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X-Yachts Marina A/S overtager Marina Minde og Marina Toft

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Claus Boisen og Hans Lindum Møller har som led i et generationsskifte solgt Marina Minde i Egernsund og Marina Toft i Gråsten til X-Yachts Marina A/S. Claus fortsætter som havnemester og Hans som direktør efter overtagelsen, der finder sted den 1. januar 2024.

Sælgerne fortæller, at de igennem en periode har været på udkig efter den helt rigtige køber af de to marinaer. En køber, som virkelig brænder for sejlerlivet. Samtidig skulle det også være en køber, som havde kapitalen til at fortsætte den positive udvikling. ”Vi var heldige og fik kontakt til X-Yachts A/S, som er ejet af Consolidated Holdings A/S, som straks viste interesse for marinaerne”. Kræn Nielsen, som er direktør i X-Yachts ser frem til at arbejde sammen med os og til at udvikle det bedst mulige forhold for vores sejlere. Samtidig tror vi, at det er muligt at skabe betydelige synergier mellem værftet og lystbådehavnene.

Marina Minde og Marina Toft ligger perfekt i grænselandet og er måske Danmarks smukkeste marinaer. Det var medvirkende til, at Marina Minde i 2021 blev kåret til ”Årets Havn”.

Ib Kunøe er ejer af Consolidated Holdings og har ejet X-Yachts siden 2012. Ib har været inkarneret sejlsportsmand siden barndomsårene i Aabenraa, så for ham var det en let beslutning af købe marinaerne. Som han udtaler: ”Har man en fin båd, så vil man også gerne have en attraktiv bådplads til den. Her kan marinaerne noget – der er fokus på sejlerglæden og samtidig er alle faciliteterne i top. Det er en fornøjelse at komme der. Vi købte X-Yachts, fordi vi gerne vil designe, fremstille og sælge de bedste performance cruisere og dertil passer marinaerne helt perfekt.”

Ib Kunøe har ikke aktuelt store planer om ændringer.  ”Vi overtager en veldrevet helårsforretning med den bedste beliggenhed, både natur- og markedsmæssigt. Med tiden vil der komme en del flere X-Yachts til Minde og Toft. Det er der næppe tvivl om”, siger Ib, der ser frem til et fortsat godt samarbejde med sælgerne og med restauratør Susanne Jylov, VÆRFTET, Restaurant og Bar, der fortsætter uændret som forpagter.

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Marina Minde i Flensborg Fjord skifter navn til X-Yachts Marina Minde, der har plads til store lystyachts

X-Yachts værft vil videreudvikle marinaen med de nuværende medarbejdere, fx skal broerne have en gennemgang. Der er kun få havne, der som Marina Minde kan klare både op til 23 meters længde og 7 meters bredde. Søndag 10. september 2023 holdes en festlig dag i havnen.

Marina Minde ligger smukt ud mod Flensborg Fjord, blot 10 sømil fra hhv Sønderborg og Flensborg, og byder på en mængde skønne natur- og historiemæssige oplevelser til lands.

Kulinariske oplevelser findes der også, men det er selvfølgelig primært de unikke maritime oplevelser, de ordnede forhold og den gode service, som gør Marina Minde til en af Danmarks mest eftertragtede marinaer, fortæller X-Yachts.

Op til syv meter dybdegang, flydebroer og masser af plads til trygge havnemanøvrer er også med til at gøre havnen populær. I 2021 blev marina Minde kåret til årets havn uf af 300 danske havne.

Broerne skal gennemgås

Fra 2024 bliver Marina Minde endnu bedre. Service- og fællesområderne vil blive forbedret, og broerne skal have en generel gennemgang. Der skal også hen over sæsonen arbejdes med aktiviteter, som gør havnen endnu mere attraktiv at besøge.

De nuværende fastliggere vil i høj grad blive taget med på råd, når Marina Minde fremover skifter navn til X-Yachts Marina Minde, og X-Yachts værft går ind i arbejdet med at videreudvikle marinaen, sammen med de nuværende medarbejdere.

Festdag 10. september

Søndag den 10. september 2023 holdes der en festlig dag på havnen i Marina Minde, hvor der vil være lidt godt til ganen og vi vil fortælle lidt om planerne og events i 2024.

