Stowe Yacht Club

stowe model yacht club


The 2024 EC12 Green Mountain Regatta

"2024 Region One Championship"

June 1st & June 2nd Saturday & Sunday.

Organized by the STOWE YACHT CLUB (AMYA # 159)

Regatta Site:  The regatta will be sailed on Commodore’s Pond behind the Commodore’s Inn , Stowe, Vermont .

Rules:    This regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the current version of The Racing Rules of Sailing, Appendix E of the RRS ,  the Sailing Instructions (“SI’s”) and any amendments to the SI’s .

Eligibility:   You must be a member of the AMYA or, in the case of international entries, a member of your national sailing authority. The boat entered must be properly registered with the class.

Entry:   Any eligible owner/skipper, as defined above, may enter the regatta by completing the On-line Entry Form available via, Regatta Page and look for the “Register On-line Link” or, Regatta Tab.

The number of EC12 competitors will be limited to 25 . Entries will be accepted in the order the Entry Forms are received.

Housing - Transportation: A map with general directions to the regatta site will be provided along with a list of area attractions. Each competitor is expected to make arrangements for their own housing and transportation for the duration of the event. A special regatta rate will apply to a limited number of rooms at the Commodore’s Inn.

Schedule of Events:   EC12 Practice Racing will be available at the Race Site on Friday afternoon, May 31st after the J Boat Regatta has comleted.

0800-0915 Late check-in  
  0930  Skipper’s Meeting 
    Free Evening in Stowe
0930  Skipper’s Meeting
  1000-1430 (no race to start after 1400 on Sunday)
  1500 Trophy Presentation

Measurements: EC12 Class Measurement Certificates shall be requested

Sailing Instructions: A copy of the Sailing Instructions will be available upon regatta check-in. A list of participants will be regularly updated on the website.

Courses:   Courses will be set, based on the prevailing conditions, and announced prior to the start of each race.

Race Format:  EC12s: A heat-managed Equal Opportunity Promotion/Relegation system (“EORS”) will be used if the numbers of competitors or the conditions warrant. This will be determined solely by the RC.

Prizes:  Awards will be presented to the top three finishers. If twenty or more entries, the first five places will be awarded.

Disclaimer of Liability:   Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.    

Appeals, if any, shall not affect the awarding of prizes.

PDF links;   NOR for this regatta and Registration Entry.

  • S YC 2024 EC12 Green Mountain Regatta (NOR) – Acrobat (pdf) format
  • Registration Entry
  • SYC 2024 EC12 GM Sailing Instructions
  • SYC 2024 EC12 GM Race Scoresheet
  • SYC 2024 EC12 Green Mountain Regatta Results


Regatta Detail

Must Register By:    823 So. Main St Stowe VT 05672  159      Phone: 802-253-7131
Boat Class Chevrons ID Entry Fee Si Nor Register
10279 No SI

Call (802) 253-7131 | 800-44-STOWE (78693) today!

Reserve Now!

Commodores Inn

There are so many things to do in Stowe Vermont!

Stowe is an unending playground for visitors of all ages and interests.  Here, there are opportunities for outdoor adventure – from skiing to hiking to biking – for all abilities, there are galleries, and community theatre, and concerts, for arts enthusiasts, and there are numerous attractions and museums honoring Vermont’s culture and history.  Stowe also has more than 60 independently-owned retail shops and 40 restaurants.

Here at the Commodores Inn, we offer easy-access to all Stowe has to offer, and you can enjoy a number of activities without leaving the property.  Our lakeside setting means you can enjoy boating or fishing.  We are home to the Stowe Yacht Club, and in the summer months you can watch them race their remote-controlled model yachts on our lake – a truly unique experience!  No matter what time of year, our experienced staff would love to help you put together an itinerary of Stowe Vermont activities for your perfect day.

On-site Activities

  • Enjoy Canoeing, Kayaking, Paddleboarding on our lake*
  • Go Fishing*
  • Try model Sailboat Racing with the Stowe Yacht Club*
  • Swim in our indoor or outdoor* pools
  • Soak in our Jacuzzis
  • Play Board Games in the Fireside Living Room
  • Relax Poolside

Umiak Outfitters – Right next door! Looking for something adventurous to do? Umiak Outfitters is a local guide service offering trips from a range of seasonal  and year-round activities. During the winter, Umiak offers fatbiking tours, snowmobiling tours, back-country skiing tours, sledding tours and more. During the summer months they’ll take you on kayaking riving trips, stand-up-paddleboarding excursions & much more.

For more about guided adventures from Umiak visit .

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NH Boat Museum

Model Yachting

News from the back bay skippers, model yachting news • week ending september 14, 2024.

Written by Mark Whitehead , Tim Wright Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B.B. Wright, Paul McBride, Mark Whitehead , Bob Shapiro Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

e-mail: [email protected]

Oh, By the Way

Guess who won the AMYA  Region 1 RC Laser Championship Regatta on Bow Lake in Strafford this past Sunday? Yup, our own Tim Wright held off all challengers to take top honors. Congratulations, Tim!

The order of finish behind Tim’s 94 were Michael Hoydis 82, Glen Chalder 42, Tim Stone 84, Bob Shapiro 117/11, Mike Baker 69, Nate Hendrickson 80, Paul McBride 623/72, Pete Grigg 80 and Bernie Metzgar 44.

This was also the Fourth Annual Bow Lake RC Laser Regatta hosted by Bob Shapiro. The top five places received trophy paddles, and since this was an AMYA event, the top three places were given chevrons that can be displayed on the sail, hull, or trophy.

stowe model yacht club

What a Way to End the Scoring Season!

Not too hot, not too cold, sunshine, and a good breeze to get in a record number of fourteen races. The September 10 Soling regatta brought out sixteen skippers, fifteen of whom joined the competition. Normally we’d separate the classes when more than fifteen participate, but the number being right on the edge, we decided to call for a single fleet — the reason we could complete so many races.

This was the last officially scored regatta of the season — a spectacular ending – but don’t you dare think that we’ll stop sailing! Our season of fun has another month and a half to go. Like the Energizer Bunny we keep going and going until it gets too cold to pull out the dock.

From now on, however, the pressure is off as we have more relaxed scoring and regattas in our weekly gathering with friends.

A wonderful group of about fifteen Belgians joined us, our skippers handing over radios between races to share the camaraderie of sailing. Later, they slowed down to smile and wave as they pedaled by on their bicycles.

The commodore brought a new toy so we’d know what the wind velocity was. It clocked speeds from eight to fifteen mph, but most of the time showed speeds of ten to twelve — ones that we could handle.

stowe model yacht club

Solings Out on the Course

With an eight-win regatta and never finishing lower than third, it was Linwood Davis who topped the Sailor Class with a score of 1.33. Genie Ware earned four wins and four seconds to score 2.25 for second spot. With eight finishes in the top three, Bruce Wilhelm earned a score of 2.92 and third place overall. With a score of 3.75, John Barstow could claim fourth place, and Dave Corbett’s three second-place finishes and score of 4.25 qualified him for fifth. Not far behind with a score of 4.50 was Mark Bodenstab in sixth. Rounding out the class were Dick Currier and Kevin Bennett with scores of 6.25 and 7.17 respectively.

