Practical Boat Owner

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Practical Boat Owner cover

Maxi 84: roomy, capable & rewarding to sail

David Harding

  • David Harding
  • March 28, 2023

Why has the Maxi 84 proved so popular since her launch 45 years ago? David Harding sailed Maximus, the ‘work in progress’ refurbished PBO Project Boat, to find out

A boat sailing in Poole Harbour

The Maxi’s raised topsides above the gunwale and the two-tone livery make her an easy boat to spot. Credit: David Harding Credit: David Harding

Product Overview

Price as reviewed:.

Even when you test boats for a living, some makes manage to pass you by for decades.

For example, I had known Contests – seen them, photographed them and known people who owned them – for ever, but it wasn’t until 2019 that I tested my first one.

Similarly, I only sailed my first Maxi a couple of years ago, and that was a relatively recent model, so it was with interest that I approached the PBO Project Boat , Maximus to see what this design from 1977 had to offer.

A Maxi 84 yacht being sailed in Poole

Headsail roller reefing wouldn’t have been fitted originally, but simplifies downwind sailing. Credit: David Harding

I knew a little of the history and that the boat was afloat and sailing but very much still ‘work in progress’. Other than that, it was all new territory.

You don’t have to be a serious boat nerd to know that Maxis have always had a reputation for being sportier and more geared towards production building than boats from the west coast of Sweden, such as the Malos and Najads, that are widely seen as setting the quality standards by which cruising yachts are judged.

Given that the designer of the Maxis, Pelle Petterson, has a couple of Olympic medals to his name and has skippered two Swedish challenges for the America’s Cup, it’s no surprise that his Maxis have a performance tilt.

A boat being sailed with black sails

Generous displacement and plenty of ballast allow the Maxi to punch her way to windward. Credit: David Harding

The Maxi 84 was one of his earlier designs and was an instant hit, combining good performance with easy handling, roomy accommodation and robust construction.

By modern standards she’s a fairly heavy boat, displacing 3,000kg (over 6,500lb) on a waterline length of just 7.2m (23ft 7in).

She’s also fairly modestly canvassed, so everything points to a boat that’s going to be at her best when the breeze picks up, especially given her 45% ballast ratio.

Three people sitting in the cockpit of a Maxi 84 yacht

An old mainsheet block deputisingfor the exploded genoa car. Credit: David Harding

Beneath the waterline we see a fin keel bolted to a stepped, moulded stub, which helps both to lower the centre of gravity and to make the boat better able to cope with hitting the odd rock – always a consideration in Scandinavian waters.

The keel is relatively long and, combined with a skeg running from its aft end all the way to the transom-hung rudder, promises good directional stability.

Having the rudder on the transom and a relatively broad stern by the standards of the day leads to a good amount of useable cockpit space.

There’s a lot more you can tell by looking at the Maxi’s drawings and statistics, much of it reflected in the way she performs.

On paper and in practice

So how does she perform? Pretty well, is the short answer.

It’s easy to see why owners of Maxi 84s generally seem to speak of them with enthusiasm.

In our case we had brand new sails, about which Ali has written in the last couple of issues, and they undoubtedly helped enormously.

So many boats of this sort of age and price are handicapped by sails that should long since have been turned into something else.

A boat sailing in Poole

A respectably narrow sheeting angle contributes towards good pointing. Credit: David Harding

Thankfully we had a reasonable breeze on the evening we chose for our spin around Poole harbour; a good 14-18 knots much of the time, dropping to 10-12 knots in the lulls.

In the style of the day, the Maxi 84 has a relatively small mainsail and large foretriangle, so having a good genoa and enough rig tension to avoid excessive forestay sag is essential.

We had both of those, together with a reasonable backstay tensioner, and Maximus showed no signs of flinching in the gusts.

Her willingness to carry full canvas upwind with over 20 knots of apparent did, however, make me wonder if she might be under-powered when the breeze dropped into single figures.

Cleats on a yacht

Bow and stern cleats are a distinctive design. Credit: David Harding

She was notably well balanced, carrying only modest weather helm even in the fresher patches and, occasionally, a touch of lee helm when she came upright.

Our speed was good, helped by the flat water. We mostly saw more than 5 knots upwind and tacked through little over 80° – a highly respectable angle for a boat of this nature.

The genoa tracks are roughly in the middle of the wide side decks and could be no further inboard to make the sheeting angle any narrower because of the length of the spreaders.

The companionway in a Maxi 84 yacht

A starboard quarter berth runs beneath the cockpit. Overhead, fastenings for deck hardware can readily be reached. Credit: David Harding

As well as being inclined to sail in a pretty straight line most of the time, the Maxi 84 has an agreeably light helm because of the balance on the rudder blade: a good slice of it is forward of the transom.

A full-length skeg – as on the Sadler 29, for example – offers better protection to the rudder at the expense of some balance. You can’t have it both ways.

In terms of speed, pointing ability and the pleasure of sailing, it was all pretty good.

The Maxi 84 is a reassuring, responsive and respectably quick boat to sail.

With boats of this generation, however, you typically find a number of age-related issues that you either have to live with or do something about.

Signs of the times

First is the rig: the size of the foretriangle/genoa and the presence of a babystay.

Those two elements combine to make tacking slower and harder work than on a newer boat with (typically) a fractional rig and smaller headsail.

A babystay is always an irritation during tacks and means that you end up having to do a lot more winching than you would otherwise, especially with a genoa that has a lot of overlap. It keeps you fit.

People sailing a Maxi 84 with a white hull

Good new sails will make an enormous difference to a boat of this age. Credit: David Harding

The old ‘four square’ rigs like this (masthead with in-line cap shrouds) usually need forward lowers or a babystay to guard against the risk of inversion, and in this case the babystay is countered by lowers taken to chainplates a foot or so abaft the caps.

It’s a Seldén rig, so at least the extrusions and fittings are neatly finished.

A further compromise with small mainsails and big foretriangles is that, at deep downwind angles when the headsail begins to lose drive, you’re left with very little sail doing any work.

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Thankfully, Tim Scarisbrick from T Sails had made a cruising chute for Maximus that kept us moving nicely on most points.

Cruising chutes have their own limitations compared with conventional spinnakers, but that’s a separate issue.

One more caveat with older boats is easier (though potentially quite expensive) to do something about: the condition of the hardware.

Old hardware means hard work. When sheaves , blocks, pulleys, tracks, cars and purchases no longer move easily, you have to use a lot more grunt.

Four people sitting in a cockpit of a yacht

A moderately wide stern and transom-hung rudder mean a roomy cockpit. Credit: David Harding

Similarly, old sheets and halyards go hard.

The trouble is that replacing hardware and running rigging can be an expensive job.