X-Yachts CEO Kræn Brinck Nielsen udtaler:

”Marina Minde er allerede moderne og top velholdt, men vi ønsker at gøre den til en endnu bedre havn for de nuværende fastliggere Derudover vil vi i høj grad også fokusere på at tiltrække kvalitetsbevidste bådejere fra såvel Danmark som Tyskland og andre lande," siger Kræn Brinck Nielsen.

Og fortsætter.

"Marina Minde er privatejet, og det gør det nemt for os at indrette havnepladserne og faciliteterne efter gæsternes ønske. Lystbåde bliver generelt større og større, og det er kun få havne, der ligesom Marina Minde kan klare både op til 23 meters længde og 7 meters bredde. Med den voksende bådstørrelse vokser også behovet for servicering, og her er Marina Minde i særklasse med de nærliggende Marina Toft faciliteter i Gråsten, og selvfølgelig også X-Yachts værftet i Haderslev," siger Kræn Brinck Nielsen i en pressemeddelelse fra X-Yachts.

Fordele for X-Yachts ejere

"Det er oplagt for X-Yachts at benytte Marina Mindes mange fordele, og vi vil fra 2024 tilbyde nogle liggepladser ved Bro A i havnen, som sikrer plads og andre fordele for X-Yachts ejere.

Derudover vil vi afvikle nogle af vores årlige aktiviteter med udgangspunkt i marinaen. Demo af nye både, presse-arrangementer og community events, og vi vil også drive en del af vores X-Yachts chartervirksomhed fra Marina Minde med 2-3 både.

Når sejlersæsonen er ovre, kan vi fortsat tilbyde service og vinteropbevaring i Marina Toft i Gråsten. Vi forventer at rigtig mange af vores udenlandske kunder vil benytte sig af såvel Marina Minde som Marina Toft i fremtiden,” siger Kræn Brinck Nielsen.

marina minde x yacht

Marina Minde

af Rune | aug 28, 2018 | 6 Kommentarer

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6 Kommentarer

Rebuilding Our Connection Dearest, you’re the missing piece to my puzzle. If you have a moment, could you please check out my page through this link: I’ve posted some new photos and updates from recent events there. It would be wonderful to catch up and share our experiences.

Our Love Deserves Attention My one true love, you’re the guardian of my heart. In case you can spare a moment, might you visit my page using this link: I’ve posted some recent photos and updates from the latest events there. It would be fantastic to catch up and share our experiences.

The Longing for a Deeper Connection My heart whispers your name in every moment. In case you can spare a moment, could you please visit my page using this link: I’ve uploaded some fresh photos and updates from current events there. It would be fantastic to catch up and share our experiences.

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Ostsee-Häfen : X-Yachts kauft Marina Minde und Toft

Andreas Fritsch

 ·  26.06.2023

Ostsee-Häfen: X-Yachts kauft Marina Minde und Toft

Die in Egernsund am dänischen Ufer der Flensburger Förde liegende Marina Minde sowie die benachbarte Marina Toft hinter der Klappbrücke bekommen einen prominenten neuen Eigentümer: Die dänische Werft X-Yachts aus Haderslev erwirbt beide Häfen. Grund für den Verkauf sei der Wechsel des bisherigen Haupteigentümers Hans Lindum Møller in den Ruhestand. Mit veräußert würden auch die Unternehmensanteile von Miteigentümer Claus Boisen. In einer Mitteilung der beiden heißt es, dass sie sich freuen, die renommierte Werft als Käufer gefunden zu haben. „Wir teilen die gleichen Werte, der Kunde steht im Mittelpunkt und Service an oberster Stelle“, so Møller und Boisen. Der Betrieb von Minde (460 Liegeplätze) und Toft (130) soll unverändert weitergeführt werden.

