motor yacht club nibelungen


motor yacht club nibelungen


Wir lieben Boote aller Art und Wassersportarten wie Wasserski, Wakeboard uvm. Besonders wichtig ist uns die Geselligkeit innerhalb des Vereins, sowie insbesondere die Heranbildung der Jugend in den Wasser- Sportarten und die Erweiterung der nautischen Kenntnisse unserer  Mitglieder.

motor yacht club nibelungen

Unser Vereinsleben

Der MYCN besteht bereits seit vielen Jahren und widmet sich dem Motorsport auf der Donau. Dabei darf Zusammenhalt und Gemütlichkeit nicht fehlen, um den Motorsport an der Donau weiterhin attraktiv zu halten.

motor yacht club nibelungen

MYCN Clubanlagen

Unser Clubhaus im Winterhafen steht inkl. Pool allen unseren Mitgliedern zur Verfügung. Weiters sorgt Klaus mit seiner Gattin im Sportboothafen mit vorzüglicher Bewirtung nach einer Bootsausfahrt für gesellige Zusammenkünfte innerhalb der Mitglieder.

motor yacht club nibelungen

Ausflüge / Ankerpartys

Im Laufe der Saison gibt es immer wieder Ausfahrten und Ankerpartys.

motor yacht club nibelungen

MYCN Wassersport

Mit dem vereinseigenen MasterCraft fahren wir wöchentlich für Mitglieder, welche in den Wasserskisport hinein schnuppern, oder ihre Fähigkeiten vertiefen wollen.

motor yacht club nibelungen


Zum Beispiel hier die Mündung der Traun in die Donau.

motor yacht club nibelungen


im Überblick


Wir haben auf zwei Standorten in Linz  ca. 14.000 m 2 zur Verfügung: - Winterhafen - Sportbootboothafen


Unser Vereinsleben ist von gegenseitiger Unterstützung und gemeinsamen Aktivitäten geprägt.

Bei uns gibt es Ordentliche Mitglieder (= Bootsbesitzer) und Unterstützende Mitglieder. Alle Mitglieder können die Einrichtungen des Vereins nutzen.


Unsere besondere Lage und ausgezeichnete Infrastruktur lockt auch immer wieder viele durchreisende Kapitäne an.


Im MYCN sind alle Arten von motorisierten Booten willkommen. Egal ob groß oder klein, Segel- oder Motorboot.

Unser Clubhaus inkl. Pool steht unseren Mitgliedern das ganze Jahr über zur Verfügung. Hier finden auch unsere Versammlungen statt.

motor yacht club nibelungen

Quadratmeter Areal

motor yacht club nibelungen

© Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen | Am Winterhafen 33 | 4020 Linz Impressum | [email protected]

motor yacht club nibelungen

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Marina: Yacht Club Bird View - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

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Marina: Yacht Club Bockkran - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

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  • Bootslänge: max. 12.5 m
  • Bootsbreite: max. 4.5 m
  • Stromanschluss
  • Hunde erlaubt
  • Vergleichspreis: ab 22 EUR/Tag
  • Liegedauer: unbegrenzt
  • Kran: 3.5 t Traglast
  • Tiefgang: max. 1.6 m

Beschreibung Marina Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

Marina am Winterhafen / Linz / Österreich

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Marinas in der Nähe

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Marina - Hafen Kasten - Sportboothafen Kasten

Eigenschaften dieses Marina-Eintrags

  • Preisbeschreibung
  • Name Gewässer: Winterhafen
  • Saisonale Öffnungszeiten: im gesamten Zeitraum geöffnet
  • Beschreibung der Umgebung
  • Strom in Ampere: 15 A
  • Frischwasseranschluss
  • Abwasseranschluss
  • TV-Anschluss
  • W-LAN: ab 600 m
  • Stege beleuchtet
  • barrierefreie Stege
  • Liegeplatz strömungsfrei
  • Reservierung möglich
  • Anzahl Gastliegeplätze: von 5 Plätze
  • Anzahl Dauerliegeplätze: von 33 Plätze


