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The new full-electric Riva El-Iseo powerboat and scale models of legendary wooden Rivas featured at this Italian event dedicated to the Prancing Horse


When talk turns to glorious heritages, style and beauty, Riva’s name is always heard. So it was only natural for the brand to be a partner at the exclusive Cavallino Classic Modena, the prestigious international Concours d’Elegance reserved for Ferrari road and racing models from all periods, held in Modena from May 17 to 19.

Now in its fourth edition, the Cavallino Classic Modena is an Italian expression of the famous Palm Beach Cavallino Classic Concours d’Elegance, which this year featured a magnificent Riva Anniversario. The Cavallino Classic Modena was held, as tradition requires, in Modena in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, the birthplace of Enzo Ferrari, the man who gave the world the Legend of the Reds and the Prancing Horse. The event is dedicated to that brilliant businessman and his magnificent cars, in fact, and was held in the evocative setting of Casa Maria Luigia, the mansion created by chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore.

Riva rose to the occasion by bringing to Modena the new Riva El-Iseo , its first full-electric powerboat, which it displayed in the centre of the pond in the park at Casa Maria Luigia, and also scale models of legendary Riva boats.

Equally admired was the Riva prize of honour: the winner of the category “Best of show gran turismo – Finest GT Ferrari Modena 2024” in this Concours d’Elegance was presented with the iconic helm of the Aquarama . The award ceremony took place on Saturday evening during a gala dinner at Massimo Bottura’s Osteria Francescana after the splendid cavalcade of the competition’s 25 cars through the centre of Modena.

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Riva Yachts: how one Italian family created a nautical legend

By paula reynolds | May 2, 2021

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Sophia Loren had one. So did Anita Eckberg and Sean Connery…as did violet-eyed Liz. Brigitte  Bardot’s had zebra print seats, and even George Bush was often spotted in his, breaking waves in the Hamptons. They’ve always been the nautical epitome of cool — and we’re not talking about the owners, but of the craft… the 100% Italian built Riva yacht .

Sleek, sexy, oh-so Italian…these streamlined vessels are known throughout the nautical world for their extraordinary quality, unforgettable design, and well…for having a suave factor that would be off the charts if suave charts existed. Even if you’re not familiar with the name, Riva yachts might hold a spot in your subconscious. Just for a second, visualize a bevy of the rich and famous motor-boating across an Italian lake, Prosecco in hand, or maybe a pulse pounding James Bond clip, our hero soaring over breaking waves as he escapes the ire of his latest nemesis. Odds are your imagination included a Riva built boat.

The Riva name is synonymous with luxury and glamour in the boat world, a brand that defies being classified as “just” a watercraft. It might even be more of a zeitgeist of ideology, of concept, of beauty,  a melding of style and function that make Riva one of the most desirable yacht names around.

riva yacht storia

It’s a remarkable story of serendipity and talent that led to the birth of Riva boats. While Carlo Riva (1922-2017) is considered the father of classic contemporary Riva watercraft, had it not been for a run of bad weather on the banks of Lake Iseo in 1842, Sophia would’ve had to settle for a much less classy ride over her Italian lakes.

Heavy rains pummeled the small lakeside town of Sarnico , forcing the River Oglio from its banks. As flooding torrents scoured the village, they carried with them the small fleet of fishing vessels, tumbled about like children’s toys. The humble boats experienced severe damage; immediate help was needed and found through the expertise of a young boatwright by the name of Pietro Riva . Newly arrived from Laglio, Riva quickly set to work repairing and refitting the vessels with skill and quality. His craftsmanship earned the village’s admiration and trust, and eventually Riva opened his own shipyard on the Sarnico shoreline. Pietro’s early production featured quality battel da pesca (fishing boats) and canotto da passeggio (pleasure craft) to suit the needs of the locals, but as his young family grew, so did his vision for his small company.

Pietro’s mastery of boatbuilding was the beginning of a legendary line of shipwrights. His son Ernesto introduced power combustion engines, a forward-thinking step that brought the latest mechanical innovations to the business. His insight introduced not only speedier transportation of goods over the lakes, but the launch of nautical tourism, as well. Ernesto’s own motorboat prototype was a success…and a lot of fun; why not offer tourists the chance to experience the wind, waves, and sights that he was enjoying?  

riva yacht storia

Riva’s visionary heritage continued when Ernesto’s son Serafino took the helm, bringing a major shift to the boatyard. It was after World War I and Italy was ready for distraction. Capitalizing on this, Serafino built and promoted high speed pleasure boats. Equipped for speed and agility, Riva power boats became the hot rod of the Italian lakes. Serafino’s designs quickly set the standard for the popular sport of speedboat racing in the 1920s and 1930s. Riva’s successful incorporation of efficient design and high-powered engines earned fame through multiple wins and titles in Italy and around the world.

“I want to build boats my own way I told my father…I started production in 1950 with six months of testing…It was the happiest day of my life.” ~ Carlo Riva

It wasn’t until Carlo Riva , son of Serafino, took the helm of Riva, however, that the seismic shift in production — and notoriety — began. With the skill, training, DNA, and drive of the Riva dynasty under his skin, Carlo revolutionized Riva design. After some serious head-butting with his father Serafino — who saw no need to change the line’s traditional success —  Carlo succeeded in forging ahead with his vision for a sleek, immaculately built boat featuring flawless functionality and glamorous visual appeal:  the nautical version of Italian flair and desirability. A new manufacturing facility was constructed in 1954 on the shores of Lake Iseo fusing state-of-the art innovation with Riva’s famed tradition for minute attention to detail and quality. Carlo’s vision set into motion Riva’s golden age of luxury watercraft; Riva yachts quickly became the coveted status symbol for those with an eye for ultimate fashion and function.  

riva yacht storia

The breakthrough, however, that imbedded the iconic Riva style in modern awareness came about in 1962 with the launch of the Acquarama. Using the design protocol of his highly popular Tritone , Carlo reimagined the boat to feature roomier passenger space, a sun deck that seemed to beg for bathing beauties, and other innovations that set precedents in the boating world. His signature feature of turquoise blue upholstery with a matching wheel was the cherry on top. Named #1 of the Top 100 Best Boats Ever by “Motorboat & Yachting Magazine” and “Most beautiful boat in the World” by the International Press, this “Ferrari of the boat world” still quickens the pulse in many whenever she shows up in movies or commercials — or lakeside if you’re lucky enough to witness one slicing through the blue.

Carlo sold his company to an American firm in 1969 yet remained active for several more years. A succession of non-Italian owners finally came full circle in 2000 when the Italian Ferretti Group purchased Riva Yachts. Active in production today, Carlo’s imprint remains strong within the company, evident through the breath-taking style, consummate quality, and suave elegance permeating every Riva boat from cruiser to mega-yacht.

Riva Yachts, a name synonymous with Italian flair and elegance, remains one of the most coveted brands today. Even if owning one is out of reach, it’s possible to get up close and personal with a visit to the Riva Yacht factory in Sarnico. Standing next to Ernesto’s first motorboat, or perhaps feeling your pulse quicken as you admire the Aquarama #784, the last classic model off the production line in 1996, can quicken the pulse of any fan of the beauty of Italian design and innovation. Carlo’s spirit is alive and well on the shores of his beloved Sarnico.

