Qu'est-ce qu'est 'Belgian Sailing'?

Royal Belgian Sailing est l’organisation cadre de la voile et du surf en Belgique. Royal Belgian Sailing organise et soutient les courses et compétitions nationales. Vous pouvez également nous contacter pour obtenir les numéros de voile des yachts et les certificats de publicité.

Belgian Sailing est membre de :

  • World Sailing www.sailing.org
  • EUROSAF – Fédération Européenne de voile www.eurosaf.org
  • COIB – Comité Olympique et Interfédéral Belge www.olympic.be

Contacter Belgian Sailing

S'abonner à la newsletter, wind en watersport vlaanderen vzw.

  • Zuiderlaan 13, 9000 Gand
  • Tél : 09 243 11 20
  • Fax : 09 243 11 39
  • www.wwsv.be
  • [email protected]

Fédération Francophone du yachting Belge asbl

  • Avenue du parc Amée, 5100 Jambes
  • N° d'entreprise : 0418 586 969
  • Tél : +32 (0) 81 30 49 79
  • [email protected]

Conseil d'administration

Fédération francophone du yachting belge asbl, président :, bart van hooreweghe, vice-président :, luc geirnaert, trésorier :, ramses deforce, mady fobert, secrétariat, hélène schoumacker, leo vekemans, représentant :, secrétaire :, philippe godeau, fréderic noël, joep straus, christian pupien, représentants, peter van den bossche, bob leclercq, jonas vandenbossche, jurgen cluytmans, hall of fame.

federation francophone yachting belge

Marin de l'année 2023 Homme

William de smet.

federation francophone yachting belge

Marin de l'année 2023 Femme

Emma plasschaert.

federation francophone yachting belge

Marin de l'année 2023 Talent

Sol degrieck, l'équipe de voile de l'année 2023.

federation francophone yachting belge


Manager voile de l'année 2023.

federation francophone yachting belge


Accomplissement d'une vie fellow de jacques rogge 2023.

federation francophone yachting belge


federation francophone yachting belge

Voile Yachting de l'année 2023

Denis van weynbergh.

federation francophone yachting belge

Popularity Award by public vote

Marin de l’année – Homme  William De Smet

Marin de l’année – Femme  Emma PLASSCHAERT

Marin de l’année Espoir  Sol DEGRIECK

Gestionnaire de voiles : Tommy MAENHAUT

Équipe de voile de l’année Isaura MAENHAUT et Anouk GEURTS

Surfer de l’année Thomas BROUCKE

Personality Award  Sailing for Think Pink

Lifetime Achievement – Fellow de Jacques Rogge Bruno DE WANNEMAKER

Marin de l’année – Homme : Simon DE GENDT Marin de l’année – Femme : Emma PLASSCHAERT Marin de l’année – Espoir : Eline VERSTRAELEN Gestionnaire de voiles : Dirk SLEDSENS

Équipe de voile de l’année : Isaura MAENHAUT et Anouk GEURTS Lifetime Achievement – Fellow de Jacques Rogge : Sadi CLAEYS

Surfeur de l’année : Yentel CAERS

Marin de l’année – Homme : Jonas GERCKENS Marin de l’année – Femme : Emma PLASSCHAERT Marin de l’année – Espoir : Eline VERSTRAELEN Gestionnaire de voiles : Sébastien GODEFROID

Équipe de voile de l’année : Henri DEMESMAEKER et Frédérique VAN EUPEN

Lifetime Achievement – Fellow de Jacques Rogge : Eddy DE SMEDT

Surfeur de l’année : Vincent VALKENAERS

Marin de l’année – Homme : Jonas GERCKENS Marin de l’année – Femme : Evi VAN ACKER Marin de l’année – Jeunes : Eline VERSTRAELEN

Gestionnaire de voiles : Peter VAN DEN BOSSCHE

Lifetime Achievement – Fellow de Jacques Rogge : Mady FOBERT

Surfeur de l’année : Thomas BROUCKE

Marin de l’année – Homme : Wannes VAN LAER Marin de l’année – Femme : Evi VAN ACKER Marin de l’année – Jeunes : Anouk GEURTS

