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  • Weekapaug Yacht Club, Rhode Island, United States

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Rhode Island

Sailing / Yacht Club

Weekapaug Yacht Club

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Contact Person

Ted Sherman

Weekapaug Yacht Club

Founded Year

Dating back to the late 1880's, the WYC is located on Quonochontaug Pond in Westerly, RI. The Weekapaug Yacht Club is open to families and individuals who reside in the communities bordering Quonochontaug Pond. Membership entitles families to participate in WYC social events, enroll children in sailing programs and kiddie camp, participate in weekly club races (Optimists, Beetles and 420s), and use the docks and facilities.

1 Spray Rock Rd


[email protected]

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23 Spray Rock Road Westerly, RI 02891


[email protected]

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Yacht Clubs & Sailing Clubs: Idaho, USA

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weekapaug yacht club membership

A yacht club is a sports club specifically related to yachting. Yacht Clubs are mostly located by the sea, although there are some that have been established at a lake or riverside locations. Yacht or sailing clubs have either a marina or a delimited section of the beach or shoreline with buoys marking the areas off-limits for swimmers as well as safe offshore anchorages. On shore they also include a perimeter reserved for the exclusive use of the members of the club as well as a clubhouse with attached bar, café or restaurant where members socialize in a pleasant and informal setting.

Although the terms Yacht Club and Sailing Club tend to be synonymous, some general differences regarding the recreational use of boats can be broadly outlined. Historically a Yacht Club tended to focus on a membership composed of yacht owners, including motorboats. This type of club often was extremely exclusive, attracting the aristocracy or the high class and leaving small boat owners out of the circle. On the other hand, a Sailing Club tended to focus on a membership composed exclusively of owners of sailboats, including smaller boats such as dinghies. These became very popular towards the end of the 19th century when small boats began to be produced on an industrial scale. Now days, many Yacht Clubs offer the same sailing opportunities to their members as Sailing clubs.

Yacht clubs are often known by their initials (e.g. New York Yacht Club abbreviated as NYYC and Kamini Yacht Club abbreviated as KYC). Many well known yacht clubs, including the Yacht Club de France and the Royal Yacht Squadron, have been established under royal patronage or have been granted the title at some point in their history.

Organized and run by the membership, Yacht Clubs became a place to promote the sport of sailboat racing and cruising, as well as provide a meeting place for the particular social community. The membership is a mixture of people with specific recreational affinities. Generally, the members include those who sail as crew for cruising or racing, as well as boat owners. Also it is up to the members to decide on the objectives of the club to satisfy the membership and to attract other like-minded individuals. For example, some clubs include owners of powerboats, while others specifically exclude them. In order to overcome difficulties concerning the affinities of their members one particular club may have two sections, a sailing section and a powerboat section.

Members Clubs often have paid staff for catering, bar duty, boat yard duty, accounts, office etc. Control and organization of the club is done for the membership via members elected by the membership into roles such as Sailing Secretary, Commodore, Cruising Captain, Racing Captain etc. Smaller clubs typically have a condition of membership which requires active participation of the membership in activities such as maintenance of club facilities and equipment.

Unlike the classical clubs where the membership is the focus, certain clubs are run on a commercial basis. They may be owned by individuals or a company to provide a service and generate a profit. Often they are associated with a particular marina or port. Objectives are usually very similar to members clubs but the social side maybe more dominant.

There is a long historical tradition behind yacht clubs. According to the date of establishment, the Neva Yacht Club, founded in 1718 in Russia, is the oldest yacht club. However, since this Russian Yacht Club was established by a decree of Tsar Peter the Great, it does not fully qualify as a proper club in the modern sense, understood as a voluntary association of members who organize and run the club. Therefore, the Royal Cork Yacht Club founded in Ireland in 1720 is also widely acknowledged as the oldest yacht club in the world, despite having gone through periods of dormancy and undergone name changes in its long history, much in the same manner as the Neva Yacht Club. It was only in 1846 that the first yacht club in Russia to adopt British-style Members Club regulations was established. Using this Western understanding of what a club or society is, the Royal Swedish Yacht Club, KSSS, founded 1830, becomes the oldest European yacht club outside the British Isles, and the fifth oldest in the world.

A number of the world's most renowned Yacht Clubs are located in the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Canada, and the United States. The first yacht club in North America was the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, located on the Northwest Arm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada established in July 1837. The most prestigious of them are organized within the International Council of Yacht Clubs.

The Kieler Yacht-Club in Northern Germany organizes the yearly Kiel Week, the biggest sailing event in the world, that is celebrated since 1882.

Racing and Sailing Activities

Most clubs, regardless of the size of their craft, have a well defined racing program. Clubs may host regattas ranging from informal local events to national championships. Often clubs have a regular weekday evening racing schedule or a weekend racing schedule organized by the membership. Many yacht clubs field teams to compete against other clubs in team racing. There are also some specific boat models and lengths which have their own club. These boat ownership clubs often hold single design races for their members; the Islander 36 association is such a club. With the growth of sailing at secondary schools and universities many yacht clubs host Interscholastic Sailing Association or Intercollegiate Sailing Association regattas. Additionally, a number of yacht clubs enter into agreements with schools to provide dock space and practice facilities for the school teams year-round.

