an opening.

Name of School Adress Telephone Number Area
Othelloweg 2 3290AE Rotterdam 010 2957273 Hoogvliet
Krabbendijksestraat 243-254
3086LR Rotterdam
010 4803552 Charlois
2-4 Carnissedreef
3083ZG Rotterdam
0104808568 Charlois
2 Clingendaal
3075LN Rotterdam
010 4844688 Feijenoord
Putseplein 18
3073HT Rotterdam
010 484 46 91 Feijenoord
298 Catullusweg
3076KH Rotterdam
0102916770 IJsselmonde
322 Bilderdijkstraat
3027SN Rotterdam
010 4154909 Delfshaven
59 Tidemanstraat
3022SE Rotterdam
010 4258312 Delfshaven
80 Catharina Beersmanstraat
3025EJ Rotterdam
010 4760114 Delfshaven
101 Benthuizerstaat
3035CN Rotterdam
010 413 66 76 Kralingen/ Crooswijk
99 Nieuwe Ommoordseweg
3068BS Rotterdam
010 421 53 13 Prins Alexander
1-3-5 Jan Tooropstraat
3181HE Rotterdam
0181 – 212 565 Rozenburg
Asserweg 360 3052AJ Rotterdam 010 4184727 Hillegersberg – Schiebroek

Secondary education

Secondary education in the Netherlands differentiates between various levels of education. Your child will be tested to establish the level at which he or she can start. Employees of Koers-VO will test your child, in collaboration with the secondary education system in Rotterdam. The test will include an intelligence- and a match test. You will then be issued with a recommendation for your child. After testing, you will be referred to one of the five schools with an International Transition Class. You can go to this website  for more information on secondary education, regional training centres (ROCs) and to register your child. Or contact them directly by calling the following number: 010-4842576

This website (only in Dutch) provide an overview of primary  and  secondary  schools in Rotterdam.

Young people who are 18+

For young people between the ages of 18 and 23 who don’t have a Dutch diploma, we would like to know what their level of education is and what they will potentially study. You can provide us with this information by sending an email to [email protected] . If you need help you can contact the Youth Support Desk, by calling 010-2676788.

Bilingual primary education

International Child Centre ‘Port of Holland’, Primary school ‘de Ontmoeting’

Our school is situated in the multi-coloured new housing neighbourhood Fascinatio in Capelle a/d IJssel, within walking distance of the campus of the Erasmus University, Rivium and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The school is easily accessible by public transport and there is plenty of free parking spots. Our pupils learn to collaborate with pupils at our partner schools around the world, sometimes via Skype, Teams, email or even live on the classroom smartboards. At our school we strive for innovative and high quality education. Within our education we use the 21st Century Skills, such as: critical thinking, a problem solving ability, creativity, computational thinking and collaborative learning. With the advice of ‘Ons Onderwijs2032’ to the Secretary of State, Sander Dekker of the Ministry of OC&W, a vision has been formed about future education. In this report the attention is paid to the total learning of children. The government aims to raise children to kind, worthy and skilled adults. English, entrepreneurship, economics, shared leadership and media literacy will be important goals to the current generation, that will enter the labor market in about twenty years. These skills will even become more important goals to the pupils who might choose a theoretical further education and for the more practically talented children.

Our main features are: o Bilingual education o Internationalisation and global citizenship o IPC: International Primary Curriculum o Bilingual Integrated Child Center o Focus on high quality education o Specialised teachers o Accessible location

More information go to: 

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Reading time: 4 min

Just arrived in the Netherlands and off to school

Even if your child has only just arrived in the Netherlands, he or she will still need to attend school. Your child will be able to go to a normal class in primary or secondary education once he or she can speak and write a sufficient amount of Dutch.

>  Read this information in Dutch

Primary school for children aged 6 to 12

There are initial transition classes for children aged 6 to 12. Your child will learn the Dutch language as a second language in these transition classes. There are 13 primary schools with a transition class in Rotterdam. You can register your child at the nearest primary school with a transition class. You will need to contact the school yourself.