Auf Nachfrage der YACHT erläuterte X-Yachts’ CEO Kraen B. Nielson die Pläne der Marke für die beiden Häfen:

“Es gibt zu wenig Winterlager und auch Liegeplätze in Deutschland und auch Dänemark, da passt der Einstieg für uns perfekt. X-Yachts ist sehr Community-orientiert, wir veranstalten regelmäßig Ausfahrten und Regatten für unsere Kunden, die sehr gut angenommen werden. Zuletzt haben wir ein Fun-Race nach Kopenhagen mit 20 Yachten gesegelt, in Bagenkop waren es kürzlich 20 deutsche Eigner. Darum wird die Marina Minde der Community-Stützpunkt für Norddeutschland und Südfünen für uns werden.”

Der kleine Anleger von Toft hinter der Klappbrücke. Das Winterlager wurde zuletzt hier erweitert

Geplant seien Treffen und 2024 die jährliche X-Regatta, der Gold Cup, zu dem 50 bis 120 Yachten erwartet werden. Die Marina Minde sei für solche Veranstaltungen ideal geeignet, da es dort landseitig ein sehr gutes Restaurant gäbe und obendrein deutsche Crews eine relativ kurze Anreise hätten. Ohnehin sind 90 Prozent der Dauerlieger dort deutsche Eigner. Zudem werde die kleine X-Charterflotte der Werft, die bislang in Haderslev stationiert sei, zukünftig nach Minde verlegt.

Der Kauf sei schnell in trockenen Tüchern gewesen, auch weil die Marina so nahe der Werft liege, die Eigentümer seien mit der Region stark verwurzelt, so passte alles einfach ideal. Über die Kaufsumme haben beide Parteien Stillschweigen vereinbart.

Die Frage, ob für die geplanten Schwerpunkt-Veranstaltungen dann bisherige Dauerlieger ihre Plätze verlassen müssen, verneinte Nielson. Es könne höchstens mal für den Gold Cup ein Wochenende nötig sein, doch mit der Marina in Toft und den guten deutschen Häfen in der unmittelbaren Umgebung gäbe es Ausweichhäfen genug.

Hier geht es zur Website der Marina Minde und hier zur Pressemitteilung von X-Yachts zur Übernahme.

Meistgelesen in der Rubrik Reisen & Chartern

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With more than 40 years of experience there is a reason why X-Yachts have established an enviable customer loyalty, it is in a word quality.

From the long heritage of designers and naval architects that really understand what a true sailing yacht should be, fanatical attention to detail and a constant drive for innovation and a build quality second to none.

The result, beautifully designed and built yachts that give Superior Sailing Pleasure to the knowledgeable owner that understands the difference.

A yacht which delivers Superior Sailing Pleasure is a yacht which sails well in a variety of wind conditions and sea states, offers luxurious comfort, is safe and reliable and provides pure enjoyment when at sea.

Every detail of an X-Yacht, from the hull lines through to the world-class craftsmanship, stem from this idea.

The difference between X-Yachts and other yacht builders come from how the yachts are designed, built and specified technically. Production cost is not the main priority at X-Yachts, instead features and equipment are chosen, no matter the cost, to ensure all models excel in key areas.

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Pocket Luxury Yacht The all new X4⁰ is the smallest model in the Pure X range; blending quality, performance and styling with cruising capability. Hot out of the X-Yachts Design Office came the X4⁰, a forty-foot performance cruising yacht that is just as capable for some serious mileage as it is blasting around the cans […]

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The X4³ is the second model in a new range, aimed at the discerning sailor and his crew. It utilises advanced, proven technology and build techniques which only incorporate first class components, enabling the exploration of new uncharted horizons in comfort. Designed to complement both the existing two ranges, Xperformance (Xp) and Xcruising (Xc), X […]

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Pure Enjoyment The X4⁶ is a versatile fast family cruiser that helps you to make the most out of every moment. Advanced hull construction, a powerful sail plan and a well proportioned cockpit put you at the centre of an engaging sailing experience. We call this “Superior Sailing Pleasure”. Down below, Scandinavian style and craftsmanship […]

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X-Yachts are pleased to announce the launch of the new X4⁹ the latest addition to the successful ‘X’ range. The ‘X’ range displays a true embodiment of the key features, which sets X-Yachts apart from the competition. Truthfully following the passions X-Yachts has always adhered to, designing and producing yachts which deliver Superb Sailing Pleasure. […]

marina minde x yacht

Superior Sailing Pleasure The X5⁶ is a fifty-six-foot performance cruising yacht designed with serious cruising in mind; be that crossing the Atlantic, or exploring beautiful Mediterranean islands. The X5⁶ joins the hugely successful and critically acclaimed Pure X Range. The design philosophy was very clear from the outset – like all our luxury yachts, we place a […]