A tie at the top of the Master Class had Denis Boisvert and Anthony Quinn both scoring 2.20. Unfortunately, Denis’s boat was T-boned in Race #13, which put him out of Race #14, almost sinking his boat. Bob Pacini with five wins was only three tenths behind the leaders, scoring 2.50 for third, while Ted Monetta had a win and four seconds to earn 3.33 for fourth. Just barely getting fifth with three wins and a score of 3.50 it was Mark Whitehead, ahead of Bill Malay by only eight one hundreds who finished sixth. Arriving late was Joel Nelson, who came in seventh with a score of 6.00. For a couple of races, he loaned his boat to two of the Belgians, clearly demonstrating the kind of generosity and camaraderie our wonderful group shows weekly. Just as a final note, that’s 1.38 points from first to sixth — some mighty close competition!

stowe model yacht club

US12s on September 12

The last scored regatta of the season had nine skippers. They were treated to warm sun and low humidity, but there was only a little wind. What wind there was came off the land, making the two short legs toward the shore difficult at best. However, there were many sailors who were happy to be out in the sun on a very pleasant afternoon. We managed to complete nine races despite the light winds, with places changing frequently right up to the finish line.

We had many spectators, some of whom stayed the entire time, enjoying the day and the sailing. Thanks to John Simms, who went across the bay on a rescue and to B. B. Wright, whose scorekeeping and line-checking help to keep the sailors honest. We are getting better about being close to the line, and B. B.’s eagle eyes are always on the case. As the season of scored races ends, we want to acknowledge and thank her for her dedication to our racing all season.

Now that the scored season is over, we invite all Soling sailors and anyone else to bring whatever they want to sail on Thursdays. You never know what you might see: A Chinese junk, a J boat, Marbleheads, DF95s, DF65s, or even a Star, just to name a few. Come by to see what we’re sailing, and give it a try yourself. We hope to see you there.

stowe model yacht club

US12s on the Course

We had a newcomer to our fleet. A former member of the Soling fleet, Diane Labella sailed in her first US12 competition. She is just getting used to the boat, but finished every race she entered. Her average was 7.86, which put her in ninth place. In eighth place, Anthony Quinn had a rough afternoon and a 5.80 average. In seventh place, Bruce Wilhelm had one second-place finish and a 5.13 average. Rick Gates came in sixth for the afternoon with a 4.88 average. Rick had a second-place finish and two third-place finishes. In fifth, Don Cundy had one third-place finish and a 4.60 average. Rick Parent was able to sail most of the regatta with us for the first time in quite a while. He came in fourth place with an average of 3.67, which included two seconds. John Simms, with a 2.63 average, had one first and two seconds — good for third place overall. Just ahead in second place was Rick Laird, who had a 2.50 average. He also had one win and two seconds. Tim Wright won the day with seven wins and a 1.13 average.

stowe model yacht club

Sailing on Back Bay

The 2024 season is winding down but still active, with radio-controlled model yachts on Back Bay in Wolfeboro from 1 PM to 3 PM weekly, the Solings on Tuesday and the US12s on Thursday, weather permitting. Wednesday serves as an alternate day should sailing conditions be poor.

Come join the fun! We love to share, so give it a try.

stowe model yacht club

Quiz and Game Fun Page - Updated 11/4/2022​

Trophy room, skippers memorial, soling 1m building manual.

Videos and Photos

  • Back Bay Skippers Video (WMUR NH Chronicles)
  • Back Bay Skippers YouTube Channel
  • Latest Videos: Solings , US12s , Lily Pond
  • Latest Photos: Solings , US12s , Lily Pond
  • Photo Gallery

Previous Highlights

  • Sasquatch Regatta (Nor’easter Footy Series) 2021 , 2019
  • Sheila Ryan Memorial Footy Regatta 2021 ,  2020
  • Awards for 2019 Season
  • Tim Wright Wins CAN/AM Challenge 2019
  • Lake Discovery Camp 2019
  • US12 AMYA Region 1 Championship, Nashua
  • Spring Skippers Party 2019

Score Sheets

US12 , Soling Masters, Soling Sailors

Upcoming Events:

  • September, 2024 10AM-1PM Occasional Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond, Gilford NH hosted by Rick Parent
  • September, 2025 5 th Annual RC Laser Regatta – Region 1 Championship , Bow Lake, Strafford NH

Past Events:

  • September 8, 2024 4th Annual RC Laser Regatta – Region 1 Championship , Bow Lake, Strafford NH [More Photos]
  • July 8-12, 2024 NHBM Model Yacht Building Workshop
  • July 6, 2024 Model Yachting Day at Back Bay
  • June 22, 2024 NHBM Booth at Summer Kick-Off 2024 ,  Pop Whalen Ice and Arts Center
  • June 15, 2024 Sasquatch Footy Regatta
  • February 2024 Building the Soling 1M Slotted Mast , by Mark Whitehead –  Video
  • February 2024 How to Win without Going Fast , by Al Posnack – Zoom Video
  • October 13-15, 2023 USVMYG Championship Regatta , Honey Brook PA
  • September 24, 2023 3rd Annual RC Laser Regatta , Bow Lake, Strafford NH
  • September 15-16, 2023 Vintage Race Boat Regatta , Wolfeboro Bay – Video
  • August 26, 2023 Sasquatch Footy Regatta
  • August 5-6, 2023 CanAm Challenge Regatta, Stowe VT
  • July 4, 2023 Wolfeboro Independence Day Parade
  • July 1, 2023 Model Yachting Day
  • May 15, 2023 WCVB Boston Chronicle

Links: American Model Yachting Association , MinuteMan Model Yacht Club , Nashua Model Yacht Club , Marblehead Model Yacht Club , Greater Worcester Model Yacht Club , Sarasota Model Yacht Club , Space Coast Model Sailing Club , Sun Coast Model Sailing Club , Stowe Yacht Club , USS Constitution Model Shipwright Guild , Vac-U-Soling , 3D Printed Radio Yachts , US Vintage Model Yacht Group , Raritan Yacht Club RC Laser Fleet , Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 , Western Reserve Model Yacht Club , Joe SanAntonio Fleet Donation , SailFlow , US12 Plans

Model Yachting News • Week Ending September 7, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead , Tim Wright Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by Karen Enos, Paul McBride, Rick Parent, Mark Whitehead Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

Just One More

Next week is the last officially scored regatta of 2024. After that, placement is for bragging rights only — something we’re particularly good at! We then will enter a period of less intense sailing, autumn, a glorious time to relax and enjoy its colors.

A Bit of a Bluster

The first regatta of September brought out twenty-six skippers along with strong winds that demanded everyone be alert. Three skippers had to drop out almost immediately with mast and winch issues. As the afternoon progressed, four more decided to remain on the sidelines.

The fleets completed ten very close races with six different skippers crossing the finish line first, six taking second, seven finishing in third, and six landing in fourth. Again we had a reasonable split of the fleet with twelve in the Master Class and eleven in the Sailor Class.

stowe model yacht club

A new skipper every week seems to lead the Sailor Class. This week it was Linwood Davis who earned the first-place spot, scoring seven wins, two seconds, and a score of 1.22. Bruce Wilhelm’s three seconds, four thirds, and a score of 2.89 put him in second place overall. It was Genie Ware and Jim Opie tied for third place with a score of 3.11, Genie with five and Jim with six top-three finishes. John Barstow’s score of 4.00 earned fifth, having crossed the finish line in second place twice.

stowe model yacht club

Those gusty winds pushed Jeff Witzel across the finish line in first place four times and in second place twice for a score of 2.78 to lead the Master Class this week. Anthony Quinn had a couple of first-place finishes to tally a score of 3.89 for second place. Bob Pacini had four seconds and a score of 4.44 for third, followed closely at 5.11 by Denis Boisvert and Al Posnack.

stowe model yacht club

Five US12 Sailors

Thursday, September 5, a beautiful day. The winds didn’t match the weather, however. Although the wind just about disappeared at times, the skippers managed to complete ten races. One sailor competed in only a single race due to mechanical problems. For the first eight races there were four participants, the minimum required. The last two races had only three racers, so they didn’t count officially.

stowe model yacht club

Karen Enos was the guest scorekeeper, stepping in to help out. Thank you, Karen! Don Cundy also helped out by moving the third mark a little closer and rescuing a wayward boat. Thank you, Don! You both helped to make so many races possible. The skippers, as always, let the spectators try sailing the boats while sharing their love of the sport.

