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The O’pen Skiff celebrated its 10th birthday in 2016, along with the production of its 8,000th boat. Designed specifically for juniors, the little dinghy has blown a big breath of fresh air through our sailing world, close to the new-generation skiff concept, very fast and very simple. 100% open, self-bailing, rapid and responsive, with an up-to-date versatile rig, the O’pen Skiff offers kids a machine that delivers maximum fun while helping them learn the skills and reflexes to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment. Hundreds of sailing clubs around the world have opted for the O’pen BIC, for a new, fun way of teaching sailing to appeal to youngsters attracted to new sail sports.

Melges Performance Sailboats is an O’pen Skiff dealer.

open bic sailboat specifications

9 ft 2.7432 m
3 ft 7 in 1.0922 m
Polyéthylène thermoformé
Composite Epoxy
Composite Epoxy
4.5m2 K.Film – Polyester
12’8″ (mast in 2 parts )
6’6″, Aluminium
Vitali Design & BIC Sport

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O’pen BIC - Ignite your Kid’s Passion for Sailing!

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BIC Sport O'pen BIC User Manual

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BIC Sport O'pen BIC User Manual

  • page of 76 Go / 76

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Certifi Cate of Conformity / Manufacturer's Plate
  • Fine Tuning Your Boat
  • Optimist Compatability
  • FAQ: Including Storage, Transport & Service
  • Conditions D'utilisation
  • Votre Bateau
  • Certifi Cat de Conformité / Plaque du Fabricant
  • Compatibilité Avec Optimist
  • Conditions de Garantie
  • Questions Sur Stockage, Transport Et Entretien
  • Benutzer Warnung
  • Certifi Cate of Conformity / Hersteller Lizenz
  • Feintrimm des Bootes
  • Kompatibilität mit Optimisten-Riggkomponenten
  • FAQ: Einschließlich Lagerung, Transport & Service
  • Condizioni DI Utilizzo
  • Introduzione
  • La Vostra Imbarcazione
  • Certifi Cato DI Conformità / Targa del Costruttore
  • Regolazioni
  • Compatibilità con L'optimist
  • Condizioni DI Garanzia
  • Domande Sullo Stoccaggio, Trasporto E Manutenzione
  • Προειδοποιηση
  • Περιεχομενα
  • Το Σκαφοσ Σασ
  • Πιστοποιηση / Δηλωση Συμορφωσησ
  • Αποσυναρμολογηση
  • Ρυθμισεισ Του Σκαφουσ
  • Συχνεσ Ερωτησεισ (Faq)


Available languages

  • ENGLISH, page 1
  • FRANÇAIS, page 16
  • ESPAÑOL, página 64
  • DEUTSCH, seite 28
  • ITALIANO, pagina 40
  • ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΆ, σελίδα 52

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  • 1 Your Boat
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  • Français 17
  • Italiano 41
  • ελληνικά 53

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Summary of Contents for BIC Sport O'pen BIC

  • Page 1 USER GUIDE English Français Deutsch Italiano Ellinika Español...
  • Page 3 English Français Deutsch Italiano Ellinika Español...

Page 4: User Warning

Page 5: table of contents, page 6: your boat, page 7: certifi cate of conformity / manufacturer's plate, page 8: rigging, page 9: rigging, page 10: fine tuning your boat, page 11: optimist compatability, page 12: warranty, page 13: faq: including storage, transport & service.

  • Page 14 Please contact your original point of purchase for the O’pen BIC. They will either have any spare parts you require on stock, or they will be able to get them for you. If you still have problems, don’t hesitate to contact us here at BIC Sport: [email protected] Do I need to wash my gear in fresh water after every use? In order to prolong the life of your O’pen BIC, it is best that the hull and all rig...
  • Page 15 What is the easiest way to transport the boat to the water’s edge? For individual use, BIC Sport has a foldable trailer than can be purchased as an accessory to the O’pen BIC.

Page 16: Conditions D'utilisation

Page 17: introduction, page 18: votre bateau, page 19: certifi cat de conformité / plaque du fabricant, page 20: gréer.

  • Page 21 • Vent inférieur à 10 nœuds : tension limitée = chute tendue = profi l plus plein = puissance supérieure. • Poulie « winch » Le levier rouge permet de l’embrayer ou de la débrayer. • Embrayée, la poulie ne peut tourner que dans un sens = cliquettement = l’écoute est freinée.
  • Page 22 8- RÉGLAGES FINS DE L’O’PEN BIC TENSION DES LATTES • La tension des lattes est réglée en usine et aucune modifi cation n’est nécessaire pour une utilisation « standard ». Cela dit, cette tension peut être réglée au moyen de poussoirs à vis situés en bout de latte. Le réglage idéal dépend des conditions et de vos préférences.

Page 23: Compatibilité Avec Optimist

Page 24: conditions de garantie, page 25: questions sur stockage, transport et entretien.

  • Page 26 Contactez le magasin où vous avez acheté l’O’pen BIC qui en aura en stock ou qui en commandera pour vous. Si toutefois vous auriez des diffi cultés à ce sujet, veuillez contacter BIC Sport à l’adresse e-mail suivante : [email protected] Dois-je laver mon matériel à l’eau douce après chaque utilisation ? Pour assurer une meilleure longévité...
  • Page 27 fi xée sur le toit. Quelle est la meilleure façon d’amener mon bateau à l’eau ? Vous pouvez acheter un chariot de plage BIC Sport; renseignez-vous auprès de votre magasin. Comment puis-je me obtenir d’autres informations ? Pour toute question qui n’aurait pas été...

Page 28: Benutzer Warnung

Page 29: einleitung, page 30: ihr boot, page 31: certifi cate of conformity / hersteller lizenz, page 32: aufriggen, page 33: abriggen, page 34: feintrimm des bootes, page 35: kompatibilität mit optimisten-riggkomponenten.

  • Page 36 Käufers, und die Seriennummer des Bootes beinhalten muss. Alle Garantieansprüche müssen über den befugten Händler, bei dem das Boot gekauft wurde, geltend gemacht werden und an BIC Sport oder Ihren anerkannten Vertreter ohne Verzug weitergeleitet werden. Jegliche Reparatur oder Änderung des Bootes ohne eine schriftliche Einverständniserklärung von BIC Sport macht die Garantie nichtig.

Page 37: Faq: Einschließlich Lagerung, Transport & Service

  • Page 38 AUFBEWAHRUNG Wie sollte der O’pen BIC aufbewahrt werden? Alle Boote sollten immer festgebunden und gesichert werden, wenn Sie nicht benutzt werden (auf einem Anhänger oder Bootständer). Idealerweise sollte der O’pen BIC folgendermaßen aufbewahrt werden: - auf Ständern, die das Boot der Länge nach stützen. - auf einem weichen Tragegurt.
  • Page 39 Dachgepäckträger ordnungsgemäß angebracht ist. Was ist der einfachste Weg um das Boot an die Wasserkante zu bringen? Zum privaten Gebrauch hat Bic Sport einen zusammenfaltbaren Anhänger, der als Zubehör zum O’pen BIC erworben werden kann. Wo kann ich weitere Informationen bekommen? Wenn Sie noch weitere Fragen zum O’pen BIC haben, die hier nicht beantwortet...

