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the royal malta yacht club

in the beginning

the royal malta yacht club

In an inspired moment, Paul insisted that, if the Royal Malta Yacht Club was to be involved, the race should be centred on the Malta, both starting and finishing there. As a result, the racecourse became a circumnavigation of Sicily including Lampedusa, Pantelleria and the Egadi and Aeolian islands. The chosen course, at around 610nm, would be a similar distance to the RORC’s own famous offshore event, the (then, 608nm) Fastnet Race, sponsored by Rolex since 2001. The initial decision was to sail the route clockwise, heading from Malta to Lampedusa.

the royal malta yacht club

The Rolex Middle Sea Race was created as the result of sporting rivalry between two British yachtsmen residing in Malta, Alan Green and Jimmy White, and two Maltese sailors, Paul and John Ripard, both members of the Royal Malta Yacht Club.

Alan (who would go on to become Secretary of the Royal Ocean Racing Club) and Jimmy had proposed a racecourse that was longer than typical in the region, and one designed to offer an exciting competition in windier autumn conditions. The original suggestion was for a course that would start in Malta and finish in Syracuse, Sicily, in one year and then start in Syracuse and finish in Malta, the next.

the royal malta yacht club

The Ripards presented the idea to the main committee of the RMYC, who enthusiastically backed the concept despite only six months notice to the inaugural race. Alan agreed to run the event on two conditions: he was given complete authority over the arrangements and that he could compete.

Malta's commitment to the new race spread from the top to the bottom. The then Governor-General, H.E. Sir Maurice Dorman, just happened to be the RMYC Commodore and his early support helped to open doors.

For Alan the race’s success was unquestionable from the outset:

“ The qualities, challenge and attraction of sailing the seas of classical history with spectacular scenery including two active volcanoes, the only tidal strait in the Mediterranean, and the friendly island base of Malta with its British heritage - and not least the warmth of the water in autumn - contrasted sharply with [the] experience of offshore racing in northern waters. In matching the length of the Fastnet, Bermuda, and Sydney Hobart races, I was sure we had a winning formula. ”

Contributions came from all quarters. Vice-Commodore Colonel G. Z. (“Tabby”) Tabona secured a battery of howitzers from the Royal Malta Artillery to mark the start, Sir Hannibal Scicluna, Head of the Malta Museums Department, agreed to the use of Fort Manoel in Marsamxett Harbour to host both the start and Race Control. The British navy installed necessary telephone lines and close to the event laid a trot of temporary moorings in Sliema Creek. Meanwhile, the Malta Electricity Board hooked up a power supply and lighting. The Malta Tourism Board used its network to help distribute the Notice of Race and other promotional material, and also arranged free moorings for some international competitors. During the race, the British airforce flew a reconnaissance aircraft each day to take photographs, while both British and Italian navies engaged warships stationed in the course area to help with position reporting.

the royal malta yacht club

Emvin Cremona, one of the country’s leading artists whose postage stamps were eye-catching and original, was commissioned via the Malta Tourist Board to produce the main trophy for the race. Cast in bronze, the trophy design powerfully and uniquely confirms the ties between sailing and Malta.

The first race attracted eight entries. Alan Green and Jimmy White competed on Sandettie, John Ripard secured a Swan 36, named Josian with a young Arthur Podesta among the crew, and Paul Ripard raced aboard the legendary Dutch maxi yacht, Stormvogel, skippered by Cornelis Bruynzeel. The Italian navy entered its training yacht, Stella Polare, and other entries included the Nicholson 32 Barada, Pedlar, Yanda and Dream of Holland, which unfortunately retired at Pantelleria. While Stormvogel was first to finish, the eventual overall winner was the smallest entry, Josian, giving John Ripard and the Maltese nation a landmark opening victory. The final prize giving was a black-tie affair, and the guest of honour was Sir Francis Chichester, fresh from his ground-breaking solo circumnavigation of the world.

Most importantly of all, the race was on the map. Over the following decade or so, it attracted some of the biggest names in international yacht racing enhancing the reputation and appeal, and confirming Alan Green's estimation of the race's value to the sailing world.

The Modern Era

the royal malta yacht club

The 28th edition of the race in 2007, looked ready to continue the run of record breaking fleets, with 69 yachts registered and in Malta. However, the weather charts indicated a deep trough of low pressure heading south from northern Europe and reaching the middle of the Mediterranean within the 12 hours of the start and striking the fleet as it made its way around the course. So extreme was the threat, some 16 yachts decided to withdraw on the day before.