Clubs with active adult sailing programs most often feature junior sailing programs as well. Most often these programs enroll children from ages 8 to 16. Children most often learn to sail in the optimist (dinghy) and then progress to a larger single handed dinghy such as starling or laser dinghy or two handed such as 420 (dinghy). These junior sailing programs often also teach children rowing, kayaking, general seamanship and navigation. Children are also taught how to race competitively from an early age and most clubs host junior sailing regattas each season.

Club Burgee

Members belonging to a yacht club or sailing organization may fly their club's unique flag (usually triangular), called a burgee, both while under way and at anchor (however, not while racing). Traditionally, the burgee was flown from the main masthead, however it may also be flown from a small pole on the bow pulpit, or even the starboard rigging beneath the lowest starboard spreader on a flag halyard. Some traditional clubs have also been granted the right to fly a special yacht ensign at the stern.

At traditional clubs the burgee and the ensign is hoisted at 08:00 each morning and lowered each evening at sunset. This ceremony is called colours. Traditionally, the first time a member of one club visits another, there is an exchange of burgees. Exchanged burgees are often displayed on the premises of clubs, such as at their clubhouse or bar.


Yacht clubs are organized like any other club or organisation with committees, chairman, directors, etc. Due to the connection with the sea and hence the navy, the various posts use naval terminology. For example, the chairman/CEO is the Commodore. Usually, under the Commodore there are also the Vice Commodore (in charge of land-based activities) and the Rear Commodore (in charge of water-based activities); for clubs in the United States they might in turn be assisted by thePort Captain and the Fleet Captain respectively. In a few clubs in the United Kingdom the Admiral, which is one rank above the Commodore, is the senior officer. Each of these ranks has specific responsibilities to ensure the smooth running of the club.

Reciprocating Clubs

Reciprocal Agreements between clubs allow members of one club to use the facilities of a reciprocating club at no cost or at a nominal fee such as for electricity. This allows club members to cruise to many destinations without incurring the higher cost of marina moorage, etc.

From Wikipedia .

Vendor Directory

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Related Resources: Topic Pages w/Directories , Vendors, Products: Media: Books, Websites, etc. Categorized by Topic & Hierarchy w/Links (Sitemap) .

TABLE KEY: Resource Types are identified by the following Resource Codes (RC). T = Topic Page. TD = Topic Page w/Directory V = Vendor Page. VO = Vendor's Offerings. VW = Vendor's Website. MV = Media Vendor/Creator. MS = Media Source. P = Product Page. PD = Product Documentation. B = Book. BB = Book - Biography. BE = Book Excerpt. BF = Book - Fiction. M = Magazine. MI = Magazine Issue. MA = Magazine Article. Vid = Video. W = Website. WA = Website Article. WV = Website Video (incl. YouTube). F = Forum. FP = Forum Post. S = Social Media. SP = Social Media Post. NOTES: Resource Codes are arranged above by resource directory hierarchy. Resource Codes are displayed in the Right Column labeled "RC".  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒ ⇓ Resource Codes which are BOLD indicate Media is available from our Academy eLibrary.⇒ ⇓ ^ To view Media, Click on the Media Title to go to our webpage for that media and then: ^ ^ Scroll down to the Academy eLibrary section for media viewing instructions. Resource Media (Books, Magazines, Videos, etc.) Titles are displayed in a smaller font. Resource Titles below are arranged by hierarchy using "^" to show subordination. Resource Links which are BOLD lead to ON-SITE pages. Resource Links which are NOT BOLD lead OFF-SITE. We is not responsible  for their content. If a link fails or we should add a resource to this listing, please submit info via email to: ^ Editor♣ (Replace "♣" with "@")

## –  (1st Level 'Numbered' Main Topic) T
##.## – (2nd Level 'Numbered' Subtopic) T
##.## –  ^  ('Unnumbered' Directory‚ Vendor‚ Product‚+. Usually Listed Alphabetically) +
##.## –  ^  ( ) ( ) +
##.##.00 – (3rd Level 'Unnumbered' Subtopic) T
00 – and . T
00.00 – . T
00.01 –   ( ). T
00.01.01 –  . T
00.01.02 –  . T
00.01.03 –  . T
00.01.04 –  . T
00.01.05 –  . T
00.01.06 –   website. T
00.01.07 –   & website). T
00.01.08 –  . T
00.02 –  . T
00.03 –  . T
00.04 –  . T
01 –  :     +. T
02 –    ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
03 –    ‚  ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
04 –    ‚  ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
05 –    ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
06 –   ( ‚ ‚+)‚ )‚+. T
07 –  ‚   ( ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ )‚+. T
08 –     ( ‚  ‚ &  )‚  ‚+. T
09 –    ‚  ‚+. T
10 –    ‚  ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
11 –  (Cruising Clubs‚ Educational‚ Gov-Aux.+). T
11.03 –  ^  V
11.03 –  ^  V
11.01 –    ‚  ‚  ‚+). T
11.02 – T
11.03 – T
11.03 –  ^  V
11.03 –  ^  ^  V
12 –    ‚  ‚  ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
13 –    ‚  ‚+. T
14 – : International & National Laws‚ ‚  ‚+. T
15 –    ‚  ‚  ‚  ‚+. T
16 –  (Authors‚ Editors‚ Publishers‚+) + Academy eLibrary. T
16.01 – (Catalogs‚ Ads‚ SpecSheets‚ Manuals‚ TechVids‚ Bulletins‚ Recalls‚+). T
16.02 – (Bound‚ eBooks‚+). T
16.02 –  ^   — B
16.03 – (Incl. Articles‚ Back Issues‚+). T
16.03 –  ^    —  M
16.03 –  ^   — ⇒ M
16.04 – (How-to-Tutorials‚ Documentaries‚ Travelogues‚+). T
16.05 – (Incl. Articles‚ Forum Posts‚ Tech Tips‚ Tech Notes‚ Social Media‚+). T
16.05 –  ^   W
16.05 –  ^  W
11.05 –  ^  W
00.00 –  ^  ΞTitleΞ – + (ΞNotesΞ) — ?