“… Designed with love, pure and strong like a pedigree horse. Unforgettable!” ~ Carlo Riva 

Sophia Loren ne aveva uno. Anche Anita Eckberg e Sean Connery… come anche Liz dagli occhi viola. Quello di Brigitte Bardot aveva sedili zebrati, e persino George Bush è stato spesso visto a bordo del suo, mentre navigava negli Hamptons. Sono sempre stati l’epitome nautica del cool – e non stiamo parlando dei proprietari, ma dell’imbarcazione… lo yacht Riva costruito al 100% in Italia. Eleganti, sexy, così italiani… queste imbarcazioni aerodinamiche sono conosciute in tutto il mondo nautico per la loro straordinaria qualità, il design indimenticabile, e beh… per avere un fattore di soavità che sarebbe fuori dalle classifiche se esistessero classifiche di soavità. Anche se il nome non vi è familiare, gli yacht Riva potrebbero avere un posto nel vostro subconscio. Solo per un secondo, visualizzate un gruppo di ricchi e famosi che navigano a motore su un lago italiano, Prosecco alla mano, o magari un filmato di James Bond, con il nostro eroe che si libra sulle onde che si infrangono mentre sfugge all’ira della sua ultima nemesi. È probabile che la vostra immaginazione includa una barca costruita da Riva. Il nome Riva è sinonimo di lusso e glamour nel mondo delle barche, un marchio che sfida la classificazione di “semplice” imbarcazione. Potrebbe anche essere più dello spirito del tempo, dell’ideologia, del concetto, della bellezza, una fusione di stile e funzione che rendono Riva uno dei nomi più desiderabili di yacht. È una straordinaria storia di serendipità e talento quella che ha portato alla nascita delle barche Riva. Mentre Carlo Riva (1922-2017) è considerato il padre dei classici motoscafi Riva contemporanei, se non fosse stato per un periodo di maltempo sulle rive del lago d’Iseo nel 1842, Sophia avrebbe dovuto accontentarsi di un giro molto meno elegante sui laghi italiani. Forti piogge colpirono la piccola città lacustre di Sarnico, facendo uscire dalle sponde il fiume Oglio. Mentre i torrenti inondavano il villaggio, portarono con sé la piccola flotta di pescherecci, trascinati come giocattoli per bambini. Le umili barche subirono gravi danni; fu necessario un aiuto immediato, che fu trovato grazie alla competenza di un giovane maestro d’ascia di nome Pietro Riva. Appena arrivato da Laglio, Riva si mise subito al lavoro per riparare e sistemare le barche con abilità e qualità. La sua abilità artigianale guadagnò l’ammirazione e la fiducia del villaggio, e alla fine Riva aprì il suo cantiere navale sulla costa di Sarnico. La produzione iniziale di Pietro comprendeva battelli da pesca e canotti da passeggio di qualità per soddisfare le esigenze della gente del posto, ma quando la sua giovane famiglia crebbe, crebbe anche la visione della sua piccola azienda. La maestria di Pietro nella costruzione di barche fu l’inizio di una linea leggendaria di maestri d’ascia. Suo figlio Ernesto introdusse i motori a combustione, un passo lungimirante che portò le ultime innovazioni meccaniche al business. La sua intuizione introdusse non solo un trasporto più veloce delle merci sui laghi, ma anche il lancio del turismo nautico. Il prototipo di motoscafo di Ernesto fu un successo… e molto divertente: perché non offrire ai turisti la possibilità di sperimentare il vento, le onde e i panorami di cui lui godeva? L’eredità visionaria di Riva continuò quando il figlio di Ernesto, Serafino, prese il timone, portando un grande cambiamento nel cantiere. Era il primo dopoguerra e l’Italia era pronta a distrarsi. Capitalizzando questo cambiamento, Serafino costruì e promosse barche da diporto ad alta velocità. Equipaggiate per la velocità e l’agilità, le barche a motore Riva divennero l’hot rod dei laghi italiani. I progetti di Serafino stabilirono rapidamente lo standard per il popolare sport delle gare di motoscafi negli anni ’20 e ’30. La riuscita incorporazione da parte di Riva di un design efficiente e di motori ad alta potenza si guadagnò la fama attraverso molteplici vittorie e titoli in Italia e nel mondo. “Voglio costruire barche a modo mio, dissi a mio padre… Ho iniziato la produzione nel 1950 con sei mesi di prove… È stato il giorno più felice della mia vita”. ~ Carlo Riva Fu solo quando Carlo Riva, figlio di Serafino, prese il timone della Riva, però, che iniziò la svolta decisiva nella produzione – e nella notorietà. Con l’abilità, la formazione, il DNA e la grinta della dinastia Riva nella pelle, Carlo rivoluzionò il design Riva. Dopo qualche scontro con il padre Serafino – che non vedeva la necessità di cambiare il tradizionale successo della linea – Carlo riuscì a portare avanti la sua visione di una barca elegante, costruita in modo impeccabile e con un appeal visivo glamour: la versione nautica del fascino italiano e della desiderabilità. Nel 1954 fu costruito un nuovo stabilimento di produzione sulle rive del lago d’Iseo, fondendo l’innovazione allo stato dell’arte con la famosa tradizione Riva di attenzione al dettaglio e alla qualità. La visione di Carlo mise in moto l’età dell’oro delle imbarcazioni di lusso Riva; gli yacht Riva divennero rapidamente l’ambito status symbol per coloro che erano attenti alla moda e alla funzionalità. La svolta, tuttavia, che incastrò l’iconico stile Riva nella consapevolezza moderna avvenne nel 1962 con il lancio dell’Acquarama. Usando il protocollo di design del suo popolarissimo Tritone, Carlo reimmaginò la barca con uno spazio più ampio per i passeggeri, un ponte sole che sembrava implorare bellezze da bagno, e altre innovazioni che stabilirono dei precedenti nel mondo della nautica. La sua firma, tappezzeria blu turchese con una ruota abbinata, fu la ciliegina sulla torta. Nominata n. 1 fra le 100 migliori barche di sempre dalla rivista “Motorboat & Yachting Magazine” e “la più bella barca del mondo” dalla stampa internazionale, questa “Ferrari del mondo delle barche” fa ancora battere forte il cuore a molti ogni volta che appare nei film o nelle pubblicità – o in riva al lago se si è abbastanza fortunati da vederne una che sfreccia nel blu. Carlo vendette la sua compagnia a un’azienda americana nel 1969, ma rimase attivo ancora per diversi anni. Una successione di proprietari non italiani ha finalmente chiuso il cerchio nel 2000, quando il Gruppo Ferretti, italiano, ha acquistato Riva Yachts. Attivo oggi nella produzione, l’impronta di Carlo rimane forte all’interno dell’azienda, evidente attraverso lo stile mozzafiato, la qualità tradizionale e la soave eleganza che permea ogni barca Riva, dal cruiser al mega-yacht. Riva Yachts, sinonimo di fascino ed eleganza italiana, rimane uno dei marchi più ambiti oggi. Anche se possederne uno non è alla portata di tutti, è possibile avvicinarsi a questo marchio con una visita alla fabbrica Riva Yachts di Sarnico. Stare accanto al primo motoscafo di Ernesto, o magari sentire le pulsazioni accelerare mentre si ammira l’Aquarama #784, l’ultimo modello classico uscito dalla linea di produzione nel 1996, può emozionare qualsiasi fan della bellezza del design e dell’innovazione italiana. Lo spirito di Carlo è vivo e vegeto sulle rive della sua amata Sarnico. “…Progettata con amore, pura e forte come un cavallo di razza. Indimenticabile!” ~ Carlo Riva

