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Siamo Mediatori Marittimi e i nostri servizi prevedono l’assistenza nella compravendita di barca usata dai preliminari fino al trasferimento di prorietà.

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L’avventura BENETEAU è incominciata più di un secolo fa, sul molo di Croix-de-Vie, in Vandea, uno dei dipartimenti della regione francese della Loira.

Da 130 anni l’innovazione e la passione sono al cuore del lavoro dei Chantier. Dal primo peschereccio all’ultimissimo Monte Carlo, dalla tradizione della carpenteria navale alle tecnologie più avanzate, le nostre competenze si sono accresciute, ma la nostra equipe di 2500 collaboratori viene ancora oggi animata dallo spirito pionieristico di Benjamin Bénéteau.

Ad oggi, più di 100.000 barche BENETEAU hanno navigato sui mari del mondo intero, con al loro comando dei proprietari appassionati ed esigenti, con cui condividiamo gli stessi valori legati alla performance, alla modernità, alla sicurezza ed al rispetto dell’ambiente.

Oggi BENETEAU è leader mondiale nel settore della nautica da diporto.

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2024 Star World Championship September 4 - 13, 2024 San Diego, CA, USA

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A hard-fought battle on the water among the top six teams, the Americans finished third in the last race, overall one point ahead of Will Stout with Danny Cayard and Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre


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Will Stout and Danny Cayard win Race Five, their second bullet in the series, and are the provisional overall leaders, tied on points with John Kosteki and Austin Sperry.


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Paul Cayard and Frithjof Kleen win third race out of four and are the provisional leaders


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Paul Cayard and Frithjof Kleen win Race Three, their second bullet in the series

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Saturday, August 31, 2024
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Wednesday, September 04, 2024
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Thursday, September 05, 2024
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Friday, September 06, 2024
1000-1800 Measurement/Registration
1700 Annual General Meeting (Main Dining Room)
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Morning Grab N Go Breakfast
1000-1400 Measurement/Registration
1255 Practice Race Warning Signal
1800 Opening Ceremony
Sunday, September 08, 2024
Morning Grab N Go Breakfast
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1030 Tow Departs Harbor
1255 Race 1 Warning Signal
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Lowell North Day
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Malin Burnham Day
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1800 Mid-week Dinner -
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
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1030 Tow Departs Harbor
1255 Race 4 Warning Signal
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Thursday, September 12, 2024
Dennis Conner Day
Morning Grab N Go Breakfast
1030 Tow Departs Harbor
1255 Race 5 Warning Signal
1800 Progressive Dinner -
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One Design Profile: Star Class

April 27, 2013 by Sail1Design Editor Leave a Comment

“The class of champions”

In the past one hundred years, the Star has established itself at the forefront of the international sailing community. The first one-design class and core Olympic racing yacht since 1932, the Star attracts sailors of varying ages and skill levels from all over the world. With nearly 2,000 boats competing annually and over 170 active fleets world-wide, the development of the class is not likely to slow down in the foreseeable future.

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Designed in 1911 by naval architect Francis Sweisguth, the Star was born to replace the 17-foot “Bug,” which was one of the most popular keelboats at the time. By May 1911, the first Star class regatta was held on Long Island Sound and featured five of Sweisguth’s new boats. By 1922, the Stars already numbered in the hundreds, thus leading to the foundation of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association (ISCYRA).

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Just under twenty-three feet in length, the hull is long and narrow and features an integrated bulb keel positioned just aft of the mast. In adherence to strict class rules, the Star weighs 1,479 pounds and is typically constructed of fiberglass. Older wooden hulls can still be found from time to time, but rarely in competition. The hull has gentle, sweeping chines leading toward the water line that not only provide a speed advantage, but attribute to the yacht’s aesthetically pleasing appearance.

During the yacht’s one hundred year history, new features have been incorporated into the design in an effort to maintain the class’ position as the pinnacle of the international racing community. The class association began asserting a control over new refinements, not to stifle progress, but to maintain a level of competition based more on the skill of the sailor than the technological advancements of the yacht. Some of the features include:

  • Adjustable jib leads
  • Crew hiking vest
  • Suction bailers
  • Unique, circular boom vang
  • Whisker pole
  • Strict class association sail measurements

One of the interesting features of the Star is the hiking vest. The vest is worn by the crew and allows him or her to adopt a unique hiking position by “drooping” their body over the side of the hull. In addition to the vest, the Star also features a circular vang system. Designed for the star, but eventually adopted other classes, the circular vang system provides a safe means to deal with the enormous loads of the yacht’s large sail plan.

yachting star

Numerous champions of the sailing world spent time sailing the Star and hold prestigious international titles. A Star Class World Championship is often considered on the most coveting trophies in all of sailing. Despite the high level of competition at top tier events, the Star also offers opportunities to local and amateur sailors. The depth of skill level and opportunity is unrivaled by any other racing class. Sailors looking to compete at the local level can often gain experience with the boat and progress up through the levels of competition, not to mention enjoy the thrill of sailing such an incredible boat.

