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The 7 Steps That Will Take You From Deckhand To Skipper

  • Post author: Noel Hutchinson
  • Post published: November 28, 2020
  • Post category: Uncategorized
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

The RYA Powerboat scheme goes way beyond the Powerboat Level 2 course. If you see it through, in a short time you will be qualified as an RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat skipper and able to captain yachts up to 24 metres in length, up to 20 miles from a safe haven. 

It’s a little known fact within the yachting industry that this accelerated career path is available to you. The money you can earn and the job roles that become available to you make the RYA / MCA Advanced CoC a no brainer for professional mariners looking to further their careers. This article will explain exactly what you have to do in order to take advantage of everything the course has to offer.

The 7 steps from Deckhand to RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat Skipper (24 metres)

  • Step 1 – Powerboat Level 2 and a VHF / SRC marine radio certificate

Step 2 – RYA Day Skipper Theory Shorebased Certificate

  • Step 3 – RYA Intermediate Powerboat course 
  • Step 4 – RYA RADAR Operators course
  • Step 5 – RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Shorebased
  • Step 6 – RYA Advanced Powerboat course
  • Step 7 – RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat Examination

If you have been anywhere near a deck crew, you will have heard of the RYA Powerboat Level 2 or PB2. It’s a two day course that will teach you how to handle and manoeuvre a power driven vessel up to 10 metres in length. Although it’s a very simple course, it is the de facto standard for the industry and that should tell you how well the Royal Yachting Association and it’s qualifications are respected within the international yachting community. 

The powerboat scheme doesn’t end there though and there are two more practical powerboat courses available within it. These are the Intermediate Powerboat course and the Advanced Powerboat course. Both of these courses last two days but there are a few necessary steps in between.

RYA VHF / SRC Marine Radio

Step 1 – The VHF / SRC Marine Radio Certificate

This one day course will teach you the correct procedures to use a marine VHF radio. After you have successfully passed the exam, you will be issued with a VHF Radio Short Range Certificate. This will enable you to use a radio unsupervised as skipper or to supervise others who want to use the radio to communicate. 

A top tip here is to stop saying ‘copy’ on the radio. Say the word ‘over’ instead if you want a reply. Or use the word ‘out’ if you’ve finished the conversation. It’s a little detail that will mark you out as the professional.

This is where we start to separate you, as a professional in the yachting industry, from the people who are just in it for a laugh for a couple of years. During this course you will spend 5 days in the classroom learning about the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (IRPCS). You will learn how to calculate tides, navigate using paper and electronic charts, how to check and use safety equipment and learn to use weather forecasts when passage planning.

This level of knowledge will quickly place you head and shoulders above the rest of the crew who haven’t done the training and prepare you properly for the second practical course with the RYA Powerboat Scheme.

RYA Powerboat Level 2

Step 3 – RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course

The Intermediate Powerboat course is a two day course that follows on from a PB2. Before you can take it though you will need to be able to create a navigation plan. The course outcome will mean that you can plan and execute a coastal passage by day and in favourable weather. At this point you are still limited to 10 metre vessels.

The navigation plan that you create on the course will include all the relevant details that are required by the SOLAS convention. SOLAS stands for Safety of life at sea and the convention has a list of requirements that can be found in the SOLAS Annex 25 document – Guidelines For Voyage Planning.

Now, this planning knowledge is a learning curve for you in itself. That is why it is highly recommended that you sit the five day RYA Day Skipper Theory course before you attempt to pass the Intermediate powerboat course.

The good news for anyone in the industry is that there’s no time restrictions on when you can sit the Day Skipper theory or the Intermediate Powerboat following completion of a PB2. So there is a strong case for you, as a deckhand, to get these courses under your belt as soon as you have the time. The knowledge and experience you will gain, will start to edge you ahead of the job competition when looking for a better role or a bigger yacht. This is because you will be able to stand a watch and be useful on the bridge. It may also mean that you will be the most popular choice for driving the tender because you can manage it safely on a well planned trip.

It is important to complete these two steps before you attempt to begin training for the Advanced Powerboat course as they provide the necessary building blocks for you to achieve the end goal, which is to be a Skipper in your own right. 