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1 Holly Buisson News 2021-07-15 00:00:00.0 2021-07-15 00:00:00.0 191 [empty string] <h2>RIVA'S EARLY YEARS</h2> <p>More than 170 years ago, the Riva family of woodworking craftsmen began building what are now iconic, classically designed boats. The legacy continues today as the line has grown from elegant wooden vessels to a diverse line of luxury fiberglass pleasure boats and yachts.</p> <p>The <a href="../../../../new-yachts-for-sale/riva-yachts-for-sale">Riva Yachts</a> history began in 1842 when Pietro Riva, a 20-year-old carpenter, left Sarnico, Italy to repair boats at Lake Iseo. His exceptional woodworking skills on a severely damaged boat led to additional work in the region to repair and build <a href="../../../../new-yachts-for-sale/">new boats</a>.</p> <figure class="image"><img title="Riva Sarnico Shipyard" src="../../../../photos/articles/riva-yacht-sarnico-shipyard-1903.jpg" alt="Image 0383: " width="500" height="283" /> <figcaption><em>Riva's Sarnico Shipyard, 1842</em></figcaption> </figure> <p><br />As he completed orders for fishing and row boats, his business and his family grew. He and his wife, Lucrezia Taroni, had five children: Angelo, Francesco, Ernesto, Erminia and Luigi. The middle child, Ernesto, grew up to learn his father&rsquo;s trade and join him as a skilled carpenter.</p> <p>With great foresight, Ernesto believed that future boaters would want bigger boats equipped with engines. To meet that vision, he developed and manufactured larger vessels, and as his hunch proved correct, he built his first motorboat.</p> <p>Success for the father and son&rsquo;s expanding business soon necessitated they build a new boatyard. Expansion continued as Ernesto built his own boat, named Sarnico in honor of the family heritage and began the first motorized tourist boat trips on Lake Iseo.</p> <p>The future of the family business was again secured when Ernesto Riva married Carolina Malighetti and the couple had six children: Francesco, Angelo, Serafino, Mauro, Anna, and Pierina. Middle son Serafino took over the business when Ernesto Riva died in a shipyard accident during a large boat launch in 1907. With a new member of the Riva family at the helm, the company focus again veered - this time from transportation to recreational boats as the availability of small inboard and outboard engines increased.</p> <h2>RACING WITH RIVA - LEISURE AND SPEED RAMP UP IN THE 1920s</h2> <figure class="image"><img title="Early Riva speedboat" src="../../../../photos/articles/riva-yacht-class-x-1000cc-racing-boat.jpg" alt="Image 0382: " width="500" height="296" /> <figcaption><em>One of Riva's early racing motorboats</em></figcaption> </figure> <p><br />When the nautical industry saw a sales boom, Serafino Riva capitalized on public interest by building racing motorboats. Serafino raced his Rivas, and early in the fairly new sport, he exceeded 24 km/h in an outboard speedboat in the Spring of 1912. Riva racing boats continued to be top competitors throughout the 1920s and prominent exposure during events helped to expand the leisure-craft market worldwide.</p> <p>The family line was destined to continue, at least by marriage, when Serafino married Irma Bocchi and had three children: Carlo, Dafne (who married Gino Gervason who eventually joins Riva), and Marilena.</p> <h2>RACING IN THE 1930s AND 40s WITH RIVA</h2> <figure class="image"><img src="../../../../photos/articles/riva-yacht-500cc-racing-boat-1938.jpg" alt="Image 0381: " width="500" height="284" /> <figcaption><em>A Riva motorboat racing</em></figcaption> </figure> <p><br />The Riva name continued to capture headlines during the 1920s and 30s. Prominent in the media were famous friends and competitors, Serafino Riva and Giuseppe Guerini. Each raced in Riva boats with the same outboard engines. Riva boats continued to be popular in the racing sport until political events leading up to World War II caused racing to be suspended in Italy.</p> <p>During the war, production slowed but never ceased at the Riva facility. Many famous racers competed in Rivas including:</p> <ul> <li>Dino Sestini</li> <li>Paolo Mora</li> <li>Carlo Pagliano, who set an endurance record in 1938 of more than four hours in an outboard Riva boat with a 250cc engine, with an average speed of 58.54 km/h</li> <li>Speedboat racer Count Metello Rossi di Montelera ran Ronzino to win as an Italian champion in 1935 with a 1500cc engine</li> <li>Serafino Riva won the Pavia-Venice in a Riva boat</li> </ul> <figure class="image"><img src="../../../../photos/articles/riva-yacht-250cc-racing-boat-carlo-pagliano-endurance-record-4hrs-5854kmhr.jpg" alt="Image 0380: " width="500" height="317" /> <figcaption><em>Carlo Pagliano achieves the outboard endurance record - over 4 hours on a Riva boat with a 250 cc engine</em></figcaption> </figure> <p>&nbsp;</p> Riva's Early Years - More Than 170 Years of History 2021-07-22 16:42:42.0 [empty string] [empty string] 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] Omit Sidebar Omit Gallery [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] 0.000000 Links/Quotes Link/Quote [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] 0.000000 [empty string] weekly More than 170 years ago, the Riva family of woodworking craftsmen began building what are now iconic, classically designed boats. More Than 170 Years of Riva History 1.0 More than 170 years ago, the Riva family of woodworking craftsmen began building what are now iconic, classically designed boats. [empty string] More Than 170 Years of Riva History website https://www.alliedmarine.com [empty string] riva-yacht-sarnico-shipyard-1903.jpg riva-yacht-sarnico-shipyard-1903.jpg,riva-yacht-class-x-1000cc-racing-boat.jpg,riva-yacht-500cc-racing-boat-1938.jpg,riva-yacht-250cc-racing-boat-carlo-pagliano-endurance-record-4hrs-5854kmhr.jpg 2021-07-15 10:00:00.0 [empty string] [empty string] 3 [empty string] More than 170 years ago, the Riva family of woodworking craftsmen began building what are now iconic, classically designed boats. [empty string] More Than 170 Years of Riva History yachting-news more-than-170-years-of-riva-history [empty string] [empty string] https://www.alliedmarine.com/yachting-news/more-than-170-years-of-riva-history 0 [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] More than 170 years ago, the Riva family of woodworking craftsmen began building what are now iconic, classically designed boats. [empty string] [empty string] [empty string] More Than 170 Years of Riva History [empty string] [empty string]

Riva's Early Years - More Than 170 Years of History

Jul 15, 2021



More than 170 years ago, the Riva family of woodworking craftsmen began building what are now iconic, classically designed boats. The legacy continues today as the line has grown from elegant wooden vessels to a diverse line of luxury fiberglass pleasure boats and yachts.

The Riva Yachts history began in 1842 when Pietro Riva, a 20-year-old carpenter, left Sarnico, Italy to repair boats at Lake Iseo. His exceptional woodworking skills on a severely damaged boat led to additional work in the region to repair and build new boats .

Image 0383:

As he completed orders for fishing and row boats, his business and his family grew. He and his wife, Lucrezia Taroni, had five children: Angelo, Francesco, Ernesto, Erminia and Luigi. The middle child, Ernesto, grew up to learn his father’s trade and join him as a skilled carpenter.

With great foresight, Ernesto believed that future boaters would want bigger boats equipped with engines. To meet that vision, he developed and manufactured larger vessels, and as his hunch proved correct, he built his first motorboat.

Success for the father and son’s expanding business soon necessitated they build a new boatyard. Expansion continued as Ernesto built his own boat, named Sarnico in honor of the family heritage and began the first motorized tourist boat trips on Lake Iseo.

The future of the family business was again secured when Ernesto Riva married Carolina Malighetti and the couple had six children: Francesco, Angelo, Serafino, Mauro, Anna, and Pierina. Middle son Serafino took over the business when Ernesto Riva died in a shipyard accident during a large boat launch in 1907. With a new member of the Riva family at the helm, the company focus again veered - this time from transportation to recreational boats as the availability of small inboard and outboard engines increased.


Image 0382:

When the nautical industry saw a sales boom, Serafino Riva capitalized on public interest by building racing motorboats. Serafino raced his Rivas, and early in the fairly new sport, he exceeded 24 km/h in an outboard speedboat in the Spring of 1912. Riva racing boats continued to be top competitors throughout the 1920s and prominent exposure during events helped to expand the leisure-craft market worldwide.

The family line was destined to continue, at least by marriage, when Serafino married Irma Bocchi and had three children: Carlo, Dafne (who married Gino Gervason who eventually joins Riva), and Marilena.


Image 0381:

The Riva name continued to capture headlines during the 1920s and 30s. Prominent in the media were famous friends and competitors, Serafino Riva and Giuseppe Guerini. Each raced in Riva boats with the same outboard engines. Riva boats continued to be popular in the racing sport until political events leading up to World War II caused racing to be suspended in Italy.

