Chuck Paine Yacht Design LLC

The Paine 14 – A Herreshoff – inspired daysailor

14 ft sailboats

CHUCK PAINE’s FLEET OF MODERN KEELBOAT DESIGNS. And their progenitor, the wonderful Herreshoff 12 1/2.

Unlike centerboard boats of this size, she can be kept on a mooring.

Unlike most centerboard boats of this size, she can be kept on a mooring.   Many centerboard boats will capsize in a squall.

Tired of owning and spending lots of money on a boat you never have time or available crew to enjoy? Read on. If you have a length restriction at 14 feet, this is the sailboat you’ll actually USE. (It has been largely supplanted by the LEVANT 15, which is larger and faster and owing to investments made by its builder, even cheaper)   The PAINE 14 is a scaled-down adaptation of the venerable and much-loved Herreshoff 12 1/2, with a much lower wetted surface hull, fin keel, carbon fiber mast and separate rudder. They are now built in seamless epoxy cold-molded wood construction at French & Webb Boatbuilders, Inc. of Belfast, Maine. At approximately 10% smaller in length, breadth and depth, she preserves much of the “big boat” feel of her predecessor thanks to a lead ballast keel that accounts for nearly half her entire weight, but is optimized for easy trailering, maintenance, launch and retrieval, and home-stowage in your garage. The prototypes shown in these photos have been built and tested, many small refinements have been made, and the boat is now in a word, perfect. The PAINE 14 may be either gaff or marconi rigged though for quick setup and takedown and an edge in performance, the latter is preferable. The size of this design was chosen for its ability to be easily lifted and stowed on the deck of a motoryacht… without this limitation the larger Levant 15 and York 18 might probably be the better choices.

Want to know just how fast a PAINE 14 is in light airs?  Watch the video below.  In her appearance she pays homage to her predecessor, Chuck Paine’s 83- year old Herreshoff 12 1/2. Then you’ll see that like the very best boats, she is so fast she “makes her own wind” when going to windward in light airs.

Amelia from Jim Dugan on Vimeo .

you just can't slow this beauty down!

You just can’t slow this beauty down! And even if you could make it go slow, it’s gorgeous.

The PAINE 14 is in every possible way optimized for trailering behind a standard-sized automobile or lifted by a yacht’s crane or a canal-side boat lift. Her carbon fiber mast requires no stays and weighs with its halyards a mere 20 pounds, so it is as easy to deploy as that on a Laser dinghy. Easier, actually, as the sail need not be attached before stepping the mast, and is simply swung up into its Herreshoff-type mast ring, Iwo-Jima style. We have invented a nifty way to attach the mainsail to the mast very quickly… no tedious fitting of little slides to little tracks, so the boat can be launched and gotten going in a short amount of time.



The simple Velcro-strap attachments render obsolete tracks and slides, and mast hoops, with all of their expense and tedium, and make short work of getting a small boat rigged and sailing.


The PAINE 14   AMELIA was the first yacht ever fitted with the PAINE DVT jib-vanging system. Until now all jibs, and jibs set on jib-booms especially, had the annoying habit of losing effectiveness as the jibsheet is paid out. The jib clew would rise, rather than rotate around the headstay as one would prefer. When this happens the lower part of the jib becomes overtrimmed and stalls, while the upper part is let out too much and loses all its drive.

The PAINE DVT invention consists of a series of fiberglass battens, fitted parallel to the luff, and extending from the leech to the foot of the sail. These battens both stiffen the leech of the sail as do other battens, but in extending to the foot of the sail prevent it from rising.  (Note some other photos in this website show the conventional jib, which is also available).

The PAINE DVT at work.

The PAINE DVT at work.

Off the sind, the sail goes OUT, not UP!

Off the wind, the sail goes OUT, not UP!

Note that the leech of the jib remains parallel to the luff even though the sheet has been let out.

Note that the leech of the jib remains parallel to the luff even though the sheet has been let out

Even let out this much, the angle of the sail to the wind is nearly constant from foot to head.

Even let out this much, the angle of the sail to the wind is nearly constant from foot to head.

Make no bones about it, though, inidividually hand-built by the few remaining American craftsmen with nearly half of its weight in cast lead ballast and lots of beautifully varnished (or painted)  mahogany trim, this is in every respect, including its construction cost and the need for yearly maintenance, a true yacht of the old school. But you don’t need a mooring or a marina slip with this one, just a garage or boathouse.


This design has a balanced rudder, making it exquisite to helm. This means that some of the rudder blade area is forward of the pivot axis. This is great for the helm balance, but since the aft end of the boat has deadrise, as soon as the rudder is swung off-center, a gap opens up between the rudder and the hull. It’s like a forward facing pair of scissors.

One week a few summers ago I took my friend Dennis sailing. It was blowing pretty hard, and just as I cast off the mooring a gust caught us on the wrong tack, forcing us to sail over the dinghy painter which was tied to the mooring float. Needless to say, in she went, and almost immediately we were tethered stern to wind, and a lot of it. The forces involved are huge. There was no choice but to wrestle the mainsail down- no small feat― and roll up the jib to remove the pressure. Then fish around underwater with the boom crutch to finally release the jammed rope, near the point of exhaustion. Not exactly a day of elegant relaxation on the water.

Then just to drive the point home we sailed over a lobster pot line an hour later and did the same thing all over again!

I was determined that this would never happen again. I considered the other ways that have been used to mitigate the problem: A windsurfer fin installed just forward of the rudder, or pieces of shock cord that stretch across the open maw- but neither is entirely proof against a jam for as we all know on a sailboat, if anything possibly can go wrong, it will! So I have invented an absolutely jam-proof solution to the problem. Since many other designs have the combination of a balanced rudder and veed hull, I offer my solution for your benefit. It will be fitted to all PAINE 14 s and LEVANT 15 s and YORK 18 s and any similar yachts I might be asked to design in the future.

What I did was to swing the rudder off-center to its maximum possible turning angle. Then I extended the top of the rudder up until it just cleared the hull at this angle. Of course then when you articulate the rudder toward the centerline there is a hull in the way. This I carved away into a section of the surface of a cone, such that the top of the rudder just “sweeps” the concave cone with a paper-width of clearance- far too little for anything to force its way into the gap.

It works great. The amount of turbulence created by the little discontinuity is trivial. And no more embarrassing and potentially dangerous rudder jams!

This shows the rudder on centerline.

This shows the rudder on centerline.

Swung all the way to one side, showing the absence of any gap.

Swung all the way to one side, showing the absence of any gap.

Showing it swung the other way. No way anything larger than a fishing line can get into the gap!

Showing it swung the other way. No way anything larger than a fishing line can get into the gap!