Gestionnaire de voiles : Bruno DE WANNEMAEKER

Lifetime Achievement – Fellow de Jacques Rogge : Albert LAUWERIER

Yachtman : Thibeau BASTIEN Yachtwoman : Evi VAN ACKER Promesse : Isaura MAENHAUT

Responsable de la navigation de plaisance : Bart PLASSCHAERT

Lifetime Achievement – Fellow de Jacques Rogge : Paul MAES

Contacteer Belgian Sailing

  • Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge
  • Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes
  • +32 (0)81 30 49 79
  • [email protected]
  • Zone CLUB VIP

Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge

Restricted and General Sailing Licence

[vc_row][vc_column width= »1/1″][vc_column_text][su_tabs vertical= »yes »][su_tab title= »PROCEDURE »][su_note note_color= »#ff7566″]WATCH OUT- AS OF JANUARY 1st, 2015 – NEW PROCEDURE[/su_note]

  • Download the  Formulaire Inscription Brevet RG 2015
  • Fill in the section A of the form

You can enroll for :

  • the RESTRICTED licence only for the leasure sailing on all Belgian inland waterways. In that case, tick only the box « Brevet restreint ».
  • the RESTRICTED and GENERAL  licence for the leasure sailing on all Belgian inland and coastal waterways. In that case, tick the 2 boxes.
  • the additional GENERAL  licence : you already have a restricted licence and wish to obtain the general licence in order to navigate on the coastal waters. In that case, tick only for that exam. In addition indicate your licence number in the space provided.
  • Have the section B  completed by your general practitioner
  • Sign  on the bottom of the form
  • Join with it the printout of your e-ID card chip
  • either by mail to the following address: F. F. Y. B. avenue du Parc d’Amée, 90 à 5100 Jambes
  • either by e-mail in pdf to : [email protected]
  • Once your registration dossier is complete, we will provide you with a link to the SPFMT portal where you will be able to take an appointment in order to take your exam. You will be able to choose the place, the day and time for taking your exam. You connect to this portal with your e-ID card and the pin code, via the ID card reader, or with your Token (electronic identification tool).
  • The  3 exam sites  are Ostende, Antwerp and Brussels (Brussels will be operational from April 2015). You can have the examen in French or Dutch in the 3 venues.

[su_note note_color= »#ff7566″]PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR REGISTRATION BY REGISTERED MAIL[/su_note][/su_tab] [su_tab title= »REGISTRATION FORM »][su_document url= »https://www.ffyb.be/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Formulaire-Inscription-Brevet-RG-2015.doc » height= »1500″][/su_tab][su_tab title= »PAYMENT »] The fee for a registration is 75 €   and must be wired onto The FFYB bank account BE2500 2848 8379 with the communication : « LAST NAME – First Name – Brevet R/G ». Your enrollment will be valid only after the payment of the fee.

From 2015, you no longer have to pay for a reregistration (37.50€) if after a 1st failure, you wish to take again the exam. In order to take the exam again, you just have to connect again to the SPFMT portal and choose a new date for having your exam again. You neither have to provide us with a registration form since we will already have your enrollemnt dossier. [su_note]

Remark : what ever your choice at the start, if, after passing only your restricted licence exam, you return your practice logbook in order to receive your restricted licence, then any further registration to the additional exam for obtaining the general licence will require the introduction of a new complete dossier and the payment of the registration fee of 75 €, by bank transfer.[/su_note] [/su_tab] [su_tab title= »PRACTICE RECORD SHEET »] In addition to the theoretical exam, you have to perform effective practice hours:

  • either  12 hours  with a licenced monitor (last name + first name +licence number + signature required).
  • either  6 hours  with a club authorized by the FFYB.

The pratice must be done on the inland waterways of the European Union countries on a boat for which a licence is required. Pratice on sea waters is not accepted. Pratice hours may be performed before or after passing your theorical exam. This practice must be stated  via the Practice Record Sheet (« Livret de Service ») that you will return duly completed to the Federation. Your complete dossier will then be transmitted to the administration. [/su_tab] [su_tab title= »PRATICAL INFO »]

[su_note note_color= »#ff7566″]The exam is a multiple-choice questionnaire on a computer.[/su_note] You will have two hours  to answer the questions :

  • 20 questions for the restricted licence,
  • 20 additional questions for the general licence.