Conditions for the start could not have been more perfect, with a solidly north-westerly enabling crews to exit Marsamxett Harbour in good order. The big boats including George David's 90 foot Reichel/Pugh maxi, Rambler (ex. Alfa Romeo), the 75ft Titan 12 and the 60ft Loki powered off towards Sicily in the freshening breeze.  During the next 24 hours some 22 yachts retired including Titan 12 as the wind built to gale force. While Rambler scorched around the course, the destruction in her wake was emphasised by the eventual loss of Loki on the northern shore of Sicily after catastrophic gear failure that left the Australian yacht without steering and unable to jury-rig an alternative in the turbulent conditions. Thanks to the bravery of the Italian airforce and coastguard, the crew of Loki was rescued without injury.

Despite their own equipment problems, the crew of Rambler found a way to harness the frontal system and keep on trucking. Once the north-western corner of the course was turned, the downwind afterburners were switched on in 40-45 knots. Only 17 yachts would go on to complete the course, including remarkably one double-handed entry, Slingshot. Rambler would go on to set a new course record of 47 hours, 55 minutes and 3 seconds, bettering the previous one by some 16 hours. Despite bigger, faster, technically more advanced yachts challenging the benchmark time over the intervening period, it would take 14 years for it to be beaten.

In 2001, a revitalised Race Committee brought some fresh thinking to the Middle Sea Race. A more targeted and aggressive marketing strategy was introduced. Most importantly, the search for a new title sponsor was initiated. In 2002, Rolex SA came on board, following two years of involvement with the Malta Rolex Cup. In the years since, the race has witnessed a remarkable increase in entries, growth in the quality of crews and their boats, as well as near global appeal.  For many years, the record fleet had been 34 set back in 1974. In 2002 that number was finally broken, with 42 yachts crossing the start line. The number would steadily increase, virtually each year, doubling by 2012 and breaching the seemingly impossible barrier of 100 in 2014, when 122 yachts took part. Apart from 2020, when for Covid reasons only 50 yachts entered, the fleet has exceeded 100 entries, which a current record of 130 set by the 50th anniversary in 2018.

the royal malta yacht club

The 2009 race marked great change for the race and the RMYC. It almost witnessed a new record. For the first time the race started from  Grand Harbour - a significant alteration to past routine that required verve and nerve to pull off. More exceptional, though, was the change of clubhouse from Manoel Island to Ta'Xbiex, undertaken in a handful of months and including a complete renovation of the new premises. The 30th edition offered a hard and fast deadline that was met with enthusiasm, passion and success.

The 69-boat fleet set off to the sound of gunfire from the Saluting Battery, high above the water. Crowds filled every vantage point witnessing at first hand the dawn of a new era in the classic race. Mike Slade's 100 foot ICAP Leopard led the charge on the water from a posse of fast maxis including Beau Geste, Bella Mente and Rán. The weather was not as straight-forward as 2007, but the big boats could sense a record passage could be on, particularly with strong winds from the north-west predicted to arrive as the front runners were exiting the Strait of Messina.

Early conditions saw a mix of squalls and calms, that took a toll on the fleet. By the Sunday evening though, Leopard had rounded the north-west corner of the track and was only two hours off record pace with the fastest segment still to come. By Monday morning at Lampedusa, the gap had narrowed to just over an hour and on the leg to Comino  excitement built as it continued to narrow.  In the end, Leopard fell just short, losing out by just 34 minutes. Andres Soriano and Alegre claimed the overall win under IRC, following their line honours win in 2008. 

the royal malta yacht club

The 35th edition of Rolex Middle Sea Race in 2014 is most memorable for marking the first fleet to exceed 100 entries.  122 yachts started the Mediterranean classic, under blue skies and brilliant sunshine. The international fleet from 24 different countries set off in light winds, but a variety of conditions were forecast and experienced. The 100 ft Slovenian canting keel maxi Esimit Europa 2, owned by Igor Simcic, led the way around the course and secured line honours for a fourth time, although someway off the record. Meanwhile, a forecast frontal system struck the north-west corner of the course leading to the retirement of over 20 yachts as storm force winds exceeding 50 knots and big seas created havoc. The Maltese J/122 Artie, co-skippered by Lee Satariano and Cristian Ripard, endured one toughest 24 hours in the history of the race to prove its credentials for a second occasion (the first was in 2011) and win the race overall under IRC Time Correction.