Primary schools with transition classes

  • OBS de Kameleon, BOOR, Carnissedreef 2-4, 3083 ZG, 010 480 85 68, Charlois
  • Over de Slinge, BOOR, Krabbendijkestraat 243-254, 3086 LR, 010 480 35 52, Charlois
  • De Catamaran, BOOR, Catullusweg 298, 3076 KH, 010 291 67 70, IJsselmonde
  • De Notenkraker, BOOR, Othelloweg 2, 3190 AE, 010 295 72 73, Hoogvliet
  • OBS Dakpark, BOOR, Catharina Beersmanstraat 80, 3025 EJ, 010 476 01 14, Delfshaven
  • OBS Kasteel Spangen, BOOR, Bilderdijkstraat 322, 3027 SN, 010 415 49 09, Delfshaven
  • Emmausschool, RVKO, Tidemanstraat 59, 3022 SE, 010 425 83 12, Delfshaven
  • Stephanus, RVKO, Asserweg 360, 3052 AJ, 010 418 47 27, Hillegersberg-Schiebroek
  • Rozenhorst, RVKO, Jan Tooropstraat 1-3-5, 3181 HE, 0181 212 565, Rozenburg
  • Pniëlschool, PCBO, Clingendaal 2, 3075 LN, 010 484 46 88, Feijenoord
  • CBS de Sleutel, PCBO, Putseplein 18, 3073 HT, 010 484 46 91, Feijenoord
  • Da Costa, PCBO, Johannes Brandstraat 3-7, 3072 BD, 010 484 35 34, Feijenoord
  • Transition class registrations administration, Vaandrigstraat 15, 3034 PX , 010 413 66 76
  • Benthuizerstraat Transition Class, Benthuizerstraat 101, 3035 CN, 010 790 11 49, Noord
  • Cornelis Haakschool Transition Class, Algiersstraat 6, 3067 MZ Prins Alexander
  • Beverwaard Transition Class (collaboration between PCB de Parel and RK de Regenboog), ICBO, Hoensbroeksingel 15, 3077 TA, 06 832 552 95, Beverwaard

Temporary Educational Facilities (TEF)

  • De Gaffel, RVKO & BOOR, Toni Koopmanplein 114, 3014 RC, 010 311 70 01, City Centre
  • De Goede Herder Language Class, PCOHS, Kastanjeplein 6, 3053 CD, 010 41 89 579, Hillegersberg-Schiebroek

Secondary education for children aged 12 and upwards

There are various different levels of secondary education in the Netherlands. Your child will be tested to ascertain at which level he or she can participate. These tests are conducted by employees at Koers VO, Rotterdam’s secondary education partnership. Your child will need to complete an intelligence test and a maths test. Advice will subsequently be issued for your child. There are five secondary schools with an international transition class.

Please contact Koers VO for information about secondary education and registering your child for the relevant tests:

ITC Intake - Koers VO . Link opens an external page Schiekade 34, 3032 AJ Rotterdam 010 484 25 76 [email protected] . Link opens an external page

Secondary Schools


  • Rotterdam Design College, Westzeedijk 497, Rotterdam - VMBO (Pre-Vocational Secondary Education) bbl/kbl/gl (basic vocational/advanced vocational/mixed pathways) (16+)
  • Rotterdam Design College, Beukelsdijk 145, Rotterdam - VMBO (Pre-Vocational Secondary Education) bbl/kbl/gl (basic vocational/advanced vocational/mixed pathways) (12-15 years)
  • Wolfert College, Walenburgerweg 128, Rotterdam - VMBO (Pre-Vocational Secondary Education) tl (theoretic pathway), HAVO (Higher General Secondary Education) and VWO (Pre-University Education)


  • RVC De Hef, Slaghekstraat 221, Rotterdam - VMBO (Pre-Vocational Secondary Education) bbl/kbl/gl (basic vocational/advanced vocational/mixed/theoretic pathways)
  • Zuiderpark, Montessoriweg 26, Rotterdam - 12-16 years VMBO (Pre-Vocational Secondary Education) bbl/kbl/gl (basic vocational/advanced vocational/mixed/theoretic pathways)
  • Olympia College, Olympiaweg 395, Rotterdam - VMBO (Pre-Vocational Secondary Education) bbl/kbl (basic vocational/advanced vocational pathways)
  • OSG Hugo de Groot, Nachtegaalplein 53, Rotterdam - HAVO (Higher General Secondary Education) and VWO (Pre-University Education

Young people aged 17 years, 6 months and above

There is an international transition class at the MBO Albeda . Link opens an external page for young people aged 17 years, 6 months and above. Young people can move onto regular secondary education, intermediate vocational education (MBO) or higher education (higher vocational education and university) after the international transition class.

