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There is an IYT school on six continents. Begin training in the Mediterranean and finish in the Caribbean. Wherever you choose to be! IYT’s unique modular approach to yacht training has allowed the successful establishment of global partner schools offering a broad range of recreational and professional courses.


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Yachtschule Rolo Wild

Yachtschule Rolo

Willkommen bei Yachtschule Rolo Wild 

über yacht & segelschule rolo wild.

Wir haben die Yachtschule Rolo Wild mit dem Ziel vor Augen gegründet, unseren Schülern die beste und umfassendste Lernerfahrung zu bieten.. Unsere motivierten und hervorragend ausgebildeten Teammitglieder helfen unseren Schülern dabei, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Sind Sie bereit dafür, Ihr Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen? Willkommen bei uns!


Unsere Leistungen

"Unsere Leistungen – Ihre maritimen Abenteuer beginnen hier! In unserer Yachtschule bieten wir eine vielfältige Palette von Dienstleistungen, darunter professionelle Sportbootkurse, die vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen individuell angepasst werden. Entdecken Sie die Freude am Sportboot fahren und Segeln unter qualifizierter Anleitung und setzen Sie Kurs auf neue maritime Fähigkeiten.

Darüber hinaus erleichtern wir Ihnen den Zugang zur maritimen Wasserwelt durch unsere Chartervermittlung. Planen Sie Ihren eigenen Törn und mieten Sie qualitätsgeprüfte Segel- oder Motorboote für unvergessliche Erlebnisse auf dem Wasser.

SBF See & Bodenseepatent & Binnen 


Die amtlichen Sportbootführerscheine sind die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Führerscheine auf unterschiedlichen Gewässern für Sportboote. Wir bieten Ihnen diese Führerscheine als Gesamtpaket oder nach Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen an.  Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier: 

SKS - Seeküstenschifferschein


Der Sportküstenschifferschein ist ein amtlicher, empfohlener Führerschein zum Führen von Segel- oder Motoryachten in Küstengewässern. Es handelt sich, außer beim gewerbsmäßigen Betrieb, um einen freiwilligen Schein. 

Funkzeugnisse SRC & UBI


Die amtlichen UKW-Sprechfunkzeugnisse UBI & SRC sind für Schiffsführer verpflichtend, wenn auf der Yacht ein UKW Funkgerät eingebaut ist. Die Funkzeugnisse bieten wir Ihnen als Paket oder auch individuell an.

Skippertraining auf Motor & Segelyacht

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Bereit, die Meere zu erobern? Unser Skippertraining ist der Schlüssel zu Ihrer souveränen Schiffsführung. Im Fokus stehen gerne intensive Übungen, wie Hafenmanöver, Segeltrimm, Navigation und Crewführung.

Unsere Trainings berücksichtigen selbstverständlich immer auch die Wünsche der Crew ein. Viele Eigner buchen bei uns auch das Training auf Ihrer eigenen Yacht.

World Sailing Offshore Survival Training 

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Damit Segeln oder Motorbootfahren zu einem sicheren und entspannten Erlebnis wird, ist es unerlässlich, sich im Voraus mit möglichen Notsituationen vertraut zu machen. Ein klarer Kopf und das Wissen um die richtigen Schritte im Ernstfall können den entscheidenden Unterschied ausmachen und sogar Leben retten. Unser Training vermittelt nicht nur Sicherheit, sondern trägt auch dazu bei, potenzielle Notfälle zu verhindern. Die Schulung kombiniert theoretische und praktische Einheiten. In den praktischen Übungen lernen Sie beispielsweise, mit einer ausgelösten Rettungsweste zu schwimmen oder sicher in eine Rettungsinsel zu gelangen


Der nächste Traumtörn wartet schon auf Sie!

Entdecken Sie die schönsten Reviere weltweit und buchen Sie ihren nächsten Traumtörn mit unserer individuellen Charterberatung und exklusiven Angeboten.

Wir bieten Ihnen intensive Revierberatungen an.