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weekapaug yacht club membership

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Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter “Fuel Pincher” V8 Engine Cummins V-555 & VT-555 “Triple-Nickel” V8 Diesel Engine Lehman 120 (6D380) Diesel Engine (Ford 2704C & 2715E) Ford Industrial Power Products Diesel Engines How to Identify Ford Diesel Engines Ford 2715E Diesel Engine Lehman Mfg. Co. Perkins Engines Universal Atomic 4 Sears Boat Motors: Motorgo, Waterwitch, Elgin, etc. Chrysler & Force Outboards Eska Outboard Motors Allison Transmission ZF Friedrichshafen AG Marine Surveyors by Country American Marine Ltd (Grand Banks) Boat Inspection (Types of Marine Surveys) Boat Builders: (A∼Z) (w/Vessel Types, Locale & Years Active) USCG NVIC 07-95 Guidance on Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Wooden Hulls American Boat and Yacht Counsel (ABYC)

Layout of the Website's Pages

— Types of Webpages — This website consists almost entirely of 3 types of webpages as follows:

  • EXAMPLE : – WEBSITE CONTENTS w/Links to MAIN TOPIC & Subtopic Pages:
  • EXAMPLE : 02.06 – Boat Equipment:
  • EXAMPLE : 02.06.08 – Propulsion Machinery:
  • EXAMPLE : – Engines w/Directory of Vendors .
  • EXAMPLE : –  ^  Ford Industrial Power Products Diesel Engines.
  • EXAMPLE : –  ^   ^  Ford 2715E Diesel Engine.
  • EXAMPLE : –  ^   ^  Ford OpManual - 2710 Range Diesel Engines.
  • EXAMPLE : –  ^   ^  Ford Service Manual - 2700 & 2710 Range Diesel Engines.

Clickable Links that lead to other webpages appear in Blue Text and usually open in a new window. Links in the Right Sidebar and most directories open in the current window, not a new window. Note in the examples above that these pages form a natural hierarchy. The unnumbered "^" pages are listed alphabetically in most tables. Media Titles in tables are distinguished by their smaller font size. Media ( Books , Magazines , Videos , Articles ,+) are treated as Products. Vendors' Product Documentation ( pDoc ) are considered Media . Destinations & Media Creators are treated as Vendors. All Website Pages are optimized for viewing on full-width disktop computer monitors, but can be viewed on phones.

— Contents of Webpages — Website Pages typically contain the following Sections:

  • EXAMPLE : PATH: HOME ,  WEBSITE INDEX , WEBSITE CONTENTS » ∨ ∧ BOAT BUILDING & REPAIR  »  Boat Equipment  »  Propulsion » Engines » ∨∨ ∧∧  Ford , Ebro , American Diesel , AmMarine , Barr , Beta , Bomac , Bowman , Couach , Lees , Lehman , Mermaid , Parsons , Renault ,  Sabre , Thornycroft , Wortham Blake  » ∧ DO-IT-YOURSELF  » DIY Boat Building & Repair » DIY Schools & Classes » ∧ MEDIA w/Creator Directory  » Documentation , Books ,  Magazines ,  Videos ,  Websites »
  • ( The "»" right pointing Guillemet  symbol shows the chain through the page links. )
  • ( The "," comma between page links in the chain indicates pages are not subordinate, but are instead at the same level. See engine brands in the example above. )
  • ( The "∨", "∨∨", "∨∨∨",+ symbols indicate that the path line continues with whatever follows the "∧", "∧∧", "∧∧∧",+ symbols respectively. "∧" Precedes each MAIN TOPIC Page. )
  • PAGE CONTENTS ( Table of Contents with links to each main section on the page ).
  • ( Many Topic Pages contain Directories of Vendors with Links ).
  • ( Most Directory Listings are Alphabetical and/or by Locale ).
  • ( Manufacturers, Resellers, Refitters, Yards, Surveyors, Clubs, Schools, Authors ,+ ).
  • ( Boating & Travel Destinations are treated as Vendors on their own Vendor Pages ).
  • ( Media created by a vendor is often treated as a Product on its own Product Page ).
  • ( Boating & Travel Events are often treated as Products on their own Product Pages ).
  • RELATED RESOURCES (Topics, Vendors, Products, Media:   Books, Websites ,+ with Links ).
  • The Anchors Aweigh Academy's Header.
  • A link to our Featured Articles EAB Home Page.
  • Top 20 Most Popular Articles. ( The section that appears right above ⇑ this section ) .
  • Layout of the Website's Pages. ( This very section ⇐ ) .
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  • RIGHT SIDEBAR ( Website Contents menu with links to Main Topic & Subtopic pages ). ( On some smart phones, the Right Sidebar may appear at the bottom of the webpage )