During the war, production slowed but never ceased at the Riva facility. Many famous racers competed in Rivas including:

  • Dino Sestini
  • Carlo Pagliano, who set an endurance record in 1938 of more than four hours in an outboard Riva boat with a 250cc engine, with an average speed of 58.54 km/h
  • Speedboat racer Count Metello Rossi di Montelera ran Ronzino to win as an Italian champion in 1935 with a 1500cc engine
  • Serafino Riva won the Pavia-Venice in a Riva boat

Image 0380:


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6 The most classic Riva launches of all time

The roots of classic Riva yachts go right back to 1842, when a young Pietro Riva began repairing and building yachts on Lake Iseo in northern Italy. But it was his great-grandson, the legendary Carlo Riva , who had the vision to create a range of wooden-hulled speedboats that were to become the epitome of the jet-set era of the 1950s and 1960s.

Carlo Riva was inspired by the products of the American yacht builder Chris-Craft, for which he was an agent, and he used Chris-Craft and Chrysler engines in his classic Riva yachts. We trace the history of the most popular classic Rivas, and round up a few of the most memorable Rivas of all time…

The first twin-engine classic range Riva yacht was the Tritone, in build from 1950-1966. While 221 of the standard Tritone version were delivered, far fewer of the far more desired Super Tritone came into being, with only 21 hitting the water. At nearly eight metres LOA, the Super Tritone was a long, powerful version of Riva’s Tritone, its biggest thus far. The Super Tritone is valued at €200,000-€300,000.

Tritone Special

Riva owners may commonly have been rich and famous, but it was rare to get special treatment; however, Carlo Riva broke his rule in the case of the Como industrialist, champion sailor and Riva patron, Achille Roncoroni. In 1960, Roncoroni persuaded the company to build him a one-off version of the Tritone Special model classic Riva yacht. He wanted the best, fastest and largest Riva ever. What he got was an 8.3 metre wood-clad wonder powered by two high-performance, marinised Cadillac Eldorado V8 engines, each producing 325hp to push the boat to a stunning 60mph. The unique interior had red, white and blue front seats that could be laid flat to let occupants sunbathe away from prying eyes. The dashboard featured sparkling, chrome bezel instruments befitting the Cadillac-powered Special.

Roncoroni used the boat,  Ribot III , mostly on Como, and kept her until 1970 before selling her on to the second owner who has owned this classic Riva ever since. And, true to his word, Carlo Riva ensured  Ribot III  remained a one-off, even turning down a request for a similar craft from King Hussein of Jordan.

The original Riva Aquarama line was delivered from 1962 to 1972. This included first classic Riva Aquarama yacht, of which 288 were sold, and the Super Aquarama, with 203 splashing. The Aquarama Special then emerged, running from 1972 to 1996 with 278 boats built.

The most expensive classic Riva ever built was probably an Aquarama, which crossed the block at Mecum Auctions in Kissimmee, Florida, back in 2011, for an impressive $975,000. Bidders from around the world competed to own the boat, which was considered extra special, because it was the last of the original, wooden-hulled Rivas to be sold to the public. Hull No 774 was completed in 1996 and delivered new to the founding family of the giant Sony Corporation on 23 December 1998.

Surely the ultimate Christmas present, it was one of six “End of the Era” commemorative editions produced. Its owners, however, clocked up fewer than 20 hours aboard her in 12 years, with their most ambitious voyage being a return trip across Lake Garda for lunch.

The Riva Junior was the late 1960s replacement for the basic Riva Florida. At 5.6 metres, the classic Riva yacht model Junior found fame as the choice of the celebrity set such as Brigitte Bardot and Peter Sellers. The Riva Junior is valued at €30,000-€40,000.

Despite the move into fibreglass — and now superyacht-size yachts even — Riva’s current owner, the Ferretti Group, is still passionate about preserving the essence of classic Riva yachts in its new runabouts. In 2001, a year after Ferretti Group purchased Riva, the Aquariva was launched. This 11-metre yacht was specifically designed as a successor to the inimitable Aquarama. Though built in GRP, her sweet exterior lines and wood detail harken back to the days of a bygone era when the first classic Rivas plied the waters.

Launched in June 2016, the Rivamare is the newest addition to the Riva collection. Despite her effortlessly classic styling, the 11.88 metre Rivamare is packed with modern technology, such as underwater lighting, air conditioning, an electro-hydraulic bimini shade and a Seakeeper NG5 stabiliser.

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Copyright by Piero M. Gibellini, from the book ''Carlo the Legend, Riva the Myth''. All rights reserved


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Shipyard Stories: Riva CEO Alberto Galassi on Writing the Next 180 Years of Boating History

Written By: Rachel Ingram

The name Riva is synonymous with a certain level of timeless style and quality that often only the Italians seem able to achieve. As the illustrious Italian shipyard celebrates its 180th anniversary, we discover what continues to make the brand so iconic.

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The name Riva is synonymous with a certain level of timeless style and quality that often only the Italians seem able to achieve. It stands among greats such as Versace, Gucci and Ferrari as one of the country’s most celebrated brands, beloved for its beautifully crafted wooden boats which have graced waterways and television screens across the globe.

The shipyard’s yachts may not be the largest in the world, but they are arguably some of the most discernible. Even people unfamiliar with yachting will recognise the classic Aquarama boats from their association with Venice, or from watching James Bond movies – the iconic vessel starred alongside Pierce Brosnan in 1995 hit GoldenEye . It was therefore fitting that the shipyard celebrated its 180th anniversary in Venice with a star-studded crowd including David Beckham, Pierfrancesco Favino and Charles Leclerc.

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“I feel a big burden on my shoulders, to be honest with you,” Alberto Galassi, CEO of Ferretti Group, told us during the celebrations in June. “It’s a huge responsibility – 180 years of Riva and 60 years of Aquarama in the same year.”

Riva has come a long way since its humble beginnings. The shipyard was founded in 1843 in the town of Sarnica by Pietro Riva, who was asked to rebuild a fleet of fishing boats that were destroyed in a storm. News of his quality craftsmanship quickly spread throughout Italy and commissions started rolling in for new vessels. Riva reached its heyday in the 50s and 60s when Pietro’s descendant Carlo Riva took to the helm of the brand and designed models like the famous wooden Aquarama, which became an instant status symbol. Clients at the time included Prince Rainier of Monaco, Sean Connery, Brigitte Bardot and Elizabeth Taylor.

In 2000, Riva was acquired by Ferretti Group and the business continues to grow in both a business sense and a physical sense. Riva now has three shipyards – in Sarnico, La Spezia and Ancona – and, in 2014, it launched a successful superyacht division which has gone onto build a number of groundbreaking vessels including 49m flagships Fifty and Race.

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To commemorate its 180th anniversary, the shipyard launched a limited edition dayboat tender designed in the brand’s retro-style. Only 18 hulls of the ‘Riva Anniversario’ will be produced and will be available only to a select few owners. It is a “masterpiece of outstanding elegance,” Galassi says. The brand also drew on its silver screen credentials to create a short film, Riva the Persuaders! , starring Pierfrancesco Favino and David Beckham.

In addition, in a huge step towards the shipyard’s sustainability ambitions, Galassi revealed that the team is working on the first electric Riva, the prototype of which should be unveiled this summer. Details are few and far between, but he reveals that the model will build on the hybrid Riva patrol vessel which Riva created for the Italian carabinieri (military police) in Venice. 

As for when it’ll hit the market, Galassi says: “We’ll see what the outcome is and then we'll tell you because we expect a huge boom but with Riva, it’s nice to wait. Scarcity is beautiful.”

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The electric Riva brings the brand in line with Ferretti Group’s commitment to creating a more eco-efficient yachting industry. “We believe in sustainability,” Galassi says. “We were the first company in the industry to release a sustainability report in 2019. We were the first to receive the MTU power system hybrid propulsion system for Custom Line – it's an exclusive agreement we had with them in the beginning. Soon we will be developing a fuel cell together with a Canadian company that belongs to our shareholder."

Developments such as this are prime examples of Galassi’s forward-thinking ethic. “We’re looking ahead because if you look only into the past, you're lost,” he says. “Many people ask me, ‘why don't you make a new Aquarama? Why don’t you rebuild the Aquarama?’ The last Aquarama is in a museum – that's it. We can be influenced by the Aquarama but we can't do it again. It would be a sin to think that we can do better than what they did in the 60s and in the 70s.”