LOA 14′ 0″
LWL 11′ 2″
BEAM 5′ 3″
DRAFT 2′ 3″
SAIL AREA 99 sq ft

This is the loveliest sailboat you could ever own. It’s hand-built, piece by piece, so only the most cogent sailors can justify owning one. But if you can, it will delight you until your final breath! What the world needs now is certainly not more boats―there’s plenty of clapped-out junk out there―but manifestly far better ones that truly enhance their owners’ lives. You can’t give away old fiberglass boats today, and with good reason. But the few emergent classic sailing designs of obvious and lasting merit are the unique bright spot in boating that makes sense today―the only thing that is selling and rightly so―and the PAINE 14   and its larger sisters the LEVANT 15  and YORK 18 are the most beautiful examples of this emerging phenomenon. We believe the times are right for small, classy, easy to get going and transport, investment quality manageable sized yachts that unlike virtually anything currently available in fiberglass, will be loved for its entire lifetime by its owner and left to his kids and by them to their kids. With reasonable maintenance, they’re built to last that long.

14 ft sailboats

She’s waiting… Whenever you’re ready.

The boating field today is experiencing a wholesale “flight to quality” and flight from consumer-crap. Do we still really believe that a molded fiberglass hull glued to a molded fiberglass deck, with ugly extruded aluminum spars, no varnished wood, and not an ounce of lead to keep it upright, cheap as that may be to produce and sell, is a yacht? An intelligent few of today’s water-lovers are choosing to spend their leisure time in something of intrinsic quality, beauty and unquestionable value. The PAINE 14 and its larger sisters provide the sensible alternatives that truly enhance the lives of those privileged enough to afford time spent aboard her, and their classic design will endure long enough to become a family heirloom.

14 ft sailboats

Shallow draft, heavily lead-ballasted, with moderate wetted surface and a NACA-foil laminar flow keel, the PAINE 14   is delightfully fast and easy to handle, store, or trailer to a new destination every summer weekend.


In a single phrase, the PAINE 14 is “A TRUE MINI-YACHT.”  The yacht is light enough to be easily trailed behind a moderate sized automobile—no truck or SUV or surge brakes are required. The first one, named REDWING , was built in New Zealand.  The second one built― AMELIA , was built in America. Both now reside aboard motoryachts.

14 ft sailboats

AMELIA aboard her mothership.

14 ft sailboats

REDWING aboard her mothership.

14 ft sailboats

At roughly 850 pounds she is light enough hoist easily with a boat crane.

A custom-fitted galvanized trailer with integral tongue-extender makes launching and retrieving a snap. And at 860 pounds, they can be easily handled by most shipboard boat cranes. The carbon fiber mast requires no stays and is simply swung up into a bronze retainer fitting in a matter of seconds. Unlike a Laser, or any other unballasted dinghy, she is impossible to capsize, and easy to sail mile after mile without athletic ability. You sit “in” her, not “on” her, and there is no need for “hiking out”—you sit on bench seats with properly angled seatbacks (coamings) at just the right height. In enough wind, of course, she could be swamped but has forward and aft flotation tanks to keep her afloat. And in the off-season she fits right into your garage where you can perform the yearly maintenance yourself at near negligible expense, and proudly show her off to your dinner-guests. Or if you lack the time or skills to maintain her yourself, the boatyard fees to keep her in Bristol condition will be so trivial as to make you laugh at the folly of owning anything much bigger.


Just how safe is a PAINE 14 ? To find out we conducted an intentional swamping to show you. Would she turn turtle, or go to the bottom? Chuck tried to swamp her by standing on the gunwale and leaning out as far as he could, hanging onto the mast. At 180 pounds and rocking the boat violently, the coaming tops could not be gotten close to underwater. Only by bailing the ocean in could he finally swamp her. She floated with the lowest point of the coaming 10 inches above the surrounding water, and was very stable. You could sit in the boat all day long like this and she would not sink. Though like Chuck, you might eventually decide to bail her out, raise the mainsail, and sail away.

Will she sink?

Fully swamped.

You can watch a video of the intentional swamping by clicking here:

Amelia sinking

The performance of the PAINE 14 is, as one might expect from her numbers, downright stimulating. The helm is nicely balanced in both light airs and heavy. Its acceleration in a puff is amazing―in less than a couple of boat lengths it accelerates to hull speed. With the full jib and a reefed main, it can handle 15 to 20 knots of wind. And in stronger winds, she can be sailed under complete control without the jib―an extremely rare capability amongst today’s fleet of small boats. This is also helpful in picking up a mooring or coming alongside a dock or your larger yacht. You can roll up the jib first, clearing the foredeck and its mooring cleat of the nasty slapping jib-boom, and get safely cinched up with a clear field of view.

Those who have read Chuck Paine’s books on yacht design will recall that one of his bugaboos in the latter years of his career was self-rescue. If you fall overboard from even a yacht of low freeboard like this, it is impossible to get back aboard. You can imagine the potential consequences. So Chuck made the decision that no future design of his would lack this important capability. The PAINE 14 is fitted with a simple rescue step on the trailing edge of the rudder. You never know it’s there until you need it. But if you ever do, you’ll thank its designer a thousand times over.

The beautifully crafted rudder with its integral rescue step.

The beautifully crafted rudder with its integral rescue step.


We believe the ethic of filling multiple houses, then rented storage containers with unloved and unused material objects, with all of the environmental damage and unserviceable debt that this might entail, is in precipitous decline. The wiser among us will build their future lives around ONE PERFECT POSSESSION. For those who revel in exploring remote locales without the noise and expense of internal combustion, it’s time accept the reality of the 21 st century, rid yourself of that unused leviathan you can no longer afford nor find crew to operate, and join the renaissance in easily usable sailboats of eternal beauty. Though far from cheap, you can commission a PAINE 14 for what you pay in a few years’ maintenance and storage fees for your unloved and unused thirty-something foot white elephant, and you’ll actually USE your PAINE 14 , as will your progeny!

The yachts are available only in hand-built epoxy consolidated cold-molded wood. In any case the yachts will be beautifully hand-finished with a great deal of painted trim or varnished hardwood to look as beautiful of those from the past century.  French & Webb custom boatbuilders in Belfast, Maine, now have the rights to build a sistership for you, at a price of between $80,000 and $90,000 depending upon specification. A custom-designed galvanized trailer with integral tongue extender will enable the yacht to be easily launched on reasonably angled ramps. Its price is US$ 4500.00 plus shipping to your destination from Raleigh, SC. (Prices may change owing to inflation).

Todd French and his crew would gladly enhance your life and that of your progeny by building another for you. D0n’t hesitate― our federal reserve are seemingly unwilling to constrain inflation and the price will surely rise as a result.  Better to own and spend a lifetime enjoying a lovely sailing yacht today than have your wealth confiscated tomorrow.

Take her sailing in your PAINE 14 and you'll make her smile.

Take her sailing in your PAINE 14 and you’ll make her smile.

no need for hiking in your Paine 14... just showing off.

No need for hiking in your PAINE 14 … just showing off.

14 ft sailboats

Click here to see what SAIL Magazine had to say:

Further information may be obtained from:

CHUCKPAINE.COM LLC  P.O. Box 114, Tenants Harbor, Maine  04860-0114

Phone: (207) 372-8147

Email: [email protected]

This design is featured in both of my recent books; MY YACHT DESIGNS and the Lessons they taught me, and THE BOATS I’VE LOVED- 20 Classic Sailboat Designs by Chuck Paine. Both are beautiful, full colored, first class books which give you lots more information on this design, and can be purchased on this website.

Click here to read more about the Paine 14

A full set of study plans is available for $25 emailed to you in PDF format.