— Topics of Webpages — Website Pages are categorized under the following 16 MAIN TOPICS:

The MAIN TOPICS follow a natural progression from conception of the vessel thru its building, marketing, survey, financing, insuring, transport, moorage, use and upkeep. The MAIN TOPICS (all Caps) below are followed by their Main Subtopics with Links.

00 – HOME: CONTENTS ,  ABOUT EAB : Contact EAB , Abbreviations & Symbols , FAQ , GLOSSARY , ADs ,+ . 01 –  ABOUT BOATS w/Museum Directory : Early History , Recent History , Modern Vessel Types ,+ . 02 –  BOAT BUILDING, OUTFITTING, REFITTING & REPAIR: Materials , Equipment , Builders ,+ . 03 –  BOAT MARKETING: Boat Shows , Dealers & Brokers , Importing & Exporting , Auctions & Sales ,+ . 04 –  BOAT INSPECTION: Types of Marine Surveys , Marine Surveyors , Schools , DIY Inspections ,+ . 05 –  BOAT TITLES & VESSEL REGISTRY: Boat Title & Registration , Vessel Registry , Title Co's ,+ . 06 –  BOAT FINANCING: Conventional ( Banks , Credit Unions ,+), Unconventional (Creative) ,+ . 07 –  BOAT INSURANCE: Maritime & Recreational: Coverage, Carriers, Agents,+. , Claim Processing ,+ . 08 –  BOAT TRANSPORT: By Sea ( Piggyback , Delivery Skippers & Crews , & Towing ), Over-Land ,+ . 09 –  BOAT HAULING & LAUNCHING: Drydocks, Ways, Lifts, Cranes & Hoists , Launch Ramps ,+ . 10 –  BOAT MOORAGE & STORAGE: Builders , Anchorages , Marinas , Yards, Racks & Stacks ,+ . 11 –  BOATING ORGANIZATIONS: Yacht Clubs & Sailing Clubs , Paddling Clubs , Boat Owners ,+ . 12 –  BOATING & TRAVEL: Events , Destinations , Boat Rentals & Charters , Cruises , Voyages ,+ . 13 –  BOATING & MARITIME EDUCATION: Recreational Seamanship , Ship's Master & Crew ,+ . 14 – MARINE LAWS & REGULATIONS : International & National Laws ‚ Lawyers ‚  Investigators ‚+ . 15 –  DO-IT-YOURSELF: DIY Boat Building & Repair , DIY Boat Sales , DIY Boat Surveys , DIY Classes ,+ . 16 –  MEDIA  w/Creator Directory + Academy eLibrary : pDocs , Books , Magazines , Videos , Websites ,+ .

The above MAIN TOPICS and a more detailed listing of Subtopics can be found on the Website Contents page and on the Right Sidebar .

What we have accomplished so far . Anchors Aweigh Academy and its website.

  • Published over 50,000 website pages about boats and boating, bringing us closer to reaching  our goal of becoming "The ultimate reference resource about boats and ships for everyone from the beginning recreational boater to the seasoned professional mariner!"
  • Published over 300 website main topic webpages, many with full articles on the topic. See our Website Contents or the Right Sidebar for the listing of the main topic pages.
  • Published over 9,000 marine vendor webpages, all with their contact information, most with a description of their products and services, many with product documentation, specifications and independent reviews. (incl.: Boat designers, boat building tools, material and equipment manufacturers and suppliers, boat builders and dealers, yacht brokers, marine surveyors, boat insurers, boat transporters, skippers and crews, boatyards and marinas, yacht clubs, boat rentals and yacht charters, boating, seamanship and maritime schools, marine law attorneys and expert witnesses, boat refitters and repairers, book authors, magazine publishers, video producers, and website creators)
  • Acquired over 120,000 pages of product documentation including Catalogs, Brochures, SpecSheets, Pictures, Serial Number Guides, Installation Manuals, OpManuals, Parts Catalogs, Parts Bulletins, Shop Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Service Bulletins, and Recalls. And have made all viewable to Academy Members through our EAB website eLibrary .
  • Acquired over 1,200 books and magazine back issues in our academy library and so far have made over 700 viewable to Academy Members through our EAB website eLibrary .
  • Published over 500 DIY How-To articles about boat design, construction, inspection, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. We are working hard to do more.

We are currently formatting and polishing the Anchors Aweigh Academy online and hands-on courses. Our Marine Surveying  course has proven to be excellent for both the beginner and the seasoned surveyor, and especially helpful to the Do-It-Yourselfer.