Aktuell befindet sich unsere Buchungsseite noch im Aufbau. Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte oder sprechen Sie uns direkt an. Wir freuen uns Ihnen ein maßgeschneidertes Angebot anbieten zu dürfen.

Kontaktieren Sie uns ...

Wild Eugen Jaekle Platz 43,

89518 Heidenheim 

+49 172 635 711 0


Mit dem Absenden des Formulars erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Ihre Daten zur Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens verwendet werden (weitere Informationen und Widerrufshinweise finden Sie in der  Datenschutzerklärung ).

Danke für Ihre Nachricht

unser Kundenfeedback

die beste Werbung die wir machen können ist das Kundenfeedback unserer Kunden

" Ich chartere mehrmals jährlich bei Rolo, auf dem Mittelmeer, Englischer Kanal und Biskaja.

Ich hoffe auch in Zukunft noch viel Segelpass von und mit Rolo zu erleben

und kann nur meine Beste Empfehlung aussprechen. "

B. Elsenhans

"Die Yacht- und Segelschule von Rolf Wild „Rolo“ verdient in meinen Augen die Note „sehr gut“. Ich war in den letzten Jahren mehr als zufrieden mit meinen Erfahrungen dort. Das Team um „Rolo“ und gerade er selbst, ist äußerst professionell und kompetent."

R. Börret

“Ich habe 7 Scheine bei Rolo gemacht, vom Sportboot See bis zum ISAF Zertifikat. Seine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung als Schiffsführer zeigt sich in seiner exzellenten Ausbildung. Seine Einschätzungen für Charter und Revier waren immer passend.  Ich empfehle seine seemännische Ausbildung uneingeschränkt weiter.

yacht yachtschule

Willkommen an Bord!



Get Paid to Travel the World on Yachts with Our Yacht Crew Training Program.

Join our yacht crew training program today.

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"After completing our yacht crew training course, you’ll come out as if you’ve been in the yacht industry for years."

- captain ej jansen, the jobs available with our yacht crew training course.

A man participating in yacht deckhand training, working on the deck to maintain the yacht's exterior and ensure smooth operations.

Deckhands are vital for maintaining a yacht's exterior and ensuring smooth operations. Our yacht deckhand training program prepares individuals with essential skills for this role, including guest assistance and day-to-day operations.

yacht stewardess training


Our yacht stewardess training program hones expertise in hospitality and service.  Participants excel in attending to guests' needs while ensuring the impeccable management and maintenance of onboard interiors.

A masseuse provides a massage onboard a yacht, showcasing the diverse professions available in the yachting industry.

There are lots of positions needed on yachts like, Engineers, Chefs, Masseuses, Personal Trainers and more!

A panoramic view of stunning yachts on azure waters, epitomizing luxury and elegance in the yachting world.


Picture yourself casting off the docks of Monaco heading to the Greek islands for a week long excursion, or even better, jumping off the top deck into the clear turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Now you can with our yacht crew mastery class. We are proud to say we have given  hundreds of people the opportunity to find meaningful careers and lifestyles full of adventure. all through our comprehensive yacht crew training course.

Yacht Crew working together on a yacht, smiling and collaborating.


  • The different types of yachts, the programs they have, and which suite.
  • The time of year to visit job seeker hubs and where to look for work.
  • How to write a professional yachting resume/cv to impress your new employer.
  • The complete yachting terminology and lingo guide.
  • The different job positions onboard and how to move up the ranks.
  • Basic rules of the road and seamanship.
  • The supplemental training that is available and much more!


A student offers insightful feedback on her transformative yacht training course experience.

I had no experience in yachting before I started Yacht University. The course literally turned me into a yachtie. Before I was working as an accountant at my parents firm but I just couldn't see myself doing it any longer.

Now I am currently on a yacht based in St. Tropez and I can't believe how much different my life is! This class is my bible to everything yachting and I can't thank you guys enough for all your support!


A student offers insightful feedback on her transformative superyacht training course experience.

Coming from overseas I found it very difficult to find information on the internet to get involved in this industry.

Once I joined Yacht University I began studying abroad and began putting everything I learned to work. I now have had a few different daywork jobs so far and I am very appreciative  



About the instructor.