PDF Study Plans: $25- no shipping, sent via email

    Beam:  5.9'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  6.08'    Draft:  3.83'
    Beam:  5.20'
    Beam:  5.8'
    Beam:  5.83'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  5.4'    Draft:  2.42'
    Beam:  5.8'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  4'
    Beam:  6'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  7.9'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  5'    Draft:  6.5'
    Beam:  4.5'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  5'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  5 .5'    Draft:  3.17'
    Beam:  4.75'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  4.75'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  4.58'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  7.7'
    Beam:  5.67'    Draft:  3.67'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  3.42'
    Beam:  5.6'    Draft:  3.4'
    Beam:  5.50'    Draft:  3.42'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  3.42'
    Beam:  5.50'    Draft:  3.42'
    Beam:  6.2'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  6'2'    Draft:  3'6'
    Beam:  6.16'    Draft:  .33'
    Beam:  6.6'    Draft:  3.5'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  3.42'
    Beam:  4'
    Beam:  6'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  5.8'    Draft:  .5-3'
    Beam:  6.6'    Draft:  2.04'
    Beam:  5.2'    Draft:  3.9'
    Beam:  5''    Draft:  3.77'
    Beam:  5'
    Beam:  6'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  15"'
    Beam:  4.5'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  1.75'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  .6'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  3'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  58'
    Beam:  6' 8'    Draft:  0-7'
    Beam:  5.5'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  6'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  4'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  5'    Draft:  3.5'

14 ft sailboats

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10 Best Small Sailboats (Under 20 Feet)

Best Small Sailboats Under 20 Feet | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

December 28, 2023

Compact, easy to trailer, simple to rig, easy to maintain and manage, and affordable, the best small boats all have one thing in common: they offer loads of fun while out there on the water.

So whether you're on a budget or just looking for something that can offer ultimate daytime rides without compromising on safety, aesthetic sensibilities, alternate propulsion, and speed, the best small sailboats under 20 feet should be the only way to go.

Let's be brutally honest here; not everyone needs a 30-foot sailboat to go sailing. They come with lots of features such as electronics, entertainment, refrigeration, bunks, a galley, and even a head. But do you really need all these features to go sailing? We don't think so.

All you need to go sailing is a hull, a mast, rudder, and, of course, a sail. And whether you refer to them as daysailers, trailerable sailboats , a weekender sailboat, or pocket cruisers, there's no better way to enjoy the thrills of coastal sailing than on small sailboats.

There are a wide range of small boats measuring less than 20 feet available in the market. These are hot products in the market given that they offer immense thrills out on the sea without the commitment required to cruise on a 30-footer. A small sailboat will not only give you the feel of every breeze but will also give you the chance to instantly sense every change in trim.

In this article, we'll highlight 10 best small sailboats under 20 feet . Most models in this list are time-tested, easy to rig, simple to sail, extremely fun, and perfect either for solo sailing or for sailing with friends and family. So if you've been looking for a list of some of the best small sailboats , you've come to the right place.

So without further ado, let's roll on.

Table of contents


The Marlow-Hunter 15 is not only easy to own since it's one of the most affordable small sailboats but also lots of fun to sail. This is a safe and versatile sailboat for everyone. Whether you're sailing with your family or as a greenhorn, you'll love the Hunter 15 thanks to its raised boom, high freeboard, and sturdy FRP construction.

With high sides, a comfortable wide beam, a contoured self-bailing cockpit, and fiberglass construction, the Hunter 15 is certainly designed with the novice sailor in mind. This is why you can do a lot with this boat without falling out, breaking it, or capsizing. Its contoured self-baiting cockpit will enable you to find a fast exit while its wide beam will keep it steady and stable no matter what jibes or weight shifts happen along the way.

This is a small sailboat that can hold up to four people. It's designed to give you a confident feeling and peace of mind even when sailing with kids. It's easy to trailer, easy to rig, and easy to launch. With a price tag of about $10k, the Hunter 15 is a fun, affordable, and versatile boat that is perfect for both seasoned sailors and novices. It's a low-maintenance sailboat that can be great for teaching kids a thing or two about sailing.

Catalina 16.5


Catalina Yachts are synonymous with bigger boats but they have some great and smaller boats too such as Catalina 16.5. This is one of the best small sailboats that are ideal for family outings given that it has a big and roomy cockpit, as well as a large storage locker. Designed with a hand-laminated fiberglass sloop, the Catalina 16.5 is versatile and is available in two designs: the centerboard model and the keel model.

The centerboard model is designed with a powerful sailplane that remains balanced as a result of the fiberglass centerboard, the stable hull form, and the rudder. It also comes with a tiller extension, adjustable hiking straps, and adjustable overhaul. It's important to note that these are standard equipment in the two models.

As far as the keel model is concerned, this is designed with a high aspect keel as the cast lead and is attached with stainless steel keel bolts, which makes this model perfect for mooring or docking whenever it's not in use. In essence, the centerboard model is perfect if you'll store it in a trailer while the keel model can remain at the dock.

All in all, the Catalina 16.5 is one of the best small sailboats that you can get your hands on for as low as $10,000. This is certainly a great example of exactly what a daysailer should be.


There's no list of small, trailerable, and fun sailboats that can be complete without the inclusion of the classic Hobie 16. This is a durable design that has been around and diligently graced various waters across the globe since its debut way back in 1969 in Southern California. In addition to being durable, the Hobie 16 is trailerable, great for speed, weighs only 320 pounds, great for four people, and more importantly, offers absolute fun.

With a remarkable figure of over 100,000 launched since its debut, it's easy to see that the Hobie 16 is highly popular. Part of this popularity comes from its asymmetric fiberglass-and-foam sandwiched hulls that include kick-up rudders. This is a great feature that allows it to sail up to the beach.

For about $12,000, the Hobie 16 will provide you with endless fun throughout the summer. It's equipped with a spinnaker, trailer, and douse kit. This is a high-speed sailboat that has a large trampoline to offer lots of space not just for your feet but also to hand off the double trapezes.

Montgomery 17


Popularly known as the M-17, The Montgomery 17 was designed by Lyle C. Hess in conjunction with Jerry Montgomery in Ontario, California for Montgomery Boats. Designed either with keel or centerboard models, the M-17 is more stable than most boats of her size. This boat is small enough to be trailered but also capable of doing moderate offshore passages.

This small sailboat is designed with a masthead and toe rail that can fit most foresails. It also has enough space for two thanks to its cuddly cabin, which offers a sitting headroom, a portable toilet, a pair of bunks, a DC power, and optional shore, and a proper amount of storage. That's not all; you can easily raise the deck-stepped mast using a four-part tackle.

In terms of performance, the M-17 is one of the giant-killers out there. This is a small sailboat that will excel in the extremes and make its way past larger boats such as the Catalina 22. It glides along beautifully and is a dog in light air, though it won't sail against a 25-knot wind, which can be frustrating. Other than that, the Montgomery 17 is a great small sailboat that can be yours for about $14,000.

Norseboat 17.5


As a versatile daysailer, Norseboat 17.5 follows a simple concept of seaworthiness and high-performance. This small sailboat perfectly combines both contemporary construction and traditional aesthetics. Imagine a sailboat that calls itself the "Swiss Army Knife of Boats!" Well, this is a boat that can sail and row equally well.