  • Tanken Benzin: 0.75 km
  • Tanken Diesel: 0.75 km
  • Tanken Gas (LPG): nicht vorhanden
  • Travellift: 3.5 t Traglast
  • Trockenliegeplätze
  • Bojenliegeplätze
  • Winterlager: Winterlager Halle Winterlager außen
  • allgemeine Werkstatt: vor Ort
  • Werft: vor Ort
  • Motorenwerkstatt: vor Ort
  • Segelmacher: nicht vorhanden
  • Nautik Shop: 2.4 km
  • Reinigung Unterwasserschiff: vor Ort
  • Servicearbeiten Rumpf: vor Ort
  • Altölentsorgung: vor Ort
  • am Fluss/Kanal
  • Flusskilometer: 2129.8 km
  • Flussufer: Rechtes Ufer
  • Durchfahrtshöhe: max. 7.5 m
  • Strömung: strömungsfrei
  • Änderung Wasserstand: von 0.3 m
  • Ansteuerung / Nautische Hinweise
  • Toiletten: vor Ort
  • Waschbecken: vor Ort
  • Duschen: vor Ort
  • Einzelwaschkabinen: vor Ort
  • barrierefreie Sanitärkabine: nicht vorhanden
  • Entleerung Kassettentoiletten: nicht vorhanden
  • Waschmaschine: nicht vorhanden
  • Wäschetrockner: nicht vorhanden
  • Ortsmitte: 2.5 km
  • öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: 0.25 km
  • Flughafen: 16.3 km
  • Nächster Flughafen: Salzburg oder Wien
  • Brötchenservice: 1.7 km
  • Kiosk: 0.4 km
  • Supermarkt: 1.7 km
  • Imbiss: 0.4 km
  • Restaurant: 0.8 km
  • Gasflaschentausch: 2.5 km
  • Müllentsorgung: vor Ort
  • Geldabhebung: 0.75 km
  • Postamt: 2.4 km
  • Arzt: vor Ort
  • Apotheke: 3.3 km
  • Hotel: 0.25 km
  • Campingplatz: vor Ort
  • Ferienwohnung: nicht vorhanden
  • Parkplatz Auto: vorhanden
  • Parkplatz Trailer: vorhanden
  • Segelschule: 1.2 km
  • Motorbootschule: vor Ort
  • Nähe Stadt: 2.5 km
  • Nähe Dorf: 2.5 km
  • Touristen Information: 2.4 km
  • Fahrradverleih: 1.5 km
  • Motorradverleih: 3.4 km
  • Autoverleih: 6.9 km
  • Spielplatz: 1.2 km
  • Badestrand: vor Ort
  • Füllung Taucherflaschen: nicht vorhanden
  • Grillplatz: vor Ort
  • Lagerfeuerplatz: nicht vorhanden
  • Swimmingpool: vor Ort
  • Sauna: 1.4 km
  • Discothek: 1.25 km
  • Bar/Pub: 1.7 km
  • Telefonnummer Hafenmeister: +43 664 6151407
  • Charter Motorboote
  • Charter Hausboote
  • Charter Segelboote

Marina Lage


Der Betreiber dieses Marina-Eintrags hat keine Anfahrtsbeschreibung hinterlegt.

  • Straße: Am Winterhafen 33
  • Postleitzahl: 4020
  • Stadt: Linz
  • Bundesland: Oberösterreich
  • Land: Österreich
  • Breitengrad : 48.319670
  • Längengrad : 14.315700

Routenplaner Kontakt

Marina Fotos

Marina: Yacht Club Bird View - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

Yacht Club Bird View

Marina: Yacht Club Bockkran - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

Yacht Club Bockkran

Marina: Winterhafen - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen


Marina: Yacht Club Pontoons - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

Yacht Club Pontoons

Marina Foto-Galerie

Marina: Yacht Club Bird View - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen


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Die Datenschutzerklärung habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen.

  • Adresse: Am Winterhafen 33 4020 Linz Österreich
  • Fax: keine Angabe
  • Zur Anfahrtsbeschreibung


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  • Skipper Club

Motor-Yacht-Club Worms

Adac marina classification, technical equipment & service, catering, provisioning/shopping & leisure, facts & figures, number of berths, max. allowed length overall, jetty lighting, navigation lights, red/green signage, max. current (kph).

Gegen den Strom langsam einlaufen. Unmittelbar vor der Einfahrt keine Strömung. Am Meldesteg Platz zuweisen lassen.


Marina closed at night.