Capt. Ej Jansen, CEO and Yacht-Master 200GT Offshore Captain, insights about himself.

Capt. Ej Jansen


Ej is the founder of Yacht University and has over a decade of experience working on superyachts around the world. He has also starred in a famous yachting TV show Below Deck and owns well known yacht management company. Ej has made it his life mission to prevent new crew like you from the struggles he had when trying to get his foot in the door of yachting. He is dedicated to constantly improving the program and ensuring you have success in finding your first job by giving you the skills and connections to land interviews with big name yachts through his yacht crew training  course.


Once you sign up you will receive a complete training package.

Our complete yacht crew training class is comprised of 5 modules and over 200 pages of in-depth yacht crew training material including how-to-videos and in-depth tutorials. The 5 modules in our training package consist of all the trade secrets and must know information to land your first job onboard a superyacht!

Yachting Bliss: A Fun Day at Work on the High Seas!


Learn all about the yachting industry and what you can expect. Find the best location for you to find work. Avoid the scams and pitfalls. The different positions onboard and types of yacht work you can apply for. Expected earnings/salaries. Work contracts, visas, health benefits and much more! 

Stunning superyacht destinations with crystal-clear waters and scenic landscapes.


This section goes over the terminology, safety information, and rules of the road. We dive deep into the duties on board and the standard yachting protocols.

A female crew in action highlighting the empowering role of women in the industry.


Thorough explanations and videos on washdowns, teak maintenance, brightwork, knots, mooring, anchoring, crane operations, toys, and everything a deckhand will be doing while on the job.

Silver service on a yacht with elegant table settings.


Housekeeping, silver service, laundry duties, guest care, and everything you will be doing as a yacht stewardess. 

No Experience Needed! Learn about Yacht Crew Jobs with Simple Steps.


This section will go over the crucial aspects of find working, resume/cv creation, prerequisite courses and medical examinations, dress code, job placement, and more.


Image of a beautifully set yacht table with elegant tableware and nautical-themed decor.



If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our class you can get a refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

Join our Mailing List and Find Out MORE!


Can i still work on a yacht if i have no prior experience.

Absolutely! We all have to start from somewhere. We have trained hundreds of crew from all walks of life to find passionate careers in yachting. 

Is there an age limit for applying for a job as a deckhand?

No, not at all! All ages can find work.

Can girls work as deckhands and  men work as a stewardess?

Absolutely, girls can work as deckhands and men can work as stewards! Many yachts prefer female deckhands and or male stewards.

How long will I have access to the course material once I complete it?

You will receive lifetime access to our training class. We allow this because we know crew will constantly be referring back to the course as they begin working and it acts as a useful reference when beginning in the industry.


Because we want to ensure your success, we are throwing in three very crucial bonuses!


It is our goal to get you started faster and give you the competitive edge that other crew are missing. We have made a detailed list of the best crew job placement agents with their direct contact information so you won't have to waste time. You can go straight to the source where all the luxury yachts are hiring.


While pursuing jobs and looking for work most beginners have to do a lot of research through trial and error to find accommodations. In order to avoid potential scams and to ensure you have a nice, affordable 5-star crew accommodation, we made our own personal list of the industry's top and most trusted crew houses so you can have a good night's sleep before your first interview!


Make a name for yourself in the industry fast! We give you the top networking tips and locations so you are able to make the right connections and meet the people that are important to getting you a job. This is crucial so you don't have to waste time and you can scale up the ranks to that big salary potential.


yacht crew job in the Caribbean after completing the yacht crew training course

The Caribbean

Working on a yacht in the Caribbean fosters epic beaches and breathtaking scenery. With rich marine life exploration and local cuisine indulgence, the experience nurtures an appreciation for nature and a sense of adventure. Not to mention the night life in St. Barts or St. Martin is out of the this world!

yacht crew job in The Mediterranean after completing the yacht crew training course

The Mediterranean

Something about the Mediterranean has this enchanting allure, your life on the yacht exudes a harmonious blend of luxury and adventure. From orchestrating seamless onboard experiences to exploring sun-kissed coastal treasures, each day presents a symphony of refined service and cultural immersion. A life where turquoise horizons and whispered sea breezes weave a timeless tale of opulence and discovery.

yacht crew job in The South Pacific after completing the yacht crew training course

The South Pacific

Working on a superyacht in the South Pacific feels like embarking on the path less traveled, immersing oneself in a breathtaking paradise that remains a rarer experience. Each day offers the privilege of witnessing stunning sunsets over crystal-clear waters and engaging with the warmth of local island communities. Here are top 5 south pacific island  location.