Whether you're stepping down from a larger cruiser or stepping up from a sea kayak, the unique Norseboat 17.5 is balanced, attractive, and salty. It has curvaceous wishbone gaff, it is saucy, and has a stubby bow-sprit that makes it attractive to the eyes. In addition to her beauty, the Norseboat 17.5 offers an energy-pinching challenge, is self-sufficient, and offers more than what you're used to.

This is a small, lightweight, low-maintenance sailboat that offers a ticket to both sailing and rowing adventures all at the same time. At about 400 pounds, it's very portable and highly convenient. Its mainsails may look small but you'll be surprised at how the boat is responsive to it. With a $12,500 price tag, this is a good small sailboat that offers you the versatility to either row or sail.


If you've been looking for a pocket cruiser that inspires confidence, especially in shoal water, look no further than the Sage 17. Designed by Jerry Montgomery in 2009, the Sage 17 is stable and should heel to 10 degrees while stiffening up. And because you want to feel secure while sailing, stability is an integral feature of the Sage 17.

This is a sailboat that will remain solid and stable no matter which part of the boat you stand on. Its cabin roof and the balsa-cored carbon-fiber deck are so strong that the mast doesn't require any form of compression post. The self-draining cockpit is long enough and capable of sleeping at 6 feet 6 inches.

The Sage 17 may be expensive at $25k but is a true sea warrior that's worth look at. This is a boat that will not only serve you right but will also turn heads at the marina.    


Having been chosen as the overall boat of the year for 2008 by the Sailing World Magazine, the Laser SB3 is one of the coolest boats you'll ever encounter. When sailing upwind, this boat will lock into the groove while its absolute simplicity is legendary. In terms of downwind sailing, having this boat will be a dream come true while it remains incredibly stable even at extraordinary speed.

Since its debut in 2004, the Laser SB3 has surged in terms of popularity thanks to the fact that it's designed to put all the controls at your fingertips. In addition to a lightweight mast, its T- bulb keel can be hauled and launched painlessly. For about $18,000, the Laser SB3 ushers you into the world of sports sailing and what it feels to own and use a sports boat.


As a manufacturer, Fareast is a Chinese boat manufacturer that has been around for less than two decades. But even with that, the Fareast 18 remains a very capable cruiser-racer that will take your sailing to the next level. In addition to its good looks, this boat comes with a retractable keel with ballast bulb, a powerful rig, and an enclosed cabin.

Its narrow design with a closed stern may be rare in sailboats of this size, but that's not a problem for the Fareast 18. This design not only emphasizes speed but also makes it a lot easier to maintain this boat. Perfect for about 6 people, this boat punches above its weight. It's, however, designed to be rigged and launched by one person.

This is a relatively affordable boat. It's agile, safe, well-thought-out, well built, and very sporty.


If you're in the market looking for a small sailboat that offers contemporary performance with classic beauty, the Paine 14 should be your ideal option. Named after its famous designer, Chuck Paine, this boat is intentionally designed after the classic Herreshoff 12.5 both in terms of dimensions and features.

This is a lightweight design that brings forth modern fin keel and spade rudder, which makes it agile, stable, and faster. The Paine 14 is built using cold-molded wood or west epoxy. It has varnished gunnels and transoms to give it an old-time charm. To make it somehow modern, this boat is designed with a carbon mast and a modern way to attach sails so that it's ready to sail in minutes.

You can rest easy knowing that the Paine 14 will not only serve you well but will turn heads while out there.


Many sailors will attest that their first sailing outing was in a Lido 14. This is a classic sailboat that has been around for over four decades and still proves to be a perfect match to modern small boats, especially for those still learning the ropes of sailing.

With seating for six people, the Lido 14 can be perfect for solo sailing , single-handed sailing, or if you're planning for shorthanded sailing. While new Lido 14 boats are no longer available, go for a functional used Lido 14 and you'll never regret this decision. It will serve you well and your kids will probably fall in love with sailing if Lido 14 becomes their main vessel during weekends or long summer holidays.

Bottom Line

There you have it; these are some of the best small sailboats you can go for. While there are endless small sailboats in the market, the above-described sailboat will serve you right and make you enjoy the wind.

Choose the perfect sailboat, invest in it, and go out there and have some good fun!

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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The Best Sailing Schools And Programs: Reviews & Ratings

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Catalina 14.2

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OWNER PHOTO: "The Adventure", Old Hickory Lake, Nashvile, TN.

14 ft sailboats

The Catalina 14.2 is the perfect combination of day sailing comfort and racing performance for the active sailing family or couple.

Stability and easy handling make the 14.2 an ideal boat to learn in, while the experienced skipper will enjoy the active one design racing class. The14.2 is available in two keel designs: Centerboard model with easily retracted centerboard and easy trailer launching and the Keel model with high aspect cast lead keel, for storage on a mooring or dock.

The14.2 is built of hand-laminated fiberglass with molded-in nonskid, anodized aluminum spars, stainless steel rigging and quality hardware.

14 ft sailboats


14 ft sailboats

  • Five Year Gel Coast Blister Protection * (2)
  • Mainsail , White Dacron
  • Jib, White Dacron
  • One Piece Fiberglass Hull, White
  • One Piece Fiberglass Deck, White
  • Molded-In Non-Skid Surfaces
  • Tiller Extension
  • Adjustable Hiking Straps
  • Adjustable Outhaul
  • Fiberglass Composite Kick Up Rudder
  • Boom Vang Adjustable
  • Barney Post with Ratchet Cam Cleat
  • Anodized Mast and Boom


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W.D. Schock

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Lido 14 Sailboat, a W.D. Schock Exclusive

Lido 14, a local legend, lido 14 is great for beginning, intermediate or sailing clubs.

Lido 14 Regatta

Young, old, new or veteran, the Lido 14 has possessed the ability to maintain its status as one of the classic small dinghies in the United States.  Competitive fleets on the West Coast keep racing alive; while countless others are cruised on lakes, rivers and ponds across the Midwest.  Easily set up and easily sailed, the Lido 14 offers accessible sailing to many ability levels and age groups all over the country.

  By Airwaves writer Tyler Colvin   

14 ft sailboats

 The Lido 14 sailboat is a family oriented day-sailer that seats as many as 6 yet remains sporty enough to be interesting to race.  

                       YES! we still build our loved Lido 14! 

                        Call us for a quote 951-277-3377

About Lido 14


Lido 14 Sailboat

Length Overall 14 Feet

Beam 6 Feet

Draft - Centerboard Raised 5 Inches

Draft - Centerboard Lowered 4 Feet 3 Inches

Sail Area - Main 76 Square Feet

Sail Area - Jib 35 Square Feet

Spar Material Aluminum 

Hull Construction Hand Laid Fiberglass

 Weight (Fully Rigged) 310 Pounds

Seating Area 4+ Adults

  The Lido 14 Sailboat

The Lido 14 sailboat is exclusively manufactured by W.D. Schock Corp. 