2015 was notable for a number of reasons. Sadly, it marked the passing of Arthur Podesta who had competed in every race from 1968 to 2014, and still holds the record for the longest, unbroken participation streak and most number of races. Arthur's three children have continued the family tradition and have even won the race twice with their yacht, Elusive 2. The year also saw the first appearance of a racing multihull. Lloyd Thornburg’s MOD 70 Phaedo 3, co-skippered by Brian Thompson. Weighing a mere 7,000kg and sporting a rotating, canting mast, the trimaran enjoyed a spirited run to complete the course in 59 hours 29 minutes 41 seconds. Five hours later George David crossed the finish with his new maxi, the 88 ft Juan K designed, Rambler. This would be the first of five successive line honours wins for the boat. Frustratingly for George David and his all-star crew conditions were never good enough for a record attempt until their sixth go in 2021 when they were up against bigger, more powerful opposition. The overall win under IRC went to Michele Galli's TP52 B2 for a second time. B2 finished just before midnight on Tuesday 20 October just ahead of Vincenzo Onorato's Cookson 50 Mascalzone Latino, which lost out by 9 seconds on corrected time.

2016 proved to be Vincenzo Onorato's redemption year, as the Cookson 50 Mascalzone Latino secured the overall win by four hours from sistership, Cippa Lippa 8. George David's Rambler 88 took monohull Line Honours for the second year in a row. In the Multihull Class all eyes were on the contest between  Phaedo3 and Giovanni Soldini's Multi 70, Maserati. Maserati arrived in Malta with structural damage and could not use its full foiling package. Phaedo3 held an early advantage and appeared unassailable until a catastrophic error in navigation shortly after Pantelleria resulted in Phaedo3 finishing behind Maserati and failing to beat the race record, which has looked a possibility. As it was Maserati, lowered the Multihull time to 49 hours 25 minutes and 01 seconds.

the royal malta yacht club

The 50th anniversary race in 2018, amassed a new record fleet of 130 yachts representing 29 countries. The 115 ft Baltic, Nikata, became the largest entry to compete following the lifting of the 100 foot entry limit by the RMYC, something several other offshore races had done in recent years.  Entries included a good mix of maxi monohulls and multihulls, as well as a swelling pack of smaller yachts including a sizeable double-handed entry. The first 24 hours proved once again that race is as much a test of concentration and perseverance in light airs as it is seamanship in heavy conditions. By the time the big winds arrived the slower yachts had been at sea for over two days and were only half way round the course. The leaders by contrast had their sights firmly on the finish. Maserati secured a second multihull line honours,  Rambler racked up a fourth straight monohull line honours, while Géry Trentesaux's Courrier Recommandé from France eventually finished after three and a half days to etch its name on the Rolex Middle Sea Race trophy.

Maltese yacht Elusive 2, skippered by the Podesta siblings Aaron, Christoph and Maya, and George David's Rambler, took the main plaudits in 2019. Respectively winning overall and monohull line honours in a race that required persistence and patience in conditions that veered from the benign to the malign. 2020 was the year of the pandemic. Covid 19 brought much of the world to a halt let alone sporting contests. The 41st Rolex Middle Sea Race was one of handful of sailing events to be held, with the RMYC showing leadership, resilience, commitment and endeavour in pulling it off. Unsurprisingly, much reduced fleet of 50 yachts took part. It was still an impressive achievement in the circumstances. Conditions presented a contrasting examination to those of 12 months earlier. Light winds dominated making every mile mentally challenging. The Podesta siblings and Elusive 2 achieved the rare feat of back to back overall victories, last witnessed in 1980 by Nita IV. I Love Poland was an extremely popular line honours winner.

the royal malta yacht club

The 42nd edition of the Rolex Middle Middle Sea Race was one of the most spectacular and challenging races for many years, especially for the smaller boats. At times, during the 606 nautical mile expedition, gale force winds and tumultuous seas battered the fleet. Jason Carroll’s MOD70 Argo was first to finish, taking multihull line honours, posting a time that also secured a class win under MOCRA Time correction and lowered the outright race record by an impressive 14.5 hours, finishing in 33 hours, 29 minutes and 28 seconds.