Current Academy Members must SIGN IN to gain FULL access to this website including expanded pages and valuable Academy programs like our Academy eLibrary and our Ask-An-Expert Program! If your membership has expired, CLICK HERE to Renew .

IF YOU ARE NOT YET AN ANCHORS AWEIGH ACADEMY MEMBER, CLICK HERE to discover how you can become a Member and gain FULL access to thousands of expanded pages and articles, and dozens of excellent programs WITH JUST A SMALL DONATION!

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General Comments About the Website

FROM Donald:  " This is an awesome website. I found the information that I needed right away from one of the over 20,000 free articles that you provide as a public service. I'm surprised that so much if this site is free. But I still signed up so I could access the thousands of expanded pages, interesting articles, and dozens of valuable programs! The member's library of books, magazines and videos that I can view online is really terrific! I understand that you and your staff are all unpaid volunteers. Please keep up the good work. And I commend you for your plans to add another 10,000 free informative articles over the next year. I'm thrilled to support you in this endeavor with my small membership donation. Thanks again for all your hard work. "

FROM Huey:  " I agree with my Uncle, I too have found the articles to be very enlightening. They say that it will take about 100,000 articles to cover the full scope that they have envisioned for the website. They have over 20,000 articles so far and that's doing pretty well, but it could take several years to get the rest. I also noticed that many of the Main Topic Pages and some of the article pages are still in the rough draft stage. I guess that they will fill in as they can get volunteers to work on them. But what I can't figure out is why anyone would spend the time writing informative in depth articles just to give away free to this website for publication? What's in it for them? "

FROM Dewey:  " Well Huey, to me It looks like most of the articles on this website are written by very informed people, like boating instructors, boat designers, boat builders, riggers, electricians, fitters, marine repair technicians and marine surveyors. Writing such articles helps establish them as knowledgeable professionals. After all, this website was originally created by a school for marine technicians and marine surveyors. The website is growing in content every day. They even had to move to a bigger, more powerful server because the website's traffic has been growing exponentially. "

FROM Louie:  " I agree with everyone above. This site is quickly becoming the ultimate reference resource about every aspect of boats and ships for everyone from the beginning recreational boater to the seasoned professional mariner. I use the topic pages on the right sidebar to browse around the website. It's like a Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook for Boaters. Their Members' Library of over 300 popular and obscure books and over 200 magazine back issues that can be viewed online is fabulous. The Academy's magazine is especially informative. On top of that, there is the "Ask-An-Expert program for members where you can get an expert's answer to any of your boat questions. And a whole years membership is only $25. What a deal! I really love being part of this "Everything About Boats" community and help provide thousands of helpful articles free to the public. I think that I'll sit down right now and write an article about my experiences boating with my uncle. "

FROM Scrooge: " You rave about this website like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Well, I think it stinks. Sure, it has a lot of good information for boaters, and they're adding more every day, but it will probably never be finished. Furthermore, I don't even own a boat. And I wouldn't have a boat even if someone gave me one. Boats are a waste of money and time and energy and money! They're just a hole in the water you pour money into. If you gave me a boat, I'd sell it quicker then you could say Baggywrinkle. Then I'd lock up the cash with all my other money so I could keep my eye on it and count it every day. Bah humbug. "

FROM Daisy:  " I'm just so glad that Donald got the boat so we and the boys could enjoy boating — together. And of course all of the girls, April, May, and June, love to be on the water too, especially when that is where the boys are. Oh poor Scrooge, boating is more fun then you could possibly imagine. "

FROM Scrooge: " After seeing how much fun you all have on the water together, I regret that I didn't have that much fun when I was young. I've had a change of heart, and I'm giving each of you a Lifetime Academy Membership . "

FROM Editor:  " For those of you that have stayed with us this far, many thanks, and we hope that you found this little narrative informative. Your faithful support inspires us to keep working on this phenomenal website. We know that we have a lot more to do. Ultimately, we hope that we can help you enjoy the wonder filled world of boating as much as we do. We are all waiting to see what you have to say about this webpage article. Submit any comments via email To: Comments♣ (Replace "♣" with "@"). Be sure to include this page's title in the subject line. Also, your corrections, updates, additions and suggestions are welcomed. Please submit them via email To: Editor♣ (Replace "♣" with "@"). It has been truly amazing to see what we have been able to accomplished when we've worked together. Thanks to all those that have donated their valuable time and energy, and a special THANK YOU to all that have supported this cause with their membership donations. "

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<b>FROM ΞNameΞ:</b> “<i>Be the next to comment about this page.</i>” {220402} - Tax-Exempt Organizations

Weekapaug Yacht Club in Westerly, Rhode Island (RI)

  • Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance
  • Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors
  • Statement of Revenue
  • Statement of Functional Expenses
  • Balance Sheet
  • Reason for Public Charity Status
  • Organizations performing similar types of work

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Weekapaug Yacht Club
Employer Identification Number (EIN)050309365
Name of OrganizationWeekapaug Yacht Club
In Care of NameFrank J Kinney
Address23 Spray Rock Rd, , RI 02891-4606
SubsectionPleasure, Recreational, or Social Club
Ruling Date01/2009
DeductibilityContributions are not deductible
FoundationAll organizations except 501(c)(3)
Exempt Organization StatusUnconditional Exemption
Tax Period12/2014
Assets$100,000 to $499,999
Income$100,000 to $499,999
Filing Requirement990 (all other) or 990EZ return
Asset Amount$445,801
Amount of Income$186,042
Form 990 Revenue Amount$186,042
National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE)Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics: Swimming, Water Recreation