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The X6⁵ steps into the future of modern performance cruising. Designed for the discerning sailor who dreams of luxury blue water and coastal cruising without compromise. Utilising advanced, proven technology and build techniques and incorporating well proven technology, the X6⁵ will enable her owners and crew to enjoy the exploration of new uncharted horizons. The […]

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The Xc 38 offers superb performance in an easily handled package, ideal for doublehanded sailing. This model was the second yacht in the Xcruising range to be named European Yacht of the Year in the Luxury Cruiser category, on its launch. The judges were particularly impressed by the spaciousness and luxurious levels of comfort in […]

marina minde x yacht

The Xc 45 was the first model in the Xcruising range to be launched, and was named European Yacht of the Year, praised for her combination of cruising comfort, performance under sail and responsive handling. As with all the Xc models which followed, the Xc 45 incorporates the X-Yachts steel hull/keel girder for strength and […]

marina minde x yacht

The Xc 50 is the largest model in the Xcruising range and offers a wide range of custom options to allow owners to create an elegant personalised luxury yacht. Following extensive feedback from a large group of Xc owners, as well as our own experience over the last 10 years, 2019 will see the launch […]

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The Xp 38 delivers an unrivalled sailing experience in a dual-purpose cruiser-racer. This model after launching, quickly developed into a global fleet, with boats sold from Japan to Hungary, Switzerland to Australia. This enjoyment comes from the Xp 38’s high level of responsiveness, thanks to high ballast ratio, light and stiff epoxy infusion construction and […]

marina minde x yacht

The Xp 44 combines impressive performance with simplicity of handling, appealing to all the family. This model was the first of the Xperformance line to be launched, and was named Sailing World’s ‘Yacht of the Year’ in 2014. A highly optimised hull shape offers exemplary performance in a range of wind conditions, on all angles […]

marina minde x yacht

The Xp 50 is a high-performance luxury yacht which offers impressive pace and ease of handling. The longer waterline length of this model allows additional cruising features to be incorporated, as well as increased straight-line speed. In line with the rest of the Xp range, the 50-footer utilises epoxy infusion build processes for improved stiffness […]

marina minde x yacht

The Xp 55 is the flagship model in the Xp range, and raises the bar for performance sailing yachts. This model offers an unbeatable sailing experience combined with luxurious levels of comfort. Since its launch in 2013 it has impressed reviewers and sailors alike, with test reports praising the boat for its ‘dinghy-like feel’, fast […]

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X-Yachts Charter 2024

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X-Yachts Charter 2024

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X-Yachts Charter

Superior Sailing Pleasure in Beautiful Locations

An X-Yacht Charter is the holiday you’ve always dreamt of.

X-yachts offer some of the best sailing experiences available, we have almost 40 years of experience building boats that offer superior sailing pleasure., sailing an x is something a little bit special..

Charter from the yard in Haderslev

Charter from the yard in Haderslev

During the Summer of 2025, X-Yachts Denmark will be offering the X4⁰ & X4³ for rent. The boats will be based at the X-Yachts yard in Haderslev.

Charter in the Mediterranean

Charter in the Mediterranean

The X4⁰, X4³, X4⁶, X4⁹, Xp44, X50 and Xc 35 can be chartered in the Mediterranean combining unforgettable holidays with supreme sailing pleasure.

Charter an X-Power in France

Charter an X-Power in France

Enjoy the beautiful sand beaches and clear waters around Port Grimaud and La Trinié in France! You now have the opportunity to charter the perfect day cruiser; an X-Power 33C.

All charters listed above are operated by companies that have no affiliation to X-Yachts A/S. Links are only offered as a means to help users find X-Yachts available to charter worldwide. X-Yachts A/S can accept no responsibility nor liability for charter companies linked from

Xp 50s

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Always at your service.