Get involved with the Star Class! If you want to begin racing there are plenty of Stars out there looking for a good home. Thanks to the regulation in design features, many older Stars perform just as well as their newer counterparts and run at affordable prices. If you are a former college sailor or young professional looking to stay active at the highest level of competition or looking for a fast boat to sail at the local level perhaps a Star should be your next boat…

Sadly, in 2011, it was decided that the keelboats would be removed as an Olympic class following the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Recently rumors began to circulate of comeback for the 2016 Games; however these were quashed almost immediately by the ISCYRA. Despite being struck from the Olympic books the Star class has showed no signs of losing momentum. Huge turnouts for Barcardi Race Week and the 2012 Star Winter Series appear to have breathed new life into the yacht. With hundreds of local regattas scheduled this year and dozens at the internationals and championship level, the Star class remains strong

Draft: 3.3’

Sail Area: 285 sq. ft.

# Boats Built: 8,400

Active Fleets: MD, FL, CA, NY, CT, MA, RI, VA

Website: http://www.starclass.org/index.shtml

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June to September 2024

2024 Star World Championship kicks off at San Diego Yacht Club

Star World Championship - photo © Matias Capizzano

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World’s coolest yachts: Star class

Yachting World

  • September 7, 2021

We ask top sailors and marine industry gurus to choose the coolest and most innovative yachts of our times. Enrico Chieffi nominates the Star class

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The coolest boat , for sure, is the Star , writes Enrico Chieffi. Clearly, on one side it’s for personal reasons, because I was World Champion, but it’s a 100-year-old design and it’s so modern in its way.

The Star is a very unbalanced boat and to find the right balance is kind of an art. But when you find it, it’s like getting fine music from a piano.

It gives you feelings like no other boat. When you find the right rig tune it is gorgeous, unique.

Star action on 24 August. Iain Percy and Steve Mitchell lead the Spanish and Danes – photo Peter Bentley/PPL

Star action on 24 August. Iain Percy and Steve Mitchell lead. Photo: Peter Bentley/PPL

Sailing now is evolving very quickly into foiling , and I love it. But at the same time the beauty of these old classes is mainly that they are slow.

In a slow boat like the Star, the Etchells or the Dragon, the tactics and tricks and positioning in the fleet, managing the race course, is much more important.

So it’s a different kind of pleasure.

But when I am 80, I will start sailing the Moth. I am waiting to get fit for that.

Make sure you check out our full list of Coolest Yachts.

Star stats rating:

Top speed: 18 knots LOA: 6.922m Launched: 1911 Berths: 0 Price: US$2,500+ Adrenalin factor: 35%

Enrico Chieffi

Olympian Enrico Chieffi, 55, won the 470 World Championship in 1985 with his brother, Tommaso. In 1996, he won the Star World Championship with Roberto Sinibaldi.

Chieffi has competed at the highest levels, as navigator in the Admiral’s Cup and Louis Vuitton Cup. He is now vice-president of Nautor’s Swan.

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2024 Star North American Championship: Paul and Danny Cayard are the winners

2024 Star North American Championship - photo © Bruce Crary

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2024 North American Championship August 5-10, 2024

Newport harbor yc newport beach, ca, usa, regatta news, 2024 star north american championship, paul and danny cayard are the winners.

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It’s been a tight battle among the top two teams, the 2024 Star North American Championship held in Newport Harbor Yacht Club, ended yesterday and has a winner, actually two, it is the father – son team Paul and Danny Cayard. Going into the 8th and final race, just two points separated the top three teams: Cayard/Cayard, George Szabo/Guy Avellon, John Dane/Dave Martin.  After a tight battle for most of the race, it was only in the final leg that the Cayard duo moved ahead and clinched the win. An excellent result for the Cayards, who had previously sailed together in events such as the Star Vintage Gold Cup, but now together they conquered a Silver Star – Paul is also a Star World Champion and previous Continental Champion.


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Challenging conditions on day two of the 2024 Star North American Championship in Newport Beach, California. The wind took a long time to settle and the forecast Westerly breeze came in late, leaving the 26 boat fleet racing with a South-Westerly around 5 and 8 knots. Other factors that came into play were the current coming up the beach and the South swell, all in all, two very technical races were finished today in Los Angeles, organized by Newport Harbor Yacht Club.