Another course record was set by the 30.48m/100ft maxi Comanche (CAY). Comanche achieved the trifecta of overall winner, monohull line honours and a monohull race record. Comanche’s race record of 40 hours, 17 minutes and 50 seconds was based upon the full course distance of 606nm which it completed, while victory under IRC was over a shorter course distance following the RMYC's decision to finish yachts using the Alternative Finish Line at the South Comino Channel due to the threat of a severe north-easterly making the Marsamxett Harbour finish line untenable. Following considerable disquiet about the impact of the Alternative Finish line on the IRC results, a full review was undertaken and steps were taken to ensure the rules and regulations surrounding the race were fit for purpose. In the course of he review, the club sought feedback from competitors and guidance from the RMYC’s longstanding race partners, including RORC. The result of the painstaking process was a strengthening of the Race Committee through the integration of external, professional support.

the royal malta yacht club

2022, the 43rd in the long and illustrious history of the Mediterranean’s most demanding and renowned 600 mile offshore race, will be remembered for light winds, dogged determination and the remarkable imagery from the racecourse. Its character, so diametrically opposed to the previous year, it is hard to imagine the two races took place over the same track at the same time of year.   

The 43rd edition’s fleet ranged in size from 30 feet (9 plus metres) to 100 ft (30.5m) and included some of most powerful monohulls and multihulls competing on the international racing circuit. 

Riccardo Pavoncelli’s Italian MOD70 Mana was first to finish less than a minute ahead of French sister ship Zoulou and ten minutes before the Italian Multi70 Maserati. Joost Schultz’s Dutch entry, the 30.48m / 100ft maxi Leopard 3 secured monohull line honours, while Eric de Turckheim was a very popular overall winner under IRC with Teasing Machine, the French NMYD 54.

The 43rd edition, some of the class wars were intense affairs to the finish, while others have appeared walkovers as the competition missed catching the wind train or suffered other injustices in the fickle winds.

the royal malta yacht club

The 2023 edition of the Mediterranean’s most demanding and renowned 600 mile offshore race will be remembered for the mix of conditions and emotions experienced by the international fleet. Unusually, the weather favoured both mammoth and minnow, turtle and hare.

The 44th Rolex Middle Sea Race fleet was sent on its way on Saturday 21st October. 110 yachts representing 26 nations crossed the start line, their 1000 plus crew from close to 50 countries 

A powerful maxi will be remembered for an unexpected offshore success, while one of the smallest boats will be recalled for a breath-taking performance that kept everyone on the edge of their seats. Overall winner the 93 foot Bullitt, and second placed 33ft double-hander Red Ruby, separated by only 24 seconds in corrected time, but forever joined in legend.

The 45th edition of the Rolex Middle Sea Race will start on Saturday, 19 October 2024.

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the royal malta yacht club

Royal Malta Yacht Club Restaurant

September 16, 2021 by Ramona Depares

RMYC Porto 21

Dinner at the Yacht Club is one of those iconic things that are a must-do for anyone who enjoys chill restaurants with a view.

Let’s start with the obvious – *that* view. Sweeping vistas of Valletta and Manoel Island as I sit sipping on a glass of chilled Chablis? Why, yes thank you. Even if the Royal Malta Yacht Club simply decided to throw out a couple of cushions on the floor and call it the deal of the day, I suspect we’d still all be into it, such is the natural beauty of the location.

But they don’t, of course. The Royal Malta Yacht Club restaurant, which is called Port 21 incidentally, seriously pulls out all the stops in terms of service and food. No matter where you are seated, the view is guaranteed and it comes with service that is seriously charming and on point. This is a team that knows a thing or three about hospitality, and it’s all reflected in the lovely service.

Menus arrive right on time soon after we are seated; we are offered a fresh basket of bread just as my greedy ass finishes the last bite of fragrant loaf; the specials are explained well and graciously… it is impossible not to relax and enjoy the experience.

But on to the food – the menu offers a good mix of Mediterranean dishes, with a strong focus on fresh fish. On the evening we are there, they have Oysters Provencal on the list of specials, so of course there’s no way I’m missing out on that. This was definitely the right decision, as the dish was presented exactly as it should be – on ice, with tabasco and a small side concoction that had a definite zing, and fat, juicy, fragrant oysters. It was pure perfection.

Port 21 RMYC

My guest opted for the Risotto al Limone, Basilico e Zafferano, and couldn’t stop singing the praises of the delicate flavours – which meant that I had to steal a forkful too, of course. Anyone opting for this vegetarian dish will certainly not be missing out on any flavours.

