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We are waiting for your questions

tel. (+ 48) 87 643 17 00

(+ 48) 87 643 18 00

Żarnowo Pierwsze 9B

16-300 Augustów

balt-yacht(@)post.pl www.baltyacht.pl

Find us on map

CNC Milling

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BALT-YACHT is one of the largest shipyards in Poland with years of experience in producing the highest quality boats with the use of modern technologies. One of them is a 5-axis machining center MX5 from CMS with latest generation control system FANUC 31I-B5. All projects are carried out in accordance with the supplied by client 3D documentation. Milling machine process is supervised by a team of experienced engineers. The CNC department uses Autodesk software supporting the processes of designing and manufacturing CAD/CAM. Through the use of specialized software, we are able to realize even the most advanced projects for various industries, ie. the marine, automotive, aerospace and many others.

— 30 years with you —

boats produced per year

ABOUT 18 000

vessels produced since 1990

70 boat models

introduced since 1990

new boat models introduced since 2012

yachtbau polen

No other shipyard from Augustow region can’t boast itself with such a rich and distant history…

Our boats are going to almost all European countries, even to Australia and they are mainly famous for its outstanding quality. That has been always the priority for Mr. and Mrs. Kozlowski.

Now their son Marek as a Director and daughters in law: Magdalena and Irena support the company and a new generation of grandchildren are growing up to continue family tradition…

is one of the biggest manufacturers in POLAND specializing in building boats and yachts from polyester-glass laminates with hulls 7 to 12 meters long


BALTYACHT is one of the biggest boat manufactures in POLAND

Since the beginning Balt-Yacht was a boat producer for the demanding foreign customers like MAR-IMPORT, Jeanneau or X-Yachts. And now most of boats produced in our shipyard- around 95 percent-is delivered to foreign customers. For many years till now our main partner is Brunswick Marine in EMEA Inc. for whom large series of Quicksilver boats are produced. For few years we have been cooperating with Norwegian contractors Cormate AS and Goldfishboat AS.

BaltYacht produces the following types of boats both for Polish and foreign markets:

Semi-planing houseboats, sailing boats, motor boats.

European countries to which we send our boats

of production area

qualified workers

specially adjusted trucks to transport boats

Rewarded quality

Balt-Yacht under his brand offers houseboats and semi-planning houseboats. Among them there are: premiere of 2022 luxurious houseboat Balt 37 Grand – winner of Gdynia Polboat Award 2022; bestseller- luxurious houseboat SunCamper 35 – winner of the prestigious Jerzy Fijka Award ‘Highlight of WIND and WATER’ (‘Gwóźdź Targów’) in the Large Motor Yacht category and Boat of the Year 2019 in Poland. In cooperation with Yacht Export Poland/Go2Boat, Balt-Yacht implemented a range of Titanium semi-planning houseboats: Balt 1018 Titanium – NEW in 2020, Balt 918 Titanium and Balt 818 Titanium -the first semi-planing houseboat in Poland -award winner of Polish Yacht Of The Year 2015.

Our boat models

In the spread of over 30 years of business, thanks to good cooperation with foreign partners, our own projects, high quality and consistent development, about 19 thousand boats have left Balt-Yacht

  • semi-planning boats

yachtbau polen

Sun Camper 35

SunCamper 35 is the perfect boat for charter as well as recreational family cruises for up to 10 people (day). It was created on the basis of eight years of experience in the production of its predecessor – the popular SunCamper 30.

yachtbau polen


BALT 1018 TITANIUM is a continuation of the TITANIUM series of yachts (Balt 818 Titanium is produced from 2013 and it has become the favourite of customers and the Yacht of the Year 2015 in Poland).

yachtbau polen


Balt 918 Tytan is a semi-glide walking unit and a continuation of the TYTAN yacht series.

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yachtbau polen


Our newest motorboat – Balt 818 Titanium – is a technological masterpiece that in any way, shape or form overtakes all currently manufactured houseboats. It is the very first semi planning houseboat with 8m long hull.

Cobra Yachts

  • Futura 40 Electric
  • Campione 41
  • Gran Maestro 43
  • Seamaster 45
  • Marco Polo 55

Cobra Yachts Verwirklichen Sie Ihren Traum

Mehr über cobra yachts.