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Financial snapshot ($)

Revenue for 2013

Functional expenses for 2013

Is the organization described in section 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)?NoNo
Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors?NoNo
Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office?NoNo
Did the organization engage in lobbying activities, or have a section 501(h) election in effect during the tax year?NoNo
Is the organization a section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organization that receives membership dues, assessments, or similar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-19?NoNo
Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts for which donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts?NoNo
Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space, the environment, historic land areas, or historic structures?NoNo
Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets?NoNo
Did the organization report an amount for escrow or custodial account liability; serve as a custodian or provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services?NoNo
Did the organization, directly or through a related organization, hold assets in temporarily restricted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments?NoNo
Did the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment?NoNo
Did the organization report an amount for investments-other securities that is 5% or more of its total assets?NoNo
Did the organization report an amount for investments-program related that is 5% or more of its total assets?NoNo
Did the organization report an amount for other assets that is 5% or more of its total assets?NoNo
Did the organization report an amount for other liabilities?NoNo
Did the organization's separate or consolidated financial statements for the tax year include a footnote that addresses the organization's liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)?NoNo
Did the organization obtain separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year?NoNo
Was the organization included in consolidated, independent audited financial statements for the tax year?NoNo
Is the organization a school described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)?NoNo
Did the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the United States?NoNo
Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, investment, and program service activities outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more?NoNo
Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for any foreign organization?NoNo
Did the organization report more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other assistance to or for foreign individuals?NoNo
Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services?NoNo
Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions?NoNo
Did the organization report more than $15,000 of gross income from gaming activities?NoNo
Did the organization operate one or more hospital facilities?NoNo
Did the organization attach a copy of its audited financial statements?NoNo
Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domestic organization or domestic government?NoNo
Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic individuals?NoNo
Did the organization answer 'Yes' about compensation of the organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees?NoNo
Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 2002?NoNo
Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception?NoNo
Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds?NoNo
Did the organization act as an 'on behalf of' issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year?NoNo
Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person during the year?NoNo
Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person in a prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ?NoNo
Did the organization report any amount for receivables from or payables to any current or former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or disqualified persons?NoNo
Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contributor or employee thereof, a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled entity or family member of any of these persons?NoNo
Was the organization a party to a business transaction with one of the following parties
A current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee?NoNo
A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee?NoNo
An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof) was an officer, director, trustee, or direct or indirect owner?NoNo
Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions?NoNo
Did the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified conservation contributions?NoNo
Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations?NoNo
Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets?NoNo
Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3?NoNo
Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity?NoNo
Did the organization have a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)?NoNo
Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related organization?NoNo
Did the organization conduct more than 5% of its activities through an entity that is not a related organization and that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes?NoNo
Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance
The number reported in Box 3 of Form 109600
The number of Forms W-2G00
Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners?NoNo
The number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return1916
Did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns?YesYes
Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year?NoNoNo
Has it filed a Form 990-T for this year?NoNo
At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authority over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)?NoNo
Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year?NoNo
Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction?NoNo
Did the organization file Form 8886-T?NoNo
Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributions?NoNo
Did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible?NoNo
Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods and services provided to the payor?NoNo
Did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided?NoNo
Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to file Form 8282?NoNo
Did the organization receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract?NoNo
Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract?NoNo
If the organization received a contribution of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required?NoNo