Director Hans Lindum Møller Harbour master Claus Boisen

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  1. Baltic Sea harbours: X-Yachts buys Marina Minde and Toft

    marina minde x yacht

  2. X-Yachts Marina Minde

    marina minde x yacht

  3. X-Yachts Marina A/S takes over Marina Minde and Marina Toft

    marina minde x yacht

  4. Seasonal mooring / part of the season

    marina minde x yacht

  5. Ostsee-Häfen: X-Yachts kauft Marina Minde und Toft

    marina minde x yacht

  6. X-Yachts Marina Minde

    marina minde x yacht




  1. X-Yachts Marina A/S takes over Marina Minde and Marina Toft

    Marina Minde and Marina Toft are perfectly located close to the German border and are perhaps Denmark's most beautiful marinas. This was also one of the reasons why Marina Minde was being elected "Port of the Year" in 2021. Ib Kunøe is the owner of Consolidated Holdings and has owned X-Yachts since 2012.

  2. X-Yachts Marina Minde

    The current permanent residents will largely be taken on board when Marina Minde changes its name to X-Yacht's Marina Minde in future, and X-Yacht's yard begins the work of further developing the marina, together with the current employees. On Sunday 10 September 2023, a festive day will be held at the harbor in Marina Minde, where there ...

  3. Baltic Sea harbours : X-Yachts buys Marina Minde and Toft

    Meetings are planned and in 2024 the annual X Regatta, the Gold Cup, which is expected to attract 50 to 120 yachts. Marina Minde is ideal for such events, as there is a very good restaurant on land and German crews also have a relatively short journey. In any case, 90 per cent of the permanent residents there are German owners.

  4. In a few days, X-Yachts will officially take over Marina Minde; a

    In a few days, X-Yachts will officially take over Marina Minde; a harbour bought by X-Yachts earlier this year. From the 1st of January, the name of the marina will change to X-Yachts Marina and as...

  5. Webcams x 4

    Webcams at Marina Minde. Office and port company. X-Yachts Marina A/S Marinavej 4 DK- 6320 Egernsund CVR-nr. DK 31470420 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 21 60 21 12.

  6. Marina Toft

    Marina Minde and Marina Toft have the same owner, which ensures flexibility and a quick path from decision to execution. ... X-Yachts Marina A/S Marinavej 4 DK- 6320 Egernsund CVR-nr. DK 31470420 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 21 60 21 12. Restaurant "Værftet" ...

  7. X-Yachts Marina A/S overtager Marina Minde og Marina Toft

    1. 2. Claus Boisen og Hans Lindum Møller har som led i et generationsskifte solgt Marina Minde i Egernsund og Marina Toft i Gråsten til X-Yachts Marina A/S. Claus fortsætter som havnemester og Hans som direktør efter overtagelsen, der finder sted den 1. januar 2024. Sælgerne fortæller, at de igennem en periode har været på udkig efter ...

  8. Marina Minde i Flensborg Fjord skifter navn til X-Yachts Marina Minde

    X-Yachts værft vil videreudvikle marinaen med de nuværende medarbejdere, fx skal broerne have en gennemgang. Der er kun få havne, der som Marina Minde kan klare både op til 23 meters længde og 7 meters bredde. Søndag 10. september 2023 holdes en festlig dag i havnen.

  9. Marina Minde

    Welcome to Marina Minde. Marina Minde is located directly at Flensborg Fjord in Egernsund - close to Gråsten and Broager. We welcome our guests in a modern and beautifully situated marina, only 10 seamiles from Sønderborg and Flensburg, and overland only 20 km from the Danish - German border. ... X-Yachts Marina A/S Marinavej 4 DK- 6320 ...

  10. Marina Minde

    Marina Minde. af Rune | aug 28, 2018 | 3 Kommentarer. 3 Kommentarer. INFUROMUM på januar 12, 2024 ved 6:21 am Rebuilding Our Connection Dearest, you're the missing piece to my puzzle. ... X-Yachts Marina A/S Marinavej 4 DK- 6320 Egernsund CVR-nr. DK 31470420 E-mail: [email protected]

  11. Ostsee-Häfen: X-Yachts kauft Marina Minde und Toft

    Die in Egernsund am dänischen Ufer der Flensburger Förde liegende Marina Minde sowie die benachbarte Marina Toft hinter der Klappbrücke bekommen einen prominenten neuen Eigentümer: Die dänische Werft X-Yachts aus Haderslev erwirbt beide Häfen. Grund für den Verkauf sei der Wechsel des bisherigen Haupteigentümers Hans Lindum Møller in ...

