Not an Epitaph: Oyster 745 Walkthrough

  • February 12th, 2018
  • Sailing Yacht

What a nightmare this must be, what a shock and unbelievably hard days and weeks for all the staff, the employers, clients and friends of Oyster Yachts. I myself – like I would assume all the rest of the business as well of the yachting world as a whole – have been left in utter disbelief and speechlessness when I learned the terrible news about the fact that Oyster had been running out of cash and had to cease production, send home it´s workforce and halt production. No matter what, either way of the yard going into liquidation or administration is a total disaster.

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Which comes as a complete surprise. Thinking only two weeks back the Oyster 745 was not just the biggest sailing yacht of the Duesseldorf boat show, it was (to my eyes) the sexiest, most impressive, most tempting, most inspiring and – after I was able to roam her internals for almost an hour before opening of the show – also one of the best build boats. I was thinking some days before publishing this article if I should or not. I thought that this might appear being kind of an epitaph or something alike. But I decided to go forward: Because, no matter what happens to the company – this particular boat is worth being mentioned, is worth being worshipped because I saw it with my own eyes how an Oyster can do magic to people. And maybe, just maybe, I can give back some of this magic and turn it into strength.

On deck of the Oyster 745

I entered the boat and – unlike usually – I didn´t went down below deck straight ahead but went forward to the bowsprit. The walkways are huge, no need to squeeze oneself through the shrouds, which adds a couple of safety points. Being right at the front, I noticed the wide deck area and the beautifully arranged set of hatches and skylights before the mast.

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The Teak decking is of best quality. I don´t know how thick the Teak battens are on the Oyster, but there wasn´t any wobble noticeable when walking on deck like it is the case with most other boats. A slight mopping which I guess is a combination of a thin GRP deck and thin Teak decking and their vibrations upon standing on them. I also loved the big “fish”, the middle Teak batten, beautifully crafted. You seldom see these details on production boats.

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Of course, right behind the stand for the mast (notice the two halyard winches to either sides, the primary of them being the bigger one). Since a couple of years Oyster manages to build the deck houses – and especially the big front glasses – to appear like one giant window without visible window frames. Just one continuous black window running from side to side. The windows have this distinct cat-like appearance when looked at from the sides. Gorgeous. A signature for sure, but there´s more to it.

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Oyster Yachts are the role model of deck saloon yachts, if you ask me. There are other big names, but in my mind only those three: Contest, Discovery and Oyster manage to integrate the deck saloon concept into a ship´s design that is still very attractive – if not to say sexy to look at. Oyster is the sexiest. The saloon is very, very neatly integrated into the ship´s overall lines. It is far from appearing bulky or edgy. A nice, fluent, attractive design. And of course, there are the three vertical big windows in the hull, another signature of Oyster. These two elements set those boats apart from the rest of the whole yacht fleet out there – it´s unique.

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It is indeed an exhilarating feeling to be standing on the – yes, one could call it – bridge and look forward over the bow. This yacht is meant for serious, long haul ocean travelling and the boat is indeed exhaling this claim through every inch of the hull. Of course, she is way too big and way too expensive for normal people like me and probably you, but it is nevertheless a fascinating thought to imagine oneself standing at the helm of a boat like this, looking ahead, a deep endless blue under our keel, white sails above our heads. And one sailing trip of a lifetime to go.

Push Button Sailing on the Oyster 745

Oyster, that´s that is synonymous with luxurious sailing. Or should I say effortless sailing? Everything aboard this boat is naturally electrically powered. Of course, you can grind the winches manually but you´d be a fool to do so. On the other hand: The boat isn´t made to be run the old fashioned manual way. There are two halyard winches right next to the mast, all other winches are positioned aft, right behind the steering stations.

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The primary winches are huge, bigger than most dogs I know. Of course we have only the best equipment installed. Stainless steel, Lewmar´s best. As one can see, standing one´s watch aboard such a fine cruiser must be pure treat. The helmsman´s stations are fitted with very comfortable benches. Sitting here, you get a very good grip on every button you might have to push to correct the sail trim, hold tight to the steering wheel (if you do not happen to be running on autopilot) and – best thing – you will have a great view over all of the boat´s wide deck.

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One detail on the aft section I found most interesting: Some of the lines running aft from the rigging will be lead through a small arch right in front of the winches before being coiled onto the latter. That´s a clever system and may look awesome. But there´s another detail I do not really get: Where does the leeward end of a line go when leaving the winch? There is a big GRP-section of the superstructure to the inward side of the deck – I suppose, all lines will be running free when leaving the winch.

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So, after correcting the sails a crew member will have to go to the quarterdeck and get the leeward parts, coil the lines and put them … where? As far as I have seen, there is no dedicated place where to put the stuff, no locker flush countersunk into the deck (like it is the case ahead next to the mast stand) nor any installation, a net, a basket or something to put the lines. Also, when sailing with considerable heeling or in foul weather , it might be a dangerous venture to enter the afterdeck because here are no grips, handles or any foot rests to hold on to.

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As open and – potentially tricky – the helmsman´s station and the task of operating the winches on the Oyster 745 might be, as safe and snug is the guest´s area in the cockpit. There is the customary cosy large reclining area with two very big L-settees ready to host a number of guests (maybe 8 or so?). The central table can be transformed into a huge dining platform by folding out additional table area to all four sides of the table thus tripling the dining area. On the same time the cockpit is arbitrating a safe atmosphere by a high coaming.

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All in all I like the deck layout of the Oyster 745. She is made to go for long open Ocean stretches and that´s what her hull is telling. The center cockpit-solution, which is a trademark of Oyster yachts – is the best and most beneficial concept as it is the most gentle way to have a boat built with the preserving of a crew´s high state of readiness and general mood. I love the Teak-works and the overall level of craftsmanship and the only tiny detail I couldn´t really grasp while walking the deck was the running of the lines to the (very, very aft) winches and especially the question where the leeward lines would go.

Sailing a Rolex – down below Deck

But, let´s proceed down below deck. From my past encounter with the Oyster´s smaller sister, the Oyster 575 during Cannes Yachting Festival (read the article here ) I know that the interior fittings of Oyster are beyond imagination and of superior quality. Why I loved most about the Oster´s interior design was the fact that it all was made of such a high sublime quality – but at the same time of such an understating character. Unlike my initial prejudice, the Oyster wasn´t that bling-bling at all. I found her … very British indeed. And I was so excited entering the saloon of the 745 to see if it was the same with this boat.

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Well, it was. Dominating colours are derivates of white, some wooden applications and lots of light, both natural and artificial. Well, one must credit that we are on a British boat here and surely the – admittedly nice, but totally impractical – carpet is one of the first things I wouldn´t have ordered in the first place at the yard, but the rest of the design is just breathtakingly beautiful. Oyster yachts have brought the middle-cockpit and deck-saloon yacht layout to perfection. It´s the same on the “smaller” Oysters as well with the bigger ones: Huge saloon, a dedicated nav station, a dining and reclining area. Then there´s the owner´s cabin aft and guest´s and crew-cabins in the bow.

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As I am a sailor, the first thing I usually take a look at is the chart table and the connected nav station. The way a yard is fitting this place and attaching valuable room to it, the more the yard intents to have the boat bought by real sailors. This is the reason why – sadly enough – on most production boats there´s no more nav station to be found anymore. The biggest of a concession is a small teapoy, folding out somewhere cramped in a dark edge of the boat in a ridiculous place. Not so with Oyster: Here the skipper is the master and he has got a hell of a workplace!