Step 4 – RADAR Operators Course

Knowing how to use electronics on board is an important skill for a Skipper. The GPS is used extensively during the practical courses but the RADAR needs a lot more training in order for you to become competent in using it. This is a one day operator’s course that will teach you everything you need to know in order to complete the RYA Powerboat scheme.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this course as RADAR is a pass / fail subject during the final Advanced CoC exam. 

Step 5 – RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Shorebased Certificate. 

In order to prepare for the Advanced Powerboat course, you will need a thorough understanding of navigation, weather, passage planning, pilotage, safety on board, IRPCS, briefings, chartwork and electronic instruments. It is a requirement of the course that before you attend you have the knowledge of these subjects to the level of the RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Shorebased Certificate. 

During this classroom course you will spend six days with your instructor and develop on the skills and knowledge gained at Day Skipper / Intermediate level. It is a very in depth course that contains three examination papers. These papers cover the following topics:

  • IRPCS and safety
  • Chartwork and navigation
  • Weather and passage planning

Like all RYA courses, these exams are pass / fail. It is a good idea to gather study materials before you go on the course so you can get a head start as it’s a very intense learning environment.

powerboat skipper

Step 6 – The RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

Just like the other courses within the scheme, the Advanced course takes place over two days. The focus of the course will see you navigating a powerboat by night and carrying out pilotage exercises in the dark. Successful completion of the course will mean that you are able to skipper a power driven vessel, up to 10 metres in length, by day or night.

To be ready for this course you will need to have gained plenty of experience in boat handling and passage making. Before attending the course you should try and get involved in the managing of your yacht as much as possible. Try and explain to your Captain what you are working towards and ask if there are any ways in which he can help you. Most captains will be more than happy to have a keen and enthusiastic deckhand on the team. 

Any opportunities to help working out a simple navigation plan or getting hands on tender driving experience will stand you in good stead. As you will see, there are a number of requirements to fulfill before you are eligible for the final step toward your own command. The RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat CoC Exam.

Step 7 – RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat CoC Examination

This is it. The final step between you and that massive step forward in your career. The exam will last anywhere between 4 and 7 hours depending on how many people are on the exam. In order to be eligible for the exam you need to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be at least 17 years old
  • Have at least two years relevant experience
  • 30 days at sea, 800 nautical miles logged, 12 night hours and minimum 2 days as skipper.

There are a few words of advice for you regarding the criteria listed above. When fulfilling the mileage requirement, there are good miles and there are useless miles.

There is a big difference between the deckhand that has gained his 800 miles by driving a boat himself, checking equipment, making a plan, dealing with passengers, checking the weather and the deckhand who got 3000 miles by crossing the Atlantic and making sure the stainless was kept clean.

You need to ensure that you have got the experience as a mariner that your examiner will expect to see. The RYA examiners are at the top of their game and they will recognise the difference immediately.

There is some good news though. If you have completed a RYA Advanced Powerboat course then the requirements are reduced to:

  • 320 days at sea, 400 nautical miles logged, 12 night hours and minimum 2 days as skipper.

The 7 steps that will take you from deckhand to skipper

What If Things Don’t Go Smoothly?

Throughout the seven steps there are no guarantees that all the courses and exams will go to plan first time. Although, with good instruction and experience every step is attainable for you, sometimes life throws us a weighted monkey fist and we don’t get the result we need.

In these cases, RYA training centres and examiners manage resits and course retakes with something called an action plan. These action plans will explain exactly what still needs work and give you an exact path to remedy any issues and get back on track.

Remember that the attitude of your instructors and examiners is that they want you to pass and be a great example of the quality that RYA training provides. Everyone is on your team.

What Does Success Look Like?

Congratulations! You’re a Skipper! 

The MCA recognises this qualification within MGN 280 under the heading ‘Deck Manning Requirements Small Vessels In Commercial Use’ and permits you to skipper vessels up to 24 metres in length, with up to 12 passengers in Category 3 waters. Category 3 waters are up to 20 miles from a safe haven, day or night.

There are lots of uses for this qualification, be it yachts, pilot boats, workboats, wind farm  transfer vessels or even military support. For you it could mean a complete change of career direction, a yacht of your own to manage or a Bosun position on a larger yacht. These new roles obviously come with an uplift in responsibility, seniority and pay.