If the organization received a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C?NoNo
Did a donor advised fund maintained by the sponsoring organization have excess business holdings at any time during the year?NoNo
Did the sponsoring organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966?NoNo
Did the sponsoring organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person?NoNo
Initiation fees and capital contributions$0$0$0
Gross receipts for public use of club facilities $0$0$0
Gross income from members or shareholders$0$0$0
Gross income from other sources$0$0$0
Is the organization filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041?NoNo
The amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year$0$0
Is the organization licensed to issue qualified health plans in more than one state?NoNo
The amount of reserves the organization is required to maintain by the states in which the organization is licensed to issue qualified health plans$0$0
The amount of reserves on hand$0$0
Did the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning services during the tax year?NoNo
Has it filed a Form 720 to report these payments?NoNo
Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors
Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees
Total reportable compensation from the organization$0$0
Total reportable compensation from related organizations$0$0
Total estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations$0$0
Total number of individuals who received more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization00
Total number of independent contractors who received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organization00
Statement of Revenue
Total revenue$270,869$209,863$245,973
Contributions, Gifts, Grants and Other Similar Amounts$85,145$94,365$137,528
Program Service Revenue$136,835$115,319$108,191
All other program service revenue$5,906$3,850
Other Revenue
Investment income (including dividends, interest, and other similar amounts)$275$179$254
Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds$0$0$0
Net rental income$0$0$0
Net gain/loss from sales of assets other than inventory$0$0$0
Net income/loss from fundraising events$48,614$0$0
Net income/loss from gaming activities$0$0$0
Net income/loss from sales of inventory$0$0$0
Miscellaneous Revenue$0$0$0
Statement of Functional Expenses
Total functional expenses$185,719$201,095$191,532
Grants and other assistance to domestic organizations and domestic governments$0$0
Grants and other assistance to domestic individuals$0$0
Grants and other assistance to foreign organizations, foreign governments, and foreign individuals$0$0
Benefits paid to or for members$0$0
Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees$0$0$0
Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons$0$0
Other salaries and wages$63,940$61,385$55,699
Pension plan accruals and contributions$0$0
Other employee benefits$0$0
Payroll taxes$6,673$6,335$5,838
Fees for services (non-employees)
Professional fundraising services$0$0$0
Investment management fees$0$0
Advertising and promotion$0$0
Office expenses$1,829$3,654
Information technology$0$0
Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, state, or local public officials$0$0
Conferences, conventions, and meetings$0$0
Payments to affiliates$0$0
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization$0$0
Other expenses$9,101$28,374
Other expenses$18,779$14,322
Other expenses$22,306$12,312
Other expenses$27,111$9,987
Other expenses$27,861$37,866
Balance Sheet
Total assets$381,149$389,917$444,358
Cash - non-interest-bearing$389,917$444,358
Savings and temporary cash investments$0$0
Pledges and grants receivable, net$0$0
Accounts receivable, net$0$0
Loans and other receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees$0$0
Loans and other receivables from other disqualified persons, persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B), and contributing employers and sponsoring organizations of section 501(c)(9) voluntary employees' beneficiary organizations$0$0
Notes and loans receivable, net$0$0
Inventories for sale or use$0$0
Prepaid expenses and deferred charges$0$0
Land, buildings, and equipment: cost or other basis$0$0
Investments - publicly traded securities$0$0
Investments - other securities$0$0
Investments - program-related$0$0
Intangible assets$0$0
Other assets$0$0
Total liabilities$0$0$0
Total net assets or fund balances$381,149$389,917$444,358
Unrestricted net assets$389,917$444,358
Temporarily restricted net assets$0$0
Permanently restricted net assets$0$0
Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds$0$0
Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, or equipment fund$0$0
Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds$0$0$0
Reason for Public Charity Status (for 2013)
The organization is not a private foundation because it is:Not provided
Number of organizations supported0
Sum of amounts of support$0
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in Providence, RI
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Organizations performing similar types of work
IdNameAddressStateEstablishedTotal Income
1 Po Box 10442, Knoxville, TN 37939-0442TN2007-02$43,203
2 1 Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909CO2006-03$40,777,941
3 7509 Broadway St, Galveston, TX 77554-8921TX2012-02$9,959,938
4 59-063 Hoalua St Apt A, Haleiwa, HI 96712-8721HI2013-11$2,830,586
5 PO BOX 1781, Yorktown, VA 23692-1781VA1995-03$2,663,053
6 1027 46th Ave Ste 101, Long Is City, NY 11101-5202NY2002-03$1,874,869
7 5506 First Street Ave, Katy, TX 77493TX2001-08$1,788,163
8 PO BOX 733, Stonington, CT 06378-0733CT2004-08$1,387,535
9 PO BOX 750, Saratoga Spgs, NY 12866-0750NY2001-06$1,240,829
10 PO BOX 3309, Redmond, WA 98073-3309WA1995-10$1,074,124
11 343 Palmetto Ave, Osprey, FL 34229-9381FL2002-08$1,072,630
12 PO BOX 36205, San Jose, CA 95158-6205CA2013-03$1,058,075
13Weekapaug Yacht Club23 Spray Rock Rd, Westerly, RI 02891-4606RI2009-01$186,042
14 PO BOX 3404, Newport, RI 02840-0991RI2007-05$113,724
15 PO BOX 73, Bristol, RI 02809-0073RI2001-06$57,305
16 PO BOX 1731, E Greenwich, RI 02818-0662RI2014-06$0
17 12 Joyce Street, Barrington, RI 02806RI2011-04$0
18 6 Candleberry Rd, Barrington, RI 02806-2512RI2015-02$0
19 144 Wapping Road, Portsmouth, RI 02871RI2001-11$0
20 19 Nooseneck Hill Road, West Greenwich, RI 02817RI2012-08$0
Number of organizations performing similar types of work
District of Columbia6
North Carolina65
North Dakota3
New Hampshire23
New Jersey52
New Mexico18
New York143
Rhode Island8
South Carolina17
South Dakota13
West Virginia8
International10 is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Weekapaug Yacht Club and has no official or unofficial affiliation with Weekapaug Yacht Club