Beautifully situated marina

Very quiet at least at night, nearest city/town, services and connections, fresh water at berth, disposal of chemical toilet, diesel filling station, petrol filling station, car park with fencing/gate, trailer park, trailer park closed by fence/gate, supermarket, leisure time, stay overnight, accommodation/hotel.

ADAC reference price
ADAC reference price* (€)15

Travel information

Worms, eine der ältesten Städte Europas, ist vor allem als Nibelungenstadt bekannt, was im Nibelungen-Museum eindrucksvoll dokumentiert wird. Auch der spätromanische Dom St. Peter mit seiner reichen Innenausstattung, u. a. einem Hochaltar von Balthasar Neumann, ist eine Besichtigung wert. Die ehemalige Bischofskathedrale mit vier Türmen und zwei Kuppeln wurde 1200 fertiggestellt. Das Lutherdenkmal von 1868, eine burgähnliche Anlage am Lutherplatz, ist das größte Reformationsdenkmal der Welt. Die bewegte jüdische Vergangenheit von Worms repräsentieren Deutschlands älteste Synagoge (11. Jh.) und der Friedhof im restaurierten Judenviertel.

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How to get to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria by train, bus or light rail?

Directions to mycn - motor yacht club nibelungen (austria) with public transportation.

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

How to get to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen by train?

Click on the train route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

From Lenas West Hotel, Penzing

From purkersdorf hauptplatz, gemeinde purkersdorf, from lainzer tiergarten nikolaitor, hietzing, from park + ride u4 hütteldorf, penzing, from postamt 3002 purkersdorf, gemeinde purkersdorf, from bauhaus, penzing, from intersport auhof center, penzing, bus stations near mycn - motor yacht club nibelungen in austria.

  • Linz/Donau Schlachthof, 8 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau Gallanderstraße, 9 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau Petzoldstraße, 10 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau, Donauparkstadion, 10 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau Urnenhainweg, 21 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau Sonnbergerstraße, 22 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau Steg, 25 min walk, VIEW

Light Rail stations near Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria

  • Linz/Donau Linke Brückenstraße, 11 min walk, VIEW
  • Linz/Donau Ferihumerstraße, 20 min walk, VIEW

Bus lines to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria

  • 27, Linz/Donau Chemiepark, VIEW
  • 279, Linz voestalpine - Zwettl/Rodl - Bad Leonfelden - Vorderweißenbach - Helfenberg - Haslach/Mühl Linz voestalpine - Bad Leonfelden - Haslach/Mühl, VIEW
  • 329, Linz voestalpine - Freistadt - Sandl (-Liebenau)- Karlstift - Groß Gerungs Linz voestalpine - Freistadt- Sandl - Groß Gerungs, VIEW
  • 339, Linz - Treffling - Gallneukirchen - Unterweitersdorf - Loibersdorf Linz - Gallneukirchen - Unterweitersdorf - Loibersdorf, VIEW
  • 346, Linz voestalpine - Hagenberg - Kefermarkt - Lasberg - St. Oswald - Weitersfelden Linz voestalpine - Hagenberg - St. Oswald - Weitersfelden, VIEW
  • 347, Linz voestalpine - Pregarten - Gutau - St. Leonhard b. Fr. (Schnellverkehr TS) Linz voestalpine - Pregarten - Gutau - St. Leonhard b. Fr., VIEW
  • 348, Linz voestalpine - Pregarten - Bad Zell - Unterweißenbach/Königswiesen - Arbesbach Linz voestalpine - Bad Zell - Unterweißenbach/Arbesbach, VIEW
  • 349, Linz voestalpine - Bad Zell - Schönau - Unterweißenbach Linz voestalpine - Bad Zell - Schönau - Unterweißenbach, VIEW
  • 377, Linz Hafen - Perg - Rechberg Linz Hafen - Mauthausen - Perg - Rechberg, VIEW
  • 696, Linz voestalpine - Wilhering - Alkoven - Eferding - Haibach o. d. Donau - St. Agatha Linz voestalp. - Wilhering - Alkoven - Eferding - Haibach - St. Agatha, VIEW
  • 70, Traun Oö Stadtfriedhof Linz, VIEW
  • 72, Linz/Donau Schiffswerft, VIEW
  • 215, Lembach Im Mühlkreis Busterminal, VIEW
  • 288, Linz/Donau Voestalpine/Busterminal, VIEW
  • 12, Linz/Donau Auwiesen, VIEW
  • 25, Linz/Donau Turmstraße, VIEW
  • 33, Linz/Donau Rudolfstraße, VIEW
  • 101, Linz/Donau Urnenhain Urfahr, VIEW
  • 305, Linz - Altenberg - Haibach i Mkr. - Reichenau Linz - Altenberg - Haibach i. Mkr. - Reichenau, VIEW
  • 311, Linz - JKU - Pregarten - Hagenberg - Götschka - Freistadt Linz - Pregarten - Hagenberg - Freistadt, VIEW

What are the closest stations to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen?