A glass of wine later we were ready for the main event – my guest’s fillet of beef, which looked and smelled delicious, and my rather impressive seabass, prepared al sale . Shoutout to the head waiter Marco Vucovic for breaking the salt covering and filleting the dish oh-so-expertly, so that I could tuck in without worrying about details like bones. And tuck in I did, Chef having done superb justice to this beautiful fish. Accompanied by crispy roast potatoes and veg, this one made my tastebuds sing.

Fast-forward 20 minutes, two empty plates and a vanished Chablis later, and I was ready to state that there was certainly no room for dessert. But I had reckoned without Marco’s gentle persuasive skills – not to mention the delectable descriptions he provided us with.

And thus we succumbed to a Pistacchio Cake (so light! so fluffy!) and a Tiramisu that I loved equally. I tested both and I genuinely was at a loss to find a favourite, the one thing I know for sure is that this was a perfect ending to a really lovely dinner.

A big well done to Port 21 at the Royal Malta Yacht Club – we will be back, for more of the gorgeous food and the equally gorgeous view.

Read more about the Malta lifestyle and food scene in Malta. Check out this review of Le Bistro at Radisson Blu , the Iniala Breakfast Club , or read about the Gazebo at the Hilton Malta , or how about Rebekah’s in Mellieha ?

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the royal malta yacht club

RMYC Restaurant Bookings

  • January 21, 2021
  • Maria Vella-Galea

We remind you that The Galley and Club Restaurant is serving dinner from Wednesday to Saturday.

We appreciate that these are not normal times, so making a reservation is going to be more important than ever with capacity and spacing requirements.  Reservations give a clear outlook of service needs which will ensure the pleasing dining experience that you are used to.

If you are not yet aware, our restaurant has adopted health protocols that allow our patrons to dine in comfort and safety that includes social distancing, hygiene, staffing and operations, and cleaning and disinfecting.

So if you plan on having dinner, do let us know by not later than 4pm on the day you intend popping over.  Just give us a call on +356 21 333109 or +356 2131 8418


  1. General Information

    the royal malta yacht club

  2. Royal Malta Yacht Club

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  3. Yacht Marinas

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  4. History

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  5. Home Page

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  6. General Information

    the royal malta yacht club


  1. Welcome to RMYC

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club is a club rich in history having been founded in 1835. The only yacht club in Malta it has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. Welcome to the Royal Malta Yacht Club, a prestigious institution with a rich history in the world of sailing.

  2. About RMYC

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club is a club rich in history having been founded in 1835. The only yacht club in Malta it has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. VO No. 2024. The Royal Malta Yacht Club boasts a history filled with prestigious regattas, legendary sailors, and ...

  3. Royal Malta Yacht Club

    Royal Malta Yacht Club in Ta' Xbiex. The Club House at Hay Wharf ( Floriana, Malta) was rebuilt on its former site. In 1952 Offshore races for 30 and 50 square metre yachts were introduced and races to various ports in Sicily, Libya and Tunisia were held regularly. In 1968 the first Middle Sea Race was sailed, and in 1987 was the start of the ...

  4. Membership

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club Marina is located right on the Club's waterfront and is available to members and non-members. Operating seasonally from May until September, the Marina can accommodate up to 65 boats reaching 14m in length.

  5. Royal Malta Yacht Club

    Royal Malta Yacht Club, Ta' Xbiex. 7,633 likes · 474 talking about this · 385 were here. The Royal Malta Yacht Club was founded in 1835 and is the only yacht club in Malta

  6. Royal Malta Yacht Club

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club is the organiser of the Rolex Middle Sea Race and founding member of the Malta Sailing Federation.

  7. Royal Malta Yacht Club

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. Located right on the water in Ta' Xbiex Marina the club offers extraordinary facilities which include a lounge bar and dining area with outdoor terraces, roof top terrace, conference rooms, a fitness ...

  8. Rolex Middle Sea Race

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club history dates back to the early 1830s, making it one of the oldest yacht clubs in the Mediterranean. Initially established around 1835 as the Malta Yacht Club by a group of British naval officers stationed in Malta, the Club was granted a Royal Charter by Queen Victoria, becoming the Royal Malta Yacht Club. This marked an important milestone in the club's history and ...

  9. Royal Malta Yacht Club launches calendar of events for 2021

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club launched its calendar of sailing events for 2021, which was spearheaded by the Club's Rear Commodore (Sailing) Peter Dimech together with the input of Club Committee ...

