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Folie A Deux | by Royal Brighton Yacht Club

Folie A Deux

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Royal Brighton Yacht Club has a long and distinguished history going back to 1875, growing from a small lean-to shed on the beach here in Brighton to the large modern facility you see now.

Our passion for the sport of sailing has remained undiminished. The style of yachts may have changed, but the wind in our sails, friendly competition and adventurous cruising further afield, continue to attract countless Melburnians and visitors to our Club on the water.

We have an extensive sailing program, which provides opportunities for young and old, male and female, racer and cruiser to go sailing. For those new to sailing there is children’s or adult learn to sail, while for the more experienced there is racing, or cruising, or a combination of both. Besides our active keelboat and one-design fleets, our dinghy classes are strongly re-establishing themselves.

The Club’s online calendar provides an overview of what is on offer this season. Some prefer the Club’s active social program with numerous functions and live musical entertainment without venturing out on the water, whilst our Iceberger members have found a home here for their daily swims.

We recommend our catering and hospitality to you – we have a beautiful Members Lounge and a stylish function room with views over the water upstairs to suit all your wedding, dining, party and conferencing requirements. In 2018 we opened our redeveloped forecourt, deck and brand new kitchen downstairs, and this has become a wonderful new social hub for the Club for all Members and their guests and visitors.

Our collection

Royal brighton yacht club trophies.

Royal Brighton Yacht Club has collected a great deal of sailing memorabilia during it's 147 years of operation. We have steering wheels from old ships, flags, trophies etc which we would like to catalogue.The significant collection of trophies displayed at Royal Brighton Yacht Club is being loaded online for the benefit of all members.

Many members will have additional information about these memorabilia. We encourage and welcome anyone with such knowledge to send any additions or corrections to [email protected] with the subject heading "RBYC Collections Contribution".

Items featured online

VXOne Season Trophy

VXOne Season Trophy

VXOne Season Championship : Awarded by the VXone group based on overall season performance

Badge - Pins, Jock Sturrocks Pin Collection, 2022

Badge - Pins, Jock Sturrocks Pin Collection, 2022

Part of our history on display These mementos were collected by Jock Sturrock’s wife Betty on their trips around the world to yacht clubs and sailing events. This collection has been lovingly preserved by Betty’s bother Doug Jones, his wife Elaine and their daughters Michelle and Claudia, who have donated it to Royal Brighton Yacht Club for members to enjoy. The donors were thanked with a lunch at the club, hosted by three members of General Committee

Award - Etchells Class Trophies

Award - Etchells Class Trophies

The Etchells One Design Class has a long and proud history at RBYC.

Trophy, Most Improved Cruiser

Trophy, Most Improved Cruiser

This trophy was donated by David and Wendy Pollard to RBYC in 2002, to be awarded annually to the most improved cruiser The aim of this award is to encourage and recognise the newer skippers in taking responsibility and in sailing further into ocean waters and all other facets pertaining thereto.

Trophy, Cruising Yachtsman of the Year

Trophy, Cruising Yachtsman of the Year

The Cruising Yachtsman of the Year trophy was donated to RBYC in 1993 by Commodore John R. and Mrs Anna Robinson of Queenscliffe Cruising Yacht club. The trophy is a silver wine basket to be presented with a bottle of wine on a white serviette in it. The winner is entitled to have the trophy on their table with their wine bottle in it if they were having dinner at the club.

Trophy, Stars and Compass

Trophy, Stars and Compass

The Stars and Compass Trophy was donated by Richard Hawkins in 1998 (the Year of the Oceans) to encourage the use of traditional navigation skills by yachts at sea. See attached document for more extensive background information

navigation, hawkins

Boat Models

Boat Models

These models of RBYC Race Management boats (Blue Gum, RB8 and Tarni) have been donated by Graham Noel and can be viewed in a glass cabinet of the Olympic restaurant at RBYC. Graham originally donated the model of Tarni to the club in 2005, in acknowledgement of the valuable work done by race management volunteers. The model was presented to Harry Tedston on his retirement as Race Officer in 2008. Harry then donated the trophy back to the club in 2009, for the enjoyment of all members.

