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Mercoledì 19 Giugno 2024

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Cashmere Powerboats a oltre 70 nodi con una day cruiser di sette metri

Cashmere Powerboats a oltre 70 nodi con una day cruiser di sette metri

Cashmere Powerboats

  • 05/12/2022 09:45

Viaggiare a oltre 70 nodi con una barca di sette metri dà una scarica di adrenalina con pochi pari nel mondo dei motori !

Ma poiché viviamo in tempi di risparmio energetico, transizione ecologica e sensibilità verso l’ambiente e la natura, nuovi valori che stanno cambiando anche la cultura nautica dove si guarda con sempre maggiore attenzione a prodotti con basso impatto ambientale o a alta efficienza. Un nuovo spirito colto e che sta facendo maturare Cashmere Powerboats  che ha sposato la filosofia contemporanea e lancia il The New Spirit of Boating.

La carena tecnologica

cashmere powerboats

Un nuovo approccio alla nautica da diporto a motore che parte dalla progettazione di nuove forme. L’elemento centrale delle barche di Cashmere Powerboats è la carena : un'innovazione frutto di dieci anni di studio e sperimentazione.

Le carene a step sono nate nei primi del novecento e la carena FTS (Flow Trimming Step ) ne è la più recente, innovativa e funzionale interpretazione. È composta di due porzioni geometricamente differenti: la prua a “V” profondo, poliedrica, convessa e con due o più pattini per lato e la poppa a “V” moderato, costante e senza pattini.

Alte velocità e bassi consumi  

cashmere powerboats

La carena FTS (Flow Trimming Step) consente la tenuta di un angolo d’assetto ottimale con la minor superficie bagnata possibile. Questo si traduce in tempi di planata ridotti (-20%), velocità di punta elevata (+30%) andature di crociera sostenute con consumi bassi e navigazione confortevole.

Un dato su tutti: il modello Gotcha è risultato il monocarena monomotore più veloce del mondo secondo le formule di Crouch e Keith

cashmere powerboats

Un altro aspetto fondamentale è la manovrabilità ovvero la carena FTS consente di compiere virate strettissime in totale sicurezza rendendo più semplice togliersi d’impaccio in situazioni difficili.

Chiaro il target: quelle di Cashmere Powerboats sono imbarcazioni pensate, progettate e costruite per chi ama la velocità e vede nella barca un’estensione del proprio modo d’essere e un supporto ideale per incrementare il valore del proprio tempo libero.

cashmere powerboats

A Cashmere Powerboats si lavora alla composizione armonica tra prestazioni, ergonomia, design e moda per incrementare il valore della creazione nautica. Il valore è una misura della creatività, del saper fare, dell'impegno e delle scelte sui materiali: gli scafi sono costruiti interamente in Kevlar® e sulla componentistica Cashmere Powerboats ha investito sui migliori fornitori internazionali, una ricerca su cinque continenti.

Il design funzionale

Il concetto e la pratica di design di Cashmere Powerboats poggia sull’idea che qualsiasi elemento nasce per soddisfare un’esigenza . Non design fine a sé stesso ma design legato allo schema: Forma = Funzione. Questa la filosofia.

cashmere powerboats

La funzionalità però non deve uccidere il gusto. Un prodotto come questo non poteva non tenere in considerazione un fattore importante come la moda. Ma cosa significa? Offrire al cliente una gamma davvero infinita di combinazioni di tessuti, colori e finiture per ottenere barche esclusive, diverse l’una dall’altra, che trova vita e applicazione nautica su una linea di quattro imbarcazioni a motore dai sette ai diciassette metri.

Le quattro eccellenze. Un quartetto di prodotti di eccellenza dove si coniugano, come detto precedentemente, prestazioni elevatissime - si superano sempre i cinquanta nodi – con lo stile e il comfort per rendere uniche le emozioni in un ambiente accogliente. ideato e pensato per godere della velocità e della natura.

cashmere powerboats

Ogni imbarcazione Cashmere offre caratteristiche uniche nella sua categoria che sintetizziamo di seguito:

  • Gotcha (velocità sopra i 60 nodi) ha una vera cabina lunga 2,10 cm dove si può stare seduti, un pozzetto confortevole e un gran prendisole
  • Outrage (velocità sopra gli 80 nodi) un pozzetto enorme e un prendisole oversize. In cabina un bagno ad altezza uomo
  • No-Limits (velocità sopra gli 80 nodi) ha due cabine separate
  • Infinity ( velocità sopra gli 80 nodi) offre due zone notte distinte e separate da un grande e confortevole pozzetto posizionato a metà barca centrale. Due prendisole in coperta.