Page 40: Condizioni Di Utilizzo

Page 41: introduzione, page 42: la vostra imbarcazione, page 43: certifi cato di conformità / targa del costruttore, page 44: armare, page 45: disarmare.

  • Page 46 8- REGOLAZIONE DI PRECISIONE DELL’O’PEN BIC TENSIONAMENTO DELLE STECCHE • La tensione delle stecche delle vela è defi nita e regolata alla fi ne della produzione e solitamente non è richiesta modifi ca alcuna per un utilizzo normale. Tuttavia sarà possibile procedere alla regolazione delle stecche a seconda delle preferenze del velista mettendo in tensione o allentando le leve per la regolazione delle stecche (posizionati al di sotto dell’estremità...

Page 47: Compatibilità Con L'optimist

Page 48: condizioni di garanzia, page 49: domande sullo stoccaggio, trasporto e manutenzione.

  • Page 50 Nel caso di problemi, non esitare a contattare direttamente BIC Sport al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: [email protected] Devo lavorare il materiale con acqua dolce dopo ogni utilizzo? Per allungare la durata in uso del proprio O’pen BIC, sarebbe opportuno che lo...
  • Page 51 Quale è il modo più semplice per trasportare l’imbarcazione fi no al corso d’acqua ? Per utilizzo individuale, BIC Sport mette a disposizione un rimorchio pieghevole che potrà essere acquistato come accessorio per il trasporto sicuro di O’pen BIC.

Page 52: Προειδοποιηση

Page 53: εισαγωγη, page 54: το σκαφοσ σασ, page 55: πιστοποιηση / δηλωση συμορφωσησ.

  • Page 56 6- ΣΥΝΑΡΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ ΣΚΑΦΟΥΣ α) Ανοίξετε την συσκευασία και ξεδιπλώστε το πανί. Ελεγξτε ότι έχετε όλα τα μέρη που απαριθμούνται στην ενότητα “Το σκάφος σας”. β) Τοποθετήστε την μάτσα στο πανί περνώντας τον γάντζο μέσα στον κρίκο (22), με την διχάλα της μάτσας στερεωμένη στην άκρη από το μανίκι καταρτιού. γ) Συνδέστε...

Page 57: Αποσυναρμολογηση

Page 58: ρυθμισεισ του σκαφουσ, page 59: συμβατοτητα με το optimist, page 60: εγγυηση, page 61: συχνεσ ερωτησεισ (faq).

  • Page 62 Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον αρχικό παροχέα. Εκεί θα υπάρχουν οποιαδήποτε ανταλλακτικά χρειάζεστε, ή θα μπορούν να τα παραγγείλουν για εσάς. Αν εξακολουθείτε να έχετε πρόβλημα, επικοινωνήστε με την BIC Sport: [email protected] Είναι απαραίτητο να ξεπλένεται ο εξοπλισμός με φρέσκο νερό μετά από κάθε χρήση;...
  • Page 63 και τοποθετημένη πριν ξεκινήσετε την οδηγηση Ποιος είναι ο ευκολότερος τρόπος να μεταφέρω το σκάφος στο νερό; Για ιδιωτική χρήση, η BIC Sport προσφέρει ένα ειδικό καροτσάκι μεταφοράς το οποίο μπορεί να αγοραστεί ως αξεσουάρ του O’pen BIC. Που μπορώ να απευθυνθώ για περεταίρω πληροφορίες;...
  • Page 64 • El usuario de este producto comprende y reconoce el riesgo asociado a la practica de la vela. Para todas las preguntas sobre este producto, contactar con el vendedor local o consultar la página web de BIC Sport: www.bicsport.com P. 64...
  • Page 65 O’pen BIC, con las Federaciones de Vela de su país, o a través de la pagina web de BIC Sport: www.bicsport.com Guardar bien este manual y en caso de reventa, transferirlo al nuevo propietario.
  • Page 66 4- SU BARCO Casco Asa delantera Base del mástil Orza Goma de retención de la orza Caja de orza Timón Pala del timón Stick Pads antideslizante Cincha de “hacer banda” Vela Funda de grátil Cunningham Sables Tope de sabe Caida “Vario Top”...
  • Page 67 PLACA DE IDENTIFICACIÓN DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD de un barco de recreo según exigencias de Concepción, construcción, y emisiones sonoras de la Normativa 94/25CE enmendada por la Normativa 2003/44/CE. Nombre del constructor: BIC Sport Dirección: Zone Industrielle du Prat Población: Vannes Código Postal:...
  • Page 68 6- MONTAJE DEL APAREJO Abrir la bolsa del aparejo y desenrollar la vela. Verifi car que todos los accesorios enumerados en la sección “su barco” estén presentes. Montar la botavara en de la vela, de manera que pase dentro de la cincha por encima de la polea de Cunningham con la boca de cangrejo posicionada en la parte inferior de la funda de la vela.
  • Page 69 • Polea “winch”: La palanca roja permite “embragar” o “desembragar”. Embragada: La polea solo gira en un sentido = cliqueteo = la escota esta frenada. Desembragada: La polea gira en ambos sentidos = la escota circula libremente. • Orza: Su altura se regula en función de la fuerza del viento, del rumbo y del peso del tripulante.
  • Page 70 8- REGLAJES ÓPTIMOS PARA EL O’PEN BIC TENSIÓN DE LOS SABLES • La tensión de los sables esta regulada de fábrica y no es necesaria ninguna modifi cación un uso normal. No obstante, esta tensión puede ser regulada con el tornillo del tope de sable situados en el extremo del sable. El reglaje óptimo depende de las condiciones y de sus preferencias.
  • Page 71 9- COMPATIBILIDAD CON EL OPTIMIST El O’pen BIC ha sido diseñado para ser compatible con el aparejo del Optimist, así como, con su orza y timón. Así puede empezar por comprar el casco solo y utilizar el aparejo del Optimist. Las sensaciones y la velocidad serán mayores que con el Optimist y le permitirá...
  • Page 72 10- GARANTIA La garantía BIC Sport en el O’pen BIC es de 12 meses a partir de la fecha de compra. Esta garantía cubre todo defecto de fabricación y es condicionada a las reglas siguientes: • La garantía es valida únicamente en condiciones de utilización y mantenimiento normal del barco.
  • Page 73 11- O’PEN BIC: PREGUNTAS MÁS FRECUENTES ¿El O’pen BIC es estable? Si, porque el casco ha sido diseñado con “cantos” bien marcados. En navegación el barco cantea un poco hasta estabilizarse y se mantiene siempre bien equilibrado. ¿El O’pen BIC es fácil de aparejar? Si, porque no hay ni grilletes, ni sistemas de sujeción complicados.
  • Page 74 ¿Donde puedo comprar los recambios y accesorios? Contactar con su punto de venta o distribuidor más cercanos. Si encuentran alguna difi cultad con respecto a este servicio, también puede dirigirse a BIC Sport a la dirección de e-mail siguiente: [email protected] ¿Tengo que aclarar mi material con agua dulce después de cada utilización?
  • Page 75 Existe un carro de transporte especialmente diseñado para el O’pen BIC. Contactar con su punto de venta o distribuidor más cercano. ¿Como puedo obtener más información? Para más información suplementaria, puede contactar con BIC Sport a la dirección de e-mail: [email protected] P. 75...
  • Page 76 BIC Sport, RP 3716, Z.I. du Prat - 56037 Vannes Cedex FRANCE Tel: 33 (0)2 97 43 75 00 - Fax: 33 (0)2 97 43 75 01 - [email protected] - www.bicsport.com BIC Sport, S.A.S.U. au capital de 1.812.075 euros - B 781 626 957 - R.C.S. VANNES...