On the course, John Simms came in first with five wins and a 1.29 average. Rick Gates had two wins and a 2.29 average to finish in second. Don Cundy had a 2.57 average with four second-place finishes and a third-place finish overall. Anthony Quinn had one win and a 3.00 average to finish in fourth place. Don McBride competed in only one race before the gremlins struck, and finished in fifth with a 4.00 average.

As the scoring season is winding down, we can look back on a great spring and summer of racing. Once the scoring is over, we will start the “Bring What You Want to Sail” part of the season, which is always a welcome change. It is wonderful to see many different types of boats sailing together. We hope to see you there!

stowe model yacht club

Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond, September 1

stowe model yacht club

  • September 8, 2024 4th Annual RC Laser Regatta – Region 1 Championship , Bow Lake, Strafford NH

Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 31, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead , Tim Wright Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B. B. Wright, Paul McBride, Mark Whitehead Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

Two- or Three-MPH Winds?

That’s what the forecast said on the morning of August 27, but luckily for the Back Bay Skippers, Mother Nature did a little better. We had sunshine and a gentle breeze that was strong enough to move the boats along all afternoon. There were fewer skippers than we’ve had the last few weeks, but a respectable number of seventeen showed up — eight in the Sailor Class and nine Masters. With less powerful winds, the race tally was only seven, but everyone still had a good day.

We consider ourselves lucky compared to the Minuteman Club to our south. Its main pond is packed with enough weeds to halt sailing, and its backup pond has been closed because of bacteria.

The Sailor Class had some new faces on the podium this week to demonstrate just how competitive the class is. Top honors went to Dave Corbett with one win, four seconds, and a score of 2.17. Curran’s new sails were worth hoisting because she has made progress steadily all season. This week, she took second place with her first win, yet another win plus two seconds for a score of 2.33, only .16 behind the class’s first-place finisher. She should be proud of this regatta! Genie Ware’s two wins and a second put her in third place with a score of 2.83. Class of 2024 skipper, Kevin Bennett, after achieving his first-win award last week, broke into the top five with a win of his own and a score of 3.33 for fourth place. Another Class of 2024 skipper, Dick Currier, took fifth scoring 4.00. All skippers deserve a round of applause this week.

stowe model yacht club

With only two more scored regattas left, the seasonal scores seem to be locked in at the top with Tim Wright in first, Jeff Witzel second, and Don Cundy third.

Yes, Tim Wright took this week’s regatta, winning all but the one race he was able to throw out for a score of 1.00. It’s never give up for the rest of us. Commodore Mark Whitehead finally got his “mojo” going and took second with one win and two second-place finishes for a score of 3.33. Rick Gates earned two seconds and a score of 3.60 for third overall. Rounding out the top five were Al Posnack and Bob Pacini. Al seems to be getting the hang of his new boat, scoring two seconds for fourth at 4.50. Bob Pacini wasn’t far behind with a score of 4.67 for fifth.

stowe model yacht club

A Beautiful Late August Afternoon

On the twenty-ninth, eight US12 sailors were treated to another wonderful day of sailing. While the wind softened by the end of the regatta, we were able to complete twelve races before 3:00 p.m. The winds were variable, with breezes coming from just about every direction for a little while before changing. It was not uncommon to see a boat sitting with no wind while another sailed right past. Needless to say, it was a challenging day.

On the Race Course

The competition was very close with boats bunched closely together around the course in most races. In eighth place, Anthony Quinn sailed in eight races and had a 6.00 average. Bruce Wilhelm had two third-place finishes and ended with a 5.10 average and a seventh place for the day. Rick Gates was one of five sailors to get a first, and finished in sixth place with a 5.00 average. Don Cundy had a second and two thirds for fifth place and a 4.30 average. Don McBride sailed to fourth place with a 3.70 average thanks to two firsts and two seconds. In third, Rick Laird had two firsts and three thirds. He finished with a 3.40 average. John Simms had a 2.50 average and finished in second place. He had one first to go with four seconds. Tim Wright had six wins, and finished with a 1.40 average. He finished in first, but had there been fewer wind shifts, the scores could have been very different for everyone.

stowe model yacht club

The best part was the sailing and the camaraderie. We all had a good time and want to thank our dependable scorekeeper, B. B. Wright, for keeping us on the move. Had it not been for her getting us to the line right after our finishes, we couldn’t have completed twelve races. As we near the end of the season, we are treasuring these wonderful days of sailing, and we look forward to next Thursday’s friendly competition.

stowe model yacht club

The 2024 season is in full swing , with radio-controlled model yachts on Back Bay in Wolfeboro from 1 PM to 3 PM weekly, the Solings on Tuesday and the US12s on Thursday, weather permitting. Wednesday serves as an alternate day should sailing conditions be poor.

Come join the fun! We love to share so give it a try

Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond

stowe model yacht club

  • September 8, 2024 10AM-1PM Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond, Gilford NH hosted by Rick Parent
  • September 8, 2024 Sunday, 4th Annual RC Laser Regatta – Region 1 Championship , Bow Lake, Strafford NH

Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 24, 2024

A Thank-You

Tim Wright, Paul McBride, and Ken Gerber formed a committee to honor Karen Enos and B. B. Wright, Ken Gerber making the trophies presented to these dedicated scorekeepers.

stowe model yacht club

Saying Good-Bye

Henry Clare, our youngest Back Bay Skipper, is headed to Montreal in Canada at the end of the week. He’ll return in the spring, but we stopped sailing for a few minutes to wish him well on his journey north. Bon voyage, Henry!

stowe model yacht club

It sure felt like fall for the August 20 Soling regatta, and that’s a good thing. Twenty-three skippers thoroughly enjoyed the much cooler temperatures and decent winds, the latter blustery enough to push boats to a full complement of twelve races. There were ten who participated in the Sailor Class and thirteen for the Master Class.

Plenty of spectators always make for a more festive event, and such was the case at this week’s regatta.

stowe model yacht club

Keeping the boys in check, Genie Ware again issued the challenge of “catch me if you can.” They were stacked up behind her, but with three wins and consistent sailing, Genie prevailed with a score of 2.60. The three-way tie for second was only three tenths off the pace, John Barstow, Linwood Davis, and Bruce Wilhelm all scoring 2.90, each with two or three wins of their own. Although Clint Wolcott was only one point behind the lead with a score of 3.60, he had to settle for fifth.

stowe model yacht club

Tim Wright had only seven wins this week but still managed a score of 1.44 for first place. Jeff Witzel scored one win and three seconds for 3.20 and second place overall. Don Cundy’s two wins, two seconds, and two thirds propelled him into third at 3.90. Getting back into form, Steve Leker tallied one win and three thirds for a 4.10 fourth-place finish, and Al Posnack joined the top five with three seconds and a score of 4.20.