The closest stations to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen are:

  • Linz/Donau Schlachthof is 542 meters away, 8 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Gallanderstraße is 677 meters away, 9 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Petzoldstraße is 704 meters away, 10 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau, Donauparkstadion is 761 meters away, 10 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Linke Brückenstraße is 810 meters away, 11 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Ferihumerstraße is 1482 meters away, 20 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Urnenhainweg is 1544 meters away, 21 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Sonnbergerstraße is 1671 meters away, 22 min walk.
  • Linz/Donau Steg is 1873 meters away, 25 min walk.

Which train lines stop near Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen?

These train lines stop near Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen: A1, WB1-W.

Which bus line stops near Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen?

What’s the nearest light rail station to mycn - motor yacht club nibelungen in austria.

The nearest light rail station to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria is Linz/Donau Linke Brückenstraße. It’s a 11 min walk away.

What’s the nearest bus stop to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria?

The nearest bus stop to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria is Linz/Donau Schlachthof. It’s a 8 min walk away.

What time is the first light rail to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria?

The N82 is the first light rail that goes to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria. It stops nearby at 3:01 AM.

What time is the last light rail to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria?

The N82 is the last light rail that goes to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria. It stops nearby at 3:31 AM.

What time is the first bus to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria?

The 25 is the first bus that goes to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria. It stops nearby at 5:00 AM.

What time is the last bus to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria?

The 27 is the last bus that goes to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria. It stops nearby at 11:24 PM.

How much is the light rail fare to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen?

The light rail fare to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen costs about €2.40.

How much is the train fare to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen?

The train fare to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen costs about €2.40.

How much is the bus fare to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen?

The bus fare to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen costs about €2.40.

See Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen, Austria, on the map

Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen map

Public Transit to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria

Wondering how to get to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria, Austria? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Linz/Donau Schlachthof; Linz/Donau Gallanderstraße; Linz/Donau Petzoldstraße; Linz/Donau; Linz/Donau Linke Brückenstraße; Linz/Donau Ferihumerstraße; Linz/Donau Urnenhainweg; Linz/Donau Sonnbergerstraße; Linz/Donau Steg.

Train: A1 WB1-W Bus: 27 279 329 339 346 347 70 72 215 288 12 25 33

Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make riding to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Austria, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of train, bus and light rail, costs and ride fares to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen, please check the Moovit app.

Use the app to navigate to popular places including to the airport, hospital, stadium, grocery store, mall, coffee shop, school, college, and university.

Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen Address: Am Winterhafen street in Austria

Attractions near Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

How to get to popular attractions in austria with public transit, get around austria by public transit.

Traveling around Austria has never been so easy. See step by step directions as you travel to any attraction, street or major public transit station. View bus and train schedules, arrival times, service alerts and detailed routes on a map, so you know exactly how to get to anywhere in Austria.

When traveling to any destination around Austria use Moovit's Live Directions with Get Off Notifications to know exactly where and how far to walk, how long to wait for your line, and how many stops are left. Moovit will alert you when it's time to get off — no need to constantly re-check whether yours is the next stop.

Wondering how to use public transit in Austria or how to pay for public transit in Austria? Moovit public transit app can help you navigate your way with public transit easily, and at minimum cost. It includes public transit fees, ticket prices, and costs. Looking for a map of Austria public transit lines? Moovit public transit app shows all public transit maps in Austria with all train, bus or light rail routes and stops on an interactive map.