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Two races on Day One: George Szabo with Guy Avellon are the best of the day and overall leaders.

Newport Harbor in Los Angeles, California, has put on a great show for Day One of the 2024 Star North American Championship. The breeze ranged from light to above 10 knots, allowing the 26-boat fleet to finish two fair races with lots of lead changes and tight competition.

Race One started with a nice 11-knot breeze after an abandonment, a few general recalls, and course adjustments. George Szabo with Guy Avellon were the leaders from start to finish, followed by Will Stout and Parker Mitchell, and Eric Doyle with Payson Infelise. The wind increased to 13 knots for Race Two, which did not have a clear winner from the beginning. Eventually, the bullet went to Brian Ledbetter and Brian Terhaar. Arthur Anosov and Quinton Gallon came in second, with John Dane III and Dave Martin finishing third.

District 5 Welcomes Star Sailors to the 2024 Championships in So California

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The District 5 schedule is set for an epic Southern California road trip from Newport Beach to sunny San Diego.

August 3-4                  Baxter Bowl              Newport Harbor YC August 5-10                North Americans       Newport Harbor YC Aug 31-Sept 1             Labor Day Pitcher    San Diego YC September 8-13           Star Worlds               San Diego YC  


 Newport Harbor Yacht Club (NHYC) will provide free (unsecure) storage for Stars one week prior and one week after the North American Championships; inclusive dates being July 29 th thru August 18 th .

 San Diego Yacht Club (SDYC) is offering free storage for Stars from August 19, 2024 through September 19, 2024.  Outside of those  dates, SDYC will allow storage at member rates of $140 per month.

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Important dates.

Monday, August 05, 2024
1500-1800 Registration, Inspection of boats, Team Weigh-In
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
0800 - 1000 Registration, Inspection of boats, Team Weigh-In
1030 Tow leaves NHYC
1230 Practice Race
1500-1730 Deadline for measurement and inspection
1830 Opening Ceremony (Dress code: blazer)
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
0930 Skippers Meeting
1000 All boats afloat
1030 Tow leaves NHYC
1230 First Warning Signal (2 races scheduled)
After racing Social hour with hosted refreshments
Thursday, August 08, 2024
1030 Tow leaves NHYC
1230 First Warning Signal (2 races scheduled)
1930 Dinner at NHYC (dress code: Casual)
Friday, August 09, 2024
1030 Tow leaves NHYC
1230 First Warning Signal (2 races scheduled)
1930 Dinner at NHYC (dress code: Blazer)
Saturday, August 10, 2024
1030 Tow leaves NHYC
1230 First Warning Signal (2 races scheduled)
After racing Awards Ceremony

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March 6 - 11, 2017
Miami, Florida

June 1 - 4, 2017
Viareggio, Italy

June 13 - 18, 2017
Cleveland, Ohio USA


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Published on September 13th, 2024 | by Editor

Final race decides Star World Title

Published on September 13th, 2024 by Editor -->

John Kostecki and Austin Sperry (USA) won the 2024 Star World Championship, topping the 64-boat field on September 8-13 in San Diego, CA. Hosted by San Diego Yacht Club, the pair recently returned to the Class to claim their first Star World title.

The event format has a very deliberate pace toward the finale, with one lengthy race each day which allows the cream to rise in the weather conditions for that day. It would be that march which had six teams within reach of the title, separated by five points with one race remaining.

In a case of “it’s never like this,” the fleet endured the first two days as a heatwave prompted competing winds with significant velocity variations, but a cooling trend for the last four days provided classic San Diego conditions of steady moderate weather.

“It was a challenge all week between the different wind directions, the current, and the eagerness of the fleet at the starts,” noted PRO Tom Duggan. “We had to stay south of Point Loma to have steadier breeze and not too far out to avoid the strong coastal current.”

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The title was open until the end of the final 2-mile downwind stretch. With Kostecki/ Sperry leading at the final upwind mark, title contenders Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre (ARG) – known for the offwind speed – moved from third to first at the finish, with Kostecki/ Sperry dropping to third but winning by one point.

“We sailed a great race today, we needed to,” shared Kostecki. “We had a great start, went fast, we had some luck with the wind shifts, and it all just came together, which is what you need to win a World Championship.”

Up until the final race, each race had been won by the Cayard family, with Paul Cayard and Frithjof Kleen winning three and Will Stout and Paul’s son Danny winning two. But only Stout/ Cayard could get closest in the finale, finishing fourth to claim second overall.

“It was a great way to end this championship really, open until the last leg,” said Danny Cayard, third generation Star sailor after his dad and grandfather Pelle Petterson.