Lido 14 history begins with Barney Lehman, boat builder and designer. Barney, best known for his Lehman series of dinghies, had been in development of a 14 foot version of his successful Lehman 10 when he sold his business to W.D. "Bill" Schock. Bill, a successful small boat builder, completed the work that Barney had started by creating a fractional sloop rig, increasing the boat's beam for stability, adding internal seat tanks for comfort and buoyancy, and providing a foredeck and a deck stepped rig rather than the Lehman's traditional keel stepping.

The year was 1958 and the location was Newport Beach, California. Newport Beach is one of the sailing centers of the nation, due primarily to the mild weather and the extensive sailing environs of Newport Bay. The bay, naturally created by the void between coastal bluff and a peninsula running along the Pacific Coast, was originally nothing more than sandbars and silt from estuaries. Dredging and development led to a navigable harbor containing eight islands, thirteen yacht clubs and boating associations, thousands of "cottages" large and small, nearly an equal number of boats, and 26 miles of shoreline. It is an ideal location for family sailing and served as the impetus to build a simple, fun, and comfortable sailing dinghy.

What followed is nothing short of spectacular. Within three short years, almost 1000 boats had been built. By 1970, with the total approaching 3000. Of these, a very large percentage involved in competitive racing around the nation. It was common for relatively minor regattas to have 60 or more boat and major regattas having limits of 100. As with all one-design boats of the era, the popularity of the Lido 14 peaked in the mid-70's. By 1980, the total number of boats constructed had risen to nearly 5000 but the number of new boats was quickly decreasing. A testament to the quality of the construction is that boats built in 1960 are still actively racing and will continue to sail many years to come given a little maintenance and loving care. Perhaps to the chagrin of W.D. Schock Corp., the availability of quality used boats sustains the popularity of the Lido 14, providing an unmatched entry into the wonderful world of small boat sailing! Reference: Lido14.0rg

Interest in getting involved in a Lido 14 sailing group?

Lido 14 Class Association 

Lido 14 Organization 

We would love to add your organization to our list of Lido 14 sailboats. Please contact us at:

[email protected]  

Parts for Lido 14

The beloved Lido 14 sailboat has been in the boating world since since 1958. If your Lido is in need of parts or repairs, please give us a call at 951-277-3377.

Copyright © 2024 WD Schock - All Rights Reserved.

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Which Sailboat?

Catalina (Capri) 14.2 Review

Catalina 14.2 Specifications, Deck Layout, and Sail Plan

The Catalina Capri 14.2, known later as simply the Catalina 14.2, is an excellent sport sailboat and day sailer oriented toward family and youth use.  The boat was designed by Ted Carpentier and Frank Butler of Catalina Yachts .  Catalina derived the boat from the Omega 14 produced by Frank Butler’s Coronado Yachts prior to the formation of Catalina Yachts.  After the formation of Catalina Yachts, the Omega 14 design was modified by adding a foredeck and a cuddy beneath the foredeck to create the Capri 14.2.  Since 1983, over 5,200 Catalina 14.2s have been built.   Production continues .

While Catalina 14.2s are frequently used for family cruising, the boat can provide an exhilarating sailing experience due to its semi-planing hull and clearly sporting sail-area-to-displacement ratio of 36.  As a family sport boat and day sailer, the Catalina 14.2 is primarily composed of a large cockpit that easily holds 4 adults.  One owner reports sailing inland lakes and bays of the Outer Banks in the eastern U.S. with his wife and 3 children aboard, and with the cuddy and areas beneath the cockpit seats laden with camping supplies.  Forward of the dominant cockpit, a large cuddy cabin provides storage for day sail, picnic and camping supplies, batteries, and emergency equipment.  As expected for a sport boat or day sailer of this size, the cuddy provides no berths, head, or galley.  (If berths, galley, or head are important to you, consider the Catalina 22 , which is also easily trailered.)

Catalina 14.2 Class Racing, Courtesy Arizona Yacht Club

The Catalina 14.2 benefits from its large production volume, long production run, that its manufacturer is still in business, and a plethora of parts continue to be available from the manufacturer and  Catalina Direct .  Active Catalina 14.2 class racing fleets and events exist but are limited compared to some other small sailboats such as Flying Scots, Moths, and Lasers.  Presumably, this is because of the boat’s intended purpose and reputation as a family sport boat and day sailer, rather than a class racing boat.


Three models of the Catalina 14.2 have been produced since 1983.  The different models are popularly deemed “Mod 1”, “Mod 2”, and “Mod 3”.  The Mod 1 models have a single open space below decks and came from the factory with a marine plywood hatch to enclose the cuddy and the rest of the space.  The Mod 2 models, introduced around 1990, had a fiberglass box glued inside the entrance of the cuddy, which while preventing water intrusion into the cuddy and the rest of the hull in the event of a capsize, also made the potential storage space in the cuddy inaccessible and made maintenance of the inside of the hull more difficult.  Mod 2 models had a canvas covering over the hatch to hide the box.  Six years later in 1996, Catalina introduced the Mod 3, which removed the fiberglass box and included a water-tight bulkhead at the aft end of the cuddy, making for three nearly water tight areas in the hull, including the cuddy with the hatch installed and a space under each cockpit seat.  Mod 3 boats were delivered with a more durable and watertight plastic hatch for the cuddy.  Also on the Mod 3 boats, the wooden splash guards at the aft end of the deck where removed and instead the deck was simply rounded up from the forward end of the cockpit coamings.

Catalina 14.2 Specifications, Deck Layout, and Sail Plan

The Catalina 14.2 hull is solid hand-laid fiberglass.  The deck is also solid fiberglass laminate with a molded-in non-skid pattern.  The deck is attached to the hull in Catalina’s standard shoebox design.  Unlike larger Catalina boats intended for more rigorous sea conditions, on Mod 1 and Mod 2 models the deck is fastened to the hull only with chemical bonding – there are no mechanical fasteners.  On Mod 3 boats, Catalina also through-bolted the hull-to-deck joint.  Older Catalina 14.2s may suffer damage of the hull-to-deck joint so that the water-tightness of the joint is compromised.  After suffering such damage, many owners strengthen the joint with mechanical fasteners with relative ease, as the joint is easily accessible at the gunwale.

Due to the design of the Catalina 14.2’s gunwale and exposed hull-to-deck joint, installation of a rub rail can serve to protect the hull-to-deck joint from damage.   Installation is straightforward.  Several rub rails from Taco Metals in Miami, Florida work well, particularly this white flexible vinyl model with white flexible vinyl insert .

The hull is stiffened with several plywood stringers beneath the cockpit, which also support the cockpit sole, reducing flex under foot.  The seats normally flex under foot, which while initially unsettling, provides for a more comfortable ride.  Due to the more rounded and thus stronger foredeck and the additional bulkhead at the aft end of the cuddy, Mod 3 boats are stiffer than Mod 1 and Mod 2 boats.

While wood stringers could be cause for alarm, few Catalina 14.2s see enough water left in the hull to cause rot.  If rot is discovered, replacing the stringers can be difficult due to tight working conditions inside the hull.  A few owners with rotted stringers reported solving the problem by knocking out the old wood and pouring water-resistant closed-cell expandable foam under the cockpit sole and seats.  Depending on the density of the foam selected, positive buoyancy is an additional benefit of such a repair.  Water-resistant closed-cell foam is crucial for this application.  The  TotalBoat Liquid Urethane Foam Kit, 6 Lb Density, Closed Cell for Flotation & Reinforcement works well for this application, providing both structural strength and positive buoyancy.