Wir sind ein Familienunternehmen mit fast 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Yachtbau. Wir erweitern unser Potenzial schrittweise, ohne dabei die Qualität aus den Augen zu verlieren. Yachten zu fertigen ist unsere Leidenschaft. Cobra Yachts werden ausschließlich in unserer Werft in Radomsko in Polen unter direkter Aufsicht der Firmeninhaber gebaut. Jede Yacht ist handgefertigt, um die höchsten Standards zu erfüllen, und gleichzeitig berücksichtigen wir die besonderen Anforderungen jedes Kunden. In unseren Preislisten sehen Sie keine "Pakete", da jede einzelne Komponente einzeln ausgewählt werden kann. So können Sie Ihre Yacht so konfigurieren, wie Sie sich es Vorstellen. Und unsere Mission ist genau das -  Ihre Träume zu verwirklichen.


Unsere Boote

Haben sie noch fragen.

Cobra Yachts

Realize your dreams!

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Durch die Verwendung unserer Webseite erklären Sie sich mit der Verwendung von Cookies einverstanden. Mehr...


Virtual walk



Lamdo yachts.

We are a manufacturer of exclusive TRAWLER motor yachts. The shipyard was founded in 2018 by Błażej Predko, who has been associated with yacht production in Poland for many years. The company is located in Giżycko, Masuria.

First sketches

The company focuses on solid workmanship, original design and attention to detail. The equipment is based on the highest quality materials and accessories. Therefore, the first model in the new line of motorboats for Lamdo Yachts was designed by world-famous designer Tony Castro.

yachtbau polen

Model LY 30+

The first production model of the LY30 left the factory in June 2022.

More units are currently being produced.

Official Premiere

The official premiere took place during the July POLBOAT Yachting Festival Gdynia 2022.

The yacht then won the recognition not only of the audience, but also of the jurors of the main fair competition Gdynia POLBOAT Award, who nominated it in the category of the Most Beautiful Motor Yacht up to 11 m long.

We guarantee full comfort of relaxation on the water

global project

Original design, polish production, innovative silhouette drawing.


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More about the LY30+  model

it is like a spacious apartment on the water

Three-leaf doors and a hinged bar-style window allow you to easily create an open space between the cockpit and the living room.

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November 30 - December 3, 2023



October 19 -21, 2023

More events

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Mobile:  48 535-536-404

Email: [email protected], obwodowa 6a, 11-500 giżycko, poland, © all rights reserved, author: lamdoyachts.com.

300 FLY

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Galeon webpage conditions of use Galeon has made every effort to provide accurate information on all featured models, range and performance figures as well equipment and features of the yachts. This information however is subject to change without notice, contain mistakes and misprints and cannot as such be relied upon as a valid and binding offer or a term of contract. All photographs, visual representations and descriptions of the yachts may contain options or elements that are not standard or available on a particular market. Actual specifications of all models may vary from the ones shown and be changed without notice – please contact your local Galeon Dealer for an up-to-date offer sheet and terms of contract. All information featured on the website including, but not limited to: photographs, descriptions, technical data, logos and brand names is copyrighted and may not be used, copied or featured without prior written consent from the Galeon Company. The website may contain links to other, third-party websites which the Galeon Company does not endorse in any way, has no control over the content or any other information shared and as such does not accept any responsibility for their content or use. Galeon reserves the right to revise and amend any information and conditions featured on this webpage at any time without prior notice.

Strategia Podatkowa Galeon 2022 – Galeon_Sp. z o.o.SK_informacja o realizowanej strategii podatkowej_2022

  • Introduction
  • The Shipyard
  • Craftsmanship
  • Refit & services











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Over the past weekend, the Conrad Shipyard team, along with 250 guests including employees, business partners, and media, celebrated the premiere showcase of the motor yacht C144s Extra Time, which...>>

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Conrad Shipyard Launches EXTRA TIME

Conrad Shipyard is proud to announce the launch of EXTRA TIME, the second luxury yacht from the Conrad C144s series, at the Conrad Shipyard facilities in Gdansk. This new vessel...>>

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Conrad C144s ACE Wins Three Trophies at the Design &...

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Dear Friends! Wishing you joy, peace, and happiness this holiday season. May your days be filled with love and laughter, and may the New Year bring you health, success and...>>

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The Ultimate Christmas Gift: Conrad C144s Hull nr #4 for...