“It was close down until the end but we were just a little short,” added Stout. “We are happy with our result, Danny and I have only sailed together for a short amount of time and so it was good for us personally and I am looking forward to the next one together.”

For Paul Cayard, the overall leader through the first four days, a final day seventh dropped him to fourth overall.

“It is disappointing to win three races and not the World Championship, in Race Two and Race Five I made some mistakes, just big mistakes and finishing more than tenth, you kind of need to stay in the top ten,” he observed.

“We were so close to accomplishing the goal, after race four we were really in a strong spot and so it hurts, it’s hard to think beyond that right now but we’re a good team, we sailed well, we have a fast boat and I’m sure after a few weeks we’ll digest this and we will look forward to another shot at this.”

Event information – Results – Facebook

Final Results (Top 10 of 64; 6 races, 1 discard) 1. USA John Kostecki/ Austin Sperry, 3-(11)-3-6-3-3, 18 2. USA Will Stout/ Daniel Cayard, 7-1-6-(19)-1-4, 19 3. ARG Leandro Altolaguirre/ Lucas Altolaguirre, 2-(21)-11-3-2-1, 19 4. USA Paul Cayard/ Frithjof Kleen, 1-15-1-(17)-7, 25 5. USA George Szabo/ Guy Avellon, 5-6-5-(11)-4-8, 28 6. DEN Jørgen Schönherr/ Jan Eli Gravad, 12-5-2-7-5-(16), 31 7. USA Augie Diaz/ Bruno Prada, 16-4-7-(21)-6-9, 42 8, USA Brian Ledbetter/ Brian Terhaar, 11-7-4-(16)-8-14, 44 9. USA Eric Doyle/ Payson Infelise, 4-2-(65 dnf )-26-11-5, 48 10. USA Ben Mitchell/ Rob Scrivenor, (22)-9-16-2-22-10, 59

Source: SDYC, Scuttlebutt

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Tags: Austin Sperry , John Kostecki , Star , Star World Championship

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Moran Yacht & Ship is proud to be considered one of the world’s best yacht companies; a leader in luxury yacht sales, construction, charter, and management. Whether you are interested in buying a yacht , selling your yacht , luxury yacht charter , or new yacht construction , our super yacht brokers and yacht managers are here to assist. Family-owned and operated, our luxury yacht brokerage has been the preferred choice for yacht buyers, sellers, and charterers for over three decades.

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Luxury yacht Lurssen Marguertie for charter

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Want to charter or know more about how to charter a yacht ? Moran Yacht & Ship is considered one of the very best yacht companies in the world for luxury yacht charter , with an expert team who will always go the extra mile to provide you with the right itinerary, vessel, and superyacht crew . Learn more about our featured luxury yachts for charter here.

Lurssen Yacht KISMET Profile


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Integrity and the relentless pursuit of the deal defines Moran Yacht & Ship - I am grateful that you were on this journey with me. This magical machine KISMET is the second yacht I’ve had built with Moran Yacht & Ship. KISMET has brought joy, hope, and the gift of discovery to many lives - including my own. You have made this world a better place! Owner, KISMET
By way of background, my business interests include controlling stakes in 3 publicly traded companies which operate vessels in the 500 to 5000dwt range. On average, one new vessel a year would be added to the fleet. As a result, I have access to in-house marine architects, engineers and construction supervisors. Consequently, when I decided to build my first large motor yacht, I did not feel I needed the services of a company like Moran Yacht & Ship. In any event, I was persuaded to let them negotiate on my behalf while I simultaneously held discussions with other building options. Moran Yacht & Ship understands yachts, their incredibly complex systems, and what constitutes a practical solution to various owners’ ideas. In short, I would not consider building another yacht without engaging Moran Yacht & Ship to provide the services they are so good in delivering. Former Owner, NORTHERN STAR

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NORD STAR Timmerman Yachts

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If you have any questions about the NORD STAR information page below please contact us .

A General Description of Motor Yacht NORD STAR

The work of the Timmerman Yachts shipyard in Russia the NORD STAR is 35 metre 110 (foot) in length. Ready for launch by 2005 her interior decoration demonstrates the capabilities from Moscow Shipyard and their approach to interior yacht design. Superyacht NORD STAR is able to accommodate up to 8 guests with 5 crew. Her old, former or build project names are O-110-1.