Catalina 14.2 Capsized, Hobie Baby Bob Prevents Turtling

As delivered from the factory, the Catalina 14.2 lacks positive buoyancy materials in the hull.  If the hull is allowed to fill with water, the boat will sink.  On Mod 1 and Mod 3 boats, securing the cuddy hatch board fast whenever underway is paramount.

Catalina fitted foam plugs in the end of the mast on later boats, intended to provide some buoyancy in the mast to prevent turtling if capsized.  However, the relatively broad beam of the boat limits the effectiveness of this design because most of the mast remains out of the water unless turtled.  Many owners fit Hobie Baby Bob flotation bulbs (available on Amazon) to the top of their masts so that if the boat is knocked down, the boat does not turtle.


The vast majority of Catalina 14.2s were delivered with a pivoting centerboard that kicks up if grounded.  The centerboard is held in place when down by a shock cord that is connected from the aft end of the top of the centerboard to the transom at the end of the cockpit.  The rudder also kicks up.  Earlier boats have a solid wood centerboard while later boats have a foam-cored fiberglass centerboard.   Rudders are wood or foam-cored encapsulated in fiberglass.   Solid HDPE rudders are available from Catalina Direct.   A medium-aspect fixed keel was also offered that added 200 lbs of ballast to the boat, which makes her slower but more stable, closer to an older-style traditional day sailer.  Catalina named the boats with the fixed keel the Catalina 14.2 K.

As a semi-planing boat displacing little water, the centerboard model requires no centerboard trunk.  The centerboard simply slides through a slot with only a few inches separating the floor of the cockpit from the water below.  With enough speed, water can spray up through this slot into the cockpit.  Catalina Direct offers a  canvas gasket  to surround the centerboard in the slot, which prevents this spray.

The Catalina 14.2 is rigged a as a fractional sloop with a self-tacking jib.  The mast is anodized aluminum and supported by a stainless steel headstay and single set of swept-back anodized aluminum spreaders with stainless steel shrouds.  The shrouds include adjustable brackets rather than turnbuckles that make rig adjustments quick if not entirely precise.  However, the headstay includes a turnbuckle which can be used to achieve precise rig tuning.  There is no backstay, which makes un-stepping the mast easier and frees up the cockpit under sail.  The rig is very light-weight so that one person can ease the mast down when un-stepping and push it up when stepping, although another person is handy to guide the mast with the forestay.  All other rigging hardware is stainless steel.  In 2012, Catalina changed to a Selden made rig.  From the factory, the boom has no uphaul so that when the mainsail is dropped, the boom falls into the cockpit.  Some owners install an uphaul, rigid boom vang, or boom kicker to prevent this.

As appropriate with a family sport boat or day sailer, all control lines are easily accessible from the cockpit.  The mainsheet is managed from a stout spring-mounted pivoting block and jam cleat in the center of the cockpit.  Jib sheets are managed from jam cleats on the side decks.  The side decks also include a jib car track and cars that allow precise adjustment of jib sheeting angle.  With sails of this size, no winches are necessary.

Catalina 14.2 Cockpit and Deck

The cockpit of the Catalina 14.2 offers good sole depth, seat width, and coaming height for relative comfort in a sport oriented boat.  The coaming height and side deck height may be considered low for some less interested in an exciting sail, or more accustomed to day sails in a Flying Scot or a more traditional day sailer design.  The cockpit seats are long enough to sleep upon.  The relatively small surface area of the cockpit sole, cockpit seats, side decks, and forward deck are small enough to prevent much flex.

Forward of the cockpit above the cuddy is a solid deck which is handy when dealing with the jib although feels less than secure in rough water.  The side decks are reasonably wide as well.

The only brightwork on the Catalina 14.2 comprised splash guards installed at the front of the cockpit and above the hatch to the cuddy, only on Mod 1 and Mod 2 boats.  These boards are easily removed for complete refinishing if necessary.  Mod 3 boats had this brightwork eliminated.

Catalina 14.2 Exciting Sail, Courtesy Vincent Malo

The Catalina 14.2 can be a very exciting boat to sail.  Hiking straps were installed throughout the cockpit from the factory.  With its semi-planing hull, the boat achieves speeds great in excess of a displacement hull sailing boat.  Its relatively deep centerboard and rudder provide excellent grip for pointing to windward.  Riding close to the water, the boat’s occupants easily sense the speed at which they glide over the water.  Due to its semi-planing hull and small size (and like most small sailboats), the Catalina 14.2’s pointing ability suffers immensely with blown out or otherwise worn out sails.


Catalina 14.2 Outboard Bracket

The Catalina 14.2 did not come from the factory with any auxiliary propulsion, but an outboard motor mount was an option.  Many owners use rowing paddles for auxiliary propulsion, but due to the beam of the boat and the orientation of the side decks, paddles are difficult to use.  Many owners install small outboards, 1-3 h.p. are more than adequate for propelling the boat.

Electric trolling motors are a popular choice for auxiliary propulsion with a battery installed at the aft end of the cockpit against the transom or in the cuddy.  Either way, the battery should be installed in a watertight battery box secured in place with mounting hardware.  Due to the easily-driven semi-planing hull, electric trolling motors are an effective means for auxiliary propulsion, with only the smallest 30 thrust-lbs models necessary for adequate propulsion.  For owners interested in sailing into a headwind off a beach or against a tide, auxiliary propulsion is paramount.

Catalina 14.2 On Trailer

The Catalina 14.2 is easy to trailer with nearly any vehicle due to its light weight of 340 lbs.  Due to its light weight, trailers require only a single axle.  The relatively flat bottom and retractable centerboard make trailers intended for power boats work as an effective trailer.  Trailering is easy due to the boat’s simple rig – only the forestay must be disconnected to unstep the mast.

In addition to an excellent family sport boat and day sailer, the Catalina 14.2 also makes an interesting tender for the right liveaboard or cruiser.  With its weight of 340 lbs, the boat can be rigged for davits or simply towed if the sailor is not against towing a dinghy.  Despite being a semi-planing boat and having an open slot for the centerboard in the cockpit sole, the Catalina 14.2 with its wide flat bottom has more initial stability than most tenders and can be well laden with crew and supplies without shipping water through the slot.  However as the boat is laden, its ability to point to windward suffers greatly.  The same owner who reports sailing with his family, children, and camping supplies, also reports being unable to point better than a beam reach without auxiliary power as the boat was so overladen.  With a larger electric trolling motor, large battery installed, and combined with a solar panel for charging the battery, the Catalina 14.2 can power through adverse currents with excellent if not unlimited range.