Intermediate vocational education and higher education

Institutions for intermediate vocational education, higher vocational education and universities in Rotterdam:

MBO (Intermediate Vocational Education)

  • Scheepvaart & Transport College (Shipping & Transport College) . Link opens an external page
  • Yuverta Rotterdam . Link opens an external page
  • ROC Albeda College . Link opens an external page
  • ROC Hoornbeeck College . Link opens an external page
  • ROC Zadkine . Link opens an external page
  • Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam . Link opens an external page
  • Hout- en Meubileringscollege (Wood & Furnishing College) . Link opens an external page
  • Techniek College (Technical College) Rotterdam . Link opens an external page

HBO (Higher Vocational Education)

  • CodArts . Link opens an external page
  • EuroCollege Hogeschool . Link opens an external page
  • Hogeschool INHOLLAND Rotterdam . Link opens an external page
  • Hogeschool Rotterdam . Link opens an external page
  • Thomas More Hogeschool . Link opens an external page
  • Willem de Kooning Academie . Link opens an external page
  • Hogeschool TIO Rotterdam . Link opens an external page
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) . Link opens an external page

Bilingual MBO (Intermediate Vocational) courses

There are bilingual MBO courses for young people who have a secondary education diploma and who have a good command of the English language:

  • Zadkine - Business and Fashion . Link opens an external page
  • Zadkine - Hospitality Management Course . Link opens an external page
  • Zadkine - International Business Studies | mbo . Link opens an external page
  • English-language courses & Excellence programmes . Link opens an external page

Continue your studies in the Netherlands

Young people who were already studying abroad before arriving in the Netherlands can continue their studies in the Netherlands if they meet the conditions: What are the entry requirements? - UAF . Link opens an external page

International Schools Database Logo

  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Manila, Philippines
  • Penang, Malaysia
  • Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Phuket, Thailand
  • Yangon, Myanmar
  • and 39 more...
  • Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Beijing, China
  • Guangzhou, China
  • Hangzhou, China
  • Jeju, South Korea
  • Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe, Japan
  • Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Shanghai, China
  • Shenzhen, China
  • Taipei, Taiwan
  • Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • and 21 more...
  • Algarve, Portugal
  • Alicante, Costa Blanca, Spain
  • Athens, Greece
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Belgrade, Serbia
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Malaga, Costa del Sol, Spain
  • Mallorca, Spain
  • Milan, Italy
  • Rome, Italy
  • Sevilla, Spain
  • Valencia, Spain
  • and 54 more...
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • French Riviera - Côte d'Azur, France
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Munich, Germany
  • Paris, France
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Zurich - Zug, Switzerland
  • and 80 more...
  • Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • and 6 more...
  • Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Amman, Jordan
  • Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Doha, Qatar
  • Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman, UAE
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Kuwait City, Kuwait
  • Limassol, Cyprus
  • Manama, Bahrain
  • Muscat, Oman
  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Bogota, Colombia
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Chicago, USA
  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • New York City, USA
  • Panama City, Panama
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • San Francisco Bay Area, USA
  • San Jose, Costa Rica
  • Santiago, Chile
  • Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Toronto, Canada
  • and 1 more...
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Casablanca, Morocco
  • Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Kampala, Uganda
  • Lagos, Nigeria
  • Mombasa, Kenya
  • Nairobi, Kenya
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Best 10 International Schools in Rotterdam - The Hague

International education in rotterdam - the hague.

⇩ Scroll directly to the list of top 10 best schools in Rotterdam - The Hague ⇩

Small but mighty, the Netherlands has long been a country that people from all corners of the globe call home.