“The difficult job is to talk to the new generation and be appealing to the new generation while keeping the same heritage, the same tradition and the same iconic products and brand,” he adds.

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A big part of Galassi’s job is ensuring that the modern-day Riva respects the history and heritage of the brand while driving innovation. He explains that however the brand progresses, it’s pivotal that every model maintains the “look” and “feel” of Riva. “A Riva has to be seen from far away – and has to be different compared to any other boat,” he says. “It has to be immediately recognisable as a Riva – and they have to age well. That's very difficult.”

Achieving this comes down to style, design and materials – think varnished wood, quality leather and shiny steel – and it is perhaps best exemplified in the superyacht division’s new flagship, the Riva 50 Metri. This ground-breaking superyacht “turns Carlo Riva’s dream into reality”. Drawing on the steel Caravelle and Atlantic motoryachts from the 60s and 70s, the 50 Metri blends functionality and aesthetics beautifully to create a truly liveable and comfortable space that enhances the band’s hallmark style.

Looking forward, Galassi’s plan is to “write boating history for the next 180 years.” The chapter has already begun, with two new launches for 2022 – the Riva 102 Corsaro Super, the successor of the popular 100 Corsaro model; and the Riva 130 Bellissima, the biggest Riva fiberglass yacht to date – plus more news coming at September’s Monaco Yacht Show.

Image credits: LaPress, supplied.

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Riva’s First Superyacht

  • By Diane M. Byrne
  • Updated: July 28, 2020

Riva Superyacht

In the early 1950s, a young man enthralled with his father’s boatbuilding company took over the family business. As sometimes happens when new generations step in, he wasn’t content to do the same thing his father, or his grandfather, had done. Strong ambition persuaded him to design and build pleasure boats, as opposed to the racing and commercial boats of the shipyard’s past. What’s more, he continuously wanted to outdo himself, focusing on creating motoryachts that were more than boats, as well as status symbols.

Riva Superyacht

While the young Carlo Riva succeeded in all of this after taking the helm of Riva, there’s perhaps no better example of his driving ambition than the period from the mid-1960s into the 1970s, when he launched three limited series of motoryachts.

Not only were their steel hulls a marked change from the glistening mahogany of their sisterships, they were also far larger. The Atlantic series, at 88 feet, and the Caravelle series, at 74 feet, were astoundingly large for their eras. Between their style and the fact that they were faster than many other yachts at the time, they helped Riva find several clients.

More than 50 years later, the spirit of these series lives on with the Riva 50-Meter. It’s the first model in the Riva Superyachts Division and the second Riva constructed entirely of aluminum. At 160 feet, 9 inches length overall, she’s larger than any previous launch from the boatbuilder, but she upholds many of the same principles her predecessors established.

“She is full of personality, exactly like any other Riva yacht,” says Sergio Beretta, CEO and co-founder of Officina Italiana Design, the studio responsible for every modern-era Riva. “It is essentially a true connoisseur’s boat. In a nutshell, it is chic, and that is the whole logic behind it.”

Mauro Micheli, chief designer and co-founder of Officina Italiana Design, agrees. “It is certainly a boat with a very different character to its siblings” because of the LOA and four decks, he explains, “but references to Riva’s signature styling are a constant.”

That styling is well-known and detailed. For instance, Hull No. 1, Race, shows off varnished mahogany and stainless-steel handrails, complementing the metallic painted surfaces. Even the yacht’s wing stations have these handrail details. The richness of the high-gloss wood serves as a reminder that “artisanal craftsmanship is at the very core of each project,” Micheli asserts. “The handrails are the fil rouge [French for common thread] of the yacht.”

Riva Superyacht

Further to the styling’s influences, Micheli mentions the Caravelle line, conceived in 1964. Its uncluttered, simple elegance inspired the team working on the 50-Meter. Though more angular than today’s yachts, the Caravelle had long lines and a proud bow—two timeless characteristics.

“They are the kind of lines that don’t necessarily set out to dazzle but still capture attention with their sheer simplicity,” Micheli says.

Riva Superyacht

For the Riva 50-Meter, the studio focused on classic yet sleek lines. “Race has a great personality,” he says. “She has three straight lines that define each level. The design is clean. We refuse overworked, elaborate and redundant lines.”

Riva Superyacht

Amid these lines are some of the owner’s particular requests. “He wanted lots of light and to enjoy the external panoramas,” Micheli says. While every Riva—indeed, every large yacht—these days incorporates large glass ports, Race’s owner felt it was especially important for the 50-Meter to have them, notably along the main and upper decks. Additionally, in an interesting twist on an indoor-outdoor area, the covered alfresco dining area aft on the upper deck has slide-open glass to each side.

In terms of the open alfresco areas, meanwhile, the owner wanted a front-row seat for when he was approaching shorelines. This explains why Race has cozy seating and viewing spots at the bow and up on the sun deck. Yet another request outside, for similar reasons: a walk-around hot tub and sun pads aft on the upper deck. The owner envisioned standing back here as Race entered a marina and tied up stern-to.

Inside is a relatively customary arrangement, with accommodations for 10 to 12 guests in five staterooms: a main-deck master and four guest staterooms below. However, the owner did request that the galley go belowdecks, with a dumbwaiter connecting it to each of the upper levels. The relocation of the galley permitted more room for the master stateroom.

With Hull No. 2 in the 50-Meter series under construction, Riva is poised to make its mark in the superyacht sector. Larger models are coming too, with the biggest being the 90-Meter (295 feet).

And while Carlo Riva didn’t live to see the 50-Meter launch, having died at age 95 in 2017, there’s no doubt he’d be proud. “The first time that engineer Carlo Riva saw the renderings of the first Riva 50-Meter mega-yacht, he said, ‘I’d like to try and cruise on her,’” Micheli recalls.

Perhaps the once-determined heir to the family business is doing that in spirit.

Take the next step: riva-yacht.com

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110' Dolcevita

110' Dolcevita

130' Bellissima New

130' Bellissima New


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Anniversario - Limited 1 of 18 - New

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66' Ribelle

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Ferretti S.p.A.

Tax code and VAT no. 04485970968 Registered Office Via Irma Bandiera, 62 – 47841 Cattolica (RN) Italy REA no. RN 296608 - Companies Register no. 04485970968 Share capital € 338.482.654,00 fully paid-up PEC: [email protected]

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A closer look at the history of Riva

Riva is one of the most famous yachting brands in the world, best known for its iconic series, such as the 100′ Corsaro and the 110′ Dolcevita that capture the Italian style of yachting the good life goes hand in hand with. However, in spite of Riva’s success not many people know the history behind this iconic shipyard – even though the Italian brand has been building ships for more than 170 years. Here we take a closer look at how the company came to be one of the most recognised brands in the industry today.

Riva in 1842

Riva was founded back in 1842 on Lake Iseo, in Sarnico-Italy following a sudden storm. Local fishermen were shocked when they saw the damage caused to their fleet and banded together to convince a young shipbuilder to repair their vessels. The craftsman, who had recently moved to the region from Laglio, was none other than Pietro Riva. After winning the trust and respect of the locals once he fixed their boats, he began his shipyard, Riva. The first boats made by Riva were launched in the region on the lake and the shipyard rapidly established a reputation thanks to its stylish and high-quality boats. The shipyard continued to flourish under the guidance of Ernesto Riva, Pietro’s son, who introduced internal combustion engines on Riva boats, paving the way for passenger boats and large cargo to cruise the lake.

Riva in the 1930s / 1940s

However, it was not until after World War I that Riva became the brand we know today, when Serafino Riva, Ernesto Riva’s third-born son, began imprinting Riva products. This marked a turning point in the shipyard’s history, as Riva also started moving away from the production of transportation vessels to power boating. Serafino Riva focused on building motor power boats, promoting leisure crafts at speedboat races. Riva went on to make a number of racing yachts between the 1920s and 1930s, which set a number of records in both international and national competitions, capturing the attention of the entire boating industry.