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O'pen Skiff


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  • Description

*Free in-store pick-up/ local delivery or call for shipping/ delivery quote

What’s the bottom line about the O’Pen Skiff? Kids LOVE them!

100% open, self-bailing, rapid and responsive, with an up-to-date versatile rig, the O'Pen Skiff offers kids a machine that delivers maximum fun while helping them learn the skills and reflexes to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment. 

  • 4.5m2 Monofilm Sail (3.8m2 training sail available)
  • Open transom
  • 100% self-draining cockpit
  • Can be fittted to use an Optimist sprit rig and sail
  • East to rig-- no shackles or complicated rigging systems on the O’pen BIC.


  • Weight 99lbs

*Fleet and Educational Pricing Available

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O’pen BIC - Ignite your Kid’s Passion for Sailing!

The O’pen BIC sailboat is a breath of fresh air for junior sai...

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O’pen Bic Delivers Fun

Shoreline now offers o’pen bic for a new millennium.

We love the fast and fun O’pen Bic. Here’s why we think you’ll love it, too.

open Bic banner

Our start in small sailboats lead us to the O’pen Bic

Five years after O’pen Bic arrived on the scene in 2006, Darren and I got the bug to build sailboats for our kids. New York State winters are long (really really long). A sailboat project was the perfect escape. (You can see our building website here .)

We decided to build Clark Mills’ original Optimists. In 1949 Mills created the iconic dinghy. His goal was to design a low-cost boat for kids—using two sheets of plywood  The boats are fun and easy to recognize—as are all Opti sailboats.

The O’pen Bic’s got an O’pen transom (or, why bailing won’t be a drag)

So, we got our kids out on the water in the Optis and found out it wasn’t so easy to keep them dry—enter the ubiquitous Clorox bottle. One of the first things I noticed when watching videos of the O’pen Bic was that kids weren’t bailing; they were just sailing.

Any Opti out in a good blow will require a vigilant young sailor to bail like crazy to keep the boat competitive. The risk for capsizing was a real concern for these two dads. If it capsized, the Opti would have a sizable amount of water in the bilge once righted. The O’pen Bic is 100% self draining with no water in the bottom of the boat either during sailing or after an capsize.

You can’t swamp the O’pen Bic.

So, what if you capsize an O’pen Bic?

With its lightweight and stable “chine bilge” design, the hull turns immediately into the wind if a sailor falls off. If capsized, the boat re-rights easily and also provides a stable platform for getting back into the boat. Kids don’t need to only climb over the side to get in. They also can climb in the stern because of its O’pen design.

The O’pen Bic looks cool and more…

I can’t help it. I love sailboats with pointy front ends. But more than cool, I see a lot less places to bang an elbow or a knee. Also, the boat begs the new sailor to hike.

Kids new to sailing have a natural inclination to stay within the confines of some hull designs. The O’pen Bic’s design allows for the freedom to slide to the high-side as a kid’s comfort level grows naturally.

What about the rig?

The O’pen Bic can be rigged and on the water in less than 2 minutes. There are no shackles or complicated rigging systems on the O’pen Bic. The boom is attached to the sail—simply slide the mast up the luff pocket of the sail. Then attach the rig to the hull with the two-snap hooks at the main sheet and Cunningham, tension the Cunningham with the pull handle, and go!

Is the O’pen Bic fragile?

No, the O’pen Bic is kid-tested tough. The hull is manufactured in thermoformed polyethylene. Thermoforming is a process where a plastic sheet is heated and formed to a specific shape in a mold, offering a material that is very resistant to impact shocks and abrasion. Bic Sport has been building products in this material for more than 30 years.

What are the age and weight ranges for the O’Pen Bic?

The starting age of a young sailor is typically 8 years old. It really depends on the child’s size and skill level. Even kids as young as six, if they have the concentration and desire, can sail the O’pen Bic. The ideal sailor weight for the O’pen Bic is 130 lbs. but two kids can easily sail together as long as the combined weight does not exceed 200 lbs.

In case you’re wondering (we know you are) if an adult can sail the O’pen Bic, they can as long as they don’t exceed 200 lbs. (This upper limit did not stop my brother Darren, though.)

Want to try one out?

Contact us to see about renting our demo model. The fun is just about to start.

[button link=”https://shorelinesailboats.com/shop/open-bic/” icon=”shopping-cart”]O’pen Bic Pricing [/button]

Videos of the O’pen BIC in action:

2015 O’Pen BIC North American Championship – Miami Yacht Club

2015 Australian O’Pen Cup

2014 O’pen BIC North American Championship – Bermuda

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Practical Sailor Reviews Seven Performance-Sailing Dinghies

Agile, fun boats like the classic sunfish and new hobie bravo keep the smile in summer sailing..

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Photos by Ralph Naranjo

Messing around in small boats is a global theme-one thats embraced by pond-bound pram sailors, river riders, lake voyagers, and all of us who call salt water home. The purpose of this sailing dinghy profile is to highlight seven very interesting little sailboats. Some are new designs, and others have stood the test of time, but all are currently being manufactured, and each drives home just how much fun sailing close to the water can be.

This isn’t a shootout among anorexic speedsters or a report on the best tender that doubles as a sailing dinghy. Its a look at perennials like the Optimist, Sunfish, and Laser-legendary competitors that have helped spawn some of the best sailors in the world. But its also a look at three of the newest entries in the dinghy-sailing circle: Bics Open, Hobies Bravo, and Laser Performances Bug. These agile, new sailing dinghies are chock full of fun and boat-handling features to inspire kids of all ages to go sailing.

Well also take a look at Chesapeake Light Crafts kit approach to getting started-one that offers meaningful lessons and tangible rewards well before the boat ever hits the water.

Scale down an Open 60, add sail technology long favored by windsurfers, and put it into play in a tough thermo-formed hull, and you have the makings for a new kind of watercraft. The result is a very interesting blend of performance and reliability that targets adolescent interest. When all is said and done, Bics boat is more akin to a sit-down windsurfer than a traditional Blue Jay. And like all good boats, its vying for attention not just based on performance, construction quality, and style, but just as importantly, on the price tag stuck to the hull.