stowe model yacht club

A Better Week

After getting rained out last week, the eight US12 sailors were treated to a beautiful day for sailing. The temperatures were cool, the humidity low, and the winds perfect. There were some wind shifts and changes in velocity but not to the extent we are accustomed to on Back Bay. Thanks to our scorekeeper, B. B. Wright, for keeping us moving without much time between finishes and the next start, we completed twelve races before 2:40 p.m. and called it a day.

stowe model yacht club

On the Course

Tim Wright led the fleet, winning eleven of twelve races while finishing with a 1.00 average. Rick Gates is obviously getting used to his new US12 and had eight top-three finishes, his average of 2.70 good for second place. Rick also won the last race of the day. In third, having an up-and-down day, was John Simms. His average was 3.30 after having six top-three finishes. In fourth was Don McBride with five top-three finishes and a 3.70 average. Rick Laird, the winner two weeks ago, had a 4.50 average and three top-three finishes. In sixth, Don Cundy had a 4.67 average, missing two races due to a battery issue and giving him only one throw-out score. His boat came to rest on the near shore but way down towards town. In seventh, Bob Brennan had a 5.10 average. He was a self-appointed “sweep” to make sure no one was lost or left behind on the course. We appreciate his devotion to duty. In eighth, and having numerous boat issues was Bruce Wilhelm. It seemed the boat gremlin took hold, giving Bruce issues that popped up at unexpected times. Yet, his racing abilities have definitely increased, something we see when all is going well with Bruce’s boat.

stowe model yacht club

What we continue to appreciate as the season progresses is the camaraderie of our group. Friendships have been formed through sailing and racing model boats. The warmth of the group is palpable as we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. For example, one skipper didn’t sail today but came by to be with us on a tough day, he and his wife losing a beloved pet. Consolations were numerous and genuine. It is wonderful to be a part of this group for the support it provides, for the laughs we share, and for the hobby we all have in common.

On another note, there has been a marked increase in the competitiveness in both Soling and US12 fleets. It is harder and harder to do consistently well as sailors have improved their racing skills. They have become more knowledgeable, more competent, and more competitive. To be sure, the variety of skills necessary to improve as a racer makes the sport engaging and rewarding. At the same time, it can be extremely frustrating. The challenge of improving is what makes this sport captivating, and the support of others helps to keep the group strong, especially when Rule #1 is remembered: Have fun!

Hopefully, the weather for the rest of our sailing days will be as nice as the regatta we had on August 22. Regardless, we will enjoy the chance to sail and to be together, and will continue to share our sport with others in the days ahead. We hope to see you there!

stowe model yacht club

  • August, 2024 Occasional Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond, Gilford NH hosted by Rick Parent

Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 17, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B. B. Wright, Paul McBride, Mark Whitehead Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

A Perfect Day

The twenty-five skippers at the August 13 Soling regatta were treated to a spectacular day. Sunshine, a great wind, and nine races were certainly a welcome change from July’s hot and humid weather.

The Sailor Class fleet included eleven skippers and the Master Class fourteen, certainly an acceptable balance. There were challenges at the start because the western side of the line was preferred. Even though we set a twenty-foot start line, the boats tended to congregate in the outer half.

Wind shifts were prevalent and the first mark was a challenge, requiring several tacks that resulted in starboard right-of-way issues.

It should be noted that only two Sailor Class skippers have competed in more than fifty percent of the 2024 regattas to qualify for season awards, and four are right at fifty percent. Skippers need more regattas to be eligible for the championship.

stowe model yacht club

Solings Out on the Water

It was a family affair in the Sailor Class as Genie Ware took top honors with three wins, a second, three thirds, and a score of 2.25 while her husband, John Barstow, followed by only a tenth of a point due to four wins and a score of 2.38. Not far behind was Bruce Wilhelm in third with two wins and a score of 2.50 after having missed a few regattas. Just one point behind Bruce was Clint Wolcott, whose three seconds helped boost his score to 3.50, landing him in fourth place. Mark Bodenstab joined the top five with one second, one third, and a score of 4.38.

stowe model yacht club

The Master Class once again was led by Tim Wright with six wins and a score of 1.25, Jeff Witzel, posting one win, a second, and a score of 3.38 for second place. Don Cundy took third place with one win, two seconds, and three thirds for a score of 3.75. In fourth place overall was Al Posnack, sporting a new boat, who had one win and two seconds for a score of 4.86. He was followed by Tom Barstow in fifth place, Tom pleased with one second-place finish and a score of 6.00.

stowe model yacht club

US12 Sailing Canceled This Week

Despite meteorologists predicting the arrival of thunderstorms late in the afternoon of August 15, Mother Nature showed who was boss and started pelting the area with downpours and lightning just before 1:00. Tim announced that sailing was canceled and John Simms provided a tour of progress on the new railroad museum instead.

stowe model yacht club

Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 10, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead, Tim Wright Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B. B. Wright, Tim Wright, Paul McBride, Mark Whitehead Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

CAM-AM Challenge

Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4, the Stowe Model Yacht Club hosted the annual CAN-AM Challenge, a competition between top skippers from the U.S. and Canada. Representing the New Hampshire Boat Museum Back Bay Skippers was Tim Wright, placing third in the event. A strong showing from the U.S. team was not enough to hold off the Canadian team who managed to take the event for the first time in recent memory.

stowe model yacht club

After battling the heat and humidity these last few Tuesdays, it was a welcome relief to have a little less of both this week, but we still could use a little more wind. The August 6 Soling regatta challenged twenty-three skippers, and for the first time, we had a perfectly balanced fleet of eleven Masters and eleven Sailors.

The winds allowed only six races, which is a challenge for everyone. Spots on the bay seem to shield the winds and completely change their direction. Those who can see the wind shifts do well while the rest of us struggle.

Our first race was recalled after scorekeepers lost control due to skippers ignoring the rule of staying away from the start line after finishing. Race Director Tim Wright reviewed those rules, and the races proceeded without a hitch.

Our statistician, Wes Matchett, has been under the weather the last several days, so we have only partial information this week. We want Wes to know he’s in our thoughts as we wish him a speedy recovery.

stowe model yacht club

The Sailor Class was led by our representative from Boulder Colorado as Dave Hogenson tallied a score of 10.20. (The Sailor Class fleet starts one minute behind the Master Class so the scores seem higher.) Genie Ware, always a tough competitor, sailed to second place with a score of 12.00 and was followed closely by Dave Keto, a new skipper who earned a score of 13.00 and third place. Well done, Dave! John Barstow took fourth, scoring 13.90, and Mark Bodenstab tied Kevin Bennett for fifth at 14.40.

stowe model yacht club

Again leading the way in the Master Class it was Tim Wright with a score of 1.0, winning every race he entered. Jeff Witzel took second, scoring 2.56 and winning the one race when Tim didn’t launch his boat. Tom Barstow was third at 3.60 with a couple of seconds and thirds. Fourth was held by Steve Towne at 4.40 with a second and third of his own, and fifth went to Don McBride whose one second-place finish helped him reach a score of 5.00.

stowe model yacht club

Soling Sailor Class Scores

Dave Hogenson     10.2 Genie Ware             12.0 Dave Keto               13.0 John Barstow         13.9 Mark Bodenstab    14.4 Kevin Bennett         14.4 Dave Corbett          16.4 Curren                     16.5 Dick Currier             17.8 Henry Clare             20.0 Jeanne Butler         21.0

Soling Master Class Scores

Tim Wright               1.0 Jeff Witzel               2.56 Tom Barstow           3.6 Steve Towne            4.4 Don McBride            5.0 Mark Whitehead      5.8 Ted Monetta            6.2 Anthony Quinn         6.4 Rick Gates                6.5 Steve Leker              7.0 Bob Pacini               10.0

US12s on August 8

Sailors were greeted by good winds, cooler temperatures, and low humidity, providing a great day of sailing. Spectators came by and asked questions, our group always welcoming and willing to share knowledge and controls for a try at radio-control sailing. Only five skippers came to enjoy the very pleasant conditions, and all did well. In fact, each of the skippers had at least one win. The best part, however, was being with friends who enjoy this challenging sport.

stowe model yacht club

On the Course with the US12s

Rick Laird came in first with a 1.50 average and six firsts. In second place was Rick Gates, who claimed two first-place finishes and a final score of 2.40. Just behind in third place was John Simms, whose two firsts led to a score of 2.50. In fourth, Anthony Quinn had a win and a score of 2.75, and Don Cundy also had a win, his overall score a 3.50. Don had some battery issues and was helped out by John – such is the nature of our group.