graham noel, blue gum, rb8, tarni

Trophy, Twilight with Extras

Trophy, Twilight with Extras

The Twilight series "with extras" (ie boats racing with spinnakers) is sailed on Wednesday evenings over summer. The first winner of this trophy was Jim Simmons in 2009/10.

twilight, simmons, extras

Trophy, Blizzard Winter Series

Trophy, Blizzard Winter Series

The Blizzard winter series is run for keelboats over the winter months. It was first raced in 2009.

blizzard, winter

Trophy, Phil Bedlington Award

Trophy, Phil Bedlington Award

This trophy is donated by Phil Bedlington and is awarded annually as part of the RBYC presentation night. It is awarded for an Outstanding Achievement in Sailing at the National or International level. The first winner was Krystal Weir in 2001/2002

bedlington, weir, krystal

Model yacht, Revelle Family Perpetual Trophy

Model yacht, Revelle Family Perpetual Trophy

This trophy has been donated by Diarne Revelle. It is awarded to the PHS winner of the Port Phillip Women's Championship Series race sailed as part of the BLISS regatta.

bliss, revelle, ppwcs, phs

Trophy, BLISS Club Teams Trophy

Trophy, BLISS Club Teams Trophy

This is the BLISS Club teams trophy, awarded to the Club which partook in the whole BLiSS program (training & racing), for the club that has the highest female participation rate.

bliss, teams, club

Shield, Jubilee Perpetual Trophy - Senior Division

Shield, Jubilee Perpetual Trophy - Senior Division

This is a long standing Jubilee trophy awarded annually

jubilees, perpetual

Trophies, Non-Sailing Trophies

Trophies, Non-Sailing Trophies

When not on the water many RBYC members enjoy billiards or golf, with regular annual events being held for both.

ja douglas, harvey, golf, billiards

Trophy, Navy Teams Racing Trophies

Trophy, Navy Teams Racing Trophies

These are trophies for the Navy Teams Invitational racing - Victorian selections series and National Championships..

navy, teams, selection, victorian, national

Trophies, Ornate and Old trophies

Trophies, Ornate and Old trophies

Over the history of RBYC some very ornate trophies have been presented. These are no longer used but are brought out for display on special occasions. You can see some of these by clicking on the right arrow on the photo above.

petersville, clock, olympic, dragon, jubilee, custom paints, galatea, breeze, harvey, ramsey, lightening, lynch, st kilda, commodore, loch ness, bell

Junior and Transition Trophies, Junior classes

Junior and Transition Trophies, Junior classes

Sabot Dinghies have raced at RBYC for a great many years, as a training boat for boys and girls and as a "one design" regatta boat. There are a number of trophies which have been awarded, some of which have since been repurposed for use by other junior classes. If you click on the "right arrow" on the photo above you can see each of these one by one.

sabot, caitlin, junior, hermann, robinson, clog, mccallum, shepard, 16 ft skiff, 420, acrospire, sylvia, laser, 505, duncan, royalist, b class, redeemer

Cadet Dinghy Trophies, Cadets

Cadet Dinghy Trophies, Cadets

Cadet Dinghies have a long proud history at RBYC with many Trophies awarded over the years. Apart from the Stonehaven Cup (see separate entry) the other trophies are shown here. You can see these by clicking on the right arrow on the photo above.

cadet, andrew linacre, deed of gift

Trophy, 1930s Trophies

Trophy, 1930s Trophies

1930s Trophies Donor: Deed of Gift: Details: Left to Right A1 Class ‘Acrospire’ 1936 Young Frothblowers Corella 1930 Corella and Royalist 1930/ 34

a1, acrospire, frothblowers, corella, royalist

model, J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy

model, J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy

J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy Donor: J. H. Linacre Deed of Gift: Yes The trophy was presented by J. H. Linacre and the Linacre family in memory of their father Jim Linacre who was a past Commodore and one of the founders of the Jubilee Class of yachts in 1935. The trophy is awarded annually to the winner of the Jubilee Class Victorian Championship. First Winner: Freydis BJ1, J. H. Linacre 1947/48

jubilees, freydis, deed of gift

Tray, W. G. Linacre Memorial Trophy (Tray)