Il top con Your Dream

cashmere powerboats

Per chi cerca il top di gamma si è costruito il programma Your Dream che prevederà l’impiego di grafiche speciali per lo scafo e configurazioni “racing” per le motorizzazioni.

"Solcare il mare a forte velocità, ascoltando la musica preferita con la massima qualità di suono e godere queste emozioni come se fossimo nel salotto di casa. Un obiettivo che si raggiunge grazie alla gran sicurezza offerta da una creazione pensata fin nei minimi dettagli."

Alessandro Bacci

[email protected]

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Arriva a Sanremo il MMNRT - Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour 2024

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Arriva a Sanremo il MMNRT - Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour 2024

La portaerei Cavour, orgoglio della Marina Militare Italiana

Circolo Surf Torbole: assegnati i titoli dei Campionati Europei Windsurfer

Isola di Ventotene - I. Ponziane (LT)

YCCS: Campionato Europeo J/24 Range Rover, l’irlandese Headcase difende con successo il titolo continentale

YCCS: Campionato Europeo J/24 Range Rover, l’irlandese Headcase difende con successo il titolo continentale

Circolo Nautico di Loano: conclusa la prima edizione del ''Trofeo Ciccio Rossi'' in memoria dello storico allenatore del CNL

Circolo Nautico di Loano: conclusa la prima edizione del ''Trofeo Ciccio Rossi'' in memoria dello storico allenatore del CNL

Presentato a Barcellona l'enorme ''Logo Umano'' dell'America's Cup

Il design senza tempo del Greenline 48 mantiene il modello attuale anche dopo 10 anni

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© Copyright 2011-2023 - Nautica Report - Reg. Tribunale di Roma n.314 - 27-12-2013 - Editore Carlo Alessandrelli - Un marchio Wave Promotion srls - P.Iva: 12411241008





cashmere powerboats

38' Mystic M3800

2019 Brea California 38 Mystic M3800

40' Mystic C4000

2021 Anaheim California 40 Mystic C4000

42' Mystic Powerboat M4200

2020 Toms River New Jersey 42 Mystic Powerboat M4200

38' Mystic Powerboats M3800

2020 Toms River New Jersey 38 Mystic Powerboats M3800

38' Mystic Powerboats C3800

2019 Toms River New Jersey 38 Mystic Powerboats C3800

42' Mystic M4200

2019 Lake of the Ozarks Missouri 42 Mystic M4200

42' MYSTIC M4200

2016 Lake Havasu City Arizona 42 MYSTIC M4200

44' Mystic C4400

2015 Augusta Georgia 44 Mystic C4400

44' Mystic c4400

2015  Arizona 44 Mystic c4400

50' Mystic c500r

2011  Colorado 50 Mystic c500r

--> -->                    

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Outerlimits Launches New Website

Minus a model to bring to the Miami International Boat Show , which opened Wednesday and closes Sunday, Outerlimits Offshore Powerboats saved a small fortune by passing on the South Florida event this year. But the Bristol, R.I., V-bottom and catamaran company does have a new product of sorts to tout.

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To better showcase its breathtaking creations, Outerlimits launched a new website today. Photo by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix .

A new website , which went live today.

“While we’re not at the boat show, we launched a new website this morning,” Kleitz said. “That way, we can bring a ‘boat show’ of our own right to your phone, tablet or laptop or desktop computer.

“We will still be adding features along the way,” he continued. “An ‘Inventory’ page and a ‘Gear Shop’ page will be among the first new additions.”

cashmere powerboats

The Outerlimits website is easy to navigate.

Related stories Countdown To The 2024 Miami International Boat Show Featured Boat: 2020 Outerlimits SC 46 Catamaran Outerlimits SC 37 Cat Snags Another Longtime V-Bottom Owner Outerlimits And DCB Out For Miami Show Exhibits But In For Demos Outerlimits And DCB Out For Miami Show Exhibits But In For Demos Canopied Outerlimits SC 37 Cat Edges Closer To Completion Catching Up With Dan Kleitz—Outerlimits And The Sustained DNA Of Mike Fiore Featured Boats: Stand Or Sit—Outerlimits 2020 SL 50 And 2017 SV 50 New Outerlimits SC 37 Going To First-Time Catamaran Owner Crypto Outerlimits Headed For A Big Season With New Owner

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New Video! The Bold New Era Of DCB Performance Marine

Highlights from the 2024 miami international boat show.