The notation system is the following :

  • 1 point for a correct anwer
  • 0 point for a wrong answer

In order to pass the exam, you need to reach  at least 50%  of the points in every subject and in total minimum  60%  at  restricted  part and   60%  minimum at the general part. However, if you have passed the « additional part » only without passing the « restricted part », you will not be granted any licence but the points being won, you will be able to have again the restricted exam only.

At the end of your exam session, you will receive a letter with your results. In case of success, you have to send it to us with your Practice record sheet completed in order to have your licence issued [/su_tab] [su_tab title= »LIST OF SAILING SCHOOLS »] Si you want to follow courses in order to get prepared to the exam, please get directly into contact with our schools which have fares and schedules for specific courses. All these schools are authorized  to give the practice for obtaining the licence : [table id=15 /] [/su_tab] [su_tab title= »SUBJECTS OF EXAM »][su_document url= »https://www.ffyb.be/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/FR_examsteercert_tcm467-201264.pdf » width= »800″ height= »1400″ responsive= »yes »][/su_tab] [su_tab title= »RECOMMENDED BOOKS »] In addition to the regulations which are available on the website of the  SPF Mobilité et Transports , you can find useful help in the following books :

  • Code Vagnon fluvial

Books for amateur sailors who practice pleasure sailing on inland waterways (French edition)

Distribution in Belgium: B.C.D., rue Pierre Gassée 20, 1210 Bruxelles

tel. 02 425 55 00, fax 02 425 20 08.

The « code Vagnon fluvial » can be ordered online:  https://www.vagnon.fr

  • Les règlements de navigation  (Pierre Job and Maurice Gérard) :

Includes the regulations for obtaining the Yachtman licence and the general licence + preparatory course to the Yacht Navigator licence

Edition: Copy House, rue des Pieds d’Alouettes 28 in 5100 Naninne

tel.081 58 86 06, fax 081 73 89 37

  • Le syllabus Question-Réponse   which includes the exams of the 10 last years (in French)

Its price is 15 € (delivery cost excl.) and can be purchased to the FFYB, avenue du parc d’Amée 90 in 5100 JAMBES

You can order it on our shop



Crash of a Tupolev TU-4 in Ivanovo: 10 killed

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Ivanovo Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Ivanovo oblast: Ivanovo .

Ivanovo Oblast - Overview

Ivanovo Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the European part of the country, in the Central Federal District. Ivanovo is the capital city of the region.

The population of Ivanovo Oblast is about 977,000 (2022), the area - 21,437 sq. km.

Ivanovo oblast flag

Ivanovo oblast coat of arms.

Ivanovo oblast coat of arms

Ivanovo oblast map, Russia

Ivanovo oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

19 March, 2023 / Architecture of the historical town of Kineshma .

29 June, 2016 / Early in the morning in the historic village of Vvedenye .

17 December, 2009 / Streets sculptures made by Russian military men .

Ivanovo Oblast - Features

There are about 1,700 rivers and streams, more than 150 lakes in Ivanovo Oblast.

The climate of the Ivanovo region is temperate continental: relatively warm summers and frosty, snowy winters. The coldest month of the year is January with the average temperature minus 12 degrees Celsius, the warmest month is July - plus 18 degrees Celsius. The region has relatively favorable environmental condition.

The largest cities and towns of the Ivanovo region are Ivanovo (400,000), Kineshma (78,400), Shuya (55,000), Vichuga (32,400), Furmanov (32,400), Teikovo (31,300), and Kokhma (30,400).

Ivanovo Oblast is located in the central part of European Russia between the Volga and Klyazma rivers. It is one of the smallest regions of Russia by land area (Kalinigrad Oblast is the smallest one).

Globus-1 experiment in Ivanovo Oblast

Globus-1 was one of a series of peaceful underground nuclear explosions that were made in the territory of the USSR from 1965 to 1988.

On September 19, 1971, a nuclear warhead of 2.3 kilotons (about 9 times weaker than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan) was detonated in the well at the depth of 610 meters on the banks of the Shachi River, about 4 km from the village of Galkino in the Kineshma District of Ivanovo Oblast.

Globus-1 became the closest nuclear explosion to Moscow. The distance in a straight line from Red Square to the place of the test was 363 kilometers.

As a result of the explosion, because of poor cementing of the wellbore, there was a release of radioactive material to the surface, which caused radioactive contamination of the area.