Our thanks to Karen Enos and John Simms for helping out when the Wrights had other commitments.

Let’s hope for good winds and no rain next Thursday!

stowe model yacht club

Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 3, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead, Tim Wright Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B. B. Wright, Tim Wright, Paul McBride, Mark Whitehead, Rick Parent Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

Spring Series Awards Presented

Along with awards for the entire season we also give out awards for the spring and summer series. It was on Tuesday, July 30, that those for the spring series were presented. The Sailor Class had a tie for first place between Linwood Davis and Bruce Wilhelm, but Mark Bodenstab stood alone for third.

For the Master Class it was Tim Wright in first, Jeff Witzel in second, and Don Cundy in third. Tim Wright also was given a race director’s hat for his command of the US12 fleet.

Congratulations to all the award winners!

stowe model yacht club

What Happened to the Wind?

There were skippers aplenty with twenty-eight ready for a good day after last week’s non-regatta. We were supposed to have wind, but something delayed its arrival till the fourth race. It took a full hour and a half to complete the first three races! After that it wasn’t bad, and three more races were tallied. At least we had enough races to have one throw-out and an official regatta.

stowe model yacht club

Five skippers from the 2024 building class joined the fray this week, and we appreciated that Don McBride abandoned his ailing boat to help the new skippers. Thank you, Don!

Skippers need to be reminded that the recourse sheet should have only the following notations:

E for E xcused (issues before the timer starts)

DNS for D id N ot S tart (issues after the timer starts)

DNF for D id N ot F inish

A for A verage (weeds, being fouled, and assisting with rescue)

Done for the Day is also acceptable (the skipper getting “E” for any remaining races)

Anything else written on the recourse sheet will get a DNS .

stowe model yacht club

Representing Barnstead this week, it was Linwood Davis who topped the charts for the Sailor Class with three wins and one second-place finish for a score of 1.60. Just four tenths behind was Clint Wolcott, who also had three wins and an overall score of 2.00 to capture second place. Genie Ware was overheard complaining about her sailing prowess, but still managed two seconds and two thirds, scoring 2.80 for third place. Fourth went to Dave Corbett at 5.00, and new skipper Dave Keto was tied for fifth with John Barstow, both scoring 5.20.

Of the new skippers, Dave Keto had the highest average score. He was followed by Kevin Bennett, Jeanne Butler and Dick Currier in a tie, then Henry Clare and Kristina Dollarhide. They all made a great effort, but it should be mentioned that 60 percent of a regatta’s races must be completed before that average score can be included in the season’s standings.

stowe model yacht club

They seem to be a pair for the Master Class, and this week was no exception. Tim Wright earned first with four wins and a score of 1.40, and behind him was Jeff Witzel with one win and a score of 2.20 for second. Rick Gates brought a new boat and scored 4.40 for third with his one second and two thirds. To round out the top five, Don Cundy scored 4.80 for fourth and Ted Monetta scored 5.20 for fifth.

stowe model yacht club

Sunny and Humid

August 1 felt very familiar to the US12 fleet, but the strength of the wind was unusual for the day. We had lots of wind for the nine US12 sailors to contend with, and those sailors kept trying to get a handle on how to deal with it. The gusts were challenging, the lulls (when they happened) were frustrating, and the competition was closer than usual.

We were kept on task by our scorekeeper, B. B. Wright, who got us through twelve races with many delays, water checks, and rigging adjustments. It was a demanding day on Back Bay, and the sailors are to be commended for getting through the conditions as well as they did.

stowe model yacht club

Out on the Course

Tim Wright won the day, but not without some solid competition from John Simms. Tim had five first-place finishes and an average of 1.80. John was right behind with a 2.30 average and four firsts. In third place, Rick Gates finished with a 3.10 average and one win. In fourth, Rick Laird had a win and an average of 3.80, and in fifth was Don Cundy (4.10) with four top-three finishes. Lin Davis just bought a US12 and did well in the three races he entered, finishing third in all three. After he had power issues, he dropped out for the rest of the day and tallied a 4.33 average. In seventh, Bruce Wilhelm sailed a borrowed boat after discovering that his boat had some serious issues that needed to be dealt with. His average of 5.00 didn’t tell the whole story as he won a race and was leading another at the second mark when the boat developed steering issues, destroying his chance for a second possible win. Don McBride came in eighth with 5.33. He had a hard time cracking the top three, but did have two fourths and four fifths. In ninth place, Anthony Quinn was dealing with radio and rigging issues. We hope he has better luck next week.

Thanks to all who showed up and shared in the sailing. Between spectators and sailors, we watched some great sailing by the entire fleet. We hope to see everyone again next week.

stowe model yacht club

Scenes from Lily Pond in Gilford July 28

stowe model yacht club

Model Yachting News • Week Ending July 27, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead, Tim Wright Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B. B. Wright, Tim Wright, Paul McBride, John Barstow, Mark Whitehead Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

Playing by the Rules

July 23 certainly was a difficult day for predicting the afternoon’s weather and confirming our Soling regatta. Meteorologists forecast that rain would let up around noon with perhaps another shower later in the day. The commodore decided to take a chance – and made the right call. Although the precipitation looked like it would stubbornly continue, it did indeed stop around noon, and those optimistic skippers who showed up enjoyed some relaxed sailing.

In accordance with rules laid out by the competition committee in 2022, the regatta did not meet the criteria for an official regatta. The rules state that ten boats and four races are required for official scoring, and our fleet included only eight boats. Even with the light wind, seven races were completed around a three-mark course.

stowe model yacht club

Tim Wright won every race he entered to lead the pack. Ted Monetta’s score of 2.33 earned the second spot with five second-place finishes, and Mark Whitehead was third with five third-place finishes and a score of 3.00. Fourth place had Denis Boisvert and Clint Wolcott in a tie, both scoring 4.00. Linwood Davis was sixth at 4.60, and the seventh and eighth places were filled by new skippers Kevin Bennett at 5.80 and Henry Clare scoring 7.40.

Starting the Day with Fog, Humidity, and an Overcast Sky

On Thursday, July 25, there was humidity but very little wind, and participants were anticipating another slow day around the course. However, as the afternoon continued, the eight sailors and scorekeeper were happy to see the clouds breaking, the wind increasing, and the humidity lowering. What had felt like another turtle-paced day of sailing in higher dew points turned into just the opposite. What a wonderful afternoon, with plenty of close finishes, bilges being bailed, and one rescue. When two boats were hopelessly entangled, Don Cundy got out the rescue boat to bring them home. Thanks, Don!

stowe model yacht club

US12s on the Water

On the course, Tim Wright took top honors, with eleven wins in thirteen races and a score of 1.00. In second place, John Simms (2.82) earned the other two wins to go along with five second-place finishes. In third, Rick Gates (3.40) had four seconds and three thirds. Lin Davis (3.64) came back for another try at the US12s. This week, he had three seconds and one third, which earned him fourth place. Don McBride, in fifth place with a score of 4.22, earned three thirds in ten races. Bob Brennan (4.36) was in sixth place and also had three third-place finishes. In seventh place, Bob Strodel (5.00) managed to get some time off only to deal with boat issues. He missed five of the first seven races, and still had two thirds. Bruce Wilhelm’s boat was one of the boats stuck together, and after the collision, his rigging seemed to change. Still, Bruce (5.20) managed a third in one of his six races.