You could easily spend a high proportion of the boat’s purchase price and never see it back in resale value, so you have to take a view on how far it’s worth going.

In the case of Maximus , some of the hardware was perfectly serviceable but replacing some of it would make life much easier and sailing more efficient.

As if to make the point, one of the genoa cars disintegrated while we were sailing.

Easy ergonomics

Remarkably for a 27-footer (which is roughly what she is if you don’t count the rudder), there’s enough space for four people in the cockpit.

That includes actually working in the cockpit; not just sitting. It’s on the tight side, but possible.

The mainsheet is taken to a short track at the aft end of the bridgedeck. It only had plungers, rather than a car with a purchase, making adjustment rather laborious.

A winch in a cuddy on a boat

Port cockpit coaming locker houses engine panel and pull-stop. Credit: David Harding

Genoa winches – not self-tailers – were by Barlow, which you won’t see on boats built for a few decades now.

They’re among features of the Maxi 84 that take you back.

Perhaps the most important piece of equipment missing on Maximus was a tiller extension, so I couldn’t see what it was like helming from the coaming other than by sitting to leeward and using an extended foot.

As the coamings are quite close to the guardwires at the aft end of the cockpit, you’d want to sit as far forward as the tiller extension would allow in order to find a comfortable perch.

a boat engine

Good access to the front of the Volvo MD 2020 saildrive engine.. Credit: David Harding

Otherwise you would sit inboard, as is the wont of cruising sailors anyway.

The coamings provide comfortably high backrests and the cockpit is a good leg-bracing width.

One particularly welcome feature in the cockpit, rarely seen on boats built since the 1980s, is a coaming locker.

There’s only one, on the port side, but it’s a decent size and just what you need for keeping binoculars , a hand-bearing compass, drinks, sunglasses, sail ties and so on readily to hand.

The engine pull-stop is in here – helpfully marked ‘Stopp’, which even non-Swedish speakers might be able to understand.

four people sailing a Maxi 84 yacht

Approaching hull speed on a reach. Credit: David Harding

Full-depth lockers are to port and right aft, so cockpit stowage is pretty good all round.

At the other end of the boat, we find an anchor locker just abaft the stemhead. Anchoring , of course, isn’t such common practice in Scandinavian waters, so on Swedish boats of this era, when their home market was relatively more important, it’s by no means uncommon to find no anchor roller.

Rollers can be fitted to Maxi 84s, so something will need to be worked out for Maximus .

Another sign of the times is the GRP forehatch, moulded to the shape of the forward end of the coachroof and with non-pigmented resin in the top to let though as much light as possible.

A saloon on a Maxi 84 yacht

The Maxi’s saloon is larger than on many newer boats in this size range. Headroom is generous too. Credit: David Harding

Like the Maxi 77 and 95, the Maxi 84 has raised topsides above the gunwale, leading to a near-flush deck with just a modest coachroof.

The single window each side is just above the chunky rubberised rubbing strake that caps the flange formed by the hull-to-deck joint.

It’s an arrangement that gives wide decks and generous headroom down below across nearly the full beam of the boat while avoiding towering topsides.

A bonus is easier passage ‘twixt cockpit and foredeck than on many boats of this size, even if you do have a bit of a step up from the cockpit to the aft end of the deck.

A moulded lip outboard helps security of footing when the boat’s heeled and provides an anchoring point for the stanchion bases.

For a boat of this age, the mouldings looked good. Star-crazing and stress cracks were hard to find and there was no obvious flexing.

It was good to see two vents in the deck – one just abaft the babystay and one forward of the hatch garage.

Scandinavian builders have generally been more conscious than many of the need to maintain a through-flow of air below decks.

Accommodation on the Maxi 84

To those of us who were bought up sailing on boats of this era, going down below on the Maxi 84 is like stepping back in time.

It was a while since I’d seen a brass plate on the bulkhead displaying the boat’s registered tonnage, or a sink that slides out over the heads between the saloon and forecabin.

When you reach the bottom of the companionway steps – which are flanked by grab handles each side – you find that you can stand up as long as you’re not more than 1.85m (6ft 1in) tall.

A forepeak berth on a yacht

The forecabin provides a V-berth, under-bunk stowage and open-fronted lockers. Credit: David Harding

Petterson did well to make that possible in a boat with such a short waterline.

I was instantly struck by the amount of nicely finished woodwork .

It’s offset by the moulding that forms the interior up to bunk-level, and by the moulded headliner , but the overall feel is still one of nicely woody warmth.

It’s a traditional layout for boats of this age insofar as you have a forecabin, heads, saloon, galley and quarter berth.

All that’s missing compared with the traditional British layout on boats of similar vintage is a chart table.

a galley on a boat

Galley includes drawers and pull-out/hinge-up work surfaces. Credit: David Harding

To port by the companionway is the galley, complete with sink, coolbox, space for a cooker (removed on Maximus after the gas installation was deemed unsafe), utility stowage, several drawers, a hand pump for the fresh water and, somewhat curiously, access to the cockpit locker.

A slide-out chopping board above the drawers and a hinge-up work surface on the forward bulkhead make best use of a small space.

Workspace for the galley extends across the top of the companionway steps, where a useful box for stowing winch handles and suchlike can be lifted out to give access to the top of the engine.

Front and side access to the Volvo MD 2020 saildrive is good once the steps have been removed.

Forward of the galley, the settee berth is 1.78m (5ft 10in) long. You have a longer berth to starboard, butting up to the 1.83m (6ft) quarter berth that’s a few inches higher to accommodate the fuel tank beneath.

A toilet and sink on a Maxi 84 boat

A sink pulls out over the heads to starboard. A wet locker is opposite. Credit: David Harding

Stowage is under the bunks each side, behind the backrests and above them in the form of lockers with sliding doors, though arrangements vary.

When sitting at the forward end of the saloon, you’re conscious of the tie-bars for the aft lowers.

The chainplates for the cap shrouds are taken to the main bulkhead, to which those for the aft lowers are tied too, by means of an angled bar.

It’s perhaps not the most elegant solution, but hard to think of a better one.

In the middle of the saloon is the fiddled, drop-leaf table and, below that, the sole boards giving access to the keel stub and the keel bolts that run through the transverse stiffening members down into the keel.

Forward of the main bulkhead is the heads to starboard and hanging space to port, then you move into the forecabin with its V-berth (1.9m/6ft 3in long), and with open-fronted lockers above and stowage below.

I won’t do more than mention things like the previous leaks and the peeling hullside lining, because Ali will have covered those elsewhere.

Verdict on the Maxi 84

It’s easy to understand why 1,350 Maxi 84s were built during the six years of their production.

They’re impressively roomy and capable boats that are rewarding to sail and, in any breeze, by no means slow.