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That´s a huge chart table – like everything aboard this yacht made from massive wood – with two big facing areas for plotters, Radar, computer screens and switch panels . Also VHF and other secondary gauges might be installed here. That´s a lot of area for a serious owner to have the boat fitted with loads of equipment for the long haul trip . And I love it. The way the naval architects have treated this area shows the dedication of Oyster – being a boat for serious Ocean sailing. On the other hand, all this equipment also demonstrates that the hunger for electricity on this vessel might be enormous to power all the equipment here. And wait till you see the galley …

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The dining area to starboard side might not look that overwhelming, but believe me, the upholstery and the quality of the cushion is just … heaven! Taking a seat here will elevate you instantaneously to another dimension in seating comfort. Taking a nap after a long watch might easily be followed by a long and marvellous coma. When travelling with children or guests, I thought to myself, replacing this very, very, very cuddly upholstery by more hard-wearing and washable seat covers might be a good thing.

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Looking aft at the huge bulkhead, we find to starboard side small two-stepped stairs down into a short corridor leading to the owner´s cabin. Or should I say: Leading to the owner´s paradise?

The Advantage of Aft Cabin Yachts

As sporty an aft cockpit yacht might look like and as practical it is to have two dedicated aft cabins to house up to four people, on an owner´s owned and sailed yacht the center cockpit-design sports advantages nobody can deny. Up on deck it´s best for the crew (imagine sailing with small children and family) to have the cockpit being placed as nearest to the swivel center of a yacht as possible. This will minimized nauseating effects of the boat´s motion. Also, this configuration creates a very special layout: An “owner´s layout” that is favoured by most yacht brands manufacturing for classic owners like Hallberg-Rassy , Najad and other big names.

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Going through the corridor there´s a huge (and believe me, it is huge indeed!) bathroom passing by. A separated shower is customary, electric toilets are a matter of course. I love the fine Teak and marvel applications and again wondered (a bit) what the energy consumption of this vessel might be. Then you enter the aft cabin, or owner´s cabin, and you are instantly bewitched and forget about such things as battery capacity or generator power. The owner´s cabin is pure eye candy.

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I just love the three big vertical windows, a design signature of Oyster Yachts, and here in the owner´s cabin you can clearly see their intent. I can imagine myself lying here in the huge bed, awaking after a long and relaxing good night´s sleep, sun is up already and there´s fresh air streaming down through the open hatches – looking outside to see the blue water of our anchorage reflecting sunbeams to the cabin through these big windows. A dream. A dream for sure.

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Have I mentioned the sheer size of the bed? There´s also enough space in here for a two-seater settee to get undressed and dressed, or just receiving a phone call from the poor beloved ones we had to leave at home. A dedicated worktop with a small stool to maybe do some work here in the small onboard-bureau and – of course – a fat screen. There´s stowage everywhere you look and I do not doubt that this cabin can be home for anyone sailing aboard this fine vessel.

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But again, here we have it, this British understating style. Not a waste nor a showing off of wooden fittings, just the courtly but subtle application of leather-veneered panels , fine accents of colours and the wonderfully concerted interplay of fine materials, fabrics and their impression of one´s mood. This is a very nice concept of a modern, trendy but not to overly designed ship´s cabin. I loved it here.

Being Guest or Crew aboard an Oyster 745

But you have not necessarily be the owner of this beauty to enjoy a sailing trip aboard. Same applies for the crew, I would say. Standing in front of the main forward bulkhead in the saloon one can go either left or right. Let´s proceed left where we enter the crew´s area. First up is the galley.

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We find it snug in here: There´s enough room to work freely but also narrow enough to provide for a safe stand in rougher seas. To the ship´s hull side there´s a large Corian-like worktop (crafted from one single piece of material) with a nice stainless steel double sink and a 4-burner stove . More than enough stowage for plates and stuff as well as for provisions is without question provided here.

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To the right hand side there´s a dishwasher and even more stowage, as well as some refridgerating space. A very large freezer-fridge-combination is situated at the end of the galley at the next bulkhead, separating the galley from the crew´s quarter. The galley is also equipped with an oven (including an exhaust hood), a microwave oven and – sadly enough – with the unavoidable Nespresso-machine (which would be the first thing to get expulsed from the boat if I were the owner, even before the carpet is removed).

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From the galley there´s a door leading to the forward crew´s compartment consisting of a double berth cabin in Pulman configuration plus en-suite bathroom. Even here, the Oyster is boasting a nice wooden interior that has the same finishing quality as the rest of the boat. Oyster crews must be happy crews indeed.

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From the crew´s cabin another rather heavily manufactured door leads through the forward bulkhead (or is this the collision bulkhead?) to the sails locker, which in itself is a huge room with some three metres in height. This sails locker can provide for a rather discrete entrance to the crew´s quarter. I can only imagine how many sails and other stuff can be stored here for the long journey.

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I loved view back to the saloon when standing in the galley. The whole boat´s interior has a very welcoming atmosphere and makes a deep impression on me. It´s a ship-like feeling but not the wooden overkill as seen on many other yachts: It´s this more modern approach I find so inviting. I think the designers made a very good job here in combining light, material and layout to achieving a most welcoming atmosphere.

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Again, the same for the guest´s cabins: From the main bulkhead choosing the door to the right hand side we will enter the large guest cabin. There´s a big bed, a nice porthole window (which can be opened) and en-suite bathroom boasting all amenities you would expect here. Sufficient stowage is provided but I find a studding sail for the bed is more than helpful if you don´t want to get pushed out of the bed when the yacht is heeling to port side.

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And, last but not least, there´s yet another guest´s cabin. This time it´s two separated beds and again a very nice interior. In fact, crew´s and guest´s cabins on this yacht are far more attractive than some of the owner´s cabins of other yachts I´ve seen – which is no wonder, since on a +70 ft boat even a small “chamber” would register as a full-size cabin on smaller sized yachts.

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All in all – like after visiting her smaller sister – the Oyster 745´s interior was a blast. She is a stunning beauty. No matter where you look at, no matter which panel you open and corner you are sneaking behind, you barely find anything criticizable about her interior design . Of course, energy consumption is a big issue on this boat and “true” circumnavigators like Jimmy Cornell would argue that you aren´t independent on a yacht like this. On the other hand – every owner can customize his order at the yard to any level desired. Well … at least the owner was able to do so until lately.

One Dream of a Yacht

What a shame, one might think, that such a great product, such a great brand and with it a whole chapter in yachting is about to end. The Oyster, this I could witness with my own eyes, was a true magnet for a multitude of visitors at Duesseldorf boat show. The yacht is an awe-inspiring example of what is fascinating us at seafaring – it makes us dream, sends us way on a journey. The more it breaks my heart to read all the horrifying news about the company´s fate.

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As terrible as a lost keel might be, I find it rather hard to acknowledge that the loss of the keel of POLINA STAR III was the cause of the trouble of the company in the first place. Like so many other “lost” brands in yachting, the often announced criticism in forums and on blogs regarding “alien” investors and mainly profit-driven interests behind the financing of yards, we are also very harsh reminded of the fact that the boating industry is an industry in the first place: It´s there to make money.

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I can only hope that there will be a solution found soon. For the 170 employers of the British yard as well as for the associated businesses and all the Oyster owners (especially those owners with half-finished hulls). I also hope for us, yacht afficionados, that the brand will soon be revived, alive and kicking because it would be a true loss for the whole boating industry if Oyster is lost forever. Most important, I hope for the sake of the high quality of the product that a new financier will be interested in going on making such superbly built yachts with the same emphasis on quality and finish. It would be a shame seeing Oyster revived as a pure brand but the actual product being outsourced and “optimized” for the streamlined financial business. We don´t want to see Oyster coming back as a hollow brand´s name.

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In the end, melancholy prevails. On the one hand I am still so elated by the vivid images of the Oyster 745 at Duesseldorf. Such a fine vessel, such a superior building quality. On the one end the never ending stream of news, hints and rumours. Let´s hope for the best …

Read all articles on Duesseldorf by clicking on this hashtag: #boatshowduesseldorf

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Yachting Monthly

  • Digital edition

Yachting Monthly cover

Oyster 495: the dream boat that sets the bar

Sam Fortescue

  • Sam Fortescue
  • January 2, 2023

Oyster have long set the standard for luxurious blue-water cruisers, and the Oyster 495 is the new baby in the range. Even if you’re not in the market for one, it’s nice to dream, says Sam Fortescue

Product Overview

  • High build quality
  • Very stable
  • Modern hull shape
  • Flexible sail plan
  • Accessible technical spaces
  • Lots of deck stowage
  • Numerous interior steps
  • Limited clothes storage
  • Captive main/jib halyard


Price as reviewed:.