Tray, W. G. Linacre Memorial Trophy (Tray)

W. G. Linacre Memorial Trophy (Tray) Donor: J. H. Linacre Deed of Gift: The trophy was donated by the Linacre family in memory of their brother Bill who was also a member of the RBYC. The trophy is awarded to the winner of a Jubilee class race at RBYC. First Winner: Freelance BJ25, N. McInnes 5/3/1955

jubilees, linacre

Cup, Vanessa Cup

Cup, Vanessa Cup

Vanessa Cup Donor: Past Commodore J. A. Linacre, 1935 Deed of Gift: No The 8-metre yacht Vanessa was at one time owned by Commodore J. A. Linacre who originally donated the trophy to the B Class. With the introduction of the new Jubilee Class in 1935 the trophy was transferred and is now awarded each year to the winner of the Jubilee Class RBYC season aggregate. First Winner: (B Class) Eighteen Twenty, 1935 (Jubilee) Rotanes, A. E. Akhurst 1936

Cup, Sarawaki Cup

Cup, Sarawaki Cup

Sarawaki Cup Donor: Deed of Gift: No First Winner: Bramac, B.J.C 1936 RBYC to Mornington: Freelance, R. J. Colemen 1982

Cup, Returned Soldiers’ Cup

Cup, Returned Soldiers’ Cup

Returned Soldiers’ Cup Donor: Deed of Gift: No There is an earlier returned soldiers trophy which is a World War I shell case which was awarded to commemorate the RBYC members who served in the first World War. The first trophy was awarded to the Jubilee yacht Rotanes BJ3, owned by A. E. Akhurst in 1935. For an unknown reason the current Returned Soldiers’ Cup was purchased and first awarded in season 1935/36. First Winner: Sylvia BJ2, W. Jamison 1935/36

Cup, Perpetual Challenge Cup

Cup, Perpetual Challenge Cup

Perpetual Challenge Cup Donor: Presented by the first 10 owners Deed of Gift: Yes 3/8/1953 The first owners were J. A. Linacre, W. Jamison, A. E. Akhurst, C. H. Beyer, J. Stewart, W. Ross, G. Douglas, E. A. Franklin, O. H. Tuck and G. O’Connor. The trophy was originally intended for interclub competition, however it seems to have only been used in club racing at RBYC. First Winner: Sarawaki BJ8, 1935/36

jubilees, owners

half model, Mornington Perpetual Trophy

half model, Mornington Perpetual Trophy

Mornington Perpetual Trophy Donor: The Mornington Yacht Club 1985 Deed of Gift: No Donated to commemorate the Jubilee class 50th anniversary and is awarded to the winner of the last heat of the Victorian Championship for the J. A. Linacre Memorial Trophy. First Winner: Killara J, R. A. Chisholm 1986

jubilees, mornington

Shield, Les Pound Shield

Shield, Les Pound Shield

Les Pound Shield Donor: Victorian Jubilee Controlling Body Deed of Gift: In 1966 in recognition of his great contribution in developing the Jubilee class and to its ongoing success over many years, the Victorian Jubilee Controlling Body donated the Les Pound Shield. It is to be awarded to the best Victorian Jubilee yacht competing in the annual Huntingfield Cup. Les Pound was one of the original owners, building his own BJ4 Aeolus in 1935. In his later years, to minimize the task of maintaining a timber boat, he purchased a fiberglass boat which he named after his wife Stella. He was made an honorary life member in 1972. First Winner: Aeolus BJ4, L. N. Pound 1966

jubilees, pound, aeolus

Cup, Jubilee Cup

Cup, Jubilee Cup

Jubilee Cup Donor: Commodore A. T. Crick 1935 Deed of Gift: No Donated by Commodore Crick to commemorate the Jubilee year of King George V and which gave name to the new class of yacht. The trophy was originally awarded to the B class of yachts but with the launch of the new Jubilees, it was transferred to that class. Fist B Class Winner: Virginia, A. S. Sturrock 1934/35 First Jubilee Winner: Sylvia, W. Jamison 1936