The Open Bics light weight and wide, flat stern section means that even small chop can be surfed; and bursts of planing on a reach add a zing factor to dinghy sailing. The Open Bic is already an International Sailing Federation (ISAF)-sanctioned class, and fleets are developing around the US. Another bonus: Its an easily portable boat that can be carried like a windsurfer, adding excitement to a Sunday picnic at the beach.

The thermo-formed polyethylene hull is a modified hard-chine design with lots of beam aft. Sailed flat, the boat is agile enough to surf wavelets, and with a shape thats ergonomically friendly to hiking, the ensuing heel on the upwind leg puts just the right amount of chine into the water. In light air, careful control of heel can significantly reduce wetted surface.

The design team that developed the Open Bic saw it as a transition bridge from Optimist sailing to a more performance-oriented dinghy. An interesting innovation is that the Open Bic can be sailed with an Optimists rig and blades. This buy the hull only approach can be a significant incentive for parents with children outgrowing their Opti as fast as their boat shoes. However it wont be long before the kids want the fully turbo-charged feel delivered with the Open Bics well-shaped 4.5-square-meters rig, sail, and nicely foiled blades.

Bottom line: The Open Bic is fast, agile, and buckets of fun for kids uninspired by sailing in the slow lane.

Just when you think that Hobie Cat Co. has covered whats possible in beach-cat innovation, their design/engineering crew comes up with a new twist that reinvents the wheel. The Hobie Bravo is a good case in point.

In a recent visit to Backyard Boats ( www.backyardboats.com ) in Annapolis, Md., we got a good look at the Bravo. Nearly as narrow as a monohull but still quite stable, this quick-to-launch beach cat packs plenty of get-up-and-go. Its a simple to sail, entry-level boat that fast tracks learning the steer, sheet, and hike trilogy. The boat features a single, midline rudder and roto-molded hulls. The shape of the hulls provides enough lateral plane to allow a crew to make headway to windward.

The narrow (4 feet), 12-foot Bravo uses crew weight and hiking straps to add to the righting moment once the breeze is up. Whats done with webbing on larger cats has been converted to a shallow, rigid deck well on the Bravo. It does raise the weight of the boat to 195 pounds, but it offers comfortable seating plus room for cushions and a cooler. Kids or grown ups can have a Tom Sawyer-Huck Finn type of adventure aboard this fun little sailing machine. Or the family on a beach picnic can set it up and take turns speed reaching along a sandy shoreline.

The furling mast supports a roachy sail with slightly slanted vertical battens, helping to shape the boomless mainsail. The result is convenient sail handling, decent performance, and superior safety. Theres no boom to clobber the crew, and the roller-furled sail and mast are easily stepped in the tripod-like receiver. This interesting set of struts raises the top bearing point of the mast step and spreads rig loads out to the hulls. The furling mainsail offers the ability to reef, a big plus in a building breeze or when teaching children to sail.

Like all of the boats in the Hobie lineup, theres a wide range of specialty parts and fittings that make the boats fast to rig and easy to handle. The kick-up rudder is hung on gudgeons mounted in the center of stern, and just as rig loads have been effectively spread via the tripod step, the energy radiating from the large rudder is spread athwartships via a contoured deck element.

Bottom line: The boat is quick to rig, easy to launch, and responsive to beginners-more experienced sailors will have just as much fun power reaching when the breeze is up.

The Bug

A pocket-sized club trainer, the Bug is an evolution of the kids trainer/club racer that leverages lessons learned in Optis, Dyers, and Sabots. It pulls together the logic of a stable hull shape and simple-to-sail rig, and puts it all in a cost-effective package.

Lending to its success is designer Jo Richardss ergonomic, roto-molded hull, a fabrication that is as close to zero maintenance as a boat can get. The straight out-of-the-mold polyethylene skin gets a few decals, and theres no wood to refinish or gelcoat to wax. These tough, abrasion-resistant hulls have a bumper boat tolerance thats a big plus when it comes to kids learning to sail. Best of all, owners can start with a learn-to-sail rig and upgrade to a more performance-oriented mast and sail package (41 or 56 square feet) that kicks performance into the fast lane.

Oars and an outboard motor bracket can be added to turn the little sailboat into a dual-purpose dinghy. Even the bow painters means of attachment makes sense-no projecting hardware ready to knick the topsides of unintended contacts. Instead, theres a recessed hole in the stem allowing a line to be lead through and a knot used to keep the painter in place.

Bottom line: Aimed at club programs and families look for boats that can be transported on the car top, the Bug is easy to rig and definitely kid friendly. The fact that its manufacturer, Laser Performance, is an international interest and a major player in the performance dinghy industry means that this boat and its parts will be around for a while.

Hobie Bravo

Photo courtesy of Hobie Cat Co.

Eastport Pram

Chesapeake Light Craft expedites boatbuilding for do-it-yourselfers looking to take their garage-built boats for a sail. The company pre-cuts parts, packs kits with all the materials, epoxy, and paint youll need, and leads homebuilders through a thoroughly detailed stitch-and-glue approach to assembly. Kits are available in various stages of completeness, ranging from plans only to the full package, including sail, hardware, running rigging, and paint.

The Eastport Pram is just shy of 8 feet, and the marine plywood and epoxy construction delivers a boat that weighs in, sans sailing rig, at just 62 pounds. Lighter than the comparatively sized Bug, this stiff, durable dinghy, rows like a real boat and sails comfortably with one or two aboard. In keeping with other good tender attributes, the Pram behaves under tow and is equally amicable when propelled by a small outboard or tacked up an estuary under sail.

Kit boatbuilding continues to have a niche following. Theres also an added-value feature worth noting: On one hand, the builder receives a box of pieces and the result of his or her endeavor leads to an aesthetic and utilitarian dinghy. In addition, the DIY skills the builder develops will be useful in other epoxy bonding, brightwork, or mono-urethane application projects. Such talents will benefit many other boat maintenance endeavors.

Whats hard to quantify is the sense of accomplishment derived from sailing a boat that you have built yourself. When the project is tackled in tandem with a child, spouse, or friend, the memories and the boat will last.

Bottom line: With neither sidedecks or a sealed hull, this is not a boat thats easy to recover from a capsize. So once the kids favor on-the-edge sailing in a building breeze, a non swamping, easier-righting boat is probably a better option. The Pram can then be put to use by their appreciative parents or grandparents.

Never in their wildest dreams did Bruce Kirby and Ian Bruce imagine that the Weekender (the Lasers original name) was destined to become an Olympic class sailboat and one of the most popular springboards for top-tier sailors in the world today. Originally envisioned as a car-topper for weekend campers, the cat-rigged, low freeboard sailing dinghy morphed from its original roots into a boat favored by college competitors and revered by generations of agile sailors of all ages. Even frostbiting winter sailors have locked onto the Laser.