Following an era which saw Oyster yachts getting progressively bigger and bigger, the iconic British boatbuilder has shifted its gaze back to the sort of boats that made it famous. And the first fruit of this welcome development is the comely Oyster 495.

The best part of £2 million all told, she is eye-wateringly expensive. So why sail her?

Well, this iconic British brand has long set the standard when it comes to offshore and ocean luxury cruising yachts, so it’s worth seeing, if only to measure other boats against.

A man wearing tan trousers and a black top at the helm of a large yacht

The cockpit is deep, secure and well-sheltered. Credit: Morten Strauch

Even if you haven’t got that kind of loose change in your pocket, it’s nice to dream, isn’t it?

Freshly designed from the keel up, this is a that boat aims to combine comfort, quality build and reliable blue-water passagemaking with features found on the bigger boats.

Drawn by Humphreys Yacht Design, the Oyster 495 is the first new model since Richard Hadida bought the business in 2018.

‘She’s a go-anywhere adventure machine capable of taking her owners to the four corners of the globe,’ says Hadida, for whom this first boat has been built with a huge array of extras.

Oyster 495: a new icon

Approaching the Tuborg Marina in Copenhagen to join ship for the overnight passage to Kiel, there was absolutely no mistaking this boat, whose glossy black carbon mast gave her away long before I spotted the trademark Oyster eyebrow.

Hull number one, which is on a promotional world tour lasting well into 2023, also has a bold turquoise vinyl hull wrap.

A man sailing a boat

Solo sailing is feasible thanks to almost all controls being push-button. Credit: Morten Strauch

In line with recent thinking on hull shape , the Oyster 495 punches a plumb bow into the seas and carries much of her beam well aft – noticeably more so than previous models.

Such a hull form resists heeling and reduces the need for ballast.

Halyards on a boat mast

The halyards make off to the mast and can be tensioned by winches, but must be moused to be lowered. Credit: Morten Strauch

‘With the twin rudder configuration that we have adopted as standard on all our Oyster designs since the 885 model, it provides us with more flexibility to carry a higher proportion of form stability by increasing the power of the aft hull sections,’ says naval architect Tom Humphreys.

‘This is still introduced sensitively to ensure motions and control in waves is not compromised.’

Generous accommodation

Together with the slightly higher beam and topsides compared to the 46, it creates a lot of volume below for the master cabin and extra headroom in the fo’c’sle.

As is typical for Oyster, the mast is keel-stepped. It intrudes slightly into the corridor forward, but does a better job of transferring rig forces to the keel and reduces chainplate loading.

Our test boat had the full carbon mast option from Selden with in-mast furling, and in some ways, this is a bit of an oxymoron.

A anchor and bowsprit on an Pyster 495

Headsail furling is electric on the Oyster 495, with a double bow roller in the integral bow sprit. Credit: Morten Strauch

The carbon mast adds nearly £100,000 to the pricetag for a big weight saving of some 200kg, but the mandrel and furling gear puts some of that weight back in.

On the other hand, it reduces the sail area by 10 per cent and prohibits the use of performance-enhancing battens.

‘You get more sailing done this way,’ explains sales director Richard Gibson, and that is a key point in a blue-water yacht.

The sail plan is designed with an efficient 54m2 jib, which can be set up for self-tacking, or remain on tracks set well inboard for good tight angles upwind.

Then there’s an attractive moulded-in bowsprit which carries two tack points for asymmetric or reaching sails, while beefy padeyes along the raised bulwarks give you heaps of options for fixing the blocks needed to run sheets and guys.

A cockpit on an Oyster 495

A large sprayhood, and an optional bimini or cockpit tent offer good protection from the elements. Credit: Morten Strauch

As well as push-button controls for the mast furling and outhaul, this test boat has the optional hydraulic mainsail trim.

Effectively reversing the mainsheet to be trimmed in the boom and not on deck, this clever kit was first developed by Wally superyachts.

The mainsheet is spliced to a strop on the deck behind the helm and a ram hidden in the boom does the trimming, removing trailing ropes in the cockpit.

Just the jib sheets come back to the cockpit, because all the halyards are designed to be handled at the mast.

An Oyster 495 yacht with a blue hull and black sails

The mainsheet control is hydraulic and hidden inside the boom. Credit: Richard Langdon

It keeps the cockpit remarkably tidy, but requires you to spend time crouched at the foot of the mast to launch or douse a reaching or running sail.

Similarly, the jib and main halyards terminate with loops over a mast fitting which is tensioned then pegged off.

As they are cut to this length with the sails hoisted, you can’t lower them in a hurry.

You need to unload the hook using a winch, then tie on the provided mousing line. Tidy, yes; practical, no.

Hunting for wind

Now, we had lamentably low wind during our test sail, and the delivery team were intent on reaching Kiel by daybreak, so we spent much of our 24 hours aboard with the motor running and the sails furled.

And here, it must be said that the boat performs very well.

At an optimal 2,300rpm, the efficient Yanmar 110hp shoved us along at 8 knots through oily calm seas, consuming 8.7 litres of diesel per hour.

That’s roughly 1 litre per nautical mile, or nearly 4 days and nights of motoring on a full tank of 800 litres.

The deck of an Oyster 495 yacht

Excellent deck stowage is located aft of the single-point mainsheet attachment. Credit: Morten Strauch

And though the engine sits in the traditional spot beneath the companionway, with the chart table to starboard and the galley to port, it is very well muffled.

Crucially for the workhorse on a blue-water cruising boat, access is possible via hatches on all four sides of the engine block, while the compartment itself offers plenty of room for additional equipment.

During two passages of moderate wind, the skipper obligingly let us set the main and jib – a slow but simple question of pressing buttons, with jib sheet winches within easy reach of the helm on the coaming.

She remained light and responsive on the helm and at one point, we clocked up a decent 5.1 knots of boat speed, fetching easily into 8 knots AWS.

A drinks fridge on the cockpit of an Oyster 495

Oyster is proud of its cockpit table, which contains a drinks fridge. Credit: Morten Strauch

Conditions didn’t permit much more, but polars indicate that she will perform up to about 32º true wind angle, quickly accelerating to 7 knots upwind in a 10-knot breeze.

Broad reaching with the 197 m² asymmetric, she can manage 11 knots in a blow.

Despite being resin-infused, the boat has a relatively heavy glassfibre construction and weighs in at 21 tonnes without fuel, water, food, gear or crew.

Seating down below on an Oyster 495

The saloon is large and extremely light thanks to the trademark deck saloon windows

Her sail area to displacement ratio of 16.1 is that of a solid offshore cruiser, while the waterline length to displacement ratio of 203 promises a little more power.

It gives her a very solid feel on the water, like her bigger siblings, but limits performance.

‘You want the boat to be the destination in a way,’ says Tom Humphreys. And like all Oysters, the 495 is just that.

The trademark raised centre cockpit means plenty of aft deck for lounging, fishing or blowing up tenders, while the seating, with its central fold-up table, is deep and well protected.

The optional cockpit tent and a bimini would be a boon for warm water or Baltic sailing .

A navigation station on a yacht

A proper forward facing chart table is essential for ocean navigation and as a work station

Deck, rigging and underwater lighting may be a little showy for some, but do create real atmosphere. The heart of the boat, though, is its large saloon area.

Deep upholstery on either side provides space to put your feet up and relax, gather with friends, sit down for a meal around the eight-person table or even watch a movie on the pop-up TV.