With the launch of the first unit, ACE, from the Conrad C144s motor yacht series in 2022, the line has taken the media and customers by storm. Conrad Shipyard is...>>


Conrad C144s ACE has Received Three Nominations at the Boat...

After a spectacular series of wins at various industry contests, the flagship superyacht ACE has been nominated in three categories in the Boat International Design & Innovation Awards: Best New...>>

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Freedom is boldness! The boldness to follow a dream. The dream in our case is woven of wind and water. The courage to dream and pursue dreams is the secret of freedom, as “freedom is the secret of happiness” (Thucydides).

yachtbau polen

Tes 678 / 720

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yachtbau polen


yachtbau polen


Catalogue 2023 TES YACHT

Boot Düsseldorf 21-29.01.2023

published January 10,23

Poland Boat Show 3-6.11.2022

published October 24,22

CNR Eurasia Boat Show 17-24.12.2022

published October 6,22

Boat & Fun Berlin 24-27.11.2022

METSTRADE 15-17.11.2022

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E-mail Subject


UL. STEFANA BATOREGO 7 /40 81-365 GDYNIA E-MAIL: [email protected] NIP: 5862344680 REGON: 383319578 KRS: 0000785454

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Wo Zukunft trifft Tradition

Angefangen von Segelyachten und Motorbooten durch Ausrüstung für Rettungsdienste, nautische Stahl- und Verbundwerkstoffkonstruktionen, einschließlich erneuerbare Energiequellen, VIKOYACHTS führt bahnbrechende Technologien für den maritimen Markt ein.

Viko Yachts Company 1

Über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Werftindustrie erlaubte die Präsenz unserer Firma auf dem internationalen Markt zu festigen als einer der am dynamischsten wachsenden polnischen Werften, derer Produkte weltweit anerkannt and geschätzt sind durch langjährige Verbraucher, Segler und angesehene Spezialisten aus der Branche.

Anhaltendes Streben nach Innovation und der innovative Design unserer Yachten sind der Leitsatz der Entwicklung unserer Firma. Ständig investieren wir in der Ausbau der Hilfsmittel unserer Werft bei der Einführung neuester Technologien und durch den sorgfältigen Auswahl unseres Personals, das sich aus der besten Spezialisten aus der Branche zusammensetzt.

Durch die Zusammenarbeit unserer Designern mit bekannten italienischen und deutschen Designern, unsere Projekte zeichnen sich durch den zeitlosen Stil und hohe Leistungen aus. Der in höchstem Masse integrierte Prozess der Entstehung einer Yacht, angefangen von den ersten Skizzen bis zum letzten Streifen der Polierer, vereint die Umsetzung der neuesten Technologien mit dem traditionellen Schiffsbauhandwerk, was bedeutet die einzigartige Qualität unserer Produkte.

Das Produktionsumfeld unserer Werft umfasst eine Fläche von 10 500 m2; in zwei moderner Konstruktionshallen werden jährlich über 200 Segeleinheiten und über 200 Motoreinheiten hergestellt.

Viko Yachts Company 2

Der kreative Prozess und die einwandfreie Qualität der Ausführung wird durch eine Gruppe von erfahrenen Ingenieuren, Technikern und Beratern-Segelliebhabern sichergestellt. Nur in Europa besitzt VIKOYACHTS 3 wichtigsten Salons, während das internationale Umverteilungsnetzwerk umfasst fast 30 Vertragshandlern, wodurch sind wir in der Lage komplexe Beratungs- und Wartungsdienste für unsere Kunden sicherzustellen. Ein wichtiger Zeitpunkt in der Geschichte unserer Firma war der Zeitraum am Übergang der Jahre 2013/2014, der bedeutet das Datum der Einführung einer neuen Linie sportlicher Yachten VIKO S 22 und VIKO S 30, entwickelt durch den italienischen Planungsbüro SLYD di Sergio Lupoli. Im Jahr 2015 hatte seine Premiere das Modell VIKO S 21, das innerhalb kurzer Zeit ein Bestseller geworden ist, ernte eine Reihe von positiven Kritiken und sich eine große Anhängerschaft im In- und Ausland verschafft hat. Die Internationale Düsseldorf Boat Show 2017 stellt das Datum der Premiere eines neuen Modells aus der sportlichen Linie VIKO S 26 dar, wiederum das Jahr 2018 ist die voraussichtliche Zeit der Premiere von der Modelle VIKO 34 und VIKO 40.