In September-October, 2014, Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation carried out works on the isolation of the wells and decontamination of the area. The radioactive soil was taken to a specialized plant for the disposal of radioactive waste. In August, 2015, the work on the reclamation of contaminated soil was completed.

Nature of Ivanovo Oblast

Classic Russian landscape in Ivanovo Oblast

Classic Russian landscape in Ivanovo Oblast

Author: Sergey Orlov

Nature of Ivanovskaya Oblast

Nature of Ivanovskaya Oblast

Author: Gurov Oleg

Ivanovo Oblast scenery

Ivanovo Oblast scenery

Ivanovo Oblast - Economy and Transport

Ivanovo Oblast is one of the poorest regions of Russia. Light, power, food, and machine building industries are the most developed. The basis of the economic potential of the region is textile and garment industry. The share of cotton fabrics made in Ivanovo in Russia’s total production is about 70%.

The leading branches of agriculture are animal husbandry, cultivation of flax and potatoes.

Ivanovo Oblast has a developed transport network based on highways, railways and the navigable Volga River. The main transport hubs of the region are Ivanovo and Kineshma. The main roads are the road from M7 “Volga” to Ivanovo (102 km), R600 Kostroma - Ivanovo (105 km), the road from Ivanovo to Nizhniy Novgorod, the road R79 Ivanovo - Yaroslavl.

The main waterway of the region is the Volga River. Navigation lasts 210 days. There is a freight port in Kineshma, riverports in Kineshma, Yurievets, Plyos, Puchezh, Zavolzhsk, Navoloki. The region is crossed by two lines of the gas pipeline Nizhniy Novgorod - Yaroslavl.

Attractions of Ivanovo Oblast

Ivanovo, Palekh and Plyos are included in the so-called “Golden Ring of Russia”. There are a lot of historical and cultural monuments, museums on the territory of the region. Cruise tourism (cruises on the Volga) is one of the most promising directions of development of the local tourism industry.

International Film Festival “Zerkalo” named after Andrei Tarkovsky is held annually in Ivanovo (in late spring - summer).

The main places of interest in Ivanovo Oblast are:

  • Ivanovo - the capital of the region known as the “city of brides”,
  • Plyos - a town-museum and climatic resort with a ski resort “Milaya Gora” located nearby,
  • The historical and cultural towns of Kineshma, Yurievets ( “Asaph Mountains”, the house-museum of the director Andrei Tarkovsky) and Vichuga,
  • The historical village of Mugreevo-Nikolskoye - an ancestral patrimony of Prince Pozharsky,
  • Kholui and Palekh villages - centers of lacquer miniature and iconography with artists’ studios and museums,
  • Shuya town - a patrimony of the princes Shuisky and the birthplace of the poet Konstantin Balmont,
  • Novo-Talitsy village - the birthplace of the poet Marina Tsvetaeva,
  • Klyazma Federal Reserve located in the Savinsky and Yuzhsky districts.

Ivanovo oblast of Russia photos

Ivanovo oblast views.

Forest in the Ivanovo region

Forest in the Ivanovo region

Author: Sergey S. Pugin

Forest road in the Ivanovo region

Forest road in the Ivanovo region

Author: Kuznetsov Nik

Small pond in Ivanovo Oblast

Small pond in Ivanovo Oblast

Author: Irina Zaytseva

Beautiful churches of Ivanovo Oblast

Church in the Ivanovo region

Church in the Ivanovo region

Author: Alexey Kochnev

Church in Ivanovo Oblast

Church in Ivanovo Oblast

Cathedral in Ivanovo Oblast

Cathedral in Ivanovo Oblast

Author: Sergey Margaryan

Wooden house in Ivanovo Oblast

Typical wooden village house in Ivanovo Oblast

Typical wooden village house in Ivanovo Oblast

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Outdoor workout - Ivanovo - Calisthenics workout

  • Outdoor workout - Ivanovo - Calisthenics workout


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  1. Home

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes N° d'entreprise : 0418 586 969 Tél.: +32 (0)81 30 49 79 [email protected]. Nous vous accueillons uniquement sur rendez-vous. Nous essayerons toujours d'abord de vous aider par téléphone.