A double bed on a boat covered in cushions and a beige throw

Luxury styling in the cabins hasn’t made Oyster forget practicalities such as lee cloths and handholds.

The space communicates nicely with a very well-found galley to port and the chart table to starboard, and there are handrails to help you make your way everywhere.

The finish is Oyster to the core and styling has been revitalised with a new superyacht inspired look that is all geometric relief, pale wood and Nordic lamps.

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One step too far

If I had one criticism of this otherwise spotless interior, it would be the number of little level changes that connect the spaces.

We counted 12 steps in total, besides the companionway.

While they maximise the volume, they also present a tripping risk.

The bow of a boat cutting through the waves

The hull form includes a plumb bow to stretch waterline length, and carries its beam well aft, controlled by twin rudders. Credit: Brian Carlin

One of the reasons for these steps is clear: the saloon sole is raised somewhat in order to create space for the tankage beneath, as well as enjoy the views from the deckhouse windows.

And there, at least, the benefit is overwhelming, because you can easily inspect each tank, as well as the batteries and other equipment.

Custom joinery adapts the galley storage to your crockery and glassware.

An oven and galley area on a yacht

The galley of the Oyster 495 is well laid out for use at sea

Standard is a four-burner hob and oven from GN Espace, side opening boat fridge plus an optional freezer and microwave.

Another highlight is the huge chart table.

There are those that scoff at the waste of space in a digital age, but anyone undertaking blue-water cruising knows the value of this space.

A man at the helm of a boat

The saloon deckhouse leaves the foredeck clear for sail handling, lounging, or dinghy stowage. Credit: Morten Strauch

B&G instruments are the standard choice. The main interfaces are touchscreen displays that drive C-Zone digital switching , but key kit still features two-pole manual switches.

‘We wanted to introduce tech into the boat, but we had to make sure that if something breaks down mid-ocean you could fix it,’ explains Gibson.

Down steps aft, the owner’s cabin is clearly inspired by the big Oysters.

A boat engine

The engine compartment is well insulated and has ample space for a genset and other systems. Credit: Morten Strauch

The island bed measures 140cm across and features an elaborate fabric headboard that shows off the new styling to maximum effect.

There’s the option of a huge TV on the forward bulkhead, plus a vanity table and a sofa.

A luxurious ensuite heads features a separate shower, reached – you’ve guessed it – down another step.

The second cabin lies in the fo’c’sle and it runs to another good sized semi-island bed.

A yacht with a blue hull and white sails sailing in the open ocean

The boat remains a medium-heavy displacement cruiser, but the new hull shape adds extra performance. Credit: Richard Langdon

Having shared this space overnight with the photographer, I can attest to the comfort, and the natural light.

There is a third cabin to starboard with a pair of useful bunks, sharing the forward heads and shower. Finish quality is, as you’d expect, excellent.

In the end, Oyster has been ambitious in trying to squeeze in the features of its larger boats onto this design.

But it has been a successful project and, even as we hove in sight of Kiel’s green approaches, it was all too easy to imagine settling in and heeding the call of the high seas.

Verdict on the Oyster 495

New focus from Oyster and some modern hull design courtesy of Humphreys have given the Oyster 495 a modest performance boost and some welcome contemporary features.

However, she remains very true to Oyster’s keystone values of safety, seaworthiness and comfort. And in that sense, at least, she is not a radical boat.

Her layout, too, would be familiar to an Oyster 49 owner from 2001.

An aerial view of a yacht sailing on a blue sea

The Oyster 495 is built for serious long-distance cruising. Credit: Brian Carlin

There’s plenty of technology here – digital switching, plotters galore, good AV options and hydraulic sail controls. But it is not dressed up to be flashy.

The boat is solid, well-built and beautifully finished. She is easy to handle, capable and well organised.

Our only misgivings were about the less-than-easy halyard handling, and reliance on hydraulics for sail trim.

It’s all very neat, but is that really the priority for blue-water cruising?

As to whether she represents the world’s best 50ft blue-water yacht, time will tell, but with 16 boats sold off plan, some buyers clearly think so.

Would the Oyster 495 suit you and your crew?

Oysters are the stuff of dreams, and the new 495 is no exception.

If money were no object, and it needs not to be for this boat (our tricked-out test boat cost £1.6m ex-VAT or £1.92m inc VAT), then this is a vessel custom made to fulfil blue-water cruising hopes.

She would best suit a family with a steady flow of visiting friends, or a mix of older and younger kids.

A woman sailing a yacht with a white hull and black sails

The integral bowsprit on the Oyster 495 facilitates the setting of various offwind sails to maintain passage speeds. Credit: Brian Carlin

The disparity between the aft and fo’c’sle cabins rules out a project involving two couples.

She would also work well with a couple and some paid hands, although the ease of sail control and trim makes her perfectly viable for sailing solo or two-up.

There’s no reason that you couldn’t take the 495 up Britain’s rivers and estuaries, with her 2.28m draught and option for a 1.83m shoal keel.

But a boat of this capability demands to cover miles.

Sail round Britain , up to Svalbard , round the Mediterranean or around the world – the boat could undoubtedly handle it all with aplomb – but make sure you’re stretching her legs.

Solid, well-built and beautifully finished

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66 Oyster Sailing Yacht Walkthrough [Boat Review + Video]

Take an extensive tour of the 66 ‘ oyster [quest] in long beach, ca with dave millet.

This article is a transcription of the 66′ Oyster video from Denison’s Youtube Channel . Tune in daily to discover the latest yacht video walkthroughs from the world’s largest yacht video collection. Watch the full video below:

We’re here today in beautiful breezy Long Beach, California to take a look at one of the finest cruising sailing yachts ever created – the Oyster 66 . Come with me now and let’s take a tour.

Some notable features on this Oyster 66, starting at the bow the Reckmann hydraulic furlers for making your life simple when you’re ready to go sailing. As we move towards the mast, we see that there’s self-tacking gear on the deck for the solent with a pendulum sheet.

One of the most important things about this Oyster 66, the brand new carbon fiber rig and Park Avenue boom by Max Spar of Italy. Accompanied by standing rod rigging out of stainless, it weighs half what the original package did and makes sailing this boat even more of a dream.

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One of the great features about the Oyster 66 – giant center cockpit. Seating for at least 10 of you and your friends, a large cockpit table with leaves that flip up, a huge icebox inside the cockpit table and to finish it all off, 2 nice helm stations with carbon fiber wheels.

We’re here in the salon of the Oyster 66 and what a beautiful salon it is. There’s ample seating for 8 to 10 guests, a nice expandable table, panoramic views wherever you look and the forward port and starboard windshield sections open to allow fresh air whenever you need. The galley is equipped with a lot of counter space, cavernous ice boxes and freezers, a double stainless steel sink and a large oven and stove.

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This Oyster 66 has 5 staterooms. Forward we have 2 guest staterooms, both with ensuite heads. As we tour the vessel, note the water tight doors. Oyster has always been focused on safety for you and your family. Aft of the salon towards the rear of the vessel, we have two more staterooms port and starboard. Finally, we have the master stateroom all the way aft. She’s full beam, has a dressing table, nice TV, full-size queen walk-around bed, a very comfortable stateroom.

Thank you for joining me on this tour of the Oyster 66 . I hope you’ve enjoyed it. My name is Dave Millett with Denison Yachting in California. Please contact me for a personal tour with any questions, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Inquire About the 66 Oyster Sailing Yacht [SENISA]:

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Sailboat Review: Oyster 495 Combines Performance and Power In Under 50 Feet

  • By Kimball Livingston
  • October 27, 2023

Oyster 495 sailboat

Few boats would merit a glance from a savvy, experienced skipper looking to consolidate the best qualities of his performance cruiser and his motoryacht into just one boat.

Someone might even ask: “Are you kidding me? Can you do that?”

Enter the Oyster 495.