Owners report stiffness and good seakeeping qualities in heavy weather, along with some racing successes too.

A Maxi 84 sailing downwind with the sun behind the sails

A large foretriangle means a big cruising chute for downwind power. Credit: David Harding

Maximus even sports a CHS sticker on her mast, suggesting that a previous owner must have done some competitive sailing.

Boats from this era inevitably show their age in a number of ways.

Some might be seen as drawbacks compared with newer designs, while others are undoubtedly positives.

Given what you get for a very modest outlay, anyone looking for a robust family cruiser with some sporty pretensions in this size range could do a lot worse than buy a Maxi 84.

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  • Sailboat Guide

Maxi 84 is a 28 ′ 0 ″ / 8.5 m monohull sailboat designed by Pelle Petterson and built by Maxi Yachts and Börjesson Brothers between 1977 and 1983.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

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The Maxi 84 is a 28.02ft masthead sloop designed by Pelle Petterson and built in fiberglass by Börjesson Brothers between 1977 and 1983.

1350 units have been built..

The Maxi 84 is a moderate weight sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is very stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat. The fuel capacity is originally very small. There is a very short water supply range.

Maxi 84 sailboat under sail

Maxi 84 for sale elsewhere on the web:

segelyacht maxi 84

Main features

Model Maxi 84
Length 28.02 ft
Beam 9.68 ft
Draft 4.92 ft
Country Sweden (Europe)
Estimated price $ 0 ??

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segelyacht maxi 84

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Sail area / displ. 17.65
Ballast / displ. 45 %
Displ. / length 224.07
Comfort ratio 19.93
Capsize 2.07
Hull type Monohull fin keel with transom hung rudder
Construction Fiberglass
Waterline length 23.62 ft
Maximum draft 4.92 ft
Displacement 6614 lbs
Ballast 2976 lbs
Hull speed 6.51 knots

segelyacht maxi 84

We help you build your own hydraulic steering system - Lecomble & Schmitt

Rigging Masthead Sloop
Sail area (100%) 387.50 sq.ft
Air draft 38.22 ft
Sail area fore 204.27 sq.ft
Sail area main 147.04 sq.ft
I 36.09 ft
J 11.32 ft
P 32 ft
E 9.19 ft
Nb engines 1
Total power 13 HP
Fuel capacity 9 gals


Water capacity 24 gals
Headroom 6.04 ft
Nb of cabins 0
Nb of berths 0
Nb heads 0

Builder data

Builder Börjesson Brothers
Designer Pelle Petterson
First built 1977
Last built 1983
Number built 1350

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Review of Maxi 84

Basic specs..

The hull is made of fibreglass. Generally, a hull made of fibreglass requires only a minimum of maintenance during the sailing season. And outside the sailing season, just bottom cleaning and perhaps anti-fouling painting once a year - a few hours of work, that's all.

The boat is equipped with 2 cabins, 5 berths, a galley, 90.0 liter fresh water capacity and toilet facility.

The boat has multiple rigs. One option is a fractional rig. A fractional rig has smaller headsails which make tacking easier, which is an advantage for cruisers and racers, of course. The downside is that having the wind from behind often requires a genaker or a spinnaker for optimal speed. Another option is a masthead rig. The advantage of a masthead rig is its simplicity and the fact that a given sail area - compared with a fractional rig - can be carried lower and thus with less heeling moment.

The Maxi 84 is equipped with a fin keel. A boat with a fin keel is more manoeuvrable but has less directional stability than a similar boat with a full keel.

The keel is made of iron. Many people prefer lead keel in favour of iron. The main argument is that lead is much heavier than iron and a lead keel can therefore be made smaller which again result in less wet surface, i.e. less drag. In fact iron is quite heavy, just 30% less heavy than lead, so the advantage of a lead keel is often overstated. As the surface of a fin type keel is just a fraction of the total wet surface, the difference between an iron keel and a lead keel can in reality be ignored for cruising yachts.

Maxi 84 can enter most marinas as the draft is just about 1.50 - 1.60 meter (4.92 - 5.22 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

The boat is typically equipped with an inboard Volvo Penta MD7A diesel engine at 13 hp (9 kW). The speed is 7.0 knots.

The transmission is a saildrive.

The fuel tank, which is made of stainless steel, has a capacity of 30.0 liters (7 US gallons, 6 imperial gallons).

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Maxi 84 is 1.94, indicating that this boat could - if evaluated by this formula alone - be accepted to participate in ocean races.

What is Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed?

The theoretical maximal speed of a displacement boat of this length is 6.5 knots. The term "Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed" is widely used even though a boat can sail faster. The term shall be interpreted as above the theoretical speed a great additional power is necessary for a small gain in speed.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Maxi 84 is about 142 kg/cm, alternatively 796 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 142 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 796 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is Motion Comfort Ratio (MCR)?

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

What is a Ballast Ratio?

What is Displacement Length Ratio?

What is SA/D (Sail Area Displacement ratio)?

What is Relative Speed Performance?


When buying anti-fouling bottom paint, it's nice to know how much to buy. The surface of the wet bottom is about 24m 2 (258 ft 2 ). Based on this, your favourite maritime shop can tell you the quantity you need.

Are your sails worn out? You might find your next sail here: Sails for Sale

If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Mainsail halyard 23.6 m(77.3 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Jib/genoa halyard23.6 m(77.3 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Spinnaker halyard23.6 m(77.3 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Jib sheet 8.4 m(27.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Genoa sheet8.4 m(27.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Mainsheet 21.0 m(68.9 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Spinnaker sheet18.5 m(60.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Cunningham2.8 m(9.2 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Kickingstrap5.6 m(18.4 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Clew-outhaul5.6 m(18.4 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Jib sheet 8.4 m(27.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Genoa sheet8.4 m(27.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Mainsheet 21.0 m(68.9 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Spinnaker sheet18.5 m(60.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Mainsail halyard 25.7 m(84.2 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Jib/genoa halyard25.7 m(84.2 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Spinnaker halyard25.7 m(84.2 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Jib sheet 8.4 m(27.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Genoa sheet8.4 m(27.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Mainsheet 21.0 m(68.9 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Spinnaker sheet18.5 m(60.6 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Cunningham2.8 m(9.2 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Kickingstrap5.6 m(18.4 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Clew-outhaul5.6 m(18.4 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)

This section is reserved boat owner's modifications, improvements, etc. Here you might find (or contribute with) inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what you have done.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Maxi 84 it would be a great help.

If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

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  • Maxi Yachts

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Maxi Yachts 84 for sale in Dartmouth United Kingdom

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Make & Model

Maxi Yachts 84



For sale Maxi 84. The Maxi 84 is a 28ft fast, five berth, Scandinavian built cruising yacht. With her efficient hull design and spacious accommodation she is an excellent cruising boat set up to enable short handed sailing as well as offering club racing potential. Starfire is great example built in 1977 and launched here in Dartmouth in 1978. VAT understood to have been paid with declaration from previous owner on file.