Catalina 14.2 With Full Crew

Due to the excellent build quality and simplicity of the Catalina 14.2, the ready availability of spare parts, and that the manufacturer is still in business producing new Catalina 14.2s, resale values of the Catalina 14.2 remain high.  New boats sell for over $6,000.  Nevertheless, neglected Catalina 14.2s can be had on the used boat market at a steep discount, making the boat a potentially excellent value on the used market.  Prices vary widely between $1,500 and $4,500,  depending on the year of the boat, installed accessories like motors, condition of the sails, hull condition, the condition of the trailer if included with the boat.  Neglected boats can be made ship shape for a modicum of investment compared with larger boats and typical tenders.  At the time of writing, only two Catalina 14.2s are available on , but many making good options are available on Craigslist.


Used Catalina Capri 14.2s for Sale on Craigslist Nationwide

Catalina 14.2 Brochure




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2 thoughts on “ catalina (capri) 14.2 review ”.

  • Pingback: 1988 Catalina Capri 14.2 sailboat for sale in Virginia | Boats & Yachts For Sale | Used Boats and New Boats For Sale

Great article – thanks! I believe I have heard that the Capri 14.2 Mod 1 had a hollow transom and that the transom was reinforced (made solid) on a later mod (2 or 3). Which mod was this, and do you know the specs of how much thrust or weight each mod can handle?

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Aqua Cat 14 Catamaran

The larger version of one of the world's most popular one design catamarans brings you performance, simplicity and weight carrying capabilities not offered in other catamarans this size. Featuring wide, flat bottom hulls with turned up bows and a small keel skeg, the pontoon design is unequaled in weight carrying capacity and planing speed. The small keels have replaced the daggerboards used on the smaller Aqua Cat and allow for easy beaching thru the surf. Designed for ocean sailing or inland lakes this cat has it all. The Aqua Cat 14 is ideal for four large adults or where capabilities to support 1,000 lbs. are needed.

The boomless sail rig supported by the tubular "a" frame provides simplicity and safety not found in traditional wire shroud designs. One sheetline and a simple tiller arrangement result in sailing simplicity, fun and excitement. Weighing in at 230 lbs. and with a 6-1/2 foot beam, it can easily be car topped or trailered to your favorite spot on the beach. Constructed of hand laid fiberglass, anodized aluminum tubing and stainless steel fasteners, maintenance is at a minimum. The rudder system is durable all aluminum construction with gudgeons through bolted to aluminum plates inside the hull and features wide performance designed aluminum blades. Positive foam flotation in each hull, plus the added feature of the mast flotation ball provide a measure of confidence and safety.

Standard features include spring loaded kick up rudders, 105 sq. ft. Dacron two colored sail, a 360 quick release cleat and rudder lift systems. Available with white hulls with red side stripes and four sail combinations, the Aqua Cat offers a performance fun package not to be missed. Experience the Aqua Cat feeling.


Exceedingly popular as a resort rental craft, the Aqua Cat 14 has proven itself as an excellent investment. Its simplicity allows use by the most inexperienced and offers a stable, safe and fun filled package for the Hotel Guest.

American Sail manufactures a slightly slower version of this popular catamaran for use in resort locations where most sailors are novices. The resort special features a smaller sail (90 square foot), a shorter mast and eliminates the 360 main sheet cleat to require the sailor to hold the rope controlling the sail thus reducing capsize possibilities.

*AquaCats Temporarily Unavailable at this time due to supply chain issues.

Contact Us for Current Special Discounts and Freight Quote


Aqua Cat Parts

Click on image to enlarge.


14 ft sailboats

Call Us: (253) 851-2126 Mon-Fri 9-5 Pacific Time

Gig Harbor Boat Works logo showing a stylized classic rowboat

  • 14′ Whitehall

The Whitehall is a classic design to row and sail. Used for work and recreation in the Harbor at the turn of the century to transport goods and people, it has a long waterline and flowing lines – amazingly fast for a small boat.


Our version of the traditional Whitehall is the ideal boat for the person or family who enjoys the look and performance of classic design. It easily carries four adults, and with one or two people rowing, our Whitehall achieves remarkable speed. We’ve combined the lapstrake style above the waterline with a smooth bottom for the ultimate combination of appearance, strength, and light weight. She is also a very smooth sailer with excellent performance on all points of sail.

Before the invention of the gasoline engine, Whitehalls were the boat of choice for the working harbor. Whitehalls were used by crimps to deliver goods – legal and illegal – to arriving ships; by water taxies to ferry passengers from ship to shore; and even by the shore patrol to chase those same crimps and ne’er-do-wells!

Today’s Whitehall owner will find this boat fast and yet stable, well-suited to fun on the water whether it’s fishing in the bay, a picnic on the far shore, a long row out to watch the sunrise or sunset, or a quick sail on a Sunday afternoon to let the cares of work float away. The long waterline for its length gives the boat a nice carry so that with a steady stroke the boat will stay near hull speed with minimal effort. The straight stem and narrow entry cut the chop for a smooth ride even when the weather kicks up a bit.

A sliding rowing seat is included standard, ideal for the person who wants the performance of a rowing shell but still wants load carrying capability. Optional laminated wood trim enhances the traditional look.

14 ft sailboats

14' Whitehall Full Specifications

LOA: 14′
BEAM: 55″
Fiberglass Kevlar/Composite
DISPLACEMENT: 145 lbs 125 lbs
SAIL AREA: Main, 57 sq. ft.
Jib, 28 sq. ft.
Model-Specific Options:

Rowboat starting at

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Whitehall Gallery (click to enlarge):

Praise for the whitehall:.

  • Whitehall owner #1
“Finest boat I’ve ever had. Lovely – classical to look at – and just pure adrenaline to row. As you know I’m an ex-sculler moving from a 24′ racing shell. But at 81 my balance isn’t what it used to be, especially in the summer time rolling water of Lake Chelan. But the Whitehall, with sliding seat (unique design that works perfectly), long oars and the fine entry I get the same effect as with the shell but all the stability I couldn’t achieve in the skinny boat. And, I swear I’m going through the water just as fast. I congratulate you on the great design, super-duper options and the patience to put up with my never ending requests. I love the “Miss Daisy.”

~Nat, Lake Chelan WA (14′ Whitehall)

“Sailing an open boat for hours on end at hull speed is more fun by far than anything with a motor (or a trapeze). This boat and her skipper became one integrated and supremely satisfying unit. She balances well in all conditions and picks up her skirts in anything over 8 kts. She slices the water so cleanly, the wake fades in a few boat lengths. And aside from a few dollops of water over the lee rail when my attention lapsed, she’s quite dry. I did get wet, but only a bit. Since I could easily have been dunked, that was no problem. “Quite a vessel you make. I doubt you’ve engineered it for quite this type of abuse, but she passed this unplanned trial with flying colors.My complements!”

– A. Nelson, Santa Barbara CA (14′ Whitehall)

14 ft sailboats

Sea Stories: Voyage to Alaska in a 14' Whitehall

14 ft sailboats

14' Whitehall as a Yacht Tender

“…It still brings a smile to my face every time I see her.”

See how Steve P. on Orcas Island set up his Whitehall as a fun and functional tender for his 46 Grand Banks.

See the Whitehall in Action

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Scout 14 Complete Package

Scout 14 Complete Package

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Additional information.

Introducing the brand new SCOUT 14 ! By popular request, we've created a new bigger and better version of our crowd favorite 10' Scout dinghy kit. The layout will look familiar, but this time you've got room for a family, bring along the dog, and you'll find even more dry stowage below dck for gear. Though you've now got 14 feet of boat to play with, it's still quite a lightweight boat at around 100 pounds. 