As the smallest yacht the company has developed from concept since 2005, the 495 is rigorously detailed. It is true to the heritage of a builder where a 50-footer has become the entry-level model. 

For this latest raised-salon offering, Oyster created a new facility in Hythe, on the Southampton shores of southern England. The aim is to build 12 boats a year, and sales to date suggest that this figure is not overly ambitious. 

I encountered Genevieve , the well-traveled Hull No. 1, in Southern California, where the boat had been delivered to the owner in Santa Barbara after being shown extensively in Europe. She was purchased to replace a performance cruiser and a powerboat. 

First impressions count, and the 495 makes a great one. If you’re switching over from a different brand, forget about bringing along your plates and glassware. All of that is provided, with subtle logos and fitted stowage. Mood lighting is available at the touch of a button. The TV raises and disappears with another button. In the guest stateroom forward, hatches overhead open in opposite directions. The queen berth in the owner’s stateroom could be a boat-show sales tool, but the cabin top is equipped for the lee cloths you will need when the boat is doing what it is meant to do: go places. 

To that end, an aluminum mast with electric furling is standard, but Genevieve is equipped with a Seldén carbon rig with in-mast electric furling and a hydraulics package including a mainsheet, vang, outhaul, backstay, and ­in-boom ram. In operation, it was whisper-quiet. 

The twin wheels offer clear sightlines from secure footing, along with command posts that have buttons to deploy and furl sails, and to adjust everything adjustable without straining a finger or risking a hangnail. Lewmar EVO primaries are handy, just outboard of the helm stations. Optional dual thrusters make everyone a hero going and coming to the dock, and smaller items such as pre-rigged preventers speak to that shadowy concierge who seems to have been everywhere. 

With four of us aboard, the cockpit was more than ­generous. I imagined many sociable scenes to come as the sails came out. The Yanmar saildrive was so quiet, it had to go off for me to even notice it had been on. Put that down to sandwich insulation glued, not screwed. 

The breeze was single digits, not enough to make the boat light up under a 105 percent jib, and we were dragging a wide transom and two rudders. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable sailing. I also appreciated seeing the cabin house square to the seating, to make a comfortable backrest looking aft, stretched out on passage. Rounding the forward backing the way some manufacturers do may work when you’re not going anywhere, but what is a boat for? 

The cockpit is laid out to walk on a single level back to a full-beam lazarette, which has ample stowage and access to the steering, backstay, exhaust and seacocks. Step back farther, and you are stepping down a reverse transom to a shower and an electronically operated swim platform. When the boat is stern-tied, that will be the boarding ladder. 

Belowdecks is bright, with close attention to ­ventilation. The opening coachroof windows in the salon will delight passengers in a tropical anchorage with the breeze wafting through. Batteries and tankage are centered under the salon sole, focusing the weight where it belongs. A U-shaped galley, two steps down to port, places most of the cook’s needs at hand in a space where it will be easy to brace underway, and the cook is not isolated from crew and guests. The twin sinks are on centerline for efficient drainage. 

The saloon table lowers to bed height for those who are overblessed with kids or grandkids, and the step-down nav station is separated but not isolated. A swing-out computer screen is here, along with CZone control and monitoring instead of fuse panels. A freezer is abaft the nav station, where it won’t see a lot of traffic unless it’s stocked with ice cream for those kids. 

Opposite the nav station, twin doors open wide to an engine compartment thoughtfully laid out to be serviced without provoking naughty words. Clear labeling matters, and I liked seeing the Panda generator within a sound-­insulated compartment.  

All the way aft, the owner’s stateroom has 6 feet, 4 inches of headroom, a sofa, cedar-lined lockers, escape hatches, and Oyster’s signature vertical portlights for a special view of the world. Forward of the salon is a cozy over/under double that shares a head and shower with the bright and airy forward stateroom. Nowhere above or belowdecks does the level of fit-and-finish fall short. 

Oyster describes the hull as an “overspecified laminate resin structure with a combination of stringers and frames for extreme strength and durability.” I believe it. Genevieve had the L-shaped standard keel and a draft of 7 feet, 5 inches. A shoal-draft keel is an option. 

Lunch waited ashore, ­creating an opportunity to ­observe how magically the sails disappeared and how comfortably the boat motored at 9-plus knots. It’s replacing a powerboat, remember. There was also a moment to ­demonstrate that, under power, the Oyster 495 will spin in its own length. That gave me a grin too.

Oyster 495 Specifications

SAIL AREA1,291 sq. ft
WATER159 gal.
FUEL211 gal.
ENGINE110 hp Yanmar (saildrive)
DESIGNERHumphreys Yacht Design
PRICE$1.6 million
  • More: Oyster Yachts , Print September 2023 , Sailboat Reviews , Sailboats
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Oyster 565 yacht test: This bluewater cruiser marks the rebirth of a legend

  • Toby Hodges
  • January 9, 2020

Is this Oyster 565 the boat that secures the British yard’s future? Toby Hodges takes an exclusive test sail

Product Overview

Manufacturer:, price as reviewed:.

For the sake of this iconic British brand, the new Oyster 565 can’t just be good, it has to be exceptional. Nothing less will do. When the Oyster 825 Polina Star III lost her keel and sank off the coast of Spain in July 2015, the fortune it subsequently cost Oyster directly contributed to the company going into receivership.

Its backers, Dutch firm HTP Investments, ceased to provide financial support in February 2018 and the company went into administration. When gaming software entrepreneur Richard Hadida bought Oyster six weeks later , many wondered how he could rebuild the credibility of the brand and turn the business around.

So all eyes were on the Oyster 565 when it launched at the Southampton Boat Show in September. This is the first completely new design under Hadida’s watch and it sits at the core of the British firm’s market. This is the yard’s most popular size, replacing the 56 (75 sold) and 575 (45 sold).


There is the option of an extended transom design with tender garage, but all owners so far have favoured this standard shape with davits for carrying a dinghy. This yacht has a substantial bathing platform, alongside which you can tie up the dinghy. Photo: Brian Carlin

Hadida has introduced some key developments to help it succeed. Oyster now moulds its hulls in-house rather than subcontracting this work, and he wanted third party oversight, so a Lloyd’s Register surveyor inspects all yachts in build once a week to approve the design, materials and build quality of the hulls and decks. This brings a level of assurance to new owners and should restore faith in the build quality.

The new owner introduced a diverse group of board members, including designer Rob Humphreys and sailor and former Formula 1 team boss Eddie Jordan as well as other business authorities. He also put the Oyster Rendezvous regattas and successful Oyster World Rally back on track. However, this groundwork counts for nothing if the Oyster 565 flops.

I travelled to Barcelona to spend two days testing Panthalassa , the first 565 to launch. Knowing there is a huge amount riding on this model, I wondered whether it would deliver. The answer is a resounding yes. The Oyster 565 is one of the finest production yachts I have ever sailed.

The design is contemporary and sympathetic to Oyster’s existing line-up, but with more volume, comfort, simplicity, speed and stowage space than its predecessors. The deck and interior layout is right up to date, the engineering behind the scenes is of high quality, and the finish is a step beyond what almost any other production yard can offer.

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Times have changed

I found the Oyster 565 berthed alongside an Oyster 56 in Port Ginesta, which conveniently illustrated how hull shapes and deck layouts have changed in 20 years. The Oyster 565 has around 30cm more freeboard, the beam is carried much further aft, and it has a broader transom. The cockpit in particular is much larger, easier and safer to get into, and there are no sheets for guests to trip over.

The design strikes a balance between respecting the legacy of the 56 and the ten-year-old Oyster 575 , and introducing modern features such as a flush foredeck, clean lines and a greater hull volume. Some traditional cruisers may mourn the loss of a skeg-hung rudder and cutter-rigged headsails, but the ease with which you can handle this Oyster 565 in most conditions should convince the majority that modern design wins here.