Riva in the 1930s / 1940s

Later on in the 1950s, Carlo Riva, son of Serafino Riva, elevated the shipyard’s reputation even further by only using materials of the highest quality for its vessels, taking care of the smallest detail and focusing on Riva’s expertise and craftsmanship. Riva’s vessels quickly became objects of luxury and desire for the successful and wealthy and the shipyard started working with designer and architect Giorgio Barilani in 1956. Carlo Riva also foresaw the importance of speed and agility in the industry, driven by the Italian industrial revolution, and created a series of wooden yachts which were characterised by one-of-a-kind design features. These included the Ariston, the Tritone (the first two-engine yacht), the Sebino (which marked the beginning of series production), and the Florida.

Anita Ekberg onboard a Riva in the 50s or 60s

Awarded the prestigious Pioneer of Boating award by Ucina two times, Carlo Riva has been praised by many for inventing, developing, drawing and creating Italian Style motorboats. Throughout the 1950s Riva became widely known for the elegance of form, excellent safety features and mahogany racing boats. But, it was in November 1962 that the real legend behind Riva was born: the Aquarama. Presented at the third International Nautical Fair in Milan, the yacht quickly became a symbol of Riva’s excellence. The name of the vessel was inspired by the Cinerama system, the American experimental wide screens and its slogan featured keywords like: “Sun, sea, joie de vivre!” Aquarama’s prototype was the Lipicar no.1, the successor to the Tritone, measuring 8.02 metres in length and 2.62 metres wide, powered by twin 185 hp Chris-Craft engines, with a speed of 73 km/h.

Riva Aquarama

Five years later in 1969, Riva hit another milestone – the start of its fibreglass production. Riva unveiled its first two models crafted from composite material, the day cruiser Bahia Mar 20’ and the cabin cruiser Sport Fisherman 25’. Both models feature wooden details, in line with the brand’s traditional style. However, in spite of the success of its fibreglass models, Riva’s production of wooden runabouts continues until 1996, which is when the last Aquarama Special, hull 784, was built. In September of the same year, 1969, Carlo Riva sold the shipyard to an American company, Whittaker, but maintained the role of Chairman and General Manager, until his resignation in 1971. These roles were then taken on by his partner, Gino Gervasoni.

Riva in 1962

In 1989, twenty years later, English Group Vickers purchased 100% of the shares of Riva and one year later Gino Gervasoni left the shipyard after 41 years, marking the end of the Riva family presence within the Italian company. Nevertheless, the shipyard continues to maintain the values ingrained into the company by the founding family to this day.

In 1991 Riva showcased the 58’ Bahamas at Genoa International Boat Show, the first yacht designed by Mauro Micheli. Nine years later Riva returned to its Italian roots when the Ferretti Group acquired the shipyard on May 1, 2000, from British finance firm Stellican-Investment Bank. Norberto Ferretti took charge of the company and developed a plan to relaunch both the brand as well as its product, focusing on quality, design and style.

Riva 110 Dolcevita profile

Now, more than 175 years since its foundation, Riva continues to flourish, building larger and more extensive superyachts than ever before. The ongoing success of the Italian shipyard is attributed to many factors, in particular, its passion for developing quality, stylish and elegant vessels. A Riva yacht is always instantly recognizable, as the shipyards roots are intertwined with tradition, innovation and love for crafting unique motorboats. Today, the unmistakable fleet Riva includes the flagship series 110’ Dolcevita, 100’ Corsaro, 88’ Florida, 88’ Domino Super, 76’ Perseo, 76’ Bahamas, 66’ Ribelle, 63’ Virtus, 56’ Rivale, Rivamare, Aquariva Super and Iseo.

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Pioneering timeless design

Riva's 180 th, anniversary.


Carlo Riva's

100 th anniversary.


Requited love

Riva and the cinema, the evolution of a legend.

From its origins on Lake Como with Pietro Riva, to the era of the ‘Bella Vita’ and industrial development, through to the present day, in a fascinating journey through history and images of moments that have made history.


1842 - 1930s


1930s - '40s

The age of racing


1950s - '60s

Series-produced boats


1940s - '70s


1960s - '70s


1950s - Today

Celebrities and Filmography


1970s -'99

The era of fibreglass boats

Riva’s 180th anniversary

The timeless workshop where it was all created: the legendary Sarnico boat yard celebrates 180 years since its construction in 1842.

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Riva boutique

The quality and unmistakable style of the Riva brand in a collection of unique and original pieces. Take the legend home with you.


Ferretti S.p.A.

Tax code and VAT no. 04485970968 Registered Office Via Irma Bandiera, 62 – 47841 Cattolica (RN) Italy REA no. RN 296608 - Companies Register no. 04485970968 Share capital € 338.482.654,00 fully paid-up PEC: [email protected]


How Riva Yachts Became a Legendary Boat Brand

“A Riva is the equivalent of a Ferrari, it’s something mythical; people have seen the boats in classic movie scenes and long to own one.”

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Port Hercules is nestled between the two extremes of Monaco . The imposing skyscrapers on the slope of the mountains on one side, and the Rock of Monaco, the Principality’s oldest district and home to the medieval Prince’s Palace, on the other. The beautiful Riva boats floating in the harbor’s salty Mediterranean waters carry the same mix of old and new—innovation and tradition.

They include the entire fleet of Riva models, from classical runabouts designed in the ’60s to the new generation of Rivas such as their latest creation, the 110-foot. Dolcevita yacht. “A Riva is more than a boat, it is a dream,” says Lia Riva about the brand that bears her family name.

riva yacht storia

“For many people I meet around the world, a Riva is the equivalent of a Ferrari, it’s something mythical; they have seen the boats in classic movie scenes and long to own one—if they do not already do so.”

She is the President of the Monaco Boat Service (MBS), which offers assistance to Riva owners and is the exclusive dealer of Riva yachts in Monaco and France. The MBS was founded in the 1950s by her father Carlo—the creator behind the “dream” that Lia refers to. But the story goes further back than that; it originated in northern Italy in 1842.

After a storm on Lake Iseo, the fishing fleet had been severely damaged, and the young shipbuilder Pietro Riva gained the respect of the locals after restoring several of the vessels. He soon started his own shipyard in the small town of Sarnico, at the foot of the lake.

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The business stayed in the family, and it was Pietro’s grandson Serafino Riva who, after the First World War, changed the focus from transport vessels to motorboats. The next decisive step for the brand came when his son Carlo took over. In 1954, he built a larger, modern shipyard in Sarnico—the Riva Shipyard—and started ramping up production. Lia Riva was then four years old and lived with her family in a house not far away. She and her sisters loved spending time among the boats that were being built.

“At that time, large pieces of fantastic wood, including mahogany and cedar, were delivered from Africa and South America,” she recalls. “The fragrances that perfumed the shipyard were amazing.”

Even before she could walk, she was out on boat trips on the lake, and there is a photo of her as a blonde three-year-old where she herself holds the steering wheel, with dad Carlo, wearing a white cap and aviator sunglasses, close behind.

riva yacht storia

“I have many beautiful memories of the whole big family going out in two or three Riva runabouts to the big island of Monte Isola,” she recalls. “There we would set up picnics from baskets full of delicious things that my mother had prepared.”

Under Carlo Riva, the business eventually went from small-scale production, where each boat was unique and based on the customer’s wishes, to large-scale production of the various models he designed.

The inspiration came, among other things, from the recreational boats that American manufacturer Chris-Craft launched after World War II, and which he encountered during his travels to the United States. Carlo Riva had great ambitions and strategically chose to create his base in Monaco on the French Riviera, which then, in the 1960s, boomed as a mecca for movie stars, wealthy businessmen and royalty.

riva yacht storia

“He wanted to create an industry and decided to market the brand by creating service stations around the world,” Lia notes. “There Riva owners could have their boats in the water, someone who took care of them during the winter, and get different types ofassistance. He created about 30 of these stations around the world, including in Greece, Spain, Italy and France. Now this is a common phenomenon, but then, in the ’60s, it was an exceptional idea.”