If you’re serious about your career and would like to know more about the details in this article, then you can contact us and schedule a free half hour telephone consultation. During your call we will help you understand where you are now, what you need to do next and explain the steps to get you there.

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Noel Hutchinson

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View our video to see what this powerboating course offers...

What's in this complete motor cruising and powerboat course...

Marine VHF Radio Training for the ACMA and AMSA SROCP

Learn how to use a VHF Radio to call for help in an emergency, communicate with other vessels at sea, and understand how to use the emergency communication equipment you may have onboard. There is also the option to sit an exam to get your radio licence if you need an MMSI number. 

Powerboat handling lessons in the online skipper course

This self-paced e-learning course offers a flexible opportunity to learn how to prepare for short and long passages, manage your boat and crew, understand your boat's systems, practice your powerboat handling, and improve your boating skills. The strategies you learn are structured, practical, and perfect for powerboating and motor cruisers!

RYA Day Skipper Shorebased navigation course

Advance your passage planning skills with practical case studies and interactive lessons. This course will give you the skills to confidently read and interpret electronic and paper charts, understand weather and tides, and prepare and manage passages on your boat. It is a perfect framework for taking your powerboat on longer and bolder coastal adventures.

How do we maintain our 99% course completion rate?

Neil Driscoll - RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor

International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

When purchasing a boat, a share in a syndicate, or chartering a boat, it is important to demonstrate your powerboat certification and experience for boat insurance. Our comprehensive powerboat skipper course is designed to equip you with the necessary skills for your powerboat licence and to enhance your seamanship abilities. This training is not just beneficial, it's invaluable, as it significantly boosts your confidence in handling and skippering larger vessels. This preparation is invaluable for a successful International Certificate of Competence (ICC) assessment, for maximising the benefits of a practical powerboat licence course, and for your future boating adventures.

  • " Awesome well laid out courses, practical videos and proactive support really enhances the RYA program for local context. Nice to see professional locals sharing their practical knowledge in a helpful learning environment " Andrew Pomroy settings ENROL FOR THIS COURSE
  • settings "Neil offers a wonderfully comprehensive self-paced online package in the Complete Skipper Course. Each element builds logically, making it easy to understand and implement, and is significantly enhanced by Neil's professional and engaging approach to teaching." Carl Runde settings ENROL FOR THIS COURSE
  • settings "These are terrific courses, well worth the money, time and effort. The online system works very smoothly, and the level of difficulty is perfectly-pitched to nicely balance 'challenge' with interest, development and enjoyment. The AAB Boating people are terrific, supportive, and only a short click-away from providing great service and assistance. I very-highly recommend both AAB and their courses." Craig Barnett settings ENROL FOR THIS COURSE

Supporting Materials

The investment.

Demonstrate a minimum level of boating experience for insurance

Experience For Boat Insurance

The Complete Skipper Course is also an opportunity to showcase your dedication to safety, seamanship, and training, which is critical for insurance companies in a modern environment, especially for larger vessels and first-time boat owners, to be able to demonstrate experience for boat insurance.

The Rules of ABB...

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powerboat skipper

Powerboat skipper James Thomson to be fined for Bay of Islands crash that destroyed historic ferry, broke captain’s neck

A distracted powerboat skipper who crashed into a crowded historic passenger ferry at speed in the Bay of Islands - resulting in an overboard ferry passenger, the other captain suffering a broken neck and the ferry’s sinking - returned to an Auckland courtroom today as family of the paralysed captain described the suffering he still endures.

James Petrie Thomson, 48, pleaded guilty in February to dangerous activity involving ships and was set to be sentenced today. The hearing began, with both sides agreeing a substantial fine and reparation were more appropriate outcomes than imprisonment, but Judge Nick Webby reserved his final decision.

The sentence is likely to be announced next week, the judge told a courtroom crowded with media.

Thomson was at the helm of his recently deceased father-in-law’s 10-metre twin-engine pleasure boat named Onepoto when he caused the crash in April last year .

The powerboat was travelling at an estimated 20.5 knots en route to Rawhiti Point around midday when an engine alarm sounded from the display unit next to the helm as the ship passed Toretore Island. Thomson was looking down at the display unit, scrolling through a list to identify the fault, for an estimated 90 seconds when he hit the ferry.