jubilees, jubilee, crick

Cup, Huntingfield Cup

Cup, Huntingfield Cup

Huntingfield Cup Donor: Governor of Victoria Lord Huntingfield, 1936 Deed of Gift: Yes The trophy was donated as a perpetual trophy for interstate competition for their Australian Championship. Originally the trophy was competed for by a team of 3 yachts from each state using yachts provided by the home state. The first teams’ race was won by NSW with Ken Clark and Alan Baldick sailing Petrel. In 1966 the series became an individual competition with the first being won by Victorian yacht Aeolus BJ4 by L. N. Pound in 1966.

jubilees, huntingfield

Cup, Harvie Linklater Cup

Cup, Harvie Linklater Cup

Harvie Linklater Cup Donor: Deed of Gift: Harvie Linklater was one of the early member of RBYC and for a number of years was the clubs’ Historian. He raced on a number of the clubs’ famous early yachts, including with J. A. Linacre, a past Commodore. He was also one of the Brighton members who started off the Black Rock Yacht Club as an annex of the RBYC. First Winner: Samoa BJ21, H. Stephens 1948/49

jubilees, linklater

Victorian Collections acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.



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Parking details at royal brighton yacht club..

royal brighton yacht club photos

Bring your Eticket from your confirmation email along with your 

Bring a reusable water bottle.

Food and alcohol are not permitted onboard the boats, we will all meet up at the club afterwards for a meal and refreshments.

The club have options for you including Meat. Seafood. Vegetarian & Vegan.

Just to be safe, bring a change of clothes for when we arrive back at the club should you have 'taken a wave ' during the sail.


royal brighton yacht club photos

 If possible, wear a Navy Blue or White top to maximise quality photos of us all onboard on the day.

Please wear white-soled runners or boat shoes for your comfort, remember its a lovely walk out on Brighton Pier to get to the yachts in the marina.

 It's advisable to bring a warm top and a lightweight waterproof jacket should  you get chilly out on the water,   

royal brighton yacht club photos

    There is no visitor parking inside RBYC, but, there are many other options for parking around the Club, both free and paid, short or long stay. Young St, Grosvenor St and Chelsea St in close proximity all have free all day parking options. Please be aware though that these may be subject to change by the council, so please check all street signs before parking on the day. 


royal brighton yacht club photos

We meet at the far end of Brighton pier where you will be welcomed by one of our Shore Crew.

You will be pointed to your Crew meeting point and then will head off down the marina to your yacht for the sailing experience.

On board, you will be given a Personal Floatation Device (PFD, usually called a Life Jacket in the old days) and your Sailing Lifts Your Spirits skipper will give a Safety Briefing. 

 Then the on-water part of your experience really gets underway as you drop lines, clear out of the marina, hoist the sails, cut the engine and enjoying the carbon neutral journey on the water.

All too quickly, for most of you anyway, you’ll be back alongside and we all head up to the Yacht Club where dinner will be available and the opportunity to connect with your community.  There will be time for a some salty sea stories and a few words about Wellbeing ... after all, that’s why we invited you to join us :).


royal brighton yacht club photos

Make sure you apply sunscreen prior to arriving at RBYC and be prepared to reapply onboard in the unlikely event that we get wet in the waves. If you have a sensitive stomach or have experienced travel sickness in the past please see your medical practitioner or pharmacist for advice on the best preventative medication to take to ensure you have a great day on the water in any conditions.


royal brighton yacht club photos

Wind is a key ingredient in sailing and your Sailing Lifts Your Spirits experience may be impacted by too much or not enough! For everyones safety, comfort and enjoyment, we have the following wind guidelines   If the Bureau Of Meteorology issues a Strong Wind warning or above, we will opt out of sailing and enjoy an evening at the club with keynote speakers and lots of opportunities to connect with like minded people.