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  1. Membership

    My Account. Click below to view your account. View my account Home Membership Sailing

  2. Weekapaug Yacht Club

    WEEKAPAUG YACHT CLUB Membership Categories and Dues 2022 Season The Board authorized the following membership framework and guest policy for the 2022 season: Full Family and Individual Memberships There are two types of full memberships; a Full Family Membership and a Full Individual Membership. Full members have the following privileges: 1.

  3. Weekapaug Yacht Club Member Login

    Member login. Click here to log in with your Weekapaug Yacht Club account. Please enter the email or mobile number associated with your membership. Email or Mobile Number. Next Step. We couldn't find any member accounts with that mobile number. If your email or mobile number is not recognized, please click here for assistance.

  4. Home

    Weekapaug Yacht Club Our mission is to advance the love of small-boat sailing and racing and to introduce the joy of being on the water to members of all ages and abilities. Our club emphasizes water safety and a respectful and welcoming culture that promotes fair play and good fellowship as well as stewardship of the natural environment.

  5. The Weekapaug Yacht Club

    The Weekapaug Yacht Club, Weekapaug, Rhode Island. 521 likes · 142 were here. Founded in 1893, the WYC is located on Quonochontaug Pond in Westerly, RI. The Weekapaug Yacht Club is open to families...

  6. About Us

    Member Login. My Account. Click below to view your account. View my account Home Membership Classes Sailing Beetle Fleet ... Weekapaug Yacht Club. 23 Spray Rock Road Westerly, RI 02891 (401) 322-7312.

  7. Weekapaug Yacht Club Member Login

    This is the email or mobile number you use to log into your member portal. Next Step. Full name. New password

  8. Weekapaug Yacht Club

    The Weekapaug Yacht Club is open to families and individuals who reside in the communities bordering Quonochontaug Pond. Membership entitles families to participate in WYC social events, enroll children in sailing programs and kiddie camp, participate in weekly club races (Optimists, Beetles and 420s), and use the docks and facilities.

  9. Weekapaug Yacht Club, Rhode Island, United States

    +30 210 72 33 093 Mon-Fri: 10.00am - 18.00pm. Sign in. Facebook

  10. Weekapaug Yacht Club

    WYC offers a variety of kid's programs, starting with the pre-sailing camp programs and continuing on through advanced racing in the 420 fleet. Adults can take lessons, borrow club boats, and talk with the Beetle fleet captain about joining in the weekly races. Please see the Classes and Calendar pages for more detail on programs and race ...

  11. Borrow Boats

    Weekapaug Yacht Club paddle craft and sailboats are convenient and well maintained, and offer members easy access to fun on the pond. Address. 23 Spray Rock Road Westerly, RI 02891. Telephone. 401-322-7312.

  12. Weekapaug Yacht Club

    WEEKAPAUG YACHT CLUB March 14, 2022 Dear WYC Members, Over the last few years we have made many improvements to the club's sailing program, Kids Camp and social events, and it has been great to see record increases in membership and class enrollment. This gives us encouragement that we are on the right path. We hope to continue

  13. Weekapaug Yacht Club Member Login

    Register for 2023 Junior Sailing and Kids Camp, hosted by Weekapaug Yacht Club.

  14. Weekapaug Yacht Club planning new facility

    WESTERLY — The Weekapaug Yacht Club plans to replace its decades-old clubhouse with a new one that meets current flood and building code standards. The existing 3,100-square-foot clubhouse, at ...

  15. Weekapaug Yacht Club

    Weekapaug Yacht Club promotes small boat sailing and racing through its mission. Members, which include families and individuals, enjoy social events, enroll their children in sailing programs, participate in weekly club races, and utilize the club's docks and facilities. Total revenues. $1,166,512. 2022. 20182019202020212022$0$2m. Total expenses.

  16. Weekapaug Yacht Club, 1 Osprey Ln, Westerly, RI

    Weekapaug Yacht Club is a prestigious and thriving yacht club located in Westerly, Rhode Island. With its picturesque location on the coast, the club offers a range of activities and amenities for boating enthusiasts and members of all ages. From regattas and sailing races to social events and fundraisers, Weekapaug Yacht Club provides a ...

  17. Weekapaug Yacht Club

    members' Beetles, Whalers and club boats, the club would lose the life blood of its programs and potentially its long-term viability as a yacht club. Thankfully, all but one member with a private mooring, 33 in all, agreed to donate their moorings to the club pursuant to a Mooring Agreement with the club, bringing the total

  18. The Weekapaug Yacht Club, 124 Bay St, Westerly, RI

    Get more information for The Weekapaug Yacht Club in Westerly, RI. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions. Search MapQuest. Hotels. Food. Shopping. Coffee. Grocery. Gas. The Weekapaug Yacht Club (401) 481-9639. Website. More. Directions Advertisement. 124 Bay St

  19. Home

    My Account. Click below to view your account. View my account Home Membership Sailing

  20. Welcome to The Charter Club

    About us. As a member of The Charter Club, you'll never have to worry about not getting the absolutely best price on every trip you take. In fact, WE GUARANTEE IT. So, go to bed tonight and rest easy. You've just ensured your family will be vacationing in style for the rest of their lives. As if that's not enough, you have a member's only ...

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  22. Weekapaug Yacht Club in Westerly, Rhode Island (RI)

    Weekapaug Yacht Club: Employer Identification Number (EIN) 050309365: Name of Organization: Weekapaug Yacht Club: In Care of Name: Frank J Kinney: Address: 23 Spray Rock Rd, Westerly, RI 02891-4606: Subsection: Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club: Ruling Date: 01/2009: Deductibility:

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