During the ’50s and ’60s, Carlo Riva’s designs such as the Florida, Ariston and Tritone, gained worldwide fame; the Aquarama from 1962 became the most iconic one. There are countless photos of celebrities aboard these exquisite runabouts, including Sophia Loren, Gunter Sachs, Jacqueline Onassis, and Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace ofMonaco. They have all contributed to the brand being associated with class, wealth and luxury.

riva yacht storia

“My father was a maniac when it came to perfection,” Lia reveals. “He was extremely careful with all the details; if you look at his boats, they radiate beauty; and the inside is even more alluring. There is precision in everything, from the choice of wood to the elements in chrome and leather.”

Thanks to her father’s prominent network of clients, Lia got to meet many extraordinary people, such as the King of Morocco, Sheikhs from the Middle East, and members of the Rosselini family. As a teenager in the late ’60s, she and her father were invited by the Imam and billionaire Aga Khan IV to his residence in Porto Cervo on the Emerald Coast in Sardinia.

riva yacht storia

She also spent time with Sean Connery who was a good friend of her father and who, like the Riva family, had a summer house in Marbella in southern Spain. “My father was also friends with Brigitte Bardot, which made my mother jealous,” she laughs.

The Riva family often went on holidays in Greece, which Carlo was in love with. In the ’70s they owned a custom 92-ft. yacht, but they always used to bring an Aquarama as well. “Most people had never seen a yacht at that time, so it attracted attention,” she says. “But we still got the most admiration when we went ashore in our Aquarama.”

riva yacht storia

However, it took some time before Lia herself entered the boating industry. She had already started a family in Milan before she moved with her husband and daughters to Monaco. Since then she has been faithful to the Principality, and in 2010 she took over the baton from her father as President of the MBS. In that role, one of her main tasks is to take good care of Riva’s best clients. Like her father, she enjoys it immensely.

“I go out to eat with them and many have become my friends over the years. They tend to be very interesting people,” she tells us. In the late ’60s, Riva started producing vessels from fiberglass, but continued to make wooden runabouts until 1996, when the last Aquarama Special, no. 784, saw the light of day. Today, Riva has luxury yachts as its focus area, but Lia declares that the glamor around the brand that her father created is still very much alive.

“Between the ‘60s and ’80s you can say that Riva had its golden age with my father’s iconic models,” she says. “But really, the golden age of Riva is right now. People still love these boats, and even though we mostly sell large yachts [these days], many of the refined customers also have a classic Aquarama to go for day trips with.” The best of both worlds, in other words.


Introducing the Riva, an elegant yacht designed to offer superior comfort and luxury for a total of 36 guests. With 18 well-appointed, air-conditioned en suite cabins, the Riva ensures ample personal space for all, allowing guests to fully enjoy their journey. The main saloon boasts a dining area for a comfortable dining experience. Measuring an impressive 48 meters in length, the Riva offers generous space and comfort, all complemented by a professional crew of 10 dedicated to attending to your every need.

The expansive sun deck provides the perfect spot for sunbathing and relaxation, equipped with sun loungers and a jacuzzi to enhance your experience. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, the Riva presents an ideal choice for those seeking a luxurious and comfortable maritime adventure.



Great Deck Space

Great For Larger Groups

YEAR: 2018
LENGTH: 158.18 ft. | 48.20M
BEAM: 28.16 ft. | 08.60M
CREW: 11
SPEED: 09.00 Kts





Summer :

 Croatia & Montenegro

Winter :

  From 60,000 EUR/Week


€ 23,000


€ 17,000

24.50 M

$ 161,000

65.20 M


€ 60,000


The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

riva yacht storia

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

riva yacht storia

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

riva yacht storia

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Location approximately 2km west of the city centre
Website Monastery - http://savvastor.ru Museum - http://zvenmuseum.ru/

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È morto Gigi Riva, addio a "Rombo di tuono"

Gigi Riva è venuto a mancare all'età di 79 anni. Un altro lutto nel mondo del calcio che perde una leggenda sportiva italiana.


Gigi Riva è morto all'età di 79 anni

L'ex calciatore ha partecipato alla finale della Coppa del Mondo FIFA persa dall'Italia contro il Brasile nel 1970 in Messico

Con 35 reti, Gigi Riva è il miglior marcatore di tutti i tempi della nazionale italiana

Una notizia che fa male a tutto il mondo del calcio. Gigi Riva è morto all'età di 79 anni, a Cagliari, città a cui ha dato tutto dal punto di vista calcistico e non solo. Un attaccante micidiale, dotato di un tiro potentissimo: da qui il soprannome che lo ha accompagnato per tutta la carriera, ovvero Rombo di tuono.

Nato a Leggiuno, un piccolo paese sul lago Maggiore, in provincia di Varese, si trasferisce a Cagliari nel 1963, iniziando un'avventura da vera e propria bandiera del calcio con i rossoblu.

Nel 1968 segna una rete decisiva nella finale degli Europei, trascinando l'Italia alla conquista del torneo nella finale vinta 2-0 contro la Jugoslavia a Roma. Successivamente, nel 1970 guida il Cagliari all'unico scudetto vinto nella propria storia: un'impresa che ancora oggi mette i brividi a tutti gli amanti del calcio e dello sport.

Pochi mesi dopo disputa il Mondiale del 1970, quello in Messico, che vede l'Italia tra le protagoniste principali. Una doppietta nei quarti di finale contro i padroni di casa messicani e, soprattutto, una rete nella partita considerata una delle più belle di sempre nella storia del calcio: la partita del secolo tra Italia e Germania Ovest, terminata 4-3 per gli azzurri. Soltanto il grande Brasile di Pelé impedì a Gigi Riva e compagni di diventare campioni del mondo.

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Partecipa anche ai Mondiali del '74 in Germania, non fortunati, però, per gli azzurri, eliminati nella fase a gironi.

Dopo la fine della sua carriera da giocatore, resta strettamente legato al calcio, diventando tra le varie cose team manager della nazionale italiana, risultando una figura fondamentale per la vittoria degli azzurri della Coppa del Mondo FIFA del 2006 in Germania.

Un uomo che mancherà tanto al mondo dello sport e non solo.

"Adesso trema anche il cielo. Ci ha lasciato Rombo di tuono, il miglior marcatore della storia della nazionale italiana maschile. Un campione senza tempo. Era un uomo duri, eppure molto buono.

I suoi valori inattaccabili sono stati un esempio per generazioni di calciatori, in particolare per quelli che hanno vinto la Coppa del Mondo FIFA nel 2006, che ha accompagnato nel ruolo di dirigente. Da oggi la storia del calcio è un puzzle senza uno dei suoi pezzi migliori. Buon viaggio, amatissimo Gigi Riva" , ha scritto il Presidente della FIFA Gianni Infantino sui propri social.

I numeri di Gigi Riva I numeri di Gigi Riva

Miglior marcatore nella storia della nazionale italiana: 35 gol in 42 presenze.

Miglior marcatore assoluto nella storia del Cagliari: 208 gol in 378 presenze.

Miglior marcatore in Serie A nella storia del Cagliari: 156 gol in 289 presenze.

Miglior marcatore in Europa nella storia del Cagliari: 4 gol in 6 presenze (a pari merito con Luis Oliveira)

Uno dei sei giocatori ad aver realizzato quattro gol in una sola partita con la maglia della nazionale italiana.