In the final tally, we all were winners, as the afternoon provided some great sailing as well as camaraderie. Let’s hope we can keep the wind for next week.

stowe model yacht club

  • July – August, 2024 Occasional Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond, Gilford NH hosted by Rick Parent

Model Yachting News • Week Ending July 20, 2024

Dedicated Skipper

For the past few weeks, Bob Brennan, keeper of the memorial plaque, has been taking his duties to a whole new level. He has designed, built, and donated a duplicate presentation memorial for the relatives of Skippers we have lost. His selfless act has touched the hearts of many, and we applaud Bob’s wonderful gesture. This is something that Bob plans to continue, a way to carry the memory of comrades into the future.

We are missing a name and address for family members of Henning Scherdin and Allen Randlov, so if anyone has information that might be helpful, it would be greatly appreciated.

stowe model yacht club

New Skippers Day

The July 16 Soling regatta was dedicated to the Model Yacht Building Class of 2024 – a learning day with no official scoring. In attendance were seven Skippers from the Master Class, six from the Sailor Class, and four participants from the Building Class of 2024.

The more experienced Skippers guided those who were new and/or struggling a bit, helping them to meet any challenges and become more proficient sailors.

Tim Wright led the group through several sailing sessions on the water that included starts, buoy roundings, half-course trials, and, finally, full-course races. It was a great experience for everyone involved, but best of all were the smiles from new skippers.

stowe model yacht club

Leading the way for the Master Class was Tim Wright. In second place was Ted Monetta, and Don Cundy captured third.

At the top of the podium for the Sailor Class was Clint Wolcott, followed by Lin Davis in second, and Bruce Brown in third.

It should be mentioned that several Skippers were advising and assisting the newbies so didn’t participate in all races.

Dave Keto certainly was getting the hang of things, leading the Building Class of 2024. Behind him was Dick Currier in the second spot and Kevin Bennett third. Jeanne Butler stayed out of the fray to practice buoy-roundings plus up-wind and down-wind sailing with the commodore.

stowe model yacht club

US12 Sailing a Refreshing Change

On July 18, the air wasn’t humid, the temperature wasn’t too high, and the breeze was relatively steady and quite strong. Of the eight boats that started, only five were able to sail enough races to qualify for the regatta. The wind was gusty, which required the skippers and their boats to perform at a high level. There was a dismasting, some full bilges, and one hole in the bow. Needless to say, anyone who sailed the majority of races should be commended. It was a war of attrition.

Bob Brennan, Anthony Quinn, and Don Cundy all started the day, but due to the extreme conditions, were unable to finish enough races to earn a place. Despite all the water pumped and poured out of bilges, sails ripped and repaired, boat riggings tested to the limits, and challenges due to conditions, we enjoyed the change in weather that ushered in those strong winds.

US12s Out on the Water

Tim Wright returned after a week away and didn’t miss a beat. After a third in the first race, he went on to win the remaining races. His average was 1.00. Sailing a borrowed US12 Lin Davis had a strong day, finishing in second with a 2.50 average. He sailed to six second-place finishes and three thirds. In third place, Rick Gates had three seconds, three thirds, and an average of 3.30. Right behind was John Simms in fourth. John’s boat was dismasted, missing four races during repairs. Overall, John had two seconds, two thirds, and an average of 3.43. In fifth, Rick Laird had a second and two thirds that helped him reach an average of 3.80.

stowe model yacht club

Model Yachting News • Week Ending July 13, 2024

Written by Mark Whitehead, Tim Wright,   Rick Parent, John Simms Editing and Proofreading Kathleen Whitehead Photos by B. B. Wright, Paul McBride, Mark Whitehead Photo Captions by Paul McBride Layout by Ken Gerber Games by Dave Perry

Model Yachting Day

On Saturday, July 6, the NH Boat Museum and the Back Bay Skippers presented the annual Model Yachting Day. Rick Parent, our “ambassador,” began setup at 7:00 AM during a rain storm, hopeful for better weather ahead. At approximately 10:30, the sky started to clear, the sun broke through the clouds, and a slight breeze presented itself.

The Back Bay Skippers in attendance were Tim Wright, Paul McBride, Bob Pacini, Jeff Witzel, and John Simms. Anne and Katrina Lennon as well as Kyle Blaisdell helped at the table. Kyle’s dad, Bob, helped with the heavy lifting plus delivery for setup and return of the boats. Joules Parent distributed various support items.

Guests were able to test their skills on a variety of boats that included a Santa Barbara, a Soling 50, two US12s, a Canadian 12, and seven Solings. Stickers and medals were provided by the team to all novice sailors who plied the waters, ranging from 4 years old to the oldest — who withheld his age. Heckling was provided by all skippers and patrons alike. Anne Lennan gave out boat kits, and there seemed to be interest in next year’s boatbuilding class.

The event was well received and we look forward to next year’s endeavor.

stowe model yacht club

Hot and Humid

On the Soling sailing day of Tuesday, July 9, twelve sailors dealt with the heat, but that wasn’t the biggest weather issue. At a venue where wind shifts are expected, that day’s velocity was incredibly variable. One minute there was no wind, then a strong gust from pick-a-direction, then there were wind shifts that seemed to go on and on. It made finding the best course to sail extremely difficult. Despite wind issues, while sailing as one fleet, twelve races were completed. People enjoyed the conditions as much as possible, and the camaraderie made the day worthwhile.

stowe model yacht club

We missed the many volunteers who were helping in the boatbuilding class, and we hope to see many of them next week as well as the new boats and their skippers. The scoring will be suspended for the day so newcomers can get their bearings. The more experienced sailors will give tips and suggestions for our newest members, most of whom are new to the radio-controlled sailing world.

We had a group from a local camp stop by, and some of the campers were given the opportunity to try out the boats. In all, it was a great day of sailing, but can someone please turn down the heat and humidity? We look forward to a week without sailing scores next week when we can help the new sailors get their boats moving and around the racecourse.

stowe model yacht club

The Sailor Class had only three boats so everyone got a medal. The gold medalist, with an average of 1.30, was Dave Hogenson, who managed seven first-place finishes. The silver went to Lin Davis with an average of 1.60, crossing the finish line first in four races. Bruce Wilhelm captured the bronze with a score of 2.60. He got one win despite spending that morning with the boatbuilding class.