  10. The Essential Details

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club is pleased to support the work of the Biological Conservation Research Foundation (BICREF), which conducts research into biodiversity and the impacts of fishing/aquaculture in the Mediterranean around Malta. The BICREF Award is presented the crew recording the best dolphin or whole sighting during the race, to help ...

  11. Sailing School

    The only yacht club in Malta it has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. VO No. 2024. VAT MT 1508 - 1917. The Royal Malta Yacht Club Sailing School is committed to deliver high standard sailing tuition, irrespective of what level a student has.

  12. Royal Malta Yacht Club to return to Marzamemi

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club (RMYC) announced its return to the beloved offshore haven of Marzamemi as it gears up for the highly-anticipated International Yacht Paints Marzamemi Weekend scheduled for the first weekend in May. Marzamemi, being one of the club's most loved Sicilian haunts, has long been associated with a weekend of socialising ...

  13. History

    In an inspired moment, Paul insisted that, if the Royal Malta Yacht Club was to be involved, the race should be centred on the Malta, both starting and finishing there. As a result, the racecourse became a circumnavigation of Sicily including Lampedusa, Pantelleria and the Egadi and Aeolian islands. The chosen course, at around 610nm, would be ...

  14. Our Restaurant Port 21 has...

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club restaurant Port 21 opened its doors to members and their guests on Monday 10th May 2021. Chef Oliver will kick start your day with a Baker's Corner which will include a selection of toasts, ftiras,…. Our Restaurant Port 21 has launched a new #Sunday Menu. Check it out and make your reservations as we tend to get ...

  15. Royal Malta Yacht Club Restaurant

    Even if the Royal Malta Yacht Club simply decided to throw out a couple of cushions on the floor and call it the deal of the day, I suspect we'd still all be into it, such is the natural beauty of the location. But they don't, of course. The Royal Malta Yacht Club restaurant, which is called Port 21 incidentally, seriously pulls out all the ...

  16. Clubhouse

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club restaurant Port 21 opened its doors to members and their guests on Monday 10th May 2021. Chef Oliver will kick start your day with a Baker's Corner which will include a selection of toasts, ftiras, baguettes, croissants, and other small bites. For those wanting a heartier offering, from 1000hrs English Breakfast and ...

  17. Bogatyr wins 2017 Rolex Middle Sea Race

    The rest of the 91 boat IRC fleet still have another 24-48 hours After an unusually light Rolex Middle Sea Race in 2022, the Royal Malta Yacht Club's premier event, the opening event in the International Maxi Association's 2023-24 Mediterranean Maxi Offshore Challenge, returned to headbanger mode this year.

  18. Anton Dolotin: «Openness is our policy.»

    Interview with co-owner of Royal Yacht Club Moscow. The founder and head of the Russian representative office of Azimut-Benetti, Anton Dolotin, tells us about the life and achievements of Royal Yacht Club in the last five years.

  19. Royal Malta Yacht Club

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. Located right on the water in Ta' Xbiex Marina the club offers extraordinary facilities which include a lounge bar and dining area with outdoor terraces, roof top terrace, conference rooms, a fitness ...

  20. Royal Yacht Club has opened the season

    The Royal Yacht Club in Moscow has solemnly opened its season. The event on this occasion took place on June 20 at the Vodny restaurant. The event was attended by members of the yacht club, regular customers of the restaurant on the water, representatives of the capital's business elite and celebrities. Guests were entertained with a performance of the famous artist Alex Klokov who created a ...

  21. Sailing Events Archive

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club is a club rich in history having been founded in 1835. The only yacht club in Malta it has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. VO No. 2024. VAT MT 1508 - 1917.

  22. Yacht club "Royal Yacht Club": address, description, photos

    Royal Yacht Club is the center of yachting life in Moscow, imbued with European spirit and combines a modern yacht port, a unique coastal restaurant, spacious spectator stands, a cozy business center and the DoubleTree by Hilton Moscow - Marina. Luxury recreation on the water within the city limits, berth for vessels from 6 to 40 meters, one of the best restaurants of Arkady Novikov ...

  23. RMYC Restaurant Bookings

    The Royal Malta Yacht Club is a club rich in history having been founded in 1835. The only yacht club in Malta it has a deep commitment to yachting and organises a full programme of racing and social activities throughout the year. VO No. 2024. VAT MT 1508 - 1917. RMYC Restaurant Bookings Uncategorized.