Chesapeake Light Craft

Designed in 1969, the Lasers first few years were anything but smooth sailing. Popularity grew quickly, but along with the limelight came plenty of consternation. Dubbed a surfboard not a sailboat by a growing cross-section of the yachting elite-many parents warned junior sailors to steer as clear of Lasers as they did sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. The campaign failed, and junior sailors in yacht club programs around the country fell into the grip of the new one-design dinghy-discovering the sailboats proclivity to plane.

one-design Laser

Dyer Dhows languished in boat sheds across the country as a new theme in sailing took hold. Dubbed fast is fun by sailor/engineer Bill Lee, the young Merlin of Santa Cruz, Calif., took the theme to big-boat sailing, merging California culture with the Laser logic of light displacement and planing hull shapes.

Best of all, the Laser embraced the ideal of a tightly controlled one-design class that put people on the water in identical boats and left winning and losing races up to sailing skill and tactics rather than a boats performance edge. For decades, the boat has been the single-handed sailors choice among junior sailing programs, and with the addition of the Radial, 4.7 and M rigs, smaller competitors have also found the boat to be a great sailing platform. Today, theres some lawyer saber-rattling over the sale of the design rights, but the boat remains more popular than ever.

The sleeved sail, two-part spar, daggerboard, and kick-up rudder make the boat a quick-to-rig and fast-to-get underway dinghy. Light-air efficiency is good for a one-design sailboat, but this means that as the breeze builds, the non-reefable sail can become a handful in a hurry. In fact, the boats Dr. Jekyll-and-Mr. Hyde demeanor is what builds talent among Laser practitioners. The big boys block the mainsail and blast off for the layline, while lighter sailors heavy-weather tactics include more nuanced de-powering and feathering. In light air, the tables turn, and the winner is often the sailor who planes quickest on the reaches. The old guards surfboard slam may have held some credence after all.

Bottom line: The Laser is a timeless classic thats easily transported and is built for performance. Its well suited to adrenaline-seeking teens as well as the more fit adult crowd.

Designed in 1947 by Floridian Clark Mills, the utilitarian Optimist could be made out of two sheets of plywood-and from its inception, the Optimist was meant to link kids with the water. Slipping into obscurity in the U.S., the little pram found fertile ground to grow in northern Europe. With just a few tweaks, the Scandinavians took Millss lines and parlayed them into whats become the favored junior sailing trainer for kids from Detroit to Timbuktu. Statistics show that there are about 30 builders worldwide putting out approximately 4,000 boats each year. With about 130,000 boats class registered and an estimated 300,000 total hulls built (amateur and pro), theres plenty of reasons to get excited about an Opti.

Performance boats

The example weve chosen is the USA-built McLaughlin boat, both a demonstration of high-quality FRP construction and modern manufacturing techniques. Its also a boat that can be purchased in a range of performance-inducing iterations-upgrades designated as club, intermediate, advanced, and professional versions. Like all performance sailboats, stiffness and strength-to-weight ratio is important. But class rules include a minimum weight, so the most competitive hulls meet the mandatory lower limit but use good engineering and building technique to reinforce the daggerboard slot and mast step and produce overall stiffness.


The low mast height and high aspect ratio sprit sail is very versatile, affording young (and small, 65 to 130 pounds) sailors a wide window of decent performance. The flat bottom, slab-sided hull is responsive to crew weight-driven trim changes, and the better the sailor, the more agile they become. Light-air performance is all about minimizing wetted surface and maximizing sail area projection. When the breeze starts to kick up, the sailor becomes the ballast, and the art of hiking, sheet handling, and tiller wiggling come into play.

Under careful adult supervision, two 6- to 8-year-olds can double-hand the friendly little dinghy, or one more-confident child can solo sail it. In fact, introducing kids to sailing with similar proportioned small prams has been a right of passage around for decades. A set of oarlock gudgeons can turn the pram into a functional dinghy thats also adaptable to the smaller Torqeedo outboard (www.torqeedo.com).

McLaughlin also markets a Roto-molded polyethylene version of the Opti and sells DIY kits for those who want to create their own wood version.

Bottom line: The Opti is like a first bicycle without the need for training wheels. The fact that at the last Olympics, over 80 percent of the winning sailors had gotten their start in an Optimist speaks well to the value of messing around in this particular dinghy.

Open Bic

Designed in 1951 by ice boaters Alexander Bryan and Cortland Heyniger, the hard chine Sunfish was the prototype board boat. In 1959, it made the transition into fiberglass, and over the following half-century, more than a quarter-million hulls would hit the water. Simplicity and decent sailing attributes combined with an attractive price to make the Sunfish the most popular one-design dinghy ever raced.

Far more than a platform for racers, these boats are an excellent training tool for sailors of all ages. Also built by Laser Performance, they reflect the fun of summer and put sailors in close contact with the water on which they sail. Its no surprise that the larger fleets coincide with warm water and many see going for a swim to be part and parcel of the low-freeboard experience.

The lateen rig is in keeping with the overall design concept and simplifies rigging. A short stub of a mast is stepped and a single halyard hoists the sail along with tilting V-shaped upper and lower booms.

The total sail area is nearly the same as the Laser, but the halyard hoist versatility of the lateen rig make it a handy beach boat and a little less daunting when the wind begins to build. The clean sail shape on one tack and deformation caused by the mast on the other tack are a slight drawback. The Laser rig is more efficient, but when caught out in a squall, its nice to be able to ease the halyard and dump the sail. Its also handy to be able to leave the boat tethered to a mooring, and the doused sail and short mast make it possible.

Multiple generations of sailors are often found sailing Sunfish, and the boat represents one of the best bargains to be found in the used boat market. When considering a pre owned boat, the potential buyer needs to take a close look at the daggerboard-to-hull junction and mast step, points where previous damage can create hard-to-fix leaks.

Bottom line: The Sunfish is a great beach boat that can turn a hot afternoon into a fun-filled water experience.

There were no losers in this group, and picking winners and runners-up proved a difficult task. The outcome had to be based on assumptions about how these boats would be used. For example, parents with a competitive 9-year-old who swims like a fish, always sprints for the head of the lunch line, and likes to steal bases in Little League probably have an Opti racer in the making. Less competitive junior sailors-future cruisers in the making-will do better learning aboard a Bug. Many newly formed sailing clubs target the boat as their trainer of choice.

The Bravo holds plenty of appeal for those with a lakeside cottage or a favored campground destination. Whether its a solo sail just before sunset or a fun race on Sunday, the quick to set up and put away features are a plus, and for those who feel that two hulls are better-the Bravo will hold plenty of appeal.

Serious competitors can campaign a Laser for life, and whether youre headed for a local district regatta or getting ready for the Olympic trials, the hull, rig, and sail remains identical-sort of like the Monaco Grand Prix being raced in a street legal Mustang.

Bic Opens new little speedster tickled our fancy, and as a trainer/performance boat crossover, it drew a strong nod of approval. Watching the junior sailors smiles as they sailed their Open Bics endorsed our opinion.

And if there is any boat that defines the essence of summer, the Sunfish takes the prize.