Thomson did not see the ferry until the moment of impact and took no action to avoid a collision.

The 79-year-old ferry, meanwhile, had been travelling with 19 passengers in open water when the skipper Bill Elliot noticed the other boat approaching moments before the collision. The wooden boat, owned by Elliot and named the Waitere but better known as the Blue Ferry , ran a regular route between Paihia and Russell .

Thomson’s boat penetrated the port-side of Elliot’s ferry, hitting Elliot directly. One passenger went overboard and several others were knocked off their feet.

Thomson reversed his vessel and radioed for help before rescuing the overboard passenger.

Elliot, then 77, was airlifted to Middlemore Hospital in Auckland and spent seven weeks in the spinal unit. He also suffered a heart attack. Other passengers suffered minor injuries and trauma.

Before the crash, Elliot had the strength and vigour of a 20-year-old, his family said. He worked as a builder when not operating the ferry, which had been in the family for 25 years.

He is now paralysed from the chest down and in need of 24-hour care, the court was told.

Dangerous activity involving ships is a violation of the Maritime Transport Act and carries a maximum sentence of 12 months’ imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. While there is no speed limit in open water, Thomson broke the law by failing in his duty as skipper to keep a proper lookout, and for not slowing his speed when he was distracted by the engine alarm.

Crown prosecutor Suzanne Trounson, representing Maritime New Zealand, suggested today that the judge consider a top-end fine of $9000, in addition to $100,000 in reparation to the Elliot family and thousands more in reparation to the other passengers. The judge may, however, want to reduce the amounts when considering the defendant’s ability to pay, she said.

Trounson acknowledged the reparation she suggested would be higher than any other case under the Maritime Transport Act, but it would take into account the major life change that came with Elliot’s paralysis, she said.

Defence lawyer Honor Lantham sought reparation to the Elliot family of $40,000, which she said would still be “higher than any level of award that has ever been made in any other case”.

She noted her client is highly remorseful, to the point where it has shaken his sense of identity. He reached out to the family and apologised immediately and voluntarily gave them $10,000 to help with expenses for keeping vigil with him at the hospital. The family has shown graciousness in accepting his apology, she said, describing her own client as a family man with a military background.

“He’s a rules-bases and cautious man,” she said, explaining that the only reason he was skippering the boat that day was as a favour to another family member so he could take the boat in for repairs. “This was no joyride.”

She described both her client and Elliot as “experienced, well-meaning skippers” who didn’t see each other until the last moment.

It’s remarkable that no one else was severely injured given the ferry had been packed with school holiday visitors, Elliot’s family has said previously, noting their father was “blown away by the kindness people have shown him”.

Among those on board that day were Raglan resident Robyn Bregmen, her husband and two grandsons, aged 3 and 7. It was their first time on a ferry, she previously told NZME.

“About five minutes out, we saw this boat coming full speed towards us,” she recalled last year. “We thought, ‘Surely he’s not going to hit us. He’ll slow down or turn away’.

“Next minute, he hit us at full speed. It was a hell of a bang. I grabbed the boys. I thought we were going to sink. People sitting at the front were thrown in the water.”

Passengers and rescuers soon realised the wheelhouse of the ferry had disintegrated in the crash and Elliot was very badly injured. One witness described the crash as “a complete T-bone impact on the port side”.

Charges were filed against Thomson seven months later, after three investigations by Maritime NZ, police and the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC).

Craig Kapitan is an Auckland-based journalist covering courts and justice. He joined the Herald in 2021 and has reported on courts since 2002 in three newsrooms in the US and New Zealand.

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  • Bay of Islands ferry crash: Skipper remains in hospital ...
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James Thomson's sentence is likely to be announced next week. Composite photo / NZME

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Powerboat skipper

Course description.

Tailored for those who are considering chartering a powerboat or for those who are purchasing a vessel. Five-day course, which includes both theory and practical components.

Requires 26 hours autonomous preparation online.

Certificate Limitations

  • Command of a vessel up to a maximum length of 78 ft /24 metres
  • In coastal waters up to 20 miles offshore
  • In daylight hours and in fair conditions with moderate wind and sea conditions
  • This certificate is the level of competence that one needs when chartering a boat in the Mediterranean or West Indies where there are restrictions in terms of cruising area and distance from the base and the vessel has to be safely moored in a marina or anchored before dark

Check in time

Pre-requisites, what's included, ➞ combine this course with a sailing expedition.