Building & Naval Architecture relating to Luxury Yacht NORD STAR

Moscow Shipyard was the naval architecture company involved in the technical superyacht design work for NORD STAR. Also the company Moscow Shipyard successfully worked on this undertaking. Interior designer Moscow Shipyard was commissioned for the overall interior styling. Russia is the country that Timmerman Yachts built their new build motor yacht in. After her official launch in 2005 in Moscow she was thereafter released to the proud new owner having completed sea trials. The core hull was crafted from steel. The motor yacht superstructure component is fabricated extensively using aluminium alloy. With a width of 6.7 metres or 22.31 ft NORD STAR has moderate internal space. A fairly shallow draught of 1.6m (5.25ft) affects the list of worldwide ports she can berth in, taking into account their specific depth at low tide.

Engines & Speeds On M/Y NORD STAR:

The 3196 engine installed in the motor yacht is produced by CATERPILLAR. For propulsion NORD STAR has twin screw propellers. The engine of the yacht creates 385 horse power (or 283 kilowatts). She is fitted with 2 engines. The combined thrust for the yacht is therefore 770 HP or 566 KW.

With Superyacht NORD STAR There is Passenger Accommodation For Guest:

Apportioning space for a limit of 8 welcome guests overnighting, the NORD STAR accommodates them comfortably. The boat requires circa 5 able crew members to run.

A List of the Specifications of the NORD STAR:

Superyacht Name:Motor Yacht NORD STAR
Built By:Timmerman Yachts
Built in:Moscow, Russia
Launched in:2005
Length Overall:34.56 metres / 110 feet.
Naval Architecture:Moscow Shipyard, Moscow Shipyard
Interior Designers:Moscow Shipyard
Hull / Superstructure Construction Material:steel / aluminium alloy
Owner of NORD STAR:Unknown
NORD STAR available for luxury yacht charters:-
Is the yacht for sale:-
Helicopter Landing Pad:No
The Country the Yacht is Flagged in:Russian
Home port:Russia, Russia
Class society used:RR
Max yacht charter guests:8
Number of Crew Members:5
The propulsion comes from two 385 Horse Power / 283 kW Caterpillar. Engine Model: 3196 diesel.
Overall output: 770 HP /566 KW.
Cruise Speed: 11 knots.
Range: 1500 at a speed of 11 knots.
Fresh water: unknown.
Yacht Beam: 6.7m/22.31ft.
Draught Maximum: 1.6m/5.25ft.

NORD STAR Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht NORD STAR displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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Meet Dylan Fletcher, Britain’s sailing star from a family of ballet dancers

If there is a spring in the step of Ineos Britannia – and there should be given the momentum they are beginning to build in this America’s Cup – at least some of that is down to Dylan Fletcher.

Ben Ainslie’s co-helm on board the British AC75 has been a lively presence in the Louis Vuitton challenger series, with his constant chatter and energy.

Promoted at the 11th hour in place of Giles Scott, having made himself, in Ainslie’s words, “undroppable”, Fletcher’s is the voice you hear on the TV coverage, constantly talking, painting a picture for his skipper, reading the wind shifts, projecting the lay lines, giving Ainslie options on the race course.

Mind you, Fletcher ought to be sure-footed. It is in his blood. Both of his parents were ballet dancers. His father Graham Fletcher – or “Flecky” as he was known in the business – was a principal dancer in the Royal Ballet who had a wonderfully colourful career.

Fletcher snr was inside the Miss Piggy costume on the famous Muppet Show sketch “Swine Lake” from 1978, dancing with Rudolf Nureyev in a parody of the White Swan pas de deux from Swan Lake.

It was the start of a long association with American puppeteer Jim Henson, Fletcher snr appearing several times as the Fletcher Bird and Timmie the Martian in episodes that included guests Diana Ross, Liberace and Alice Cooper. Later he took on the role of Mr Mistoffolees in Cats , joining the original cast members. “That was probably Dad’s most notable role,” Fletcher says, smiling.

Mum Jane, meanwhile, was in the English National Ballet and is now a pilates instructor in Market Harborough.

Did he inherit the dancing genes? “Obviously they wanted me to do ballet as a kid, and I did a few times – but I hated it!” Fletcher admits. “Anything to do with the stage or performing wasn’t for me.”

That is not strictly true. Fletcher, it turns out, paid for his first boat with money earned from acting in The Bill , although he says he was “only three or four” when he did it and quit showbiz soon after. “They wanted me to do more but my mum was against it,” he says. “Sliding doors!”

Sitting in a room of the Ineos base in Barcelona, overlooking the boat shed, Fletcher laughs. He is aware that his childhood, and route into sailing, was rather unusual. But he has not spoken much about it before. Although he was a hugely successful Olympic sailor, winning gold in the 49er in Tokyo alongside Stu Bithell, Olympic sailing pales in comparison with the America’s Cup for media attention.