Austria has 3 transit type(s), including: train, bus or light rail, operated by several transit agencies, including Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG, Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG, Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG, Vienna Airport Lines, OEBB Personenverkehr AG Kundenservice, OEBB Personenverkehr AG Kundenservice, WESTbahn Management GmbH, City Air Terminal Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., CAT, Österreichische Postbus AG, Wiener Lokalbahnen GmbH, Wiener Lokalbahnen GmbH, Graz Linien, Graz Linien and Graz-Köflacher Bahn und Busbetrieb GmbH

Public transit lines with stations closest to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in Austria

Bus lines with stations closest to mycn - motor yacht club nibelungen in austria, linz/donau schlachthof, linz/donau gallanderstraße, linz/donau petzoldstraße, linz/donau, donauparkstadion, linz/donau urnenhainweg.

Wind & weather statistics Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

  • Superforecast

Nearby weatherstations

  • Linz 4km Weather station Live measurements
  • Linz Airport 14km Weather station Live measurements
  • Sonnberg 17km Weather station Live measurements
  • Schleißheim/Wels 25km Weather station Live measurements
  • Sportverein Forelle Steyr Segeln 27km Weather station Live measurements
  • Stroheim 27km Weather station Live measurements
  • Kremsmünster 32km Weather station Live measurements

Use our spot map

Windfinder spot map

Look at our spot map to and find your wind and weather report among our 20,000 registered measurement stations.

Nearby spots (within 25 km)

  • AKSÖ Sportboothafen 0km
  • Linz / Hafen 1km
  • Plesching 2km
  • ASKÖ Winterhafen 2km
  • Steyregg 4km

Look at our wind map to find more spots among our 160,000 spots.

Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen popularity

Most popular spots in austria.

Have a look at the top kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, surfing or fishing spots in Austria

Additional information

Check the wind statistics for Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen when you want to find the best last minute travel destination for your kiteboarding, windsurfing or sailing vacation in Austria.

Severe Weather Warnings

  • abbreviation
  • word in meaning

Examples: NFL , NASA , PSP , HIPAA , random Word(s) in meaning: chat   "global warming" Postal codes: USA: 81657 , Canada: T5A 0A7

What does MYCN stand for?

Mycn stands for motor yacht club nibelungen (linz, austria).

  • Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.
  • MLA style: "MYCN." Acronym Finder . 2024. 26 Aug. 2024
  • Chicago style: Acronym Finder . S.v. "MYCN." Retrieved August 26 2024 from
  • APA style: MYCN. (n.d.) Acronym Finder. (2024). Retrieved August 26 2024 from
  • Abbreviation Database Surfer
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  • Milwaukee Youth Center Choir (Milwaukee, WI)
  • Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UK)
  • Museum Youth Curator Experience (Arizona summer program)
  • Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team
  • Michigan Youth Correctional Facility
  • Mountainview Youth Correctional Facility (New Jersey)
  • Minnesota Youth Community Learning (University of Minnesota initiative)
  • Model Yacht Club Limburg (Netherlands)
  • Meaning You Can Memorize (blog)
  • Motor Yacht Club Obersee (German: Overseas Motor Yacht Club; Ravensburg, Germany)
  • Museum of York County (South Carolina)
  • My Community, Our Earth
  • My Consistent Office Environment
  • Multi-Year Crop Protection Plan (Netherlands)
  • Mon Yough Community Services (McKeesport, PA)
  • Myanmar Young Catholic Students
  • Merseyside Youth Challenge Trust (UK)
  • Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania (Tasmania, Australia)
  • Motor-Yacht-Club Tegel (Germany)

motor yacht club nibelungen

Join us at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club April 6, 2025!

Vip package, featured marque.

The St. Petersburg Motor Classic Show is held in beautiful South Straub Park along the waterfront in downtown St. Petersburg. The show, in its 23nd year, is organized by the St Petersburg Yacht Club, with a dedicated show committee and volunteers from both Club members and interested members of the public.

The show, which is free to the for spectators, is open to both Club Members and non-members, and features a carefully curated selection of 300+ vehicles from the 1880’s through today. There is something for every motoring taste, from antiques and classics through modern exotics, and even boats or motorcycles.

There are 25 classes covering every era of motoring, each judged by a “People’s Choice” metric. Additionally, a Best of Show is awarded.

The St. Petersburg Motor Classic is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization that supports and donates proceeds from the event to local charities, to assist them in their amazing efforts.

motor yacht club nibelungen

2024 Sponsors

motor yacht club nibelungen

2024 Charities

motor yacht club nibelungen

SEE YOU APRIL 6, 2025!