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Lyles Boats and Motors Inc

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  • (509) 663-5191

About Lyles Boats and Motors Inc

Lyles Boats and Motors Inc located at 5970 Sunburst Lane in Cashmere, WA services vehicles for Boat Repair and Service, Boat Supplies, Boat Motor Repair. Call (509) 663-5191 to book an appointment or to hear more about the services of Lyles Boats and Motors Inc.

Lyles Boats and Motors Inc Reviews

Business Information

Business Name: Lyles Boats and Motors Inc

Address: 5970 Sunburst Lane

Phone Number: (509) 663-5191

Email: not listed

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1840 N Wenatchee Ave Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 662-0210

Services: Boat Supplies

221 Summer Breeze Rd Manson, WA 98831 (509) 687-2628

Services: Boat Repair and Service

Nearby Shops

5650A Vale Road Cashmere, WA 98815

5655 Sunset Hwy Cashmere, WA 98815

237 Independence Way Cashmere, WA 98815

9255 Foster Rd Cashmere, WA 98815

4262 Bardin James Road Monitor, WA 98836

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5970 Sunburst Ln

Cashmere, WA 98815

Serving Cashmere Area








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Founded in 1987 by Don Jenkins, Black Thunder Powerboats made a name for itself by producing some of the largest and fastest offshore powerboats of their time. Known for their luxurious amenities, high-speeds and ability to handle big water, Black Thunder became an icon of the high-performance powerboating lifestyle.

Today, Black Thunder Offshore continues its iconic legacy under new management. With new builds underway at our retooled headquarters in Hannibal, Missouri, we are combining decades of experience and craftmanship with today’s latest marine technologies to take the Black Thunder brand to new heights.  From our innovative new hull designs to our bold new graphics, you’re not going to want to miss the exciting new things coming next from Black Thunder Offshore.


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Skater Powerboats

Skater Powerboats

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Racing Pedigree

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Founded in 1974

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Flexible Design and Power

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Fully Custom

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World Leaders in Design

Welcome to skater powerboats.

Those who crave tear-duct draining, cheek-smearing velocity on the water know there is only only one king: Skater! When it comes to performance, the automobile world has Ferrari and Lamborghini, while motorcyclists long to ride a Ducati or BMW.

The Number One builder of high-performance catamarans in the world has been in business for 50 years.

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Skater is the standard by which all other high-performance boat manufacturers are compared. The sleekest in design, the fastest, and the most sought-after Skater is the Bugatti of the water.

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Founded and led by Peter Hledin in 1974, Skater prides itself on being at the leading edge of technology. The Skater, Michigan-based company that covers 95,000 square feet was the first to perfect the use of vacuum-bagging technology, S-glass, kevlar, carbon fiber, epoxy resins and other construction techniques in the high performance industry and we use those construction techniques on every boat we build.

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Skater does not build ‘off-the-line’ boats. From the interior to the paint to the power package and everything in between, every catamaran is fully customizable to meet each client’s needs. From subtle to spectacular in design but always stunning in performance, Skater excels above the rest.

Handling Like No Other

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Every Skater has world-renown on-rails handling and incredible responsiveness

The Standard Bearer in the Offshore World

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Even though others have tried to replicate the Skater hull countless times, we’re still the industry leader in all-around performance and speed

No Duplicates

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Like human DNA, no two Skaters are the same.  Each one is built to the precise standards and expectations of our clients

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  • 15 Best Houseboats In Kashmir 2024: A Treat For Nature Buffs!

25 Apr 2024

Think of one of those romantic evenings when you are standing by the intricately carved cedar-wood railing of a fancy-looking boat marooned along the outskirts of Dal Lake. Think of someone special by your side and the Great Himalayas right in front of you. Along the same lines, think of the best houseboats in Kashmir ! Because your restless musings can only be met by houseboats – one of the prime attractions of Kashmir. Apart from wearing the outlook of a fancy looking medieval artwork, the houseboats in Kashmir are equally adorned with the tranquillizing nature from all sides. So, check out the top houseboats in Kashmir with this blog.

15 Best Houseboats In Dal Lake In Kashmir 2024

Houseboats, also known as floating houses, provide unique stay options for the guests. Here is the list of the best houseboats in Dal Lake in Kashmir that you can consider for your staycation! Take a look!