A robust bowsprit extends the yacht’s length to 59ft. Although the hull length of the new Oyster 565 is shorter than the 575 it replaces, its waterline length is longer and it boasts 10% more volume. Its full bow sections also create space for a sail locker, a crucial asset for stowing the offwind sail needed to supplement the blade jib.

The Oyster 565 is clearly the product of a yard used to building high-end large yachts, as opposed to one pushing up in size into a level of engineering and quality with which it is less familiar. This is perhaps why Oyster describes it as a ‘pocket superyacht ’.

In this respect, the appointment of Paul Adamson as Oyster’s chief commercial officer was shrewd. Adamson is a seasoned Oyster skipper who took Eddie Jordan’s Oyster 885 Lush around the world (the yacht now belongs to Richard Hadida). He brings practical, hands-on expertise and big-boat knowledge to the yard.

The Oyster 565’s £1.5m price tag is steep, but it is comparable to similar-sized yachts from competitor brands and, unusually, comes with a very high standard spec. This includes hydraulic thrusters, furlers, and windlass, tri-radial sails, powered winches, a generator and a full electronic navigation package. You’ll even find 100m of 12mm chain in the anchor locker.


Secure side decks and great views in and out. Photo: Rick Tomlinson

The Oyster 565 comes ready to go, with all the equipment the company knows will make for comfortable ocean cruising , gleaned from decades of experience and owner feedback.

It is immediately obvious as soon as you go on board that every detail has been thought through. The high guardrails have boarding gates built in. If berthed stern-to, a cassette-style passerelle (an extra option) extends at the push of a button, and its handrail rises automatically. Moving forward between the twin wheels, you enter a generous-sized, deep centre cockpit.

A bluewater yacht needs to have a kindly motion at sea, be easy it is to sail and remain comfortable when heeled. During our trials, the Oyster 565 was to prove genteel, safe and enjoyable to sail.


Powering to weather under blade jib. There is a large sail locker forward, removable dorades and a huge ‘skylight’ hatch above the forward cabin. Photo: Brian Carlin

The 565 is simplicity itself to get on and off a berth. It comes with retractable bow and stern thrusters as standard, which allow you to spin the boat around its keel. The hydraulic thrusters are powerful enough to park sideways against a crosswind and easily correct any misalignment when approaching the dock.

Easier sailhandling

The hydraulic furling makes it equally simple to deploy sails even in a strong breeze or awkward seaway. I am not usually a fan of in-mast furling mainsails, but here the ability for one person to set and furl away the main without leaving the helm outweighs any negatives.

Oyster has also ensured that you can manually furl sails should the power or hydraulics fail. Both the mainsail and jib furlers have sockets that allow you to winch the sail by hand or, easier still, operate them with a cordless drill (a fully charged 18V drill will reportedly manage 15 mainsail furls).


The Oyster 565 is the first all-new model to be launched since the yard’s 2018 buyout. Photo: Brian Carlin

The blade jib enables the Oyster 565 to point higher and tack or gybe faster and more easily than previous Oysters with cutter rigs, and without the risk of yankee or genoa sheets whipping around the cockpit. It also proved the ideal sail for our long beats upwind in 12-20 knot winds. The Oyster 565 is a powerful design with a medium displacement, able to maintain consistent speed with a soft motion through the waves that makes for a quiet and comfortable ship.

The twin rudders provide the helmsman with total control and forgiving handling. When the apparent breeze reached the high 20s and the leeward gunwale was immersed, we were on the verge of needing a reef, yet the helm remained light, with only a slight increase in weather helm. This means light work for an autopilot. You can really load the boat, so would need to keep an eye on true wind speeds and when to reduce sail.

The test yacht’s bright red asymmetric spinnaker helped us get the most from the Oyster 565 offwind. Again it was the consistent speeds that stood out: 9-9.5 knots in flat water with winds in the low teens, rising to double figures when going with the swell. Once the breeze was up to a Force 5 on our second day we were sailing consistently at 10 knots. I was hooked: this is an indulgent way to tick off mile after mile.


The cockpit is split into helming and guest areas. The latter has deep benches, a large, fixed table with insulated cool box, a good sprayhood with large, clear panels and an optional bimini or full cockpit enclosure. Photo: Rick Tomlinson

Most sail controls and sheets are within reach of the twin pedestals yet clear of the guest cockpit. When standing at the helm it is possible to straddle the coaming to release a sheet or reach the powered winch buttons during a tack.

Short-handed control

For owners who want to sail short-handed, however, it might be more practical to have the primaries closer to the helms, allowing them to hand steer the boat through a tack rather than relying on an autopilot. Leading the jib sheet to the aft (spinnaker) winch might make more sense, as it is closer to the helm and easier to reach without leaving the cockpit.

The mainsheet winch is directly abaft and in reach of the helmsman. It feels awkward turning round to trim the main, but I guess it is something you would get used to, or would settle for engaging the autopilot before trimming the main. There is currently no option for a traveller. Adamson believes that, for most owners, clear access to the cockpit is paramount, and a powerful vang was chosen to control the main instead.

Safe and secure on deck

The distance between the two wheels is perfect. Footwells help ensure that you feel in, rather than on top of, the boat while helming – that was not always the case on previous models. And wraparound backrests at the seats and handrails on the pedestals both create a feeling of security around the helm areas.

Moving forward along the wide side decks also feels safe thanks to high guardrails and handrails along the coachroof. Outboard shrouds and inboard jib tracks leave a comparatively clear side deck. The shrouds disappear neatly into composite chainplates below the toerail.

Going below feels less secure when the Oyster 565 is heeled, however. The flat companionway steps are steep, and curved sides would be more practical. The interior has plenty of handholds and solid fiddles, but there is so much headroom in the saloon I could only just reach the overhead handrail on the centreline.


When sailing, you have this hypnotic view from the saloon of the sea foaming past the leeward hull windows. Photo: Toby Hodges

It is easier to move forward along the starboard side of the saloon, though, and elsewhere the layout suits life at an angle. It is remarkably quiet below decks, a hush belied by the mesmerising sight of the sea foaming past the big leeward hull windows.

Behind the scenes

The British yard has stuck to a tried and tested interior layout for the Oyster 565 and has furnished and finished it impeccably. The standard of joiner work is as good as any you’ll find at production yacht level. The galley and aft cabin would be hard to better, and the utility cabin amidships, a workroom-cum-laundry with an optional pilot berth and access to the walk-in engine room, further compliments the proven layout.

Unusually at this size, Oyster offers the option of a master cabin forward with two double cabins aft. But unless you plan to spend long periods berthed stern-to, the standard owner suite aft with the magnificent views it provides will surely win every time.


The ensuite owner’s aft cabin has an abundance of light and views, good headroom and stowage – it’s difficult to believe you’re actually aboard a yacht of less than 60ft. Photo: Rick Tomlinson

Every part of the accommodation is used to its full potential, and stowage is maximised without any part feeling cramped. Practical touches include the cedar-lined, lit and ventilated wardrobes, clever use of indirect lighting, and deeply fiddled work surfaces that are shaped, moulded and laminated in-house.

However, it’s what lies behind the scenes that impressed me most. All services are easy to access for maintenance. The headlining is mounted on Velcro, while floorboards use the Fastmount panel system – although Oyster really needs to find a way to stop these sole panels creaking as it spoils an otherwise quiet interior.

Look below the saloon sole and you’ll find a proper, deep bilge sump in the keel stub. Bilges throughout the boat drain here through limber holes, which ensures any water stays in the lowest part and doesn’t slosh around. This is the most logical place for bilge pumps and by mounting them on removable plates Oyster has ensured they can easily be lifted to clean the strainers.


Sole boards lift to allow access to underfloor systems and the deep bilge. Photo: Toby Hodges

Installed beneath the companionway are two large bronze seawater inlets, one for the domestic side, such as fridge and air con, the other for the engine and generator. These systems are linked so that if one becomes blocked you can shut it down and use the other. It is also comforting to see the surrounding pipes all clearly labelled ‘Lloyds approved’.