Dicono di Gigi Riva Dicono di Gigi Riva

“Io sono stato fortunato, enormemente fortunato a trovare una persona come lui. Un punto di riferimento fondamentale. Un uomo tenace, a volte duro, ma sempre disponibile. Per la squadra era importantissima una figura del genere. Se qualcuno dei miei attaccanti aveva qualche problema gli dicevo: vai a farti due chiacchiere con Rombo di Tuono, una soluzione puoi trovarla" - Marcello Lippi, ex CT dell'Italia

"Gigi Riva mi ha detto "Marco, vorrei scambiare 100 gol miei per quello che hai segnato in finale e solo allora ho capito l'importanza di ciò che ho fatto. Lì ho visto la grandezza di un gruppo straordinario" - Marco Materazzi, campione del mondo con l'Italia nel 2006

"Un autentico eroe del nostro tempo: per me non è mai nato nel calcio italiano uno come Gigirriva da Leggiuno. L'ho soprannominato prima Re Brenno e poi, dubitando del nostro senso storico, sono sceso a una metafora più western come "Rombo di tuono". Ha avuto fortuna almeno pari a quella di Toro Seduto" - Gianni Brera, giornalista italiano


  1. Riva Yachts At The Lake Como International Museum Of Vintage Boats

    riva yacht storia

  2. The most classic Riva launches of all time

    riva yacht storia

  3. Riva Yachts: Riva Legend, Icon Of The Riviera

    riva yacht storia

  4. In Pics: A closer look at Riva’s iconic yachts

    riva yacht storia

  5. Superyacht Riva 50 Metri M/Y “Race”: il Riva yacht più grande di sempre

    riva yacht storia

  6. Riva, breve storia delle barche più belle del mondo

    riva yacht storia


  1. A contemporary legend. Join the myth

    The Riva yard in Sarnico:the timeless atelier. The production yard in Sarnico near Bergamo opened in 1842 on Lake Iseo deep in the Franciacorta area and remains the heartbeat of the Riva story today. This is where it is all made and always has been - from the legendary wooden hulls of the past to the modern 27- to 68-foot yachts.


    Riva rose to the occasion by bringing to Modena the new Riva El-Iseo, its first full-electric powerboat, which it displayed in the centre of the pond in the park at Casa Maria Luigia, and also scale models of legendary Riva boats. RIVA HISTORY AND INNOVATION. Equally admired was the Riva prize of honour: the winner of the category "Best of ...

  3. Riva Yachts: how one Italian family created a nautical legend

    Potrebbe anche essere più dello spirito del tempo, dell'ideologia, del concetto, della bellezza, una fusione di stile e funzione che rendono Riva uno dei nomi più desiderabili di yacht. È una straordinaria storia di serendipità e talento quella che ha portato alla nascita delle barche Riva.

  4. Una leggenda contemporanea. Entra nella storia del mito

    Leggenda contemporanea. La storia di Riva comincia all'insegna di quel sapere fare, unico e inimitabile, che è ancora il segreto del suo primato di stile e bellezza. È il 1842 e sul Lago d'Iseo un giovane maestro d'ascia compie un vero miracolo, rimettendo in sesto gran parte delle barche dei pescatori distrutte da un improvviso e ...

  5. A closer look at the history of Riva

    A closer look at the history of Riva. Riva is one of the most famous yachting brands in the world, best known for its iconic series, such as the 100' Corsaro and the 110' Dolcevita that capture the Italian style of yachting and the good life it goes hand in hand with. However, in spite of Riva's success not many people know the history behind ...

  6. Riva's Early Years

    The Riva Yachts history began in 1842 when Pietro Riva, a 20-year-old carpenter, left Sarnico, Italy to repair boats at Lake Iseo. His exceptional woodworking skills on a severely damaged boat led to additional work in the region to repair and build new boats. Riva's Sarnico Shipyard, 1842. As he completed orders for fishing and row boats, his ...

  7. The most classic Riva launches of all time

    1. Tritone. The first twin-engine classic range Riva yacht was the Tritone, in build from 1950-1966. While 221 of the standard Tritone version were delivered, far fewer of the far more desired Super Tritone came into being, with only 21 hitting the water. At nearly eight metres LOA, the Super Tritone was a long, powerful version of Riva's ...

  8. Models

    Seven examples of this elegant deep-sea motor yacht were built in Holland to Riva design and specification, plus an eighth built to order after it had been decided to end production. ... the Ariston is the only model that was present in the boatyard's price list throughout Carlo Riva's management, but was subject to continual updating ...

  9. Riva CEO Alberto Galassi on the next 180 years

    Looking forward, Galassi's plan is to "write boating history for the next 180 years.". The chapter has already begun, with two new launches for 2022 - the Riva 102 Corsaro Super, the successor of the popular 100 Corsaro model; and the Riva 130 Bellissima, the biggest Riva fiberglass yacht to date - plus more news coming at September ...

  10. Riva's First Superyacht

    While every Riva—indeed, every large yacht—these days incorporates large glass ports, Race's owner felt it was especially important for the 50-Meter to have them, notably along the main and upper decks. Additionally, in an interesting twist on an indoor-outdoor area, the covered alfresco dining area aft on the upper deck has slide-open ...

  11. A new Journey with my Riva

    Riva range expresses the soul of this legendary brand to sublime effect. The boats are available in open, sportfly and flybridge from 8 to 90 metres length. In a variety of different lengths and models with a shared spirit of performance, safety and exclusive style, the Riva range expresses the soul of this legendary brand to sublime effect.

  12. The Riva Legacy: Cruising around 180 years of the world's most iconic

    2022 marked both Riva's 180th anniversary and the Aquarama's (the shipyard's most sought after model) 60th birthday. ... Back in the days we spent summertime in the Aegean Sea with our motor yacht — also designed by Carlo Riva — pulling the wooden Lipicar as a tender for small-range boat trips; fishermen were often approaching us for ...

  13. A closer look at the history of Riva

    A Riva yacht is always instantly recognizable, as the shipyards roots are intertwined with tradition, innovation and love for crafting unique motorboats. Today, the unmistakable fleet Riva includes the flagship series 110' Dolcevita, 100' Corsaro, 88' Florida, 88' Domino Super, 76' Perseo, 76' Bahamas, 66' Ribelle, 63' Virtus ...

  14. The evolution of a legend

    From its origins on Lake Como with Pietro Riva, to the era of the 'Bella Vita' and industrial development, through to the present day, in a fascinating journey through history and images of moments that have made history. 1842 - 1930s. Origins. HISTORY. 1930s - '40s. The age of racing. HISTORY. 1950s - '60s. Series-produced boats.

  15. La Storia Di Riva Yacht

    La Storia Di Riva YachtLa straordinaria storia del cantiere nautico Riva è una cronaca di passione, innovazione e maestria artigiana che ha attraversato più ...

  16. How Riva Yachts Became a Legendary Boat Brand

    A post shared by Riva Yacht Official (@rivayacht) The Riva family often went on holidays in Greece, which Carlo was in love with. In the '70s they owned a custom 92-ft. yacht, but they always ...

  17. Riva Mythos 122

    Riva's new flagship Mythos 122. Stepping aboard the Mythos, the evolution from the 86-foot Domino—the builder's previous flagship—is apparent. The DNA is the same, but every aspect has been stretched to create more space and tweaked to be more efficient. The designer, Mauro Micheli, who has been working with Riva since 1985 and designing ...

  18. Riva Yachts: Models, Price Lists & Sales

    The brand Riva Yachts produces minimalist yachts, open yachts and is also active in the superyacht market. There are 19 models currently in production ranging from 8 to 54 meters. The current model range includes 4 lines: Flybridge, Open, Sportfly and Superyachts. We invite you to explore all current and older models from Riva Yachts and ...

  19. RIVA

    Introducing the Riva, an elegant yacht designed to offer superior comfort and luxury for a total of 36 guests. With 18 well-appointed, air-conditioned en suite cabins, the Riva ensures ample personal space for all, allowing guests to fully enjoy their journey. The main saloon boasts a dining area for a comfortable dining experience.

  20. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

  21. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  22. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  23. È morto Gigi Riva, addio a "Rombo di tuono"

    È morto Gigi Riva, addio a "Rombo di tuono". Gigi Riva è venuto a mancare all'età di 79 anni. Un altro lutto nel mondo del calcio che perde una leggenda sportiva italiana. Una notizia che fa ...

  24. Medvedkovo Map

    Medvedkovo is a Moscow Metro station in Severnoye Medvedkovo District, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow. Mapcarta, the open map.