Accommodation (5 berths in 2 cabins)

  • Companion way steps
  • Port side galley
  • Stainless steel sink
  • 2 hob gas burner
  • Fresh water pump
  • Central drop-leaf dining
  • Full length bench settees either side forming 2 berths
  • Full length quarter berth to starboard
  • Large hanging locker on portside

Forward cabin

  • Infill converting them into a useful double
  • Under-bunk storage
  • Opening overhead hatch
  • Door leading aft towards the saloon
  • 1 x midships heads

Navigation equipment

  • Plastimo Contest porthole steering compass
  • Autohelm ‘Tridata’ depth and speed/log instrument
  • Nasa wind speed and direction instrument
  • Nasa GPS repeater
  • Raymarine RAY54E VHF radio transceiver (with DSC)
  • Navigation lights

  Deck and rigging

  • Masthead Sloop
  • Anodised aluminium mast and boom
  • Deck stepped mast
  • Stainless steel standing rigging
  • Forestay fitted with Furlex roller furling gear
  • Stainless steel pushpit/ pulpit

  Anchoring & mooring

  • A Manson anchor is stowed in the stemhead fitting
  • length (> 20metres) of 8mm galvanised chain
  • Anchorplait warp is stowed in the chain locker
  • Electric windlass
  • A 25 lb plough kedge anchor with warp and chain stowed in the cockpit locker
  • Mooring warps
  • Slab reefing mainsail
  • Furling genoa
  • Spare Genoa
  • 2x Barlow 16 spinnaker sheet winches
  • 2x  Harken 40 2-speed self-tailing genoa sheet winches
  • Antal W16.2 2-speed self-tailing halyard winch and a Barlow 16 halyard winch Halyard winch and stoppers on coachroof
  • Beta Marine BD722 20hp (2001)
  • Three cylinder 4-stroke naturally aspirated diesel engine.
  • Indirect sea water cooling with heat exchanger.
  • Forward/astern gears Volvo Penta ‘Sail Drive’
  • GRP transom hung rudder
  • Sail drive rebuild with new Cone clutch 2018
  • Gear box oil replaced 2018
  • Serviced every year in current ownership
  • Less than 3 hours engine use since last service
  • Sail drive diaphragm 2016
  • Antifouled 19/20 winter

  Electrical system :

  • 3 batteries, alternator on engine.
  • Three 12 volt lead acid batteries (105Ah, 75Ah and 50Ah)
  • Charging is from the engine mounted alternator.
  • 34 litre Stainless steel fuel tank under saloon berth  
  • Fuel tank out and cleaned in 2020
  • Stainless steel water tank in forepeak.
  • Flushed and treated 2020
  • Manual pumps feed water to the galley and heads sinks.

Engine Count

Engine Horse Power


The Maxi Yachts 84 is 28 feet long and has a 9 feet beam. This 1977 diesel Maxi Yachts 84 with 20 horsepower


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  • Pelle Petterson ab

Maxi 84 - Pelle Petterson ab / STW002975

segelyacht maxi 84

cabin cruiser

Volvo penta MD7A/110S 13 hp

overall length

hull length

waterline length

standard draft

minimum draft


diesel tank

mast height

Accomodation layouts

standard version

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Mark Cameron Yachts

NEW LISTING – 1979 Maxi 84 ‘SAORSA’

Maxi Yachts Maxi 84

Wednesday 24th May 2023

Mark Cameron Yachts are delighted to have been appointed to act in the sale of the 1979 Maxi 84 ‘SAORSA’

Designed by Pelle Petersen and launched in 1977 the Maxi 84 proved to be a run away success, firmly establishing the reputation of the designer and the Maxi Yachts brand. Over the production run more than 1300 hulls were launched, selling throughout the world. Rating under the half tonner rules the Maxi 84 proved to be equally suited to comfortable family cruising as bashing round the cans in regattas.

The Maxi 84 SAORSA benefits from being extensively re-fitted between 2005-07 with works including stripping and re-varnishing the interior, replacement upholstery and overhauling of the engine. With her current owners since 2016 she is now reluctantly offered for sale with an inventory including highlights such as:

  • Original gelcoat finish to topsides and deck
  • Antifouling applied spring 2023
  • Volvo Penta MD7A marine diesel with Volvo Penta sail drive
  • Sail drive diaphgram replaced 2018
  • Raymarine ST2000+ tiller pilot (2007)
  • NASA Clipper navigation instruments (2007)
  • Garmin GPS Map276C chart plotter (2013)
  • Icom IC-M421 DSC VHF (2007)
  • Mainsail, genoa and gennaker
  • Seago inflatable dinghy

Lying afloat, in commission and ready to sail the Maxi 84 SAORSA is available for immediate viewing by prior appointment on her berth in Tarbert Harbour, Loch Fyne.


Maxi Yachts Maxi 84

1979 Maxi 84 ‘SAORSA’

Maxi Yachts Maxi 84

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  • Boat REF#  ·  46114
  • Length  ·  8.50m
  • Year  ·  1982
  • Construction  ·  GRP
  • Underwater profile  ·  Fin
  • Sleeping berths  ·  5
  • Engine  ·  1 x diesel 17hp, Volvo Penta MD 7B (1982)
  • Lying  ·  Sussex

Boatshed Sussex

Boatshed Sussex

This boat is off the market but here are some boats that are still for sale.

  • Specification
  • Additional Information

Extra Details

Designer Pelle Petterson
Builder Marin/Maxi Yachts
Lying Sussex
Engine 1 x diesel 17hp
Engine make and model Volvo Penta MD 7B (1982)
Engine Hours Not Recorded
Engine Cooled Direct
Steering tiller
Drive saildrive
Prop(s) 2 blade folding
Fuel consumption (approx) Not Recorded
Cruising speed (approx) 6 knots

Battery charger on shore power.

Length 8.50m
LWL 7.20m
Beam 2.90m
Draft Min 1.50m
Displacement 3,000kg (6,615.0lbs)
Headroom 1.80m
Storage Ashore

Sloop rigged Aluminium spars ()

Reefing mainsail - Slab ()
Headsail - Furling ()

There is a spinnaker pole but no other gear. Sheet winches: 2xBarlow 24 - 2 speed. Halyard winches: 1xBarlow 16 single speed with jamming cleats. 1xAnderson 10 single speed on mast.

Electrical Systems

12 volt battery, 2 batteries charged by: engine, shore power


Construction GRP
Underwater profile Fin
Finish Gelcoat finish

Fuel tank capacity believed to be 35 litres. Water tank capacity believed to be 80 litres.