Ständig streben wir einen Ausbau unseres Angebots und Bandbreite erbrachter Leistungen zur Bewältigung der Anforderungen der anspruchsvollsten Kunden.

Reliability icon


Innovation icon

Internationalle Projekte

The dutch tradition

In the Netherlands, a country crossed by a dense network of canals, the boating has long been a part of the day - to - day life. Boats are used here not only for the recreation but also as a mean of transport. On the background of the beautiful landscape, the large fields of tulips and the great Dutch architecture you can meet today a whole range of vessels including the beauftiful classic boats of Corsiva.

The boats of Corsiva are produced of glass- reinforced plastic (GRP). To protect the environment and the comfort of the work our shipyard carries out research of RTM technology and it is the second shipyard in Poland and the third shipyard in Europe, which produces the hulls of the boats by using of this technology.


Our shipyard was established in 2001. Today with four different boat lines and more than 100 employees, Corsiva is a part of the international market.

Family boats

Family boats

Family boats

Classic boats

Nordhval boats

Nordhval boats

yachtbau polen


yachtbau polen

HABER YACHTS sp. z o.o. 13-300 Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, ul. K. Makuszyńskiego 1, POLSKA

tel.+48 56 472 54 24 tel.+48 56 472 54 04 e-mail: [email protected]

Polyeser Yacht ist ein Familienunternehmen. Es wurde am Mai 1999 gegründet. Polyester Yacht ist Produzent von Motorbooten, Sport-Erholungs Booten und Angelzwecke. Langjährige Erfahrung im Bau von Booten, Yachten und verschiedenen schwimmenden Geräten gibt Ihnen das Vertrauen, Produkte von höchster Qualität herzustellen! Unsere Boote werden gemäβ der Richtlinie 2013/53/EU bez. Boote hergestellt, wonach entsprechende Bootsklassen entsprechend der Gröβe und dem Verwendungszweck der Boote zugeteilt werden. Unsere Boote erfūllen hohe Nutzungs-, Qualitäts-, Sicherheits- und ästhetische Anforderungen und werden sowohl im Inland als auch in vielen Ländern Europas vertrieben. Alle Boote sind produzierte aus glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff (GFK).


Wir fühlen uns auf dem Wasser am wohlsten , egal ob auf einem See oder einem Fluss.

Wir möchten unsere Leidenschaft mit Ihnen teilen. Und dafür gibt es keinen besseren Weg, als Ihnen die bestmögliche Erfahrung zu bieten!


Was erwarten Sie von einem Boot? Entspannung ?

Was auch immer es ist, wir hat, was sie brauchen, wir stellen boote selbst her, wir haben einen engagierten kundenservice, wir sind auf einem starken fundament aufgebaut, sehen sie sich unser video an, sie interessieren sich für unsere produkte.

yachtbau polen

A lot of boats


Professional help

We provide assistance at every stage of cooperation

full service

We take care of all the details

our passion

We love the sea very much!

Our company is our passion

Our team consists of a group of positive motor boating enthusiasts. We love the sea and we always sail on the wave… If you want to be on the wave with us, we invite you to cooperate!

Your success is our success!  We take care of all the details and always help at every stage of cooperation. During the entire ordering, production and transport process, we are in constant contact with our customers.

We cordially greet you and wish you successful  winds on the water and in business.

The Sunrise Yacht team

Explore our boats

Sunrise 400 open, sunrise 530 tender, sunrise 530 open, sunrise 700 eco tender, sunrise 545, sunrise 606 br, sunrise 645, sunrise 680 dc, let's be in touch.

Phone, whatsapp

+48 506 370 750

[email protected] iwona@ sunriseyacht . pl [email protected]


You are invited to discover more about Delta, the craftsmen who create and build Delta yachts, the shipyard and the beautiful city it calls home. Each individual Delta yacht is a masterpiece of innovation and creative design. At Delta, the true measure of innovation is not necessarily in how dramatically it is displayed, but how subtly, effectively — even invisibly — it can be integrated.

The Delta story continues to become greater with every new yacht commissioned. For more than 50 years, Delta’s most important value has remained unchanged. Delta provides the finest custom yacht manufacturing and services — with an owner’s vision and desires at heart. This is a lasting commitment. As new generations of professionals join the ranks and unprecedented technologies enhance their capabilities, Delta remains steadfast in its goal to produce world-class yachts that are truly beyond compare.