This event was designed to provide equal opportunity for enjoyment by all participants. If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation for accessibility assistance pursuant to disability laws , please contact the event planner at (727) 488-0584. If you are unable to connect with the event planner regarding reasonable accommodations:

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Motor-Yacht-Club Nibelungen Sportboothafen Steinernes Brückl

Motor-Yacht-Club Nibelungen Sportboothafen Steinernes Brückl

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motor yacht club nibelungen

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motor yacht club nibelungen

Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years.

We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment.  we offer a wide variety of social activities and our clubs within a club meet a plethora of special interests for our members where they can mix and mingle. , banquets & catering, community events.


What's happening at St Petersburg Yacht Club?

motor yacht club nibelungen

ST Pete's Business Daily

(and a whole lot more), sign up for a free lifetime subscription, and take your seat at the table.

St Pete Catalyst

Open to public free of Charge at 10am...On the waterfront, under the trees in Downtown St Pete, adjacent to The Pier and St Petersburg Yacht Club. A fun and friendly car show that's not in a parking lot. Now in its 22nd year, with classes for every car from older Classics to Modern specials, hot rods, customs, micro and Kei cars, motor cycles, trucks…we display them all with quality crystal awards for each class. This is the event to be at, spectators are free and all our profits go to local charities, this year supporting children in need through The Kind Mouse and Live, Love St Pete. As well as cars we also have great food trucks, so come and stroll the field and take in automotive art. Last year we had 250+ cars. Pre registration is open now, entrants $40….go to;

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St Petersburg Motor Classic 2024 Car Show

Organized by St Pete Motor Classic

Event Details

South Strub Park, 100 Bayshore Dr NE, St Petersburg, FL, 33701

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Workforce Wake Up Breakfast

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Grantwriting Workshop

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ChangeMakers 2024

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St PeterSburg Motor Classic

Featuring the Very best of Cars,Motorcycles & Trucks for every enthusiasts taste

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The 2023 Show was a huge success, with perfect weather (as predicted), and a class field of over 250 cars, motorcycles and boats (yes).

Thousands of volunteer hours went into this years show, but it was worth every sleepless night.

Wondeful supporters and sponsors and a great public.

This site will be updated soon with photos from this years how and a entire new look.

FIND US on FACEBOOK, Click on or Scan QR Code Below


THE TEAM Andy Evans -   Event Organizer & Chair Mike Culotta - Registration, Marketing Larry Jensen - Field Director Raul Pererra - Treasurer Jackie Jensen - Secretary Judy McFadden - Hospitality and Sales David Witty - Photography Gerry Douglas, - Charities Mike Laky - Sposnorship

Susan Boles, Lori Hodges,  Judith Bryant, Barry Fowler, Derek Moss, Mark Ginocchio, Debbie Heston, Pat Lizotte, Janet Anderson, , Bill Robbins, Ashley Ferrer

and the many 90+ volunteers who give their time for free, all without whom we could not put on the show.


SHOW IS FREE TO PUBLIC WITH NO ENTRY FEE, but please donate to our charities if you can

Block-next year-5


  1. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

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  2. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

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  3. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

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  4. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

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  1. Home []

    Wir lieben Boote aller Art und Wassersportarten wie Wasserski, Wakeboard uvm. Besonders wichtig ist uns die Geselligkeit innerhalb des Vereins, sowie insbesondere die Heranbildung der Jugend in den Wasser- Sportarten und die Erweiterung der nautischen Kenntnisse unserer Mitglieder.

  2. Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

    * ADAC reference price (€) Total rate per peak-season overnight stay at a marina. It includes the rate for a 10x3.3m boat, two adults incl. shower, electricity and fresh water.

  3. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

    Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen - Facebook

  4. Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

    Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen bewerten. Sie kennen diese Marina? Dann lassen Sie die User des ADAC Marina-Portals von Ihren Erfahrungen profitieren und geben Sie hier Ihre Bewertung ab. Die ADAC-Marina-Inspekteure können nur eine Momentaufnahme vom Tag der Besichtigung wiedergeben. Was Sie als Gast in einer Marina oft über Tage oder gar Wochen ...

  5. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

    Öffentliche Fragen und Antworten zu Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen. Hier finden Sie allgemeine Fragen und Antworten zum Marina-Eintrag. Stellen Sie eine Frage, wenn Sie ein öffentliches, allgemeines Anliegen haben, das auch andere Besucher interessieren könnte. Klicken Sie hier um eine individuelle Frage an den Marina-Eintrag zu stellen .