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O’PEN BIC Specifications

Hull Type: Dbrd. Dinghy Rigging Type: Cat (unstayed) LOA: 9.00 ft / 2.74 m LWL: 7.17 ft / 2.19 m S.A. (reported): 48.44 ft² / 4.50 m² Beam: 3.58 ft / 1.09 m Displacement: 99.00 lb / 45 kg Construction: Polyethylene thermoforme First Built: 2006 # Built: 8000 Designer: Vitali Design

Hull Speed: 3.59 kn

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The aim of the International O’pen Skiff Class is to provide an exciting format of international and national dinghy sailing for young sailors. The steady annual growth of the Events’ Calendar is proof that the Class’s formula of providing exciting race formats on an attractive boat is a great success. At present there are over 10 countries that have regular event calendars of national competitions, and the O’pen Skiff Worlds are the pinnacle each year.

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Open Skiff Class Concludes Thrilling Third Stage of Eurochallenge in Balatonmáriafürdő, Hungary

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O’PEN Skiff (Formerly O'PEN Bic)

Modern, fun and fast kid-friendly skiff.

Junior Sailors

The O’PEN Skiff is a one-handed skiff and junior training class. The key characteristics of this modern dinghy teach important sailing skills crucial to transitioning to other classes.

Age & Weight Range For The O’PEN Skiff:

Typically sailed from ages 8 to 15. The ideal weight for an O’pen Skiff is between 40-50kg, but it’s also suitable for training above and below that weight.

open bic sailboat specifications

About the O’PEN Skiff

The O’PEN Skiff (Formerly O’PEN Bic) is designed especially for juniors, providing a crucial next step from the beginner Optimist class.

This new generation of junior sailing dinghy has generated renewed popularity of junior sailing in Australia, emulating the new-generation skiff concept – very fast and very simple. At the forefront of a dynamic and rapidly growing enthusiasm for junior sailing in Australia, the O’PEN Skiff is the idea boat for kids and teens under 15.

Features & Benefits of the O’PEN Skiff

The O’PEN skiff is a fantastic boat for junior sailors, with a 100% open design offering easy recovery in the event of a capsize. This innovative dinghy is also self-bailing, with an up-to-date and versatile rig helping kids get out on the water with a minimum of fuss.

The O’PEN Skiff offers kids a machine that’s incredibly fun, enabling them to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment scaled down to suit their level of development. Hundreds of sailing clubs around the world have chosen an O’PEN Skiff fleet for their juniors, offering a new, fun way of teaching vital sailing skills while providing a fantastic experience out on the water.

An adult riding a red O’PEN Skiff (formerly O'PEN Bic)

Racing in the O’PEN Skiff

The O’PEN Skiff has powered an evolution of the traditional race scene, adapting race formats and rules to provide a more accessible, fun and improvement-focused experience for kids.

O’PEN Skiff Events

For young sailors with a competitive drive, there is an ever-increasing number of national and international O’Pen Bic regattas and events, as well as state O’PEN Skiff events in WA.

O’Pen Skiff World Championships 2021

O’PEN Skiff Class Website & Organisations

https://www.openskiff.org/ https://world.bicsport.com/o-pen-bic.html

Take The First Step To Getting Out On The Water

O’pen skiff fleet in perth – mounts bay sailing club.

At Mounts Bay Sailing Club, we welcome new members to join our O’PEN Skiff Fleet, whether that’s sailing your O’Pen Skiff in our Twilight Sailing or weekend racing event or participating in any of our junior training programs.

We offer both ‘learn to sail’ courses for kids and our regular Learning & Development program, running on regular weeknights throughout the sailing season and as school holiday courses.

The O’PEN Skiff dinghy is our selection for the ‘Race Ready Squad’ stage of our sailing Learning & Development program. The O’pen Skiff is ideal for the fast fun-packed drills and is the primary class in this program, keeping our junior program fresh and exciting while also focusing on transferrable skills development.

Interested in sailing an O’Pen Skiff in Perth? Get in touch with MBSC’s sailing development officer to find out how we can get your young sailor out on the Swan River in an O’Pen Skiff.

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While new boats like the 29’er, 49’er and other foil racers released onto the adult sailing market have changed the face of dinghy sailing, there have been no new boats for younger sailors for some time. The O’pen Bic has brightened the faces of children, teenagers and smaller framed adults.  They now have a true glide machine for real excitement on the water. The O’pen Bic is THE ultimate link between the Optimist generation and the new generation of sailing dinghies. The O’pen is being marketed as an energized dinghy with:

  • A fast, planing hull for a dynamic sailing experience.
  • A totally open, self-draining stern that makes even capsizing fun!
  • A modern design that looks like the boat of today’s champions.
  • A shaped daggerboard and rudderblade, and high quality mooring equipment, for performance and ease of trimming.
  • A high performance rig package for power, speed and control
  • …..not to mention that this boat looks REALLY COOL!!!!

We recently had the opportunity to test this boat in St. Croix at the 2008 St. Croix International Regatta.  Needless to say, the O’pen was a huge hit with the kids…in fact, some stayed ashore to sail the O’pen rather than continue to “bail” their Optis in the high surf experienced that weekend.  Feedback we received from local sailors was positive:

“The Open Bic is an impressively-fun and functional new junior sailing dinghy. The fast, planing hull of the O’pen Bic gives a dynamic sailing experience of a true dinghy that heels. Being at the helm of this powerful machine gives you the same excitement normally experienced on a boat for adults…not too far from the thrill of the Melges 24,” stated Peter Stanton, a world class Sunfish sailor and tactician on Devil 3 , Melges 24 CORT Champions.

“The O’Pen Bic is a hot boat! Junior sailors are fully independent and safe on the water and will be proud to sail such a modern-looking and fast boat, one that both sails and looks like the boat of the future—not to mention this boat is fun, and it totally surfs,” said Sydney Jones, world-ranked Laser Radial sailor and Virgin Islands Sailing Team member.

“I can’t wait to get to the Yacht Club to go sail on the O’pen Bic, it is so much easier to sail than the Opti, you can nose dive into waves…and the best part, no bailing!  Now my mom can throw away all of her detergent bottles…no more bailing!” said Optimist sailor Challis Diaz, age 12.

The O’pen Bic is a planing dinghy with a hull made of thermoformed polyethylene, a carbon and fiberglass two-piece mast, and an aluminum boom. The target audience for the O’pen is kids who need a transition boat between the Optimist and a 420.

ISAF has recently granted the boat “Class Status” recognizing the one design fleet worldwide.  Keep your eyes open for upcoming local events: The Cruzan Open One Design in May 2008 will recognize the Bic O’pen as an official class.  Caribbean Championships will be hosted in November by St. Croix Yacht Club and the O’pen Bic Challenge will take place this summer in Tortola.

Kim and Rob Jones operate Jones Maritime Company, a 15-slip marina, sailing school, yacht management service, and charter operation in downtown Christiansted, St. Croix. 