Total # of berths 5
No. of double berths 2
No. of single berths 1
Cabin(s) 2
Sink 1
Heads 1 heads (Sea Toilet)

The port saloon seat could be used as an additional berth for a small person/child.

2 burner propane Stove

Manual water system
Sail cover
Swim Ladder

2 halyard winches 2 sheet winches 1 anchors (CQR 20 lbs) Small length of anchor chain/warp included.

Nav Equipment

Navigation lights
Depth sounder

Hand held GPS and VHF radio included.

Safety Equipment

1 bilge pumps (1 manual / 0 electric)

Broker's Comments

The Maxi 84's fully deserve their reputation for being good sturdy cruisers, with excellent sea-keeping abilities. With legendary Swedish design and build, you can be confident of reaching your destination safely and in comfort. She has a very useful stowable cockpit table and ample storage space above and below decks. The accommodation is light and spacious, and all upholstery is in very good condition. The engine and all instrumentation is believed to be in working order, but as the boat is lying ashore, they have not been tested. Altogether, a very nicely presented boat.

These boat details are subject to contract. Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

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Maxi Maxi 84 Boat for Sale

  • accommodation
  • mechanical and rigging
  • Manufacturer: Maxi
  • Location: Lymington
  • LOA: 27'0" (8.23m)
  • Beam: 9' 6'' (2.90m)
  • Keel: Fin keel
  • ID no.: 04249
  • Engine Make: Volvo penta
  • Horsepower: 13hp
  • Drive Type: Saildrive
  • Fuel Type: 0

Broker Remarks

The Maxi 84 we now have for sale in Lymington is a quality Swedish built yacht with great interior space and has proved herself a fast cruiser over the years. She has a regularly serviced engine a full suite of sails and her fine joinery throughout makes her a very comfortable yacht for cruising far and wide. This yacht is being sold because the owner has moved to Germany permanently and has now reduced the price to quickly sell this yacht. She represents an absolute bargain at this price.


The Maxi 84 can sleep five . The v forward twin berth has storage, the saloon provides two berths and a quarter berth. She has a heads that was new in 2011. There is a practical galley.

Mechanical and Rigging

Volvo Penta 13 hp regularly serviced New Anchor 2013 Folding prop Main Genoa Spinnaker Spinnaker pole 2 x Batteries

Depth,log VHF Warps Fenders Boat hook

Contact NYB Lymington

  • Address: Network Yacht Brokers Lymington Howard and Carol Ross Marine House, Quay Road, Lymington Hampshire S041 3AT
  • Telephone: [+44] [0] 1590 671 381 [+44] [0] 1590 671 381 -->
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Link to full office details

Disclaimer : Breeze Sports Ltd t/a Network Yacht Brokers Lymington offers the details of this vessel for sale but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of the information contained in the specification or warrant the condition of the vessel or equipment. A buyer should instruct his agents, or surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered for sale subject to no prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

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Manufacturer of superyacht that sank in Sicily with 22 aboard says human error to blame

Topic: Maritime Accidents and Incidents

Mike Lynch smiles as he wears a suit and walks from the High Court.

British entrepreneur Mike Lynch.   ( Reuters: Henry Nicholls/File )

The body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch has been recovered from the wreckage of a superyacht off the coast of Sicily. 

The yacht manufacturer's CEO has publicly addressed the incident, blaming the captain and crew for what he says could have been easily avoided. 

What's next? 

Rescue crews are continuing to search the wreckage for one missing woman, while four other bodies that were recovered await identification. 

The body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch has been recovered from the wreckage of a superyacht off the coast of Sicily, as the boat's maker blamed the shipwreck on "indescribable, unreasonable errors" by the crew.

The Italian coastguard confirmed Mr Lynch's body had been recovered by rescue crews, along with four others, on Thursday, local time. They did not confirm the identities of the other recovered bodies.

Others reported missing from the yacht include the chairman of Morgan Stanley International, Jonathan Bloomer, Mr Bloomer's wife Judy, Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

Giovanni Costantino, CEO of the superyacht's manufacturing company Italian Sea Group, said there were no structural problems with the vessel that could have led to the shipwreck, arguing the crew were ill-prepared.

"It had absolutely no problem, it was a model for so many ships because it was so stable," he told the BBC.

"The weather alerts clearly showed the storm would have arrived at 4am, the captain should have closed every hatch, raised anchor, sailed into the wind, and lowered the keel. Then everyone could have gone back to sleep and the cruise would have happily continued."

Mr Costantino told Reuters correct emergency procedures had not been followed despite stormy weather already being forecast.

"The boat suffered a series of indescribable, unreasonable errors, the impossible happened on that boat … but it went down because it took on water. From where, the investigators will tell."

The Bayesian, a 56-metre British-flagged yacht, went down in a storm early on Monday as it was moored about a kilometre offshore.

Civil protection officials said they believe the ship was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, and sank quickly.

Another yacht anchored near the Bayesian escaped unharmed. The captain of the sunken yacht and other crew members have not commented publicly on the disaster, while Italian prosecutors investigating it are due to hold a press conference on Saturday.

Fifteen of the 22 people aboard survived, including Mr Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, Charlotte Golunski and her one-year-old daughter, Sofia.

Italian firefighters wearing orange bring a plastic body bag onto a boat

Italian firefighter divers bring ashore the body of one of the victims. ( AP: Salvatore Cavalli )

Ms Golunski's husband James Emslie and New Zealand captain of the yacht James Catfield also survived.

Interior ministry official Massimo Mariani told Reuters Mr Lynch's 18-year-old daughter Hannah remained missing, saying she may be inside the wreck or could have been tossed into the sea as the boat sank.

Divers have struggled to find the bodies.

"We would need a crystal ball to know when we'll be able to find the next body," said Luca Cari, spokesperson for the fire rescue service.

"It's very difficult to move inside the wreckage. Moving just one metre can take up to 24 hours," he added.

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Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia

The capital city of Zabaikalsky krai: Chita .

Zabaykalsky Krai - Overview

Zabaykalsky Krai is a federal subject of Russia located to the east and southeast of Lake Baikal, part of the Far Eastern Federal District. Chita is the capital city of the region.

The population of Zabaykalsky Krai is about 1,043,500 (2022), the area - 431,892 sq. km.

Zabaikalsky krai flag

Zabaikalsky krai coat of arms.

Zabaikalsky krai coat of arms

Zabaikalsky krai map, Russia

Zabaikalsky krai latest news and posts from our blog:.

4 April, 2021 / The snow-covered Chara Sands in Eastern Siberia .

5 February, 2019 / Chita - the view from above .

13 January, 2016 / Chara Sands - one of the smallest deserts in the world .

12 November, 2015 / Kuandinsky Bridge - one of the scariest road bridges in the world .

26 May, 2015 / Vanilla evenings of Transbaikalia .

More posts..