What does this mean? Instead of doing this course in a fixed location, you can optionally set sail towards a destination. We call those adventures our Sailing Expeditions. Accommodation is included in our Sailing Expeditions ! If you are searching for adventure and a unique learning experience, you should check this out. Available combinations:

Before booking any of our expeditions, please make sure to have read all the relevant information showed above and understand all conditions that may apply when joining a sailing expedition. For a better experience onboard for all crew members, some basic rules should be understood and followed. You can find them in this links: READ: What to expect? READ: Terms and conditions

Upcoming dates for this course

* Shown above are the already fixed dates for this course that you can join straight away.   If none is suitable for you, click here to request another date!

Related Courses

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Sailing Expedition Formentera

Explore Ibiza and Formentera

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Sailing Expedition Faro-Cartagena-Faro

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Dinghy Sailing Training

Adult and youth courses. The programme consists of four levels. Check course outline to explore different options

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Sailing Expedition Azores

Pure Ocean Sailing. Faro-Azores at least 1000NM

Structure of the course

The following are the main subjects to be taught during this course. After completion, the student should be competent at an acceptable level.

A five day practical course with the following syllabus:

  • Responsibilities of a skipper
  • Crew safety checks
  • Hull and rig checks
  • Machinery and systems checks
  • Fuel and water capacity and range
  • Menus and quantities
  • Sources of meteorological information
  • Weather patterns
  • Sea and land breezes
  • Cloud types and formations
  • Pilotage and passage planning
  • Considerations when planning a passage
  • Routine for navigating a coastal passage
  • Passage strategy
  • Port regulations, customs, immigration
  • Pilotage plans
  • Vessel handling in confined quarters
  • Mooring, anchoring, coming alongside
  • Ropes, knots, care and use of lines
  • General deck work
  • Tides and currents theory
  • Tidal heights, springs and neaps
  • Rule of “twelfths”
  • Position fixing, running fixes
  • Plotting the effect of tides and currents
  • Collision regulations
  • Lights, shapes and sounds
  • Application of the regulations
  • Advanced dingy handling

If you want to know more details about the course outline and subjects, please contact us here.


Some of our courses require some qualifications or previous experience from the candidate due to the nature the course. ‍ This are the pre-requirements to book and join this course:

If you want to know more details about certifications and proven experience onboard, please contact us here.

Downloadable resources

Use this documents to start learning and preparing your course. Please note that you should go through all this information before you start your course with us.

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Other links

If you need more details on course preparation, please contact us here.

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Moscow Boat Show

March 8, 2016 – March 12, 2017 | Moscow Boat Show

The Moscow Boat Show is the place to be for an overview of the power and sail industry in Russia. Boating is a way of life for many in the country with world class destination in the Black Sea, the Baltic and close by on the Mediterranean. This year you will find a mix of speed boats, yachts, aqua bikes and services like yacht schools, navigation equipment and of course the regatta. Some of the vessels that will be present include;

  • motor yachts
  • sailing yachts
  • speed boats
  • inflatable boats and launches
  • outboard motorboats
  • sports vessels
  • special vessels

Water Sports

  • hydrocycles
  • windsurfing
  • kayaks and canoe
  • fishing gear, fishing tourism

An excellent show with a tremendous following in a country with a rich maritime history.

Written by Jennifer Fry on March 24, 2017 . Posted in Events

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High Performance Powerboats

PowerBoats Range .

Advanced design, engineering and technology have all played an important part in Skipper boats’ success.

BSK marine is a company that has a few years in vessel constructing but her rapid progress creates a remarkable history and makes Skipper boats synonymous to quality and seaworthy.

powerboat skipper

Skipper-BSK 34NC

powerboat skipper

Skipper-BSK 38NC

powerboat skipper

Skipper-BSK 42NC

powerboat skipper

Skipper-BSK 4X28 [SOLD OUT FOR 2024]

Company profile.