  2. Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge, Jambes, Namur, Belgium. 2,043 likes · 48 talking about this · 23 were here. www.ffyb.be

  3. Informations générales

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge; Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes +32 (0)81 30 49 79; [email protected]; Facebook; Twitter; FFYB-DATA; Zone CLUB VIP; Articles 0. Clubs & Ecoles. Liste des clubs; Ecoles de navigation; Ecoles de voile légère; Activités des clubs; Calendriers.

  4. La Fédération

    Royal Belgian Sailing est l'organisation cadre de la voile et du surf en Belgique. Royal Belgian Sailing organise et soutient les courses et compétitions nationales. Vous pouvez également nous contacter pour obtenir les numéros de voile des yachts et les certificats de publicité. ... Fédération Francophone du yachting Belge asbl. Avenue ...

  5. Organisation & contact

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes N° d'entreprise : 0418 586 969 Tél.: +32 (0)81 30 49 79 [email protected]. Nous vous accueillons uniquement sur rendez-vous. Nous essayerons toujours d'abord de vous aider par téléphone.

  6. Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge, Jambes, Namur, Belgium. 68 likes · 5 were here. Qui sommes-nous ? - 41 clubs (voile, planche, moteur, jet ski) répartis dans toute la Wallonie et

  7. Liste

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes . N° d'entreprise : 0418 586 969 . FORTIS: BE58 2500 2848 8379. Tél: +32 (0)81 30 49 79 [email protected]

  8. Athletes

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge . Se connecter. Shop

  9. Reciprocite

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge . Se connecter. Shop. Shop. FFYB-DATA. Qui sommes nous ? Trouver un club. Clubs labellisés. Assurances. Handivoile. Contact. Boutique. Convention de réciprocité ... RYCM Royal Yacht Club Monsin.

  10. Organigramme

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge; Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes ... Plan Programme - Master Class - Opti Tour - Responsable matériel sportif - comptabilité Belgian Sailing (RBSF) [email protected]. Nos représentations. Représentants à la Royal Belgian Sailing Federation; Représentants à l'A.D.E.P.S. ...

  11. Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge: Employee Directory

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge Employee Directory . Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge corporate office is located in 90 Ave Parc D'amée Dv, Namur, Wallonia, 5100, Belgium and has 5 employees.

  12. Federation Francophone Du Yachting Belge

    Find useful insights on Federation Francophone Du Yachting Belge's company details, tech stack, news alerts, competitors and more. Use 6sense to connect with top decision-makers at Federation Francophone Du Yachting Belge.

  13. Restricted and General Sailing Licence

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge; Avenue du parc Amée, 90 5100 Jambes +32 (0)81 30 49 79; [email protected]; Facebook; Twitter; FFYB-DATA; Zone CLUB VIP; Articles 0. Clubs & Ecoles. ... the RESTRICTED and GENERAL licence for the leasure sailing on all Belgian inland and coastal waterways. In that case, tick the 2 boxes. ...

  14. Recyclage

    La Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge organise des journées de formation continue pour les moniteurs de voile légère. L'objectif de ces journées est de fournir une mise à niveau technique et de permettre aux moniteurs de naviguer pour leur plaisir.

  15. Crash of a Tupolev TU-4 in Ivanovo: 10 killed

    The Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives (B3A) was established in Geneva in 1990 for the purpose to deal with all information related to aviation accidentology.

  16. Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge

    Fédération Francophone du Yachting Belge, Jambes, Namur, Belgium. 2,035 likes · 91 talking about this · 23 were here. www.ffyb.be

  17. Ivanovo Oblast, Russia guide

    Ivanovo Oblast - Economy and Transport. Ivanovo Oblast is one of the poorest regions of Russia. Light, power, food, and machine building industries are the most developed. The basis of the economic potential of the region is textile and garment industry. The share of cotton fabrics made in Ivanovo in Russia's total production is about 70%.

  18. Ivanovo: A City in Search of a New Identity

    By Andrei Muchnik. Oct. 29, 2019. Architect Viktor Vesnin, 1927-1928 Yevgeny Zuikov. Ivanovo, like many cities in Central Russia, is finding it hard to redefine itself to attract tourists. It used ...

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  20. Outdoor workout

    Outdoor workout - Ivanovo - Calisthenics workout - Russia, - Rating 1/4 - Spot