History of Zabaykalsky Krai

The first people inhabiting Transbaikalia, known both from archaeological finds and written sources (mainly Chinese), were the nomadic people of the Hunnu (209 BC - 93 AD), who created a large state in the Central Asian steppes. In the 6th-9th centuries, Turkic Uighurs lived in this region.

In 1206, Temujin was proclaimed the great khan of the Mongolian state and adopted a new name - Genghis Khan. The territory of the region became an integral part of the Mongol Empire. In the 14th century, the Mongolian Empire collapsed into separate states. Until the 17th century, the territory of the present Zabaykalsky krai was part of the Mongolian state of Northern Yuan.

From the middle of the 17th century, Transbaikalia became part of the Russian state. The first explorers crossed Dauria (the lands beyond Lake Baikal) along the rivers. The Buryats and Tungus, after a long resistance, recognized the new power and paid tribute to Russia. Several fortified towns were founded. Among the first colonists there were a lot of exiled old believers.

Since 1704, Nerchinsky, Shilkinsky, Gazimursky, and other silver smelters appeared. In the 18th century, the population of the region grew rapidly due to the influx of settlers and criminals, who worked in mines. Great role in the development of the region was played by the exiled members of the Decembrist uprising (brothers Bestuzhev, M.S.Lunin, N.M.Muravyov, C.G.Volkonsky, A.I.Yakubovich and others). From 1782, the region was a part of Nerchinskaya (Zabaykalskaya) Oblast of Irkutsk Governorate.

More Historical Facts…

Since the 19th century, mining was the main industry of the region. In 1851, Zabaykalskaya Oblast was formed with the capital in Chita as part of Irkutsk Governorate. In the same year, with the goal of strengthening the border, the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army was created, numbering more than 3,500 people. At the end of the 19th century, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway forced the economic development of the region.

At the end of the 1920s - in the early 1930s, during collectivization, Cossack settlements were destroyed, the Buryat cattle-breeders were forced to have a settled way of life. In March 1934, Chita Oblast was formed, it became a part of Vostochno-Sibirsky Krai. On September 26, 1937, Vostochno-Sibirsky Krai was divided into Irkutsk and Chita oblasts. Within Chita Oblast there was Aginsky Buryat-Mongol national district formed.

During the Second World War, tens of thousands of local residents were drafted into the Soviet army. In connection with the threat of an attack by the Kwantung Army of Japan, the Transbaikal front was established here. In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union began military operations against Japan.

Until 1949, about 77 thousand Japanese prisoners of war were engaged in work to restore the region. The local economy was completely restored by the 1950s. In 1969, there was an armed conflict on the Soviet-China border close to the frontier point of Nizhne-Mikhailovka on the Damansky Island.

In the 1990s, there was a sharp decline in industrial and agricultural production. On March 1, 2008, in the territory of Chita Oblast and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, a new federal subject of Russia was created - Zabaykalsky Krai.

Beautiful nature of Zabaykalsky Krai

Lake in Zabaykalsky Krai

Lake in Zabaykalsky Krai

Author: Jenia Novoselov

Small river in the Zabaykalsky region

Small river in the Zabaykalsky region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

Hilly landscape in the Zabaykalsky region

Hilly landscape in the Zabaykalsky region

Author: Sveshnikov Alexander

Zabaykalsky Krai - Features

Zabaykalsky Krai is located in Eastern Siberia. The greatest length from north to south is about 1,000 km, from west to east - 850 km. The highest point on the territory of the region is the peak of BAM (3,073 meters). The relief is represented by both plains and mountains, but mountains are predominant in the region.

The south and south-eastern borders of Zabaykalsky Krai are the state border of the Russian Federation with Mongolia and the People’s Republic of China. The largest rivers are the Argun, Shilka, Onon, Ingoda, Khilok, Chikoy. The national composition according to the 2010 census: Russians (89.9%), Buryats (6.8%).

The climate is sharply continental. Winters are long and severe, the average temperature in January ranges from minus 20 degrees Celsius in the south to minus 37 degrees Celsius in the north. Summers are short and warm (sometimes hot), the average temperature in July - about plus 20 and 13 degrees Celsius respectively.

This region of Russia has large reserves of coals, iron ores, silver, copper, tungsten, tin, antimony, lithium, tantalum, niobium, zircon, germanium, and uranium. Forests occupy about 60% of the region. The main problem of the forest area is the annual destruction of thousands of hectares of forest by natural fires.

Mining remains the main industry of the region. Ferrous metallurgy is developed as well as machine-building, timber industry, light and food industries. Agriculture is specialized in cattle- and sheep-breeding. In the north of the region reindeer-breeding and fur trade are developed. The crops grown are wheat, barley and oats.

Tourism in Zabaykalsky Krai

The border position of Zabaykalsky Krai promotes the rapid development of cross-border tourism. It has become the main “tourist gateway” for tourists coming from the Asia-Pacific region. The territory of the Zabaykalsky region has a wide variety of natural landscapes, unique monuments of nature.

Sports tourism with elements of extreme has always been attractive for tourists: rafting (the Burkal, Menza, Onon rivers), rock climbing, horseback riding, and bicycle travel. For these purposes more than 100 sports and tourist routes have been developed.

Ethno-tourism is associated with the culture of small peoples, such as the Evenks. Tours on reindeer are held. Chita, Nerchinsk, Sretensk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, and Shilka have the status of historical settlements. On the territory of Zabaykalsky Krai ancient settlements of the Huns were discovered. The events attracting guests include the Trans-Baikal International Film Festival, the tourist festival on Kodar.

The main sights of Zabaykalsky Krai:

  • Alkhanay National Park in Duldurginsky district - the only place in Russia where a harmonious system of cult Buddhist and natural monuments has been created;
  • Krasniy Chikoy, the center of Krasnochikoysky district, is one of the oldest and most beautiful villages in the region;
  • Mineral springs. The nearest mineral spring to Chita is Molokovka, a good place for taking pictures in nature;
  • Mount Pallasa, located near Chita, is a monument of nature of regional importance;
  • Zabaykalsky Alps - Kodar. In the north of the region there is an amazing country of contrasts and surprises - Charskaya depression with the surrounding mountain ranges. It is known for such monuments of nature as Kodar ridge with the highest point of Transbaikalia, Chara Sands - a miniature desert 10 km long;
  • Lake Arey - a hydrological monument of nature, one of the favorite places for recreation. The lake is located in a picturesque forest area near the highway Chita-Khilok;
  • Haatei Caves - two caves connected by a narrow passage. The first cave is called Ice, in winter, when water flows into the cave and freezes, you can see very beautiful patterns there. The second cave is considered a summer cave and is called Dry;
  • Butinskaya Estate in Nerchinsk - the main attraction of this historical town;
  • Old-Chita Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church (also known as Church of the Decembrists) is the oldest building in Chita where a museum dedicated to the Decembrists is located;
  • Museum of the Decembrists in the town of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky;
  • Konduisky settlement - one of the monuments of Genghis Khan’s epoch.