Length: 2.75m Width: 1.14m lip marina Weight: 45kgs (hull only) Hull technology: Thermoformed polyethylene Max. ideal user weight: 65kgs (143lbs) Max. possible weight: 90kgs (198 lbs) Sail: Surface: 4.5m2 Technology: K.Film – Polyester Battens: 4 with adjustable tension Adjustable head Mast: Length: 3.90m (2-part mast) Technology: Fiberglass – Epoxy Rigidity: IMCS 16 Weight: 2.1kgs Boom: Length: 2.00m Technology: Aluminum

Cost: $2799 Complete!

www.openbic.com .

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Published on July 2nd, 2019 | by Editor

O’pen BIC becomes O’pen Skiff

Published on July 2nd, 2019 by Editor -->

Following the purchase of BIC Sport by Tahe Outdoors in January 2019, the name for the popular singlehanded O’pen BIC youth class is changing to the O’pen Skiff. In practical terms, this means that the O’pen BIC name printed on the sail, hull, and rig components will change to O’pen Skiff over the 2019 season. All equipment remains identical and strict One Design, and the O’pen BIC logos remain fully authorized for all events.

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Open Bic

The O’pen Bic, often simply referred to as the Open Bic, is a single handed sailboat designed for younger sailers. Developed by Vitali Design, the boat was launched in 2006. It is an International Class, as recognized by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). The ideal weight for a user of this boat is 30 kg (66 lb)–65 kg (143 lb), but it can accommodate up to 90 kg (200 lb), making it suitable for children and young teens, the same people who would sail Optimist dinghies and are looking for a more exciting boat.

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Open Bic Blade Bag

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Anyone out There Have or Sailed an Open Bic?

  • Thread starter Rick Webb
  • Start date Mar 28, 2010
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Rick Webb

I am considering a proposal to get some for our youth sailing program to augment the Optis we already have. There seems to be a gap between the Opti and the Sunfish and certainly between the Opti and Laser. This looks like a good bridge especially since it will accept the sail rig from the Opti. http://www.openbic.com/  

Ed Schenck

Not sure what "gap" exists Rick. Our youth program starts with the Sunfish year one. Then a lot of us loan our sloop rigs for years two and three, mostly Flying Scots with a couple of Thistles and Highlanders(mine included). The Bic is an intersting boat though. But the dinghy also caught my eye.  

Rick Sylvester

Yeah, although I'm sure I'm not their 'target' market. Two years ago the builder had two of them on Spa Beach at the St Pete sail show. He said to just take one out because he wanted people to see the boat sailing. So I did. I give it a thumbs up. Even my slow-ass fifty-sum year old reflexes failed to tip this thing over. It was WAY light air so I never had the gas to really push it but I bet it'd be a HOOT in a breeze. It's very simple, but that's a good thing. I thought it was decent bang for the buck (I forget the number) and certainly the build is hanging on for a few years. I'd consider it. If this is for the kids you might find a good stitch and glue plan and let the kids build a fleet. They'd REALLY take ownership and you might save a few bucks. I dunno, just thinkin'.  

Gap We start them at 7ish in Optis and by the time they are 9 or 10 they have not quite aged out but have "cooled" out the "baby" boat. Most of them are not yet large enough to right a Sunfish and a Laser is still too hot a boat for them. The Bic sounded like a good transition. So we can keep them intrested and competitive all the way up to the 420.  

Bic Price They list for $2,999 we may get a deal buying them for a program and buying a few of them. West Marine carries them and does offer somthing of a break through Port Supply. I'd prefer to go through a local dealer than a national chain although our WM is very supportive of our program. I am sure there is a program deal for schools and clubs but have not gotten that far yet.  

Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson

Rick... Our club's Junior Sail Program uses Opti's, Sunfish, and Lasers as the progression of training for the kids. We have two 15 foot sloop-rigged centerboarders as move-ups to head/main boats. We're running sailing camp weeks for the better part of the summer using this fleet. Each region of the country seems to favor different one designs, but ours seem to be the most common used here on the Chesapeake. Give our website a look: www.neryc.com  

Opti, Sunfish, Laser / 420 10 year old boys want somthing sexier than an Opti and we lose them to other activities or interests. We have a couple of Hobie Waves as well but are not part of our instruction program. We just started a website: http://ecsasailing.com/  

Eric M

I watched a skilled boy about the target age you describe sail an Open Bic in a mixed fleet (420's / Sunfish / Laser) regatta in St. Augustine last fall in hiking required conditions. While the conditions were such that he did flip at one point, the boat was sized such that he was able to right it without assistance. I am a US Sailing Licensed Instructor and have taught JR sailing so I certainly say if your club has the resources to add a few extra boats to help bridge the gap you see go for it.  

Rick Webb said: I am considering a proposal to get some for our youth sailing program to augment the Optis we already have. There seems to be a gap between the Opti and the Sunfish and certainly between the Opti and Laser. This looks like a good bridge especially since it will accept the sail rig from the Opti. http://www.openbic.com/ Click to expand
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2012 Open Bic Open Bic

  • Description

Seller's Description

2 Open Bic sailboats not used very much rigging and boards are in excellent condition. No dollys

$1500for each boat

Equipment: Full rigs, sailbags, board bags

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

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open bic sailboat specifications


open bic sailboat specifications

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The hull of the O'pen BIC was designed with fun sailing as the priority. It is a modern boat where the hull is as open as possible, thereby leaving the helmsman completely free to move around and trim the boat to any wind and water conditions. When hiking, the large sides allow the sailor to set-up comfortably with his/her feet in the straps without placing any unnecessary stress on the body. The totally open and sloping cockpit means that there is absolutely no water in the boat either during sailing or just after, capsize. relatively hard chine design was chosen for the bottom shape of the hull. Used by numerous modern boat architects, this design offers an excellent compromise between performance and stability. When reaching or broad-reaching, the boat accelerates quickly to planing speed. When close-reaching, the boat sets on its chine and has excellent performance up wind.

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O'PEN BIC Detailed Review


If you are a boat enthusiast looking to get more information on specs, built, make, etc. of different boats, then here is a complete review of O'PEN BIC. Built by Melges Performance Sailboats and designed by undefined, the boat was first built in 2006. It has a hull type of Dbrd. Dinghy and LOA is 2.74. Its sail area/displacement ratio 36.23. Its auxiliary power tank, manufactured by undefined, runs on undefined.

O'PEN BIC has retained its value as a result of superior building, a solid reputation, and a devoted owner base. Read on to find out more about O'PEN BIC and decide if it is a fit for your boating needs.

Boat Information

Boat specifications, sail boat calculation, rig and sail specs, contributions, who builds o'pen bic.

O'PEN BIC is built by Melges Performance Sailboats.

When was O'PEN BIC first built?

O'PEN BIC was first built in 2006.

How long is O'PEN BIC?

O'PEN BIC is 2.19 m in length.

Member Boats at HarborMoor

Optimist, Open Skiff, Youth & Olympic Sailing Blog

Yes the open bic is cheaper than the optimist.