The Master Class had nine boats, and the racing was fierce. Tim Wright managed to come out on top with four wins and an average of 1.70. After Tim, there were three boats with an average score between three and four. In second place, Jeff Witzel (3.30) had two firsts back-to-back. This is where the scoring got very close. In third place with a score of 3.70, Al Posnack had a better day, including his first, second and third wins of the season. In fourth was Tom Barstow with three second-place finishes and an average score of 3.90. In fifth was Don Cundy, who had one win, two second-place finishes, and an overall score of 4.10. He lost a small rudder-covering hatch cover, and returned to the racing with a new taped hatch. Denis Boisvert had a score of 4.50 and three top-three finishes to land in sixth place. Ted Monetta had a first in one race, and ended the afternoon with an average of 5.10 for seventh place. Bob Pacini is starting to get his sea legs back (so to speak) and also had a first-place finish. His average was 5.60 for eighth place. Jack Minahan came in ninth, but left a little early, perhaps due to the heat. It really was muggy and very humid..

stowe model yacht club

US12 Sailing

The weather was typical of Back Bay but worse, much worse — one moment becalmed, the next flat over, then flat over the other way. Pity the poor crew members onboard — if any were left. The sun was relentless. After completing twelve races, everyone had had enough. Karen did a magnificent job, race director as well as scorekeeper. Thank you, Karen, for braving the heat and keeping us all in order. We had some photo finishes so Karen’s judgment was critical. We were too hot to argue anyway.

At the top of the fleet this week it was a tie between Rick Laird and John Simms, both scoring 2.00. Six tenths behind, Rick Gates took third with 2.60. Don Cundy was fourth at 3.40, Anthony Quinn at 4.30 was fifth, and Bob Brennan was sixth at 4.60.

stowe model yacht club

New Skippers

This has been the week for Model Yacht Building and the addition of eight new Solings to the fleet. This year’s class was a joy to work with, to which I’m sure all the instructors will attest.

A record number of volunteer instructors and great leadership from Al Stevens gave us a building program that the New Hampshire Boat Museum and the Back Bay Skippers can be proud of. We were very close to one-on-one instruction, which kept the program on schedule with everyone working on the same step at the same time.

Attending this year’s class were Daniel Stirk, Richard Currier, David Keto, Henry Clare (with grandfather Warren Muir), Jeanne Butler, Kyle Blaisdell (with father, Bob Blaisdell), Kristina Dollarhide, and Kevin Bennett.

Instructors were Al Stevens, Tim Wright, Mark Bodenstab, Bruce Wilhelm, Steve Leker, Don McBride, Linwood Davis, Dave Corbett, and Mark Whitehead. All sails needed were made by Anthony Quinn.

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Boat Dock - RC Model Yachts for Sale

  • July 14, 2024 11AM Sunday Sailing at Lily Pond, Gilford NH hosted by Rick Parent

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2011 CamAm Regatta – Stowe, VT

The 2011 Soling1M “CanAm Challenge Cup” Regatta Saturdayand Sunday July 30 & 31 – 2011 Commodores Pond, Stowe, Vermont, U.S.A.

The CamAm Challenge Cup was first held in 2009 to promote a friendly, yet competitive spirit between sailors in the US and Canada – in the true Corinthian spirit. The regatta is sailed with Soling One Meter model Yachts and scored on two levels:

Individual performance and Team performance (Canada vs. U.S)

2011 S1M CanAm Challenge Regatta Results (16 Races; 2 Throw Outs)

1 Bruce Nourjian Stowe Yacht Club 20
2 Jim Goddard Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 21
3 Paul Fixx Stowe Yacht Club 37
4 Charlie Berry/Niels Olsen Stowe Yacht Club 47
5 Glen Chalder Stowe Yacht Club 47
6 Phil Tonks Stowe Yacht Club 48
7 Tim Stone Stowe Yacht Club 50
8 Bob White Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 68
9 Bob Boutilier Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 71
10 Ben Rusi Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 75
11 Fred Lindeijer Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 79
12 Ken Varall Stowe Yacht Club 83
13 Brian Wilmshurst Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 85
14 Gary Bugden Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 86
15 John Clay Kingston, ON 88
16 George Townsend Stowe Yacht Club 93
17 JD Langdon Stowe Yacht Club 103
18 John McKinney Woodstock, ON 104
19 John Stotler Stowe Yacht Club 109
20 Victor Lovitt Halifax Area Model Yacht Club 127
21 Ben Conabree Port Stanley, ON 155
22 Bob Smith Stowe Yacht Club Withdraw
23 Gloria Langois Port Stanley, ON DNS

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Cozy Farmhouse

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Overview ↑↓

Cozy Farmhouse - Close to skiing! Discover our cozy 2-bed, 1-bath retreat in historic Moscow, near Stowe, Vermont! Step into a warm, tastefully decorated space blending modern comforts and rustic charm. Embrace the tranquility, but note limited cell service in this rural haven. Welcome to your serene getaway! As you step into this cozy haven, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere that perfectly complements the serene beauty of the surrounding landscape. The living spaces are tastefully decorated with a blend of modern comforts and rustic charm, creating a homey ambiance for your getaway. The heart of this retreat is undoubtedly the outdoor space. Imagine unwinding in your private hot tub, surrounded by the beauty of Vermont. Whether it's a crisp winter evening or a sunny summer day, the hot tub provides a perfect spot to relax and take in the stunning views. Step outside to a small yet delightful yard with a patio and outdoor seating. It's an ideal spot for morning coffee or an evening barbecue with loved ones. The proximity to the road ensures easy access to all the attractions Stowe has to offer, making your stay convenient and enjoyable. The bedrooms are thoughtfully designed to offer a restful night's sleep after a day of exploring. Comfortable furnishings, soft linens, and tasteful decor create a welcoming retreat for you and your guests. Stowe, with its renowned ski slopes, hiking trails, and vibrant local culture, is at your doorstep. Experience the charm of Moscow village while being just a short drive away from the heart of Stowe's amenities. Book your stay at our Moscow retreat and indulge in the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. We look forward to hosting your unforgettable Stowe getaway! This charming two-bedroom, one-bathroom retreat is designed for comfort and relaxation, offering a unique blend of modern amenities and rustic charm. The bedrooms are thoughtfully appointed to provide a restful sanctuary after your adventures in Stowe. Comfortable furnishings, soft linens, and tasteful decor create a welcoming atmosphere, ensuring a peaceful night's sleep. Step into the inviting living spaces where the warmth of the surroundings embraces you. The open layout seamlessly connects the living and dining areas, creating a communal space for relaxation and shared moments. The kitchen is fully equipped, inviting you to whip up delicious meals or enjoy local treats during your stay. Venture outside to discover your private haven. A small yet delightful yard awaits, complete with a patio and outdoor seating. This is your personal retreat, perfect for sipping morning coffee or enjoying an al fresco meal. The highlight of the outdoor experience is undoubtedly the hot tub, offering a secluded spot to unwind and soak in the beauty of Vermont's natural surroundings. Whether it's a cozy evening indoors or a rejuvenating soak in the hot tub under the stars, this property is designed to make your stay memorable. The proximity to the road ensures easy access to Stowe's attractions, while the private yard and hot tub provide a peaceful retreat when you seek relaxation. Welcome to a place where comfort, charm, and the allure of Stowe converge for an unforgettable experience. This charming farmhouse is located just minutes from downtown Stowe and a few minutes more to reach the ski slopes. Directions to 1378 Moscow Road, Stowe, VT 05672 from I89: 1. Head towards Stowe on Route 100. 2. Take a left onto Moscow Road. 3. The residence will be on the right, just before reaching Barrows Road.

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  1. Stowe Yacht Club

    Welcome to the Stowe Yacht Club. Stowe Yacht Club is dedicated to the art and passion of model yacht building and sailing. One of our goals is to promote the sport of Remote Control sailing. The public is always welcome and encouraged to visit the pond during either of our regular race days. For more information, go to our "About Us" page.

  2. About Us

    The RC Soling class is modelled after the Olympic class boat sailed between 1972 - 2000. The Soling is also the most popular class boat in the AMYA. Our club has chosen the Soling as our Mon. and Wed. club racing boat. EC12: The EC12 is a one-design model yacht. A beautiful sailing model that is 59 inches long, weighs in at 24 pounds, and ...