The companionway steps lift for stowage and access to the top of the 11kW generator. Here you notice the thickness of the sound insulation. Adamson says Oyster has learned a lot about this through building its larger models. The engine room, for example, is surrounded by plywood with a high-density core and insulated with a composite of foam and sound-absorbing materials. When the engine is on tickover, it is almost impossible to hear it in the cockpit.

See more pictures and videos of the Oyster 565 on the official Oyster Yachts website.

Besides walk-in access to starboard, panels below the galley sink can be removed for access to the port side of the engine room. The engine block sits on flexible mountings, below which is a sump that prevents any oil from running into the main bilge area. There is an electronic pump-out for an oil change, a powered fuel polisher and a water-in-fuel alarm – systems normally only found on larger yachts.

The longer you look, the more you appreciate the careful planning and the intricate detail that has gone into this yacht.

The Oyster 565 is a seriously impressive yacht. It’s a modern design, through and through: good-looking and spacious. It’s certainly expensive, but for good reason, as it includes an extremely high standard spec. And the engineering quality and level of finish really raises the bar. No yacht is perfect, but in terms of design and execution the Oyster 565 is as close as you’ll find on a series-built cruising yacht. This new model issues a very clear statement: Oyster is back.


10 Best Sailboat Brands (And Why)

10 Best Sailboat Brands | Life of Sailing

‍ There's no denying that sailors are certainly a passionate bunch. We’re so passionate about our boats that we always try going for the best sailboats. To make it a lot easier for you, here are the best sailboat brands.

Owning a sailboat is an indulgence that many of us only dream about but very few ever have the privilege of sailing the seas in what they can actually call their own.

While there's nothing wrong with renting a sailboat, the honor of owning one is certain what many sailors dream of.

With a perfectly crafted sailboat as company, gliding through the water, waves, and wind brings some sort of unmatched comfort and peace.

Add this to the fact that sailing takes you far away from the daily hustles and bustles that we've become accustomed to in our daily lives and you'll see why the life of sailing is very appealing to the masses.

But without a proper sailboat, all this fun and the good life of sailing are thrown out of the window.

Contrary to the widespread opinion, owning a sailboat isn't beyond anyone's reach. It's something that we can all achieve. But before getting into that, it's important to know some of the best sailboat brands.

The best sailboat brands will make your life as a sailor a lot easier and more fun. The best sailboat brands have, for decades if not centuries, mastered the art of woodworking. They've dedicated their skills and immense amount of their time to designing and manufacturing nothing but the best quality of sailboats in the industry.

So if you've been looking for the best sailboat brands from all over the world, you've come to the right place. We'll discuss the best of the best, something that will give you a perfect getaway from your normal life.

Table of contents

‍ Must-Have Features for Your Sailboat

Before highlighting the best sailboat brands, it would be appropriate to jog your mind a little with some of the features that must be available in your sailboat.

Choosing a sailboat can sometimes be a matter of compromises. In other words, it's sometimes sensible to accept that a sailboat cannot have all the features that you desire.

As such, it's all about going with a sailboat that has the features that matter to you most.

For this reason, let's look at the most basic features that can make the difference in both safety and comfort while improving your sailing experience.

A Safe and Comfortable Sailing Cockpit

You'll most definitely be spending a huge amount of time in the cockpit. Whether you're keeping watch, trimming sails , helming, or just enjoying the scenery, there's no better place to do all these than from the cockpit. That being said, a good cockpit should have the following.

  • Have a good depth for safety reasons and adequate drainage
  • Should give you a quick and easy access to jammers, cleats, and other important parts of the winch system
  • Should have a seat or seats that are about 35 cm high, 50 to 55 cm wide to provide ideal support
  • The seats should be adjustable to offer maximum comfort and allow you to change your position

GPS Chartplotter

Use a GPS Chartplotter once and your sailing will never be the same without it. It not only allows you to map a course but is also a great way of ensuring that your sailboat exactly follows that course. It also gives you constant updates on ocean conditions, weather conditions , and potential hazards such as deadly currents and sandbars.

A GPS Chartplotter is also an important safety device that can help you in some very critical situations while out there on the water.

For instance, it has a man-overboard button that is essentially meant to allow you to receive coordinates of the exact location should someone fall off your boat.

Electric Winch System

This is an amazing addition to any sailboat. It allows you to sheet a jib even in high and strong winds with a simple press of a button. It also gives you the chance of trimming a mainsail easily while still carry out other essential tasks in the sailboat.

An electric winch system can be of great importance, especially if you're short on crew. This is because it can free up some crew members to carry other important tasks. In other words, it can make duties that would otherwise require more crew members a lot easier.

More importantly, an electric winch system can maintain safety even in the roughest of conditions, thereby preventing you and your crew from getting injured. In essence, an electric winch system will make your sailing a lot safer, less stressful, and more enjoyable.

Reverse Osmosis Watermaker

This is a very valuable accessory, especially if you're going on long sea voyages. You can spend days on end without drinking clean and safe water.

As the name suggests, you can use this accessory to turn seawater into purified drinking water. It uses the reverse osmosis method that's essential not only in removing bacteria and parasites from the water but also in turning the water into purified and safe drinking water.

Even though this device is pricey, it's a great way to mitigate the over-reliance on huge water tanks. All you have to do is to ensure that it's properly maintained and you'll have an endless streak of safe drinking water no matter where you are.

Wide and Clutter-free Deck

While the deck is often an overlooked feature of a sailboat, it can be the difference between a great sailing experience and a stressful one. In essence, the deck of a sailboat should be wide enough and clutter-free.

This is significant as it can enable you to quickly access different parts of your sailboat with hindrance or getting tangled. As you can see, this is particularly important in improving safety and reducing stress.

With that in mind, make sure that the deck is organized in such a way that you can have easy access to sails, masts, and winches.

You should, therefore, avoid sailboats with decks that are designed in such a way that you have to climb on top of the cabin just to access these features. Needless to say, this can be quite unstable and very dangerous especially when conditions are rough.

The Best Sailboat Brands and Why

1. hallberg-rassy.

Hallberg-Rassy is a Swedish yacht maker that's very well-known in the blue water cruising circles for making some of the highest quality and sturdiest sailboats. For many sailors, this is the number one sailboat brand as it offers absolute comfort, utmost safety, and good and easy handling.

This brand is not only synonymous with sturdy construction but you won't worry getting soaking wet while out there on the water. This is because it has a well-protected deck and cockpit, finished with nice woodwork, and has a powerful engine with a big tankage just to ensure that you can go on long voyages.

When designing its sailboats, this brand has made it a norm to add some features that stand out from the rest. For instance, the bowsprit is an integral feature that makes sailing a Hallberg-Rassy quite easy and much enjoyable. This is because it grants easy access to and from the deck. Its electric anchor winches facilitate smooth maneuvering. Even more, its large steering wheels makes it much easier to control the boat even in the roughest of conditions. In essence, this brand has features that provide good control and an extra sense of safety.

Although this brand has evolved over the years, you'll easily recognize it even from a distance. And why is this? A Hallberg-Rassy never goes out of style. This is a unique sailboat brand that has always stayed true to its principles and concept. No matter which part of the world you go, Hallberg-Rassy will remain the undisputed king of blue water cruising.

2. Nautor's Swan

For over 50 years, Nautor's Swan has endlessly raised the sailing levels by designing and manufacturing new sailboat models that not only push the boundaries but also meet that many requirements and demands of sailors across the world. Thanks to its wide range of seaworthy, timeless, elegant, and highly-performing sailboats, the Nautor's Swan remains one of the best if not the best sailboat makers in the world.

Based in Jakobstad, Finland, this brand has severally set the industry standard with its speedy and sleek models such as the Swan 48, Swan 65, Swan 98, Swan 78, and Swan 120. These models have one thing in common: they never compromise on safety. As a brand that puts safety first, it ensures that its models are made of foam-cored glass fiber and reinforced both with carbon-fiber and epoxy. In essence, Nautor's Swan is widely revered for its unmatched seafaring and safety records.