BSK Marine  is a company that has a few years in vessel constructing but her rapid progress creates a remarkable history and makes Skipper boats synonymous to quality and seaworthy

Address: 39 Varis – Koropiou Ave. P.C.: 194 00 Koropi, Attica, GR

Tel.:  +30 210 55 55 622 Email: info[at]

Opening Hours

Mo-Fr:  8:00-20:00 Sa:  8:00-15:00 Su:  Closed

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Pleasure crafts operators training

  • Personal watercrafts operators training
  • GMDSS training courses
  • International crew
  • International flotilla skipper
  • International bareboat skipper
  • Small Powerboat & RIB Master
  • Powerboat skipper


International Certificate of Competency

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Thinking of chartering in europe, you may need an international certificate of competency.

Uniquely, IYT Worldwide has been approved by the Irish Government to issue ICC s to qualified applicants of any nationality on their behalf. IYT Worldwide has also had approval from the M.C.A. (Maritime and Coastguard Agency of Great Britain) for many years to issue ICCs to United Kingdom passport holders and various other countries on their approved list.


As you may be aware, it is now mandatory to hold a recognised International Certificate of Competency (ICC) if you wish to charter a boat in certain European countries. It is generally required for the inland and coastal waters of Mediterranean countries. In Northern Europe and Scandinavia the ICC is generally not required, but it is strongly advised to check with any European or eastern bloc country that you wish to charter in before you leave.

The ICC is a product of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Resolution 40. The ICC provides documentary assurance from one Government to another that the holder meets the levels of competence laid down in Resolution 40.

The following countries have adopted Resolution 40 and officially accept the ICC as proof of boating competence within their territory: Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Finland Germany Hungary Ireland Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Romania Slovakia Switzerland United Kingdom

The following countries have not adopted resolution 40 but do accept ICC's for use within their territory: France Italy Poland

The following countries have not accepted Resolution 40 but may require some other proof of boating competence before chartering there, (check before you leave): Greece Moldova Portugal Spain Russian Federation Serbia Sweden Ukraine United States

Notes: Almost all inland waterways require an ICC with CEVNI inland endorsement. CEVNI - is Code Europeen Des Voies De Navigation Interieure (Revision 2) You will need to pass an examination to get an INLAND endorsement on the IYT International Certificate of Competence to operate a boat on European waterways. You SHOULD read up on the regulations contained in European Code for Inland Waterways yourself and take the CEVNI examination and/or attend a course.


The endorsements may be:.

  • (Power -24m) for any power driven vessel up to 24 meters.
  • (Power -10m) for any power driven vessel up to 10 meters.
  • (Sail – 24m & Power 10m ) Sail vessel up to 24 meters (must include Power 10m for operating tender to and from shore)
  • (PWC) for personal water craft.
  • (Coastal Waters) for coastal passages only.
  • (Coastal and Inland) for use in the inland waterways of Europe as well as coastal. A CEVNI exam must be successfully completed. See below for more details..


For those candidates taking a direct assessment in a power vessel, the length of the boat will determine the level of endorsement. This will be either up to 10 meters in length or up to 24 meters in length.


ICC for Coastal Waters

  • Preparation for sea - Checklist and mechanical checks
  • Coming alongside / berthing / un-berthing
  • Man overboard recovery
  • 360 degree turn
  • 3 point turn
  • Navigation skills
  • Handling under sail (for sail endorsement)
  • Handling under power (for power endorsement)
  • Collision regulations
  • Navigation lights
  • Shapes and sounds
  • Buoyage (IALA A & B)
  • Harbour pilotage
  • Variation & deviation
  • Chartwork /symbols & abbreviations
  • Tides- height of tide and drying height
  • Basic position fixing
  • Course to steer to counteract tide or current
  • Set & drift / leeway
  • Pilotage- required for coastal knowledge

CEVNI Examination for Inland Waters Endorsement

  • Sound signals
  • Lights and symbols on vessels
  • Markings on vessels underway
  • Lights and markings for other situations and designated areas
  • Passing, crossing, overtaking and entering harbour
  • Buoys, berthing and reduced visibility
  • Channel markings
  • General rules and regulations


IYT Worldwide has been approved by the Irish Government to issue ICC s to any qualified applicants of any nationality on their behalf. IYT Worldwide also has had approval from the M.C.A. (Maritime and Coastguard Agency of Great Britain) for many years to issue ICCs to United Kingdom passport holders and various other countries on their approved list. The school must be approved by IYT Worldwide to instruct the ICC course. The applicant must:

  • be 16 years of age or older
  • be physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft, and in particular, must have sufficient powers of vision and hearing
  • have successfully passed a written and practical examination or prove the necessary competence for pleasure craft operation by holding an acceptable IYT Worldwide certificate


The ICC is valid for a period of 5 years. 