If Ainslie’s team do make next month’s 37th America’s Cup match against defenders New Zealand – and despite a defeat by Alinghi on Monday in very light winds, they should still advance to the challenger final at 4-1 up in a first-to-five series – Fletcher can expect to be repeating his back story a lot in the coming weeks.

Fletcher learnt to sail when the family moved from Thames Ditton to Market Harborough when he was a boy. “Mum and Dad put me on a summer course at Pitsford reservoir, Northampton Sailing Club,” he recalls. “That’s where I started. But I was relatively late coming into the Olympic programme. I didn’t start racing until I was 13.”

He made up for lost time. After buying his first boat (“I really wanted a quad bike. Like most boys, I had delusions of being a Formula One driver.”) Fletcher progressed swiftly through the ranks – 405s, 29ers, then 49ers, finishing sixth in Rio with Alan Sign before that gold in Tokyo, which was decided by a photo finish.

By a happy coincidence, Fletcher and Bithell beat Emirates Team New Zealand’s double America’s Cup winners Peter Burling and Blair Tuke to silver in Enoshima. Perhaps he already holds an Indian sign over them? “Ha,” he says. “I don’t know about that. But their path to the America’s Cup definitely inspired me. Ultimately, one of the reasons I did a lot of Moth sailing after Tokyo [Fletcher won the world title in the foiling dinghy class in 2022], and pushed hard at that, is because of Pete [Burling], Nathan [Outteridge], Tommy [Slingsby] and Goody [Paul Goodison]. They all won Moth world championships. They’re all Olympic gold medallists. And now they’re all helming AC boats.

“I was like: ‘Right, now I’ve won an Olympic gold I need to go and win a Moth world title, because I want to be an America’s Cup helm.’”

Still, to say Fletcher’s promotion to co-helm on Britannia caught outsiders by surprise would be an understatement. Scott is, after all, a double Olympic champion himself, and far more experienced in this world. No one saw it coming.

It seems Fletcher’s persistence and doggedness have been rewarded. He reckons he sent Ainslie “about a text message a month until Ben finally relented” and brought him into the team.

Initially, he wondered whether he might have been brought in to helm the British SailGP boat when Ainslie and Scott were busy with the America’s Cup, which he did in the first season of the series before Ainslie bought the team. But gradually, he made himself indispensable. From helming the second AC40 when Ineos were two-boat testing earlier this year, to his work in the simulator with Ainslie and Scott. Colleagues talk about his constant thirst for knowledge, and energy. Ainslie has credited him for introducing the system of communication Fletcher developed with Bithell in the 49er.

Naturally, Fletcher feels huge sympathy for Scott, who did nothing wrong. But he is grateful for the latter’s support. “Giles is basically the best coach we could have,” he says. “He has a really good eye for seeing the differences on other teams and how that can help us.”

But mostly, he is just buzzing for himself. “It’s incredible,” he says. “When Ben called me into his office and told me I would be co-helm, I was pretty nervous, just going out sailing the next day, the weight of expectation on my shoulders. To be alongside Ben Ainslie? The greatest Olympic sailor of all time? I really felt the weight on my shoulders.

“But yeah, I feel like our partnership is growing. I’m learning from him all the time and I feel like I understand what he wants from a communication point of view.”

And what is that? “I’m happy to make a decision,” Fletcher says. “It might not be what Ben would do, and he might not be happy about it, but it’s the best decision I can make based on the information I have. But mostly, I’m feeding him. Obviously he has a lot more match racing experience than I do. And I think it can be dangerous to have… you’ve got two helms, you can’t have a committee meeting for every decision. You’ve got to have one person generally leading the decisions. And that’s Ben.”

It seems to be working. If Fletcher can help Britain to pirouette from a shaky preliminary regatta to a glorious swansong in Barcelona, he will have done his parents proud.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans ‘shocked’ and outraged’ as star returns after sexual assault allegations

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Gary King on Below Deck Sailing Yacht - Season 4

Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans have been left fuming after the season five trailer dropped earlier today, following the sexual assault allegations against Gary King.

The bosun first appeared on the Bravo spin-off series in the second season, which aired in 2021, and has remained part of the cast ever since , alongside Captain Glenn Shephard and chief stewardess Daisy Kelliher.

Last year, viewers were shocked after a crew member alleged that the 36-year-old tried to force himself on her behind the scenes – something he fiercely denied.

The accusations emerged after the fifth series had been filmed, with many questioning whether it would ever air due to the controversy.

The dramatic teaser was released today ahead of the release date on October 7, showing King and Kelliher at the forefront of the drama on board.