  • Butt’s Clermont Houseboats: Feel Of Different Eras!
  • Royal Group Of Houseboats: Experience The Regalia
  • Royal Dandoo Palace Group of Houseboats: A Deluxe Stay!
  • Lighthouse Group Of Houseboats: An Excellent Stay!
  • Mughal Sheraton Group Of Houseboats: Paradise On Earth!
  • Savoy Group Of Houseboats: Traditional Stay!
  • Young Bombay Group Of Houseboats: Vibrant & Majestic
  • Naaz Kashmir: Houseboat Of Your Dreams
  • Butterfly Group Of Houseboats: Luxe Stay!
  • New Jacquline Houseboats: A Quaint World In Waters!
  • Peacock Houseboats: Ancient Yet Elegant Way
  • New Golden Flower Heritage Houseboat: Of Motifs & Intricacy!
  • Kashmir Group Of Houseboats: Upholding Kashmir Tourism
  • Shelter Group Of Houseboats: One Of The Oldest!
  • De-Laila Group Of Houseboats: An Awe-Inspiring Stay

1. Butt’s Clermont Houseboats: Feel Of Different Eras!


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Distinguished for its cozy and comfortable suites, Butt’s Clermont Houseboats stationed by the western shores of Dal Lake is an idyllic retreat. The houseboat recognized as one of the best houseboats in Kashmir overlooks Naseem Bagh – the old 400 years Mughal Garden known for its famous Chinar trees. There is trekking too for travel enthusiasts. With the captivating beauty of lotus flower around, what else could you ask for! So, opt for Butt’s Clermont Houseboats, among the best houseboats in Kashmir Dal Lake.

Address: Hazratbal Rd, Naseem Bagh

Tariff: INR 18500 per night onwards

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2. Royal Group Of Houseboats: Experience The Regalia

acj-1804-Royal Group of Houseboats

Situated in a picturesque locale of Mahadev Mountain Range, the Royal Group of Houseboats makes for an elegant stay in Dal Lake by catering unmatchable experience. The best part about Royal Group of Houseboats in Kashmir is that while they let you experience the splendor around, they also allow you all the privacy in the world.

Apart from a separate corridor the houseboats also have dining, and pantry and dedicated crew to serve the travelers in the most efficient manner.

Address: Behind Hotel Leeward, Dal Lake Nehru Park

Tariff: INR 7000 per night onwards

3. Royal Dandoo Palace Group of Houseboats: A Deluxe Stay!

Well laid-out seating area of Royal Dandoo Palace

Located at a distance of 2 km from the Lal Chowk City, Royal Dandoo Palace Group of Houseboats is one of the popular Kashmir boat houses. The wood-panelled houses, handicrafts, and a cozy fireplace make the houseboat a prominent option in the Dal Lake. The owners of the houseboat also arrange for bird watching tours and picnic. Shalimar and Nishat Bagh, at 6 km is a preferred spot for a picnic near the houseboat.

Address: Dal Lake, Nehru Park

Tariff: 6000 per night onwards

Suggested Read: 10 Places To Visit In Kashmir In June

4. Lighthouse Group Of Houseboats: An Excellent Stay!

Seating area of Lighthouse Group of Houseboats

Spend a romantic evening riding a shikara in the Dal Lake, experience the local Kashmiri dishes, the Lighthouse Group is counted among one of the best houseboats in Kashmir and the excitement of spending time onboard is truly unique. Enjoy the warm hospitality and behold breathtaking views of mighty Himalayas around, this is one of the most accomplished mid-range houseboats in Dal Lake.

Address: Abi Karpora, Nehru Park, Dal Lake

Tariff: INR 5000 per night onwards

5. Mughal Sheraton Group Of Houseboats: Paradise On Earth!

Front view of Mughal Sherton in kashmir

Prepare to get transported into the dreamy world of Mughal Sheraton Group of Houseboats. The fully furnished luxurious boat would leave you pleasantly surprised and acts as the perfect icing on the cake on your Kashmir trip. The houseboat authorities also offer a wide range of tour packages to the travelers. Of all the 9 days & 8 nights, Kashmir Magic package allows you the perfect tour of the valley. A memorable stay in one of the most modish houseboats in Kashmir is highly recommended.