DELTA MARINE | Custom-Built Luxury Yachts


  1. 40 moderne Meter aus Polen

    yachtbau polen

  2. Crafts Yachts aus Polen bietet zwei stäbige Pilothouse Motorboote an

    yachtbau polen

  3. NAVIGATHOR Polnische Werft, spezialisiert auf die Herstellung von

    yachtbau polen

  4. NAVIGATHOR Polnische Werft, spezialisiert auf die Herstellung von

    yachtbau polen

  5. NAVIGATHOR Polnische Werft, spezialisiert auf die Herstellung von

    yachtbau polen

  6. NAVIGATHOR Polnische Werft, spezialisiert auf die Herstellung von

    yachtbau polen


  1. Bavaria Yachtbau

  2. Weltpremiere auf der boot Düsseldorf

  3. Nautic Yachts Nautic 880

  4. Wenn die Garage zur Werft wird

  5. Bavaria Yacht C57

  6. Bordelektrik und Autarkie auf der neuen Insieme 40


  1. Luxury Yachts Manufacturer

    Galeon company. Established in 1982, Galeon remains a privately owned company specializing in constructing luxury yacht and motorboats. With clear vision and steady growth we have reached employment of over 1 200 people working on 35 000 square meters of production and assembly halls, capable of taking on even the most ambitious projects.

  2. Stocznia jachtowa Augustów

    BALTYACHT is one of the biggest boat manufactures in POLAND. Since the beginning Balt-Yacht was a boat producer for the demanding foreign customers like MAR-IMPORT, Jeanneau or X-Yachts. And now most of boats produced in our shipyard- around 95 percent-is delivered to foreign customers. For many years till now our main partner is Brunswick ...

  3. Polen

    Eine Liste der Bootshersteller und Bootsbauer in Polen. Herstellung von Segelbooten, Motorbooten, Kanus und Schlauchbooten. Werften für Boote und Yachten verschiedener Größen und Typen.

  4. Home

    Yachten zu fertigen ist unsere Leidenschaft. Cobra Yachts werden ausschließlich in unserer Werft in Radomsko in Polen unter direkter Aufsicht der Firmeninhaber gebaut. Jede Yacht ist handgefertigt, um die höchsten Standards zu erfüllen, und gleichzeitig berücksichtigen wir die besonderen Anforderungen jedes Kunden.

  5. Lamdo Yachts

    The shipyard was founded in 2018 by Błażej Predko, who has been associated with yacht production in Poland for many years. The company is located in Giżycko, Masuria. First sketches. The company focuses on solid workmanship, original design and attention to detail. The equipment is based on the highest quality materials and accessories.

  6. Viko Yachts

    New challengesnew solutions. Viko Yachts specialise in the construction of sailing yachts, motorboats, nautical and emergency equipment to marine industry steel constructions.

  7. Yachts

    800 FLY. View all our finest luxury superyachts, flybridge yachts, hardtop yachts, motor yachts, motorboats, powerboats for sale.

  8. Conrad Shipyard

    Conrad Shipyard is an experienced luxury yacht builder specializing in building world-class, steel and aluminum, sailing and motor yachts ranging from 25 to 100 meters in length. We are located in Gdansk, Poland, one of the most historic shipbuilding cities in Northern Europe. Our shipyard employs, in partnership with our parent company Marine Projects Ltd., over 400 of the best specialists in ...

  9. TES Yachts

    tes yacht sp. z o.o. ul. stefana batorego 7 /40 81-365 gdynia e-mail: [email protected] nip: 5862344680 regon: 383319578 krs: 0000785454

  10. über uns

    Über uns. Angefangen von Segelyachten und Motorbooten durch Ausrüstung für Rettungsdienste, nautische Stahl- und Verbundwerkstoffkonstruktionen, einschließlich erneuerbare Energiequellen, VIKOYACHTS führt bahnbrechende Technologien für den maritimen Markt ein. Über 30 Jahre Erfahrungin der Werftindustrie erlaubte die Präsenz unserer ...

  11. Home

    About Cobra Yachts. We are family-owned company with almost 20 years of experience in yacht construction industry and we gradually expand our potential without losing sight of the quality. Building yachts is our passion. Cobra Yachts are built exclusively in our shipyard in Radomsko in Poland under the direct supervision of the company owners.