However, while it is not clear how much of a part he will play in the upcoming season, viewers were reeling over the decision and called Bravo out airing the episodes.


Flocking to the comments below the official Below Deck page, Bravo4therestofus posted: ‘Ummmm my understanding was that Gary was NOT coming back sooooooooo ?!!,!?! [sic].’

Glamisgrrrl agreed: ‘Right?! So gross they’re just letting him come back.’

‘How is Gary back??? And why? Ick,’ Arielle_Smith said.

Over on Reddit, NBCaz commented: ‘Can’t say I’m excited to see that Gary is still gonna be a part of this [sic].’

As Pinsleric added: ‘Not only is Gary not scrubbed, he’s featured in the trailer. I’m genuinely shocked.’

Gary King on Below Deck Sailing Yacht - Season 4

Last year, Samantha Suarez claimed that she met King while preparing for season four in Sardinia and had accompanied him back to his hotel in July 2022, after he had filmed interviews for the show.

The former crew member – who worked on the hair and makeup team, and would also assist the talent manager with tasks – alleged that he was drunk and behaving erratically while she attempted to keep him contained in his room.

She claimed to Rolling Stone that he suggested for her to join him in bed, and that he greeted her in his underwear when she later returned, before coming up behind her and grabbing her, pressing her against his body and refusing to let go.

Suarez said that she immediately informed bosses of the incident and had meetings with executive producers and the show’s talent manager, insisting that she didn’t feel comfortable working around King.

Others also claimed that he was seen grabbing a female staff member’s bum and continued to touch her inappropriately when she asked him to stop.

When one team member reported his behavior, they claimed that no one acknowledged it initially, before a producer eventually stepped in to ask him to stop.

Both Suarez and the crew member, who was vocal about what they witnessed, were reportedly not asked to return to the show, having worked on the franchise for some time – while King returned for the following season.

The allegations emerged in August and the reality star later denied them. He posted a message on Instagram in November, vowing: ‘It’s sad that people will do anything in their power to bring you down.

‘It’s not about how you fall but how you get up. Luckily for me the fall was into a sea of daisies.’

Gary King on Below Deck Sailing Yacht - Season 2

The post is currently still visible and includes some of the hashtags: ‘#iwascancelledbecauseofalie #anythingforaplatform #dontbelieveeverythingyousee #ivegotmyheadheldhigh #worldisanuglyplace #iwouldneverdothat #onwardsandupwards.’

At the time of the Rolling Stone article, a Bravo spokesperson told  Metro.co.uk  in a statement: ‘Bravo is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful workplace for cast and crew on our reality shows.

‘We require our third-party production companies to have appropriate workplace policies and trainings in place and a clear process on how to report concerns.

‘The concerns Ms Suarez raised in July 2022 were investigated at that time and action was taken based on the findings.’

Captain Glenn Shephard on Below Deck Sailing Yacht - Season 4

A spokesperson for 51 Minds Entertainment, the company that produces Below Deck, added to the outlet: ‘51 Minds is committed to providing an environment in which every member of the casts and crews on our productions feel respected and, most importantly, safe.

‘51 Minds provides mandatory harassment and sensitivity training for every series it produces at the outset of each new season and lays out a clear process on how and to whom to report any questionable activity.

‘With any complaint filed, a timely investigation is launched and, based on the findings, appropriate actions are implemented to ensure the safety of our cast and crew, up to and including termination.

‘With regard to the incident reported by Ms Suarez involving Mr King, the case was investigated and reviewed as soon as it was submitted, and production acted accordingly based on the results.’

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Bravo declined to comment when approached by Metro.co.uk.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Exes Daisy Kelliher and Gary King Have Explosive Reunion in Season 5 Trailer

Below deck sailing yacht 's daisy kelliher confronts "pr--k" gary king following their failed boatmance in e news' exclusive first look at season five. plus, meet the new yachties..

Below Deck Sailing Yacht 's new season will be anything but smooth sailing.

That's because returning costars Daisy Kelliher and Gary King are anything but friendly after their failed boatmance in E! News' exclusive first look at the Bravo series' fifth season.

Following Daisy, Gary and BDSY alum Colin MacRae 's messy love triangle , Daisy is still reeling from the complicated and dramatic fallout from last season.

"Going into this season, I got rid of some dead weight," the newly single Chief Stew says in the trailer. "The breakup did a number on me last year. I felt very broken. But now, I'm coming back in more focused, full of energy and I'm f--king good at my job. And I'm taking back the reigns."

Despite her initial confidence about returning to the Parsifal III , Daisy adds, "It's gonna be a s--t show."

Cut to the Ireland native yelling at Gary, "Guess what? We have a f--king job to do and I'm not f--king carrying this season on my own, you f--king pr--k!"