Our Founders Build group built the first five Scout 14s at the Northwest Maritime Center in April 2024. We were lucky enough to have Matt from The Duracell Project in the group, building his very own Scout 14 as his tender for Duracell. He documented the entire build over 4 episodes, and it's very worth a watch if you want to see what goes into building this fantastic kit boat for yourself! (Find all four episodes linked in the "Video" tab on this page.)

This complete package includes:

  • CNC cut marine grade plywood and foam parts
  • Epoxy and fiberglass kit
  • Full sailing rig (choose Tanbark or White sail) Sail area is 70 Sq. Ft. or 6.5 Sq. Meters
  • Hardware and deck hatches

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Scout 10 Epoxy and Fiberglass Package

Scout 10 Epoxy and Fiberglass Package

Scout 10 Deck Hardware and Hatches Package

Scout 10 Deck Hardware and Hatches Package

Scout 10 CNC Kit

Scout 10 CNC Kit

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Classic Whitehall Spirit® 14 Sailing Rowboat

(optional sculling slide seat is available for this model).

The Whitehall Spirit® 14 Sailboat is fast when sailing lightly across the water. The rig has a salty look and is simple and easy to handle delighting both experienced sailors and those new to sailing. Whether learning to sail, introducing the grandkids to sailing, or just for the joy of connecting to the wind and water. If the wind drops simply lower the sails and row smoothly home at 3 to 5 knots. ( 5k to 9k) This boat rows extremely well. It’s very seaworthy, suited for sailing or rowing on the ocean, lakes, or rivers. It handles crisply due to the large kick-up rudder. The solid bronze pivoting centerboard retracts into its fiberglass well reducing the draft to 6” (16cm). Tuck into quiet, unexplored spots adding another dimension sailing. It’s fully beachable for going ashore and exploring. It rows like a dream in calm water but is right at home in wind and waves rowing with the traditional oars or when fitted with slide seat sculling gear.

All Whitehall Spirit®️ boats are custom built by master craftsmen in Victoria, BC, Canada. It is a sailing boat built to last 100 years   Our commitment to highest quality and superior design makes this the best boat of its type in the marketplace. It is CE certified and Canadian, and US Coast Guard approved. Built-in buoyancy makes it virtually unsinkable.

A factory option of a  stainless steel keel strip or a delightful custom name on the transom are available.

Like all Whitehall Spirit®️ models, this boat is at home on the deck of a yacht, at the cabin, parked on a dock, or on a trailer in the garage. If stored outside on a  boat dolly , or a boat trailer exposed to the elements, Lexan battens and a fitted Sunbrella cover are recommended to keep it pristine. For tying to a dock, tie-up lines and fenders can be included with your order.

A Factory Optional Slide Seat Sculling Unit can be mounted in positioned over top of the centerboard well. See the Whitehall Spirit® Slide Seat Sculling Model for more details.

Spruce/Carbon Traditional Oars with hand sewn leather collars and pressure cast oarlocks are available and can be delivered along with your boat.

This Classic Whitehall Spirit® 14 sailing model comes with solid teak woodwork, copper riveted gunnels, custom cast bronze fittings, an impeccably finished lapstrake fiberglass hull, bilge drain and plug, and a bronze builder’s plaque. This sailing model also includes a pivoting solid bronze centerboard, kick-up rudder, Spruce mast, boom and lug, mainsail, jib, sailing gear with sheets, halyards and blocks ready to go sailing or rowing.

Maintenance involves cleaning the teak and applying a coat of exterior teak oil taking about three hours per year. See the article on Care, Storage & Maintenance of your Classic Whitehall Spirit® .

An optional teak floor or the ocean tender fully buoyant floor that adds reserve buoyancy is available.  This option is useful when the boat is used as a ship’s tender or shore boat. Simply pull the drain plug and the empty boat will self-bail.

Check out the sailing options on the sailing gear accessories page .

Call 1-844-880-5151 or email [email protected] for a quote or information on any Classic Whitehall Spirit® model or accessories. Our truck and driver provided custom curb side delivery to your home, cottage or marina in southern Canada or mainland USA. We offer certified custom crating for offshore boat orders and have shipped worldwide for over 30 years. Thousands of Whitehall Spirit® boat owners are located in over 52 countries.


Classic Whitehall Spirit® 14 Sailing Rowboat with Fixed Seats

Price Before Options:

$ 32,995 usd.

Includes a hand-built lapstrake styled fiberglass hull with built-in buoyancy, bilge drain and plug, finely finished solid teak gunnels and seats. It also includes four bronze oarlock bases, a bow eye, stern eyes, and custom cast bronze bow and stern fittings. This sailing model is equipped with a cast bronze kick-up center board, kick-up rudder, mast, boom, mainsail, jib, sheets, and halyards, and a bronze builder’s plaque.

Other options including slide seat sculling gear and accessories are available.

More info and to place your order:

Phone 1-844-880-5151 or email [email protected] to receive a comprehensive quote that covers fully insured custom curb side delivery via our company truck and driver. This service is available for most locations in the USA or Canada. We also offer worldwide shipping and have shipped Whitehall Spirit® boats to over 50 countries.


Specifications, factory options.

Length 14′ (4.25 m) Weight 273 lbs (124 kg)
Beam 50″ (127 cm) Power 2 hp LS-OB
Depth 18″ (46 cm) Persons 1-4 (650 lbs/295 kg)
Draft 6″ (15 cm) Floorboard Add 46 lbs (21 kg)
Mainsail Area 75 sq ft, 7.5 sq m Jib 25 sq ft, 2.5 sq m
Centerboard Down 22″ (56 cm)

*For mobile: swipe table left to right.

Teak floorboards $4040.00 USD
Ocean tender fully buoyant floor $3695.00 USD
Stern motor pad $385.00 USD
Stainless steel keel strip $895.00 USD
Jiffy reefing $528.00 USD
Slide seat unit (includes hinged bronze outriggers) $3200.00 USD
Jib Jammers (one pair) $420.00 USD

Attention To Detail

Whitehall Rowing & Sail

For information about our current seasonal promotion please call 1-844-880-5151 or Email [email protected]

Or fill out this form and one of our skilled team members will contact you., how to order.

Many customers first print the “Pricing and Accessories PDF”, in the “ Pricing ” tab above, for the boat they are planning to purchase, and then check-off the items they are interested in before calling or sending it to us. This is a good way to begin the process.

Alternatively, you can call to discuss your options, especially if you are unsure about what Whitehall boat model you are interested in. Your order may be as simple as a basic rowing model with oars, or as elaborate as a slide-seat rowing & sailing model with accessories, delivered to another continent.

Ordering/Delivery Details & Policies

Please read complete details by clicking here .

Take the next step and obtain a no-obligation quote:

Email for a boat quote

Call toll free in (North America): 1-844-880-5151 Outside North America: +1-250-361-2628 Email: [email protected]

We are located in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia Canada on the Pacific side of North America. If you call outside of our normal business hours of 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and get our message machine, please let us know the best time and way to reach you.

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