Zabaikalsky krai of Russia photos

Pictures of zabaykalsky krai.

Nature of Zabaykalsky Krai

Nature of Zabaykalsky Krai

Author: Roman Tarnovsky

Winter in Zabaykalsky Krai

Winter in Zabaykalsky Krai

Author: Svetlana Shapiro

Country road in the Zabaykalsky region

Country road in the Zabaykalsky region

Author: Fedotov Alex

Zabaykalsky Krai scenery

Creek in Zabaykalsky Krai

Creek in Zabaykalsky Krai

Country life in Zabaykalsky Krai

Country life in Zabaykalsky Krai

Village in Zabaykalsky Krai

Village in Zabaykalsky Krai

  • Currently 2.88/5

Rating: 2.9 /5 (171 votes cast)

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Tech magnate missing after luxury superyacht sinks off Sicily in 'violent storm'

A British tech magnate and several other people are missing after a luxury superyacht sank near Sicily’s main city, Palermo, during a violent storm, Italian officials and sources familiar with the matter told CNBC . At least one person was killed.

Mike Lynch, who was regularly described in U.K. media as “Britain’s Bill Gates,” was not among those rescued, said the sources, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the situation. They added that Angela Bacares, Lynch’s wife, had been plucked from the waters off the Italian island.

Lynch was among six people who were unaccounted for, The Associated Press quoted Salvo Cocina of Sicily’s civil protection agency as saying. “They were in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said. Cocina also confirmed that Bacares had survived.

Italy's coast guard said in a statement that the 184-foot sailboat, named the Bayesian, sank “due to a violent storm” off Palermo at around 5 a.m. local time (11 p.m. ET) with 22 people on board. Fifteen people were rescued, and six passengers were missing, it said.

American, British and Canadian citizens were among the missing, the statement said. The coast guard said in later statement that the ship’s cook had died. It did not give the cook's nationality.  

Karsten Borner, the captain of a ship that rescued the survivors, told reporters that there was a “strong hurricane gust, and we had to start the engine to keep the ship in an angled position,” according to Reuters.

He added that they had “watched the ship behind us not to touch them and we managed to keep the ship in position.” After the storm was over, he said, “we noticed that the ship behind us was gone.”

“Fifteen people inside. Four people were injured, three heavily injured, and we brought them to our ship, he said. “Then we communicated with the coast guard, and after some time, the coast guard came and later picked up injured people.”

UK's vessel Bayesian

One of the survivors, identified as Charlotte Emsley, 35, told the Italian news agency ANSA that she had momentarily lost hold of her 1-year-old daughter, Sofia, in the water but managed to retrieve her and hold her up over the waves until a lifeboat inflated and they were pulled to safety.

“I immediately hugged her again amid the fury of the waves. I held her tight, close to me, while the sea was stormy,” she said. “Many were screaming. Luckily, the lifeboat inflated, and 11 of us managed to get on it.”

The City Council of Bagheria said in a statement that a child of that age was being treated at a children’s hospital. It said that seven adults were taken to the emergency room but that “it seems that none are in serious conditions.” 

UK businessman Mike Lynch, who was recently acquitted in the US of an $11 billion fraud, is among those missing after a superyacht sank off southern Italy, a source close to the rescue effort said on August 19, 2024.

Lynch, 59, the missing tech entrepreneur, founded the enterprise software firm Autonomy and became the target of a protracted legal battle with Hewlett-Packard after the U.S. tech giant accused him of inflating the company’s value in an $11 billion sale. Extradited from Britain to the U.S. last year to stand trial, he was acquitted of fraud after a three-month trial.

Italy’s national fire department said in a statement that “divers, a motorboat and a helicopter” had been deployed to help with the search. The wreck was at a depth of around 165 feet, the statement said.  

Divers from the Sicilian city of Sassri and Naples, a city on the Italian mainland , were “arriving on site to search inside the sunken vessel,” it said. 

Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian has an aluminum hull and can carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites. Online sites list the luxury vessel for charter for up to 195,000 euros (about $215,000) a week, the AP reported.

The boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on Wednesday and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of “at anchor,” according to the vessel tracking app Vesselfinder.

Fabio La Bianca, 40, took a picture of the boat at around 10 p.m. local time Sunday shortly after he closed his bar in nearby Santa Flavia. “Absurd tragedy tonight. I am lost for words,” he said Monday on Facebook.

segelyacht maxi 84

Matteo Moschella is a London-based reporter for NBC News' Social Newsgathering team.

segelyacht maxi 84

Henry Austin is a senior editor for NBC News Digital based in London.


  1. Yacht Maxi 84

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  3. Maxi 84

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  4. Verkaufe Segelyacht Maxi 84

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  5. Maxi 84, SEK 69.000,-

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  6. 1984 Maxi 100 DS Segelyacht Kaufen

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  1. MAXI 84

    Specs are from the builder's brochure. Some owners have measured… Draft - 1.3m / 4.26ft Disp - 3600kg / 7937lbs A taller rig was available. Height over waterline: 12.45m / 40.85ft.

  2. Maxi 84: roomy, capable & rewarding to sail

    Credit: David Harding. The Maxi 84 was one of his earlier designs and was an instant hit, combining good performance with easy handling, roomy accommodation and robust construction. By modern standards she's a fairly heavy boat, displacing 3,000kg (over 6,500lb) on a waterline length of just 7.2m (23ft 7in).

  3. Maxi 84

    Maxi 84 is a 28′ 0″ / 8.5 m monohull sailboat designed by Pelle Petterson and built by Maxi Yachts and Börjesson Brothers between 1977 and 1983. Great choice! Your favorites are temporarily saved for this session. Sign in to save them permanently, access them on any device, and receive relevant alerts. ...

  4. Maxi 84

    The Maxi 84 is a 28.02ft masthead sloop designed by Pelle Petterson and built in fiberglass by Börjesson Brothers between 1977 and 1983. 1350 units have been built. The Maxi 84 is a moderate weight sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is very stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized.

  5. Maxi 84: Solid in series from Sweden

    Photo: YACHT / A. Hoppenhaus Well thought out: good layout, good sense of space In just eight years of production, 1121 units were built: The Maxi 84 was and still is a big seller as a second-hand boat.