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Es ist noch nicht zu spät

Es ist nie zu spät ein Sportbootführerschein, Sportküstenschifferschein, Schleusentraining, Skippertraining

Das abenteuer

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Prüfung Binnen / See / Fachkunde Seenotsignalmittel Kurs

Marina Yachtschule Klöcknerstraße 4, 59368 Werne

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Infoabend zum Binnen / See / SKS / UBI / SRC / Fachkunde Kurs

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Kursbeginn Binnen / See Kurs

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FKN Pyrotechnische Seenotsignalmittel

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„Der Skipper“

Dieter Cloer

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„onkel otto“.


Seit Juli 2017 ist „Onkel Otto“, mit stolzen 12 Metern Länge, 3,80 Meter Breite und 9 Tonnen Gewicht für die Ausbildung ein starker Begleiter der Auszubildenden.

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  • +49 2389 77 888 58 +49 1590 13 140 00
  • [email protected]

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Motorboat, sailing and windsurfing school

Welcome to S.A.L.T. YACHT!

Your trusted company in the water sports sector. If you are looking for sport and fun during your holidays you are in the right place! Founded in 1989, S.A.L.T. Yacht GmbH is one of the largest companies of its kind in Germany, with numerous divisions in inland and abroad. In addition to offering courses and exams for obtaining boat licenses for sailing and motor boats , we offer: • Sailing, windsurfing and Stand Up Paddling courses • Rental of motorboats, yawls and water sports equipment • Skippertrainings • Trips and events on the water and much more... Hop on board with us! Visit our international websites, available in German, English, Italian, French and Chinese, to find out more: ⚓ SALT Yacht company site>>> overview of all divisions ⚓ SALT Surf school >>> windsurfing, rental service and courses ⚓ SALT SUP station >>> stand-up paddling rental service and courses ⚓ SALT Sailing school >>> motorboat and sailing courses, dinghy rental service ⚓ SALT Yacht Lake Constance >>> Skipper training, Private Yachting ⚓ SALT Yacht Italy >>> courses and waterfun at Lake Maggiore ⚓ SALT Yacht France >>> exclusiv travel and events, watersports and more ⚓ SALT water sports jonior>>> sailing, windsurfing, SUP, motorboat for children and adolescents ⚓ SALT water sports for students >>> sailing, windsurfing, SUP, motorboat ⚓ SALT water sports for apprentices >>> sailing, windsurfing, SUP, motorboat ⚓ SALT Yacht rental service >>> motorboats, sailing, dinghies, SUP and surf equipment ⚓ SALT Marina "Saartropez" >>> berths, rental boats, lock passage training ⚓ SALT ferry boat "Lagoliner" >>> passenger ferry and event boat at Lake Bostal Visit our German websites to find out more about our boat and sailing license courses , teached in German language: ⚓ SALT Yacht Saar-Palatinate >>> all boating and radio licenses in the Saarland, the Palatinate and Luxembourg ⚓ SALT Yacht Rhine-Main >>> all boating and radio licenses in the Rhine-Main area


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SALT YACHT GmbH Bismarckstraße 57 D-66121 Saarbruecken, Germany We are available from Monday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 0800 96707-96 (toll free) From abroad +49 681 96707-96 [email protected] Follow SALT Yacht on Instagram Follow Surf'n' SUP on Instagram

Imprint S.A.L.T. YACHT GmbH Bismarckstr. 57, D-66121 Saarbruecken, Germany commercial register: HRB 8805 beim AG Saarbruecken/Germany CEO (Geschäftsfuehrerin): Dorothea Russ We are available Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tel. +49 681 96 707 0, Fax +49 681 96 707 10 Tel. International: +49 681 96 707 0, Fax +49 681 96 707 10 Email: [email protected]

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Hanseatic Yacht School - Hanseatische Yachtschule

yacht yachtschule

The Hanseatic Yacht School ( HYS for short , pronounced Hüss ) in Glücksburg is described by the association itself and in press articles as Germany's largest [1] and oldest sailing school . [2] It belongs to the German High Seas Sports Association HANSA (DHH).