Additionally, Nautor's Swan models are incredibly responsive. You can easily tell this just by the feel of the wheel. This brand has models that will gracefully slice through the biggest of waves with ease. That's not all; the interior of these models that are very comfortable even when the going gets tough. This is, without a doubt, a brand that strives to create self-contained worlds with each model.

3. Beneteau

This is perhaps the most selling sailboat brand in the world. For over a century now, this brand has based its models in a combination of simplicity and performance. This is a brand that will serve you just right across all latitudes and in all circumstances. Whether you prefer the Oceanis Yacht 62 or the Figaro Beneteau 3, this brand will never let you down on all fronts.

This brand revolves around a simple concept of creating a link around the world. From the deck space to its design and light, this brand does everything possible not just to uniformly transform life at sea but also to open doors to new horizons in a very luxurious yet practical way. Its models are designed with clear deck plans, stable hulls, simplified maneuvering and interior materials and equipment that can be easily personalized.

Whether you're looking for a racing sailboat or something that's designed to explore and enjoy the world in the company of friends and family, Beneteau is a true combination of sensations and simplicity. This is a brand that brings to the seas fun, simplicity, smartness, toughness, safety, intuitiveness, as well as dazzling reinvention.

4. Amel Yachts

Based on the ethos of designing and manufacturing comfortable, robust, and easy-to-handle boats, this French brand has, for over five decades, offered sailors and other sailing enthusiasts the perfect opportunity to explore the seas with the utmost quality, comfort, and more importantly, safety.

Using 100% French know-how, this brand has brought to the sailing world some of the best boats such as the Santorini, the Mango, the Super Maramu, and the Maramu. We would be doing this brand total injustice if we said that they're distinctive. Truth be told, there's nothing comparable to an Amel model. Well Amel was and still is, the ultimate standard by which other sailboat models are measured.

From items such as electric winches and furling, to generators, Watermaker , and washing machine down to the simplest of items such as towels. Spare filters, bathrobes, deck brush, and a boat safe, the Amel is in reality with what the real life of a sailor is and should be.

Although some may say that Amel still has room for improvement in terms of specifications and personalization, it cannot be denied that the Amel is a serious brand that designs and manufactures complete boats. With this brand, you'll be guaranteed of a higher degree of reliability, safety, and an edge of fun while out there on the water.

5. Hinckley Yachts

Based in Maine, United States, Hinckley Yachts is a brand that has been building robust, luxury, and safe sailboats for more than 90 years now. In its sailboat class, you'll find several sailboats that have classic shapes, inner strength, dramatic lines, and features that are absolutely essential in dealing with the challenges of the North Atlantic.

This brand has been successful in integrating impeccable craftsmanship with new technologies to ensure that their models always stand out while articulating advanced sailing practices, timeless aesthetic, robust construction, and the utmost safety. Whether you choose the Bermuda 50, the Sou'wester 53 or any model for that matter, you'll never be short of advanced performance based on the best design and technology.

In terms of features, this brand provides sailboat models with modern performance hulls. These hulls are constructed with inner layers of carbon, outer layers of Kevlar, and are aligned with computer-designed load paths. Every feature is designed without compromising comfort.

To this end, this brand offers you a perfect combination of both fun and sail. This brand offers more than just sailing. Instead, it offers a unique sailing experience that's combined with the pure joys of sailing in the blue waters with an ease of ownership and maneuverability.

6. Oyster Yachts

If you've been looking for luxury more than anything else, Oyster Yachts provides you with numerous solutions. This British brand is widely known for manufacturing a wide range of luxury cruising sailing yachts. Its sailboats are among the finest in the world and are immensely capable of taking you to some of the far-flung places in the world without having to worry about high winds and hellish waves.

Whether you choose the iconic Oyster 565 or the immense Oyster 595 you never fall short of experiencing the new world like never before. These are models that will enable you to own your adventure, choose your destination, set your courses, pick your anchorage, and stay safe at all times. If you want to hold the wheel and pull the sail while feeling the tang of salt spray on your face, Oyster Yachts is the way to go.

This is, unquestionably, a brand that's meant for you if you want to explore the seas in comfort, luxury and utmost safety. From craftsmanship, sailboat design, to hull, deck, and keel configurations, everything is designed to allow you to circumnavigate the world in comfort, elegance, and style.

7. Tartan Yachts

Based in Fairport Harbor, Ohio, there's arguably no better to begin your sailing adventures than with a sailboat designed and manufactured by Tartan Yachts. With several award-winning designs and construction, this brand is widely known for providing easy handling, great performance, and an ultimately stable platform.

This brand always strives to deliver a unique and the best possible experience to every sailor. As a brand, Tartan fully understands that every sailor has his/her unique sailing needs. As such every component of their models is designed with engineering levels that guarantee optimum performance, excellent on-deck visibility, and luxurious interior.

From the Tartan 5300, the Tartan 4300, the Tartan 345 to the New 365 and the Fantail, this brand makes it a priority to ensure that its models are among the strongest, lightest, and more importantly, the safest in the sailing industry. In essence, this brand can be ideal if you appreciate performance. It has rewarding sailing features both in narrow water lines and wider passages. Add this to its easy handling and you'll have a top-notch performer in virtually every condition.

8. Catalina Yachts

As one of the most popular boat manufacturers in the world, this American brand is widely revered for building the sturdiest boats that can hold up perfectly well in real-world conditions. These are generally family-oriented boats that are intelligently designed to ensure that your entire family can have fun out there on the water.

Some of the models include the cruiser series such as the Catalina 315, the Catalina 385, the Catalina 425 while the sport series include the Catalina 12.5 Expo, the Catalina 16.5, and the Catalina 14.2 Expo. As the current winner of the "Boat of the Year" Cruising World, you'll rarely go wrong with a Catalina model.

It offers a wide range of sailboat sizes that suits your lifestyle. This brand makes it a priority to ensure that all their models are not only safe but offer the best ownership and sailing experience. If anything, this brand is widely known to have one of the most excellent resale values in the sailing industry.

9. Island Packet Yachts

From the IP 525, the IP 439 to the IP 379, the Island Packet Yachts is a brand that encourages its customers not to keep the world waiting. This brand is meant for sailors who want to explore the world in utmost comfort and safety.

The first thing you'll notice in an IP sailboat is its large aft deck. This is not only perfect for sunbathing but can also serve you well if you want an impromptu dinner with friends and family while out there on the water. The living space is also large enough to carry most of your belongings, which is an added advantage especially if you've been planning to spend longer periods in the seas.

With modern evolution and refinement, as well as proven features, this brand is known to offer sailors maximum comfort, luxury, and safety. You'll have better access to the cockpit, have enough space, and are excellently designed to provide superior seafaring and the best features to enable you to spend extended periods when cruising.

10. Sparkman & Stephens

For more than 90 years, Sparkman & Stephens has been at the forefront of the belief that sailboat excellence goes beyond hull lines and deck plans. Instead, this brand believes in excellent naval architecture, innovation, sophistication, and beauty. This is a brand that has laid the foundation of sailboat as a sport not just in America but all over the world.

These models have graced the world for decades and bring immense pleasure to their owners in terms of innovation, performance, and excellence. Though rooted in tradition, the brand has pushed sophistication, technology, and sailing experience to a whole new level. You'll be a proud owner of the Sparkman & Stephens model.

There you have it; these are the best sailboat brands in the world. Although there are several other sailboat brands to choose from, the-above described brands stand shoulder above others in terms of quality, safety, performances and luxury.

Hopefully, you're at a much better place when it comes to choosing a sailboat that suits your lifestyle, needs, and budget .

Happy sailing!

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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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10 Best Sailboat Brands (And Why)

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