But luckily for Daisy, the preview teases her quickly moving on with new Deckhand Keith Allen , who tells Gary, "Daisy would make a very good wife. No?"

As for Gary's response, he bursts out laughing at the crewmember's declaration.

However, Daisy feels the same about Keith and tells him, "You're the kind of person I've never met before."

And when it comes to this season's charter guests, the yachties have too much of a good time with one group on shore.

After a night out, Captain Glenn Shephard warns the team, "You guys went out with some guests, I set some ground rules. Two drinks maximum. You knew the rules, you broke the f--king rules, and now you're here getting upset."

Check out the trailer above for a preview of all the drama to come. And keep reading to meet new yachties Chef Cloyce Martin , Chief Engineer Davide Morosi , Stews Diana Cruz and Danni Warren and Deckhand Emma Crouch .  

Below Deck Sailing Yacht premieres Monday, Oct. 7, at 9 p.m.   on Bravo. Episodes will be available to stream next day on Peacock. 

Captain Glenn Shephard

Capt. Glenn and his expert crew set sail on Parsifal III to the luxury party capital of the world, Ibiza. While Ibiza is known for its sunny day parties and crystal-clear coast, it’s stormy waters ahead for the crew as they navigate blossoming boatmances, competitive co-workers and tense personal dynamics, all while trying to raise the bar every charter.   

Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher

After a distracting love triangle last season that took her focus away from work, Daisy is ready to take the reins back in the interior department with a new sense of energy and determination. However, plans for a stress-free charter season are threatened when her stews question her leadership. 

First Mate Gary King

On deck, Gary attempts to keep his team motivated as one crew member struggles to learn the ropes. 

Chef Cloyce Martin

In the galley, Chef Cloyce charms the crew and guests but at only 22, he may be too inexperienced to meet the demands of the high-maintenance charter guests.

Deckhand Keith Allen

Stew Diana Cruz

Deckhand Emma Crouch

Stew Danni Warren

Chief Engineer Davide Morosi

(E!, Bravo ad Peacock are all part of the NBCUniversal family)


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    Length377′7″ / 115.1m. BuilderLurssen. Charter from€2,600,000p/w. VIEW MORE YACHTS FOR CHARTER. Integrity and the relentless pursuit of the deal defines Moran Yacht & Ship - I am grateful that you were on this journey with me. This magical machine KISMET is the second yacht I've had built with Moran Yacht & Ship.

  19. Yacht NORD STAR, Timmerman Yachts

    A General Description of Motor Yacht NORD STAR. The work of the Timmerman Yachts shipyard in Russia the NORD STAR is 35 metre 110 (foot) in length. Ready for launch by 2005 her interior decoration demonstrates the capabilities from Moscow Shipyard and their approach to interior yacht design. Superyacht NORD STAR is able to accommodate up to 8 ...

  20. Meet Dylan Fletcher, Britain's sailing star from a family of ballet

    Meet Dylan Fletcher, Britain's sailing star from a family of ballet dancers. tom cary. Mon, Sep 16, ... Ultimately, one of the reasons I did a lot of Moth sailing after Tokyo [Fletcher won the ...

  21. Below Deck fans 'shocked' as star returns after sexual ...

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans 'genuinely shocked' and outraged as star returns for season 5 after sexual assault allegations Rishma Dosani Published Sep 16, 2024, 9:48pm | Updated Sep 16, 2024 ...

  22. Star Class

    The 2024 Star World Championship closed with the Prize Giving Ceremony at San Diego Yacht Club, with all of the 128 sailors gathered around the new Star World Champions, the ones that will get to engrave their names in the 100+ year old trophy and could lift it in front of the whole fleet tonight.

  23. AMARYLLIS Yacht • Andrey Borodin $120M Superyacht

    The Value of the SuperYacht Amaryllis. Reflecting the intricate design, luxury amenities, and superior performance, the Amaryllis yacht is valued at approximately $120 million. The annual running costs are estimated around $12 million. However, the price of a yacht can significantly vary based on numerous factors, including size, age, luxury ...

  24. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Exes Daisy Kelliher and Gary King Have

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Daisy Kelliher confronts "pr--k" Gary King following their failed boatmance in E! News' exclusive first look at season five. Plus, meet the new yachties.

  25. Star Class

    The 100 th Anniversary of Star Class World Championships will be held this September 10-17, 2022 in Marblehead, Massachusetts, USA. The host for the event is the prestigious Eastern Yacht Club. Eastern Yacht Club has hosted the Star Class World Championship twice; first in 1981 and most recently in 1997.