Address: Prospekt Mira 69, Moscow, 129110, Russia.

Tel.: +7(495)722-71-97


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  2. Professional Powerboat Skipper & Instructor Module 2

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  3. Skipper-BSK 42NC

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  5. Skipper-BSK 42NC: Prices, Specs, Reviews and Sales Information

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  1. High Performance Powerboats

    SKIPPER POWERBOATS. BSK marine is a company that has a few years in boat construction but her rapid progress creates a remarkable history and makes Skipper inflatable powerboats synonymous to high quality and seaworthy. Red Dot. Award. Skipper NC 100s is the 1st Greek boat and the 2nd worldwide.

  2. Skipper-BSK 38NC

    Skipper 38NC is a remarkable powerboat that blends cutting-edge research and development with top-quality craftsmanship to produce exceptional performance and luxury. With its ultra-high performance hull featuring 4-steps, 38NC is designed for quick planing and thrilling acceleration. It is manufactured using the latest technology and premium ...

  3. Powerboat Skipper

    The Powerboat Skipper course is a five to six day course. This is a certificate of competency for those candidates who wish to skipper a power vessel up to 24 metres in length, in fair weather and in sight of land. The "depth of knowledge" required for the theory portion of the Powerboat Skipper Certificate is the same as required for the ...

  4. Skipper-BSK 34NC

    The Skipper-BSK 34NC is designed with proportions that give the boat a strong, expressive character and skillfully reflect her fast seaworthy hull. The boat's appearance and construction with emphasis on every detail, perfectly matches the high-grade materials. Skipper-BSK 34NC is the first Skipper boat with reverse collar arch and the highest point in the middle of the vessels.

  5. Skipper boats for sale

    Skipper-BSK 42NC. 2024. Request Price. The Skipper-BSK 42NC is the flagship of the Skipper Powerboats line and the ultimate expression of Skipper's research, development, and craftsmanship. The 42 features a deep-V hull with 4-steps and aerodynamic lines for quick planing and thrilling acceleration. This hull design not only focuses on ...

  6. Skipper Powerboats USA

    Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Skipper PowerBoats USA! Follow us on our Instagram account: @usaskipper for the latest Skipper content and updates.

  7. The 7 Steps That Will Take You From Deckhand To Skipper

    The 7 Steps That Will Take You From Deckhand To Skipper. The RYA Powerboat scheme goes way beyond the Powerboat Level 2 course. If you see it through, in a short time you will be qualified as an RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat skipper and able to captain yachts up to 24 metres in length, up to 20 miles from a safe haven.

  8. Skipper-BSK 42NC

    Length: 12,40m. 90. Knots. Skipper-BSK 42NC: The Skipper 42NC is an exceptional rib boat that is designed for ultimate luxury and performance. It is perfect for those who desire a comfortable and spacious vessel for their next adventure on the water. With a length of 42ft, it provides ample room for up to 12 guests to relax and enjoy the journey.

  9. Powerboat Skipper Course

    This self-paced e-learning powerboat skipper course will advance your skills and confidence in exploring even the most remote places your powerboat can access. We will teach you to be a highly skipper, combining seamanship and navigation skills with the latest technology, environmental awareness, and safety practices.

  10. SKIPPER POWERBOATS (@skipper_bsk) • Instagram photos and videos

    Exciting news! The first Skipper 38 has been selected as the tender for M/Y AHPO, a stunning Lurssen yacht. This collaboration highlights the elegance and performance of Skipper Powerboats, serving as the perfect complement to luxury yachts. Stay tuned for more updates and explore the Skipper range to discover the perfect tender for your yacht

  11. Powerboat skipper James Thomson to be fined for Bay of Islands crash

    A distracted powerboat skipper who crashed into a crowded historic passenger ferry at speed in the Bay of Islands - resulting in an overboard ferry passenger, the other captain suffering a broken ...