Address: Opposite of Park Hotel, Dal Lake

Suggested Read: 30 Places To Visit In Kashmir

6. Savoy Group Of Houseboats: Traditional Stay!

acj-1804-Savoy Group of Houseboats

Another popular attraction in Kashmir, the Savoy Group of Houseboats has been a soothing retreat in the Dal Lake. A perfect place to slip into nature’s tranquility, these houseboats have remained a favorite of artists, painters, and travel enthusiasts from the time of British Raj. Ranked on TripAdvisor as one of the best houseboats in Kashmir by happy customers, this houseboat is a perfect hideout for you. Handmade fabrics, traditional curtains, linen, and interiors carved out of local walnut timber would certainly leave you awed.

Tariff: INR 3300 per night onwards

7. Young Bombay Group Of Houseboats: Vibrant & Majestic

Awesome nature view from Young Bombay Group of Houseboats

Experience the Kashmiri way of life the traditional way. Behold the magnificence in the form of neatly carved interiors that resemble the perfect piece of art. Spotless clean rooms, king-size beds, and deliciously cooked Kashmiri cuisine explain why the houseboat is so popular among the mid-range houseboats in Dal Lake. Additionally, the houseboat also sells well-curated tour packages in and around Jammu & Kashmir! The 8 days & 7 nights exotic Kashmir Package is certainly a cut above the rest.

Address: Gate 9, Boulevard Road, Dal Lake, Opposite New Park Hotel

Tariff: INR 3100 per night onwards

Suggested Read: 23 Things To Do In Kashmir

6 Best Houseboats In Kashmir In Nagin Lake

Take a look at some of the best houseboats in Kashmir in Nagin Lake to make the most out of your stay!

1. Naaz Kashmir: Houseboat Of Your Dreams

acj-1804-Naaz Kashmir

A stay at Naaz Kashmir means that your dream of staying in a luxury Kashmir houseboat is duly addressed. Wake up to a dreamy morning, take the wonderful shikhara ride, eat a sumptuous meal, go water-skiing and plan a barbecue dinner! Sounds like a perfect stay in the Nigeen Lake!

WiFi and other modern facilities duly complement the arty interiors of the charming houseboat. Hop on and experience the warm and cozy atmosphere coz this is certainly one of the best houseboats in Kashmir. Bicycle on rent, separate library, and travel books are the added facilities that would make your stay worthwhile. This is among the luxury houseboats in Kashmir. Hence, you can choose this option for a premium stay.

Address: Saderbal, Nigeen Lake, Sudribal

2. Butterfly Group Of Houseboats: Luxe Stay!


The Butterfly Houseboats offer excellent stay and a wide range of recreational facilities thus bringing the recognition of one of the best houseboats in Kashmir to plan a momentous holiday. The adjoining garden area, well-appointed staff, and parking facilities for guests make Butterfly Houseboat an ideal stay in Nigeen Lake. Plan a business tour or a family outing, this 5-star property is well-equipped to make your stay a memorable one. It is indeed one of the best houseboats in Kashmir.

Address:  Nigeen Lake, Lake Rd, Mirza Bagh, Sudribal

Tariff: INR 6500 per night onwards

Suggested Read: 19 Places to Visit in Kashmir For Honeymoon

3. New Jacquline Houseboats: A Quaint World In Waters!


The grass is perfectly greener on this side. Stationed opposite to the Nigeen Club towards the western end of Nigeen Lake, the New Jacquline Houseboats is the place to be. Come this summer, the quiet and subdued environs around the houseboats invite you for a laid-back retreat far from the hustle-bustle of the city life.

Plan a stay here and experience the top not service, Kashmiri food, and mesmerizing views from the deck. Greenery around in summer and snow-capped peaks in winter wait to enchant you. Land connectivity and free parking area is another notable feature of New Jacquline Houseboats.

Address: Opposite Nigeen Club, Nigeen Lake

Tariff: INR 4350 per night onwards

4. Peacock Houseboats: Ancient Yet Elegant Way

acj-1804-Peacock Houseboats

Outfitted with well laid out carpeted rooms, and modern amenities like satellite color television, and the internet, Peacock Houseboat is the Kashmir houseboat stay you have been looking all this while. The fancy interiors and 3-star facilities and commendable service make Peacock Houseboats an ideal stay at the Nigeen Lake. 100% power backup, laundry, and doctor-on-call are the highlights of services provided at the houseboat. You may note that the houseboat cost in Srinagar varies from one houseboat t0 another. Hence, you can choose one that is the best for you.