Open Bic Dinghy - from Bic Sport
Winner Optimist Hull
Optimist Intensity Training Sail

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  1. O'PEN BIC

    O'PEN BIC. Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions Hull Type: Dbrd. Dinghy: Rigging Type: Cat (unstayed) LOA: 9.00 ft / 2.74 m: ... Kelsall Sailing Performance (KSP): Another measure of relative speed potential of a boat. It takes into consideration "reported" sail area, displacement ...

  2. The O'pen Skiff

    The O'pen Skiff celebrated its 10th birthday in 2016, along with the production of its 8,000th boat. Designed specifically for juniors, the little dinghy has blown a big breath of fresh air through our sailing world, close to the new-generation skiff concept, very fast and very simple. 100% open, self-bailing, rapid and responsive, with an up-to-date versatile rig, the O'pen Skiff offers ...

  3. O'PEN Skiff

    Production. Originally produced by Bic Sport of France starting in 2006, the design is now built by Melges Performance Sailboats in the United States and remains in production. More than 8,000 boats have been delivered. Design. The O'PEN Skiff is a single-handed training and racing sailboat.The hull is built of thermoformed, molded polyethylene, with a two-section mast and aluminum boom.


    View and Download BIC Sport O'pen BIC user manual online. O'pen BIC boat pdf manual download. Also for: O'pen skiff 4.5, O'pen skiff 3.8. ... • If the wind is over 10 knots: apply maximum tension to the Cunningham = allow the sail to open in the gusts = gives you more control. Visual checkpoint: the leech of the sail starts to become loose.

  5. PDF International O'PEN SKIFF Class Association

    The objective of the O'pen Skiff Class is to provide an exciting format of dinghy racing for young people. The O'pen Skiff Class (formerly known as O'Pen Bic) uses a sail boat designed by Tahe Outdoors France (formerly known as Bic Sport). O'pen Skiff hulls, hull appendages, rigs and sails are manufacturing controlled.

  6. O'pen Skiff • Shoreline Sailboats

    Description. Shoreline Sailboats is proud to offer the O'pen Skiff (formerly known as the O'pen Bic) sailboat.The hull of the O'pen Skiff was designed with fun sailing as the priority.It is a modern boat where the hull is as open as possible, thereby leaving the helmsman completely free to move around and trim the boat to any wind and water conditions.

  7. O'pen Skiff

    100% open, self-bailing, rapid and responsive, with an up-to-date versatile rig, the O'Pen Skiff offers kids a machine that delivers maximum fun while helping them learn the skills and reflexes to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment. Features: East to rig-- no shackles or complicated rigging systems on the O'pen BIC.

  8. O'pen Bic Delivers Fun • Shoreline Sailboats

    The ideal sailor weight for the O'pen Bic is 130 lbs. but two kids can easily sail together as long as the combined weight does not exceed 200 lbs. In case you're wondering (we know you are) if an adult can sail the O'pen Bic, they can as long as they don't exceed 200 lbs. (This upper limit did not stop my brother Darren, though.)

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    The Open Bic is already an International Sailing Federation (ISAF)-sanctioned class, and fleets are developing around the US. Another bonus: Its an easily portable boat that can be carried like a windsurfer, adding excitement to a Sunday picnic at the beach. The thermo-formed polyethylene hull is a modified hard-chine design with lots of beam aft.

  10. O'PEN BIC Sailboat Specifications, Characteristics

    O'PEN BIC Specifications. Hull Type: Dbrd. Dinghy Rigging Type: Cat (unstayed) LOA: 9.00 ft / 2.74 m LWL: 7.17 ft / 2.19 m S.A. (reported): 48.44 ft² / 4.50 m² Beam: 3.58 ft / 1.09 m Displacement: 99.00 lb / 45 kg Construction: Polyethylene thermoforme First Built: 2006 # Built: 8000 Designer: Vitali Design Other Data

  11. Home • O'pen Skiff Class

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  12. O'PEN Skiff (Formerly O'PEN Bic)

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  13. Product Spotlight: The O'pen Bic

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  15. O'pen Bic

    The O'pen Bic has been used at American Yacht Club for nearly 10 years. It is a plastic, modern, single-handed boat that is designed with fun in mind.. It has an open transom and is fast both on and off the water. It's single sail can be rigged up in under 2 minutes. The O'pen Bic comes with a monofilm sail that is 4.5 square meters in size.

  16. Open Bic

    The O'pen Bic, often simply referred to as the Open Bic, is a single handed sailboat designed for younger sailers. Developed by Vitali Design, the boat was launched in 2006. It is an International Class, as recognized by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). The ideal weight for a user of this boat is 30 kg (66 lb)-65 kg (143 lb), but it can accommodate up to 90 kg (200 lb), making ...

  17. Anyone out There Have or Sailed an Open Bic?

    The Bic is an intersting boat though. But the dinghy also caught my eye. R. Rick Sylvester. Jul 1, 2004 567 Hunter 40 St. Petersburg Mar 28, 2010 #3 Yeah, although ... I watched a skilled boy about the target age you describe sail an Open Bic in a mixed fleet (420's / Sunfish / Laser) regatta in St. Augustine last fall in hiking required ...

  18. O'pen Skiff / Open Bic

    O'pen Skiff / Open Bic. €4,746.00. Tax included. A modern and planing hull. ... The tackles with which it is fitted allow it to be adjusted efficiently and to keep control of the boat in a wide spectrum of conditions. The 3.8m² Dacron sail was designed for clubs. It can be rigged on the mast and boom of the 4.5m² monofilm rigging.

  19. 2012 Open Bic Open Bic

    Seller's Description. 2 Open Bic sailboats not used very much rigging and boards are in excellent condition. No dollys. $1500for each boat. Equipment: Full rigs, sailbags, board bags. Advertisement.

  20. O'Pen Bic

    Call us at 1-800-941-2219. The hull of the O'pen BIC was designed with fun sailing as the priority. It is a modern boat where the hull is as open as possible, thereby leaving the helmsman completely free to move around and trim the boat to any wind and water conditions. When hiking.

  21. O'PEN BIC: Reviews, Specifications, Built, Engine

    If you are a boat enthusiast looking to get more information on specs, built, make, etc. of different boats, then here is a complete review of O'PEN BIC. Built by Melges Performance Sailboats and designed by undefined, the boat was first built in 2006. It has a hull type of Dbrd. Dinghy and LOA is 2.74. Its sail area/displacement ratio 36.23.

  22. Yes the Open Bic is Cheaper than the Optimist!

    The company www.sturgisboatworks.com also offers Far East Optimists, which are more reasonably priced: the regatta package is at US$ 2,995, just below the price of the Open Bic, but the championship package is at US$ 3,595, i.e. higher than the Open Bic. Note that the popular Winner brand is even more expensive. www.sturgisboatworks.com offers the Winner 3D Star Package, which includes Mk IV ...

  23. Has anyone every sailed an O'pen Bic? : r/sailing

    Alright man I have the 411 for you as I am also a 155lb adult male who has sailed an OPen Bic. I bought it because I wanted a high performance dinghy to complement the low performance dinghy I had just built. I was worried about the weight situation as well but bought and sailed it anyways.