  6. Motor-Yacht-Club Worms

    Worms, eine der ältesten Städte Europas, ist vor allem als Nibelungenstadt bekannt, was im Nibelungen-Museum eindrucksvoll dokumentiert wird. Auch der spätromanische Dom St. Peter mit seiner reichen Innenausstattung, u. a. einem Hochaltar von Balthasar Neumann, ist eine Besichtigung wert.

  7. Wind & weather forecast Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

    This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen in Upper Austria, Austria. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing, fishing or paragliding. Forecast This forecast is based on the GFS model.

  8. MYCN

    MYCN - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen MYCN - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen is a marina in Linz, Upper Austria.MYCN - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen is situated nearby to ISTER Ruderverein and the beach Donaustrand Winterhafen.

  9. Wind and weather webcams Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

    Wind and weather webcams Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen / Upper Austria, Austria for kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing & sailing

  10. Wind & weather forecast Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

    Detailed wind & weather forecast for Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen / Upper Austria, Republic of Austria for kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking. (Bird's-eye view)

  11. MYCN

    MYCN - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen ist ein Yachthafen in Linz, Oberösterreich. MYCN - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen ist liegt in der Nähe von ISTER Ruderverein.

  12. Marina Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen in

    MYCN---Motor-Yacht-Club-Nibelungen. Address. Contact: Phone . The weather in , now: 17.1°C Geheel bewolkt Wind Force 2 bft | 5.8 Knopen | 10.8 km/h Wind direction ZW Today: Af en toe zon maar ook enkele regen- of onweersbuien . Extended weather forecast for (click) About Water Map Live.

  13. Segelflugplatz Linz

    Segelflugplatz Linz - Naturjuwel im Industriegebiet Hosted By Naturschutzbund Oberösterreich. Event starts on Saturday, 6 May 2023 and happening at Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen, Bad Hall, OO. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.

  14. How to get to Mycn

    How to get to Mycn - Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen by Train? Click on the Train route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules. From Postamt 3002 Purkersdorf, Purkersdorf 155 min; From Lainzer Tiergarten Nikolaitor, 13., Hietzing 133 min; From ÖBB Wien Weidlingau, 14., Penzing 141 min

  15. Wind & weather statistics Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen

    The wind statistics are based on real weather observations from the weather station Motor Yachtclub Nibelungen / Upper Austria, Austria. See the average wind speed, direction and temperatures.

  16. MYCN

    MYCN stands for Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen (Linz, Austria) Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer ...

  17. Motor Yacht Club Nibelungen

    Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page:

  18. St. Pete Motor Classic

    The St. Petersburg Motor Classic Show is held in beautiful South Straub Park along the waterfront in downtown St. Petersburg. The show, in its 23nd year, is organized by the St Petersburg Yacht Club, with a dedicated show committee and volunteers from both Club members and interested members of the public. The show, which is free to the for ...

  19. Motor-Yacht-Club Nibelungen Sportboothafen Steinernes Brückl

    Motor-Yacht-Club Nibelungen Sportboothafen Steinernes Brückl open now. Saxingerstraße 9, Linz, phone, opening hours, photo, map, location

  20. Home

    Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. Phone: 727-822-3873 Pass-a-Grille 727-360-1646

  21. St Petersburg Motor Classic 2024 Car Show • St Pete Catalyst

    Open to public free of Charge at 10am...On the waterfront, under the trees in Downtown St Pete, adjacent to The Pier and St Petersburg Yacht Club. A fun and friendly car show that's not in a parking lot. Now in its 22nd year, with classes for every car from older Classics to Modern specials, hot rods, customs, micro and Kei cars, motor cycles ...

  22. Caribbean yacht charter

    YACHTS in Caribbean The Caribbean enjoys year-round sunshine and average temperatures ranging between 24°C (75°F) and 32°C (90°F) making it a hugely popular destination for yacht charters. The climate on most of the islands is tropical, but moderated to a certain extent by the prevailing northeast trade winds although they are often warm ...

  23. St Pete Motor Classic

    Registration 2023. Contact Form. The 2023 Show was a huge success, with perfect weather (as predicted), and a class field of over 250 cars, motorcycles and boats (yes). Thousands of volunteer hours went into this years show, but it was worth every sleepless night. Wondeful supporters and sponsors and a great public.