Two of its cities in particular - Rotterdam and The Hague - have impressive international communities despite their small sizes. The former is the biggest seaport in Europe, and the latter is the home to most of the Netherland’s foreign embassies as well as the United Nations International Court of Justice.

For this reason, The Hague and nearby Rotterdam have an adequate choice of international schools .

In Rotterdam, there are a number of international schools within a short distance of Rotterdam Centraal station. A short trip away in The Hague, there is a cluster of schools in the Scheveningen area and along the Meijendel nature reserve.

There are two types of international schools in Rotterdam and The Hague; Dutch international schools and private international schools. The former are government subsidised and often attached to public schools. They are designed to be a go-between for students transitioning into the Dutch school system from abroad or vice versa.

Private international schools are exactly the same as what you’ll find in other countries. They have high fees, excellent facilities, a more diverse student body and they teach an international curriculum, sometimes affiliated with a particular country. Almost all international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague teach through English.

However, not all children are permitted to attend international schools in the Netherlands. Dutch children must have studied abroad in the past, or be planning on studying abroad for a significant amount of time within the next few years. Non-Dutch children can attend only if they are planning on staying in the Netherlands for a limited time.

For this reason, the ratio of native to non-native students in Rotterdam and The Hague’s international schools is often lower than in other cities and countries.

Another aspect of international school life that’s different in Rotterdam and The Hague is the school bus. Private transport to and from the school campus is not at all common in the Netherlands’ schools, whether private or not. This is because public transport throughout the country is, by anyone’s standards, excellent.

In the unlikely event that there is no easy way to get to school via bus or tram, don’t worry. The tradition of riding bicycles anywhere and everywhere is alive and well in Rotterdam and The Hague!

Below, we have compiled the top 10 international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague according to our users. However, there are another 10 schools to choose from in the city. You can find the best international school for your child by personalising your results . Just fill in your search criteria, and we will calculate a personal score for every international school in Rotterdam - The Hague based on your requirements .

Out of a total of 20 International Schools in Rotterdam - The Hague.

Based on the aggregated preferences of our users in the last 30 days.

  • Lighthouse Special Education
  • Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam
  • American School of The Hague
  • European School the Hague
  • The International School of The Hague
  • International School Wassenaar - Rijnlands Lyceum
  • Rotterdam International Secondary School
  • Elckerlyc International School
  • Harbour International School
  • International School Leiden

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What are the best international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague?

See all the schools in rotterdam - the hague.

20 International Schools in Rotterdam - The Hague

How Many International Schools are there in Rotterdam - The Hague?

There are 20 international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague. See them all

What are the most popular curriculums in Rotterdam - The Hague?
Curriculum International schools
Other 7  
What are the most popular languages of instruction?
Language International schools
Other 1  

Among these, there are 4 bilingual schools in Rotterdam - The Hague.

How Much do International Schools cost in Rotterdam - The Hague?

The average price of international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague is €13,420 . ( * )

Price for 12 y.o.
Min. price €4,000
Avg. price €13,420
Max. price €29,270
Price for 12 y.o. Number of international schools
€4,000 to €16,499 12  
€16,500 to €28,999 4  
€29,000 to €41,499 1  

(*) The price for one year of fees for a 12 year old (or the closest age to 12 available in the school), excluding one-time fees at enrolment.

How Big are Class Sizes in Rotterdam - The Hague?

The average class size of international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague is 19.3 students.

Class Size Number of international schools
5 to 14 1  
15 to 24 9  
25 to 34 3  

How big are the schools in Rotterdam - The Hague (in number of students)?

The average size, in number of students, of international schools in Rotterdam - The Hague is 672 students.

Number of students Number of international schools
1 to 700 11  
701 to 1,400 2  
1,401 to 2,100 2  
2,101 to 2,800 1  

International Schools Database

The International School Database is a one-stop shop for finding, researching and comparing schools in cities across the world.

Each school's listing includes full contact details, school policies, nationality information, extra-curricular activities, and much more. Everything you need to know is all under one roof, so you can make an informed decision on the best school for your children.