  12. High performance boats for sale

    These powerboats use the following propulsion options: stern drive, high-horsepower outboard engines or inboards. There are a wide range of High Performance boats for sale from popular brands like Skipper-BSK, Fountain and Formula with 1,082 new and 1,218 used and an average price of $123,785 with boats ranging from as little as $10,031 and ...

  13. 2024 Skipper-BSK 42NC High Performance for sale

    Description. The Skipper-BSK 42NC is the flagship of the Skipper Powerboats line and the ultimate expression of Skipper's research, development, and craftsmanship. The 42 features a deep-V hull with 4-steps and aerodynamic lines for quick planing and thrilling acceleration. This hull design not only focuses on performance but it favors ...

  14. Powerboat Skipper-BSK 38NC

    The Skipper-BSK 38NC powerboat is produced by the brand Skipper-BSK since 2022. The Skipper-BSK 38NC is a 11.53 meters center console boat with a draft of 1.00 meters which can reach speeds of up to 80 knots. The boat has a fiberglass / grp hull with a CE certification class (B) and can navigate no further than 200 miles off the coastline. ...

  15. Powerboat skipper

    Powerboat skipper. International Bareboat Skipper. Live Aboard Skipper. Powerboat Instructor course. Fastrack Bareboat Skipper. Yachtmaster Coastal. VHF Communications. Powerboat Masterclass. Yachtmaster Offshore. Own boat tuition sailing. Contact Information. Contacts; [email protected] +351 968 644 923;

  16. Skipper PowerBoats (@usaskipper)

    Skipper PowerBoats 🇺🇸 (@usaskipper) • Instagram photos and videos. 12K Followers, 4,802 Following, 265 Posts - Skipper PowerBoats 🇺🇸 (@usaskipper) on Instagram: "Powerboats USA• High Performance, luxury and design never met a better match …".

  17. About

    SKIPPER POWERBOATS BOATS ARE WARRANTED TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP FOR THE PERIOD DESCRIBED BELOW. WARRANTY PERIOD 2-year limited warranty on hull and deck. BSK MARINE warrants to the owner that for a period of two (2) years from the date of delivery to the first retail purchaser, the hull and deck - including ...

  18. International Yacht Training (IYT)

    International Flotilla Skipper: This is a five-day course aimed at increasing a student's knowledge sufficiently to be a watchkeeper or a flotilla skipper on a live-aboard sail or power boat. International Bareboat Skipper: The International Bareboat Skipper course is a five-day course. It is not for beginners and the recommended entry level ...

  19. International flotilla skipper (power or sail)

    International flotilla skipper. This is a five day course aimed at increasing a student's knowledge sufficiently to be a watchkeeper or a flotilla skipper. Recommended entry level requirements are International Crew course and the VHF radio operator's course.


    Online Configurator for skipper powerboats. . Design your perfect Skipper Powerboat with our interactive 3D customization tool. Enjoy the freedom to select from a range of engines, seating configurations, paint colors, and additional equipment to match your style. Obtain a personalized online quote and effortlessly proceed with your order!


    It is the level of competence that someone needs either when acting as watchkeeping crew on a yacht and as a skipper of a small yacht in protected waters where help is immediately available in calm conditions. COURSE OUTLINE. Nautical terminology; Safety briefing; Passage planning; Rope work; Basic rules of the road; Introduction to weather ...

  22. Moscow Boat Show

    March 8, 2016 - March 12, 2017 | Moscow Boat Show The Moscow Boat Show is the place to be for an overview of the power and sail industry in Russia. Boating is a way of life for many in the country with world class destination in the Black Sea, the Baltic and close by […]

  23. Range

    PowerBoats Range. . Advanced design, engineering and technology have all played an important part in Skipper boats' success. BSK marine is a company that has a few years in vessel constructing but her rapid progress creates a remarkable history and makes Skipper boats synonymous to quality and seaworthy. Skipper-BSK Marine manufactures high ...

  24. International Certificate of Competency (Icc)

    As you may be aware, it is now mandatory to hold a recognised International Certificate of Competency (ICC) if you wish to charter a boat in certain European countries. It is generally required for the inland and coastal waters of Mediterranean countries. In Northern Europe and Scandinavia the ICC is generally not required, but it is strongly ...