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Sail Melbourne at Royal Brighton Yacht Club Day 1

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  6. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

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  1. Picture Gallery

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Menu. Home; The Club. OUR History; Membership; Join now! Committees; Picture Gallery; Opening Day 2023; RBYC 150th Book; 2022-2023 Presentation Night; ... The Club Show sub menu. OUR History. Membership. Join now! Committees. Picture Gallery. Opening Day 2023. RBYC 150th Book. 2022-2023 Presentation Night. RBYC World ...

  2. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club (@royalbrightonyachtclub) • Instagram photos and videos. 2,946 Followers, 1,822 Following, 1,069 Posts - Royal Brighton Yacht Club (@royalbrightonyachtclub) on Instagram: "Welcome to RBYC! Restaurant 🍝 Bar 🍸 Events 🎉 Sailing ⛵️ Gym 🏃‍♀️ Icebergers 🏊‍♀️ #royalbrightonyachtclub".

  3. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

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  4. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

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  6. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    The storm of 1933 which destroyed the pier and three-quarters of the fleet was a turning point in the history of Royal Brighton Yacht Club. The loss of so many boats hastened the advent of one-design class racing, in which the Club has been successful for more than sixty years. The Club's support of junior sailing and one-design class racing ...

  7. Folie A Deux

    This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Flickr a

  8. Our Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club is one of Australia's premier yacht clubs, offering a wide range of sailing events and activites year-round, including junior and youth off-the-beach sailing and training, world-class Etchells and Dragons one design racing, keelboat racing and cruising. Our modern marina offers berthing for sailing and motor yachts ...

  9. Royal Brighton Yacht Club

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club has a long and distinguished history going back to 1875, growing from a small lean-to shed on the beach here in Brighton to the large modern facility you see now. Our passion for the sport of sailing has remained undiminished. The style of yachts may have changed, but the wind in our sails, friendly competition and adventurous cruising further afield, continue to ...

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  15. What's on

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Menu. Home; The Club. OUR History; Membership; Join now! Committees; Picture Gallery; Opening Day 2023; RBYC 150th Book; 2022-2023 Presentation Night; ... The Club Show sub menu. OUR History. Membership. Join now! Committees. Picture Gallery. Opening Day 2023. RBYC 150th Book. 2022-2023 Presentation Night. RBYC World ...

  16. ON THE DAY

    parking details at royal brighton yacht club. There is no visitor parking inside RBYC, but, there are many other options for parking around the Club, both free and paid, short or long stay. Young St, Grosvenor St and Chelsea St in close proximity all have free all day parking options.

  17. Sail Melbourne at Royal Brighton Yacht Club Day 1

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  18. Membership

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  19. Royal Brighton Yacht Club's Olympic Bar & Restaurant

    The Royal Brighton Yacht Club has a restaurant that is open to both members and non-members. It is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and is an ideal spot for those who like to do the beach walk past the Middle Brighton Baths. The restaurant... has both a large open deck area and a larger enclosed section when the weather is unpleasant. The ...

  20. Royal Brighton Yacht Club in Brighton

    15 photos. The menu of Australian cuisine is recommended to taste at this cafe. It's easy to find Royal Brighton Yacht Club due to its convenient location. At this place, guests can order good steaks. You will hardly forget delicious wine or good beer that you can try. This spot is rated on Google 4.4 by its clients.

  21. Contact us

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Menu. Home; The Club. OUR History; Membership; Join now! Committees; Picture Gallery; Opening Day 2023; RBYC 150th Book; 2022-2023 Presentation Night; ... 253 Esplanade Middle Brighton VIC 3186; Postal Address: PO BOX 74 Middle Brighton VIC 3186; Reception email address: [email protected] General Manager. Phil Hall

  22. Join now!

    Royal Brighton Yacht Club. Menu. Home; The Club. OUR History; Membership; Join now! Committees; Picture Gallery; Opening Day 2023; RBYC 150th Book; 2022-2023 Presentation Night; ... Photo ID for Intermediate Memberships Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File. Maximum file size: 10.49MB.