  1. Ons onderwijs

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  2. Educatief Centrum Lombardijen (De Catamaran)

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  3. Vakantieschool Catamaran

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  4. De Catamaran Rotterdam

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  5. De Catamaran (Rotterdam)

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  6. Het onderwijs

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  4. HNLMS ROTTERDAM Dutch Navy warship in London

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  1. De Catamaran (Rotterdam)

    De Catamaran (Rotterdam) - Voor ieder kind de wind in de zeilen! Welkom op de website van openbare basisschool De Catamaran. De Catamaran is een innovatieve, actieve brede school. We maken gebruik van nieuwe inzichten betreft het leren van kinderen en borduren voort op de goede zaken die wij al jarenlang op De Catamaran toepassen.

  2. Welkom

    Welkom. Welkom op de website van openbare basisschool De Catamaran. De Catamaran is een innovatieve, actieve brede school. We maken gebruik van nieuwe inzichten betreft het leren van kinderen en borduren voort op de goede zaken die wij al jarenlang op De Catamaran toepassen. Door gebruik te maken van goed gekwalificeerde leerkrachten ...

  3. Welkom

    Maria Danneels Erf 22-24. 2907 BD Capelle aan den IJssel. 010-4512336. [email protected]. Directeur: Hedy van Harselaar. Je kind aanmelden of rondleiding.

  4. School

    Actieve inspraak. Op de Catamaran organiseren onderwijs en ouders zich samen rondom jouw kind. Daarom is het belangrijk dat we oor voor elkaar hebben. Onze actieve leerlingenraad zorgt er voor dat alle kinderbelangen behartigd worden. We moedigen ook alle ouders aan om actief te worden en goede ideeën aan te dragen.

  5. Ons onderwijs

    De Catamaran | Catullusweg 298 | 3076 KH Rotterdam | 010 - 2916770. Menu. Home; Ons onderwijs. Inspectierapport Catamaran; Schoolgids; Aanmelden leerling; ... Iedere dag krijgen meer dan 30.000 leerlingen in Rotterdam onderwijs op een school van stichting BOOR. Meer weten? Kijk op . Bekijk hier ons privacyreglement. PS & BvdM

  6. Aanmelden leerling

    De Catamaran is een '3-stroomschool', dat wil zeggen dat wij van elk leerjaar drie klassen hebben. Ook hebben we in onze school drie Schakelgroepen. ... Dit betekent dat wij voor uw kind een passende plek moeten vinden op onze school of op een andere school in Rotterdam. Meestal zal onze school de passende plek zijn, als dit niet zo is dan ...

  7. De Catamaran (Rotterdam)

    De Catamaran is een openbare school, die valt onder het bestuur van stichting BOOR. Bij stichting BOOR zijn alle openbare basisscholen, scholen voor voortgezet en (voortgezet) speciaal onderwijs in Rotterdam aangesloten. Iedere dag krijgen meer dan 30.000 leerlingen in Rotterdam onderwijs op een school van stichting BOOR. Meer weten?

  8. Schoolgids

    De Catamaran | Catullusweg 298 | 3076 KH Rotterdam | 010 - 2916770. Menu. Home; Ons onderwijs. Inspectierapport Catamaran; Schoolgids; Aanmelden leerling; ... Iedere dag krijgen meer dan 30.000 leerlingen in Rotterdam onderwijs op een school van stichting BOOR. Meer weten? Kijk op . Bekijk hier ons privacyreglement. PS & BvdM

  9. De Catamaran

    De Catamaran, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 709 likes · 349 were here. Basisschool De Catamaran uit Rotterdam Lombardijen is meer dan alleen een school; Verlengd dagarrangement, sportieve school en goede...

  10. De Catamaran

    De Catamaran, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 713 likes · 330 were here. Basisschool De Catamaran uit Rotterdam Lombardijen is meer dan alleen een school; Verlengd dagarrang De Catamaran | Rotterdam

  11. Rondleiding en informatie

    Op zoek naar een goede basisschool? Op onderstaande data geven wij een rondleiding in onze school. Tijdens deze rondleiding krijgt u veel informatie over onze school. Dinsdag 7 november 2023 van 13.00 tot 14.00 uur. Dinsdag 12 december 2023 van 13.00 tot 14.00 uur. Dinsdag 16 januari 2024 van 13.00 tot 14.00 uur.