  3. Stowe Yacht Club

    The Commodores Inn is home to the Stowe Yacht Club, whose members are dedicated to the fascinating sport of model sailboat racing. These fascinating remote controlled models are scale replicas of 12-meter racing yachts. Races follow the same rules as ocean sailing, but are finished in 15 minutes, rather than several hours. Members of the Stowe ...

  4. Upcoming events

    Stowe Yacht Club annual membership for 2024. SYC strongly encourages all club members to be a registered member of AMYA organization. ... AMYA supports many classes of model sailboats and our club receives benefits for regattas we host. You can join or renew your AMYA Membership here. Membership Dues: $35.00 . Event Date 01-01-2024 Event End ...

  5. National RC sailing championships in Stowe this weekend

    Stowe Yacht Club will host the National Championship sailing regatta for East Coast 12-meter radio-controlled model boats on the pond at the Commodores Inn, 823 S. Main St., Stowe. Races are run Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept 12-14, with races from 10 a.m. until about 4 p.m. each day.

  6. SYC 2024 Annual Membership-2024 Membership

    Stowe Yacht Club annual membership for 2024. SYC strongly encourages all club members to be a registered member of AMYA organization. ... AMYA supports many classes of model sailboats and our club receives benefits for regattas we host. You can join or renew your AMYA Membership here. Membership Dues: $35.00 . Event Properties Event Date 01-01-2024

  7. Stowe Yacht Club races boats in miniature

    Hidden from the traffic that zips by on the busy street, the Stowe Yacht Club holds its races on a 3.5-acre pond behind the Commodores Inn. In the words of Bruce Nourjian, owner of the inn and self-proclaimed "Harbor Master" of the club, this "is the hotbed of model sailing.". "We are all set up for it here," Nourjian said.

  8. 2024 EC12 Green Mountain Regatta

    The 2024 EC12 Green Mountain Regatta. "2024 Region One Championship". June 1st & June 2nd Saturday & Sunday. Organized by the STOWE YACHT CLUB (AMYA # 159) Regatta Site: The regatta will be sailed on Commodore's Pond behind the Commodore's Inn, Stowe, Vermont. Rules: This regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the current ...

  9. SYC 2023 Annual Membership-2023 Membership

    SYC 2023 Annual Membership. Stowe Yacht Club annual membership for 2023. SYC strongly encourages all club members to be a registered member of AMYA organization. AMYA supports many classes of model sailboats and our club receives benefits for regattas we host. You can join or renew your AMYA Membership here. Membership Dues: $35.00.

  10. Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 10, 2024

    Model Yachting News • Week Ending August 10, 2024. e-mail: [email protected]. CAM-AM Challenge. Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4, the Stowe Model Yacht Club hosted the annual CAN-AM Challenge, a competition between top skippers from the U.S. and Canada. Representing the New Hampshire Boat Museum Back Bay Skippers was Tim Wright ...

  11. Model Yachting News • Week Ending September 14, 2024

    July 8-12, 2024 NHBM Model Yacht Building Workshop; July 6, 2024 Model Yachting Day at Back Bay; June 22, 2024 NHBM Booth at Summer Kick-Off 2024, Pop Whalen Ice and Arts Center; June 15, 2024 Sasquatch Footy Regatta; February 2024 Building the Soling 1M Slotted Mast, by Mark Whitehead - Video

  12. THE AMYA

    Reg Closed: Max entrants: 30 Must Register By: 8/4/2023 A Friendly Cross - Border Rivalry Between USA & Canada: Race Location: COMMODORES INN 823 So. Main St Stowe VT 05672: Club: 159 STOWE YACHT CLUB Contact: Bruce Nourjian Phone: 802-253-7131

  13. Stowe Yacht Club

    We are a diverse group of model yacht sailors based in Stowe, Vermont with skill levels ranging from beginning modelers to experienced blue water sailors. Whether you are a sailor, or just interested in this fascinating and beautiful hobby, all are welcome. ... Stowe Yacht Club also uses first (ex. [email protected]) and first [1 letter ...

  14. 2022 Season Scores

    Stowe Yacht Club. Stowe Yacht Club. Home; About Us; Club Racing. 2024 Club Membership; 2024 Season Scores ; 2022 Season Scores; 2021 Season Scores; 2020 Season Scores; 2019 Season Scores; Regattas. 2024 Regatta Info & Registration; 2024 J Class Green Mountain Regatta;

  15. See All The Things To Do In Stowe Vermont

    No matter what time of year, our experienced staff would love to help you put together an itinerary of Stowe Vermont activities for your perfect day. On-site Activities. Enjoy Canoeing, Kayaking, Paddleboarding on our lake*. Go Fishing*. Try model Sailboat Racing with the Stowe Yacht Club*. Swim in our indoor or outdoor* pools.

  16. News

    Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4, the Stowe Model Yacht Club hosted the annual CAN-AM Challenge, a competition between top skippers from the U.S. and Canada. Representing the New Hampshire Boat Museum Back Bay Skippers was Tim Wright, placing third in the event. A strong showing from the U.S. team was not enough to hold off the Canadian team ...

  17. Visit Stowe, Vermont

    Stowe is the alpine Ski Capital of the East, and is also one of North America's premier cross-country skiing destinations with extensive groomed and backcountry trails. Winter recreation doesn't end there; explore dogsledding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and sleigh rides. Winter Activities.

  18. Class History

    The new boat was an almost instant success, but as a toy. By the early 1990's, two RC sailing AMYA Clubs in the Northeast (Stowe Model Yacht Club, Stowe, VT, and Minuteman Model Yacht Club - Massachusetts) adopted the new boat ("Soling 1m) as a club racing boat. The Charter Owners of the Soling 1 Meter numbered their boats 0- 40.

  19. Ssma-na

    You've come to the right place!!The SSMA is an association of local Ship Model Building clubs and individuals located throughout North America. Our members build all sorts of models:- Radio Controlled models using electric, sail, or steam power.-. Plastic and wooden static models. We build models of all sorts of subjects-- from small boats up ...

  20. 2011 CamAm Regatta

    The 2011 Soling1M "CanAm Challenge Cup" Regatta Saturdayand Sunday July 30 & 31 - 2011 Commodores Pond, Stowe, Vermont, U.S.A. The CamAm Challenge Cup was first held in 2009 to promote a friendly, yet competitive spirit between sailors in the US and Canada - in the true Corinthian spirit.

  21. THE AMYA

    Directory for Model Yachting Clubs. About AMYA News What's New on our Website Introduction AMYA Directory AMYA Regions AMYA Constitution Bylaws Hall of Fame Hall of Fame Policy Policies and Procedures AMYA Policies Donate to AMYA. ... Club: 159 STOWE YACHT CLUB: Contact: ...

  22. Cozy Farmhouse

    Welcome to a place where comfort, charm, and the allure of Stowe converge for an unforgettable experience. This charming farmhouse is located just minutes from downtown Stowe and a few minutes more to reach the ski slopes. Directions to 1378 Moscow Road, Stowe, VT 05672 from I89: 1. Head towards Stowe on Route 100.

  23. PDF Go Stowe

    About the Go Stowe Scenic Drives Guide. • Directions for each self-guided trip begins and ends at the Stowe Visitor Information Center located at 51 Main Street, Stowe, VT 05672. • While enjoying Stowe's scenic back roads, please be aware of bicyclists and runners. • All drive times are depending on traffic.