  12. Marina Minde PS Lystbådehavn

    Marina Minde and X-Yachts. Due to the close association with X-Yachts, brand new X-Yachts can be chartered in Marina Minde, such as the X-Yachts X40, X43 and X46. You are invited to cozy summer evenings at Restaurant VÆRFTET with the large outdoor terrace or at the Marinaens Ishus, which sells ice cream, burgers, hot dogs and drinks.

  13. Charter experience from X-Yachts Marina Minde

    Starting from X-Yachts Marina Minde in Gråsten, in the period May to August, you can charter one of X-Yachts' most popular models. X4⁰ (2-cab) Charter in a brand new X4⁰ from 2023. - 2 Cabin 1 Head - Flexi teak cockpit, side decks and coach roof - B&G instruments - Bow thruster

  14. The marina

    There is space for 460 boats at Marina Minde. All of them can be used all year round. Furthermore, there is a 7m ramp and a Sublift which can lift up to 12t. ... X-Yachts Marina A/S Marinavej 4 DK- 6320 Egernsund CVR-nr. DK 31470420 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 21 60 21 12.

  15. Marina Minde

    Marina Minde og X-Yachts. På grund af den tætte tilknytning til X-Yachts, kan der nu chartres helt nye X-Yachts, som fx. X40, X43 og X46. Der inviteres til hyggelige sommeraftener på Restaurant VÆRFTET med den stor udendørs terrasse eller ved Marinaens Ishus, som sælger is, burger, hotdogs og drikkevarer. ...

  16. So when you have picked up your new...

    So when you have picked up your new X-Yacht or are cruising on the X-Yacht in the Baltics we have a marina you can call home!

  17. X-Yachts Boats For Sale, Manitowoc Marina, WI

    X-Yachts are pleased to announce the launch of the new X4⁹ the latest addition to the successful 'X' range. The 'X' range displays a true embodiment of the key features, which sets X-Yachts apart from the competition. Truthfully following the passions X-Yachts has always adhered to, designing and producing yachts which deliver Superb ...

  18. Video: X-Yachts Charter 2024

    Have you booked your Summer Holiday yet? by X-Yachts Discover the essence of luxury sailing with X-Yachts Charter, based in the exquisite X-Yachts Marina Minde in the south of Denmark. by X-Yachts Discover the essence of luxury sailing with X-Yachts Charter, based in the exquisite X-Yachts Marina Minde in the south of Denmark.

  19. Marina Minde

    Marina Minde tilbyder 460 bådpladser til sejl- og motorbåde, katamaraner og trimaraner med ca. 23 meter som største længde, ca. 7 meter som største bredde og op til 7 meters dybgang. ... X-Yachts Marina A/S Marinavej 4 DK- 6320 Egernsund CVR-nr. DK 31470420 E-mail: [email protected] Telefon: +45 21 60 21 12.

  20. Video: X-Yachts Charter 2024

    Have you booked your Summer Holiday yet? by X-Yachts Discover the essence of luxury sailing with X-Yachts Charter, based in the exquisite X-Yachts Marina Minde in the south of Denmark. by X-Yachts Discover the essence of luxury sailing with X-Yachts Charter, based in the exquisite X-Yachts Marina Minde in the south of Denmark.

  21. X-Yachts Charter

    An X-Yacht Charter is the holiday you've always dreamt of. X-Yachts offer some of the best sailing experiences available, we have almost 40 years of experience building boats that offer Superior Sailing Pleasure. Sailing an X is something a little bit special.

  22. Staff

    Claus was co-owner of Marina Minde from 2011 - 2023. After the takeover by X-Yachts Marina A/S he continues as harbor master. He is a carpenter and had his own building company, manufacturing customised timber houses. Claus has a passion for water and is sailing both with engine and sail. He is an enthusiastic kitesurfer but also likes skiing ...