  12. Het onderwijs

    De kleuterleerkracht begeleidt en stimuleert het spel van de kinderen. Op een speelse manier werken we aan de taalontwikkeling, voorbereidend rekenen en schrijven, maar ook aan de sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling, motoriek en zelfstandigheid …. Deze pagina geeft je inzicht in het onderwijs dat wordt gegeven op De Catamaran (Rotterdam).

  13. Catamaran school Zeehelden

    Catamaran or Multihull sailing is the most spectacular form of sailing. High speed, tilting the boat, hanging in the trapeze straight through the surf, ;these are the fascinating features of multihull sailing. Sailing courses for adults or youth, summercamps, or surf/sup/kayak rental. It is all possible at Catamaranschool Zeehelden!

  14. De Catamaran (@decatamaran) / Twitter

    Basisschool de Catamaran uit Rotterdam Lombardijen, meer dan alleen een school! Rotterdam Joined July 2010. 6 Following. 143 Followers. Tweets. Tweets & replies. Media. Likes. De Catamaran's Tweets. ... Groep 8 heeft morgen dus weer school! — opgewarmd. De Catamaran.

  15. Contact

    De Catamaran | Catullusweg 298 | 3076 KH Rotterdam | 010 - 2916770. Menu. Home; Ons onderwijs. Inspectierapport Catamaran; Schoolgids; Aanmelden leerling; ... Iedere dag krijgen meer dan 30.000 leerlingen in Rotterdam onderwijs op een school van stichting BOOR. Meer weten? Kijk op . Bekijk hier ons privacyreglement. PS & BvdM

  16. Home

    Our Dutch Sailing School is famous for her personal approach, exclusivity, high quality standards and variety of sailboats. We have an excellent reputation in Holland as well as abroad. ... Demarage Sailing Centre Kapershoek 85 3085 ED Rotterdam The Netherlands. 010-4815137 06-55885094 [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook:

  17. Contact

    Op deze pagina vind je alle contactgegevens van De Catamaran (Rotterdam). Spring naar gegevens van deze school; Spring naar contact- en algemene informatie; Scholen op de kaart. Home; Basisscholen in Rotterdam; De Catamaran; Contact ; De Catamaran. Catullusweg 298 3076 KH Rotterdam. Basisonderwijs ; Openbaar ; 526 leerlingen ...

  18. Catamaran sailing camp

    Catamaran sailing camp. During the summer holidays Catamaran school Zeehelden organizes awesome sailing camps. Sailing with catamarans at sea is definitely very cool and spectacular. When you start catamaran sailing, you will be on board with an instructor. You will learn all about steering the boat, sail and weight trim and much more.

  19. De Catamaran Map

    De Catamaran De Catamaran is a school in Gemeente Capelle aan den IJssel, South Holland located on Maria Danneels erf. De Catamaran is situated nearby to the community center Wijkcentrum Schollevaar and Protestants Christelijke Basisschool Het Baken.

  20. Public Schools

    Rotterdam has 13 primary schools that offer a First Intake transition class. You can register your child with the school closest to you. ... De Catamaran: 298 Catullusweg 3076KH Rotterdam: 0102916770: IJsselmonde: Kasteel Spangen: 322 Bilderdijkstraat 3027SN Rotterdam: 010 4154909: Delfshaven: Emmausschool: 59 Tidemanstraat 3022SE Rotterdam ...

  21. Just arrived in the Netherlands and off to school

    There are 13 primary schools with a transition class in Rotterdam. You can register your child at the nearest primary school with a transition class. You will need to contact the school yourself. ... De Catamaran, BOOR, Catullusweg 298, 3076 KH, 010 291 67 70, IJsselmonde;

  22. Best 10 International Schools in Rotterdam

    The Lighthouse Special Education (LSE) school is the only international special school in The Netherlands. LSE offers individualised education to children aged 3-13 who are unable to access international mainstream education. The school provides a safe and structured learning environment for children with complex learning needs.