  6. Review of Maxi 84

    The Maxi 84 is equipped with a fin keel. A boat with a fin keel is more manoeuvrable but has less directional stability than a similar boat with a full keel. The keel is made of iron. Many people prefer lead keel in favour of iron. The main argument is that lead is much heavier than iron and a lead keel can therefore be made smaller which again ...

  7. 1983 Maxi 84 Cruiser for sale

    The Maxi 84 has a fine reputation for both build quality and sailing performance. They are a stiff and well balanced yacht to sail and therefore light on the helm. The accommodation, which boasts a maximum of 6'1" headroom, is well appointed and thought out. The Maxi 84 is a lovely yacht, and I believe "Wildlife" is a lovely example of her class.

  8. Maxi Yachts 84 for sale

    27.99 ft. For sale Maxi 84. The Maxi 84 is a 28ft fast, five berth, Scandinavian built cruising yacht. With her efficient hull design and spacious accommodation she is an excellent cruising boat set up to enable short handed sailing as well as offering club racing potential. Starfire is great example built in 1977 and launched here in Dartmouth ...

  9. 1979 Maxi 84 Sloop for sale

    Designed by Pelle Petersen and launched in 1977 the Maxi 84 proved to be a run away success, firmly establishing the reputation of the designer and the Maxi Yachts brand. Over the production run more than 1300 hulls were launched, selling throughout the world. Rating under the half tonner rules the Maxi 84 proved to be equally suited to comfortable family cruising as bashing round the cans in ...

  10. Maxi 84 : STW002975 : the SailingTheWeb sailboat datasheet

    Maxi 84 - Pelle Petterson ab / STW002975 Edit Print Favorite sailboats . The Maxi 84 produced by the builder Pelle Petterson ab and designed by Pelle Petterson, is a cabin cruiser for cruise, rigged Sloop. Technical data. data sheet code. STW002975. model name. Maxi 84. builder name. Pelle Petterson ab. Sweden ...


    Wednesday 24th May 2023. Mark Cameron Yachts are delighted to have been appointed to act in the sale of the 1979 Maxi 84 'SAORSA' Designed by Pelle Petersen and launched in 1977 the Maxi 84 proved to be a run away success, firmly establishing the reputation of the designer and the Maxi Yachts brand. Over the production run more than 1300 hulls were launched, selling throughout the world.

  12. 1980 Maxi 84, EUR 10.490,-

    Used Boat, Sailing Yacht. Maxi 84. Maxi 84. Save as favorite. EUR 10.490,-incl. VAT; 1980 Year Built; 8.54 m x 2.98 m Length x Beam; 1.50 m Draught; GRP Material; Long keel Keel Type; ... 1980 Maxi 84, EUR 10.490,-This is the text in the original language. Show translation. Just a moment please, we are translating the text for you. ...

  13. Maxi 84 For Sale, 8.50m, 1982

    Broker's Comments. The Maxi 84's fully deserve their reputation for being good sturdy cruisers, with excellent sea-keeping abilities. With legendary Swedish design and build, you can be confident of reaching your destination safely and in comfort. She has a very useful stowable cockpit table and ample storage space above and below decks.

  14. Maxi 84 1977 Cruising Yacht For Sale in Dartmouth

    For sale Maxi 84. The Maxi 84 is a 28ft fast, five berth, Scandinavian built cruising yacht. With her efficient hull design and spacious accommodation she is an excellent cruising boat set up to enable short handed sailing as well as offering club racing potential. Starfire is great example built in 1977 and launched here in Dartmouth in 1978.

  15. Maxi Maxi 84 Boat for Sale

    This Maxi 84, hull number 193, was designed by Pelle Peterson and built Maxi Yachts in Sweden in 1977. She was commisioned in 1978. The hull, coachroof are constructed in GRP with a teak laid cockpit. Internal teak finished joinery, which has been modified for extended cruising, to a very high standard. Steel ballasted fin keel with transom ...

  16. Maxi Maxi 84 1980 Cruising Yacht For Sale in Lymington

    Broker Remarks. The Maxi 84 we now have for sale in Lymington is a quality Swedish built yacht with great interior space and has proved herself a fast cruiser over the years. She has a regularly serviced engine a full suite of sails and her fine joinery throughout makes her a very comfortable yacht for cruising far and wide.

  17. All Maxi 84 Sailing Yachts for sale in the UK

    Classic Yacht 84; Cruiser Racer 163; Cruising Yacht 1218; Day Sailer 80; Motor Sailer 81; Racing Yacht 32; Shares 2; Trailer Sailer 70; Trimaran 9; Popular Brands. Bavaria Yachts 59; ... All Maxi 84 Sailing Yachts for sale in the UK. Used Maxi 84 for sale UK - View All. 1000 3. 95 3. 0 Pages: Moody 31 Mk 1. £21,000. Mirage 28 Yacht. £9,000 ...

  18. Maxi 84

    Maxi 84. 11.010 EUR. Segelboot | Baujahr : 1981 | Land : Dänemark Motor : Volvo Penta MD 7 a Video Maxi 84. 10.010 EUR. Segelboot | Baujahr : 1981 | Land : Dänemark Motor : Volvo Penta MD7A Yachtdreams Aps - Din Danske Bådmægler / Your Danish Yacht Broker ...

  19. Maxi 84

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  20. Zabaykalsky Krai

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    672000-672051. Dialing code (s) +7 3022. OKTMO ID. 76701000001. Website. www .admin .chita .ru. Chita ( Russian: Чита, IPA: [tɕɪˈta]) is a city and the administrative center of Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia, located on the Trans-Siberian Railway route, [ 8] roughly 900 kilometers (560 mi) east of Irkutsk. Population: 334,427 ( 2021 Census ...

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  23. Mike Lynch yacht: Divers find 2 bodies, 4 more remain

    Italian firefighter scuba divers bring ashore, in the green bag, the body of one of the victims from the British-flagged vessel Bayesian, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024. The yacht was hit by a violent sudden storm and sank early Monday, while at anchor off the Sicilian village of Porticello near Palermo, in southern Italy. (AP Photo/Salvatore Cavalli)

  24. Manufacturer of superyacht that sank in Sicily with 22 aboard says

    The Bayesian, a 56-metre British-flagged yacht, went down in a storm early on Monday as it was moored about a kilometre offshore. Civil protection officials said they believe the ship was struck ...

  25. Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia guide

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  26. Luxury yacht sinks off Sicily in storm; 1 dead and 6 missing

    Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian has an aluminum hull and can carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites.

  27. Mike Lynch yacht sinking: Six people missing after tornado sinks ...

    Rescuers were on Monday searching for six people missing after a luxury yacht was hit by a tornado and sank off the coast of Sicily, killing one of the 22 people on board. CNN values your feedback 1.