Table of Contents

  • 2 sailing training
  • 4 items of evidence

The Hanseatic Yacht School was founded in Neustadt in Holstein in 1925 “as part of the covert armament for the training of future officers” [3] . The place in Neustadt claimed in the March 1934 Navy as "submarine school," whereupon the sailing school temporarily to Sierksdorf had to dodge [4] . Since November 1935 it has been based in Glücksburg in the Quellenental at the Glücksburg marina, which was newly created in the same year. [5]

In 2008 the yacht school opened the new accommodation building with modern, maritime furnished 4-bed rooms. There is space for up to 190 sailing students and can be accommodated in full board.

In 2017 the outdated boat hall was demolished and replaced by a new building. The Hamburg businessman Eberhard Wienholt donated 2 million of the 2.8 million euros in total. The result is a 1000 square meter building with a dark gray aluminum facade. A 600 square meter extension was clad with larch wood. It contains training rooms, a sanitary area with a wet lock , drying rooms, a technical room for sailing instructors and a workshop; there is also a large roof terrace upstairs. [6]


Today, more than 3000 sailors [7] are trained in the Hanseatic Yacht School . Sailing crews from the Hanseatic Yacht School in Glücksburg became known through successful participation in large international regattas. Influential and well-known sponsors campaigned for the Hanseatic Yacht School. The yacht Germania V [8] from the Krupp family was a major donation . The mainstay of this school are volunteer sailing instructors who, from a certain officially certified sailing qualification, supervise the courses at the Hanseatic Yacht School. A fund of the Eberhard Wienholt Foundation is available for their training [9] willing to finance the relevant seminars.

yacht yachtschule

Reception deck or reception

yacht yachtschule

Flagpole on the terrace

yacht yachtschule

old boat shed, demolished in 2017, new building in 2017, to the right the training boats of the type Laser 2000 ("Alpha")

yacht yachtschule

new boat shed, 2018

yacht yachtschule

new boat hall inside, 2018

yacht yachtschule

Baltic Sea Bridge with training boats , folk boats on the left , J / 80 on the right

  • Hanseatic Yacht School on the website of the German High Seas Sports Association HANSA (DHH)

Individual evidence

  • ↑ Glücksburg - one of the most beautiful sailing areas. In: Hamburger Abendblatt . January 22, 2014, accessed July 5, 2017 .
  • ↑ Oldest sailing school in Glücksburg: Set sail with "Urmel". In: shz.de . Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag , August 26, 2011, accessed on July 5, 2017 .
  • ↑ Freundeskreis Schnellboot & Korvetten
  • ↑ Yacht 1934 Nr. 13 S. 26 online
  • ↑ Yacht 1935 Nr. 48 S. 1 online
  • ↑ Flensburger Tageblatt: Hanseatische Yachtschule inaugurates new boat hall (Joachim Pohl), November 13, 2017 , accessed on May 18, 2018
  • ↑ Portrait of the Hanseatic Yacht School , DHH website, accessed on August 24, 2015
  • ↑ Klaus-Dieter Seelig am 14. November 2015 in Yacht-online
  • ↑ DIZK Organization Profile: Eberhard Wienholt Foundation. In: kulturfoerderung.org. German Information Center for Cultural Promotion, accessed on January 26, 2017 .

54.838486111111 9.5288222222222 Coordinates: 54 ° 50 ′ 18.6 " N , 9 ° 31 ′ 43.8" E

yacht yachtschule


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    yacht yachtschule


    yacht yachtschule


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