  12. Sailboat manufacturers and sailing yacht builders

    Yacht Service ist eine Werft in Szczecin in Polen, die beispielsweise für X-Yachts, Eagle und DaVinci bauen. Hier werden auch die die Mak7 und die Six Segelboote ebenso wie die Bente 24 hergestellt. ... - Poland, company Yacht Service Boat models/ranges: RB, Haber, Absolwent Manufacturer: powerboats (sailing dinghis/sailboats without berths), ...

  13. Home

    The boats of Corsiva are produced of glass- reinforced plastic (GRP). To protect the environment and the comfort of the work our shipyard carries out research of RTM technology and it is the second shipyard in Poland and the third shipyard in Europe, which produces the hulls of the boats by using of this technology. Corsiva.

  14. Poland

    Kaper-Yachts - Boote und Yachten aus Polen - Tałcka 7, 11-730 Mikołajki, Poland. Manufacturer of models: Kaper 28M, Kaper 24C, Kaper 471, Kaper 570 Boats/yachts: powerboats, sports boats/day cruisers, motor yachts/cabin boats, houseboats, motor wooden boats. 84 boat and yacht manufacturers (Poland)

  15. Polen

    Polen - Bootshersteller und Werften für Segelboote, Motorboote oder Katamarane weltweit - über 1.700 Bootsbau-Firmen bei Profinautic. ... Kaper-Yachts - Boote und Yachten aus Polen - Tałcka 7, 11-730 Mikołajki, Polen. Hersteller von: Kaper 28M, Kaper 24C, Kaper 471, Kaper 570


    HABER YACHTS sp. z o.o. 13-300 Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, ul. K. Makuszyńskiego 1, POLSKA. tel.+48 56 472 54 24 tel.+48 56 472 54 04 e-mail: [email protected]

  17. Luxury custom yachts, catamarans, power boats design, construction and

    The Sunreef Yachts Eco harvest power from the sun more efficiently than most solar catamarans.First in the world In-house pattented designed and manufactured by the shipyard, Sunreef Yachts' solar panels are fully-integrated with the composite bodywork, vastly increasing the amount of solar power generated.

  18. Home

    Polyeser Yacht ist ein Familienunternehmen. Es wurde am Mai 1999 gegründet. Polyester Yacht ist Produzent von Motorbooten, Sport-Erholungs Booten und Angelzwecke. Langjährige Erfahrung im Bau von Booten, Yachten und verschiedenen schwimmenden Geräten gibt Ihnen das Vertrauen, Produkte von höchster Qualität herzustellen! Unsere Boote werden gemäβ der Richtlinie 2013/53/EU bez.

  19. Optiboats

    Wir sind ein Hersteller von Yachten und Piers aus Polen. Skip to content Skip to footer. Startseite; Über uns; Unsere Produkte. OPTI 520 Boot; OPTI 700 Boot; RIB 580; Stege; F60 FEL-T EFI Motor; Kontaktiere uns; ... Polen +48 695 733 030 00491714556655 . [email protected]. Wir verbinden die Liebe zum Segeln mit jahrelanger Erfahrung im ...

  20. Polen

    Polen - Bootshersteller und Werften für Segelboote, Motorboote oder Katamarane weltweit - über 1.700 Bootsbau-Firmen bei Profinautic. BRANCHENBUCH FÜR BOOTE, YACHTEN, SEGELSCHULEN, TAUCHEN, ANGELN UND VIEL MEHR...


    The Sunrise Yacht team. see our boats. our offer Explore our boats. Sunrise 400 Open Motor boat designed for relaxation with family and friends as well as fishing trips. The boat is powered by an internal combustion engine. see the boat Sunrise 530 Tender Sunrise 530 Tender is a spacious recreational boat with a sporty hull, ...


    For more than 50 years, Delta's most important value has remained unchanged. Delta provides the finest custom yacht manufacturing and services — with an owner's vision and desires at heart. This is a lasting commitment. As new generations of professionals join the ranks and unprecedented technologies enhance their capabilities, Delta ...

  23. Gebrauchtboote Polen

    Gebrauchtboote Polen Finden Sie Ihr Traumboot aus mehr als 100 Angeboten auf Boat24 Jetzt Angebote entdecken!