Address: Ghar No- 1, Nigeen Lake, Opposite Nigeen Club

Tariff: INR 4000 per night onwards Tariff: INR 12500 per night onwards

Suggested Read: Kashmir In September

5. New Golden Flower Heritage Houseboat: Of Motifs & Intricacy!


New Golden Flower Heritage Houseboat is soothing stay by the banks of Nigeen Lake. Popular for its aesthetic beauty and loaded with all the modern amenities, this houseboat in Kashmir could be the stay with unmatchable experience that you have been looking for all this while. Private parking space, free wifi, a mini library, and an exclusive dining area  are the added amenities that make New Golden Flower Heritage one of the best houseboats in Kashmir.

Address: Shikara Ghat – 2, Nigeen Lake, Hazratbal Road

Tariff: INR 2500 per night onwards

6. Kashmir Group Of Houseboats: Upholding Kashmir Tourism

Living area of Kashmir Group of Houseboats in Kashmir

Cheer up you are at the confluence of the north of South Asia and south of Central Asia. Your dream destination has

Address: Hazratbal Road, Nigeen Lake, Opposite Nigeen Club

Tariff: INR 2200 per night onwards

Suggested Read: Kashmir Food

Best Houseboats In Kashmir In Jhelum River

Planning to stay at Jhelum River? Have a look at these housboats before you leave for your vacation. Keep scrolling down and read along!

1. Shelter Group Of Houseboats: One Of The Oldest!


One of the pioneers among the existing best houseboat in Kashmir, Shelter Group of Houseboats is an ideal retreat for travelers looking for a heavenly experience in Kashmir. The houseboat, carved out of wood paneling, has 10 houseboats of different size. The stay options vary from 3 bedrooms to 2 bedrooms accommodation. Top notch amenities and nature’s perfect escapade around make Shelter Group of houseboats as one of the 5-star stays. Brace yourself for a memorable stay.

Address: Lal Mandi Road, Near SPS Museum Tariff: INR 2000 per night onwards

2. De-Laila Group Of Houseboats: An Awe-Inspiring Stay

acj-1804- De-Laila Group of Houseboats

Located close to the city center, the De-Laila Group is a Kashmir boat house that treats you the traditional way. Excellent food, impeccable service, and easy accessibility to the houseboat from the city center make De-Laila a preferred Kashmir houseboat stay. Watch out for the fascinating work of objet d’art and motifs on the interiors and exceptional location around. A stay here could be fanciest things you would plan in awhile.

Address: Boulevard Road Opposite Park Hotel Tariff: INR 3000 per night onwards

Further Read: Houseboats In Srinagar

Houseboats in Kashmir, with their rustic charm and jaw-dropping surroundings, bring out the best of the enchanting valley in the Himalayas. Book a trip to Kashmir and experience a houseboat stay now!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Best Houseboats In Kashmir

What is houseboat called in Kashmir?

Houseboats in Kashmir are called Shikaras.

Is it legal to live on a houseboat?

Yes, living on a houseboat is legal.

Is Kashmir good for honeymoon?

Yes, indeed. It’s best that you do not spend your time running from one place to another, and stick to 2 or 3 major destinations. Plan your romantic trip to Kashmir for a duration is at least 5 to 6 days.

Which is the famous lake in Kashmir?

Dal Lake is the most famous and most visited lake in the state.

What is there to do in Srinagar in December?

Visit the top 10 houseboats in Srinagar for the best time. Check out a few experiences that will make your winter in Kashmir irresistible 1. A Shikara ride in the partially frozen Dal Lake. 2. Munching on Harissa – the winter delicacy of Kashmir. 3. Skiing, cable car ride, and hiking in Gulmarg. 4. Walking the Chadar – the frozen Zanskar river. 5. Beholding the best of snow mountain valley in Sonamarg. 6. A pony ride, white water rafting and more in Betaab Valley, Pahalgam

How can I go to Gulmarg from Srinagar?

Travel options: 1. By Air. The nearest airport to Gulmarg is in Srinagar which is 56 kilometres away. 2. By Bus. Gulmarg is well-connected with regular bus services from Srinagar, Sonmarg and other neighbouring towns in Kashmir. 3. By Train. Jammu is the nearest railway station, at a distance of 290 kilometres.

Which is the deepest lake in Kashmir?

Manasbal Lake is the deepest lake in Kashmir.

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    Additionally, the houseboat also sells well-curated tour packages in and around Jammu & Kashmir! The 8 days & 7 nights exotic Kashmir Package is certainly a cut above the rest. Address: Gate 9, Boulevard Road, Dal Lake, Opposite New Park Hotel. Tariff: INR 3100 per night onwards.


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